Atypical Lycanthropy

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#5 of Halloween Anthology

It's Halloween and Juan finds himself lonely after having to move to a new city for a job. A fateful encounter however introduces him to Zale, a nice guy running an ice cream shop in his building. As October progresses though strange things start happening to him and he's unsure of why...

The spooky theme for this one was "werewolf".

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Juan sighed as he passed by yet another place that was advertising a haunted house, with it being the first of October the Halloween decorations and events were quick to pop up as soon as it was the new month. It wasn't that he couldn't go to them if he wanted, but he didn't want to go alone and the only people that he was close to was people from work. He had just moved to this new city for that job as well and had not set up any sort of network yet with all the people he knew now only reachable on-line. It made for a somewhat lonely existence when he wasn't on the computer and it was especially feeling it at that moment as he walked down the street.

Before he got to his house he made a quick stop at the convenience store for something to eat for dinner, opting to take something that was already prepared rather than ordering delivery or making something for himself. As he opened the door he was suddenly knocked off of his feet, falling to the ground as something had barged right into him. He fell backwards and hit the pavement as the guy in the hoodie seemed to be holding his face before he ran off down the street towards the local park. Though Juan could already feel the pain from being knocked over he didn't stand up or shout, opting instead to let the man go without calling him out as he slowly got to his feet.

As Juan got up and braced himself against the door while rubbing his back where he had landed he saw the shopkeeper poke his head outside and look around until he saw him standing there. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked Juan in concern. "Looks like you took a pretty hard hit."

"I'm... I'm alright," Juan stated, looking over towards the woods where the man had run only to see that they had completely disappeared into the darkness of the trees. "Did he rob you or something?"

"No, it was the strangest thing," the shopkeeper said. "He started looking like he was starting to get sick and when I asked if he was alright he just asked me what time it was, and when I told him it was just past dusk he started to freak out. I thought he was just late for work or something but before I could say anything he just dropped all the food he was gathering up and ran outside... oh, you're bleeding."

Juan looked down and saw what the shopkeeper was talking about, seeing three nearly parallel lines of bright red on his skin that was dripping through the gashes that had formed on his shirt. Great, he thought to himself as he looked at the wound and his shirt, though his arm stung slightly he was more concerned about his ruined clothing. The shopkeeper brought him and helped him bandaged up his arm and even gave him one of the hot meals he wanted for free for the trouble that had been caused him. It was a small consolation for the ruined shirt and the lingering pain on his arm.

As the night passed by he eventually forgot all about the fateful encounter, eating his meal and spending some time on his laptop talking to his friends on-line while also watching television. When the night got late enough he said his good-byes to everyone and turned off his electronics before going to his bedroom. He suddenly felt exhausted and even though his arm itched he found his eyes closing the second that his head hit the pillow. Juan didn't even get the covered over his body before he passed out completely, sinking into unconsciousness with the memory of the encounter bubbling up just as he fell asleep.

When Juan opened his eyes once more he found that his setting had changed drastically; not only was he no longer in bed, instead he found himself in the middle of a foggy field that was surrounded by large trees. He also found that he was completely naked as he stood up, shivering from the cold that surrounded him and blushing slightly as he saw that his slightly pudgy body was completely exposed. He covered up his junk with his hands as he looked around even though he didn't see anyone that was there with him. Considering that he didn't remember how he got there he strongly believed that he was in a dream, which was something interesting to him since that meant he was lucid dreaming while the moonlight shined down on his ebon skin.

The mist that clung to his body started to swirl around him as something disturbed the air of the valley. It was so foggy that it was hard to see anything that was going on but he could feel the presence of another around him, something... monstrous. He could feel something huge moving around him and as the skies grew dark the shadow that was slowly approaching him had started to grow closer. Juan could feel himself swallowing hard as a feeling of dread began to rise up inside of his chest. The dream that he was in seemed to be taking a dark turn and as he started to walk through the tall grass he heard a growl that suddenly caused him to stop in his tracks.

That was when the creature that had been causing the disturbance had moved enough in front of Juan that he could see it, or at least the outline of it as it moved towards him. While it still had not fully revealed itself he gasped when he saw that it was huge, twice as long as he was tall and head and shoulders above him as it curled around. But as he continued to watch it though it seemed to be shrinking before his eyes, hearing grunts and growls as it shrank down to something more humanoid in size and stature. It was still taller than him and suddenly he lost track of it in the mists once it had stopped.

Despite the creature disappearing Juan could still hear the growl of the creature around him, but it felt like the mists were closing in on him even more as he started to pant. He could feel the combination of sweat and condensation drip down his skin as he felt too paralyzed to move as the visibility around him dropped to the point where he couldn't see his own hand in front of his face. Just as he was about to take a step forward however something reached out and grabbed him, causing him to let out a loud shout of surprise as whatever was in the woods stalking him and grabbed his sides. All the muscles in his body tensed as it felt like he was being held against an ice cube, the cold radiating up his spine and down his legs from the contact as he felt a equally chilled tongue lick against his neck.

As Juan shivered he could feel the claws start press into his skin, not hard enough to puncture but enough to know that they were there as he felt the bulky creature quickly moving up behind him. It was clearly another guy as he began to feel something throb against his thigh, the hard cock of the other male rising up until it was practically between his legs. This guy was huge, definitely bigger than him and as another growl and a movement of his captor's fingers leaned him forward. While this dispersed the initial assumption that whatever nightmare out here was going to eat him Juan soon found that the creature had a different hunger that it wanted filled by him.

