Sharing the Ultimate Experience (10/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#10 of Sharing the Ultimate Experience

In the sequel to An Ultimate Nexus Experience, Jason is given a task by Renzyl to run a new project of his. As the new mental health facility gets underway they find themselves under threat from a force that they weren't expecting to encounter on this planet.

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Those in the city that had hosted the Cadecus mental health facility had wondered what happened to it as those that had appointments came up to find the words abandoned scrawled all over it. It was the talk of the town for quite a while and then as suddenly as it disappeared more ads appeared stating that the entire facility was a test for new experimental treatments that were being offered, and with how much of a success they were they decided to move into a brand-new, state-of-the-art facility that would provide enough room for long-term patients and extended health packages as well as the normal treatment plans. It was up in the mountains and a couple of hours away by car, but the benefit of it was that they could service several of the nearby towns and city and it appeared they were building shuttle services and even a short train line to get up to the new Cadecus facility.

While the people in the original area were surprised that they were part of some sort of undercover test any animosity they had towards being used as lab rats was quickly satiated by giving many of them free visits towards the brand-new facility. For those who hadn't been exposed to it yet they found a number of articles that revealed the parent company AxionCorp had invested a lot of time and money in these new types of tests that they had been developing for years in secret. It got a lot of people interested in the treatment options and the slick new website that had been put up showed all sorts of treatments for a wide variety of afflictions and even a few mental wellness options. It wasn't long before the shuttles were full of people coming up to the mountains to investigate the new mountain retreat.

There was a lot of construction going on even as they opened the primary facility for business, Sslynthix looking over the area where multiple foundations were being poured while things such as security towers were being retrofitted to make them look more hospitable. The last thing he wanted to do was have people think they were coming to a prison and instead wanting it to look more like a resort that would take advantage of the surrounding splendor of the natural landscaping around it. Fortunately, there were two beneficial things that came from taking over the Axion facility; there was a lot of construction materials stored up in the base, and plenty of new converts that were more than willing to work for their new master. As the hypnaga went over to Samson he could see that the grey and blue rubber dragon was getting into his new role quite well, pointing and ordering the other rubber reptilian creatures that were building the new structures including a similar rubber dragon that was only slightly smaller than the one barking the orders out.

"Looks like you're settling in," the hypnaga said, causing the dragon to turn around.

At first it looked like Samson was going to say something angrily, but as soon as he saw who it was his features immediately softened. "Doesn't matter whether they're ornery recruits or rubber creatures," the dragon said. "Got to make sure to keep up their discipline so they don't get soft... figuratively speaking of course. Also, it pays to make sure they remember who the boss dragon is."

"As long as you do the same," a third voice joined in their conversation, the two seeing Renzyl walking up to them while the silver raptor trailed behind. Both Sslynthix and Samson bowed their heads slightly at the presence of their master. "I've continued to talk to our dear friends at Axion and it appears that we've reached a mutual understanding; they leave this facility alone as well as everyone and everything in it and I won't have to come back and show them the true might of my forces, and in exchange they get to be the face of these new miracle treatments and reap all the social and advertising benefits that comes with it along with anything we may be willing to share with them."

"Sounds like they understand what happens if they mess with us," Sslynthix stated with a grin. "It's nice to know that we don't have to look over our shoulders and focus on continuing the treatment of the patients."

"Indeed," Renzyl said. "This means that I will be heading back to the realm along with Chrono and Sulvino and leaving this place to your care once more. While it wasn't exactly what I had intended when I brought you here it seems that you are more than capable of handling the extra responsibility."

Sslynthix thanked Renzyl once again for everything he did and watched as he slid a claw through the air and opened a portal back into the main travel hub of the realm, both he and Chrono giving him one last wave goodbye before stepping through and having it seal up behind him. Once they were gone the hypnaga felt like he was starting all over again in this project, though this time the resources that had been given to him were far more intensive then the old building they had been given before. With all the converted scientists they had along with their psychologists the things they could create now seemed limitless.

