A Dog and Pony Show

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A purchase from Stables of Fun leads back to a dog and pony show.

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Virion whistled to himself as he went up the stairs towards his apartment, his hands filled with the groceries that he had bought on his way home from work. The elf had finally been able to get off at a decent time after being slammed with overtime for the entire week. He had been dead on his feet for the last few days and was looking forward to finally having a weekend to have to himself. Well... mostly to himself as his roommate Roscoe was likely going to be hanging around. Fortunately he was good friends with the orc that lived with him and often they would spend their time just hanging out.

As he got close to the apartment Virion found himself smirking slightly as he remembered that the would be something else besides Roscoe that would be there as well, though it wasn't as much a who as it was a what. About a week ago the orc had come back with a rather large red-scale anthro dragon plush, one that was dressed up like a farmer and had sat in their living room until he could find some space for it in his room. While the elf had seen his roommates with other somewhat similar plushie toys this one was definitely bigger and more realistically detailed than most, and when he had asked Roscoe where he had managed to get something like that he said that it was from some new plush store down the street. There was also the fact that despite him being sure that it was merely fluff and cloth that was moving around on him, and for the last few nights he thought he had heard something moving around his door and looked out to see only the dragon farmer plush sitting there...

It was probably just his imagination, the elf thought to himself as he took out his keys and opened the door to his apartment while balancing the groceries on his leg, or possibly that Roscoe was poking fun at him with it. Either way it would have been no surprise to him to see the farmer dragon plush staring right at him when he got inside, only to find the apartment vacant as he got in. It appeared the orc was either in his room or out at the moment as he took the food that he had bought and put it away, and that was fine by him as it would give him an extra moment or two to relax alone. As he started to think about what to make himself for dinner however he paused in the middle of their kitchen as his ears picked up on a strange noise.

At first Virion thought it was his ears playing tricks on him but as he continued to stand there the sound was only getting louder. Though he couldn't quite put his finger on it the noise was like two bean bag chairs that were being slapped against one another or something as he slowly walked out from behind the counter and into the living room. As he continued to investigate the noise was definitely coming from his roommate's bedroom and he could see that the door was slightly ajar. Finding himself sneaking for no particular reason he carefully made his way up to it and could confirm that the source of the sound was coming from inside as he found himself compelled to investigate, slowly opening the door wider to get a better view of what was happening within.

What the elf saw nearly caused him to gasp and give his position away was that he had found the dragon plush once again, but not in a way he had ever expected too. Not only was the clothing that the plushie wore on the ground next to it, which revealed that it was very anatomically correct, but that his exposed cock was also being ridden by a similar plushie anthro dog. The Australian Shepherd straddling the dragon's hips was also sporting quite the erection and as Virion continued to see the situation unfolding in front of him he could see that there were a few other additions to the soft but bulky form of the canine. Though both were very much animate the dog appeared to have his hands tied behind his back and a rope tied from a pair of cuffs to the collar that was warn around his neck.

"What the hell?!" Virion finally found himself saying, the words slipping out of his mouth before he had a chance to stop them as the dog plush nearly slid off of the dragon as he saw both of them give him a startled look. There was the sound of a soft thud as the Australian Shepherd tried to get up and dismount the dragon, falling flat on his face before the other male picked him up and untied the rope that was keeping his arms secured. Virion was so stunned he found himself just standing there and watching the spectacle unfolding before his eyes before he realized exactly where he was staring and began to move back towards the living room.

"Hey, wait up!" the dog plush called out, stopping the elf from leaving as he turned back to see both of them coming towards him. "Virion, it's me, Roscoe. I uh, I didn't think that you were going to be home so early."

"Well, yeah, I was thinking that it was you," the elf said as he poked Roscoe in the stomach, feeling it sink in surprisingly deep to the soft fur and fluff that surrounded the orc's body. "Why didn't you tell me that thing was some sort of plush suit? And who is even in there anyway?"

"Actually you'd be a bit wrong in that there assertion," the dragon plush said as he came up and stood behind Roscoe. "Sorry for not introducing myself earlier; my name is Croy and I'm not exactly someone that is dressed up in a plush suit. Not to drop too much on you at once but I'm actually a living plushie and I, well, I sort of been transforming your roommate here into this form you see before you ever since I found out that he wanted something more to squeeze on during the night if you catch my drift."

The elf just shook his head as he found himself not believing what was coming out of the stuffed muzzle of the dragon, only for both of them to demonstrate that there were no zippers or openings that the two could get out of. As Virion began to think back to earlier in the week he began to remember things that he hadn't remembered at the time mainly due to his exhausted state. He realized that more than once he had seen this particular dog plush just lying there in Roscoe's room when he had gotten in, but for some reason he had assumed that it had always been something that was owned by the orc. Strangely as the elf continued to focus on those times his memories of times that he was talking with the other guy he had flashes of the actual orc standing there in the kitchen or living room as the plushie as well, causing him to shake his head.