It definitely wasn't going the way that he had thought it would, Juan thought to himself as the dream he believed he was in was taking a far more sexual route. Even though he couldn't see it he could tell just from the feel as it pushed between his cheeks that the shape of the other man's member was slightly inhuman in nature, featuring a tapered tip that seemed more apt to spreading open the ring of muscle it was trying to push into. The fear that had initially caused him to shiver and pant was now being caused by an entirely different sensation as the guy behind him continued to push in the second he was able to spread him open.

A kinky night out in the woods with a mysterious strange creature, it was definitely something influenced by Halloween Juan mused between waves of pleasure. As the other man continued to thrust forward and massage against his sides he started to feel something else happening, except this was his own body. At first he thought that his feet were cramping, but as a fleshy ridge popped into his hole he let out a grunt and felt his heel suddenly push up into the air. It was like his entire foot was starting to stretch upwards as his fingers started to feel similar in nature, hearing the creature chuckle deeply behind him as his fingernails began to push out.

"What the hell..." Juan gasped, his panting increasing and he began to feel his chest stretching as well. "What's... happening..."

"Shhhh..." a deep voice said behind him, the creature speaking for the first time as one of the hands lifted off of his side and stroked down his throat. "Just relax and let it happen..."

Let it happen... Juan clenched his teeth both from the other guy suddenly sinking several inches of his cock into him at once and from the feeling of his gums starting to swell. The combination of feeling his body changing and the intense pleasure from the one slowly thrusting into him was causing a sensory overload as his very frame started to crack and shift painlessly into its new configuration. He heard another growl and realized this time it was coming from his own throat as his jaws opened while they stretched out, hearing his voice deepening by the second. A monster... he was turning into a monster as he felt his spine popping with added vertebrae, and what was even strange was that he was starting to enjoy it...

Suddenly Juan opened his eyes again and heard a shrill beeping noise that caused him to wince, his muscle memory leaning over and turning off the alarm of his phone. When he did he suddenly realized that he was back in his bedroom and that it was morning. Though he had already known it was a dream he hadn't expected what was happening to end so abruptly, though he was a little shocked in himself that he had wanted such a dream to continue on. As he slowly uncovered himself and got up he saw that the mental imagery had left an impression on him in the form of a severe case of morning wood. Though he could feel himself wanting to take care of such a thing he knew with his alarm going off that he only had about half an hour before he needed to go to work, opting instead to just pull up his underwear and try to secure it as best he could before going about his business while hoping it would soften.

By the time he had gotten to work he had forgotten all about it, especially after being inundated once more by the theme of Halloween on his way there. As he sat at his workstation doing his job he suddenly felt an itch on his left arm and started to scratch it while still concentrating. When it didn't seem to be reaching his skin he looked down in surprise and saw that the bandages were still on from the previous day, remembering that he had been pushed over by the man fleeing that convenience store. He couldn't believe that he had forgotten about them until that point, even showing with them still on before he came to work.

Juan took a second away from his tasks in order to unwrap his arm and see what the lasting damage was, only to see three jagged discolored lines on the otherwise black surface of his skin. It must not have been that deep, he thought to himself as he tossed the bandages away and went back to work. One thing that was strange was as the day continued he continued to rub against the area as a chill came from it like the air conditioner was blowing directly on it. That was different from the rest of his body that was actually starting to warm up to the point where he had taken off his usual sweater and put it aside.

When it came to lunch Juan went down to the cafeteria as usual, but instead of going to the main food line there was something that had caused him to pause. It was something in the air, like a smell that had caught his attention as he sniffed around. While he couldn't put his finger on what it was the sweet aroma had caused him to abandon his lunch plans and go in search of it. He could feel his stomach growl as he made his way over towards the dessert area of the floor and stopped in his tracks when he found himself in front of a small shop that had been set up in one of the alcoves of the cafeteria.

"You look like you could use an ice cream," the man behind the counter said, Juan looking over him in slight surprise as he hadn't even seen him before he spoke up. He was a taller man with handsome features and deep olive skin, though what really stood out was the muscular form that was practically bursting out of the thin t-shirt he wore. "C'mon, first scoop is free."

"That's strange, I don't remember this being here before," Juan said as he approached the counter and looked down at the ice cream containers that were on full display.

"I actually just opened officially today," the vendor said with a chuckle. "Hence the promotion for the free ice cream. My name is Zale, by the way, a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Juan," Juan introduced back. "Kind of strange to be opening an ice cream shop in fall, isn't it?"

To Juan's surprised Zale laughed and nodded. "You could certainly say that, but this shop is not the only new thing that's around here," Zale explained. "I just moved here a month ago and still trying to acclimatize myself to everything, and if I didn't open my ice cream shop now I would have to go out and find a different job to make ends meet until I did. At least I'm not trying to sell it outside and have a nice place in a building that they seem intent on keeping the same temperature as an oven, don't you agree?"

Juan found himself nodding, feeling like they had turned on the heaters a little higher in the building than normal. As the two continued to talk for a bit he continued to find his gaze brought back down towards the body of the other guy. Zale looked like he could have been a professional athlete, what was he doing selling ice cream in some office building? There were several other questions that he had but as he looked at his phone he realized that he had spent a significant portion of his lunch time talking and told the vendor as much when he stated he had to go.

