Expert Soldier Program

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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The sequel to Advanced Soldier Program, with the success of the Wargames that has spread Apep's influence throughout the military the god is finding himself with growing pains. Fortunately an opportunity has come by that will allow him to assert more control.

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With the wargames that they had planned being a huge success Apep sat on his ethereal throne and watched as his influence continued to spread. The Advanced Soldier Program was declared a resounding success to all those that had participated, though it helped that thanks to the servants he had already corrupted everyone that was there had been converted into one of his acolytes. But soon the demonic entity found that he had become a victim of his own success and found that despite taking several high-ranking officials the logistics of the complex military program of the country he had infiltrated made it next to impossible to get the supplies needed to create more. While he could use his newest servants to pull some strings there were still many people that were weary of the program that was the guise for him turning soldiers into his loyal naga slaves...

The two soldiers known to many as Edge and Archer were calming sitting in the barracks of the base that they had managed to completely take over, and though everyone that was there was a follower of Apep they retained their human forms in order to make sure that they weren't actually discovered. Despite the level of infiltration they have already achieved one wrong word to the wrong person would cause a purge just like the one that had destroyed the snake god's previous attempt to take over civilization. So far their efforts hadn't been discovered but more people were looking into the Advanced Soldier Program and that meant more scrutiny into their affairs. They actually haven't been able to convert anyone else since the wargames and that caused all those involved to grow increasingly anxious.

As the two were about to go to the mess hall however they suddenly felt the presence of Apep and knew what was about to happen, the two of them closing the windows and drawing the blinds before sitting on their respective beds. They were both clad only in their rubber scalesuits, the look of modern armor helping to conceal their true forms, so they didn't have to do anything to prepare for their god's arrival. The two waited with their bodies quivering in anticipation while they waited to see who would have the honor of hosting their deity. The room around them grew darker as the shadow serpent slithered up from the floor around Edge's feet and coiled around his prone form.

Though Archer was jealous that he wasn't able to be blessed as the vessel a smile still crossed his face as he watched the other disguised human's eyes begin to glow with an intense red light while his body morphed before his eyes. The two legs of the soldier quickly pressed themselves together and the rubber covering them molded together before extending out, creating the serpentine lower body as the already impressive chest of the man began to swell with new growth. As the latex scales stretched and flowed down his arms they became claws while Edge's mouth opened wide, revealing fangs that stretched out past his lips that were growing into the muzzle of a snake.

As the last of the transformation overtook the human the back of his head stretched out into a cobra hood, the rubber completely coating the rest of his body as the naga form became etched with runes that denoted that this form was host to Apep himself. Archer immediately got down on one knee before he was told to rise up, and as soon as he stood once more he gasped as he felt the lower body of the naga wrap around his own. "You have been doing very well Archer," Apep said with a hiss, taking his shiny clawed fingers and putting them gently under the chin of the other male while locking eyes with him. "It's just you and me here, you don't have to be in that form... honestly I pity you when I come and see you like this when you have such a better one underneath."

"Yessss..." Archer hissed as his own face began to push out, feeling his tongue become forked and rubber oozing over his human features as they both leaned in for a deep kiss. "Mold me... make me yours..." Their lips met and their tongues explored one another's maws as the body of the male in Apep's coils quickly grew muscular up top and tubular in his lower body. It didn't take long before two nagas were kissing one another, their bodies squeaking loudly as Apep ran his hands down the smooth head and neck of the rubber constrictor naga.

They continued to make out for a few moments before Apep leaned back and pressed a finger against the blunt muzzle of the other male. "Business first," the deity said, though he continued to squeeze his coils around Archer's body to keep both of them buzzed with the stimulation as his tone got more serious. "We're having what you would call a logistics problem with our newest converts; unfortunately since they are so spread out they don't have a chance of implementing the Advanced Soldier Program without raising many concerns that we are not equipped to deal with. This is why I will need you and Edge to convince someone with enough influence to help grease the wheels and get our acolytes the equipment needed to start corrupting others."

"We would love that," Archer replied eagerly as he felt his pride swelling in his chest. "Who is the target?"

"General Ashton Miller," Apep stated, causing the other naga to gasp slightly. "Through the others you have converted through the wargames they managed to guide him so that he will be taking a tour of the base to inspect the program among other things, you will have to encourage him to become one of our disciples."