Roscoe suggested that they take this conversation to the living room since Virion was getting overwhelmed, and though the elf was about to refuse he did feel like he was swaying a bit. Croy practically picked him up with surprising strength and dragged him over towards the couches, sinking into his body slightly as he did so. While he had pressed against the plushie when the orc had first brought him home this was the first time he was actually embraced by it and once more he didn't feel anything solid that would be a body within. It was sinking in more and more, just like himself before he was gently deposited on the couch, that what he was experiencing was the real thing and that these two creatures were not just people in suits... they were real living plushies.

"I know that it's probably strange for you that I wanted to live a life like this," Croy began to explain as Roscoe went into the nearby kitchen to make them all a cup of tea. "To be honest I had been so ground down by the rigors of daily life that I was starting to feel like I was a ghost of my former self. I was in a pretty deep hole feelings wise and was looking for whatever means of escape I could find, and by the time I happened to stumble across Stables of Fun I was pretty much at the end of my rope."

"Stables of Fun?" Virion repeated, looking up to see Roscoe standing there before taking the cup of tea from his hands. "What's that?"

"It's a store where you can buy all sorts of plushies," Roscoe explained. "While the front of house is for general use and family-friendly there's also another side to the store, which is more aptly named as Stables of Love. I... uh, I was there myself because... well..."

"Relax Roscoe, I already knew what you were into way before this moment," Virion replied, seeing the shocked look on the plush dog's face as he took a sip from his cup before continuing. "We're roommates and your bedroom is closer to the bathroom, I could hear you enjoying yourself with your plushies long before this moment. I actually kind of thought that was what I was going to be looking in on when I peeked through your door."

As Roscoe grinned sheepishly before looking away in sheer embarrassment the dragon chuckled before continuing on. "Anyway that proprietor of the establishment, sheep plush named Arthur, he must have seen that I was in a bad place and that I happened to enjoy such a thing myself," Croy explained. "So he offered me a deal; a brand new life like this in exchange for service to Stables of Love or to be sold in the shop to someone who had... similar interests to myself."

"Which is where Roscoe came in," the elf stated, pointing to the dog plush.

"Exactly," Croy stated with a smirk. "I was introduced to him as a plush at first but when it was clear he was getting excited at the prospect Arthur let the cat out of the bag on what I really was. After a little more vetting it became clear this was the place where I was going and Roscoe bought me right on the spot."

"Just like that?" Virion asked, the dragon nodding. "But what about your job, or family? Surely you couldn't keep living your life as you are now, especially since you've been shacked up here the entire time."

"The Stables take care of all that," Croy stated with a smirk. "I'm not sure how they did it but they made it like I never existed, which was just fine with me, and also got me into an entirely different personality. I know this may shock you but I was not a farmer before I was a plush, but the idea of a down to earth muscular country boy always appealed to me and they made it happen, and though I could have gotten a perception filter I decided to go with the more permanent route and just stay a plush."

As the three continued to chat Virion still had a hard time trying to keep his head straight with everything that was being told to him. While the supernatural wasn't entirely an uncommon thing, the thought of a strange store where you could get turned into a plushie toy and have your entire existence rewritten was a stretch even in his mind. But there was no reason for these two to lie to him and as he got more used to the prospect it was starting to become clear that Roscoe was considering undergoing the same process. It turned out that he had been a plush Australian Shepherd for quite some time and had been using the perception filter that the dragon was talking about in order to continue to look like an orc in his presence, save for one or two times where he had caught them by surprise and only had a second to look like an innocuous plush toy.

By the time Virion believed he had gotten a decent foothold on the situation that was unfolding before him the sun had already set, the elf looking out the window in surprise as the moon appeared in front of it. After several refills and a dinner that surprisingly all three of them ate things almost had a hint of normalcy to them despite his conversation partners being a plush dog and dragon. "Now that we have most of the messy introductions out of the way," Croy said as he leaned forward, a small grin on his muzzle. "I would like to float the invitation for you to join us in our fun."

The sound of ceramic clinking loudly filled the room as Virion fumbled with the cup he had just been about to set down, spilling the tea he had been drinking as Roscoe shot up to get a towel and clean the liquid. "You want me to... join in, with you guys," the elf said as he tried to regain his composure. "Are you talking about as a plushie... or... you know..."

"Well I was hopin that both would be on the table," Croy stated as he leaned back. "But I can tell you're at least curious on how it is that Roscoe over there came to be and I do have some limited abilities to change people. Of course we would have to go to Woolsley in order to make anything permanent if you like it but we can cross that bridge when we get to it, why don't we just start ourselves slow and easy and see where the night takes us?"

It was not an offer that Virion was expecting and as he looked over at his roommate he could see the stuffed tail of the dog plush waving back and forth excitedly waiting for his answer. It started to dawn on the elf that perhaps his finding them in such a compromising position was not accidental, if not completely planned out in order to bring him into this. He had talked with the orc on numerous occasions and when the subject of such things was brought up the elf knew he had said that he had shared a few of his potential kinks with the other man. It had been after quite a few drinks on both side though, with more than a few for the orc, so he had thought that Roscoe had completely forgotten about the conversation until this moment.

"So... you're saying that if I engage in this it'll just be a temporary thing?" Virion asked, both Roscoe and Croy nodding their heads. "I mean, I do have the weekend off and I could use something to relax, can't imagine getting turned into a stuffed animal wouldn't do that for me. It's not going to hurt or anything when it happens, will it?"