"Ah, didn't mean to eat up your lunch hour like that," Zale replied, Juan suddenly finding himself holding a bowl with two scoops of ice cream in it. "Here's a little something for compensation, just don't tell anyone alright?"

As he grinned and nodded back to the other man Juan walked back towards the actual lunch line feeling better than before. Unlike his co-workers whom he was friendly with this felt like an actual connection as he got the rest of his food from the cafeteria and sat down at a table. Though he had to eat in a hurry now he was glad for the interaction, especially when he tried a spoonful of the ice cream and found it to hit just the right spot. While eating his dessert first he happened to see that the sides of the cup had the social media info for Zale while the rest of the spots were filled with the words coming soon, and he quickly pulled out his phone in order to add him as a contact before continuing the rest of the day.

Though Juan had gotten the media information he still didn't find the courage to message him on it, opting instead to continue to talk with the other man during his lunch periods for the next few weeks. He was amazed had how comfortable he had gotten with talking to the ice cream vendor during that time and eventually they did make plans to meet at some point. There still wasn't any solid dates that Juan could muster and as he sat at his office chair he found himself getting angrier by the second. It also didn't help that it seemed the heating system for the building had gotten even worse and found himself practically sweating while he sat there.

When Friday rolled around he found himself sitting after work with Zale since he didn't have anywhere else he needed to be. The ice cream vendor had just closed up shop himself since more people leave as soon as their shift is over for the weekend, the others in the building cafeteria already doing the same. "You know you don't have to keep giving me samples," Juan said as he licked the spoon of the blue ice cream he had been given. "If you do I'm going to have to be rolled out of this room."

"I already told you that my ice cream is all-natural and as healthier than most of the food here," Zale replied with a chuckle. "Speaking of such things have you been working out? You look like you've been losing a little weight."

Juan felt himself nearly choke on the ice cream sliding down his throat from the compliment. Though he quickly just stated that it was because he was only wearing a short-sleeved shirt he had been seeing a slight change in his physique. The padding on his sides and stomach that had come with office life and poor eating had been shrinking with every day that he had woken up to the point where he had come in today with his belt completely pulled to the last hole and his loose shirt tucked in. Where his clothing was loose however it wasn't close to the uncomfortably tight sections where it felt like the garments had shrunk.

After the two had talked for a while longer Zale surprised Juan by asking if he wanted to go with him to the harvest festival that was taking place in the nearby park. It was a place where people could go and get pumpkins, eat and drink, and enjoy the other fall activities that were there. While Juan had wanted to go himself it felt strange for him to go along, but it appeared he would no longer have to worry about that. He felt his heart pounding in his chest as he nodded and told Zale that he would meet him there tomorrow.

As Juan got home for the night he put the bag full of sweets and the rest of his dinner on the table. He had been having quite the sweet tooth as of late and with the Halloween season there was no small stock of candy available to him as well as a number of other baked goods. It was part of the reason why he was surprised that he seemed to be losing weight with his increased sugar intake, scarfing it all down before taking a cold shower and heading to bed. When he laid there in his boxer shorts he continued to rub his hands up and down his flat stomach.

It was something that he could get used to, Juan thought to himself as he continued to look at his form. When he did he noticed something else had grown with his ministrations, feeling a small grin form on his face as he saw his cock flopping out of the slit in his boxers. He had been increasingly horny the last few weeks as well and often took care of himself either in the morning or during his shower, but he rarely got done with his work and wanted to do so. This time though he could see his throbbing member being extremely insistent for his attention and it wasn't going to go down without his tending too.

Juan gave it a few strokes before wanting to have a little more freedom with his ministrations, pulling his boxers down and starting to give the sensitive flesh a few strokes. It felt amazing and as the pleasure began to well up inside of him he closed his eyes and began to use his imagination. Though the first few days when he started to feel an increased arousal he tried to go about thinking of normal things, even using porn sometimes in order to try and get himself off, he found that what really caused his toes to curl was the memory of that dream he had been a part of. The original was so intense that even when he thought back to it he could feel his body shudder as that other guy took him from behind.

He began to feel that usual feeling of pleasure surging through his system something else had began to happen to him. Before that point he had always focused on the sexual aspect of the dream, but there was another component that had started to manifest over the last few days. As he continued to pump his hand over his cock while thinking about that powerful creature behind him there was a twitching sensation that he could feel in his feet. His toes curled as he could feel beginning to stretch just like in the dream, his lust-filled mind focused so intently on the pleasure he couldn't tell that his toenails were actually pushing out and turning black while his toes thickened.

A loud moan escaped Juan's lips and without him realizing it turned into a snarl as his teeth began to sharpen and his jaw began to stretch, and since there was no pain involved in the changes it continued to go underneath the radar as his fingers had started to lengthen slightly as well. He felt so good, so charged... his lips curled back to reveal fangs as his hair began to lengthen on his head. His skin began to shift slightly as the muscles underneath stretched and grew, accelerating far past the growth that he had gained during his first few weeks. The flat stomach he had been stroking previously started to shift and suck down to reveal a set of abs while his cock began to lengthen and push out to the point where it took both hands to wrap around it.

