Sharing the Ultimate Experience (4/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of Sharing the Ultimate Experience

In the sequel to An Ultimate Nexus Experience, Jason is given a task by Renzyl to run a new project of his. As the new mental health facility gets underway they find themselves under threat from a force that they weren't expecting to encounter on this planet.

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A few more weeks passed by and after scores of delivery trucks and numerous interviews Sslynthix and Emile were getting ready to open the brand-new Caduceus Mental Health and Psychiatric Center. The furniture that they had bought was put into the offices to give everything a professional feel and their long-term care ward was completely decked out to be state of the art. At first it was tough with just the hypnaga and chameleon working together, but soon they weren't alone as minions of the rubber dragon began to filter in and take their places within the hospital. It turned out a surprising number of mental health workers and doctors tend to get lured in by Renzyl, the few they asked stating that what the nexus creature promised them was the tools to help others in ways they hadn't fathomed.

It wasn't long before they had not only filled their need for all sorts of psychiatric sciences but had also gotten a full food service, maintenance, and cleaning crew as well. Since they were using the staff with two serpents on it as a logo and was being run by a hypnaga they decided to go with transforming those willing into various rubber snake anthros instead of whatever shiny form they had taken before. Some had even wished to have a more in-depth look in their more exotic facilities and had spent a night or two in the rubber cells beneath the building. Emile and Sslynthix made sure however that their new bodies would only be present while in the new mental health center, which would make it harder for anyone like Renzyl's kin from finding out what they were doing there.

The two rubber creatures were talking about how they may have to open a residency quarters for some of their more committed staff when a lizardman that was their food service hire rushed into their office and told them to turn on the television. They immediately did so, heading into the reception area and turning on one of the screens scattered about to see the actors they had hired talking about the new Caduceus Center and how they were dedicated not only for treating illness but improving wellness too. "Looks like money well spent," Emile stated as the commercial finished and they switched it onto some random show. "What do you think the turnout is going to be?"

"Well from what the other doctors had said they had been lacking a service like this for some time," Sslynthix replied as he unlocked the doors and officially opened the center for their opening day. "Along with the hypnotic subliminal that was included with our television and internet ads those that are looking for what we offer should be drawn in here the more they're exposed to it. I'm sure that people are going to be a little hesitant at first so our first few days might be a bit slow, so... oh."

Sslynthix blinked in slight surprise as he already saw a few cars driving up and parking in their recently repaved lot, the chameleon stepping up and putting a hand on his multi-hued synthetic shoulder. "It appears that we might not be waiting as long as you thought," the chameleon said with a smirk. "I'll go inform the doctors to take up their posts, if you see any that you like feel free to pick them out, I'll man the receptionist desk for now."

The hypnaga nodded and as he watched the first several metahumans come in, he scanned them to see if there were any that would benefit from their special treatment. He tried to look like he was checking the chart of something while he watched, though the first few weren't right and when he overheard what was being said they actually had legitimate mental problems. Fortunately, they had plenty of psychiatrists on hand that were more than happy to treat people for that and if they did discover something more in-depth they would record it for Sslynthix and Emile to use later. The fourth guy however was a young racoon man that had an aura the hypnaga could deal with, and when he slithered up he could hear him tell the disguised chameleon that he was there because of anxiety over graduating from college and what to do next.

As Emile typed up the information into his computer Sslynthix came over and introduced himself as Dr. Sid, a moniker he had made up so that he wouldn't be asked about the origins of his true name. The hypnaga said he overheard what was being said and that his specialization was dealing with anxiety. As he saw the racoon's face light up he tried not to let a smile form on his own face while telling him to follow before heading down one of the hallways. Even though he also looked like a normal human to the one that was right behind him Sslynthix made sure to try and mimic a biped's walk as much as possible with his upper body so that he wouldn't throw any clues to his true nature... yet.

Even before they got to the end of the hallway where he had made some specialty modifications to the furniture Sslynthix could tell the human, whose name was Charlie when they introduced one another, had already started to grow entranced by his presence. It was amazing how malleable the minds of these creatures were, he thought to himself as they went inside the office and sat down. Though he would have loved to start this one off in the specialty cells in the basement the hypnaga knew he was no Renzyl, which meant that he was going to have to do a little diving into the psyche of his new client to make sure he hadn't mistaken what he saw. As soon as the guy was on the rubber couch, something he commented felt nice, Sslynthix allowed a little more of his power to leak out while also activating the material of the furniture.

