Visiting the Botanical Gardens (9/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#9 of Visiting the Botanical Gardens

A wolf named Lorkos is touring a botanical gardens when it overlaps with a nexus world run by a specific plant fox. Thus begins a tour of Yavini's realm where he shows the lupine all the things that he has to offer.

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After several hours the chimera had gained so much length to his tails that he could practically cocoon themselves with them, which they did for a bit before Aristole sounded out the last call. That meant that Adal was to release those that they had merged with, including a few that Lorkos had taken the lead on. The kitsune was curious on how they were going to do it but it turned out to be as simple as just sitting down on the ground and laying out their tails flat on it. Within a few minutes the incredibly long and thick appendages had become several people, most of which were now plant foxes of the flavor they had imbibed while others had become liquid versions like Adal. When they did the same with their massive cock he found that that had gone the feline route and several looked like multicolored versions of the lion in both liquid and plant form as well.

"Looks like you two had a very good night," Aristole said as he watched the drunken males all staggering back towards the concert venue. "They'll definitely be taking advantage of the overnight accommodations that we had set up, in the meantime why don't you go ahead and give that body back to Lorkos."

"Awww, but I was just starting to get comfortable," Adal said with a grin as he took control of all four hands to grope their muscular form.

"Well Yavini actually would like Lorkos to be completely reset back to his original form," Aristole explained. "So if you like that form so much you can take it with you."

The grin on Adal's face widened as he looked over at Lorkos' head, then seemed to concentrate. Lorkos wasn't quite sure what to do, but as they sat there on the ground he could see the plant part of their body start to liquidate. At the same time he felt a similar sensation to when the others that they had merged with left their body and when he reached out with his hand he was shocked to find his own black-furred lupine arm physically pull out of the upper pair of limbs he had gotten used to. The rest of his body followed suit and when he stood up he was his original wolf form once more while Adal remained a liquid, multicolored kitsune with a lion head and paws.

"Oh yeah," Adal stated as he looked himself over, only having one set of arms now as he used them to stroke his liquid body. "I could definitely get used to this." He looked up at Lorkos and licked his muzzle hungrily. "If you want to experience this body again from the other side I am certainly game..."

"No no no," Aristole quickly intervened, taking Lorkos and pushing him back towards the entrance of the venue. "We just got you two unmerged, I'm not going to wait a few hours when it accidently happens again. You just go ahead and enjoy yourself with the stragglers while I bring Lorkos back to his place."

His place... with how much he had just experienced Lorkos had almost completely forgotten that he had a room in the grotto that was his during the duration of his stay. Aristole let him back and thanked him for his help, telling him if he visited the realm again, or decided to stay on a more permanent basis, that they were always looking for help making drinks. The wolf nodded and thanked him for the experience before heading back towards his vine bed to sleep off all the fun that he had. When he got inside his room however he was surprised to see the nexus plant fox himself sitting there waiting for him.

"I take it that you enjoyed yourself at the concert?" Yavini asked, Lorkos quickly nodding his head. "That is wonderful to hear, and I'm afraid that it comes with a bit of bad news however. I'm afraid that your time here is drawing to a close a little sooner then I had originally intended, the breach we did with the realm that had the concert has shifted the access of the realm that you had come from originally."

"Shifted access?" Lorkos repeated before looking down in realization. "You're saying that if I don't leave here soon..."

"Then you will be my guest for a far longer time then originally intended," Yavini replied with a small nod. "Unlike most of my brothers I have a harder time transposing from one place to another, and if we were to lose connection to your realm then you would have to become one of my minions in order to retain a place here. While I wish that I could say that you would be able to stay on as my guest I'm afraid that the power protecting you from being permanently transformed will eventually wear off and the next time someone turns you into something that would probably be it."

Lorkos took a few seconds to process that information, scratching his head before looking back up. "So if I don't go soon then I'm going to be one of those that I've encountered here," he said. "But I thought that you typically didn't transform the unwilling?"

"That would be true... if you were unwilling," Yavini said with a small chuckle. "I think it's safe to say that you've more then enjoyed yourself around here, which means that you would probably accept the changes and start calling me Master Yavini from now on. From what I've been told by Adal you're already on the cusp of doing so and you hadn't even been prompted from me."

