Sharing the Ultimate Experience (9/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#9 of Sharing the Ultimate Experience

In the sequel to An Ultimate Nexus Experience, Jason is given a task by Renzyl to run a new project of his. As the new mental health facility gets underway they find themselves under threat from a force that they weren't expecting to encounter on this planet.

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As the day turned to night the change went unnoticed for the four that were inside of the Axion base, Gabriel leading the group to make sure that they wouldn't be intercepted as they all made their way to the labs. Besides himself there was Vene to give them access to the lab and Chaos for back-up, as well as the bull that they decided would come along with. They decided to leave the rubber lizardman behind to trim down the group, plus they needed someone to make sure the two-headed goo hypnaga that had been created wouldn't slip the leash and start trying to find others to convert. While Syrath knew what was at stake it didn't stop him from having the urges, especially when his psyche was split between two creatures he was controlling as well as his power being used to contain the others.

But so far it appeared that his connection was stable enough that the four of them could continue to the labs without worry, though they had to make sure to dodge the cameras as they did. While someone in a hazmat suit walking around the outer hallways wasn't too strange it would become so the deeper they went inside. The other problem was that they had to make sure that they didn't run into anyone while they did, Gabriel and Chaos often running interference so Vene and Syrath could find a way to get around them. Eventually they made it to the lab and as the eastern dragon went to the door Gabriel looked at his watch.

"It's almost dusk," Gabriel stated before looking at Vene. "If we're going to get Syrath in that control room to disable the defenses we need to hurry it up."

"Just... give me a second here," Vene replied as she looked at the keypad. "The second I put my code in its going to store the entry somewhere I can't get to, so this is sort of my point of no return. It's not that I don't want to do it, but it's just a big deal for me."

"Well if we get caught you can just say I forced you to do it," Gabriel said.

"Nice try, but if that was the case, I would put in the panic code instead and activate the silent alarm," Vene explained, sighing before she began to punch in the numbers. "This had better work, I'm essentially tendering my resignation." Once she had finished the door light turned green, but before they started moving again, she pointed directly at Syrath. "Your boss better make this worth my while."

"I'm sure he'll figure something out for you," Syrath replied, his voice muffled by the suit. "First things first however, we need to not only get to the control room but also find a means to open it without giving ourselves away."

Gabriel just shook his hand and told them to leave it to him, pulling out his phone and sending a text while they made their way through the lab. Since it was still the early evening there were a number of scientists there working and when they saw someone in a hazmat suit walking by they were concerned. Vene quickly went over and said that they were bringing in someone to feed the specimens their lunch and that seemed to quell suspicions for the most part, but the snow leopard knew that eventually rumor of this would spread quickly through the facility. Most employees here were trained to spot and report suspicious behavior and this would definitely be considered such a thing as they continued towards the break room.

Once they got as close as they could to the main control room, which was the specimen observation deck, Vene announced that this was as far as she could take them. Gabriel nodded and said that they were going to have to wait a few minutes before pulling aside Chaos to talk to him private. As they did so the eastern dragon saw that the attention of the goo snake inside of the rubber bull's body had moved himself over to the windows that looked over the specimen containment chamber. With nothing else that she could do she went over to Syrath and saw that he was looking down at the bound hypnaga.

"I'm sorry about all this," Vene stated. "Normally I don't get to see the results of such actions, I just design the technology."

"I wouldn't worry about all that if I was you," Syrath replied, once more his snake tongue of a month stretching slightly as though to get a better look through the clear plastic front of the helmet before retreating back inside the smiling muzzle of the bull. "Though I'm sure the situation is not ideal Sslynthix is probably enjoying himself down there, at least a little bit. If that gear is yours that is on him you may have competing offers on your expertise."

"Really?" Vene said in slightly surprise. "Just like that this, what did you call yourselves, hypnaga would just bring me on even after working for the company that basically captured and wanted to dissect them?"

"We're very good at changing opinions," Syrath stated simply.

"Yours or other people?" Vene asked.


Before the two could get into it further they heard the door to the observation deck open, both of them turning to see who had managed to get through the door that the eastern dragon was sure she had locked. To her surprise she saw Samson standing there, the human looking at the two of them in confusion before turning to Gabriel, who was standing near the door. "I don't get it," he said as the door closed behind him. "Are you saying you wanted to report someone that's wearing a hazmat suit outside of the designated area?"

