The Lost Art of Filmmaking

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Halloween Anthology

Warlock picked up a bargain bin movie at a thrift store that might be fun for Halloween. Just in case he decided to have a private viewing party, not realizing there was more than just a cheesy plot and bad effects going on.

The spooky theme for this one was "scary movie".

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Warlock heard the ding of his microwave and went over to it, already smelling the fresh popcorn that was inside before he opened the door. It was the first night in a while where he had nothing he needed to do, and decided instead of going out or anything like that he would just watch a movie instead. When he had been a thrift store looking for stuff to make into a cheap Halloween costume he had found an old movie cassette that he had never heard of before called The Demon Comes at Night, and from the graphics on the cover art it looked like a cheesy seventies or eighties b-movie. With his friend having a party, which was the entire reason he was there in the first place, he thought it might be fun to bring over so that they could have something to laugh at while they partied.

Fortunately the white-furred fox already had an old VCR that was lying around he could use, which was already prepped and ready to go after his movie preparations. He wanted to make sure that it was okay to bring and it wasn't something that would embarrass him and decided to make a night of it. "Alright Demon movie," he said as he brought he brought the bowl of popcorn and set it on the coffee table before popping in the movie. "Let's see just how bad you are."

Once the movie had started the fox sat down on the couch, moving his four tails aside so he could get comfortable. There were no previews or anything and it immediately started with an old car that was driving up to an old creepy mansion. It was dark and storming out, typical for such movies, and as the actors began to deliver their lines both the dialogue and way they said it caused Warlock to snort. This was definitely going to be something they could make fun of, he thought to himself as he watched the lizardman and ocelot walk up to the door while discussing woodenly how they hoped this place had a phone.

Just as Warlock was about to grab the popcorn to stop eating a shadow suddenly passed over the screen that caused him to nearly jump. It was not expected and admittedly a decent scare as the two opened the door and began to walk inside. At the same time the fox heard a creak come from his front entrance that caused him to pause, then slowly stand up and move over towards his own door. It was closed however and when he peeked out of the glass window in the middle of it the only thing he could see was the white stripes and red fur of his own vulpine face as he chuckled.

"Maybe this movie is scarier than I thought," he muttered to himself as he ran his hands over his red and white striped pompadour before heading back to the living room. The scene was right where he had left it and as he started to play it again the two protagonists of the movie did the usual foolish scary movie tactic of splitting up to search the house. The ocelot moved into an area that looked like a living room, complete with fake cotton cobwebs all over the place. The dated music intensified as the feline continued to pretend to investigate, then gave a very large jump as a nearby vase fell over with a loud crash.

The fox couldn't help but laugh at that, seeing the string they had used to knock over the vase in the light they were using before disappearing off frame. As Warlock mocked the movie out-loud he stopped suddenly as the ocelot gasped in fear and held his hands up, the scene changing to the demon of the movie. Unlike the rest of the film this creature looked incredibly realistic; which given that most movies during that time relied on rubber suits that looked like they came from a Halloween store someone had taken time and effort on this one. It only flashed on the creature for a second and kept most of his body in the shadows, but what Warlock could see they had decided to go with the horned horse route as it looked straight at the camera with glowing red eyes.

Warlock could feel a shiver go all the way down his body as the scene once more turned back towards the ocelot who just screamed and made his way to the nearest open door. Though the movie had once more shifted to the obvious set-piece of the mansion the image of that demon continued to leave a tingle in the fox's body. Even though it had only been for a second it felt like that creature had stared right through the screen and peered into his soul, and even as it focused on the lizardman now it felt like the demon was still there. Maybe this was some sort of movie where it was designed to look like a bad b-movie, but had a modern take to it?

Either way Warlock shook his head and continued to watch the movie, apparently the lizardman finding a phone in one of the upper rooms of the house and oblivious to the scream of his friend. Naturally when he tried to use it the phone was dead, and as he continued to try and connect by practically shouting into the receiver a shadow suddenly appeared behind him. The fox found himself sliding forward onto the edge of his seat as the demon once more reappeared, seeing that equine muzzle once more but with fangs as it crept up behind the oblivious lizardman. Once more he found himself completely impressed with how the creature looked; either they managed to make the most lifelike costume available or they found the buffest horse acter they could and managed to seamlessly integrate those demonic features onto him as a pair of clawed hands reached out and suddenly grabbed the lizardman's shoulders.