"Oh, of course not," the dragon plush said with a big grin as he stood up, holding his hand out to the elf to help him to his feet as well. "The only thing you're going to be feelin is that sense of relaxation that you just stated, and a little bit of pleasure here and there. Trust me, it's going to be the best thing that you've ever experienced."

"I guess I'll just have to wait and see, but I do believe you," the elf replied as they started to move back towards Roscoe's bedroom. "And do I have to give you some sort of design or something?"

"I mean, you certainly can if you got something in mind," Croy stated. "But why don't we go ahead and just wing it for now and see what your desires make you, including something that might have wings!"

Both Roscoe and Croy laughed at that, and though Virion still felt a bit nervous about the whole thing the two next to him seemed to put his mind at ease. Once the three had gotten into the bedroom the dragon had immediately started to take off the elf's clothes while Roscoe helped. As he got stripped one thing that surprised Virion was that Roscoe was taking orders from the dragon so easily. While they hadn't delved exclusively into one another's sex lives he had sort of assumed from the way that the orc talked that he was a more dominant personality, yet as the soft fur of the plush began to rub against his naked skin it was Croy that seemed to be in the driver's seat.

The plush dragon seemed to notice the slight look on confusion on his face and when he asked the elf just decided to be upfront and tell him about what he had observed. "I can totally understand your confusion," Croy said as he reached over and ran his hand through the fur of the plush canine's head. "Turns out this one enjoys being a good boy, right Roscoe? Who's my good boy?"

"I'm your good boy master!" Roscoe said, his eager excitement turning to shock as he realized what he said just as Virion looked over at him. "Well... I suppose that was going to come out anyways, may as well be now."

"Not the only thing that's coming out," Croy said as Virion suddenly felt a tremor of pleasure go up his body, looking down to find the hand of the dragon stroking against his increasingly hard cock. "Looks like we definitely have an interested party here, and from the looks of it I think I already know what you desire to be little elf."

At first Virion wasn't sure what the dragon was talking about but as his member got completely erect he found it was quickly started to push past what his usual length was while also growing thicker in the plush dragon's hand. He let out a soft moan as brown splotches began to appear on the sensitive flesh that was growing shinier by the second. It was really happening, Virion thought to himself as he felt his heart pounding in his chest, he was actually being turned into a plushie as flesh and blood was being assimilated by silicone just like he realized the other two had. He also could see the head flaring and a ring forming in the middle of it, which combined with the length he was getting made him realize just what sort of creature they were turning him into as he gasped when the dragon stroked his new horse cock.

"Looks like we're going to have what we like to call in the Stables a dog and pony show," Croy said with a grin as Virion let out another groan, his own hands going to his new cock as white fur began to sprout from his fingers the second he touched it. "Why don't we have Roscoe here show you a good time while you continue to change, I think I may have something from the stables that will help increase the fun."

When Croy's hands left the soft shaft of the elf more fur was already starting to spread from his groin, his balls swelling as the skin underneath turned to cloth. While the elf wasn't sure what to expect from the transformation other then being turned into a plush and as a tingling sensation spread through his body the only thing that he felt when it came to his insides was a momentary sensation of numbness before it felt like normal again. It was clear though when Roscoe came up on the bed and pushed down on his stomach that the changes had already spread through his body like wildfire, the hand of the canine sinking down so deep that the elf swore he could feel it pressing against his back. Though he tried to get back up everything felt stiff and the dragon put him back on the bed, recommending that he remain laying down since there was a few minutes of paralysis after the initial change.

It didn't take long for Virion to feel how correct the plush dragon was as Roscoe had taken his cock and began to push it into his maw, the elf watching it stretch even as a cascade of pleasure went through his system. Though he wanted to push his hips up he found them not responding to his commands, though they were quivering as they expanded with new growth. It was like someone had taken the stuffing that his insides had turned into and was giving him more, and as the synthetic black horse hair continued to creep up his flat stomach he watched as a set of washboard abs formed there. Croy had come back at that point and wasted no time in stroking them, which combined with the dog plush stretching out his maw beyond normal means to deep throat him was causing his entire body to quiver.

Even before the horse hair reached his chest Virion began to feel another set of changes happening, this time down at his feet where Roscoe was on top of them. As inch after inch of his silicone cock disappeared into the plug dog's maw, which began to bulge out his throat as it slid down, his feet had begun to twitch. Looking past his roommate he could see the pale flesh growing even wider as white hair just like on his hands began to grow out, though the biggest changes were happening to his toes. As the nails blackened they began to stretch out while the flesh knit together, shaking in the air slightly as they turned into a pair of heavy rubber hooves.

"You're turning into quite the thoroughbred!" Croy exclaimed as his hand moved up to Virion's chest, massaging it as plump pectorals grew out while his shoulders broadened. "Shetland Pony if I'm not mistaken of the breed. You're going to make quite the show horse once you're done, you and Roscoe could enter competitions together if you wanted."