"Not quite that," the snow leopard replied with a smirk as he quickly walked over and stripped the helmet from the hazmat suit to reveal the shocked rubber bull underneath it. "We have ourselves an intruder."

Both Samson and Vene looked at Gabriel in surprise, the eastern dragon for the snow leopard's betrayal and the human for what he had found. "I can't believe it," he said in shock as Syrath got ready to pounce, only to have Gabriel level a gun at him that he said had the special ammunition that captured the others in the first place. "I look forward to finding out how this one got so close to our primary control room, I've had some interrogation ideas I'd like to try. Good work Gabriel, here I was starting to think that you weren't being a team player anymore."

"Gabriel, how could you!" Vene said angrily.

"Like Samson said, I like to be a team player," Gabriel said as he looked between the angry rubber bull and the smirking human as he moved closer towards the human. "My plan was really quite simple; I needed to lure you in and make sure that there was an event so shocking that it would put you off-guard and focus all of your attention on it so that I could enact the second part of my plan, and just in case you weren't aware I was talking about you Samson." The look of smug satisfaction on the human's face turned to confusion as the snow leopard turned towards him. "Since I knew if we ambushed you normally you would just push the panic button on your radio, I had it removed from you so you couldn't call in."

When Samson realized what was happening his hand darted down to his belt to grab the radio receiver the kept him connected to the security grid, only to find the device missing from his belt. When he spun around to try and find where it went, he was nearly face to face with Chaos, the husky grinning as he waved the radio in one hand while also pointing a gun at him with the other. "I hope the two of you enjoy this insubordination while it lasts," Samson said angrily as he tried to reach for his weapon onto stop when he realized it was his own gun that was being pointed at him. "By the time I'm done with you Axion won't have a chance to stick you in a hole for the rest of your lives!"

"Enough yapping," Syrath hissed, quickly closing the distance between him and the human. "Let's see what's inside that head of yours."

Before the rubbery creature could get to him though he was stopped dead in his tracks by the snow leopard who got between the two of them, holding his hand up to Syrath to get him to stop. "Hold on there," Gabriel quickly said. "The other reason I didn't just have him get ambushed by you is because most higher-ups such as him have special trackers that will tell central command if someone is messing with him, which means you can't just turn him into goo and expect to get through the door. Fortunately for us that same technology is what allows him to get through most security measures without a card or code, all he has to do is get close enough to that door and it'll unlock right away since he wasn't able to put out his distress signal to have it deactivated."

"Do you honestly think that I'm going to help any of those freaks out?" Samson sneered, causing the possessed bull to give him a sneer. "You're going to have to shoot me and make sure that you get my body over towards the reader before the traumas sets off the sensor."

"Perhaps I can be of some service," Syrath said as he stepped forward once again, the snow leopard seeing the rubber of his eyes starting to swirl before he quickly turned away. Chaos had done the same and that left Samson staring into those increasingly glowing orbs as his own eyes started to widen. "Why don't you go ahead and look into my eyes and see if we can't persuade you to open that little door for us?"

Even though Samson had been warned about such powers being used they were only familiar with Sslynthix, and with Syrath being a far more potent source of the hypnotic commands they could see the human becoming overwhelmed as his jaw dropped slightly. "I... can't..." Samson stated defiantly, though as Gabriel watched his boss it was clear that his mental willpower was being eroded away. "I don't want... to..."

"What is that you want then?" Syrath asked, more of the hypnotic goo leaking out of the bull's muzzle as he utilized more of his power. "There's something in there that you've got buried deep below the surface, a little nugget of desire that relates to what is going on. What could we give you that will persuade you to open that door?"

Once more there was a pause as Samson tried to continue to resist the hypnotic commands of the other creature, his lips quivering before he finally spoke. "I want... more power,' the man finally said. "Everything I do has always been controlled by Axion, this fancy rank that they've given me means nothing other then a small pay bump. I want to be the one in charge, to call the shots based on my own thoughts and ideas..."

"That's something that you can certainly have," Syrath said as he took the overwhelmed man and pointed him towards the door. "All you have to do is open that door and we can make it happen... huge corporations can't see the talent in their ranks, but we can. But for us to give you power you have to allow us to access it first."