The fox once more found himself jumping and nearly falling off of the couch when it felt like a pair of hands grabbed him. As he whipped his head around he found nothing there, just the empty space between his living room and kitchen. Once more he had to pause the movie in order to get his composure back, pressing his hand against his chest fur. He had not expected for this movie to get into his head, but he found himself practically shivering as he went back to the movie and pressed play once more.

Once more the lizardman turned around and gasped, the focus mainly on him, but when it panned back to show the demon pushing him down on the desk he could finally see more of the creature's body. The horsehair that covered the demon's form was a deep black and looked natural, perfectly contouring over the muscles of the man's body. Once more Warlock couldn't tell if that was a guy in a suit or an actual equine actor as his feet ended in a pair of hooves with spikes pushed out of them to enhance the demonic aesthetic. Aside from the spikes and horns the creature also had a pair of wings that actually seemed to move and a spade-tipped tail that actually moved about.

As the lizardman shouted for help the demon suddenly put a clawed hand on the lizardman's head, causing his eyes to roll back as it looked like they were playing some sort of mind control scene or something. As Warlock continued to watch though his eyes started to shift back and forth as the scene progressed, finding that the lizardman squirming about and the leering of the demon was starting to become less spooky and more... sensual. The fox found himself adjusting his position on the couch as it appeared that the movie was about to throw some sort of transformation scene in there.

The scaled creature moaned out about the demon getting out of his head, then shouted that it was changing him in a very wooden sense as the camera panned out. Warlock's jaw practically dropped to the floor as he started to see the clothes on the lizardman stretching before popping to reveal a very muscular torso. It was not what he was expecting as he continued to watch he could the trapped man's body quivering as they made his limbs look like they were stretching and growing bigger. Just as it couldn't get any more surreal the camera changed to a downward angle to show horns starting to push out of the lizardman's head, but the angle had also revealed something else...

Warlock was stunned to see that there was a thick horsecock that was pressed up against the lizardman as the scene was rolling, and though it was completely soft it was clear that the actor was pressing it between the legs of the other male. They weren't the only ones that were packing either as the fox found himself staring at the bulge on the pants of the lizardman as it grew, twitching and pushing out the fabric as the scene continued. It was only there for a few seconds but it was clear a mistake had been made leaving that scene in... or maybe it was intentional? It was clear the demon was meant to be naked as the camera swung around to show the pert globes of the horse's rear end.

Suddenly just as quickly as it started the demon disappeared, replaced with the ocelot that ran in shouting the lizardman's name. As the other actor was sat up on the desk it looked like they had just had him there as normal, though his clothes were now undone. While they continued to deliver their lines the lizardman did look a little different though; whether it was the fact he could see it now or a trick of the light he seemed more muscular than before, similar to his own toned build. When he looked down at himself to compare he realized with a bit of embarrassment that he had gotten a bit excited with the scene himself and had gotten a tent in his pants, laughing sheepishly to himself as he reached down and squeezed the bulge.

Just as he was about to ignore it and go back to the movie a thought occurred to the fox. He was alone in his own house and it was getting a bit warm, why not just let loose and enjoy himself? It was clear from the throbbing between his legs that he wasn't going to have this go away anytime soon, and he would either need to take care of it or just set it free. He opted for the latter and removed his pants, letting out a sigh of relief as he let his erection spring up. It almost felt liberating and he decided to just go all the way, taking off his shirt as well and sitting there naked.

When he looked back up at the movie he realized he had missed whatever the plot was supposed to be given between the lizardman and the ocelot, but at that point he didn't really care. He found himself hoping there were more scenes with the demon in it... just to see the cutting-edge special effects. As he laid back and watched with one hand fishing to put popcorn in his mouth the other was stroking up and down his athletic body, occasionally sliding down to his still hard member. As he gave it a squeeze he thought it felt bigger than normal, but he just chalked it up to being distracted as the two once more split-up.