Much like the padding of the cells below this couch was able to produce tentacles at the command of the hypnaga that created him, watching intently as they continued their conversation about the difficulty of finding a job after he graduated. Sslynthix watched for any possible signs of discomfort as small tentacles began to push their way out of the shiny surface and slowly guide themselves around the wrists and ankles of the man on the couch. If the feel of something wrapping around him breaks him out of the trance and he started to freak out the tentacles would immediately evaporate and the hypnaga could play it off as just a manifestation of nerves, but as the black tentacles coiled around his wrists and ankles he saw nothing but a slight shiver from the contact. It appeared that the young male didn't even register in his mind that he had something wrapped around him, which prompted Sslynthix to move to the next phase.

"Now during our little discussion, I have also been putting you under a light trance to help put your mind at ease," the hypnaga admitted as he watched the human squirm slightly from the stimulation of something pressing against his body. "How does that feel to you?"

'It feels... great," Charlie admitted. "Like I'm just sitting at home on my couch watching television. I thought trance was supposed to make you feel sleepy or something."

"That's just something they like to hype up in the movies," Sslynthix said with a chuckle, hissing slightly as he allowed his power to bring the human even deeper and watching his eyes flutter slightly. "Tell me, how are you most comfortable when you are at home alone watching television? Do you remain completely dressed like you are now?"

It took a few seconds for the enthralled human to answer as the tentacles retreated for now. "I suppose... no," Charlie replied. "Usually I just sit around in my boxers."

While it wasn't exactly what Sslynthix wanted it was better than he had hoped as he nodded his head. "I want to make this environment as comfortable as possible," the hypnaga replied. "Why don't you go ahead and strip down in the same manner, that way you can feel as much at home here as you do in your real residence."

While someone in a normal stage would have likely questioned the validity of getting nearly naked in the office of a psychiatrist Charlie did so without question, his mind telling him that Sslynthix made a rational point that he could follow. When he had stripped down to his boxers the hypnaga saw that the student was in relatively good shape, a little on the lanky side and with a bit of a pudge that was likely from the freshman fifteen that he had just been too stressed to lose. "I see that you are at least somewhat comfortable in your own skin," Sslynthix complimented. "Since that is the case then perhaps you would like to take it a step further and completely bare all, you'll find that you will actually be able to talk easier."

"Are you sure?" Charlie said as he looked down at his boxers, the only article of clothing that remained on him. "The only time I ever lose these are when I shower or go to bed in the middle of summer since my AC sucks."

"Then I want for you to imagine the relief that you feel when you're naked during those hot summer nights," Sslynthix said as he attempted to get the racoon man in the nude. "Feel the exhilaration of being completely exposed, how natural it is to have nothing between you and the air. It'll put you in an even more relaxed state and our talks will be that much more effective."

For a second the hypnaga thought that he might have pushed too hard too fast as the racoon hesitated, but eventually he took the boxers and had them slide down his legs to the floor. With Charlie completely naked now he was guided back to the rubber couch while Sslynthix continued to reinforce his trance, moving him forward while having the tentacles once more reappear. One of the reasons why Sslynthix had picked him out in the first place was because he saw the potential for enjoying tentacle play, and when he asked about how he relaxed one of the things that eventually came up was hentai. He knew enough about that type of porn that one of the big plays in there was tentacles, and after finding that out he decided to start really getting into the mind of the racoon while also stimulating him.

"Imagine that you are one of those main characters that you see," Sslynthix said, watching the human respond to the touch of the rubber once more coiling around his arms and legs by squirming slightly. "When you watch it do you imagine that they are going inside a girl or a guy?"

"Oh... uh," Charlie replied, the hypnaga seeing that the stimulation of feeling something slither its way up his limbs causing a slight distraction. "Doesn't... really matter to me."

"Do you prefer guys or girls?" Sslynthix added pointedly.

"I guess... both?" Charlie said in question. "I had a girlfriend in college I broke up with, but one time a guy hit on me in a club and we fooled around a bit which didn't bother me."

"Perfectly acceptable answer," Sslynthix replied. "As you are experiencing right now I have summoned special tentacles that are going to help take the anxiety out of you, and as they do you will find that the feeling will be replaced by pleasure. It's just like the tentacles you've seen before so feel free to react however you wish but just know always in the back of your mind that they are there to help you."