Virion tried to respond but it quickly became hard to move his face, though it was hard to think straight anyway with Roscoe completely deepthroating his new horse cock while his arms and legs continued to swell with supple muscle. Horse hair had already completely covered his entire body from the neck down and he could feel the hair on the top of his head, which had previously been blonde before it became saturated with black, turning into a mane. Even as his neck was starting to thicken he could start to feel his face pushing out, starting to stretch as his nose became swollen. It was a bizarre sensation to feel his already pointed ears beginning to stretch and as he continued to feel his already softened skull begin to morph into something more equine like Croy took it and turned it to the side.

Though the changing plush pony knew it was going to happen eventually it still had not quite prepared him for the dragon sticking his rigid silicone cock into his still-forming muzzle. While it was tapered at the tip it had a number of ridges on it that began to pop past his swelling lips, though he could quickly tell that he had already gained the same elastic properties as the dog bobbing up and down on his own cock and causing massive amounts of pleasure. As the last of the changes formed on his body, including feeling the tail sprouting from just above his sculpted rear end or his neck finishing up thickening just in time to have the dragon's member spread it open, he could feel the paralysis that Croy was talking about. Though he wanted to engage more with the two he found himself unable to move a muscle... mostly because his muscles had turned to fluff as his new muzzle bumped up against the synthetic scales of the dragon.

It didn't take long though before he began to feel his limbs once more begin to move under his command, and the second that he was able to he took one hand and pressed it against Roscoe's head to get him completely impaled on his member while he grabbed Croy's butt with the other to do the same with his own maw. Everything from the transformation to his new lithe plush pony body and especially the actions of the two males had caused him to become incredibly horny, needing to milk as much pleasure out of his body as possible. It didn't take long for him to get what he wanted, and from the way that he felt his throat get spread open and the muffled grunts at his groin the others did as well.

As Virion found himself panting despite no longer needing to breathe the other two got off of him, giving him a second to recover before they helped him up so he could look at himself. The sensation of his hooves against the carpet of the room was surreal as they brought him over to the nearby mirror so he could look at himself. He gasped in awe at the horse man that looked back at him, the muscular but still lithe creature covered in black horse hair complete with mane save for his white hands and feet. As he moved around to look at himself it was like someone had created him, and when he stood still and looked at himself with his glassy eyes he almost tricked himself into thinking he was some sort of horse plush as well.

Virion was so enamored with his physique that he didn't even notice that Croy had come up behind him before slipping something against his chest. As the new plush horse looked down he felt leather pressing against his toned physique and saw that the dragon had put a harness on him. "Figured a saddle would be a little much," the dragon said with a grin as he continued to secure the piece on him. "But there's no way I'm going to let a cute little pony man like you go without being properly broken in. Fortunately I know of a good dog that will take care of your needs again while I take care of mine."

Though they had just had sex Virion felt like he was ready to go again, his impressive length stiffening once more as he looked over and saw Roscoe on his back. The cute dog plush already had his legs in the air and somehow Croy had managed to completely tie him up while the plush horse was examining himself to the point where his arms were pinned to his chest. His legs were also completely spread and tied to be upright, and Virion found himself still incredibly horny as he made his way over towards the other male. While he would have never had thought to have sex with the orc like this it almost seemed natural to him now, especially when the canine plush man was practically begging him with his eyes to do it. As he climbed up over the body of the prone plush he could feel Croy still putting gear on him, feeling straps pressing against his face as he was put into a muzzle.

Neither dog nor pony had any intentions of talking though as the dragon preparing Virion helped by sliding the head of his cock until it was pressed against the tailhole of the other male. The soft, velvety insides of the dog plush gave easily and allowed him to slide in several inches at once, causing Roscoe to arch his back as he was suddenly penetrated. Even though their bodies were made specifically to handle it the act had caused both males to stop for a second to keep the emotions from completely overwhelming them. They didn't have long though as the bed sank down even further and Virion felt the presence of the biggest of the three of them slide his hands around and grab his harness.

"Time to give you a real ride," Croy whispered into Virion's ear as the horse plush felt something slid up between his own cheeks, snorting in his muzzle as the ridged cock that he had previously taken in his maw began to slide up him. Much like the dog that he was being pushed even deeper into his own body was able to easily take the ridged length, though it didn't stop the horse from bucking slightly as he was penetrated. He could feel every bit of the silicone cock sliding deep inside of him as his did the same, all three males eventually being hilted in one another as they lay on top of one another.

Though Roscoe was more than happy to be on the bottom, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as the entire foot of horse cock slid into him, but Virion still felt himself bucking slightly back against the dragon that had mounted him. He could feel his dominant streak rising up, making him feel like quite the stallion that should be completely on top. Croy knew what he was doing though and after grabbing onto the reins that were attached to the muzzle and giving a few deep, powerful thrusts he managed to get him back into line. It was still the new pony plush that did the most movement though as he rocked his hips back and forth between the other two males for the start of what would likely be a very, very long night...

When Virion woke up once more he found himself in his own head, groaning slightly as the sun streaming through the window hit his face. He hadn't remembered how he managed to get to his own bed with everything turning into a blur after he had found out about Croy and Roscoe's semi-secretive plush kink. Part of him wondered if everything after that had merely been a dream as he slowly began to get up and out of bed; he had been exhausted with work after all and perhaps the combination of stress and the actual dragon plush had caused him come up with a crazy backstory along crazy all-night romp. When he brought his feet down onto the floor and heard a loud clomp however he paused and realized that what he had experienced was all too real... and that he was still a plush horse!