It appeared this time the two had moved to the basement of the house, which was set up in the typical kind of ancient cult display one saw in cheesy movies back then. As the lizardman went over to investigate a dark alcove where a number of props were, once more seeing the wires that would relay their impeding movement, the ocelot had gone over to a large book. Exposition time, Warlock thought to himself as the ocelot called out to his friend to check out what he had found. He began to read the book out loud and say that they were attempting to summon the demon Belifer, the book reading like a journal. As the scene cut to the lizardman the voice over of the other actor could be heard reading that Belifer was a demon of lust and corruption, stealing into people's homes to turn innocent men into their playthings.

If the ocelot was saying more Warlock no longer cared as the demon reappeared on the screen, once more behind the lizardman as he wrapped his arms him. "You are mine," the demon finally spoke, the lizardman's eyes rolling back into his head once more as one of the hands of the horse pressed against his head. "The longer you remain in my grasp the more you become my plaything..."

That voice... it sent shivers down the fox's spine as he watched the demon taking over the lizardman. Warlock found his eyes were glued to the screen as his transformation began, once again looking far more advanced than anything he had ever seen in a movie before. This time he could see the scaled pectorals and abs on the other creature clearly growing as the muffled shouts turned to grunts, watching the shirt tear way as claws extended from his fingertips. Though they were only showing them from the waist down he could only imagine what was going on underneath, especially as the demon had begun to sway his hips forward and back as the fox began to stroke his own cock.

Soon he didn't need anything to be left to the imagination, his eyes widening as he saw the camera pan down to the legs to show the lizardman's feet changing and got full view of the man's cock pushing out of his pants. The demon was also completely erect before the camera focused on the changing feet, but it was enough that it caused him to stroke faster. The sounds coming from the audio weren't helping and he found himself pumping his hand up and down, though as he did it felt like his muscles were popping each time he did. When the scene switched over to the oblivious ocelot who began to call out for his friend it allowed him to rip his eyes away from the screen and find out what was going on.

Warlock gasped as the same time he heard the feline do it on screen, but while it was the reveal of his transformed demonic friend starting to walk towards him that prompted the actor it was something far different for the fox. He had been so focused on the movie and his pleasure he hadn't even seen that his cock had grown, to the point where if he pushed it against his chest it would almost be at his pectorals... which had also grown thicker. While he was quite muscular as he examined his body he saw that his frame was bigger than before. What really drew his attention though were his feet, the vulpine digits replaced with something more draconic in nature including white and red scales that went all the way up to his ankles.

Had the movie done this too him, Warlock thought to himself as the film continued on without him paying attention. At first he thought it was a hallucination but as he reached down and grabbed his feet, noting his fingernails had grown to black claws, both felt as real as could be. As his hands slid back towards his hair in shock he stopped when he felt something else there that shouldn't have been, a pair of horns that were behind his ears! And as he looked back at the television and saw the demon had made a reappearance he let out a slight groan and felt them start to push out past his fingers as they continued to grow.

The movie... the movie is real... it was all that made sense to Warlock at this point as he felt his gaze begin drawn back towards the horse demon on screen. He had to shut it off, even if it was just to figure out what was going on, but as his hand went for the remote he found his fingers quivering just a few inches from it. "The mind has already been ensnared..." the horse demon said, and though it appeared to be the creature telling the ocelot about the lizardman it felt like it was addressed directly to him. "Do not resist this, your body and mind are already mine for the taking!"

What is going on here, Warlock thought frantically as he felt a rising lust within him along with the desire to just sit there and continue to watch. When the fox finally mustered up the power to sit upright he saw that the lizardman had pounced on his friend, the two of them mock wrestling in a particularly appalling fashion. He quickly shook his head when he realized the movie was trying to ensnare him again but just as he went to stand again he felt something wrap around his wrists and ankles that stretched out his limbs! In the movie it was the lizardman that was holding the struggling ocelot, but for Warlock it was something far different that was binding him...

...his own tails!

Somehow the appendages had gotten far stronger than before, as well as prehensile, as he fell back on the couch with his legs in the air just like the cheetah. "As you can see, you are completely powerless," the smooth voice of the demon once more said. "All you have to do is say my name and that you're mine, and I will give you the release that you desire."