Though Yavini seemed to be telling the truth Lorkos could sense that there was something that he was still obfuscating, remaining as cryptic as usual. It was clear that the wolf could just say that he wanted to remain as a minion here in his realm, taking the offer of the first minion that he came across and joining them. He knew enough about this nexus garden that he could just go to one of them and say he would want to transform him and they would more than happily oblige. But he didn't think that was what the vulpine was hiding either as Yavini stood up and stretched.

"I do have something that I would like to show you before we start the preparations for you to return home," the fox said with a wry smile. "My brothers sometimes do this in order to show those that we entertain exactly what our realm has to offer, and I would be remiss in my ways if I didn't do the same for you. So before you head off to bed for the night I would like to give you one more experience in my realm... as its creator."

Lorkos felt his jaw drop slightly when he was given the offer. He found himself asking to clarify just to make sure that he had heard it right, and Yavini once more stated that he had the chance to get into his paws to really see how this realm operated. Even with his limited knowledge of the nexus he felt like this was a one of a kind deal, which he eagerly and graciously accepted. A grin formed on the muzzle of the vulpine as he nodded and held out his hand.

The second that Lorkos took it he felt his entire body lurch forward, and in the next second he found himself in a moonlight field with midnight-green grass that surrounded him up to his waist. Yavini was there as well and the vines on his body seemed to glow with an unearthly radiance as he looked up at the night sky. "This... this is where it all began for me," he said as he turned to Lorkos, his eyes glowing with a similar emerald hue as the vines that were shifting with increasing intensity. "Some would say this was where I was born... though that is hard for me to confirm, either way it's where you will be reborn as well."

The tone of his voice had an otherworldly quality to it as Yavini turned and moved towards him, the vines around his lithe muscles reaching out to Lorkos as he closed the gap until their bodies were touching. "My minions have been keeping you all to themselves," the vulpine continued to say as he reached down and stroked under the wolf's chin. "It's time that I rectify that."

Before Lorkos could say anything Yavini leaned down and kissed him, a simple act that took his breath away. His eyes closed and he could feel tendrils of the plants that were around the fox's body transfer onto him, slithering through his fur as they continued to make out. He could already feel his body starting to grow as power flowed from those vines into his own form, soon no longer having to tilt his head up as his frame expanded under the ministrations of the nexus creature. When they finally broke the embrace Lorkos looked down to see that his black fur had lightened slightly, gaining a shade of green wherever the vines that had coiled around his muscles were.

Though his overall musculature didn't change much he did find himself growing leaner as Yavini grabbed him by the rear and hoisted him up into the air. As Lorkos wrapped his legs around the waist of the other male he found that the plant fox was incredibly strong, something that didn't surprise him as more of those vines bound his thighs to the other male and keep him into place. Having already been turned into a fox it wasn't the physical nature of his changes that caught him off guard, it was his psyche being altered and corrupted that caused him to gasp. As the head of the nexus creature's prehensile vine cock found his tailhole the wolf's eyes began to glow with green light, Lorkos finding himself growing... peaceful.

It was like the entire realm had opened up to himself and brought with it a zen that he had only tasted when he walked through the botanical gardens alone. Yavini was connected to everything like roots to a tree and all the power that flowed through this place went through him... and now it was going through his own body as his face grew more angular. It was the power of Yavini that was being shown to him, the reason that this nexus creature existed in the first place. Though lust was a defining factor just like everything else he had experienced the sense of calmness that he felt rush through his system actually was more gratifying then feeling his insides get stretched open.

As the wind whipped around the two foxes there was no longer any ability to tell the two apart, Yavini essentially having sex with himself as the mind of Lorkos was morphed into that of the nexus creature. Though the former wolf was acutely aware of which one he was it didn't matter to him as they went in for another kiss while the real Yavini pushed up into him. Even the sex they were having was in a state of relaxation, the transformed Lorkos pressed up against the chest of his vulpine counterpart as he was slowly pushed in and out of. Even when they adopted a laying down position in that field and they locked their glowing green eyes onto one another their soft rhythm stayed the same.

Time seemed endless for the two before Yavini pulled out of himself, rubbing his hands gingerly through the fur of the other vulpine's chest and playing with the vines that had formed a harness on it before pulling him up. "Come on now Yavini," the nexus creature said to himself with a wink. "We need to make sure that our powers work correctly."