After one last check-in with Samson, Sslynthix decided to go and see how the others were doing, wanting to make sure those that were integral to the acquisition of this facility were being well taken care of. The first one that he wanted to make sure of was Chaos, who was currently tasked with helping the other rubber drones that were fixing up the lower levels of the facility that were being converted into long-term patient storage. Only a few select people were going to be allowed down there besides the patients that were going to utilize such areas. The rubber cells that had been down in the basement were getting a serious makeover, and when he looked through them, he finally found the one he wanted.

Both Chaos and Vene had been stored in the cells to help with their conversion, the hypnaga wanting to make sure that the ones who helped saved him and the others were properly rewarded for their actions. Though creatures like Samson and Gabriel were needed in order to get the base up and running, Vene and Chaos had special roles that he could take his time with. Since he didn't need to get them transformed right away, he had stashed them in one of the newly renovated rubber padded rooms in order to soften them up a bit, both physically and mentally. He decided to go with the husky first and opened his room, seeing that the rubber of the room had already almost completely integrated into his body.

"My how the mighty willfully fall," Sslynthix stated as he watched the former soldier twitch in pleasure, his rubbery form still containing a similar mix of colors as before but with a far more reptilian appearance. "How are we feeling today Chaos?" When the canine let out a muffled grunt the hypnaga grinned and stroked his face as the tentacle that was within wiggled about. "Ah, forgive me for forgetting such a thing, let me just take care of that for you."

Chaos let out a pleasured moan as he felt the tentacle that had been gagging him this entire time slide out of his maw, causing a thin trail of black drool to fall on his chin before Sslynthix wiped it away. "No wonder you had so many return clients," the husky said as he panted heavily. "How long have I been down here?"

"A few days," Sslynthix explained as he brought their gaze together so that he could enthrall him further. "I wanted to make sure that I had the perfect means to bring you exactly what you wanted, and now that I have we will begin by removing those pesky thoughts of yours. All you have to do is let me in and drain your thoughts away so you can focus on what's truly important..."

The husky's head was guided to the scintillating cock of the hypnaga, knowing that the husky was going to be fairly resilient and also due to the depth that he wanted to be brought down. Already the eyes of the other male were practically rolled up into the back of his head as the hypnaga psychically wiggled his way into the mind of the soldier, taking all that training and moving it away from his conscious mind. In its place Sslynthix pumped in his new tasks, using the obedience that had already been instilled into him and ramped it up to eleven while his muzzle began to suck on his cock. The second that the lips of Chaos made contact with it the rubber began to spread over his head, forming into a gas mask complete with visor that mimicked the member inside of him.

The visor would continue to keep Chaos in a deep state of enthrallment, giving him the blank, mindless obedience he wanted as long as he had it in front of his eyes. As long as the rubber was there he would be a drone, an orderly whose mind was focused on the orders given to him by his new masters. After the initial trepidation was gone the hypnaga could feel the pleasure building in the other male as the rubber that had completely shifted his features into a gas mask with hints of the draconic on the otherwise smooth surface cascaded down his body. The transforming husky let out a huff of euphoria as his muscles began to grow underneath the rubber assimilating his fur, the shiny substance taking on the same coloration as his body with the lines starting to glow.

"Such a good drone," Sslynthix hissed as he stroked the latex head of the male bobbing up and down on his cock eagerly, each time being rewarded with more lustful bliss and reconditioning of his mind. "Slipping down deep into your new role, unable to think of anything else but the safety of those in this facility. Blank, obedient, my rubbery thrall..."

It didn't take much after that for Sslynthix to keep the former husky in that state, the combination of pleasure, his growing muscular form, and willful submission keeping him in a state of pure euphoria. Wanting to keep with the aesthetic of those in charge he made the husky more draconic in nature, though he deliberately left him more featureless in order to signify his drone state. There was also the visor and the gas mask to help identify him as such as the head of the new orderly bobbed up and down on him with more vigor than before. As the last of the rubber covered his body, causing his feet to grow slightly bigger and more reptilian, Sslynthix pulled him off and instructed him to go and see how the others are doing.

