Visiting the Botanical Gardens (6/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Visiting the Botanical Gardens

A wolf named Lorkos is touring a botanical gardens when it overlaps with a nexus world run by a specific plant fox. Thus begins a tour of Yavini's realm where he shows the lupine all the things that he has to offer.

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When Lorkos finally couldn't take it anymore he unfroze his body, allowing yet another orgasm to wash over him as he squirmed in the vines that had grown all around him. It took several minutes before he regained his composure and when he did he realized two things; that it was once more night time and that Archie still was looming over him with his cock stuffed inside his tailhole. While he couldn't tell whether or not he was even conscious he decided to attempt to squirm out of the grasp of the other male. He found he could do so somewhat easily, pausing only when he felt that still throbbing shaft slid along his sensitive internal walls before coming out with a pop, and as he started to get away from the minotaur he found his marble body shifting completely back to his normal state.

As the marbled wolf wondered when the petrification would wear off, or if he had to go to Yavini to potentially get him back to normal, he noticed something glowing further in the statue garden. At first he thought it was some sort of plant that might have been growing on the walls that he didn't see, but as he got closer to it the light started to move in an erratic pattern. He decided that he would sneak up first, not wanting to intrude on whatever might be going on as he continued to follow the direction where the light was strongest. Eventually he caught up to it, peaking around a statue of a muscular anthro gryphon to see what it was.

At first glance Lorkos thought that it was just some sort of glowing ball of light, but as his eyes adjusted to the radiance he noticed that there was a creature standing there. It looked like a kitsune, and as he moved about the shrubs in the garden seemed to sprout flowers with a similar glow to them. "He's called a light stone creature," a voice said next to the wolf, jumping backwards and practically tripping as he saw the gryphon move his head towards him with a smile on his beak. "Sorry, I saw the marbling and thought that you knew about us already."

"I did... just not used to you guys suddenly moving out of the blue," Lorkos said, pressing his hand against his chest to feel his heartbeat only to remember he didn't have one as he glanced from the gryphon to the kitsune. "So is he a statue like you guys?"

"No... that one is something special," the gryphon replied as he also turned to regard the glowing male. "Tends not to indulge in such lustful endeavors as we all do, that one is purely a caretaker of the realm. In the moonlight he glows with a blue light like what you see here and when the sun comes up he becomes so bright that its hard to even look at him. It's why he tends to the more sensitive flowers during the night so that he doesn't blind people just walking around."

"That's pretty amazing..." he said, continuing to watch the creature do its work. "I would love to learn more, is it alright to go and talk to him or should I leave him be? I wouldn't want to disturb him while he's working."

"Go right ahead," the gryphon replied with a wink. "You are Master Yavini's guest after all, I'm sure he'd love to share what he does with you." With that the gryphon once more went back to his stance and froze in place. When Lorkos went back to look for the kitsune he saw that the creature was gone, thankfully since he was the only thing lit up in the area he was easy to track down and caught up with him a little further down in the garden.

Even though the stone gryphon said it was alright for him to approach he still felt a sense of apprehension towards doing so, like he was going to disturb something sacred. He decided to watch for a little while longer as the moonlight kitsune continued to practice his craft, taking one of the flowers that didn't appear to be glowing as brightly and gently stroked it until it regained its full luster. The moonlight creature seemed to be fully invested in his craft as he moved on to the next flower. As he went to the next patch Lorkos decided that would be the best time to go up to the other creature.

"Um, hello there," Lorkos said, the moonlight creature glancing over at him. "I'm Lorkos."

"Ah yes, I've seen you around before," the creature replied, turning to look at him. "I'm Vaatan. It's a pleasure to meet you Lorkos, I see you've been enjoying yourself around the statues."

Lorkos looked down at himself and realized that he was still made of stone even though he was back in his old form, grinning sheepishly as the moon kitsune looked back over towards the flowers that he was tending too. "I suppose that I have been doing so," the marble wolf said. "I was wondering if I could tag along and see what you are doing? I've been in the same position for a while and could stand to move about a little."

"Nope," the moon kitsune said, shocking Lorkos slightly. "You are currently covered in stone vines, and they happen to be rather infectious in nature and from another of his brothers, they're not allowed to leave the statue garden. The gate is specifically designed to identify stone creatures and the vines won't part to let you leave."

