Never Eat Fresh Pumpkin Seeds

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Reynard visits a pumpkin patch at a harvest festival and finds it to be quite haunted by creatures who want to make more pumpkins for Halloween!

The spooky theme for this one was "pumpkin".

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It had been ages since Reynard had managed to go to his local harvest festival, which was essentially a Halloween party that was open on the weekends during the entire month of October. Though it was mostly geared towards the younger crowd where kids in costumes could trick or treat and get more candy while also playing various carnival-style games. There was also a section for adults though and that was where the cross fox had wandered into after paying for his ticket. It seemed to be busier than he had imagined it as he saw that there were a number of people that had hot drinks and various confectionaries in their hands.

The smell that was coming from the stalls was too tantalizing and the vulpine made his way over towards one of them where a crocodilian man was handing them out. "Care for a free cup of cider to warm you up?" the vendor said to Reynard as soon as he stepped forward. "Otherwise I got a number of baked goods that are sure to fill you, including pumpkin pie."

"It does all look and smell amazing," Reynard said as he took the cup from the crocodile and had a sip, his eyes widening as the liquid hit his tongue. "Oh my, the flavor is wonderful! If this is how your free cider tastes I can't imagine what your pie or any of these other pastries."

"You know, before you fill up on those," another voice said, this one belonging to a green-furred fox that was in the stall next to him. "I would recommend that you go and pick out one of our free pumpkins in my spooky haunted pumpkin patch! They're quite popular and I wouldn't want you to miss out because you are having one of Jerkah's pies."

"My pies are rather limited too, Yavini," the crocodile said back, narrowing his eyes at the grinning fox before turning back and smiling at Reynard. "It's up to the fox however, what would you like to do first?"

Reynard suddenly found himself in a quandary that he had not expected; while both seemed to be insistent that they wanted the fox to try out their particular fall festival contribution first it was still somewhat early in the night, the sun had just started to set and lanterns were being lit all around. The fact it was getting dark helped solidify the choice that he was going to make as he drank down the last of the cider and threw the cup away. "I think that I might want to explore the pumpkin patch before it gets too dark," the fox said with a sheepish grin, watching the crocodile's face fall and the green fox's face light up. "Don't worry though, once I get back I'll definitely try your pie if there are slices left!"

"Yeah... sure," Jerkah replied, still grinning as he watched Reynard head into the entrance of the grove of trees next to where Yavini's stall was located. "You have fun in there, alright?"

The two vendors continued to watch as Reynard smiled and waved to the both of them, then went past the gate and disappeared into the darkness of the forest. "Looks like another one for me," Yavini said as he turned back towards Jerkah, the crocodile huffing and crossing his arms. "Oh don't pout, you had the last three before me. Plus think of it this way, at least we didn't lose this one to Santer's petting zoo..."

Meanwhile Reynard found himself walking on the dirt path for quite a few minutes, to the point where the fox wondered if he had possibly taken a wrong turn somewhere until he saw a sign marked with the words Haunted Halloween Pumpkin Patch. When he stepped past the sign and walked through the gate he found himself looking around in awe; though the fall festival was situated on the outskirts of town as Reynard gazed out and saw nothing but large pumpkins as far as the eye could see. It was like he had stepped into an entirely different world, even the sky looked different as the fox looked up and saw a full moon hanging in a black sky filled with stars.

"Didn't realize that it was that close to night," Reynard said to himself as he slowly made his way onto the furrowed land of the pumpkin patch, looking at one particularly large pumpkin that was growing right near the entrance. "Wow, these are huge! Don't think I'll be able to take that one home..."

As the fox walked further into the patch he looked down to see a fog had rolled in around his ankles, the mists clinging close to the ground at about the height of his shins except when he moved and caused it to swirl in the air. While it certainly had an ominous feel to it, he wasn't quite sure if he would call it a spooky pumpkin patch. Usually there were cut-outs of zombies or monsters and fake bats that hung in the air with wire, but none of that seemed to be present in this one. As Reynard continued to move between the particularly large pumpkins however he did notice something unusual about them that warranted a closer look.

He realized that the further in he went the more Reynard saw that the giant pumpkins weren't quite spherical in nature. As he walked by one in particular it almost looked like they were humanoid in shape, like someone had carved it out without needing to peel away any of the rind. Though it was hard to tell given the vague definition if he had to guess he would say it was in the shape of a horse, blushing slightly when his gaze happened to go down to the area of his torso and seeing a sizable bulge there. After getting over his initial embarrassment at leering at such a thing he looked around and, noticing there was no one around, giggled to himself and went up to place a hand on it.

