Visiting the Botanical Gardens (3/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of Visiting the Botanical Gardens

A wolf named Lorkos is touring a botanical gardens when it overlaps with a nexus world run by a specific plant fox. Thus begins a tour of Yavini's realm where he shows the lupine all the things that he has to offer.

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After the intense escapade that Lorkos had with Ceres and the rest of the wolves he did find it refreshing to have a little down time where he could explore what his new body was capable of in a non-sexual way. He found that being out in the sun gave him boundless amounts of energy, feeling constantly charged even as he ran around with the others playing various games. After a bit of practice he also managed to figure out how to quickly shift from anthro to feral forms like he had seen them do when they first met, testing out his newfound strength and flexibility with the others as they practically bounced around one another. He also found that he now produced the same sweet sap that he had tasted when he had kissed the other plant wolf, though after a while it became an afterthought as he got drinks with the group and discussed how he was adapting to his new body.

With becoming a plant creature there also came certain perks when it came to his resiliency to injury, which allowed him to do things that would normally be rather unsafe such as climb the massive brontosaurus topiary creature all the way up to his head. When he got to the top with the others Lorkos was able to see what he thought was the entire realm, though when he expressed that thought to the others they told him this is merely a slice of what Yavini's realm encompassed. He continued to look on in awe as they pointed out different areas where different groups of plant creatures tended to hang out. In the middle of it all was the series of pyramid-like structures that all the minions had coined as the hanging gardens, though no one knew where it had originally came from as they sat there watching the sun set.

"Hey, do you guys mind getting off me now?" the brontosaurus topiary said as they sensed his head shifting and saw his eyes look up at them. "We're getting close to the night and I don't need you guys sleeping on top of me... again." The wolves chuckled and told Lorkos that the way down was much easier then the way up, asking if they had ever seen the cartoon where the guy slide down the back of the dinosaur before they showed him what they meant. He watched as the three lupines surf down the leafy back of the creature all the way down to the tail, Lorkos swallowing hard at the sheer distance before hopping up and doing the same.

Lorkos felt his chest pounding as he quickly went down the back of the bronto's neck before shifting up the hump of his back. The leaves of his feet rubbed almost effortlessly against the bigger ones that plated the bigger male's back, causing him to gain even more speed as he went over the rump and started the slide down the tail. The purple leaf wolf's eyes widened as he realized he had greatly underestimated the speed he was going to get on the way down and when he came to the tip he hopped off and tried to run forward the second his feet touched the ground.

Unfortunately as soon as he hit the grass the sudden loss of momentum caused him to topple forward, rolling along the ground for more than a few feet before he finally came to a stop with his head against the ground and his own tail against his head. "Nobody gets the bronto slide right on their first try," Ceres stated as he went over and helped Lorkos get onto his feet. "But we're getting close to the night I wanted to make sure that we get you ready, got a little get-together planned for you."

"Oh, like a party?" Lorkos asked as they began to move away from the topiary garden while the sun began to set and color the sky with all sorts of strange hues.

"Party comes after," Ceres stated. "Yavini had let us in on a little secret while you were seeing how fast you could run and it so happens to perfectly fit into the plans that we have for you. Since this is a little more of an intimate experience, I thought that we would do it somewhere more private."

"More intimate?" Lorkos asked with a grin on his muzzle. "You had your vine coming out of my mouth, how much more intimate can it get?"

Ceres just smiled back at him as he moved with the three towards one of the hanging garden buildings. Inside this one appeared to be the quarters of the creatures that were in the realm, or at least one of them as he looked inside the bedrooms and found them to be rather large. Though he hadn't gotten a pulse on just how many creatures Yavini had in his domain he had to guess with his current exposure and seeing the expansiveness of the realm that it had to number in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. It was an interesting thought that he would have to ask the plant fox later as he was brought into a smaller room that didn't have a bed. Once they were inside and the door was closed the other two wolves had immediately begin to rub against his body, kissing and licking against his form while Ceres just looked on with a smile.

"I have to say that they've been rather eager to do this ever since you agreed," Ceres explained as Lorkos let out a small groan from the stimulation he was getting. "Now I could tell you what you're in for, but I think I'm going to leave it as a surprise for now. Just let these two take the lead; they're quite good at what they're doing and as I said they are very eager to get started."