Lorkos frowned slightly as he didn't know what to do about that. There was nothing that he could really do at this point except try and call Yavini to get him to come there. He scratched his head and it appeared that the moonlight kitsune seemed to have an idea. The wolf felt something tap on his shoulder and when he turned back towards Vaatan who had a grin on his face.

"Since you've clearly touched upon transformation in this realm I think I may have an idea that can help us both," Vaatan stated. "Now normally I can't really do that, but I think since you're made of stone I might be able to fill you with my power and shift your body. That should be enough to get rid of the stone vines that are currently all over you."

Lorkos didn't realized that he also had vines on him but when he looked back down at his body he did see that there were thin tendrils still coiled around his muscles of his arms and chest. He couldn't imagine that with all the plants that were around they would be worried about something like this, but Vaatan made it clear that they couldn't leave the area. When he asked about how the flying creatures were stuck inside the garden the moonlight kitsune chuckled and told him that those wings are purely decoration, their bodies far to heavy even if they could catch wind. In the end if the wolf wanted to leave he would have to accept the other male's offer, and considering that he didn't really mind getting changed again he decided that was fine with him.

Vaatan reached out and simply touched Lorkos on the chest, the marble reflecting the bright blue light before he felt the clawed hand press against his pectorals. He watched with wide eyes as the white of the marble glowed with the bright blue that was similar to the moonlight kitsune while the darker swirls becoming a dark blue. As the wolf watched the glowing continued to spread as he instinctively took a breath though he didn't need to. There was a pleasant coolness in his power, like a fall breeze that radiating through his body.

At first it looked like their plan wasn't going to work, but as his marble body was suffused with the silvery-blue moonlight he saw the vines begin to fall away from him. Before the plants hit the ground they disappeared into dust as Lorkos continued to watch Vaatan finish up with his power. The stone lupine was surprised by how... light the creature was, though it made sense to him since the creature was literally made of it. He thought for a second that the kitsune might be merging with him, but after rubbing around his body a few times the kitsune stepped back and admired his handiwork.

Once Lorkos was assured that he was done his hands rubbed against his new skin as he examined himself. Though it still had the same impossibly smooth stone texture he found that he couldn't freeze his body anymore, the power of the living statue replaced with the light of the moon that had been suffused into him. The idea that he was more like moonstone came to his mind and when he shared it with Vaatan it caused him to chuckle. Once his transformation was complete they moved to the entrance gate to see if their plan was going to work, which once they went to they saw that it was successful as the vines moved away in order to allow them to leave.

"Thanks for that," Lorkos said with a grin as he left the statue park. "I'm not sure how long it would take before Yavini would have come to get me."

"I'm sure you would have been rescued fairly quickly," Vaatan stated with a grin. "Though I have to say that I really like the look you have now. Marbled moonstone... I may have to talk to Yavini to see if I could get someone like you on a more permanent basis, though I'm sure that he wouldn't want to get too close to something that Kirdos would have made."

"I was actually hoping that you might explain that a little more to me," Lorkos stated as they walked to another area of the realm. "You had mentioned that the stone vines were part of another nexus creature that was similar to Yavini, and honestly while I had suspected that there might be others like him I didn't realize how close I was to being right."

Vaatan went on to explain to him how the nexus realm existed, as well as all the other nexus creatures that occupied it. Yavini turned out to be just one of ten brothers, all of them warring against one another for control of the realm while also helping one another with new and exciting things. The stone vine statues was an example of one of those projects, something that they were going to attempt to use against another of their brothers named Renzyl. Of course the plant fox didn't quite trust his brother not to do something with such highly adaptive plant so he had it quarantined while they worked out all the bugs.

As Lorkos continued to listen all about Yavini's history in the realm he was also being taught in the art in feeding moonlight to the plants in order to help them grow. It wasn't actual light, merely an aspect of the realm's power made manifest to them. He watched with a smile on his face as he took his stone palms and cupped them to a withered flower that had hung from a branch. Just like Vaatan had told him he took the power that had been lent to him and had it flow into his palms, watching as the blue light flowed like liquid into the petals and seemed to rejuvenate it almost immediately.