Reynard gasped and backed away a few seconds later after feeling what felt like a throb against the palm of his hand. Though he knew that it was just a pumpkin that someone had carefully cultivated to grow into that shape it felt like it had reacted like a real horse when he pressed his palm against it. As the fox took a few steps back it also felt like he had seen it wiggle slightly, though he quickly explained it away as a trick of the moonlight and the fog. It definitely increased the spookiness of the pumpkin patch though, the vulpine deciding that he didn't really need a pumpkin anyway and turned to look for the way out.

Even with the moonlight however Reynard was having a hard time trying to find where the entrance to the pumpkin patch had been, not wanting to wonder around farmlands in the middle of the night as he tired to look for the grove of woods that he had come out of to get here. The fog had been steadily thickening and was at his knees down as he tried to retrace his steps, but other than the horse man shaped pumpkin he was standing next to it was hard to tell where he had been. Fortunately as he started to pull away from it he saw a green light in the distance, one that the fox hoped was someone that could potentially guide him out of this surreal landscape.

Reynard carefully treaded his way through the sea of fog towards the light, which as he got closer appeared to be at ground level. It was likely some sort of path that would help people get back towards the grove... though as the fox approached he didn't remember seeing anything like that when he went out. It was a welcome beacon however, even though the light coming from it gave everything an eerie green glow including the surrounding fog. Once he had gotten here he looked around for the next set of lights in the path, only to find that this appeared to be the only one as even the giant pumpkins that had surrounded him were further away than before.

With nothing else to go on the cross fox decided to lean down and see what the source of the light was. It didn't take long for his hands fishing around in the thick fog to find it, the familiar feel of pumpkin rind pressing against his fingers as he lifted it up. Once he got it out of the mists Reynard was surprised to find that it was an already carved Jack O' Lantern; someone had put some sort of vine to give it a makeshift tongue as the eyes glowed with a green fire that occasionally flickered out of it. What made it strange upon closer inspection was that it didn't look like they had cut open the top in order to scoop anything out or put a candle in. That last part confused the fox... if there was no ability to put in a candle or tea light, then what was illuminating the eyes like that?

The thought caused Reynard to turn the pumpkin back around and looked into the carved eyes, trying to see the source of the flames that caused such a uniform green coloration. At first he thought it might just be a lightbulb or something, but it flickered too naturally for that to happen. The way the fire danced inside those eyes was random, chaotic... but also strangely soothing, like staring into a crackling bonfire. Without even realizing it the fox's body had started to relax, his eyes going from inquisitive to half-lidded as his jaw started to droop slightly while continuing to hold his gaze with the strange lights dancing in front of him.

With his focus ensnared by the hypnotic flames that were inside the Jack O' Lantern Reynard hadn't noticed that the vine that was sticking out of its mouth had begun to stretch out, pressing up past the lips of the enthralled fox and starting to push into his muzzle. It wasn't until he felt something tickling against the back of his throat that he started to realize something was wrong, breaking out his trance and letting out a muffled gasp as the vine in his maw surged forward inside of him. Reynard tried to pull the Jack O' Lantern away from him as he could feel it slithering down into his throat, but the vine seemed to be unending as he extended his arms as far as he could only to have it still spreading open his maw.

As Reynard continued to try and release the pumpkin, finding that smaller tendrils of the orange rind had curled around his fingers to prevent him from letting go, something had already been happening underneath the fog. As the fox attempted to run in any direction while still holding the possessed pumpkin he found his feet suddenly sink into the soft soil, pulled down by the vines that had curled around his ankles without him noticing. They remained rooted to the ground despite his best efforts to pull out and after being distracted with trying to escape he failed to notice a slight bulge form in the vine that had started to stretch out his throat. As the Jack O' Lantern seemed to pull itself so those glowing eyes were right in front of his face Reynard felt himself slip under the control of the enthralling flames once more as the object slowly moved forward in the vine until it disappeared inside of the fox.

