Halloween Promotion in Disguise

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#7 of Halloween Anthology

Samuel is in a bit of a bind; he was invited to a Halloween party with nothing for a costume. Fortunately his friend knew of a place where he could find one in a bind and when he did find an interesting mythological costume...

The spooky theme for this one was "costume".

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Samuel was in a bit of a bind; after being invited to a Halloween party two weeks ago he found himself still without a proper costume to go in. Though it said that it was optional he knew some friends had already picked out theirs, including his best friend that usually had a bad habit of going over the top for his. It was him that had pointed Samuel to the store that he was about to enter, though as he got to the front entrance and looked inside he found himself slightly confused. He was supposed to be going to get a costume... so why had his friend pointed him towards a store that appeared to sell plushies?

Still, there was nothing he could do at the moment since most other stores were either sold out of costumes at this point or had cheap knock-offs that would make him look sillier then if he just went without. As soon as he went inside he could see that the store, named Stables of Fun, was definitely getting into the Halloween spirit as well. Plushie Jack O' Lanterns were everywhere along with spiders, coffins, and other such spooky decorations. Once again as he walked by he was seeing mostly plushies but nothing about any costumes that would be available for him to purchase, Samuel having a sinking feeling that perhaps they had run out as well.

"Well hello there young sir!" a voice suddenly caused Samuel to jump, turning around to find a fancily dressed sheep that he had thought was another stuffed animal was suddenly behind him with a cane. "Is there something that I could perhaps help you with? Sir Arthur Woolsley, at your service!"

Woolsley... that was the name that his friend had told him to try and get in contract with. "Actually... I know this might sound strange but my friend Josh said you are selling Halloween costumes?" Samuel asked, unable to help but look at the permanently plastered grin that was on the sheep man's face. "If you don't that's fine, maybe my friend just got confused or something."

"Your friend is as clear-headed as can be!" Arthur said, tapping his cane on the floor before grabbing it by the middle with a flourish and motioning with it. "We're having a special promotion for costumes and the like for Halloween, as you can see we're already getting started despite the actual holiday being about a week away, and since we have been mostly advertising by word of mouth we still have a few left in stock. Now I don't want to be presumptuous but I think I know what you might like, why don't you come with me and see?"

Though this character was very strange to Samuel it appeared he had what he needed, following the plush sheep towards a door in the back that was partially blocked by a huge stuffed lion that he pushed out of the way before opening. Inside was a small room that looked like it was being used for storage for some of the much larger plushies, one of them practically taking up an entire corner for himself as he walked inside. Once they were there Arthur told Samuel to wait and left through another door on the opposite end, leaving him to stand there and look at the stuffed animals that occupied the room. For some reason it felt like they were starting at him or something and shifted about as he waited for Arthur to return.

It was only a few minutes before Arthur came back holding something that was flopped over nearly his entire body, the vibrant sea green fabric glinting in the light as he took it and spread it over the floor for Samuel to see. "This is a semi-popular mythological creature known as a kelpie," the plushie sheep explained as Samuel bend down and looked at the horse muzzle that was the costume's head. "While it was able to don a human guise it's true form was this humanoid equine creature with seaweed. They were said to seduce people in with their guise and then wrap that seaweed around those that fell for their ruse, bringing them to the sea or river they haunted to... well, I'm sure you can guess the rest of the story."

"It's... very intricate," Samuel said as he held up the padded muscular arms of the suit to see that there was very realistic looking seaweed that coiled around several places to make it look like it was wearing it as bracelets or cuffs. "I certainly say that I would be the talk of the party with something like this... but I'm not sure that it would be me, you know? From the looks of it I would essentially be walking around naked and I'd probably just be standing there at the party feeling extremely self-conscious."

"This is completely understandable," Arthur said, looking down at Samuel with that painted-on smirk while he tapped his cane on the ground. "Costumes do give us the chance to be someone else, to wear the skin of another creature and play a bit of pretend for a night or two. Some people find the experience rather liberating, as long as you can get out of your headspace to do so."

Samuel just found himself nodding as he continued to look over the costume itself. Once more he was taken back by just how real everything looked, to the point where if it wasn't deflated on the ground he could see it walking around and possibly trying to entice him. "What would the cost be?" he asked as he stood back up. "I mean, I doubt that I would be able to purchase something like this so I'm hoping that you have a rental?"

"Once our costumes find someone that wants to wear them they generally stay with that owner," Arthur replied in a bemused tone. "As for the fee I would allow you to have it for no cost, all you have to do is make sure to go out there and promote Stables of Fun as the one where you got it from since you will probably have quite a few people asking. I can only imagine a studly horse like you will have plenty of people to wrap those tendrils of yours around at this party."

That last statement caused a shiver to go down Samuel's spine as he ran his hands through the mane of the creature. This costume would turn a lot of heads, he thought to himself as he turned the costume over so that it was on his back, and despite the padding for the muscles it felt rather light and probably would be easy to wear. As he heard Arthur tapping his cane rhythmically he went down lower and felt himself blush as he realized that the costume was very much like a bodysuit, complete with a compartment at the groin that would probably hold his more... sensitive parts. It would be a great physical look, but as he imagined going around to others and trying to act like some sort of horse spirit while others hit on him felt like a head space he couldn't wrap his mind around...