"But... a General..." Archer replied, his fanged mouth opening and closing several times in shock. "We can't even talk to him without proper clearance... if we fail..."

"Everything will be lost, yes," Apep stated simply. "From what we've gathered he has certain... proclivities that you will be able to expose, as well as some sort of secret that not even my new network of spies has figured out. You and Edge are going to be the tip of the spear; if the week ends and I do not have a General to call my own then I will be mosssssst dissspleasssed..."

Archer felt his eyes roll back slightly as the power of the god washed over him, lulling him back into a hypnotic trance as well as the one whose body he inhabited. With the mission ingrained in both their minds he wanted to make sure to leave his two servants on a high note, stoking their lusts between one another before removing his power from the body of Edge. The runes on the rubber cobra disappeared and his body shrank slightly as the deity left him, and when the two looked at one another they both had a red tint to their eyes. The sensual hissing of the god had also left them in another state and as their bodies slithered around one another the feel of the rubber scales against their completely erect dual cocks.

The two began to make out passionately as they twisted around one another, the two rubber nagas not wasting a second in their natural forms as Edge pushed his thick rubber cock into the lower vent of the other male. Archer's jaw practically unhinged and his back arched from the sudden insertion as Edge coiled around to get as deep into the other male as possible. Fortunately their bodies were flexible enough that once Archer had recovered he was able to return the favor, pulling his lower body around so that he was facing the opposite direction and able to push the tapered tip of his smooth latex maleness into the other creature. Soon both nagas were completely enraptured in their own forms as they completely wrapped around one another so thoroughly it was hard to tell whose body was whose...

The next day the entire base had been prepared for the arrival of the General that had been sent there for an inspection, and at precisely noon the cavalcade brought the man into the base where he would be staying for the next week. As General Ashton Miller got out he took a second to look around and see all the typical attributes of a military base; men running around doing drills and other training while vehicles occasionally rolled by. The only difference between this place and all the others he had visited recently was that all the soldiers were wearing the armored bodysuits of the Advanced Soldier Program. The program was the main reason his briefcase was so heavy from the file it contained as two soldiers immediately came up to him and saluted him, which he returned with a nod.

"General Miller," the first man said. "Welcome, my name is Edge and this is Archer, we're here to escort you to your quarters and be your liaisons for the entirety of your journey. Is there something we can do for you right away General?"

"I was told that you will be having a meal waiting for me?" the General asked, the two soldiers nodding. "Good, I'll take that as soon as possible since the meal on the plane was inedible. By the way, you said you're name was Edge, you're the reporter that was so inspired by the Advanced Soldier Program that you actually enlisted?"

"That is correct," Edge replied, the hint of a grin on his face that he managed to temper back down. "Archer was also from another base that requested to transfer here and together we help head up the Advanced Soldier Program along with the rest of Serpent Squad."

"Well you certainly have a taste for the aesthetic," the General stated as he looked the two up and down, noting the scale-texture of their shiny rubber bodysuits. "While the military itself doesn't necessarily have a place for such things it can certainly be a bonding experience. Never the less perhaps we can talk about it later, I require food before we go out and look at your facilities."

The two nodded and proceeded to walk towards the area that they had set up specifically for him. So far the first contact had gone rather well, but they needed to find a way to get the General in the know about the true secret with Apep and convince him to join them. If they failed they couldn't just make him a drone, people would notice the change in personality and cast more suspicion on them. Fortunately they had several ideas in mind in order to covertly gather information on the General...

As the first day came and went and General Miller found that the rumors circulating around the base and the increased performance were true. All those that wore the bodysuits, which was the entire base at that point, had results in various exercises that were far better than the average at any other base. It made sense why the others that had seen them in the wargames were quick to adopt such a thing, but he wasn't quite sure still. Much like many of the other higher-ups something didn't quite add up, like the entire thing was too good to be true as he settled in for the night.

"We have a full day planned for you tomorrow General," Edge said as he stood in front of the door while the other man sat at the table with a small glass of alcohol. "Currently our start time is seven, is that alright with you?"

"Been up earlier than that," General Miller replied as he finished his glass. "I suppose I should turn in then, at some point however we really must discuss this program of yours as I'm most curious on how a simple bodysuit is able to produce such results."