While Sslynthix wanted to make sure there was no residual fear in what would be a bizarre situation for the young man he found that Charlie seemed to be getting into the process, the hypnaga watching the other male's member rising steadily as several larger tentacles began to wrap around his waist, chest, and thighs. Sslynthix watched as the arousal continued to build in the racoon as he wiggled in his new bindings, the appendages making it so he was only able to shift about a few inches as his hips bucked up in the air. This one was a creature after his own heart, Sslynthix said as he continued to see what else Charlie liked while he struggled up against his bindings. When it was clear he was getting off on it the hypnaga used his power to have the tentacles wrap slightly tighter, the rubbery material maintaining a comfortable grip while restricting his movement even further.

As one particularly phallic shaped object began to grow up from the couch and press between Charlie's butt cheeks Sslynthix asked him if he had ever had any fantasies or fetishes concerning rubber and latex. The human replied that it wasn't something he had ever thought about, pausing mid-sentence as the appendage began to push up inside of him. The second that the ring of muscle that separated the rubber cock from sliding into his body Sslynthix began to reinforce the feelings of euphoria the human was getting with the smooth sensation of rubber against his skin. Though Charlie had a neutral stance against the material the hypnaga didn't want to push him too far, especially since they had just opened the clinic and to have people go missing on the first day would raise more than a few red flags. Instead he tried to foster a positive relationship with the substance and the intense bliss that came from his insides being spread open by the artificial shaft disappearing inside of him.

"Tell me," Sslynthix said after the racoon let out a particularly loud moan of pleasure, that might have been heard had they not soundproofed the walls, after several smaller tentacles wrapped around the sensitive flesh of his own cock. "In your dealings with tentacle porn have you ever seen anything other than humans, such as humanoid monsters?"

"I... I don't know what... you mean..." Charlie replied, stammering slightly as his hips shifted back and forth from being stimulated on both sides.

"Have you ever seen anyone in your predicament that wasn't metahuman but still humanoid in nature?" Sslynthix asked again. "A cat girl or a lizard man or something like that?"

"Sure... several cat girls," Charlie said with a huff. "Doc, I feel, I think..."

Sslynthix could already tell that Charlie was ready to cum, the rubber forming a sleeve so he wouldn't make a mess of the new office as a bigger tentacle slithered around the human's neck before pushing into his mouth. "When you step out of this office you are going to have no recollection of what happened here other then you talked with me and got a lot of things causing you anxiety off of your chest," the hypnaga instructed as the latex tentacle in Charlie's mouth pumped into him to bring his whole body to climax. "Every time you have a feeling just like the one you're experiencing now you are going to think of rubber tentacles stimulating you from every orifice and how that pleasure it linked to this place. When you look for more hentai to reach that place you will also find yourself looking for ones that feature tentacles and handsome, muscular male creatures such as lizardmen and furries."

No sooner had the last words left the hypnaga's mouth then the racoon came, letting out a muffled cry as his naked body tensed hard before releasing his load into the tentacles that had surrounded his member. Sslynthix saw his eyes almost roll completely back into his head as his power and the wave of orgasmic ecstasy cemented the suggestions that had been implanted into his mind. It wouldn't be long until he was back to experience another session, he thought to himself with a grin as he watched the racoon's body continue to twitch in pleasure, and if they really took hold then Renzyl would soon have another minion in his midst. After another minute or so Charlie was released by his bindings and panted as he laid on the rubber couch that had stimulated him while reclaiming his breath. Once he was able to, he slowly got up and with Sslynthix's help he got his clothes on and walked silently out of the office.

The second Charlie crossed the threshold his enthralled state disappeared, the racoon shaking his head a few times before turning around and thanking Sslynthix for all the help and how much better he felt. Sslynthix was quick to respond that if he ever needed to come back for another session that he would be ready to help, which put a smile on both their faces before Charlie turned and left once more. The hypnaga couldn't help but think to himself how he wished he could watch as the racoon would undoubtedly sit at his computer at one point and start to look up stranger and stranger stuff as though it was normal. While he couldn't watch the seeds he had planted sprout he definitely looked forward to when he could harvest the fruits of his labor as he went back into the office to write his follow-up report.