"I... don't think that this is for me, actually," Samuel finally said as he stood back up, Arthur leaning on his cane as he looked at him with those unblinking eyes. "Sorry to waste your time Mr. Woolsley but I think I might just go without this time. Thank you for showing me this though, it really is a neat costume and I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding an owner for it."

"I'm absolutely positive that you're correct about that," Arthur replied as he went over and put his hand on Samuel's back, leading him out of the store room and closing the door behind them. "It's a shame that we couldn't connect you with something that you would like but it happens. You'll enjoy your little party anyway, and if you have anyone that you think might want a costume from me be sure to point them in my direction!"

The rest of that day Samuel spent at home, futilely looking up to see if there were any more stores that might have some last second costumes he could buy. As the sun set however he had gotten nowhere and the search had somehow left him completely exhausted. He flopped down on his bed and looked at his phone, seeing that there was only an hour so left until the party started. There was also a text from Josh who had responded to him about the costume thing, saying that if he wasn't going to go in costume he wouldn't either so that they could just hang out together.

He texted back to Josh and said he didn't have to, but it was clear that his friend was insisting on it and they would have fun regardless. It put a smile on Samuel's face and as he closed his eyes for a second he felt relieved he wouldn't be the only one. He had been nervous going without a costume, but now he felt very relaxed as he laid there on his bed. For a few seconds he felt himself drifting away but a chirp from his phone caused him to open his eyes and he saw that it was time to go.

The party itself was the usual Halloween celebration; trays of spooky-themed food were laid out on a table and decorations were scattered about. There were also varying degrees of costumes that the party guests wore as well, from people who put in the minimal effort just to say that they tried while others went all out. When he saw Josh there he saw that his friend was true to his word and showed up in his usual t-shirt and pants. After talking for a few minutes Samuel went to the washroom, and as he was washing up he could hear something going on just outside the door that caused him to turn his head from his washing up.

Once he had dried his hands he looked out the door, only to see that whatever had caused the slight commotion in the crowd was gone. As he walked out he heard whispers that someone had come in with a rather unique costume, apparently enough that it had gotten several talking. When he looked around the main living room however he didn't see anything that would cause such a stir, and neither was Josh as he went to grab himself a drink. He looked around for a few minutes to try and find his friend to see if he knew about what had caused such excitement only to wonder through the entire house and not see him.

Just as Samuel was about to take look downstairs where several party-goers had gathered he passed by a pair of sliding glass windows, and something he caught out of the corner of his eye caused him to stop and turn his head. The host of the party had a small pool that was outside and in the shallow end that was only a foot or so deep he saw a somewhat familiar sight... the kelpie costume that he had passed up at the plushie store was standing there in full view. The sea green skin shined in the porch lights as its continued to step backwards while leading someone he had wrapped in his seaweed into the water. Though it was hard to see through the glass and with several strands of the plant wrapped around the person's neck and face Samuel was able to identify the man, nearly dropping his cup when he saw that it was Josh!

Samuel had to blink several times to make sure what he was seeing was true, but as he looked back at the two it was clear his best friend was standing there in the ankle-deep water with the one who was wearing the kelpie costume. He glanced back and forth to see if anyone else was noticing this but people were either engrossed in their own conversations or too far away to see. When he turned back around he found that their encounter had progressed further than before, his jaw nearly dropping as he watched the big, muscular horse man come up and put his hands underneath the shirt of the other man. Though steam was rising from the surface of the water it did little to obscure the view as the two guys kissed, Samuel unaware that his friend was into any of this as he continued to watch.

At this point Samuel was starting to become aware that the kelpie and man ensnared in his tendrils were going to go much further than merely making out, but he found himself unable to look away as the webbed fingers of the costumed male continued to strip Josh down. He let out a small gasp when he suddenly saw his friend completely naked, covering his mouth to not alert those around him that something was going on outside as the two creatures laid down into the water with a small splash. The water wasn't nearly deep enough to cover even Josh's body completely as the two continued to make out, their wet bodies rubbing up against one another as the seaweed seemed to coil even more predominantly around the human's body. It was like the fake plants were actually able to move on their own as the kelpie-costumed man took his hand and propped Josh's head up while he straddled his chest with his hooved feet.

What happened next almost caused Samuel to look away, though his eyes were unable to pull away from the scene as something began to emerge from the loincloth of seaweed that had hung between the kelpie costume's legs. He could feel his jaw drop as a thick, deep green cock pushed its way out and flopped right in front of Josh's face. The thing looked like it was a foot long and wasn't something that he remembered being there when he had examined the costume, yet as he continued to stand there watching the synthetic horse cock was practically throbbing in the air before the head was guided down to Josh's mouth. At this point he wasn't quite sure what was more bizarre; that his friend about to suck the cock of a guy in a kelpie costume or that he was standing there watching it all go down in the party host's pool while getting aroused himself.

Though it was hard to hear with the sounds of the party in the background as well as the glass he could almost hear the two grunting, the look of pure pleasure on both their faces as the aquatic horse man continued to push his hips down. It was way too much for his friend to take but it wasn't stopping his friend as he watched it stretch out his jaw and push down deep. At one point he swore he could see Josh's throat begin to bulge as the water around them rippled from their actions, and Samuel hadn't realized it until he saw more of his friend under the water that the kelpie was still moving him towards the deeper end of the pool. At this point though they were still able to be seen as after a few minutes the equine decided to pull out of his prey's mouth and flipped Josh around, moving the human with surprising strength until his seaweed-coiled limbs were underneath him as he was moved to being on all fours.