Both the fox and cheetah continued to struggle against their captors, but as the feline was just doing bad acting Warlock found himself starting to pant. With his limbs bound the only thing he could do was stare into those glowing red eyes, watching as the camera continued to pan up and down that powerful masculine demon's form. He could feel his own body still changing too and remembered what the ocelot had said... the longer that one was in the presence of the demon the more he corrupted them. Though he couldn't see it the fox's eyes had started to turn red, a swirl starting to form as his cock throbbed hard.

That was when Warlock found himself with another problem; with his arms gripped he couldn't relieve himself of the growing sexual need for release that was building up within him. He could feel himself starting to sweat as the scene had switched to the ocelot once more giving in, seeing swirls form in his eyes as his body began to transform. At the same time the presence of the demon, one that had been merely fleeting glimpses, had felt like it started to materialize right there in the room with him. Just say his name... the fox found himself grimacing as he began to imagine himself in the lizardman's shoes, or even in the ocelot's as the demon in the movie reached down and covered his face.

"Ad..." Warlock found himself starting to say, feeling his teeth pushing out into fangs as though transformed by the words that were coming out of his muzzle. "Belifer..." with the demon's name out he suddenly felt he pressure intensify in his room, as though the demon was already there. "I'm... I'm yours..."

As his words came out at the same time as the demon Warlock watched as the camera panned right up to the glowing eyes of the horse, then suddenly the creature was no longer in the television. The fox had to blink a few times as the real thing had suddenly appeared in front of him, the demonic creature stroking his hefty horse cock as he approached. "It has been so long since I've had a new toy," the demon said, the fox practically groaning as the alien presence that had been in his mind intensified. "Looks like my presence has already done a number on you, I look forward to continuing it."

"I... Belifer..." Warlock swallowed hard as he suddenly saw those glowing red eyes stare down at him, causing his jaw to drop before a new word bubbled up in the vulpine's mind. "Master, what has happened to me?"

"The fools that made that movie actually summoned me during their filming," Belifer said as he pressed his hands on the fox's shoulders, causing them to bulk up as the horns that had been growing out of his head passed the height of his hair. "Unfortunately for me I had been trapped to the film they had created and only made two copies of the film, one for each of the actors that I had managed to corrupt. I used to have quite a few thralls... but my power on this plane is not infinite and as people lost interest or forgot I was lost to history. But enough of my tale, we're here to start yours as a personal plaything to a demon."

Before Belifer could say anything he felt a hand press against the back of his neck, his spine popping as scales cascaded down his back before he found his nose pressed against his own cock. His legs were already in the air and the demon had pushed him so that his horns had already punctured into the upholstery that had effectively pinned him there. As he looked up at the horse demon looming down over him the power of the creature in his mind intensified and the swirls in his eyes grew more pronounced as his jaw went slightly slack. Any thoughts that weren't how to fulfill his master's will and how to use his body to pleasure him went out the window as Belifer began to push the head of his cock into the hole of the fox below.

With the relaxed state of the fox and his continuing demonic transformation his master's cock slid past his ring of muscle and began to push inside of him, which also caused his hips to lower and his own thick length to slide into his maw. There was nothing that Warlock could do to defy the demon and as it continued to spread open his insides he found himself not wanting to. Just like the ones that he had seen in the movie he found himself enthralled by the demon, feeling his own muffled grunts reverberate against his own cock sliding into his maw while Belifer continued to push down into him. He was trapped by this powerful, handsome creature, not only in body but in mind as the corruption continued to seep into his mind.

As Belifer continued to thrust into the demonic fox male the movie had long since ended, but it no longer mattered to either of them as the power of the demon had been released the second that Warlock had started the tape. When the equine had first been released the fox still couldn't see him and that gave him the perfect opportunity to mold his newest plaything's mind while he watched the video. It all payed off as the furry abs of the fox bulged with his length as he began to slide deeper down into him while Warlock's own cock had started to push down into his throat. The thickly clawed feet that belonged to the fox curled as his legs squeezed around the thick waist of the one pounding into him.