Lorkos was more than happy to let the two wolves practically circling around him to take the lead, watching them as they continued to grope up and down his body. Their tails were practically wagging off of their bodies as they lavished him with attention, at one point the two leaning down and gripping his thighs while licking and teasing his own hardening vine cock. They didn't linger there long though and when Lorkos tried to turn himself to see what they were doing he was quickly adjusted to stand forward once again. The purple plant wolf didn't have to be told twice as he stood still and let the two continue to do their work.

Eventually the two took up positions in front and behind him, keeping Lorkos in the middle as he felt their hands shifting around his groin. It appeared they were going to be having some three-way fun, but that couldn't possibly be what the surprise was Lorkos thought. Though the stimulation was definitely distracting, especially when he felt a hand clasp around his thick length and began to guide it into the tailhole of the male in front of him, his mind worked on what they could possibly be doing to him. After the demonstration this afternoon Ceres proved that almost anything was possible as he felt something pushing up between his cheeks.

With his anatomy already heavily altered there was little need for preparation this time as the vine cock of the male beneath him began to sink inside, his passage already lubed with sap as he felt the chest of the wolf press against his back. The two males gasped as Lorkos felt a tongue against his ear, then had the appendage slither forward before pushing its way into his maw. He had long since figured out how to use his own tongue and he wrapped around the vine and pulled it deeper into him while the wolf in front of him grinded his rear against his crotch. Soon the front wolf decided that it was time and with the leafy lupine behind him already having his shaft halfway inside him it made Lorkos weak in the knees with pleasure as he felt his own cock get squeezed by the inner walls of the male in front of him.

The entire time Ceres continued to watch him expectantly, making Lorkos continue to wonder, in between thrusts, what the leaf wolf was waiting for. While the pleasure was exquisite and the three males had soon gotten into a rhythm that was their middle male bouncing back and forth between the two sandwiching him he knew there was something more that should happen. Still the only thing he could do was stand there and enjoy the sensations coming from his groin as the three began to increase in sync with one another.

Soon all three of their hips moved in unison, which while still very stimulating meant to Lorkos that he couldn't penetrate any further into the one in front of him or receive the same treatment from the one in back. With the increasing amount of arousal making it hard to talk, along with the vine tongue still lodged in his mouth that was soon joined by a second as the wolf in front leaned his head back on the opposite side, so instead of asking he had to feel out what was going on. His hands trailed down to his hips in order to see if he could get them on a different pace, then slid forward to try and get the male in front of him to shift...

...only to find no break in their bodies. Even with the vine tongues practically pushing into his throat he was able to look down enough to see that the space between his groin and the rear of the male in front of him was virtually non-existent. Looking back he saw a similar phenomenon with the wolf behind him, though he caught it in to see the vines between their bucking bodies sliding around one another and forming into the a solid, smooth surface. Not only where they no longer separate entities but the mass that was being pushed around seemed to be shifting around, their bodies thinning from three to one while their hips and thighs widened.

"I think you've figured it out by now," Ceres said as he walked over and gave the butt of the wolf in back a squeeze, Lorkos nearly jumping when he also felt the pleasure of the grope as the purple leaves of his body began to spread to the connected areas of the other two. "Now normally I happen to be the middle head in this little trio, but I figure since you're a guest of Yavini I would let you do the honors. The two on either side of you are so used to be the sides anyway they probably would have declined being the primary even if I had offered it to them."

Lorkos could feel both males nodding their head, not only feeling their bodies rub together from the movement but also in his own shoulders as the merging wasn't just confined to his midsection. The wolf in back took his arms and wrapped them above the shoulders of Lorkos and pressed them into the pectorals of the one in front while the front wolf reached back underneath Lorkos's arms and pressed them against his back. Now that he knew what was going on he could feel it as their appendages melted into the bodies of one another, essentially trapping him in the middle with the mass gained from their conjoining flowing into their arms and causing them to bulk up.

The two leaf wolves that had surrounded him seemed to have little trouble adjusting themselves to becoming one creature, Lorkos feeling their pleasure spike as their bodies flowed into his. The central point of the changes was where the transformation had already looked completely as he felt his own cock continuing to slide deeper into the lupine in front of him once they had started to press together until his own member seemed to absorb into the vine cock that was now almost twice as thick. Their legs had also began to go the same route as the ones behind and in front of him pushed their feet on top of his until they sank down into it, the green leaves being completely assimilated by the purple ones as he felt his paws stretch and grow until they could accommodate their new frame all on his own.