By this point they were starting to get to the part where the pool declined and though most of Josh's wet, naked body was still visible the kelpie was now in almost waist-deep water, which also allowed him to stand as he took his cock and began to slide it between the cheeks of the guy in front of him. Even if this was just two guys about to have sex it would have been highly erotic, but something about one of them being in that kelpie costume made things even more exotic in nature. As the head of the cock began to push between the bare cheeks of the male though something had caused Samuel to turn his attention to Josh's face. At first it looked like he was moving his mouth around like perhaps taking in such a huge tool had dislocated his jaw, but as he continued to watch something was clearly happening to his face.

As the kelpie began to spread open the insides of the man in front of him Samuel's eyes widened as Josh's lips curled back into a sneer. At first he thought that his friend was in pain, but then he could clearly hear a moan of pleasure as he saw Josh's own member throb... then the already erect tool began to lengthen at the same time his face looked like it was swelling. He put his own hands to his face as he saw Josh's nose turn a deep black and his bared teeth lengthen, poking past his equally darkening lips as hair started to grow on the flesh that was pushing outward. It was like watching something out of a horror movie as the human's ears stretched and turned to points while his mouth contorted and lengthened, turning into something monstrous as more of the deep black fur began to spread down his shoulders.

It couldn't be... Samuel's mind became frozen as he watched his best friend's body begin to swell while splashing around, the seaweed pulling his thickening arms back and his hands out of the water while claws formed on his fingers. As Josh became fully impaled on the cock of the kelpie the human's stomach was practically bulging from the insertion, his entire body quivering with his transformation as one of the strands wrapped around his thickening member. As the hands of the horse creature roamed up and down the exposed chest of the changing human Josh's chest and stomach filled out, bloating out with muscle on his quivering form along with a set of washboard abs that were all covered in a layer of thick wet fur. The horse man was pounding hard into the body of the other male as the seaweed slithered around Josh's expanding frame, pulling them together as a tail could be seen growing out between them.

At this point the growls, snarls, and whinnies of the two creatures were clear as day to Samuel, yet as he looked around in a panic no one seemed to notice. He could feel sweat dripping down his body as he turned back to the scene to see the muzzle of the new werewolf being wrapped around in seaweed to keep it shut as his legs were exposed into the air, causing him to see the human feet warping and twisting into large, bestial paws. The two were slowly slinking down into the water as the kelpie continued to thrust up into the one he had just transformed, watching the two monsters sink beneath the surface of the water. It was true... the myths were real and the kelpie had just claimed its prey as the two continued their sexual encounter underneath the surface...

Suddenly there was a loud noise and it caused Samuel to jump, finding himself in darkness and damp from head to toe. At first he thought that somehow he had traded places with his friend and he was in the darkness of the pool's deep end, but as he found himself practically panting he looked around and was startled to find the familiar feel of his bed underneath him. He reached over in the darkness and flicked on the light to reveal that he was still in his own bedroom... and as realization continued to set in he realized that he had fallen asleep and somehow dreamt that his friend had been dragged into a pool by that kelpie costume he saw while being turned into a werewolf.

When he grabbed his phone and looked at it he groaned when he saw it was nearly one in the morning... which meant he had completely missed the party that he was actually supposed to go to. There were also several messages from Josh wondering where he was, with the last one being around midnight telling him to text as soon as he got it because he was worried. He fired off a quick text saying that he was alright and that he had accidently fallen asleep, along with an apology for not being there. Samuel felt bad that his friend had probably gone without a costume only to find that it was for nothing and after a bit of thought he also texted for Josh to come over tomorrow and he would order food for them as a way to try and make it up.

Once that was done Samuel looked back down at his bed and saw the imprint of his body in wetness on the sheets. It appeared he had not only been sweating in his dream, he thought to himself as he gathered up the sheets to put into the wash. As he put them in to be cleaned so he could sleep on something dry for the rest of the night, his extended nap giving him more energy than before, he pondered what that meaning was in his dream. Should he have perhaps taken that kelpie costume... or maybe it was the thought of someone else in it that had caused such an intense dream. It was just bizarre that he wasn't even the one that was the main character in it, both roles filled by others while he just stood there and watched it all play out.

Once he was finished getting everything squared away, putting the sheets in the washer first since they smelled funny as well as being wet, he decided he needed to clean up one last thing. He went to his shower and turned on the water, letting it heat up before he stepped in himself. As he felt the warmth cascade down his body it only seemed to recall the dream he had just had more vividly in his mind, the images playing through while he stood there. He began to wonder... if he had just taken up that guy's offer in the plushie store, could he have had something like that happen with him?

Samuel just shook his head at that, feeling the water in his hair splatter to the sides of the shower walls. He knew that even with a costume like that he would never be so bold, not to mention the fact that even if the other person, whether it be Josh or someone else, would be enticed by such a proposition he wouldn't do it in such a public place. Not to mention the absurdity of turning the person into a monster like a werewolf while it was happening. He wasn't even sure where such a thought came from as he grabbed his luffa and soaped himself up.