Once Sslynthix released the new orderly drone into the facility he moved on to Vene, the eastern dragon experiencing a similar situation, though his body was more bound up then Chaos was but less covered in rubber. When the hypnaga snapped his fingers the remaining restraints pulled off of her as she found herself falling onto the rubber padding below her. "My dear Vene," Sslynthix said with a smile as he looked her over. "How are you feeling?"

It took a second for the eastern dragon to respond and as he looked into her eyes Sslynthix could still see the spirals and shifting colors in her eyes. "I... feel wonderful..." she practically cooed as the hypnaga began to wrap around her form. "This rubber... so smooth and shiny... I love it..."

"That's so good," Sslynthix replied, grinning as he took over the reigns on her mental and physical transformation, his fingers playing over her naked body. "What sort of rubber would you enjoy? Did you want to be more wrapped up in rubber, or perhaps we could go even deeper and really mold you..."

"Yessss..." the dragon said, the rubber already infiltrating over her body as Sslynthix coiled around her form. She was clearly getting into it and as the rubber shifted onto her body she practically soaked it in, and as it did her features had already started to shift under the increasingly shiny surface of her scales. "I want... I want to be like you..."

"Like me?" the hypnaga said, knowing that was already the case as a smirk formed on his rubbery muzzle. "Of course you know that such a desire will require a bit of a change..." As he heard Vene moan in approval the eastern dragon could already feel the changes starting, especially when the thick cock of the hypnaga had begun to push into her tailhole. "I won't be able to make you a true hypnaga either, but I could always use a toy."

Once more Sslynthix tapped into a vein of desire for the eastern dragon, practically moaning that he wanted to be the hypnaga's plaything. With the hypnaga's cock pushing inside of her it left her feminine sex free, though as the rubber covered her groin she could feel it altering her down there. A similar sensation was happening to one of her breasts as the latex covered it, teasing her nipple as the orb began to deflate. The mass of rubberized flesh spread through her body and began to bulk up the rest of her form, taking her feminine curves and bulging them out until they took on a more masculine appearance.

A male rubber naga... while the thought had crossed Vene's mind when she started to transform she didn't realize how good it felt as her free hands moving over her increasingly alien body. The synthetic material that had already covered her pussy had started to bulge, growing outwards as her folds formed into the slit that her new cock was forming out of. Her legs had also started to merge together under the coils squeezing them together, feeling her spine stretching as the latex infiltrated it. Though her lower body was going to be serpentine in nature the hypnaga had an idea for her... or soon to be his as breasts became pectorals while Vene's hand rubbed over her shrinking boobs, feeling her whiskers and mane become vulcanized.

"A fine dragon naga toy you're becoming," Sslynthix hissed into the finned ear of the transforming creature. "I do hope you're enjoying the new form..."

"So good," Vene replied, pausing from a gasp as she felt the cock of the hypnaga pushing into her tailhole, which was now her only hole as her new cock grew and thickened while she had began to stroke it to cause shivers of pleasure to go through their body. "If I had known this... I would have helped spring you lose earlier..."

"Better late than never," the hypnaga replied as his hand joined Vene's, undulating his coils to push his cock in deeper while stroking in time with it. "And now you can get the reward you so desperately want. Sink in, become the plaything you want to be."

Though Vene didn't want to admit it the sensations were intense and the thought of being in the coils of the hypnaga, having him continue to do this to him, had been driving him wild. As Sslynthix continued to push deep into the newly created male he decided to add a few more adornments in order to fully solidify the eastern dragon naga's new place in life. A few cuffs and a collars, all of them formed with the same shifting hues of his own body, were placed on the increasingly male figure as a set of washboard abs framed the thick serpentine cock they were both eagerly stroking. It didn't take long before Vene experienced his first orgasm in his new life as a dragon naga toy, one hand grabbing on his collar as he let out a pure hiss of joy!