It didn't long for the two foxes to find what they were looking for, both of them ducking down and watching from the tall grass as a hapless human in armor happened to wander around the woods. The first Yavini explained to the second that he had lured this one in for this special occasion, both of them smiling as they heard the knight yelling out into the open for some dragon he was attempting to hunt to show itself. The real Yavini motioned for his doppelganger to go out there and see what the human desired and to fulfill it. As the second fox nodded and stepped out the personality of Lorkos shined through a bit, suddenly growing slightly nervous as he realized he was about to use the powers of the nexus to transform someone by himself. He knew though that all he had to do was fall back on what would come instinctively since his psyche had been transformed as well, and when he did that confident smile came back onto his face as he moved forward.

Lorkos knew not to reveal himself yet as he sat back and watched while the knight continued to go on his tirade. If he was here then he knew that there was something about this realm that enticed him, even if it was some sort of deeper secret that he had. As his eyes glowed brighter he began to feel things about the knight, desires that the human. He could sense them as easily as he saw the human himself and though the surface ones were honor, glory, fame, and other such nonsense as he dug down deeper he saw something else coming to light that caused the fox to grin. Yeah... he could work with that, Lorkos thought to himself as he once more called on the instincts of Yavini to enact the plan forming in his mind...

Meanwhile the knight continued to curse to himself as he looked around the woods, which looked exactly the same as when he had entered them nearly half a day ago. In the back of the human's mind he knew that he was lost and that was cause for concern, but he didn't let it bother him as he continued to focus on his quest given to him by the king. He had promised to slay the dragon that was bothering villages up and down the border and that was what he was going to do. There was no way he was going to let something like a forest defeat him as he marked one of the trees and moved forward.

Just as he was about to set off once again down the direction he thought might be the right direction he stopped and saw something that struck him as odd. It was a tall purple flower, the petals akin to an orchid as he stomped forward towards it. Though he had little use for such flora he knew that rare plants fetched a high price in the market for those who practiced magic and potion-making. If anything he could just give it to a florist as he took out his knife to cut the stem of the flower.

When he grabbed onto it however the flower of the plant suddenly bent forward and pushed itself directly onto the human's face, causing him to drop the knife in surprise as he once more let out a string of curses that were muffled by the thick petals. "I do hope you don't mind," Lorkos said as he sauntered out in true Yavini fashion, the plant fox grinning as he watched the human struggle and pull against the flower only to have it suction more against his face. "The noise you were making was such a bother and I had to shut you up somehow."

Lorkos could see that the knight was not happy about the sudden confinement, but that anger suddenly turned to surprise as the pistil of the plant swelled in size and pushed its way into his mouth. Already the vulpine could sense the pollen he had created within the plant was doing its magic as the muffled grunts and groans were quickly becoming less until finally there was a loud clang as the human fell to his knees. A surge of power and pleasure flooded his body as those desires he had found buried began to come to the surface, unearthed by the master gardener as soon it was impossible to see the human's face anymore aside from the outline of it against the petals as the edges disappeared into his helmet.

The knight had been holding onto the stem of the plant as the flower continued to push its growing, phallic-shaped pistil down into his throat, but as a thick, syrupy liquid began to flow up the green length his gauntlet covered hands hit the ground. Lorkos felt his pride brimming as the liquid he had created with Yavini's power began to coat the human inside and out, droplets of the bright purple substance leaking out of the armor as his body began to rock back and forth. "There we are..." Lorkos cooed as he felt himself adopting Yavini's mindset more and more, going up to the knight now that he had been pacified. "Doesn't that feel good to just give up all that swagger and pride, to allow yourself to indulge in not having to be all bluster all the time?"

Already Lorkos could feel the resistance slipping from the knight as the pleasure and lust that was imbued into the sap seeped into the skin of the human, though more of it began to leak out form his armor as he continued to rock back and forth. Though he couldn't see it the fox was sure his throat was probably bulging by now from the plant cock lodged inside of it, feeding him more of the pacifying sap that had soaked through his entire body. He could hear the metal starting to groan slightly as the thick liquid started to leak out of his armored boots, signifying just how saturated he was as it began to pool around him. Lorkos decided that was enough teasing for now and to move onto the next phase, taking the knife that had been dropped on the ground and examining it before slicing the flower off at the base.

There was one last spurt of the purple sap as the knight fell back slightly, his hands pressing against the flower as he felt his face mutating underneath it. Unbeknownst to him it was also happening to the rest of his body as well, Lorkos sensing his form was metabolizing the transformative sap as his armor continued to creak and groan. When the knight fell back forwards again his chest plate snapped right at the rivets, revealing his skin that had turned a shade of lavender and had thickened considerably. As the knight continued to transform more of the metal began to pull away, plant vines starting to poke their way out of the seams as the male began to grow.