"Roscoe! Croy!" Virion called out as he stood up, once more finding his gait a little unwieldy as he nearly fell to the floor before he walked to his door and opened it. He saw both the dragon and dog plush men sitting at the kitchen eating breakfast, both of them looking up at the same time as he brushed the long strands of his mane out of his face before moving forward. "I thought you said that I was going to change back in the morning!"

"No, I merely said that the changes weren't permanent," Croy quickly contradicted. "The fact that you managed to maintain your form even through the night means that you are super into it, probably as much as you were into Roscoe over here if you know what I mean."

Both males blushed at that as Virion made his way over to the barstools that bordered the countertop that separated their kitchen from the main room, sitting down next to the dragon just as Roscoe slid some eggs in front of him. At first he wasn't sure he would be hungry since he was a living plush but as soon as he dug he found they tasted delicious. As the two had stated back when he was still an elf they didn't need to eat to survive but they found the act to be a comfort as well as a way to regain energy and stamina quicker. For Virion it was merely the act of eating a delicious breakfast as the dragon drank his cup of coffee.

"So now that we got ourselves all properly acquainted," Croy said after finishing the cup. "I think it's time that we go ahead and discuss what our long-term prospects here are."

"Long-term prospects?" Roscoe asked as he sat opposite the two of them with his own plate finally filled. "What do you mean?"

"Well I already know that you are more than comfortable staying in such a form as that," Croy stated as gestured from the plush dog to the plush pony. "The real question of the day is whether Virion here is going to want to stay a bucking bronco or want to be an elf again. If it's the former then we need to decide what the situation is going to be with you two living your lives as normal or if you want to be like me and cast it all off to be owned by someone else."

The question was definitely not something that Virion had expected to get after what happened last night, and when he looked over at Roscoe he could tell that his roommate had been blindsided as well. The dragon plush continued on to explain that he didn't have the power to keep turning them back and forth into the forms they currently were nor the ability to keep a perception shield on them if they decided to keep living their lives even as living plushies. For Virion who had just recently adopted this fluffy horse persona he was still keenly aware on what his elven form was like, though as he looked down at his handsome, muscular body he couldn't help but feel like that was actually a detriment. Even if he decided he wanted to stay that way though did he really want to be owned by someone else, or on the flip side be surrounded by normal people while knowing that he was actually some stuffed horse walking around masquerading as an elf?

As they started to get into deep discussion on where they wanted to go with this the farmer dragon suggested that they take this to the Stables where they would meet the one helping them regardless of decision. The horse and dog plush both nodded and as Virion went to go get dressed he realized that none of his clothes would even remotely fit before remembering that the perception filter Croy had would project them onto his body. The only one that wouldn't benefit from such a thing was the dragon plush himself, getting dressed back in his farmer get-up before moving to the door. The second they were ready Croy went limp and the other two sighed slightly as they picked him up.

To anyone watching they would have seen an elf and orc carrying a dragon plushies bigger than either them over to the elevator. The strange looks they caught on the way down would have been nothing if they could see what Virion saw when he looked over at the reflection on the metal wall. While Croy continued to remain motionless the similarly textured dog and horse that were carrying him could easily stand out in a crowd. As the plush pony looked at himself however he also felt a little sad that he wasn't wearing the harness that he had been given... but he quickly shook his head and knew not to push his luck as the elevator doors opened and they brought the dragon plush over to Roscoe's car.

Though the car was made for an orc the three of them still found themselves slightly cramped; Croy took up the entirety of the backseat and had a floppy foot and tail pushing up into the front where the other two were. Though Roscoe wasn't much bigger then in his orc form the new pony plush body that Virion had gotten was, causing the former elf to try and shift and move about to get into a comfortable position while they drove. It didn't help his new hooves kept trying to dig into the front of the car and more than once he nearly caused the canine driving to go off the road when he slipped and shifted. Eventually the three made it to the back parking lot of Stables of Fun where they parked.

"Ah, home sweet home," Croy said as he got out himself and stretched. "Thanks for the lift guys."

"Not like we had much choice in the matter," Roscoe said as he looked over at the back entrance of the building. "Do you think that they're going to mind us coming in the middle of the day like this? I thought Stables of Love was only open at night."

"You can only get in through the front at night," Croy corrected. "Those who have been plushified like ourselves have access to it whenever we wanted. Come on then, you two have a meeting with Mr. Woolsley."

The other two nodded and though they were both nervous the former elf and orc turned plushies quickly followed the dragon's lead and went up to the back door. They saw that it was locked with a keypad but before they could even ask about it the dragon punched in the code, hearing it chirp and the red light turned green before Croy opened it. Once they were all inside they quickly closed the door behind them while the horse and dog plushies looked around. It appeared to them to be a normal hallway that one might find at the back of any retail store as they moved forward under the flickering light of the florescent bulb.

As soon as they turned the corner however any façade of this being a normal store was quickly shot out the window as they saw a number of plushie creatures just like them walking around. This particular area was modified to look like actual stables and as they moved past them they could see several similar to Virion standing there in varying levels of bondage. Those that could still see gave the three of them, particularly the Shetland pony plush, leering looks as lewd grins crossed their muzzles. Before they could get to the other side and further into the Stables of Love the door opened and they saw a muscular black horse plush standing there in the doorway.