"This is really... peaceful," Lorkos stated once he reabsorbed the last little bit of power that the flower handed used and watched as it floated back up. "It's an almost meditative experience, and after everything that I've done here it's almost like a completely different place."

"I'm glad that you get to experience this," Vaatan replied with a small smile. "A lot of people are attracted here because of their desires, and a lot of those desires happened to be lustful in nature. For others like myself its merely to be in a place as beautiful as this and grow these plants."

"It's kind of reassuring to know that actually," Lorkos said. "But I can't imagine that you have all the resources of this realm and not use something for yourself like the others do."

The wry smile that had been on the moonlight kitsune just grew bigger as he took his tails and gestured for Lorkos to follow him, the wolf following the vulpine from the bushes they had just got to glow again and moved through the bushes. "Did Yavini bring you in through the glowing garden?" Vaatan asked. "The one where it everything looked like it was in a blacklight?"

"Yeah actually," Lorkos answered. "It was pretty trippy."

"I helped make that," Vaatan explained while moving from shrubbery to hanging vines that led into a cave that had just enough space for the both of them to walk through. "My specialty is environments of the pitch dark variety, such as that night garden you were brought into. This is another personal project of mine, something that I've been working on for a very long time... you're actually going to be the first person that I've shown, besides Yavini."

Something about that filled Lorkos with a sense of pride as the cave tunnel got narrower, his stone hands pressing against the similar material to keep his head from bumping into the ceiling while they crawled through. It took a second for the lupine to realize that the vulpine that was leading him pretty far into this cave. Had they not been glowing it would have been pitch dark, save for the patches of moss that were growing increasingly luminescent the further in they go. Finally the increasingly cramped cave opened up into a cavern and though it was hard to see anywhere he could hear the sound of water rushing down like in a waterfall.

Once more the stone wolf had to follow the moonlight kitsune along the side of the cavern as he saw that there was far more water in the area then he had originally anticipated. They continued to move around until they got to a set of small stepping stones in the water that Vaatan started to hop on. Lorkos wondered for a second how this was going to work for him, feeling his bare stone feet against the wet rock beneath him. What's going to happen if he slips, he wondered as he attempted to stretch forward to avoid leaving the air. He found that he was able to get from rock to rock without leaping like the moonlight creature, which was good as he felt his glowing marble toes nearly lost his grip on the stepping stones before getting to the other side.

The moonlight kitsune watched the stone wolf continue to move their way towards the platform on the middle of the pond, their glowing light reflecting off the pool that completely surrounded it. When Lorkos stumbled forward and finally got to the other side he saw that the waterfall he had heard was actually surrounding the entirety of the stone platform that they were standing on. When he looked around he saw that with the reflections of the surface that almost the entirety of the cavern that they were in. It all seemed... rather uninspiring, almost dull actually as he continued to look around. It was just a dark cavern in the middle of some sort of mountain and yet the kitsune had a wide smile on his face.

Vaatan took one of his tails and put it underneath the water that was flowing down into the pool. Lorkos' eyes widened when he saw that the liquid that ran through the tail glistened with a similar light while it went down into the pool. It spread through the surface of the water and as it did glittering colors cascaded and created a kaleidoscope effect. It was like a firework had gotten off in the water and the further it trickled down the more it continued to explode with light and color.

"That's incredible!" Lorkos said as he knelt down at the side of the water to watch the liquid moonlight finally dissipate. "What did you do to cause it to create such a chain reaction?"

"A lot of magic and the essence of the flowers that I help out in this realm," Vaatan replied. "The river that actually runs through that grotto of yours is actually part of the river that is flowing through a sink hole that runs down to this place. I've cultivated quite a few flowers that were able to run down from it to here, and when my power touches the water it activates the coloration that was leeched into it from the plants that it ran through. All I need to do is find a way to set it to some music and I could host a rave down here."

"Might not have a lot of people able to join in," Lorkos said as he swished his hand in the water, only to see that the glowing that came from his marble moonstone hands activated the coloration as well. "Whoa... I can activate the colors as well?"

"It looks like you can!" Vaatan replied, the kitsune grinning as he swayed his tails back and forth and created a symphony of hues to cascade down into the pool. "If you think it's amazing above the surface of the water you should try swimming in it, since you have my abilities you can see for yourself."