"What... witchcraft..." the knight began to say once the flower had fallen off of his face, which looked like the flower had suctioned out into a muzzle as it continued to grow. "Is this..."

"Oh, there's nothing like that going on," Lorkos said gleefully as he watched another piece of his armor pop, this time the codpiece to reveal the rapidly thickening member. "Even though you were tasked to slay the dragon I know deep down you didn't wish to do such a thing, in fact this whole knight life was forced up on you... wasn't it? You were born to serve in this manner when you and I both know that this wouldn't have been the life that you chose if you really wanted too..."

Lorkos even surprised himself at how sweet his words were as they dripped into his ear just like the sap, watching as the appendages melded with his skull that was rapidly growing. His helmet suddenly fell off of his head to reveal his increasingly draconic head as a pair of bright purple horns grew out from his disappearing hair. His armor grew increasingly broken with the combination of the plants growing over his lavender scales and his growing form, the fox having to jump back slightly as the metal flew off his arms and his gauntlets burst open when they snapped into a more feral form. Any words that the knight might have been trying to say devolved into growls and snarls as his irises turned purple and expanded while his pupils became slits.

As the former human continued to transform Lorkos decided that he had been corrupted enough to have a little fun, using his power to shift some of the larger purple vines that had grown out of his back to occupy his maw and tailhole now that the flower was no longer on his lengthening muzzle. The increasingly large dragon's eye bulged as his maw was penetrated once more, this time being joined by one in his rear as his new tail grew out from his backside. Since they were his own vines as well they caused a feedback loop that soon caused the mutating creature to become a quivering pile of scales and lust as he essentially began to penetrate himself.

The entire time Lorkos could feel the sublime satisfaction of taking the knight and releasing him from what had bound him, the armor that laid scattered around his form had been a prison and as a pair of wings grew out from his back that were covered in plant tendrils he couldn't be happier. As he watched the horse-sized male start to try and pleasure himself with his own hindlegs he felt the presence of another and looked over to see the real Yavini standing there next to him with a smile on his face. "Not bad for your first time," the nexus creature said as he twisted his fingers slightly and some of the vines that had grown from the inner thighs of the dragon coiled around his leaking cock and immediately caused his back to arch in pleasure. "He's going to make a fine addition to the garden after a little more time in his new form."

"Glad that I did you proud," Lorkos said, the foxes giving one another an identical grin. "What's next?"

"I'm afraid that what's next is that you are going home," Yavini replied, Lorkos frowning as he suddenly felt his perspective change and saw that he was once more in his wolf body. "The connection between my realm and yours continues to deteriorate and with sharing my power with you I may have destabilized the connection further. Still, it was something that I wished to share with you before you go, and I'm glad to have done it even if it did shorten our time together even more."

Though Lorkos was saddened to hear that his time was up he gave Yavini a stoic nod and took his hand once more, teleporting back to the grotto. There was some food waiting for him and the wolf suddenly found himself famished, Yavini explaining that nexus creatures get their power from the realm and that he didn't have access to such a thing himself. Though the plant fox would have made sure that he stayed alive and well there was some measure of cost, Lorkos nodding as he continued to stuff his maw. Once he had finally satiated himself to no longer feel that gnawing hunger he was escorted by the nexus creature back to his room.

"I still have time to give you one last little venture through my garden," Yavini stated as he started to walk out of the room. "Go ahead and rest, when I'm ready I'll come and collect you for your return trip home."

Lorkos nodded and watched the fox leave, then went over to his bed and practically collapsed on top of it. While he wasn't sure what the nexus creature was planning he was sure that he was going to enjoy it as he allowed the vines to cover him up like a blanket. Though there was some low level stimulation they mostly left him to sleep, something he was thankful for as he quickly drifted off...

Visiting the Botanical Gardens (10/10)

The next morning Lorkos awoke and almost immediately in the back of his mind he told himself that this would be the last time he did so in this room. Food had been brought for him at some point during his sleep and as he ate he watched the...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (8/10)

The party that Yavini was throwing looked to Lorkos like it was going to be rather large; the outdoor amphitheater filled to the brim not only with eager party guests but creatures ready and waiting to serve them. When the two of them got there...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (7/10)

When Lorkos awoke once again he found himself completely engulfed in the bright green leaves of the bed that he slept on, which acted like a blanket that covered him. Once he started to stir they immediately retreated and exposed his body while...

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