Gabriel felt a small thrill in watching his commanding officer bending under the will of the creature, as well as awe for how mentally powerful they were. He knew that Samson was a strong man, not only to deal with his snarky attitude but the fact that even when Axion talked to him he always remained stalwart and stoic even while being yelled at. Perhaps that was why he wanted power in the first place, the snow leopard thought to himself as he watched the human walking towards the reader, even though he never showed it perhaps he was sick of being under the thumb of a faceless entity that likely had hardened him in the first place. It made him wonder what else he was hiding as Samson got close enough for the reader to register him and activate.

Syrath thanked Samson with a kiss and told him to wait right there before going up into the control room, Tana and Chaos following right behind with Gabriel waiting in the doorway. There were four people monitoring all aspects of the facility from the containment area to the perimeter, but with their focus on the screens in front of them they didn't even notice the rubber bull that was standing a few feet inside. As the three watch the synthetic bovine began to shudder as the gooey tongue that he had started to grow bigger, tilting his head back as it stretched open his lips and began to grow bigger. As he slithered down the muscular body of the other male, which shrank slightly as the goo that had been inflating it was coalesced back into his body, the arms and torso of the creature formed until a slightly smaller hypnaga.

Once the two had been completely separated from one another they went to opposite sides of the control room and unceremoniously pounced on the closest ones, the hypnaga coiling around and oozing over a rabbit while the bull grabbed onto a human and practically threw him out of his chair. Though the two had taken them by surprise those that hadn't been grabbed by the alien creatures quickly got out of their chairs and scrambled to the alarm button, only to see Chaos and Gabriel standing there pointing guns directly at their faces. "I wouldn't recommend that if I was you," Chaos said, watching the two freeze in place as they looked between he button and the ones holding the guns.

"Looks like we got here just in time," Syrath said, the rabbit man in his grasp already starting to have swirls in his eyes and oozing the similarly-colored goo out of his mouth while the hypnaga himself stared at the screen. "Caught Master Renzyl and the others on the edge of the ridge, looks like they're getting ready to storm the place. They're still going to trip the motion sensors unless the security grid, luckily I happen to be absorbing the codes right now from my new friend here..."

The rabbit security guard just let out a gurgle as his tongue flopped out of his mouth stretching until it looked inhuman on his body as his rubber-covered muzzle started to follow suit. As Gabriel watched he could see the other male had a blissed out expression on his face, and as he glanced over at the human the bull was working on he could see a similar one as shiny black rubber began to cover his body where those smooth hands were caressing him underneath his security shirt. Though he had a similar experience it was still strange to see people turning into rubber creatures as those that they held at gunpoint were also watching the two changing with a mixture of fear, awe, and curiosity.

Just as the snow leopard was about to ask what Syrath was going to do with the two they were holding away from the alarm he suddenly heard Vene cry out, then looked past her to see that Samson was no longer where they had left him. He cursed and told the husky next to him to hold them both at bay before running past the eastern dragon and out of the room. With the bull already starting to move over to the other one and Syrath's tendrils stretching to the technician on his side, aided by the mass of the rabbit that he was both transforming and fusing with, he knew the control room would hold. But if Samson managed to get out a warning it was going to make everything they did in there for nothing as he desperately looked for the human.

When he did see Samson, he was running down one of the sky bridges towards the administration area, which contained his office as well as the offices of everyone that was directly involved in the running of the facility. Since they had taken his radio he would have to go and tell them directly and the feline cursed his lack of foresight. He had just assumed that the human would be like all the others and succumb to this creature's mental powers, not remembering this man was the one who trained him in how to do the same. Though the snow leopard wasn't exactly the strongest-willed creature in the world he had learned how to fortify it extensively through the man who he now chased through the sky bridge.

Just as Gabriel turned the corner, he saw something out of the window of the sky bridge that caused him to pause briefly. It reminded him of an aurora borealis as the day slowly turned to night, the glow of the sunset seemed to extend and turned into a multitude of colors. It was only when they had left the top of the hill and started charging downwards did he see what it truly was; dozens, maybe even hundreds of colorful rubbery nagas were charging down the field directly towards the base and the stunned onlookers that watched them. Whether they were hypnotized by the power of the creatures that were coming down or simply shocked by their sudden presence Gabriel wasn't. What he did know was that he still had someone he needed to confront as he continued to run down the skybridge towards his intended target.