While Sslynthix was dealing with his patient Emile looked out at the growing number of people that had started to turn up in their waiting room, most of them not fitting the protocol they were looking for. As a rubber wolf doctor came up to the reception area however the chameleon pointed out someone who was, a smile forming on the doctor's face as he went over to them. "Excuse me, are you Clyde?" he asked, the human sitting before him nodding his head. "I'm Doctor Dale, why don't you come with me to my office and we'll have ourselves a little talk."

About a minute later the wolfman was sitting in his chair writing down notes as the human laid down on the couch. Though he didn't have the same powers as Sslynthix, Dale was more then well versed in how to get what he wanted as he started to write. "So you've come in because you have a rather embarrassing hobby that you aren't sure is a sign of mental illness," Dale said as he started to write things down. "Why don't you go ahead and tell me what that is?"

"It's... I wouldn't call it a hobby of mine... and it's still hard for me to say..." the patient replied, fidgeting nervously. "I was watching television and I saw this special on people who liked to dress up as... horses." Dale saw the human look over at him and he gave him a reassuring nod, pushing down the smile that would be on his face as he went to scribbling. "Ever since then I've been wondering what it would be like to do something like that, and since I live alone and don't have anyone looking over my shoulder... I started looking at other things."

"So, you began to research this hobby," Dale speculated, the human nodding. "Perhaps pleasuring yourself to the thought of it."

Once more the human nodded and put his hands against his face, Dale quickly saying that there was no need to be embarrassed and to continue on. "Then one time I was traveling for work and went to a big city," he said, his face growing redder. "When I started looking stuff up I saw there was a place where you could experience such things and found myself going down there to just look. Somehow eight drinks later I ended up in a horse mask and harness... and a jock strap."

"It appears that this might be a little more than a hobby for you," Dale replied. "It also appears that you are conflicted on whether the experience was real since you were inebriated at the time. Now luckily it so happens that you were referred to me for a reason as I engage and behavioral study which includes pony and puppy play, which as I wrote in my dissertation is sometimes just a meaningful way for someone to express oneself."

"Sounds like I came to the right place then," Clyde said with a small sigh of relief. "You don't know how agonizing it is to have this... this secret that you can't tell anyone else because you'll be a laughingstock of your workplace. I thought that maybe I was going crazy getting into all this..."

There was a loud thud and Clyde looked up to see that Dale had dropped a large box of stuff right next to him, which when he started pulling things out, he realized were made of rubber and had a very equine appearance. When he asked what all this was for Dale told him that in order to make sure that this was a genuine interest and not some drunken fantasy gone awry, he wanted him to go back to that moment in time completely sober. When the human expressed trepidation about the act Dale reassured him that no one would know and this won't leave the office, as well as the fact that he was a trained professional. This seemed to put Clyde at ease once more and when he started to try and put things on, he was told that for it to have a decent fit it was going to have to be rubber to flesh.

Once again there was some hesitation, but it was far less than their initial time before he got naked. Dale had to stop himself from whistling as he saw that the human had an athletic build with a good set of muscles, including a pert rear that was going to look good with a tail. Once he had gotten rid of everything Dale helped him get the stuff on, trying to continue to keep the façade that this was all clinical in nature. It was clear the excitement of being able to put on pony play gear was quickly starting to outpace any potential misgivings he had at the process, even when he had hoof gloves put on his hands after having similarly styled boots slipped on his feet.

When they got to the head however Clyde stopped, noticing that while it had a bit and bridle it didn't look like an equine head. "Oh, shoot," Dane said in feigned ignorance. "That's right, the pony play hood I ordered for therapy got mixed up with this strange lizard head mount from some video game. Do you mind if it is slightly different?"

Clyde shook his head and knelt down so that Dale could put it on, also seeing that he was not only fully erect but that his shaft was starting to mutate. This human desired this so much that changes were already starting to happen to him, the wolf thought to himself as he watched the lengthening, thickening shaft grow a medial ring and flared head. After he had put on the lizard pony hood the human was shocked to see the girthy shaft as well, though the rubbery nature of it made it easy for the wolf to say that it was merely a sheath he had put on for modesty purposes. That seemed to be a good enough reason to the human and he sat back on the chair looking at himself while the rubber wolf put a harness against his firm pectorals.

"It seems... that it wasn't just the alcohol that had gotten me into this gear," he said as he looked down at his erection, fumbling with it in his hooved hands before realizing that he wouldn't be able to pick it up to examine it. "So, you're saying that this is just me expressing myself?"