"Ohhh... Zale..." Juan moaned unprompted, growling to himself and wiggling on the bed as more drastic changes began to happen such as his feet cracking and turning into thick bestial paws while thick black claws grew from the merging toes. Hearing him say the name of the one that he was about to go out with while thinking of that dream had prompted his imagination to put the face of Zale on the creature that had been rutting him, and then as his dream self-turned back to kiss him the other man's head began to morph and distort into that of a terrifying creature. It was enough to snap Juan out of his lustful trance and when he looked down at himself for the first time he let out a sharp gasp of shock.

His hands pulled away from his still growing cock, the sensitive skin turning a bright pink, and when he looked at his fingers his eyes widened in shock when he saw that they had grown claws and his fingers had lengthened. As he could feel his breathing quicken and see a cloud of vapor coming from his fanged mouth he realized his face was also distorted and swollen, though with his illusion broken it appeared all his changes were starting to quickly revert. He glanced down in time to see his toes separate once more and his legs grow thinner as well as his arms and chest. In less than a minute everything had reverted back to normal... mostly, as his hands went through his hair he could feel that it was shaggier and his body had gained even more tone and definition.

As Juan sat up in his bed and looked down at his naked body it continued to feel like he had the changes he'd seen on his form, though part of him wondered if it hadn't been a hallucination brought on by the mix of pleasure and that strange dream. With his heart still racing from the shock he got up and went over to his table to pick up one of the pieces of candy to calm him down. As he sucked on the sweet he looked out his window and could just see the edge of the park that he was going to go to with Zale tomorrow, seeing the decorations under the moonlight. It was a beautiful night tonight, he thought to himself as he found himself staring at the silver orb hanging up in the sky...

It took a few seconds before he remembered that he was in front of his window without clothes and shook his head back and forth to get rid of the stray thoughts that were entering his mind. A quick glance at the clock confirmed it was almost one in the morning and a late-night stroll was not something he wanted to do. After a few more sweets Juan once more laid down on the bed in order to try and get some sleep before his date tomorrow... if that's what it was. Perhaps tomorrow he would finally be able to get up the courage to see what Zale really was like as he closed his eyes and drifted off into a fitful sleep...

The next day came around and Juan found himself waking up well before his alarm had prompted him too, feeling quite energized despite the lack of sleep he had gotten previously. After getting dressed and having a breakfast of the leftover donuts that he had bought he tried to busy himself with things that needed to get down around his place before the fated time he would meet Zale. Time seemed to go by at an agonizingly slow pace and more than once he almost let his excitement get the better of him. Despite his mind reassuring him that he had somehow fallen asleep and that what he experienced the night before was just a dream he couldn't even think about pleasuring himself without the images of that newly-altered dream entering into his mind.

Eventually after cleaning his living room for the third pass it was close enough to the time that he was supposed to meet that he left to go to the Halloween festival in the park. It was pretty much in full swing by the time he got there and as he walked up to the gate he saw Zale standing there in a long-sleeved shirt and cargo pants. "You beat me here," Juan said once he had gotten the other man's attention. "Aren't you freezing like that?"

"Eh, the cold doesn't really bother me," Zale replied with a grin. "Extraordinarily useful for my profession, plus it looks like you don't mind it so much either."

Juan looked at him in question before glancing down and seeing that he had grabbed his windbreaker and not his parka without even realizing it. Perhaps it wasn't as cold as he thought, he thought to himself as he wandered into the party with Zale, and at that point it didn't really matter. He had hoped that he would find someone that he could go to these things with and it appeared his wish was coming true, though as his heart pounded in his chest he was hoping that it would be a little something more than friends at this point. As they passed by a pumpkin carving contest and started to go down towards the petting zoo that had been set up Juan tried to muster up the courage to ask, but when the other man looked over at him he just blushed and said he was going to go and get them both a cup of hot chocolate.

As Juan walked over to the area where all manner of fall treats were being sold he mentally cursed himself that he didn't do it when he had a perfect opportunity. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't realize someone was trying to get his attention until he heard a whistle that grabbed his attention as he turned his head towards the source of it. "Yes, you," the old lady sitting in front of a crystal ball said when Juan pointed at himself. "Come over here and sit boy, we need to talk."

"Um... thanks, but no thanks," Juan said sheepishly as he waved his hand dismissively. "I don't need my fortune told."

"Oh really?" the old woman said with a cackle. "You don't want to know why you're having such strange urges, or the dreams that are haunting you? Or perhaps why your body is changing in such... dramatic ways?"

Juan's jaw nearly dropped to the floor and he found himself quickly approaching the table and looking the fortuneteller right in the eye. "How... how do you know that?" he said, dropping his voice in a whisper. "What is going on?"

"Isn't it obvious?" the fortuneteller said as her face turned serious. "A dark curse has fallen upon your poor soul, the curse... of the lycanthrope!"

Part 2:

Juan continued to stand there in shock, eventually sitting down opposite the old woman with his mouth still open. "A... lycanthrope?" he said, the woman nodding. "You mean the whole bitten by a werewolf and howling at the full moon kind of thing?"

"Doesn't have to be a werewolf or a bite silly boy," the fortuneteller said as she lit a cigarette. "But yes, you have been infected by another and cursed to transform into a beast once the moon is full again. Since you are not aware of this you clearly still have time though in order to stop yourself from completely succumbing to this fate."

"I don't... this doesn't make any sense," Juan replied. "I think I would remember being mauled by a werewolf."