Meanwhile Chaos and Vene had gone down with Syrath and the rubber bull down towards the quarantine area, ready to meet with those that they had just recently released from the cages below. Those that had been already inside the room when it happened were swiftly converted to rubber creatures, and as the four of them made their way forward they could see those that were trying to flee the area with several of the creatures, including a few of their transformed counterparts, chasing them as the sound of gunfire erupted in a nearby hallway. The rubber bull and the goo hypnaga quickly told the other two to go on and talk to Sslynthix and that thanks to their disabling of the dampeners the hypnaga already knew they were coming.

Chaos and Vene continued on through the hallways until they arrived at the lab, looking around to see that most of the cages were empty. The only one that was still occupied was with Sslynthix himself, the hypnaga's other bindings preventing him from leaving even with the door was opened for him. The two quickly went up and undid the mask that had completely covered his face up until this time, revealing the glowing purple, blue, and greens of his body. Though up until that point they weren't sure if the hypnaga had received Syrath's message, but when a grin appeared on his serpentine snout and he asked Vene if this meant that their meal would be delayed it appeared it had.

"I'm surprised that the others didn't let you go," Chaos said as they moved to straight jacket that covered his upper body.

"They have better things that they could be doing," Sslynthix explained as he wiggled in his restraints. "I already sensed Syrath's presence inside the lab and once the dampener went down, he told me the entire plan that was happening. Considering that these Axion forces are still pretty powerful even without the added defenses I wanted to make sure the others were able to help pincer their forces so that they would have to scramble."

"Makes sense," Vene said, pulling the jacket away to reveal the sculpted chest and abs of the hypnaga underneath. "Whoa." When she realized she had verbalized her thoughts the dragon grinned sheepishly and took a step back. "Sorry, it's just, you're very handsome... and..."

The longer that Vene looked at the creature the more that she found herself fumbling with her words, the normally articulate researcher finding it hard to concentrate as she continued to look at him. As Chaos looked up from unchaining the lower body of the serpent, he looked over to see her trailing off and found himself grinning slightly. "Looks like your powers are going back to normal," the husky said as he snapped the last of the chains and undid the belts that kept Sslynthix in place. "We were told that you can be pretty enthralling."

"And I was told that you were rather enthralled yourself by my gooey counterpart," the naga replied, watching as it was the husky's turn to chuckle and flush slightly in embarrassment. "Don't worry, Syrath is an extremely powerful hypnotic force, the fact that you and that snow leopard were able to stand up against his mental machinations for as long as you did is quite impressive. In fact, based on said things I would like to make you an offer."

"An offer?" Chaos replied in slight surprise. "Here? Now?"

"The others have this under little invasion under control," Sslynthix said with a wink. "Already the army of hypnaga's that Master Renzyl has brought against his base breached the perimeter and are infiltrating the base, I suspect that in less then an hour there won't be a single non-synthetic creature left in the facility. Since that means that you'll effectively be out of a job I would like to make you an orderly for when my mental health center starts up."

"An orderly huh," Chaos said. "I suppose that's sort of like the security position that I was in before."

"Glad to see that you're open to the idea, and speaking of which," the husky was suddenly surprised when he found the hypnaga suddenly staring directly at him. "Why don't you go ahead and open yourself up to me, show me what Syrath managed to glimpse in that mind of yours that you keep so hidden. There's no need to fear... you can let me in."

Though the husky could feel his mental walls going up once more Chaos found himself drawing them back down under the careful guidance of the hypnaga. As Sslynthix continued to root around in the details of his mind he could see what his gooey counterpart was talking about. It caused a small grin to form on his snout as he saw the canine going lax in the coils that were curling around him. The look on the husky went from dazed to pleasured as he felt the comfortable rubber sliding all around him, hearing a hissing voice telling him he would soon give him his reward.

Chaos just basked in the hypnotic pleasure while Sslynthix turned back from one entranced creature to the other, looking at Vene as she continued to stand there completely mesmerized with her eyes practically swirling. "You I don't have much on," the hypnaga said as he went over to the eastern dragon with a big grin on his face. "We're going to have to change that..."

As the assault on the base continued the sound of gunfire and explosions that had been echoing throughout the facility were growing less by the second. The invading army was clearly winning and at this point anything that Samson did wasn't going to matter anymore, but yet he continued to find himself still chasing the other male. Unfortunately, he had lost him in the administration building but when he looked at all the places that he might have went to he was either not there or the hypnagas had already infiltrated. Eventually when he did find him it wasn't in a spot that he wouldn't have considered before.