With the former eastern dragon and husky fully transformed and ready for their new lives Sslynthix made his way down to the last place that he needed to visit, an old cistern that used to be used by the facility before a proper water storage system was in place. While it was no longer useable for that purpose Renzyl had added a few touches that allowed something else to be stored in its place. The hypnaga could feel a shiver run up his spine from the magical runes he passed on the way in, wards designed not only to keep unwanted guests out but from the creature within to escape. Once Sslynthix made his way through the perimeter wards he looked into the cistern to see Syrath's body filling the space, his goo churning and writhing as he seemed to explore his newfound space.

"How are you enjoying yourself?" Sslynthix asked, causing the gooey hypnaga to turn and look at him.

"I have to say that with a few additional touches this place could be quite homey," Syrath replied, the grin on his muzzle growing as he looked down at the hypnaga. "It appears that you have gotten quite the upgrade to your little operation here, I'm certainly glad that Master Renzyl allowed me to stay here as part of my reward."

"I'm glad that you wanted to spend it here," Sslynthix stated with a grin, though as he watched the serpentine creature swaying back and forth, he began to feel a familiar relaxation starting to seep through his form. "You... mentioned something about another part of the reward, what would that happen to be?"

The gooey hypnaga chuckled slightly, motioning with his head for Sslynthix to come closer as though to tell him a secret. "This one Master Renzyl doesn't quite know about... yet," Syrath said once Sslynthix had slithered closer towards him. "I was thinking that since there was ample opportunity to expand here, I might finally have the means to get the army of gooey hypnagas that I wanted... starting with you, of course."

"Starting with me?" Sslynthix replied, vaguely remembering in the back of his mind some sort of plot the goo hypnaga had to try and take over Renzyl's realm. "I don't know, there's still so much to do, I don't think that I can play around with you with everything going on above..."

"You have plenty of people to help with that," Syrath replied, the hues of his body shifting more intently with every inch the other hypnaga took towards him. "You can still command them too, but you will be doing so as the first goo hypnaga in my army. Whether or not we ever go back and take over Renzyl's realm then remains to be seen, but I may be content with just a planet full of creatures like me."

Though Sslynthix knew that the other creature fully intended on doing what he was saying the hypnaga found the idea... rather pleasant. While he wouldn't allow him to take over the entire planet there was nothing wrong with letting the gooey creature have his fun, especially as more of the hypnotic influences tainted his thought processes. The power brought up the memories of when they were joined together, how good it felt to have the strong, dominating force in his mind pulling the strings for him. He was a good leader and someone that perhaps he wouldn't mind taking over the reigns for him as he slowly reached his hand up while nodding his head.

The simple act of submission was all Syrath needed to go forward as he extended his own hand down and met with it, letting his bright red, orange, and yellow liquid rubber coat over the fingers of the other male. It wasn't long until Sslynthix found his whole arm completely engulfed and as he watched cascade past his elbow and up towards his shoulder he found himself relaxing even more. He wasn't just sinking physically into the goo that was ensnaring him, he had left his mind open to the other hypnaga and it was flooding him with new thoughts that connected to old memories. With Sslynthix's mind already tempered from their previous encounter he found it forming like putty once more as he drew the other hypnaga into his body.

A day or two passed, though for those down in the cistern time had little meaning as Syrath slithered about. The gooey creature was mostly fixated on an orb that floated a few meters off of the ground, watching as the creature inside the semi-translucent rubber sphere thrashed about in pure bliss. The goo hypnaga's fingers had extended into tentacles that pushed through the orb and attached themselves to the limbless, mouthless form within as more of his power and influence poured into it. He was pleased with how far Sslynthix had come since he had started to convert him, having watching his limbs melt into his body that took on a more oozing quality to it just like his own.