Juan nearly jumped as the fortuneteller smacked her hand on the table. "You need to pay attention!" she said with a hint of anger before leaning back in her chair. "It would not have to be a bite; lycanthropes can only pass their infectious state during their transformation of the full moon, but it could be something as simple as a scratch. I know it's been a while but do you remember anything happening to you a few weeks ago?"

Just as he was about to deny anything happening Juan suddenly remembered his encounter at the store, the man knocking him over as his hand instinctively went to where he had gotten scratched. "I see you do remember your encounter," the fortuneteller continued on. "You need to be very careful, if the lycanthrope that has infected you knows that you are changing he will want to make sure that you turn to a beast like himself, it's in their natures. You only have one chance to avoid this fate; when the full moon comes one week from now your instincts will rage and you will find yourself drawn to this creature so that he may fully embrace you into his fold, but if you can avoid it once the sun comes up the curse will pass from you and you will never be able to be turned again."

"So that's it?" Juan said. "Just avoid this creature in a week and I'll be fine?"

"It's harder than it sounds," the fortuneteller replied with a wry smirk. "I'm sure you've already started to feel the influences of your progenitor on your mind, doing things that you might not normally do." Though Juan didn't respond he could feel himself blushing as he remembered the events of the previous night as well as his increased libido throughout the last few weeks. "That is the curse manifesting itself through one of your more carnal needs, and if you think that its strong now in a week your desire will be nearly insatiable."

"So let's say I believe all this, what do I do then?" Juan asked. "Just take cold showers for the week?"

"Given the elemental affinity that you seem to be presenting with I doubt that's going to help much," the fortuneteller replied, Juan watching as she leaned over and put a silver necklace on the table. It looked like some sort of Celtic design on the pendant itself with overlapping bands that formed an intricate shape. "This is an old heirloom of mine, something that will stave off the powers that wish to corrupt you as long as you wear it on the full moon, which I would appreciate you returning regardless of your outcome."

Juan looked at the necklace and wondered if this was some sort of prank or scam. Even with her knowing all that stuff about him it could have been a lucky guess, especially since his clothes were very ill-fitting at this point. But... then there was the fact that such a thing was happening at all, and she didn't even ask for money to buy such a thing off of her. Though he still didn't entirely believe her the least he could do was take the necklace for a week and give it back to her on the day of the actual Halloween festivities.

As he reached over and grabbed the necklace he winced slightly as it felt like he was burned by the smooth metal in his palm, turning it over to see nothing there though. "The curse is rooted deep in you," the fortuneteller said as he looked at the pendant. "Be wary Juan, your lycanthrope is grooming the beast within you."

When Juan asked what that meant and how she knew his name he looked up to find the fortuneteller was gone, looking around to find that he was essentially sitting by himself. He slipped the necklace in his pocket and went over to get the drinks that he had originally been there for and when he went back to the petting zoo he found Zale had already moved on towards the arts and crafts section of the festival. "There you are," Zale said with a grin as Juan handed him one of the cups. "I was starting to wonder if you were making the cocoa yourself from scratch."

"Oh... no, nothing like that," Juan replied, looking away from the other man. "There was just... a very long line, guess I wasn't the only one that wanted something warm to drink."

There was a moment of pause and then Juan felt a hand on his shoulder, looking back up to see Zale staring directly at him in concern. "You alright?" Zale asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost or something."

"It's nothing," Juan quickly stated, moving forward towards one of the pieces of Halloween-themed art that was on display. "These are quite pretty, don't you think?" Though Zale continued to look at him Juan was relieved when he appeared to drop the subject and walk up next to him. There was still an aura of awkwardness between them as they drank their hot chocolate and continued to move through the festival, especially when Juan saw one of the portraits was a werewolf in a rather bloody scene that caused his heart to race and his hand to clutch around the pendant in his pocket.

As the sun began to set the two had walked around the entirety of the festival and was back at the entrance of the park. Though it was getting colder out Juan found himself more focused on his thoughts at what the fortuneteller had told him, which as he passed by the food court area with Zale he didn't see her once more. Was he really turning into some sort of werewolf? And there was all the other parts that she told him about that caused a shiver to run down his spine that wasn't prompted by the increasing chill in the air.

It wasn't until he once more felt a hand on his shoulder did he realize that Zale was talking to him, turning to the other man and apologizing for being too deep in his own thoughts. "I was just asking if you wanted to come back to my place," Zale asked with a grin as he motioned down the street opposite of Juan's house. "It's just a short walk from here and I got plenty of ice cream if you want, something to finish off the day. In fact I have a new pumpkin flavor I've been experimenting with and would love to get someone's opinion on it other than my own before I put it out in the shop."

Though the warnings of the fortuneteller continued to echo in Juan's mind he found himself nodding as he realized that he had just been invited to do exactly what he couldn't ask for in the first place. As they left the festival and walked down the street Juan began to become more relaxed, especially the further they got away from the park. The two began to talk about their favorite Halloween activities and it wasn't long before Zale told Juan that they had arrived. Juan was surprised how close Zale lived, they were practically in the same neighborhood as he was led up and inside the apartment where the other man lived.

Once they were inside Zale told Juan to make himself at home and have a seat where he could find it, most of the places still filled with boxes. It reminded him of his own place a few months ago and as he heard his host rummaging around in the rather large freezer that was plugged into the wall he carefully moved several boxes so that he could find a place to sit. After a few minutes he found himself with a bowl of bright orange ice cream in his hands which he tasted as Zale found a place to sit as well. Like the other flavors he had tried so far the flavor and texture were fantastic and he found himself eating nearly half the bowl before seeing the other man watching him with a grin.