"But I'm going to sink, well, like a stone," Lorkos stated. "How am I going to swim when I'm made of marble like this?"

The two looked at one another for a second, both of them unsure of what to do next before they heard someone else clearing their throat. "Perhaps I can be a bit of help in this situation?" the smooth voice of Yavini said as he walked into the glowing blue light of the other two creatures. "I thought I had sensed you in the statue garden and imagine my surprise when I got there and saw that you had managed to vacated. Good thing I found you when I did, otherwise I may think that we'd be dealing with an infestation of stone vines while I had a guest here."

"Sorry about that Yavini," Lorkos said, looking down at the water. "I thought you might have not known I was there and Vaatan was around and managed to help me out."

"So he did," Yavini replied, smiling. "Don't be sorry Lorkos, I'm glad that you were able to enjoy more of my realm. Also since you were able to deactivate the stone vines and create a rather lovely moonstone creature we may have to talk about other things that you can do with such ideas. But that's for another day, why don't we go ahead and make it so that you can enjoy this lovely thing that's been created."

Lorkos nodded and went to the middle of the stone platform, Yavini stepping off to the side to allow him to stand there unabated. Once he got there he began to feel something pressing against his body and looked over to see that deep, dark green vines came from the fox towards the wolf. He felt them coil around his body and as it did the smooth hardness of his skin began to change. Everywhere the vines touched fur began to sprout over his body again, but as he watched Lorkos was surprised to see that the glowing blue marble coloration remained on it.

When the lupine why he still looked the way he did Yavini told him that the moonlight essence that had been infused into his body was connected to the marble aspect of him. All the plant fox was doing was softening up the marble so that he could move, though it appeared that doing so had also caused his fur to regrow as well. Unlike the last time that he had plants growing around him these vines were more utilitarian in nature, merely sliding through his newfound fur in order to reverse the petrification. Once Yavini was done Lorkos attempted to breathe again, only to find that it was still no longer necessary.

"Since you're going swimming I thought that you might want to be able to not have to worry about coming back up for air," Yavini described. "You will also have some enhanced stamina and strength, though nothing very significant. If you would like I could also give you a few aquatic features, though it would be mostly amphibian in nature."

"I... think I'm good," Lorkos replied with a small grin of his own. "So are you sure that I'm not going to have to climb up to the platform again?"

"Why don't you hop in and find out?" Yavini said as he winked. "In fact, I think that I will join you. I won't activate the water in the same way as you will, so everything that you see will be activated by you."

Once the last of the stone had been completely scrubbed from his body Lorkos went over to the edge of the rock platform, dipping a toe into the water as the coloration radiated out from the surface that he had broken. It was only a few waves of coloration and the second that he withdrew his blue marble foot the colors continued to spread and he could see the moonlight trickle down to the bottom of the pool. When he continued to watch it he didn't see it hit the bottom, making him wonder just how deep this cistern was. Since he wasn't going to sink like a stone and he didn't have to worry about breathing he decided to take the plunge and dived right in.

Almost instantly the water around him exploded with color, like he had just started swimming through an aurora borealis as he immediately started going downwards. As he continued to descend, he accidently brushed by the stone platform that he had been standing on before and the second that he did it was like an explosion of glowing colors radiated out from it. As he watched them cascade outwards Lorkos began to make sense of what Vaatan had done with water that was down here and the usage of the plants. What he was seeing as he swam wasn't the liquid reacting to his presence, it was all the microscopic plant matter that was floating around inside of it. Just like the flowers in the statue garden as the power of the moonlight touched these floating particles they would excite with energy and surround him with the aura of hues that steadily floated downwards.

A thought suddenly occurred to him and the wolf backed away from the wall that he had touched, instead taking his hand and making a swiping motion towards it. As the current he had created cascaded towards the stone the plume of color continued to dazzle him, and as he had imagined the second it made contact with the stone the flowers lit up once again in a ripple. Once he watched the glow fade away the further from the impact point the wave got it prompted him to try something else. With Yavini's transformation he had gotten more than just the ability to swim endlessly underwater, the wolf using his augmented strength and endurance as he began to swim faster through the water.