But as their bodies flowed together and Lorkos' colors began to present themselves even though he had been the one in the middle he began to feel something else happening to him. The entire time their bodies had been pulling into one another they hadn't stopped kissing and tonguing one another and as he looked at the other two heads shifting onto his widening shoulder blades they both had a glassy-eyed stare. He began to feel tendrils of his own psyche shifting into them, filling the space as though there were a void there that his own mind needed to fill. Soon their tongues untangled themselves from one another and as he began to feel like his attention was being split all three heads started to move about as though confused.

"Lorkos," Ceres said suddenly, which caused all three heads to look at him as the wolf in the middle suddenly felt each one as though it were his own. "That's a good wolf, I see the other two have stepped aside already and let you assume control."

"Assume control?" Lorkos replied, stunning himself slightly when he heard his words come out of all three heads at once. "Whoa... what's happening?" As he asked that question he began to feel dizzy as the area around him suddenly started to grow distorted, his huge muscular form stumbling slightly as his vision began to grow fractured. Though his body moved like his own it was almost alien to him, especially when he looked down and saw that he looked like some sort of hulking behemoth plant monster now with all the muscle mass he had gained.

"Calm down, calm down," Ceres shushed as he took the middle head and grabbed it with his hands, keeping Lorkos focused on him as the other two heads seemed to go from following his every move to looking around idly. "It's hard trying to control three heads at once, even if two of them are well versed in this sort of thing. What I want you to do right now is keep your mental state in this central head first and then branch out to the other two one at a time when you feel ready."

With the help of the plant wolf's words Lorkos eventually got it so that his vision was focused whole on the on the one in front of him, realizing that he was seeing fractured perspectives because he was attempting to look out of more than one set of eyes as he felt himself calming down. "So, this is the big secret you were waiting to spring on me," he stated only out of his middle head this time, Ceres grinning and nodding. "You three have done this a lot before?"

"You could say that," Ceres replied with a wink. "There was a reason why the other two didn't tell you their names, they thought if you knew they were called Bera and Russo along with my own name you might catch on to what we were doing."

"Bera... Russo... and Ceres..." Lorkos said in contemplation before his eyes lit up in realization and a smirk overtook all three muzzles. "Of course, Cerberus."

"You got it," Ceres replied with a wink. "The three of us were converted together and had been the best of friends when Yavini found us and transformed us into the creatures you saw before. Since the plant fox can see that we shared... similar feelings and desires with one another he actually gave us the option to do something similar to what you just experienced. At first we were a little weirded out ourselves, suddenly having one body with three heads that we all sort of controlled, but we had been used to relying on one another and after a bit it actually all sort of came naturally."

"Interesting," Lorkos stated, his mind and body calming down as they continued to talk to the point where he even attempted to switch which head he looked out of. Though it was clear he had not done it seamlessly, Ceres immediately glancing over from the head in the middle to the one on the left that he had attempted to inhabit, he found himself looking and speaking out of the left head while the middle one suddenly became passive. "But if you guys enjoy being a Cerberus so much why not just stay in it all the time?"

"I think it's because we still enjoy our individuality," Ceres replied with a slight shrug. "Imagine having to stay in a room with two other people at all times and only being able to do something if the other two agree to it. Though they usually relinquish control to me there are times when we want to do our own things, so having separate bodies is useful for that. Of course I know of others who are more than willing to do such a thing, in fact I heard there was minion out there that is a seven-headed hyrda that all have different personalities and one body."

"Wow..." Lorkos responded. "Can I meet them?"

"They're not one of Yavini's followers," Ceres explained. "I think that they're one of either Lord Famjin's or Lord Renzyl's... or they may both have one, who knows. The brothers are always swapping followers based on the whims of where their minions want to go."

Though initially Lorkos thought he was going to be left behind when it came to the lore of this place he found that he had access to the knowledge of who those two were, seeing a heavily muscled neoprene shark in a bunch of diver gear and an athletic black rubber dragon with glowing red eyes. The merged wolf realized that while the two other entities he shared a body with weren't actively taking part in its management they were either feeding him the information or he somehow had access to their memories. It made him wonder what else he could possibly find, but quickly decided against it since he didn't want to poke around. Lorkos had been so engrossed in his own internal workings of being a merged creature he didn't even notice that the other plant wolf had been securing collars around his necks until he got to the one in the middle.