"I'm sorry," Juan said as he wiped his mouth. "You must think I'm a pig or something."

"Far from it," Zale replied with a chuckle. "I find it to be quite the compliment that you enjoy my concoctions so much. It's been a while since I was able to sit with someone and share a bowl with someone whose company I enjoyed."

Juan once more found himself blushing as he continued to eat. "So what prompted you to move here anyway, if I can ask?" he asked timidly. "People not like ice cream where you came from?"

"Oh no, there were just... complications that I found myself unable to live with that prompted me to move somewhere else," Zale explained, Juan seeing him look slightly forlorn as he stared down into his own bowl. "I had a group of friends that I was very closely knit with, but as time went on I realized that their goals were not quite the same as my own and it started to cause friction between us. Everything came to a head when we blew up at one another about certain decisions I wanted to make and I had to make a choice between what I wanted and hanging out with them, and that prompted me to up and move to a new city where I could start fresh."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Juan said in reply as he put the empty bowl down on the table. "That's how I felt when I left my friend group for this job, though we left on good terms we've definitely drifted apart even with on-line stuff. It's actually been pretty lonely around here, I'm glad I met you."

"I'm happy I met you too," Zale replied, his grin growing wider as his head tilted to the side. "In fact, I dare to say that these last few weeks have been a very welcome respite and I was wondering... well..." Juan could feel his heart starting to race as the look of the other man suddenly became more seductive in nature as he put the bowl aside. "I know this is a bit sudden, but there's one other place that I've been feeling particularly lonely and I was wondering... perhaps you would like to go a little further than just friends?"

Juan couldn't believe what was unfolding in front of him, his breathing quickening as he found himself freezing in place as Zale continued to slide on the couch towards him. Even though this was what he had been fantasizing about the reality of it suddenly began to dawn on him that it was really happening and all the doubts started to pile on. What if they go further and they destroy the friendship he was building? It suddenly seemed like things were moving very fast, but when Zale finally closed the distance between them and they kissed all those fears and trepidations melted away.

What began as timid soon turned hungry and passionate as the two pressed against one another, their hands sliding underneath their clothes as they both got up from the couch at the same time while continuing to lock lips with one another. While Juan wasn't sure where this sudden need had come from he felt no desire to stop, in fact as Zale led him towards another room in the apartment he was practically on top of the other male. Zale was just as forceful and by the time they had gotten to the bedroom and flopped down on it they were already half-naked as Zale swept the pile of dirty clothes on the bed to the floor. Before the last sock hit the floor the two had fallen on the covers with Juan on his back and they finally got down to their underwear while shoving their tongues into one another's mouths.

Juan's mind was buzzing with pure euphoria as he looked down to see the bulges in their briefs pressing against one another, the fabric of both straining with the growing erections within. Even before he saw it he knew that Zale had quite the endowment, which was confirmed as the other man pulled away from their make out session to lean back and pull down his. "Now that I've showed you mine," he said as he slid down Juan's legs, leaning down and kissing around the still covered shaft. "It's time I see yours."

The second that the briefs were pulled down Juan felt his cock spring to life, and before he could say anything he suddenly found Zale holding onto it and licking it with his tongue. It was the most erotic thing he had seen in his life and after one particularly long slurp the other male leaned forward and completely engulfed the tip with his mouth. The sudden pleasure caused Juan's back to arch and even though the inside of Zale's maw was cool from the ice cream it seemed to only stimulate the sensitive flesh even more. As he settled back into the bed and began to grip the sheets with his hands something caught his eye that rose above the haze of pleasure settling into his mind.

It was a hoodie that hung from one of the doors of Zale's closet, the design on it sparking something in Juan's head. Suddenly he gasped, not only from the fact that the other male had nearly pushed his mouth entirely down on his throbbing shaft but from the recalling of the memory at the corner store. The one that had pushed him down was wearing the same hoodie, everything from the color to the shape matched what he remembered as he had sat there on the concrete. The words from the fortuneteller also came flooding back into his memory and as his mind put everything together he realized the awful truth...

Zale was the werewolf that gave him lycanthropy!

The sudden realization caused Juan to pull away from the other male, and as his cock slid out of Zale's mouth he could see that the other man's face had started to morph into a muzzle. "What do you think you're doing Juan?" Zale asked with a slight growl, bearing his sharpening teeth as his hair started to go from brown to blue. "I could have choked!"

"Your... your face..." Juan said as he pointed at him, then saw his own hands had grown claws that caused him to gasp. "My hands! She was right, this is real, I am a werewolf!"

"Whoa, Juan, wait," Zale said as Juan jumped up in a panic, feeling the scales on his feet receding as he attempted to gather up his clothes. "Hold on, who was right? Just calm down and let's talk..."

"You're the one that did this to me!" Juan stated accusingly, letting an angry growl of his own before shaking his head. "The fortuneteller at the festival said that you would try and coax me into becoming a beast, but I'm not going to become a monster!"

As Zale got up from the bed and approached Juan fished into the pockets of his pants and pulled out the pendant, causing the already fallen face of the other man to turn into a sneer as he froze into his tracks. "So, she's the one behind this," Zale said in disgust before his face softened once more. "Juan, please just calm down, you're looking at this all the wrong way."