"Absolutely," Dale said as he remained behind. "If you would like to explore this a little further, I have some gear myself, and I would be happy to play with you a bit so you get the full experience. Is that something that you would like me to do?"

Once more the momentary hesitation was lessened before Clyde shook his head, Dale telling him to remain seated and allow himself to get used to the fittings before he shed his human disguise. One of the nice things about being a minion of Renzyl was that he could shift things about himself, making sure to include a few articles of bondage including cuffs and collar to sell the idea that he was a guy in bondage and not an actual rubber creature. Though the process was relatively short he continued to stay out of Clyde's vision for a few minutes to sell the idea he was putting stuff on before finally walking around and standing right in front of him.

Though it was hard to see what the human's exact expression was the rubber wolf knew that it was probably his jaw dropping. "So... you're into puppy play?" Clyde asked.

"You could certainly say that," Dale replied with a chuckle. "But I know a few things about pony play too, so I'll run you through your paces. Probably not what you expected when you came up here, huh?"

Clyde laughed and shook his head, feeling the mane attached to the mask flipping around before Dale took the harness and did a few simple exercises. The human was definitely more relaxed then when he had first come in and with the help of some supernatural influence that all of Renzyl's minions possessed was able to let himself get more fully into the therapy that was being offered him. The act of playing between the two creatures had also gotten the human more than a little aroused and Dale decided to push his luck, telling the lizard pony he had been playing with to turn with his back to him. With a snort Clyde did what he was told and turned around, then jumped slightly when he felt something being pushed between the cheeks of his rear.

When he tried to turn around Dale shook the reins slightly and told him to be a good pony, to which after nearly an hour of responding to such the human found himself staying still as something cool and smooth was pushed inside of him. The process took only a minute and when it was done Dale informed him he could look back, though it was going to be hard to see. When Clyde craned his neck around he was shocked to see that there was a reptilian tail pushing out of his backside, Dale explaining he had mixed up the horse tail as well as he got a mirror to give him a better angle.

When Dale could see that the human had turned flush he asked if that was the first time he had ever had anything up there before, to which Clyde responded with another event that had happened the first time he had dressed up in pony play. Apparently he had caught the attention of an actual stallion man that had decided to use his horse cock, which was similar to the one that was around his own at the moment, which cemented his first sexual experience in a very public place as he was being bucked like a bronco as they had said it. Dale just nodded and sat him down, telling him that first sexual encounter might also be a reason why he had such a hard time acclimating to the revelation he was into pony play... and with his permission he would like to try some of his more experimental therapy on him. After explaining to Clyde what it entailed, he helped lean the lizard pony back and after once more making sure he was alright he grabbed the thick rubber horsecock and began to stroke.

Almost immediately Dale could see the change in Clyde's demeanor as he continued to ask him how he liked it, and what to do to make it better. Not only was he giving the once humiliated horseman his power back but also doing it in a fashion that helped cover the previous damage. The human even asked him if there was anything more he could do after a few minutes, Dale smiling and commending him for taking charge before having him sit up. This was the position that the rubber wolf had wanted this entire time, finally being able to sample the fruits of his labor as he took the horse cock and began to shove it into his own maw.

"Damn... you are really good at this..." Clyde huffed as he watched nearly half of his shaft disappear inside the other male. Dale just gave him a wink and continued to bob his head up and down the cock of the other male until they both heard a ding, Clyde looking in confusion while Dale rolled his eyes slightly and pulled off. "What was that?"

"I'm afraid our time is up for this session," Dale replied with a sigh as he helped get his first patient out of the gear and back into his clothing. "If you'll stop by our receptionist however, we can pick up where we left off, perhaps maybe even talk about delving deeper into this new realm you have discovered."

"Sure," the human said, smiling brightly as he put his clothes on. "You got an opening for tomorrow?"

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (5/10)

A few weeks later Sslynthix found himself standing in front of Renzyl and Chrono, the rubber dragon sitting on his favorite obsidian chair while the synthetic saurian took notes. "So, what are your numbers looking like this week?" Renzyl...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (3/10)

A few days after Renzyl signed off on his training Sslynthix found himself standing in the hub room of Renzyl's manor, the hum of energy in the air as purple, blue, and red clouds swirled within the obelisks twisted around in a circle. Besides...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (2/10)

Sslynthix, formerly Jason, took a few more days in order to get used to his new identity, though it was helped that it spread quickly among the hypnagas so that they knew what to call him immediately. He had also taken the time to set up his new...

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