"Back so soon Croy?" the horse man said with a smirk. "I'd ask if they were looking for a return but I see you've worked your magic on them. Woolsley is currently on the sales floor helping some of our newer cashiers get used to the process of custom ordering, someone has apparently wanted an elephant plush that is bigger than most living rooms, so I will be happy to entertain you until he gets back."

"Sounds like a plan Abara," Croy replied as he tipped his hat. "These two still aren't quite sure about joining in the fun, so make sure to take it easy on them. That being said if you can help with the sales pitch for these two I wouldn't be opposed to that."

Both Roscoe and Virion watched as the other stallion plush looked the two of them up and down, then approached the Australian shepherd first and looked right into his eyes. "This one doesn't have much more prodding, if any, until he joins in," Abara stated, Virion watching Roscoe grin sheepishly as the horse moved over to him and locked his gaze. "This one is a little wilder, which is funny considering this one was the elf, and also more unsure, but I think with a little attention we can help break him while still cultivating that confidence of his. Perhaps if you could show him the true extent of what can happen here then you might convince them to see things from... your point of view."

Croy tilted his head for a second before a look of realization came over him, then grinned and nodded before telling the two to follow him. They followed the plush dragon until they got into a room that caused all three of them to let out a little shiver. The place was brimming with energy and even though they couldn't do anything with it both Roscoe and Virion felt completely refreshed. Croy explained to them that this place was for plushies with powers like him to both regain and augment their abilities, and as they moved over to a private room he said that Abara had given him an idea on just what sort of fun they could have while waiting for Arthur to finish what he needed to do on the sales floor. The second that they got inside Croy locked the door behind them before handing each of them a collar.

"What's this Croy?" Roscoe said as he looked at the collar, which was the same brilliant red as the dragon's scales and had a tag on it the dog plus read. "It just has your name on it."

"Yeah, mine does too," Virion stated as he showed off the golden letters of the plush dragon's name. "Where did you get these anyway?"

"Made them myself," Croy stated. "Now I could tell you what happens when you put them on but I reckon it'd be more fun if you just saw for yourselves! Then while you do that I'm going to go ahead and slip into something a little more comfortable myself."

The dragon plush gave them both a wink before motioning for them to turn around and try them on. Both Virion and Roscoe knew that these weren't just normal collars, though what purpose they had then continued to elude them. As the pony plush continued to look his over he glanced up to see that his canine counterpart had already put his own, adjusting it around his neck. "What, he said we were going to see what would happen anyway," Roscoe stated. "No use waiting around to see what it was... what it was... whoa..."

The reason Roscoe repeated himself was that the dog plush's voice had changed with each word, going form his normal tone to something slightly deeper. As he continued to speak they realized that it was a familiar sound that they had definitely heard before and as he scratched his neck Virion could see yellow and red scales spreading across his fur. When Virion pointed it out Roscoe reached up with his hands to grab at the collar, only to watch his plush fingers immediately sprout red scales and claws when he touched it.

"Oh... I'm starting to feel kinda strange," Roscoe said as the soft plush scales began to spread down his shoulders, which swelled with faux muscle, and rippled down his chest. "Like... I'm supposed to be a dragon."

"But you're a dog," Virion replied, crossing his arms. "And technically speaking you're an orc!"

"I think I'd rather be a dragon though," Roscoe replied, a smile starting to form on his face as his lupine snout grew and bulged until it became more draconic in nature. "Here, let me help you put on yours, that way you can see what it's like too! I promise you're not going to regret it."

Before Virion could say anything otherwise the transforming canine had taken the collar out of his hands and managed to get it around his neck. The plush horse let out a snort and tried to reach back to stop Roscoe but before he could do so he heard the clasp click into place. "Dangit Roscoe, why'd you go and do a thing like that?" Virion scolded, though as he spoke he almost immediately sounded like the farmer dragon that Roscoe had already half turned into. "Oh man, now I sound like him too! We're going to be three plush dragons now..."

"Ain't nothing wrong with that in my opinion," a voice behind them said, the mostly transformed canine and changing horse turning to see the real Croy standing there completely naked and with a collar on himself. "That's just the start of the fun though, now that you two are getting into it I've done the same as well. Why don't you two stunning looking creatures kneel on down and have a look at what I'm packing now."

The two living plushies looked down to see that instead of the one thick rubber cock that rested between the dragon's thighs there were two, and they were both fully erect. As Virion started to step over towards it he stumbled and saw that his own transformation had already completely enveloped his feet, watching toes push out from his hooves and his heel turn up into the exact same draconic configuration as Croy. When he looked down at himself he realized that it wasn't just his feet that have changed; when the transforming pony plush twisted around and looked behind him he saw his fabric back morph and twist into a thick, heavy tail. A similar sensation came over his upper back and he felt his shoulders pull as a new pair of wings pushed out of his back.