"I told you that there was going to be a party after this little get-together," Lorkos stated with a wide grin as he took the three leashes and gave them all a tug. "It'll be interesting to see how people interact from outside of the box this time, especially since a three-headed creature is always a fan favorite when it comes to these things. Also I'll be able to show you a few more fun things that body can do while you get used to the split perspective."

"Split perspective?" Lorkos repeated. "How do I do that?"

"Well it already looks like you're getting used to switching from head to head," Ceres replied as he looked over to the right head that Lorkos had spoken out of. "That part is pretty easy, the real trick is to get it so that you can have all three heads operating under your control simultaneously so that you can essentially do three things at once. Here, I'll show you with a little exercise I was taught in order to get used to it when the other two decide to just let me run the show."

The plant wolf had Lorkos say a letter from the left head, then a different letter from the middle head, and finally a third letter from the right head. It seemed simple enough, with switching from head to head he found himself able to say all three in a somewhat quick succession. Once he had proven he could do that Ceres had him do the same exercise only a little faster, then a little faster again, and finally after five times he told Lorkos to say all three letters at the same time. Though he had just been doing something similar suddenly having to command all three heads to say a different letter through him for a loop as his middle head went first with the other two chiming in at different times after that.

Ceres chuckled as all three heads became visibly flustered at that, telling him not to worry and that he would get the hang of it soon enough. He also explained that it would be easier to show him a few things with other people and a few more props, Lorkos getting prompted once more with a tug on the leash as they walked out of the small room and into the night sky. As they walked out into the garden area the three-headed plant wolf found that there wasn't nearly as much activity of creatures walking around like there was in the day, though that was made up by finding various places where people were partying. Though quite a few were the similar plant creatures he saw during the day a lot were darker creatures that glowed with phosphorescent light in swirling patterns all along their bodies.

Eventually they came to an area that looked like it was the pool that belonged to some sort of resort or casino, the music thumping loudly in one corner of the massive patio while the other side had the bar and seating for those who preferred to actually hear what one another was saying. For Ceres and Lorkos the latter was the spot that they had taken, and from the way people reacted to the plant wolf's presence it appeared this was a favored watering hole of his. There were also quite a few that were drawn to the new Cerberus since Ceres wasn't a part of it, the plant wolf explaining more than once that Yavini had a new guest and he had given him the reigns for a while.

As the night wore on Ceres and Lorkos continued to talk while also getting to know a few others in Yavini's realm, most of them in the exotic category of night creatures that sat and drank with them for a while. Soon Ceres started to have them help him gain better control over his heads, with one in particular having three males that glowed with a bright blue light holding a different colored drink. "Alright... and drink!" The three tipped back the glasses and Lorkos found himself having all three liquids drain down into his throat without problem... though as he smacked the three sets of lips he had he found something interesting happening in his mouth. "Well, what do you think?"

"It's like the flavors are mixing even though I had know that they were a part of three different drinks," Lorkos explained, calling back to the sips he had taken of each one with his middle head before he chugged all three at once. "It's like... I know that they were all different but somehow my brain is combining them in my head to form a completely different flavor."

"That's how Cerberi mix drinks," Ceres stated with a chuckle. "Of course while it is fun to have control of all three heads sometimes its interesting to see what happens when you let them just go have their own way while you focus through the central one. Even when I've had the others relinquish the reins to me I find if I just let them do their own thing they start to take on different aspects of my personality."

"Really?" Lorkos asked. "How so?"

"Well lets see if you can stay focused first," Ceres stated as he grabbed his drink from the table and took a sip from it. "Why don't you go ahead and ask me a question or two that have probably been swirling around in those heads of yours and then go from there. Just make sure that you're alright with letting your other two heads, and potentially some other parts of your body, act semi-autonomously, alright?"

Lorkos nodded and began to think of some questions that he had been burning to ask either Yavini or someone close to him, keeping himself focused on the plant wolf as he contemplated. There had been so much he already learned since he had come here, but every time he learned something he would just have six more questions pop up in his mind. With the ability to now ask whatever he wanted he found himself with a bit of decision paralysis, which was definitely not something he wanted to have when he could ask whatever he wanted. Eventually he just settled for what Yavini's purpose was in bringing in minions besides seeing what sort of things he could turn them into.