As his hands traveled across his own chest he began to imagine what it was like if it was those kelpie hands like he had seen in his dreams, feeling himself bite his lip as he felt a surge of arousal from the thought. Those webbed, strong hands sliding over his skin just like over Josh's body in that dream, causing his skin to shiver as he continued to feel the water over him. As he continued to overlay the fantasy onto his own digits they traveled downwards, eventually getting to his increasingly erect member. Though he continued to think of his hands and arms as those of the kelpie embracing him as he stroked his cock he didn't imagine it as the aquatic horse creature stroking him... instead he wondered what it would be like to have that thick cock in his own hands.

He felt himself moan as he imagined the seaweed of the creature coiling around him, embracing him while he stroked the thick shaft that belonged to the kelpie male. In reality he knew it was just his own but he didn't care, closing his eyes with the image of that powerful, muscular monster still in his mind he found his hips practically thrusting forward in the grip of his own fingers. The water of the shower suddenly became the all-encompassing depths of that pool, being brought down while the tendrils tightened around his body so that he felt even more pleasure coming from it. The intensity of the sensations were too much for him and he found himself climaxing right there in his shower, hearing the whinny of the kelpie echo around him as he tilted his head back and let a groan out of his own.

As the euphoric high of his orgasm started to come down he found himself bracing his hand against the glass door of the shower while he panted, letting the shower wash away his seed down the drain. When he finally opened his eyes again he nearly jumped backwards and slipped when he saw the reflection in the glass was a hazy visage of the kelpie he had just masturbated too, but after a few quick blinks he saw himself once more standing there. It was an intensely alien feeling and one that was still causing him to shiver despite the heat of the water still cascading around him. After a few more minutes he turned off the shower and got out, toweling himself off while the tingles of pleasure from his act continued to reverberate through his naked body.

With his sheets still needing some time to dry Samuel decided to put on a movie while he waited, suddenly being greeted with a number of Halloween titles that were being advertised. "Maybe that's where the other half of that dream came from," he mused out loud when he saw that several of the movies were ones that had werewolves in them. "I hope this isn't the start of some weird kink or something..."

As he turned on something different and began to watch the phone he had brought in with him suddenly buzzed, looking down to see that Josh had responded by saying that he would be in to chill for a while before he had another party to go to. Another Halloween party... Samuel found himself grinning as he knew that it probably wasn't the last one that his friend would be going too. Perhaps after he told him about the bizarre dream he had he might go and get a werewolf costume or something... though once more the idea just brought back strange sensations that caused him to shiver. He quickly regained his composure and sent back a text with a time before settling in to watch whatever movie he had chosen, though his mind was on other things as he sat there...

The next day Samuel got up from a relatively dream-free sleep, which made him more assured that what had happened before that during the night was a result of Halloween influences and a lack of recent intimacy in his life. When he looked at his phone he saw a message from Josh saying that he would be there at the agreed upon time in the late afternoon and was excited to stop by. Though he didn't really need to do much for the visit he straightened things up a bit and tried to figure out where they would order from, especially since most of the nearby restaurants offered special Halloween-themed dishes for the season. The last time he had allowed his friend to make the choice during this time he was tasting pumpkin for a week, and he wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

As the sun began to set Samuel heard a knock on his door, going over to open it and seeing Josh standing there on the other side with a six-pack of beer. "I know that it's your treat for leaving me hanging at the party but I know that your choice of beverage sucks," Josh said as he walked inside with a smirk, jangling the bottles in front of Samuel before moving towards the fridge. "So I thought I would bring my own."

Samuel just gave a shrug before he looked at the carton that the bottles were contained in. They were Halloween-themed with the typical pumpkins, skeletons, and black cats that one clip arts onto such things, but it was the central graphic and the name that had caught his attention. Full Moon ale... and there was a picture of a werewolf that was howling to a moon that was one of the O's in moon. It was a strange coincidence and as he heard the other guy ask him something it was clear that the look of surprise was on his face enough to be noticed.

"Oh, it's just..." Samuel started to say, trying to think of what words to use as Josh took one of the bottles and went over to the couch. "I had a strange nightmare last night that was in the spirit of Halloween and involved you."

"Oh?" Josh said as he glanced down at the bottle he was holding before looking back up at Samuel. "Hopefully not too bad of a nightmare, I know how terrifying some of those movies can be. Were we both being chased by werewolves or did one of us change and horrifically maul the other?"

Samuel found himself blushing slightly in embarrassment as he realized that he had just done the one thing he had resolved not to do, which was have to explain that he had dreamt that someone in a kelpie costume he almost bought had sex with him and also somehow turned him into a werewolf. "I... uh, well, you had turned into the werewolf," Samuel admitted, trying to keep his explanation as brief as possible. "Got all snarly and growly at a Halloween party, woke up before you could do any mauling though."

"Well that's good at least," Josh said with a smirk as he used his keys to pop open his bottle. "Though who knows, maybe I was one of those domesticated werewolves like you see in some of those cartoon series that you just give a treat and they roll over for belly rubs. Gotta feed me Samuel, werewolf is hungry and demands food."

Samuel chuckled at that and said that food was on its way and sat down to play some video games. Though Josh had talked a little bit about the party he was thankful that he didn't go into too much detail, not only because it was a reminder that he had left his friend out to try but also from the dream he had. Just the fact that he had a mental image of the other man sitting on his couch naked was awkward for him, trying to keep his mind focused on the game instead of glancing over at him. One thing he was thankful for was he had not mentioned every aspect of the dream to Josh, who when they got their food he went on all fours and buried his face in the bag while making growling noises.