Edge nodded with a smile and confirmed they would talk soon enough. Once he was dismissed the soldier went over to the door but paused, looking back to see the General looking over the documents he had been given. He quickly knelt down and turned on what appeared to be an oil diffuser that was plugged in before leaving completely and shutting the door behind him. A few minutes later the General decided to make good on his declaration and got ready for bed.

By the time he had finished with his usual nightly ritual and got under the covers the oil in the burner had begun to vaporize, curls of red smoke forming into vague serpentine shapes as they slithered through the air towards the General. The oil of Apep had been created for a singular purpose, one it was executing as the wisps of smoke curled around the man who had already fallen asleep. As he laid there he had no idea what was happening as tendrils of the vapor wafted past his nose only to be inhaled with a deep breath. As more of it gathered around the mouth and nose of the General he began to toss and turn in his sleep...

The next morning the General awoke to find himself slightly sweaty, looking around and seeing the light of the sun just start streaming into his window. He breathed a sigh of relief as he realized that what he had experienced was a strange dream, which quickly started to evaporate from his memory. What clung to his mind was that the two soldiers assigned to be his liaisons had come into his room, and that both of them were still just wearing those body suits. Before he could ask what they were doing they had started to move in on him... and that was when he woke up. Though he wasn't nearly as old as some of the other Generals he knew better than to play that game, especially since the last thing he needed was a scandal that would derail him from getting another star on his shoulders.

As the day passed however General Miller found his focus increasingly being drawn away from his duties as the soldiers performed various military exercises. The rubber suits they wore left nothing to the imagination and more than once he had to pretend to look at something else after a particularly showing display of certain areas. The man cursed himself for allowing himself to get flustered like that; he valued honor and professionalism above all else and this wasn't it. Fortunately he had a number of boring meetings that cooled him off before his nightly debriefing where Edge and Archer got him his usual nightcap.

The next day was much the same as the first, though the dream that the General woke up from was much more intense then before and he remembered more of it. The two men had rubbed their rubber bodies up against him and had started to kiss and lick him, and strangely their tongues were forked as they did it like snakes. When he woke up that time he was hard as a rock and completely confused, though he suspected with all the serpentine imagery around it was bleeding into his dreams. He quickly took care of himself in the bathroom and then got dressed and ready to start the day.

Around the middle of the day as General Miller was eating lunch Edge had come in and asked if there was anything else he needed, and though he was about to say no he realized he had an opportunity to ask on his curiosity on the suits. "So these suits and helmets that you all wear during combat," he asked after setting down his fork. Do you have multiple ones or this some sort of new rubber?"

"It is the latest in synthetic engineering," Edge replied with a smile on his face. "One suit is all you need and you can wear it for twenty-four hours of the day and not need to take it off, plus you can shower with it on to get it clean. Perhaps you want to take a closer look?"

The General nodded and was about to ask if there was a spare he could look at he gasped slightly when he saw the man start to strip down in front of him. Before he could say that wasn't necessary he had already completely taken it off, the rubber gliding easily from his body before he handed it to him. At that point he didn't know what to say but thank you, trying not to look down after seeing that the soldier was also completely naked underneath it. The other thing that the General noted about the other man was that he had a number of golden tattoos on his body, most notably a serpent one that stretched across a significant part of his body.

Though he wanted to comment on them he decided to focus more on the suit, though it seemed like a normal rubber bodysuit to him. He was so intent on not looking at the naked soldier he failed to notice the scowl on Edge's face as he looked extremely uncomfortable, though it was essential he bared all for him as he waited for the General to finish. Once the General was done he quickly handed it back to him and thanked him for the demonstration, Edge nodding and excusing himself so that he could put his suit back on. Even when he left however Ashton couldn't help but continue to think about what he had just witnessed and thought to himself how this wasn't going to plan at all...

For the two serpentine soldiers however things were going precisely to plan, and as the days passed the combination of the alcohol mixed with their venom and the oil diffuser had made the General have increasingly lucid and sexualized dreams about them. More than once he saw the man leering at them before realizing what he was doing and looked away, or adjusting himself as they held private briefings. By the time they were nearing the end of the week it was clear they were having an affect on him, even hearing him moan their names when they poked their heads in to make sure the oil was working. With the man sufficiently softened it was time for them to move on to the second phase of their plan, one that caused them both to grin from ear to ear when they thought of it.