"I was wondering when you were going to come here," Samson said, his voice sounding slightly deeper as he sat in his chair. "Remember when you first walked into this office?"

Gabriel slowly moved inside as he saw that Samsom looked different as he turned to face him, his face looking swollen as patches of shiny black were on his face. "Yeah... you told me that I had a lot of potential," the snow leopard said as he slowly found himself walking inside. "Said that you would mold me into a proper soldier."

There was a low chuckle from the other male as he stood up, causing Gabriel to take a step back and gasp in pure shock. While the changes had been minimal on his face and head it was clear that the rubber corruption that had been given to him had worked extensively on his lower body, his fatigues ripping at the seems to expose shiny black scales and cords of still growing muscle. "It appears I am not the only one capable of molding," Samson stated, his clawed hand grabbing on the stretched fabric that showcased his throbbing dragon cock. "But while for you it was years of extensive training and instilling codes of conduct it appeared for me it was just a kiss."

"I... can clearly see that..." Gabriel said as he watched the growing tail of Samson starting to swing behind him as Samson approached. "Is this why you didn't warn anyone?"

"Yesssss," Samson replied, the grin slowly creeping on his face as he brought his rubbery hands up to Gabriel, who had been backed up against a wall, the snow leopard swallowing hard as he felt his pants doing undone. "When I was kissed, I suddenly saw what was in store for me if I complied with this... and though it scared me at first I can now see what it is and it is glorious. Since this creature is promoting me, I'm going to need a second in command, someone that I can trust and who I've been mentoring to take such a position anyway."

As Gabriel found that shiny latex hand sliding up against his junk from the transforming creature what really stunned him was what was being said to him. While he had always considered the human to be his superior and even a bit of a friend, he thought that Samson hadn't considered him to be anything more than just an errand boy and a lackey. To hear that he was being groomed for a higher position in Axion startled him, and now that the rubber from those creatures was corrupting him in mind and body it appeared that there was a different position that he had in mind for him. Both males were panting hard as the sexual tension between the two of them grew, Samson tearing the clothes away from his body as his changes did the same to expose the draconic form underneath.

The snow leopard was suddenly taken away from the wall that he had been pushed into and found himself falling on the desk, Samson using his new tail to clear away all the stuff on it before he found his back on it. "I thought that fraternizing with subordinates was frowned upon," Gabriel said as he already felt the recently freed rubber dragon dick was pressed against his exposed tailhole, and as the light came in from the outside the snow leopard couldn't help but bite his lip when he saw the muzzle pushing out from the last vestiges of the human. "Didn't know you felt that way about me."

"I have the feeling that the rules around here are going to change," Samson growled, stroking the furry chest of the other male as he began to push inside his hole and causing him to gasp. "Just like you are... a dragon like me is going to need someone just like him to help run things." Gabriel gasped at this, not only because he was being penetrated by the ridged rod of the rubber dragon hovering over him but as he looked down, he could see his own starting to swell and grow shinier as it throbbed. "And to be honest I did fancy you, but as you mentioned it would have been rather inappropriate until now."

Before Gabriel could say anything, he suddenly felt the rubbery lips of the other male press against his own, causing them both to let out a muffled moan as their tongues danced in one another's mouths. While similar sounds could be heard outside as those that had stormed the base were converting the last of those in the base it didn't matter to either of them, especially not the changing snow leopard as he felt his feline snout growing. The rubber that was leaking from the transformed human quickly transferred onto him and as he started to get thrusted into other changes were happening as well, Gabriel's new draconic head looking down to see his tail starting to thicken and his feet swelling with growth. In the back of his mind all the former snow leopard could think of while the still bigger rubber dragon thrusted into him, the lust of the two males making it hard to think of anything else, was if Samson was also into bondage...

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (10/10)

Those in the city that had hosted the Cadecus mental health facility had wondered what happened to it as those that had appointments came up to find the words abandoned scrawled all over it. It was the talk of the town for quite a while and then...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (8/10)

Meanwhile Gabriel watched on the screen as the one known as Sslynthix and the other rubber creatures they had taken from the facility continued to pace back and forth in the plexiglass cells that they were being held in. Ever since they had been...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (7/10)

Renzyl sat in the communications hub, tapping his claws against the chair he sat on while he watched Chrono work with the crystals on the pedestal that connected the obelisks to the surrounding areas of the nexus. The silver saurian continued to...

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