As Lorkos began to circle around the stone platform in the middle of the flooded cavern he also attempted to push the power that had been given to him. The result was brilliant streaks of glowing light that formed into rings and other similar shapes as the aura left by him in the water continued to increase. With the increased light in the water he was able to see that the bottom of the cavern was not as far down as he had thought, which helped him plan out everything as he continued to paddle faster and harder. He could feel the lunar light gifted to him by the creature leaving his body and when his body finally completely lost its shimmer he banked upwards and immediately started to head upwards...

Yavini and Vaatan had been talking to one another and watching the streaks of light arching around the water, especially when the water began to glow brighter. Though most of the area was completely shrouded in darkness still they could start more of it as Lorkos continued to swim. As they continued to stare down in the water it soon became hard to find the moonstone creature amidst the swirling colors, eventually loosing him completely. Just when they began to wonder where he had gone there was a loud splash and the two turned around to see the moonstone wolf landing on the stone after launching himself out of the water.

"Looks like you've been very busy," Yavini stated with a small smirk as Lorkos walked over to them, the glow in his body completely gone. "Did you want Vaatan here to give you another boost?"

"I don't think that I'm going to need it," Lorkos said with a cocky smile as he moved over to the edge with them. "At least I won't if I am right in my assumptions. Of course we'll both if I am very, very soon..."

The other two continued to glance over at the smirking creature, then back down into the water as the swirling colors continued to settle down toward the bottom of the cavern. Vaatan had figured it out next and the smile grew on his face as the flowers that were growing on the bottom of the pool were hit by the falling hues of the supercharged plant particles, which caused them to explode with light that radiated out like a ripple on a lake. Even Yavini's eyes widened slightly in surprise as suddenly the entire cavern suddenly looked like a fireworks display had gone off inside of the cavern. They didn't even have to looked down into the water as the glowing colors cascaded up to the ceiling in the patterns that Lorkos had created when he swam.

"I have to say I am rather impressed," Yavini said as the scintillating scene continued to go on around them. "Not just at Vaatan for creating all of this but for Lorkos in your ingenuity in creating such a spectacular display. After all of that you must be quite tired, so that once this is little light display is done I'll be taking him back to the grotto so he can get in a quick nap before going on with your exploration."

Lorkos nodded and filled in the plant fox nexus creature on everything else that he had gone through since the last time they had met up. After the brilliant technicolor display was finished and the walls of the cavern began to fade back into darkness Vaatan thanked Lorkos for keeping him company and shook his hand, then relinquished his position to the vulpine. Before the lupine was able to say anything he began to feel vines wrapping around his body, quickly cocooning him. It was only for a few seconds, but when they slithered away the wolf found himself standing in the middle of the grotto with Yavini standing next to him still.

"Whoa..." the wolf said as he looked around in slight surprise, then back down at himself to find that he was once more completely back to normal with fur and all. "You almost make it seem like a dream."

"What makes you think that it wasn't?" Yavini replied with a grin, Lorkos about to respond before he wrapped his mind around it and closed his maw once more. "Vaatan is a creature not only of the night but also of the things that lurk in it, which can include the world of dreams. It makes him a rather mystical creature all in its own right..."

Though Lorkos asked whether it actually was a dream or if it was real the vulpine just winked at him, then walked over towards the bar area and changed the subject. The wolf got a few quick bites to eat and as he did he was starting to feel the exhaustion of his current exploits overwhelming him. Even if the last adventure he had wasn't real his body certainly thought it was, to the point where he could hardly keep his eyes open. Once he was finished he went to the vine bad inside of the grotto and went to sleep for the night...

Visiting the Botanical Gardens (7/10)

When Lorkos awoke once again he found himself completely engulfed in the bright green leaves of the bed that he slept on, which acted like a blanket that covered him. Once he started to stir they immediately retreated and exposed his body while...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (5/10)

When Lorkos awakened once more he found himself in his plant bed, sunlight streaming in through the window blocked only by the creatures playing in the water outside of it. He wasn't quite sure how long it had been ever since he had not only been...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (4/10)

When Lorkos woke up once more he found two things that were immediately out of place from the night before; the first was while he was pretty sure that he had passed out in the resort pool area he had woken back up on a pool chair in the grotto that...

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