"Ah, that is quite the good question," Ceres said as he shifted the drink about in his hand. "Though there might be some deeper meaning to all of this that we're not aware of it appears that Yavini, just like his brethren that we've mentioned before, all seem to get their strength or power or whatever they may call it through fulfilling the desires of creatures that they find throughout the nexus realm, or universe. Now most people usually equate that to sex, and though that is a big part of what they do it's definitely so much more then that, they seem to change people not only to just make them happy but also to sort of fulfill a need that they might not know they even had."

"I... see," Lorkos said. "So the reason that Yavini brought me here is because he wants to fulfill my needs?"

"It's more like you have a need that only he can fulfill," Ceres said with a smug grin. "If they just needed to fulfill any desire they would find a way to make food plentiful and just shelter everyone, or turn them into plant creatures that do require that sort of thing and leave it at that. No... something about giving us these forms makes them happy, or sustains them somehow... either way I can't complain."

"I suppose that makes sense," Lorkos stated. "I suppose that if it came-" suddenly he felt himself trip over his words, coming out garbled as things began to grow fuzzy in his mind from the alcohol he had just recently consumed. "Sorry about that, what I meant to say was I thinfffgr'-"

Lorkos looked down in frustration and confusion as his tongue didn't seem to want to work right, not helped by the onset of drunkenness that he had not been expecting. When he looked over at Ceres though to try and apologize again the plant wolf waved him off. "Don't worry about it," he sated simply. "I know how hard it can be to talk when you got a cock in your mouth, even if it's not your own."

As Ceres sipped his drink Lorkos suddenly became aware of the wet slapping of lips against flesh and turned to his left to see that the head there was actively sucking on another guy's maleness, by this point already getting to where it had begun to deep-throat it. The second that he realized what was going on he began to feel the glow of pleasure from the act, his central head starting to pant from it as it seemed to cascade through his entire body. When he looked over to his right he half expected the other head to be doing the same thing, only to find that it was engaged in a drinking contest while using his right arm to hold the beverages. Great, so he was getting drunk and horny, he thought to himself as he wondered how else his own body was betraying him before Ceres caught his attention and pointed at him to look down.

When Lorkos did, the other two heads continuing their tasks of drinking and sucking, he found that his own cock had also been otherwise occupied by someone's maw as well. One of the glowing blue plant men had wiggled his way between his legs without him even knowing and had begun to take in the entirety of his Cerberus enhanced length into his own maw. By the time he had seen what happened the creature had impressively gotten himself halfway down on it, which allowed him to see that his left hand had grabbed the back of the creature's head in order to push him down even more without his knowledge. At that point he turned his middle head to look behind him just to make sure that no one had taken up position behind there, though his backside remained unconquered as he turned his attention to Cere once more.

"I hate it when my body gets the better of me like that," Ceres said with a chuckle. "But I'll tell you what, you can keep asking me questions until either the lust or the alcohol gets to you as long as you let yourself continue to enjoy the pleasures around you."

Lorkos thought that was a good plan until he realized that now he knew what was happening around him the pleasure and alcohol were impacting him far more, only lasting a few minutes before his central head began to slur and asked if he could get some action that his left head was hogging. Ceres was more than happy to fill the gap and as the party began to blur together Lorkos remembered seeing that vine cock push into his central maw to mix with the feelings he was getting from the rest of his body. With the aid of the alcohol he was experiencing everything in real time almost, everything turning into a blissful haze until finally it was all too much for him and he blacked out...

Visiting the Botanical Gardens (4/10)

When Lorkos woke up once more he found two things that were immediately out of place from the night before; the first was while he was pretty sure that he had passed out in the resort pool area he had woken back up on a pool chair in the grotto that...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (2/10)

When Lorkos awoke again he found his orifices empty, as well as the vines that had been wrapped around him disappeared as well. It seemed to have returned back to the plant hammock in its natural state, the lupine slowly sitting up as the bottom...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (1/10)

The botanical gardens of the city were one of the jewels of the city, a place where thousands of the citizens visited. In the summer the crowds were packed with families and couples that were there to experience the joys of the master gardeners...

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