Just like every other day they gave the final briefing and then then left, turning on the diffuser while their venom coursed through his system. The two waited for about an hour and then went right back inside, walking over and standing on either side of his bed. While they weren't sure exactly what went on the dreamscape of the General they knew that it dealt with them and was highly sexual, the rest they would just figure out along the way. Edge threw back the covers of the sleeping man to find that he was already as hard as a rock, tenting his boxers which Archer was quick to pull down to allow it to flop free. Both soldiers gave one another an impressed look at the rod the man was packing, which was almost as thick and long as their own. Already the intense pleasure the two were getting from this was causing their features to distort, their faces and fangs pushing out as Archer leaned in to wrap his mouth around the throbbing cock of the man while Edge leaned in and kissed his human lips.

There was a muffled grunt as the General's eyes slowly opened and saw Edge kissing him, though his face looked different as the other man felt him awaken and slowly pull back. As he watched the human features began to warp in front of his eyes he realized he was still dreaming, especially as rubber began to cover his face and his nose melted until it was just a pair of nostrils. "Hello Ashton," Edge said, not bothering with the honorifics as he rubbed against the firm chest of the man. "We're so pleased you decided to celebrate your lusts with us."

"Celebrate... lusts..." the General replied, surprised at hearing a soldier call him by his first name. What caught him more off-guard however was the long suck from the increasingly synthetic creature at his crotch, looking down to find a rubber snake-headed man with his cock between two long fangs bobbing up and down on it. "I shouldn't fantasize... you're soldiers... but it feels so good..."

"We're here to please you," Edge said softly, hissing slightly into his ear as he continued to keep the man's focus on the one blowing him as he allowed more of his form to slip out. Though they weren't going to go full naga they allowed thick reptilian tails to slide out from their backsides and their feet to merge into heavy rubber paws right in front of the General's eyes. "We are creatures of lust and chaos after all, tell us what you want and we'll make it happen."

As the two soldiers morphed into rubber snake men before his eyes the only thing his pleasure-fogged mind could think about was the blissful sensations coming from his groin, and as his mind still believed this was a dream and that meant that he could indulge... "I want..." the General hesitated for the moment before pointing at Edge. "I want to have that muscular, tattooed body of yours in front of me so I can fuck you."

Edge just smiled and nodded, moving over to the backboard and bracing himself against it. It appeared that the information Apep had gathered from others was true; while the general wasn't known to enjoy rubber he loved muscular men and tattoos, especially as he felt the fingers of the man press against the golden serpent that graced his back. It took all of Edge's willpower not to go full naga and wrap around him, but the point was to keep the General in control while corrupting him. Any lingering fear and doubt that the man might have had felt like it was gone as Edge's claws dug into the wood from feeling something push up underneath his tailhole.

For Ashton the feeling of his cock sinking between the cheeks of another man, even if it was a strange dream rubber snake man, was heavenly as the pleasure radiating from his groin increased ten-fold. The other snake man, this one without a hood like the one he was impaling, had started to rub his latex palms against the fit physique of the General. The sounds of squeaks and groans grew louder as Ashton grabbed onto the thick hips of the man and pushed in deep, causing Edge to gasp and squirm from having several inches of that thick cock inside him at once. Fortunately thanks to the gifts of Apep his hole was able to accommodate such a girthy tool with ease, though he preferred rubber inside of him the throbbing rod felt exhilarating against his synthetic internal walls.

There was one thing that Edge needed to ask Ashton while he was thrusting into him, something that needed to happen if they wanted to be sure that he would be an appropriate subject for Apep. Though the god snake was looking for someone to take charge he still needed to be subservient to him, and they needed to see if he was capable of such a thing. "I think my friend is feeling under stimulated," Edge said as Ashton quickly slid in and out of him while rocking his hips. "Perhaps he could use your hole while you're using mine?"

Both rubber serpents were unsure what would happen next; if Ashton said no then they would let him have sex with Edge and then hope he continued to believe it was all a dream. As they prepared themselves there was a brief pause between them, followed by a deep sigh. "Sure, why not," Ashton replied as he reached an arm back to wrap around Archer. "The more the merrier."