As the hours passed Samuel began to feel the anxiety drain away, the initial awkwardness from before fading away to the familiar feeling of hanging out with his best friend as they ate while watching random videos. "So when's this party that you have to go to?" Samuel asked as he looked out the window and noticed it was already dark out. "I hope I'm not keeping you."

"It's one of those all-night ragers so I can go whenever I want," Josh said dismissively, grinning slightly as he finished the last of his food. "Why, scared that I'm going to be turning into a werewolf in your apartment?"

"Man, I wish I had not told you that," Samuel replied as he rolled his eyes as he watched the other guy scratch underneath his shirt.

"You were right to be warned," Josh said as he once more crouched down like he was going to attack. "I hear there's a full moon tonight, and I can sniff a snack in the air. What could that pleasant aroma be?"

Samuel laughed as he watched the other guy sniff around like was a dog, putting his nose to the ground and everything as he went around the table to the couch where he was sitting at. "Looks like I found the source," Josh stated, Samuel going from amused to shocked as the other man came up on the cushions he was sitting on and sat on his legs. "Found myself a tasty little morsel, whatever shall I do with them?"

"Alright Josh, I think you're getting a little too into this," Samuel replied, only to see the gleam in his friend's eye and the grin on his face. "Josh?"

"Josh isn't here right now," Josh said as he licked his lips before he curled down and put his hands on Samuel's stomach. "The moon is full and the werewolf has come out to play. Of course, I think I have a far different idea of ravishing someone than they have on the movies."

The sudden level of affection being shown to him by his friend had completely thrown Samuel off-guard, especially when he watched Josh reach down and begin to unbutton his pants while rubbing the growing bulge. "Josh... I..." Samuel tried to say, though the attention being given to his groin was making it hard to form sentences. "Isn't this... taking it too far?"

"But I'm such a horny werewolf," Josh replied, letting out a fairly realistic growl as he pulled down the surprised man's pants to let his erection flop out. "Wolfie needs to bury this bone inside of him."

Before Samuel could say anything else Josh leaned in and took the half-hard length into his own mouth, causing him to gasp loudly from the sudden surge of pleasure that went through his body. The tongue swirled around his sensitive flesh and caused him to get completely erect very quickly as his friend licked and sucked on him. This had never been something that he believed would happen even in his wildest dreams... well, except for one, and as he watched the other male moan while licking up his shaft the features of his friend looked off. With every slurp of his tongue it seemed to grow longer as the hand that was kneading the base of his shaft had fingernails that were completely black.

It... it couldn't be, but as Josh began to bob his head up and down on Samuel's cock he began to change. His already unkempt hair grew longer as his facial features shifted, Josh letting out a slightly muffled grunt as his frame began to shift and pop audibly. It also started to take less time for him to completely engulf the cock he was sucking, and as his face and jaw stretched out Samuel gasped when he felt the darkening nose bump against his groin. Josh... Josh was transforming into a werewolf right in front of his eyes!

Despite the fangs growing and the clawed fingers against his stomach Samuel took his feet and pushed them against the shoulders of the other male to push him back. His entire body shuddered as he had been getting deepthroated by that time and the changing human was pulled completely off, causing Josh to fall back against the other armrest of the couch while Samuel tried to squirm away. "What's the matter Sam?" Josh said with an increasingly deeper voice, ripping off his shirt to reveal the muscles that had grown in and the black fur continuing to grow on them. "Don't you like my costummrrrrraaahhh!"

Josh tipped his head back as the swelling skin on his face stretched out once more, growing into a lupine muzzle the rest of his body quivered from the transformation. Samuel finally managed to pull his legs out from underneath the growing male as he saw the seams of his pants rip, exposing more fur growing there as he watched the muscle on his body ripple and stretch to give him the same powerful, muscular werewolf form that was in his dream. Whether or not Josh was going to retain his mind after his changes Samuel didn't want to find out, and if what happened in that pool was reality then he suddenly became afraid of what that meant if he was caught. That kelpie had turned Josh into a werewolf... could the same thing happen to him?

Samuel wasn't going to let that happen as he rolled off the couch and onto the floor, feeling the changing creature try to grab onto him as he did. With his muscles still bulging and popping, the waist of his pants bursting to allow his growing tail to unfurl and his erect cock to flop out, the werewolf wasn't able to reach down fast enough. When he got to the other side of the furniture he bolted for the door and ran out of the apartment, slamming it shut just as Josh let out a howl that grew deeper as his body continued to mutate into its lupine form. This had to be another dream, Josh thought to himself as he began to run, but everything felt very real to him as he made his way downstairs.

"If this is real, then Josh is a monster," Samuel said to himself as he tried to work though what he had just seen, zipping his pants back up when he got to the stairwell as he realized he was still undone down there. "And if what I saw last time then that kelpie costume wasn't a costume... and what he already got me? What if I'm about to become a monster myself?"

"That is impossible..." a voice said that caused Samuel to stop his running and look around to see who had just said that, only to find no one there.

"Who said that?" Samuel called out, continuing to move in case that werewolf was following his scent. "What's going on here?"