Belifer... the more he stared into the eyes of the demon the more he could feel it inside him, slithering into his mind just like his cock had pushed into his tailhole. Most of the physical changes had finished up with his form already as he began to feel something start to grow on his back, Warlock shivering as he began to feel a pair of wings pushing out from the muscles. He could hear the fabric of his couch tearing as his head thrashed about while still sucking on his own cock as his tails finally pulled away from his hands and feet. Even though he was unbound his arms and legs remained exactly where they were as he continued to repeat his master's name in his mind.

It didn't take long for the pent-up demon to reach his climax Warlock's eyes were no longer spiraling, they were glowing with a red light of their own as Belifer's will was completely imposed on his own as he came as well. As the horse's cock continued to throb deep inside of him the equine reached down and stroked the cheek of the demon thrall. "You are definitely a great toy," Belifer said with a smirk, looking into those eyes that were staring at him with pure lust. "How are you feeling Warlock?"

Warlock let out a muffled series of words as he still had his own throbbing shaft in his mouth, the equine chuckling as he pulled out and allowed Warlock to do the same. "I'm feeling so good Master," the demonic fox said as he stroked down the red fur of his chest to feel the thicker pectorals underneath. "This body is your toy, your plaything, use me however you wish."

"I believe you already have," Belifer said with a chuckle before he sighed and looked over at the static f the television. "It's been so long since someone played the movie, I'm looking forward to continuing with you every time you do."

Warlock cocked his head in question, especially when he saw that the demonic horse was starting to grow more transparent. "What's going on?" the demonic fox asked, feeling his own body start to revert back to its normal state. "What's happening Master?"

"It's the curse of the media," Belifer said as he sighed loudly. "The only time that I can appear is when someone watches the movie, which is how I managed to lose my thralls in the first place. At first you will be devoted to me but eventually I get forgotten... and soon when this media finally decays even with my power attached to it I will disappear completely from this world."

"There has to be something I can do to help," Warlock replied worriedly as he watched his master disappear, feeling devoted to the one that had showed him such unbridled passion.

"Just press play again when you're feeling horny," Belifer said with a wink. "I'll be waiting for you, my toy."

With that the demon disappeared completely and Warlock felt alone, his television continuing to spout static as he heard the video tape rewinding. With Belifer no longer there he could feel his body shift and contort back to its normal state until he was just a naked fox sitting on the floor. Even as the last of the demon's influence left and the spiral of his eyes returned to normal he still had a yearning to watch that scary movie once more knowing the equine was waiting for him. When he heard the tape stop it did so with a slightly jarring noise that reinforced the statement that eventually the tape will degrade to the point where it won't play anymore.

As Warlock ran his hands through his hair, which had become slightly disheveled as the last indicators of his supernatural experience except for his ripped up couch, a thought popping into his head. He carefully took the VCR and pulled it out of the television before looking at all of the connections that were involved in it. He had a computer but nothing that he could do with it... the technology between the two pieces of hardware were far too different that he could connect them at the moment. However there were a still few days left until the Halloween party, and he definitely found himself motivated to figure it out as his fangs once more started to reform from his gums.

A few days later Halloween came around, and with it a multitude of parties thrown by those to have a good time in costumes and other such festivities that came with the spooky holiday. Once such person was wolf that had just finished showing in his latest group of guests that came with him when he heard the doorbell ring once more. "Whoa, Warlock?" The wolf said in surprise as he saw the white and red furred fox wearing only a loincloth, the rest of his body exposed to show off the various demonic prosthetics that the lupine believed he was wearing. "I didn't think you were going to get into the season that intensely."

"You could say the season got into me," Warlock replied, giving the wolf a fanged grin as he walked inside. "I come bearing tricks and treats, remember that movie that I told you I found?"

"Oh yeah, the The Demon Comes at Night or something like that," the wolf host replied. "I think that will be fun for something a little later on after everyone is starting to settle in. I don't have a VCR so unless you brought on yourself though I won't be able to play it."

"Don't worry about that," Warlock said as he held up a USB drive. "I took the liberty of recording the tape to this, and I actually plan on releasing this on the internet later. But first... I wanted to make sure that I wanted to do a private showing with you first."

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