"Am I?" Juan replied as he continued to hold up the pendant between them, which seemed to keep Zale from approaching. "Tell me the truth Zale, did you curse me with lycanthropy when we met at the corner store for the first time?" There was a moment of pause as Zale looked away, his mouth opening and closing a few times with no sound coming out. "I knew it, you did turn me into a werewolf!"

"Stop saying werewolf!" Zale suddenly shouted angrily. "You're a weredragon Juan!"

The sudden declaration caught both men by surprise, both of them standing there in shock for a second before Juan just shook his head and continued to make his way out to the living room while attempting to put on his pants one-handed. "No, wait, Juan, it was an accident!" Zale continued as Juan grabbed his coat from the couch before heading to the door. "Please, just listen to me!"

Juan didn't say anything else, instead slamming the door as soon as he left and putting on the pendant he had been holding to keep Zale at bay. He hadn't quite believed it until it came out of the other man's mouth, but now the concept couldn't leave his mind as anything but true as he flinched in slight pain after putting the artifact on. Zale was a weredragon... and somehow through the scratch on the arm had turned him into one too. Surprisingly he found himself more hurt by the fact that their friendship was just him being groomed into becoming some sort of beast instead of actually becoming one, especially after what they were about to do.

As soon as Juan left the apartment he could feel his phone buzzing, and when he looked at it he could see it was Zale trying to contact him. His first instinct was to block the number completely... but after he hovered over it for a few seconds he decided to just mute it instead for the time being. Even if he wanted to talk to him there were way too many questions swirling around his head right now; especially as he realized that his sudden weight loss and muscle gain was probably tied to this affliction as well as his increasing immunity to cold. He shuddered to think what might have happened if he had gone all the way with the weredragon, and as he looked up at the moon he knew that he still had nearly a week before he was in the clear.

That week seemed to take a month in itself, especially since he knew that Zale would be there at his place of business likely waiting for him. After the first two days of narrowly avoiding him Juan ended up calling in sick for the remainder of the week, saying he had a cold since he doubted anyone would believe he was avoiding someone he almost hooked up with that also happened to be a weredragon. It was just as well too since the longer he wore the strange pendant the weaker he felt as he laid there on the couch. He hadn't realized how much he had gotten used to the strength of his new body until the muscle that had formed on his frame started disappearing and was replaced with the pads of fat he was used to having before.

When it finally came to Saturday that weakness also came with an intense longing to be with Zale again. Juan knew that it was what the fortuneteller was talking about, the final stages of his particular lycanthropy as he looked out of his window and saw the full moon rising in the sky. It made him wonder what would have happened had he never met her; would he unknowingly have become a weredragon himself? Would Zale have convinced him to embrace the beast that even with the pendant he could feel wanting to come out?

As Juan tried to distract himself with something on television he heard his cell phone ring, and when he looked over at it he could see it was Zale once more. He had stopped trying to call him after the first day and seeing it suddenly pop up gave him pause. Though he intended on hanging up on him as he held the phone he found himself answering the call instead. There was a deep sigh of relief he heard on the other end as he put the phone up to his ear.

"Juan... I know that I'm probably the last voice you want to hear right now," Zale said. "But I'm asking for you to give me one last chance to hear me out, or at the very least for stringing you along without telling you what was going on. Meet me in the park where you saw me run off to after our first meeting, wear the necklace if you want, and if I don't see you then... well, I guess it doesn't really matter then after that."

Before Juan could say anything the phone hung up, prompting him to do the same. It was the exact opposite of what the fortuneteller told him to do... but at the same time Zale did genuinely feel like his friend. Plus it seemed with the necklace on he couldn't do anything to him anyway, so other then the instincts welling up inside of him he didn't have to worry. After spending a few minutes debating what to do Juan rubbed his hands in his face before grabbing his coat and going out the door.

Half an hour later Juan was walking down the trail of the small park that was near his building, the one he saw Zale running down a month ago before he disappeared. The Halloween festival could still be heard in the distance but it was too far away to be of any consequence. As he saw the other man it was clear he thought the same thing as he sat there on a park bench completely naked. The sight caused a tremor of pleasure from remembering their last encounter, magnified by the curse raging through his body and contained only by the piece of jewelry around his neck.

"I hope you don't mind," Zale said as he pointed to the moon starting to rise overhead. "During full moons the change happens rather quick and I would rather not rune another pair of clothing."

"Well, I'm here," Juan replied, scoffing slightly. "Say what you need to say."

There was a small pause, Zale getting up and stretching as Juan watched him wearily. "I don't have a lot of time, so I need to make this short," Zale replied. "I'm sorry for not letting you know what happened, I should have the second that I was aware I had accidently infected you outside of that corner store. I had misgauged the timing of the moon and had started to transform in the store, and I thought that I didn't actually nick you with my claws on the way out but when I saw the signs you had lycanthropy I should have told you."

"Why didn't you?" Juan asked accusingly.

"Would you honestly have believed me if I told you that I had accidently turned you into a weredragon?" Zale stated, Juan not knowing how to respond to that. "Even if I had transformed in front of you it would be like most other humans where you would either go crazy or think it was a neat trick. I had to wait until it started influencing you to tell you... in fact, I was going to do it after the Halloween festival but my... instincts got in the way."