Archer didn't need more of an invitation to that and pushed his smooth synthetic serpentine tool into the hole of the human, being more careful since he was flesh and blood. Ashton responded with a loud moan and an even harder pounding into the man in front of him, causing all three to press together to get as much stimulation as possible. The three rutted like that for what felt like hours before the human was finally spent, Archer deliberately hitting against his prostate to get him to orgasm. The other two enjoyed their own climaxes and soon the three were on the bed tangled around one another breathing heavily.

There was a moment of silence between the three naked men, their panting the only thing being heard in the room before the General spoke up. "...this isn't a dream, is it?" Ashton said, the other two slowly getting up and shaking their heads. "And if this isn't a dream, then you two are really rubber snake creatures, which means the rumors on the Advanced Soldier Program is true."

Both Edge and Archer felt their bodies freeze as they realized that the game was up, and that it possibly had been that way for quite some time. "When did you know?" Edge asked as the two rubber serpent men remained as still as possible. "When did you figure out that we were trying to recruit you?"

"I never knew for certain," Ashton said. "But I happen to get scheduled to look into the base where the program I was looking into was founded? I've never been one for coincidence and plus this entire thing was geared towards my wants from two sexy soldiers to you stripping down right in front of me, which meant either someone was trying to ruin my career or there is something supernatural going on."

"If you believed this was a trap then why come here then?" Edge asked. "And why look into the Advanced Soldier Program at all?"

There was another moment of pause and this time the General looked down. "No one knows this yet but I doubt you're going to tell anyone," Ashton said with a sigh. "I have a muscular disorder that is rapidly degenerating... doctors say that I might have a year of full functionality and maybe another five of life. When I heard about the program giving near superhuman strength and stamina I figured it might be worth it to investigate, and despite the strangeness going on it appears that at the very least that part is true."

The confession caused the two to look at one another, but as they realized what that meant their faces lit up and Edge put a hand on the General's shoulder. "I believe we have the answers you desire," Edge said as he gave Ashton a fanged grin. "Why don't you come with us and I'll explain on the way?"

A few hours later the General knelt naked in the middle of the ritual circle that they had created on base, his body covered in runic designs in gold paint including a serpent that stretched over his erect cock. As a crowd of rubber nagas stood and watched a shadowy figure coalesced in front of the man, causing the braziers prepared for the ritual to flicker as it looked down at the human with glowing red eyes. "General Ashton Miller," Apep said in a booming voice through the minds of the human and his servants alike. "You have agreed to give me your body and soul in exchange for my gifts, to become a serpent of chaos and to forsake your humanity to become my servant."

"Yes," the General replied simply.

"Very well," Apep replied. "Then you will be reborn as Ash, for that is what the ground will be under your body as you slither across it. Take these gifts and rejoice in your rebirth."

The others watched in rapt fascination and reverence as the shadow serpent glided down and coiled around the body of the human, which immediately caused his flesh to blacken and turn shiny while he quivered. Unlike the others he would not need the bodysuit to take the form of Apep, as a General of the serpent god his form would be directly linked to his body as a conduit to the corrupted creature himself. As more of the demonic energy coursed through his body they could see his legs, which had had been bound together by rubber strips in several areas as part of the ritual, thicken and swell so much it looked like he was being filled with water. The sudden addition of mass caused him to fall forward as his already fit body grew with rubbery muscle, Ash hissing loudly as he felt the god pushing out the flesh of his head and neck to form into a hood.

As the transformation progressed the changing creature flipped to his back where everyone could see his cock lengthening even more as rubber covered it, then watched in as it turned a bright gold like the rest of the runes drawn onto his body. As two hands braced the growing back of the enlarged naga Ash suddenly found himself with a pair of hands stroking the new member, his entire serpentine body thrashing back in forth from the stimulation of the second pair of arms growing out from his sides. The creature that was being presented to those in attendance was truly beautiful and had caused several to indulge in their lusts as they watched a second pair of pectorals blossom from the scaly rubber as Ash's face finally pushed out into a long, almost draconic muzzle.

"A most fitting vessssssel!" Apep announced as a second pair of eyes opened right above the first, the hulking snake creature flexing his arms as he could feel the tainted mind of the human fully succumb to the embrace of his corruptive coils. "Enjoy one another this night, for soon every place on this planet will experience the same pleasures. But for now... now we can finally take our plans to the next stage..."

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