The big change however was the coloration; the pattern of purples, blues, and greens had slowly been leached out of the captive creature and replaced with his own, even his eyes now swirled with the same colors as those whose gaze he had been locked onto for the longest time. All Sslynthix knew was obedience and pleasure, both of them being given to him though the goo that had thoroughly corrupted and influenced him. Syrath was no longer in control of him, at this point he was merely an extension of the other hypnaga as the tentacles continued to push inside his body to continue the transformation. At first Syrath wasn't sure that he could have the other hypnaga hold their gooey changes, but the more he molded the creature the more that it looked like he was about to create another gooey hypnaga.

"You are so close," Syrath hissed mentally, their minds linked with the tentacles that had pushed their way into the semi-solid head of the other creature. "When we are done with this you will soon be like me, a gooey creature through and through. Does that please you my pet?"

"Yesss..." Sslynthix hissed as another wave of pleasure cascaded through him. Though he still had a vague recollection of who he was his identity was being subsumed into the gooey creature that he was becoming, especially as each time he thought of himself as such the thick tentacle that had merged with his cock would throb and give him another small taste of euphoria.

Much like the creatures that would be held captive above them Syrath continued to place mental bindings on the emerging goo hypnaga's mind, making sure that the new creature would only thing of how pleasurable it was to have him completely melding and manipulating him... and how nice that would be to others that he would come across. "Soon you will be the first in my new army," Syrath once more hissed mentally as his own pleasure was spiking, the feeling of completely dominating and changing another creature into almost a clone of himself save for being a cobra was intoxicating to him. "Then more will join until this entire cistern is flooded with the goo of the hypnaga..."

"Yes Master..." Sslynthix replied eagerly, his own mouthless muzzle bobbing up and down in happiness at his new Master's ministrations. With the locks being placed on him any thoughts of wanting to escape or change back were completely blocked and totally irrelevant, though even if he could it was unlikely, he wanted to give up such a pleasurable new form. While he was little more than a tentacle snake that was being conditioned the pool of liquid latex that had formed in the bottom of the pool was already starting to churn, ready for use when his master decided to reform him.

Though Syrath could see that there was a certain part of the creature that enjoyed being in this state. Sslynthix had already orgasmed multiple times even when he wasn't providing direct stimulation, just from being made a limbless creature rendered completely helpless as rubber turned to goo. When his tendrils began to crawl over and push into his body it only seemed to push the other hypnaga closer towards complete euphoria, which made it all the easier to completely enthrall him in a matter of hours. If it wasn't for the fact that he enjoyed watching the willpower drain out of the creature and be replaced with sheer obedience he would have sealed his eyes along with his mouth, leaving the creature in completely senseless bliss... but there was fun for him to be had as he continued to tweak any errant thoughts. At this point he was unsure if he would even want to change back to his normal hypnaga state, not that he had any means to at the moment.

As Syrath could see that the goo snake was thoroughly engrossed in the thoughts he was allowing to seep into his brain he allowed his own mind to wander for a bit. With a powerful creature such as Sslynthix under his control he could easily conquer all those that were above him, and then once he had the facility, he could continue his spread towards the others. Of course, there was still the matter that he was constrained to the rules imposed upon him by Renzyl and the nexus... but he was sure that there were enough like Sslynthix, those willing to spend time in a rubber cell easily only needed a nudge to be brought down here. And with his first soldier at his side he knew it was going to be a bright, gooey future to be had in his coils...


Meanwhile, back in Renzyl's realm the rubber dragon and General Sulvino watched the goings on in the cistern through a special set of viewing lenses he had installed during the setup, blending them into the runes and carvings so they wouldn't easily be noticed. The hypnaga general shook his head slightly with a sigh as he saw Sslynthix going along so willingly with Syrath's commands, but when he looked over to Renzyl, he was a little surprised to see a bemused smirk on his snout.

"Are you really going to let him have that much power, Master Renzyl?" he asked while the dragon took a sip from a cup of tea and nibbled on a few finger foods. "I mean, it was a bit of a risk letting Syrath out of the hold downstairs her at your manor... you are sure that those runes will hold?"