"You are realizing the truth," the voice once more said, again with no point of origin as Samuel finally stopped moving and catch his breath. The enigmatic voice was not helping him with his freaking out, though as he looked back at the hallway he had just came down from he saw he had not been followed quite yet. "It is time for you to awaken."

"Awaken?" Samuel called out, feeling his confusion. "Awaken to what?"

"That you are already a monster," the voice replied simply, causing Samuel's blood to freeze. Already a monster... as he looked around at the room he had run into for safety from the werewolf he realized where he had gone to; his apartment complex had made a small gym area for tenants to use, and one of the features was a small whirlpool spa. He had ran to the nearest source of water he knew about for comfort, and as he suddenly found himself looking at the reflection of the water he saw something that had transfixed his gaze.

It was the Stables of Fun store, and as he watched he saw himself picking up the costume and turning it over. "It's... very intricate," Samuel heard himself say as he watched his reflection hold up the padded muscular arms of the suit and admiring the realistic seaweed. "I certainly say that I would be the talk of the party with something like this... but I'm not sure that it would be me, you know? From the looks of it I would essentially be walking around naked and I'd probably just be standing there at the party feeling extremely self-conscious."

"Well if you would like we could make it so that you're not," The plushie sheep replied, Arthur moving over and patting him on the shoulder that Samuel didn't remember happening the first time. "If you would like I can make it so that you have a kelpie persona, a mischievous and confident trickster that fits the costume that you will be wearing. All I ask in return is that you use your new powers in order to spread the love to others who will likely admire your new... costume, and want one themselves."

"I know that Josh will flip out about it," the reflection of Samuel said as he grinned at Arthur. "You now what? I'll take it, the whole package."

"Excellent choice sir!" Arthur replied, tapping his cane on the ground. "Now the kelpie is a bit of a dominant persona to have, especially if we're giving it autonomous control, so the first few times might be a bit jarring. Any experiences you have as him at first will probably seem like strange dreams or manifest otherwise, but once you get used to it you will be able to switch to him at will even though you won't remember you even have it!"

As the image faded away the pool had reverted back to his own reflection standing there staring, though as he looked at himself he could already see that the kelpie form they were talking about had already begun to manifest itself once again. His face looked swollen like Josh's was turning the start of his transformation, except that it was even more pronounced as his nose became round and merged with his upper lip. When he put up his hand to feel his swelling flesh he caught a glimpse of his fingers and gasped when he saw that the flesh had already started to creep up between his fingers as the skin itself began to turn a bright sea-foam green. As he watched he suddenly felt something slithering around his body and when he saw his sleeve bulging up slightly he pulled it back to see a strand of seaweed coiling around his slowly growing bicep.

"I would highly recommend getting naked for this next part," the low, deep growl of Josh's voice said as Samuel turned to see the werewolf standing at the door jamming it shut. "The changes themselves might be pleasurable but bursting out of one's pants comes with a certain level of... discomfort."

"Josh..." Samuel said, though his words were slightly garbled as the other creature moved over to him and began to take off his shift. "So last night... the party..."

"All happened," Josh replied, pulling off Samuel's shirt just in time to watch the seaweed growing around and framing the thickening pectorals and washboard abs that had been part of the kelpie costume. "You should have seen the faces of the others when you strode in, certainly took me by surprise. Then you found me and lured me into the depths with that body of yours while telling me that I could be just like you... a monster..."

It appeared to Samuel that he had already fulfilled the Stables of Fun owner's request as his pants were slipped down, falling to his bare feet that had started to warp and harden into a pair of hooves. A monster... they were both monsters, him a siren to call others and his lupine friend a hunter to find their next prey. They were a perfect pair, and as their muzzles met into a kiss Samuel could feel the seaweed that made up his mane slide around the werewolf he had helped create and wrap around the other male's body. He felt the instinctive need to pull backwards, to get into the water with this other handsome creature even if it wasn't to change him.

"Just as dominant as last night," Josh huffed as the strands turned him around, his own thick, muscular chest being pushed against the wall of the hot tub as he turned to see Samuel's ears stretch and his skull reshape into a proper equine one. "You are such a fucking beast."

"Not yet," Samuel replied, though as he felt every muscle in his body continue to grow while he guided his thickening cock into the rear end of the male in front of him he knew that he was no longer the human who held that name. He was the kelpie, a mythical monster ready to seduce and convert those he deemed as prey like the werewolf that he was spreading open with his new horse cock. "But we'll both be fucking beasts rather soon."

The werewolf let out a growl but knew his place, letting the one that converted him continue to slid up into his tailhole while the seaweed slithered over his fur and held him into place. The dominant aquatic stallion felt the water that empowered him increase his lusts even more, feeling everything that he had experienced when he had taken the former human the first time in that pool as he began to thrust. He remembered bringing Josh into those waters, taking his mouth first before turning him over and giving him the most realistic werewolf costume he said he wanted. Then after he had changed him he dragged him down to the depths of that pool and properly rutted his creation, feeding him air through the seaweed that had formed a mask around his head and muzzle so that they could remain down there for hours...

There was a loud crack that brought the kelpie's attention back to the present, his solid black eyes looking to see that the werewolf had accidently dug his claws into the tile and broke it. "As much fun as it is to have you distending my furred stomach with that shaft of yours," the werewolf stated, rubbing the bulge in his abs that came from the stallion's cock buried up to the hilt inside of him. "There is another party that I'm supposed to go to, and there's nothing that says I can't bring a guest..."