It was a bizarre sensation for sure and when Virion turned back to Roscoe he saw that not only was the former orc turned dog already on his knees with one of Croy's cock in his maw but also now looked almost identical to the other dragon, save for the dual dicks. The real Croy looked over at the transforming horse and smirked, motioning with his clawed fingers before pointing down on his unoccupied shaft. As the last of the equine features disappeared from Virion's body and replaced with the same draconic features as the other two Croy's he found himself moving forward until he had dropped down next to the other dragon. The throbbing rubber shaft slid easily down Virion's new maw, his already plushified maw able to stretch over it until it had pushed all the way into his throat.

Though Virion looked identical to the other two dragons he still found himself able to tell that he was still himself, which was bizarre since he identified with his plush pony form instead of his elf body. Either way it was strange seeing the red muzzle of Croy in his own field of vision as the one that looked down at him. "I can tell that you two are ready for the next phase of this," Croy said as he pulled back and slid both cocks out of their maws. "You're going to love it."

"You mean there's more?" Roscoe asked, shaking his head slightly at still hearing the voice of the dragon coming out of the similarly-shaped maw while he looked down at himself. "I thought turning us into identical dragon plushies would be enough."

Croy just smirked and moved his two doppelgangers over to a large bean bag style chair, lying down on it before motioning for the others to turn around. The still erect members of the dragon were propped up and both Roscoe and Virion began to lower themselves down onto it. Both male dragons were helped by being propped up from one beneath them, each one feeling a hand against the small of their back as they took the tip of the rubber cock and pushed it into their tailholes. All three living plushies let out a loud moan as the two dicks slid into the tight holes of the dragons above them.

Both Roscoe and Virion continued to allow themselves to slide down those shafts, and as they did they began to feel something else besides the throbbing tool pushing up into them. At first he thought that his tail had gone stiff... but as he adjusted himself he looked back and saw that his tail had been pressed up against the chest of the real Croy and the fabric was starting to knit together! When he attempted to pull it away he saw that almost half of it had already gotten sucked into the other dragon's frame. Just as he tried to turn around and tell Roscoe what he saw Virion was shocked to find that his friend had already figured it out as his foot had been pressed against the leg of the dragon plush and was already completely sunk inside.

"You see, when Abara said that you two should get a look from my perspective I remembered that we had a gryphon plush that came through recently that was a merge of two people," Croy said as he felt the two dragons try and stand up, only to feel the tug against their backs where the hands of the one still pushing his cocks into them had melded with them. "Now I'm not going to do anything quite like that, but I was thinking that since we are three rather handsome looking dragons I figure that three heads would be better than one!"

Since they were all living plushies it was clear that like with their initial transformation there wasn't going to be any pain, but it was still bizarre to Virion to feel the cock causing cascades of pure pleasure in his tailhole to push out his stomach before sliding right into his own. The silicone horsecock had been chanced into a rubber draconic dick from the collar so when he felt it push up inside it fit like a glove. Roscoe was experiencing the same thing as his own hips began to buck up at the same time as the dragon beneath them, and when they had completely hilted Croy reminded them that he only had one cock in the first place and intended to keep it that way. As more of their fabric scales knitted together and the strange sensation of pleasure bounced between their increasingly conjoined form.

Not only were Roscoe and Virion merging with Croy but also one another; as their butts were completely absorbed into the dragon they had managed to somehow swing their rubber shafts around until they touched, and as soon as they did the rubber stuck together and wouldn't let go. Virion reached out to grab Roscoe and when he did his entire arm sank right into the side of the other dragon. All three dragons were huffing and panting as their backs pressed against the chest of Croy and immediately were pulled in as well, both of them extending their necks in order to try and not get everything pulled into the expanding plush beneath them. As they did they felt the fabric stretching, a groan escaping from Roscoe and Virion's maws as their bodies became amorphous blobs while their stuffing flowed into Croy's form.

As the makeshift plush hydra began to settle in the two heads on the side watched as the arms they formerly controlled reached over and pushed their partially merged cocks together as stuffing made their biceps and forearms bulge with new muscle. It was hard for Virion to concentrate on anything though as the pleasure that came from the act of stroking their shared rubber member was second only to the fact that all three of them seemed to be amplifying it with one another. Not only that but as his neck settled on the widened shoulders of their new body he could also see out of the eyes of the others, something that was very disorienting as he found himself looking at his own head and saw the collar had changed subtly.

"Hey, my collar says Virion on it now," Virion stated as he looked through Roscoe's eyes to see it.

"And mine says Roscoe!" Roscoe said soon after.

Croy chuckled as the two of them marveled at how they were able to turn and look at all angles, though Virion was quick to notice that that their heads were the only thing that they controlled. When they looked down they saw that had retained their ability to walk on two legs but their entire frame had become swollen with new growth. They were at least a few feet taller not including their longer necks, and as he felt their hands run over their body he couldn't help but shiver from feeling their increased musculature. Their gaze continued down their impressive washboard abs it went down towards the huge throbbing rubber cock jutting out from their groin...

Just as they were about to fully examine their new body they heard a knock at the door and a voice ask if they could come in. Though the heads that were originally Virion and Roscoe didn't know who it was they were quickly relayed the knowledge that the one on the other side was Master Woolsley. Both Roscoe and Virion felt their heads get pulled back by the sheer force of speed that Croy got up from the bean bag and ran over towards the door to unlock it. Once they had done so the three of them immediately backed away and allowed for the dapper plush sheep to walk in.