"Oh, make no mistake, General Sulvino, I won't let Syrath go too far, but at the same time he has more than earned some of it." Renzyl replied. "He's been a good sport about everything, and I know he's been itching for a change of scenery. This a perfect opportunity to let him stretch his coils and have some more freedom. And... I did promise him a chance at this, too, and I keep my word."

"That is true. He was a big help with our invasion, but... what about Sslynthix? I know how much time and effort you put into having him trained and going out on his own here to get you some more minions," the hypnaga replied as he poked at a few of the food tidbits, deciding on which he wanted. "Don't you think letting one of your best hypnagas getting enraptured like this poses a threat down the line?"

"Don't worry about him; he'll always serve me first and foremost, but I also know from his past how much his heart is with Syrath. It was thanks to the gooey hypnaga that he became what he is now, and besides," Renzyl said, putting the cup down and turned to face his General. "It's actually nice to see Syrath like this. He's truly happy and not just because he's having fun plotting to make a hypnaga army. Even from here I can see it... he really loves Sslynthix in more ways than one."

General Sulvino cocked a rubbery eye ridge at that as his gaze returned to the viewing crystal in time to see the bigger hypnaga dissolving the transparent sphere and dangling the smaller naga by the latex strands coming from his fingers. He watched as the two gooey snakes began to nuzzle one another, more strands of dripping rubber sticking to their snouts and even their tongues, and he could see Sslynthix convulse repeatedly as several more orgasms rocked his body. Soon enough, the two of them were lowering down together towards the cistern, and when the smaller hypnaga's tail touched the swirling rubber, it fused to it instantly and once again he writhed in pure bliss as his body swirled in perfect harmony with Syrath's.

"I suppose can see what you mean, Master Renzyl, but I do wonder if there is actual 'love' in their relationship, all things considered."

"You know, it's rather funny now that I think about it," Renzyl replied, stretching his arms out behind him and popped his neck. "If we look at how he is enjoying his time with Sslynthix, I think he really does love him beyond just his whole demeanor of wanting power. Recall if you will when we first asked him for help and he came at us with his usual bravado and attitude, but once we mentioned Sslynthix, he did a complete one-eighty."

"I admit, that was a pretty quick turnaround, and I know Syrath better than most. It even gave me a little pause as I didn't think he'd be persuaded so fast."

"Oh, he'll never say it to anyone, and his reasoning will always be at the surface that this is all for his hypnaga army building, and that much is true. But... deep down inside, Sslynthix is very special to him. I knew that even back when the hypnaga was still a human and they met for the first time, to when you came to get us out of the little playtime we gave Syrath. He was so possessive of his 'toy' and didn't want to give him up, and for good reason. Those two resonate so beautifully with one another, and in a funny sense, Sslynthix was the first one to 'tame' the goo hypnaga better than anyone else."

"Tame him?" General Sulvino said, once again quirking an eye ridge in surprise. "Not sure I follow there..."

"He's the first one that Syrath truly cares about, even though again he'll never, ever admit it. But you can tell he does by how thorough he's being here and that he didn't even have to force Sslynthix into any of it. He wants his new 'minion' to enjoy himself to the fullest, to be wholly under his command, and he knows the hypnaga will love it and him for it. In an ironic sense, Sslynthix has truly mastered himself and his powers; he managed to put an even more powerful creature under his 'hypnotic control' in a way only a true hypnaga can..."

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (9/10)

As the day turned to night the change went unnoticed for the four that were inside of the Axion base, Gabriel leading the group to make sure that they wouldn't be intercepted as they all made their way to the labs. Besides himself there was Vene...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (8/10)

Meanwhile Gabriel watched on the screen as the one known as Sslynthix and the other rubber creatures they had taken from the facility continued to pace back and forth in the plexiglass cells that they were being held in. Ever since they had been...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (7/10)

Renzyl sat in the communications hub, tapping his claws against the chair he sat on while he watched Chrono work with the crystals on the pedestal that connected the obelisks to the surrounding areas of the nexus. The silver saurian continued to...

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