About an hour later the two arrived at the community center that had been rented out for this latest Halloween party, and as they walked in with their realistic costumes they immediately turned a number of heads. It was clear that their bodies, which looked a bit synthetic if one was to examine closely, were being fawned over by many from afar as they continued to move through the crowd. Unlike the house party where Josh had been turned into a werewolf this time finding a target was going to be a little more difficult. While he was more than willing to convert someone the one that had sold him the costume in the first place wanted to make sure that they actually wanted a costume, fortunately that was where his werewolf hunter came in as he watched the lupine creature break away and start sniffing the air.

Though he hadn't sense that there was anyone near him that wanted a costume it was clear that there were quite a few that saw his muscular form, assuming that the bright green and equine features were part of some sort of skintight bodysuit, and wanted to have him. While he teased a few his hunger was for someone to turn, someone to sink into the depths of pleasure with while giving them a new form. Just the thought of it caused the kelpie to lick his lips, waiting eagerly for the werewolf to return with news. After about half an hour the agitated aquatic stallion saw the other monster, who stood head and shoulders above anyone else in the crowd, waving for him to come forward.

"Found one that I think would be more than happy with what we're offering," the werewolf said as the kelpie approached him. "But there's a slight problem."

"What's that?" the kelpie asked as he saw the human that was being pointed out to him dressed up in a snow leopard kigurumi with white and black face paint on.

"Not a fan of horses," the werewolf explained. "Likes felines though, and apparently dragons from what I've seen. Think you can do anything with that?"

An evil smirk appeared on the kelpie's muzzle as he watched the human dancing around. "You know I can," the kelpie replied. "Bring him to the spot that we talked about, I can do the rest."

A few minutes later Newlyn found himself walking out of the gymnasium where the party was taking place and going into the locker rooms, looking around as he made his way through the darkness. Previously he had been ogling a guy in a very detailed werewolf costume who appeared to notice his leering, coming up to him with a smirk on his muzzle and asking if he liked what he saw. Newlyn couldn't help but nod his head and the guy said that they had a spare if he was interested, and then told him to meet his friend in the locker room. Though it seemed strange to meet there it was in the middle of a community center during a party, feeling safe to see what was being offered as he ventured deeper in.

After a minute or so of looking however he didn't see anyone and began to wonder if this was some sort of prank. Just as he was about to make his way back to the party however he began to see clouds of steam coming from the door that led into the public showers. Curious, Newlyn went over and opened the door to find that they every one of them was running, causing the entire room to fill with fog that began to cling to his kigu. When he opened the door more and asked if anyone was in there he let out a yelp of surprise as something wrapped around his wrist and pulled him inside!

Almost immediately Newlyn found himself soaked to the bone, feeling his face paint starting to run as he was brought inside the showers. "Hey! What's the big... idea..." When he stopped being pulled forward he realized he was standing in front of someone in a dragon costume that was just as realistic as the werewolf that had led him there, his sea-foam scales dripping with the water droplets in the air as he also saw that there were several shiny scaled tentacles that were coiled around his body with the one that had brought him in there wrapped around his forearm. "Oh... oh my..."

"Ah, poor thing, here I went and ruined your costume," the dragon said with a grin as he reached up his palm and brought up the human's face to meet eyes with him, Newlyn seeing they were completely black as he felt the other tentacle slowly coil around his neck and slip into the hood of his snow leopard kigu. "Fortunately I have a replacement if you want it, something a little more... monstrous then the cutesy feline that you currently have. It does come with a few tentacles of your own though, again if you're interested."

"I... yeah, I want that!" Newlyn replied excitedly. "If its half as good as yours I'll take it!"

"You certainly will be soon," the dragon replied with a chuckle. "Normally I'd have you take off that kigu of yours first, but since it's already somewhat ruined I think we can slip your new form on underneath it. You don't mind a little ripping to get your new costume, do you?"

Newlyn quickly shook his head and was about to open his mouth to say he didn't mind at all when he suddenly felt something slip past his lips and push inside. The tentacle that had been curled around his neck and head had been waiting and slithered into the human's maw the second it opened, causing him to let out a muffled grunt as he felt he wet fabric of the kigu being pressed against him. The dragon gave him a wink and suddenly he let out a yelp of surprise as he was lifted off of his feet and brought over to the shower wall, getting turned around so that his chest was pressed against the tile as the water from one of the showers was raining directly down on him. As he squirmed against it he could feel the other tentacles somehow pushing past the fabric and coiling directly around his limbs, though what really caused his body to tense was when he heard a loud rip and felt a tear in the backside of the impromptu snow leopard costume.

"I do like this patterning," the dragon stated as he heard more muted noises coming from the human as he ran a claw down the fabric. "I think we're going to keep it." The disguised kelpie could hardly contain himself as he felt the human practically vibrating under his grasp, the confusion of the situation being offset by the pleasure his mere presence and the sliding of his tentacles was doing. Now it was time to tip the scales in his favor and create another monster, he thought to himself with a smirk as he stepped closer to the restrained male.