About a minute later the light inside the Jack O' Lantern was gone and Reynard blinked a few times as he came back to his senses. The fox shook the last of the cobwebs from his mind he looked down to see that he was just holding a normal pumpkin... which confused him since he was sure that he was holding a Jack O' Lantern before. Suddenly he felt his stomach gurgle and realized that he hadn't eaten yet and remembered the pumpkin pie that was being offered by that crocodile vendor. The mere thought caused his mouth to water to the point he had to wipe the drool off of the side of his mouth as he began to move forward once again.

Once more the fox didn't know where the grove of trees was that would lead him back to the fall festival, but as he slowly moved through the dirt furrows he felt like he knew where he needed to go. His mind still felt fuzzy and the longer he moved the stranger everything began to feel. What had been cool autumn air had begun to feel hot and stifling, to the point where Reynard took of his jacket while starting to pant. Even with the outer layer being stripped away it wasn't enough and he found himself taking off his sweater next, followed by his shirt until he found himself standing there completely topless in the middle of a pumpkin patch. When he realized what he had done he looked around to see if anyone had noticed his impromptu strip show, only to find that he had somehow wandered back to where he had seen the stallion-shaped pumpkin that grew there.

With the fog still as high as it was before it was impossible to see where he had dropped the garments, but as he attempted to move back to find them he suddenly felt a tug on the soles of his feet. He hadn't realized until now that he had been walking around barefoot ever since his encounter with the Jack O' Lantern, and as he tried to pull them up to look at them he found himself unable too. This wasn't like what had happened with the possessed pumpkin though, Reynard thought to himself as he let out a small gasp. Before the vines had been wrapping around his feet, but as he began to feel his toes stretch and push downwards while wiggling his eyes widened as he realized this time... the vines were coming from his feet!

Suddenly Reynard saw that it wasn't just his feet that felt strange either, as the churning of his stomach seemed to intensify from his discovery he noticed the thick fur of his stomach had disappeared and was replaced with hardened skin. His eyes widened in shock as the furless flesh started to turn a bright orange, feeling it thicken and warp until it looked like someone had molded a pumpkin rind into a set of washboard abs and plastered it to his belly. As he tried to rub his fingers against it to try and figure out what was going on he gasped as they bent all the way backwards when he pressed them against it. The digits began to wiggle of their own accord and as the fur turned bright green before melting into something more solid it felt like something had pushed in underneath them, watching as a bulge formed at the base the grew forward until it started to stretch his fingers into something far more plant-like.

As Reynard's midsection continued to swell and pulsate, feeling the vines now actively growing through his body as the transformation seemed to drift beneath his waist. The changing fox let out a groan of pleasure as the front of his pants, the front already tenting hard due to the stimulation that this bizarre mutation of his body was causing him, there was a loud crack as the zipper broke from the pressure. The fox let out a loud groan as his maleness burst out of the already strained fabric of the pants, revealing a bright green cock that wiggled in the air as it continued to lengthen. The sight of such a thing caused the vulpine's body to shiver in pleasure, especially when he found his own hands drifting towards it like a magnet. His vine fingers wrapped around the thick length and it caused Reynard's back to arch, pushing out the additional plants spreading up his spine and heading towards his skull while the fur of his back morphed into more of the bright orange pumpkin rind.

There was a loud ripping sound as the rest of his pants ripped down from the seam, revealing bright orange thighs with vines wrapped around it. Though it covered most of his upper and lower thighs the rind was broken to reveal the squirming plant underneath that the fox's body was becoming. Reynard let out a grunt as he could feel something pushing up into his chest and shoulders, watching what remained of his fur melting and the skin turning orange just as something began to slither up his neck. As the vines grew towards his head the restrained fox Reynard happened to catch something out of the corner of his eye.

The horse pumpkin that had been near him was suddenly starting to become animated, seeing the rind deflate like it was some sort of strange balloon until the shape within became more prevalent. The blank muzzle of the horse split into a jagged maw that looked carved with thick, clear goo spilling out of it as a set of eyes formed as well that were also a flaming green. The words pumpkin drone filled the fox's head as he watched the rind that had formed into that of a muscular horse monster split all over his body, vines spilling out and wrapping around his body while still keeping some of the rind exposed to show off the definition. Reynard tried to say something but could feel the vines already pushing their way into his skull, feeling them wiggle with an almost tickling sensation as they pushed out of his ears, nostrils, and finally one large one that fused with his tongue as his entire face began to turn a similar orange to the rest of his body.