It looked like Zale wanted to say more but suddenly his olive skin started to shift, Juan taking a step back as the human in front of him started to grunt and groan. "I... don't have much time to explain..." Zale said between pants, his voice cracking slightly as a pair of horns began to push out of his skull and his hands inflated until they were very large scaled paws. "I really do like you... I knew the moment we met that you would be... a great weredragon... for me..."

"Really?" Juan replied, taking a step back as Zale's spine stretched out and grew into a huge tail while his legs became swollen with muscle. "That isn't the lycanthropy?"

"No... it's genuine feelings..." Zale said with a smile, though the looks on his face were growing distorted as his face began to swell. "There's still time... if you take off the pendant... you can be like... me... strong... powerful... a dragon!"

Juan didn't now what to say as Zale's speech was interrupted by his scaly back starting to sprout wings that unfurled behind him, and as his gaze happened to go between the hind legs of the creature he saw that he was clearly enjoying the changes. "I... I don't know..." Juan replied. "Can you just... reinfect me later?"

"No..." Zale said, shaking his head and causing the long, ice-blue mane to shake along the ice scales still forming on his growing neck and thick white plates forming along his underbelly. "Very soon the lycanthropy will pass... and you'll become immune. Please Juan... be a dragon... with me..."

Any other words Zale wanted to say were interrupted by his muzzle fully growing out, his teeth sharpening as his already deep, unnatural voice turned to a series of growls. As Juan watched he suddenly felt a pain in his chest and realized the pendant was about to neutralize the lycanthropy, keeping him as a human instead of a creature like the one before him. Images flooded his mind like his life was flashing before his eyes, though everything was centered on the last month. Though he would keep Zale's secret it was unlikely they would be friends anymore, much less anything more, and as he looked down at his old body he began to think... would the fate he just saw unfold in front of him along with living the last month really be that bad?

To answer his own question he reached up and took the pendant by the hand, feeling it burn against his palm before he ripped it off of his neck. The sensation of power that flooded back through him was so intense that he let out a shout, feeling his clothing immediately rip off his body as new muscle grew so fast that he found himself on all fours. Though he had been experiencing bits of his transformation already he was unprepared to feel his legs and arms mold themselves into new configurations as the new muscle cascaded down his arms and stretched out his hands until they were thick, heavy draconic paws. His moans of pleasure and surprise deepened as his spine lengthened in both directions, causing his neck to stretch while his new tail grew out simultaneously.

As deep blue scales spread over his body like wildfire he suddenly felt something press against him, looking up with his still mostly human head to see the other dragon standing there with his wing over him. He tried to smile at Zale but his jaws felt stiff and unwieldy until they finally pushed out into his muzzle, growing his new teeth while he felt the pressure of a pair of horns growing behind his pointed ears that had moved to the top of his new draconic head. As his body quivered from his changes he felt the biggest one of all mounting behind his back, a pair of new wings stretching out from his augmented back muscles while ice blue plates covered his chest and belly. As the changes finished off Juan found himself breathing heavily, which instantly crystalized into ice that formed a layer of frost on the ground.

"Did I happen to mention we're ice weredragons?" Juan suddenly heard Zale's voice in his head, looking to see the other creature smirking at him as he moved to be on top of him while he suddenly became aware of his new cock throbbing between his hind legs. "We can also shift to anthro form, but when the full moon is out our true forms come out to play. Now there's something I've wanted to do to you for weeks now, and then you can do me and when we're done with that I have a few gallons of ice cream stashed away."

Juan was still filled with such intense emotions that he didn't realize he had been mounted until the thick cock of the other creature had expertly pushed inside of his tailhole, causing his legs to nearly buckle. As he felt his insides get stretched open he began to feel some sort of kinship forming with the other weredragon, not just the lust he was feeling as he found himself wiggling his rear to get the other male deeper inside of him, but a true connection as his new powerful body shivered. It was hard to focus on it though due to the being nearly floored by the other dragon starting to pound into him, causing waves of pleasure to cascade through his new form. The only thing he could think of as the other dragon rode him was that if he knew this was what lycanthropy was like he would have followed Zale into the forest in the first place...


The next night the fortuneteller sat at her chair as usual, starting to light her cigarette before she was startled by a piece of extremely tarnished silver jewelry hitting her table. "Thought you might want that back," Zale said, baring his fangs despite being in human form as the fortuneteller looked up at him. "Hope you don't mind me giving it an acid bath first."

"Of course," the fortuneteller replied. "So where's your new dragon pet? You wouldn't be here with that unless you convinced him to accept your lycanthropy."

"Stay out of my business witch," Zale stated angrily. "I already left my former clan for this and I'm not having some power-hungry creature interfering in my plans now. Consider this your one and only warning, unless you want to find out what happens when your lungs freeze."

"Why, offering me a kiss?" the fortuneteller shot back with a cackle, causing Zale to look at her with disgust before turning his back. "Just how many more weredragons do you plan to create anyway?"

Zale stopped and turned his head back once more, giving her a fanged smirk. "As many as those who will accept the gift," he replied simply. "I don't care about the rules and neither does Juan, we will fly the skies once more with a clan so big no one will dare touch us. Now if you excuse me, I have ice cream to chill and a weredragon boyfriend waiting to help me."

Trick and Treat

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Very Spooky Discounts

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The Curse of Kindness

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