None of this had been what Newlyn was expecting when he had been dragged into the showers, but what had really caused his eyes to widen was feeling something thick and throbbing pushing up into the hole created by the dragon behind him. With the tentacle in his mouth he had to breathe though his nose as the tip of the cock pushed inside of him, the tapered tip reminding him of several toys he had at home as it began to spread open the ring of muscle. Whoever this guy was clearly knew what he was doing as he felt it pop inside of him, causing him to groan as his hands pressed against the wall. While none of this made sense on how he was going to get a new costume such things were put on the backburner as he felt the intensely blissful sensations of his insides getting spread open consuming him.

Newlyn was so lost in the haze of pleasure he didn't realize that his entire body was starting to tense up for a completely different reason. As the dragon behind him continued to push inch after inch of his ridged member inside of him it caused a ripple effect, his rear end becoming firm with new muscle that spread outwards. Though he always considered himself to be fit he could feel his chest, sides, and back start to shift and grow, feeling like he was going through months or years of hard work at the gym as dark blue fur began to sprout from the exposed area on his rear. Just like with the muscles themselves it began to spread over his body as he writhed against the tile, the loose fabric of the kigu starting to grow taut as the form underneath it continued to expand.

Once the dragon had gotten completely hilted inside of the transforming human he began to thrust into him, pushing hard and deep as Newlyn could feel it throbbing inside of him and causing waves of pleasure. His own cock, which had clearly grown by the bulge being created in the groin of his stretched kigu, had a tentacle wrapped around it to stimulate him further as he could feel his face starting to change. His eyes squeezed shut as he felt his lips and nose stretch, growing around the appendage in his maw as the snow leopard markings on his body reversed themselves as midnight blue fur with white splotches grew on his face. The breathing through his new nose intensified as he began to feel an overwhelming pressure on his sides, something that was reflected by the bulges forming underneath the arms pinned against the wall of the shower.

Had the tentacle inside his maw not muffled it the transforming human would have let out a loud yellow of extreme euphoria as the fabric could no longer contain the growing form, a second pair of arms pushing their way out from underneath the first as both sets grew thick with muscle. The rest of the kigu quickly followed suit, the cloth-covered paws on his feet and hands tearing away from the claws within to reveal heavy foot pads and slender fingers. As Newlyn continued to get pushed up and down against the wall from the dragon humping into him he could feel the chest of the ruined kigu pulling against his abs and tightening around his midsection. At first he thought something one growing on his chest but when it finally ripped completely off of his body he realized that it had been the two thick tentacles that had been growing out of his nearly black fur and stretching out into the air.

"Now that is a fine creature," a voice called out from the steam of the showers, the two looking over to see a wet werewolf walking in stroking his own cock. "A non-traditional Halloween monster to be sure, but one can't go wrong with a displacer beast. Most complex one yet."

"Practice makes perfect," the dragon grunted, running his hands over the incredibly muscular anthro feline as its two sets of arms dug furrows into the wall from how deep his cock was inside. "Plus I couldn't say no to someone who enjoys tentacles as much as me."

Suddenly the disguised kelpie let out a slight gasp of pleasure of his own as one of the two had found its way underneath his own tail, prompting him to focus on the task at hand. The two males rutted against the shower wall until both creatures came, the dragon orgasming with his cock deep inside the new displacer beast while he was being penetrated in both his maw and tailhole by the other creature. The incredible sensations of pleasure had caused Newlyn to do the same as well, his wet body shivering as he felt his new tail whipping around in the air above the groin of the male that gave it to him. When the two had calmed down enough the dragon pulled out and reverted back to his kelpie form with Newlyn standing on his own two feline feet after his frame had expanded and given him as much height as the one behind him.

"Looks like we had ourselves a rather productive night," the werewolf commented as he watched the kelpie completely revert back to his original form while the snow-leopard patterned displacer beast ducked under the shower head to watch the last of the old face paint that clung to his new fur. "I wonder what sort of dream this is going to create for you when you turn back into human."

"We can turn back into human?" the displacer beast asked, his two sets of arms running down his augmented furry chest and heavy abs that supported them. "Hmmm, can't imagine why."

"It's not going to be Halloween forever," the kelpie replied with a chuckle. "Unfortunately we only have a limited time to hunt and find others who want costumes like ours. Of course the sheep told me that as a bonus for helping him out we get to keep these forms for whenever we want and even have access to the Stables so that we can have our own fun without worrying."

"Really?" the werewolf said. "All this for free?"

"Well... not for free," the kelpie replied as he gave them both a wicked grin. "We only need a few hunters, and master Woolsley needs many more Halloween-themed plushies for the season. Werewolves, kelpies, displacer beasts... surely we can find more designs for him to promote his Halloween stock."

The other two laughed and nodded, making their way back to the Halloween party to see just who else might want to have a costume just... like... theirs...

The Lost Art of Filmmaking

Warlock heard the ding of his microwave and went over to it, already smelling the fresh popcorn that was inside before he opened the door. It was the first night in a while where he had nothing he needed to do, and decided instead of going out or...

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Atypical Lycanthropy

Juan sighed as he passed by yet another place that was advertising a haunted house, with it being the first of October the Halloween decorations and events were quick to pop up as soon as it was the new month. It wasn't that he couldn't go to...

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Trick and Treat

For the second time in a row Shelby had to watch out as kids ran past him in costumes, trying to score the last candies they could before the trick or treating time came to a close. He was only dressed in his usual blue jeans and a shirt as he...

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