As the vine that Renyard's tongue had continued to stretch out from his transforming muzzle the horse pumpkin drone came up behind him, able to freely move as the thick tentacle cock of the creature brushed up against his still thickening rear end, which also had pumpkin rind on them that made them almost like pumpkins in themselves. Once the plant creature got behind him his modified tailhole began to get stretched open, the thick vine pushing inside as something began to grow from the top of his head. It was a stalk similar to the one that was on the horse and as it continued to stretch down towards the ground strange sights began to form in the mind of the vulpine. He could see the image of the horse, a rather handsome man in his own right, wandering around in the garden just like he had until he found the Jack O' Lantern that enthralled him while pushing the vine into his muzzle.

A seed... the possessed pumpkin had implanted a seed in him that started to grow out as soon as it had led him into the proper position. Just like with the fox vines had began to sprout over his body while his skin hardened into pumpkin flesh, eventually turning into the creature behind him. More information flooded Reynard's mind after that as the tendrils of plant that was assimilating his mind molded his thoughts, carving them like the pumpkin that had given him the seed in the first place. As the horse drone began to thrust his vine cock as deep as he could he could start to sense feelings coming from the other giant pumpkins, all of them pumpkin drones lying in wait.

All of us... the thought had popped into Reynard's head like he had thought it himself as his body quivered. Unlike the rest of his body his tail had not grown any of the pumpkin rind, instead vines twisted around it as he could feel the thoughts of the grove whispering into his ear. The stalk that had formed from the top of his head had buried itself into the ground, growing and spreading just like the vines that completely converted his body into the creature that stood there. Though he maintained the form of a vulpine it was anything but, feeling more vines emerging and coiling around his body while keeping his muscular pumpkin physique exposed like a badge of honor.

Reynard became more vocal as the vines pushing around in his head continued to mold his features from the inside out, feeling his ears stiffen as the fur was replaced with rind just like his muzzle. While the rest of his body from the neck down had vines wrapped around it his head would remain a pumpkin, a symbol of his new status as he suddenly felt something push inside his transforming maw. The horse drone bucking his hips forward had slithered his vine tongue in and pushed it down his modified muzzle, this time with the fox's reciprocating as his thoughts on escaping the patch turned into spreading it, finding more creatures that would accept their seeds...

As the features of the fox continued to distort into the head of a pumpkin Reynard tried to hold back the corruption at bay, knowing in some small part of his mind what was happening to him, but the pleasure completely inundating him was becoming too much. The others in the pumpkin patch were practically cheering him on, seeing the others in their drone state wrapping their vines around his psyche just like the seed that was changing him. The feel of his vines mingling with the drone behind him was too much, his lips growing jagged as they formed into a pattern similar to the one behind him, all he could think about was spreading those vines to others as the pleasure continued to build inside of him. Finally it was too much for Reynard and as he let out a cry of climax the eyes looking out of the pumpkin head that had engulfed him suddenly widened before the entire hole erupted in green, corruptive flame.

The grin of the pumpkin drone fox widened as the last pesky thoughts of his former self disappeared, replaced with the need to continue to grow and expand the pumpkin patch. Though his master Yavini would bring the souls he was more than ready to welcome them to the fold, just like the horse that had emerged from his cocoon in order to help him. He could still feel the thick vine cock of the former equine wiggling inside his new physique before he backed away, the fog around them dissipating as he pulled out and allowed their new prehensile members to wrap around one another. When the fox drone looked down at himself he saw a powerful, muscular pumpkin body framed with delightful green vines that were ready to wrap around whomever needed them.

With the transformation complete the two drones turned to face one another and kissed, feeling their dripping maws press together as they leaked the goo and seeds that would eventually turn others. But it wasn't quite Halloween yet and they knew that Master Yavini didn't want to reveal them quite yet, so after a few minutes of the two exploring one another's bodies a signal was suddenly transmitted through the patch that there was another creature coming. The fog had started to roll in around them as the horse drone left the recently converted fox and moved back to his patch, standing there as his features began to stretch and bulge once more.

Since this was Reynard's first time he wasn't sure what to expect, even his corrupted mind was inquisitive of what was happening. Though he wanted nothing more than to continue to spread the seeds his Master's wishes were absolute and he found the roots that had kept him in that spots retreating back into his feet. The same thing was happening to the vines that were slithering around all over his body, especially his vine tongue and cock as they were pulled back in. It was almost as pleasurable as when he grew them and the pumpkin fox drone found himself panting slightly before everything had fully retreated back and completely revealed his orange, sculpted muscular body that made him look even more like a pumpkin fox monster without the additional plants growing over him.