"I see that you two have been quite a bit of fun," Arthur said with a chuckle, though as Virion watched it appeared the permanent smile on his face hadn't moved an inch. "When Abara said that you might do something like this I have to admit that I was not expecting a three-headed plush dragon. Of course I don't believe that you three intend to stay that way, so why don't we go ahead and get you back to the way you were."

There was a tap on the floor from the sheep and suddenly the three of them began to feel themselves transforming back, stuffing and fabric shifting around as one dragon with three heads separated into three separate creatures. Not only had they gotten back into their own bodies but they were also back to their original bodies... or at least their previous living plush forms. The dog and pony took a second to get themselves reacquainted with their bodies before they were led back out of the room and through the Stables of Love once more. They ended up going all the way towards an office that was presumed to be Arthur Woolsley's personal office.

"As you can see we can offer a variety of options towards plushie aficionados such as yourselves," Arthur said once they had all gotten situated. "As Roscoe over her already knows from coming in previously we can have you live the full life of a plushie, finding like minded people such as yourselves in order to get a buyer that will truly appreciate you for your talents, or you can continue to live your lives as normal but with a softer, cuddlier side to you. Of course if you have found yourself not enjoying what has happened to you either we can always restore you to your previous state and eagerly accept you as a customer and client."

As Croy and Roscoe talked about the differences between being put up for sale, being employed in the stables, and just living as plushies while under the protection of a much more powerful perception filter Virion wondered if he was still going to go along with everything. He did find himself enjoying everything that had happened to him but it had come with the guarantee that he would be able to change back, and from what was being discussed in front of him this seemed more of a point of no return moment. Even though he was pretty sure if he wanted to go back he could just ask if he agreed with whatever Roscoe decided to do, knowing the plush dog was going to indulge in this lifestyle, he would be putting a lot of investment into something that he would throw away if he turned to an elf.

There was a sudden tap of a cane against the floor and Virion found himself looking up at Arthur, that grin still plastered on his face as he looked over at him. "You've been awfully quiet over there my dear stallion," Arthur said. "And I can see that you have more than a little concern on your face. Is there something I can do to perhaps ease your worries?"

"It's not that, Mr. Woolsley," Virion quickly retorted. "I do like everything here and being merged with Croy was definitely something I could never do otherwise, but I do have a life outside of this and I don't want this affecting it too much."

"I can certainly understand that," Arthur replied, standing up and motioning for Virion to stand up next to him before facing him in front of a mirror in the office. "While Croy wanted to live the life of a plush I know it's not for everyone, even Roscoe over there has been debating back and forth between a life in the Stables and returning out into the real world. If you're worried that looking at yourself and seeing an admittedly handsome stud such as yourself might start being distracting we can always make is to that doesn't happen."

Once more Arthur tapped his cane on the floor and Virion suddenly gasped as the plush Shetland Pony that had been standing there next to the plush sheep was replaced with a naked elf. When he ran his hands down his chest he was greeted with the touch of real flesh and blood, not fabric like he had been used to. "So... I'm me again?" Virion stated in shock. "You turned me back into an elf?"

"I merely extended the perception filter so that included you as well," Arthur replied. "Your body is still very much what you were before though, so you'll have to will yourself some clothing if you want to go out. Now if you want to return back to your real body all you need to do is have yourself or someone you trust give you a signal... I'm personally fond of this one myself."

Before Virion could say anything Arthur had reached up and bopped him right between the eyes with the palm of his hand, and after he shook his head he saw that once more the plush pony was standing there. It had all felt so real... and as he dug deeper into his thoughts he realized he was having a hard time remembering which body was his real one as his elven form felt more like a disguise than anything else. When he turned towards Roscoe and Croy he could see that they were waiting for his decision and as he looked back in his reflection he took a deep breath. Elf... or plush pony... after a minute or so of back and forth Virion finally made his choise...

The next day Virion huffed as he adjusted his harness, taking the bit that had been put in his muzzle out so he could speak. "I still don't know how I got the part of the plow horse," he said to Croy, the dragon smirking at him as he adjusted his overalls. "Couldn't I just be a riding horse?"

"Now now Virion," Croy stated as he continued to pet Roscoe, who was merely wearing a bandana around his neck and a hat on his head. "We all have our jobs; I get to be the farmer, Roscoe here is our herding dog, and you get to be the plow horse. Now come on, the costume contest is about to begin in the Stables and I'm not about to lose a dog and pony show with you two at my side!"

Assimilating the Past

It was a normal day for most of the citizens of the large city, everyone moving about their business as the sun slowly began to set. As the lights flickered to life and illuminated the streets below an eastern dragon woman was attempting to get...

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The Chimera King Campaign

It had nearly a year since the hit game Nexus Wars had come out, and though for Dieter the idea of PvP combat wasn't something that interested them it was all their friends had been playing ever since they had gotten it. Even though they had...

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Expert Soldier Program

With the wargames that they had planned being a huge success Apep sat on his ethereal throne and watched as his influence continued to spread. The Advanced Soldier Program was declared a resounding success to all those that had participated,...

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