Once everything had retracted back into his body the fox drone was suddenly surprised as his carved mouth resealed itself after his tongue was back inside. It completely smoothed itself over as the rest of the cracks in his body did the same, the pumpkin that looked like armor plates on his body fusing together until it became one solid piece. When he put his hands to his sides where there used to be an opening for the vines still shifting around inside of his body the plant flesh immediately fused together along with his legs. Though he knew in his pumpkin-seeded mind that this was supposed to happen it didn't stop him from squirming around as it became harder and harder to move.

It wasn't just the space between his arms and legs that were filling out; though it was hard for the pumpkin creature to move his head he could still look down and see his new muscular features along with most of his vulpine form was being erased while the rind thickened and bloated in order to obfuscate his features. His corrupted memory thought back to when he had encountered the horse before he had transformed and though it took a lot of effort he could see a similar bulge that had formed in the same area. From pumpkin drone to pumpkin, the creature thought right as the green flames of his eyes went out before it sealed up, plunging him into darkness as the last vestiges of his body were obfuscated...

Despite not being able to see however the fox drone, like the others in the patch, became fully aware of what was going on. When he could see again it was through a hazy fog moments before he could feel himself lifted up in the air. It appeared that there were two that had decided to go into the patch this time. The one that had picked up the pumpkin he possessed was a tiger guy while the one next to him was an arctic wolf man.

"Do you really think they're going to let us keep these at the dorms?" the arctic wolf asked as he looked over the pumpkin in his hands.

"They didn't say anything about not having pumpkins," the tiger replied, though the fox drone could already see that he was starting to stare more intently at the fire of their collective will to corrupt burning in its eyes. "Plus these are really cool and pre-carved."

As the lupine male continued to frown and look it over the fox was more intently looking at the tiger, whose will was eroding right before their eyes. Since there was two of them the patch had decided to take a slightly different approach to their conversions, watching as the tiger's face continued to grow slack. The feline had such a weak will it was nothing to whispering into his mind what they wanted him to do, the new fox drone in particular watching with glee as the tiger stared blankly ahead while pushing the pumpkin over his head. Vines had already started to push into his ears as he broke through the orange rind, the will of the pumpkin drones pouring into his head so intensely that the pumpkin itself morphed around his head until it was feline shaped with its eyes already glowing with a green light.

"I don't know... maybe we should just head back," the arctic wolf said, unaware of the vines spreading down the tiger's body as the feline grabbed the pumpkin molded to his head and gave a half-hearted attempt to pull it off before the horse drone possessed him. "Hey man, are you listening? I don't want to get in trouble if-"

Suddenly the fox drone felt a rush of sensations as the controlled tiger came up behind the wolf and grabbed the pumpkin out of his head before pushing it down on him. Just like with the feline the corruptive will of the drones in the patch poured into him as vines immediately began to push into his mouth. Soon the pumpkin seeds will be deposited into this creature just like had already been done with the tiger, seeing his stomach bulge and swell from the plant growing inside of it, but as the fox drone looked out through the eyes of the wolf he realized that with their minds already infested with their seeds they could have a far more hands-on approach. Both he and the horse drone put a thought into their minds before leaving the two possessed males to return to their own forms.

Reynard let out a deep sigh of satisfaction as he returned to his own body to find that the cocoon he had been put into of his own body was retracting, feeling his mouth split to allow the noise to escape while his eye holes did the same thing. He could feel his pumpkin form thinning and splitting, returning to his drone state while looking over to see the horse that had helped with his conversion do the same. They also saw two males that also standing there completely naked, both of the Jack O' Lanterns on their heads sculpted to their species as the vines began to spread through the fur of their shoulders and chests.

"What do you think," the horse drone said with a predatory growl. "Aware or unaware?"

"Aware..." the fox drone replied with a dark chuckle. The two watched eagerly as the fire went out in the eyes of the Jack O' Lanterns, watching the tiger and wolf gasp as they could feel the vines growing inside and outside of their bodies while seeing the fur of their chests and stomach turning into orange pumpkin flesh.

"Don't you two know?" the horse drone said as he and his new fox stood over them, vines stretched as they gave them both an evil, glowing smile. "You should never eat fresh pumpkin seeds..."

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