Very Spooky Discounts

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of Halloween Anthology

Conri thought he was lucky when a haunted hotel allows him free entry. As he looks at the rubber costumes being warn by the people inside he quickly figures out that this is no normal haunted house.

The spooky theme for this one was "haunted house".

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There was nothing that excited Conri more than the fun and games that happened around Halloween, the ocelot passing by a number of kids in costumes that ran by him. While he was considered too old to join in trick or treating he was still wearing a costume, specifically because there were a number places that gave people discounts for wearing such. He had bought a plague doctor mask and gloves that were perfect for the task and it also gave him a spooky appearance for the holidays. The costume had also gotten him a number of compliments that had also given him a skip in his step as he made his way home.

Before he got back to his place however he passed by something that had caused him to stop in his tracks. "Huh, that's odd..." Conri said as he looked at the building being advertised as a haunted hotel. "Was this always a haunted house?"

When the ocelot approached he saw that despite seemingly popping up out of nowhere it looked like a typical Halloween attraction that one might find during this spooky time of the year. The hotel used to be for the nearby events center before they tore it down and moved it several blocks over, which caused this place and several others to either relocate as well or just pack it up. It appeared this one had gotten a second life, Conri thought to himself as he opened the door and looked inside. Since the shutdown had happened a few years ago he wasn't sure what to expect when he looked inside but whoever was running the place did a great job of cleaning it up and making it look decrepit at the same time.

"Welcome to the haunted hotel of hell!" a voice suddenly said that caused Conri to jump, looking over to suddenly see a dragon man standing there in a uniform. "My name is Simon, the liaison to all guests who would like to check in to the frights of this place. Be careful though, you may find yourself never checking back out again!"

The dragon let out an over the top laughter before looking back at Conri, who just stood there in slight confusion. "Anyway... would you like to take a walk through?" Simon asked, once more surprising the ocelot. "We're currently running a promotion for adults that if you have a costume you get in free, and I do really like your costume so I'm more than happy to open the doors for you."

"Really?" Conri said. "You're just going to let me in for free because of my costume?"

"Consider it a very spooky discount," Simon replied with a grin before gesturing over towards the lobby. "And as you can see you kind of beat the rush, so why don't you go ahead and give our frights a try?"

The ocelot nodded and thanked the dragon receptionist once more before asking what he needed to do to get inside. Simon explained to him that the tour was self-guided and to just make use of the signs that were in there as well as the ques that would help him figure out where to go. If he got lost he could also just call out the dragon's name and someone would come and get him. Once everything was said and done Conri went over to the double doors that led into the hotel proper and opened them, causing artificial fog that had built up behind it to spill out into the lobby and help to lend the atmospheric effect.

Once Conri was inside and started to walk through the hallway the doors suddenly closed behind him, causing him to jump before he chuckled to himself. Though the area was dark there was still enough ambient light where he could see all around him as he noticed arcane symbols drawn on the wall along with some regular writing. "What have we done..." the ocelot read as he moved. "We have released him... he is here... he is hunting us..."

Just as Conri was about to continue to move the corner something turned it first, the ocelot gasping from being startled as he found himself staring right at the face of his first monster in the haunted hotel. What had surprised him the most was not the sudden appearance but rather what the guy was wearing; aside from a pair of fake wolf paws and hands it looked like the rest of his costume had come from some sort of fetish club. He was wearing a skintight rubber bodysuit that seemed to cover every inch of him and also had on a gas mask strapped to his head much like his own plague doctor one. As the monster continued to approach him Conri realized that this was one of the prompts that Simon had told him about and began to move quickly through the hallway that was not blocked by the creature.

It didn't take long before he got pushed to what appeared to be the fitness center of the hotel, which was little more than a few treadmills, some free weights, and a spa. Surprisingly the small pool was actually full with bubbles swirling around as he looked at the surface while walking inside. Once more the door closed behind him without prompting and as he turned back he could see the monster that had chased him looking at him through the small window. At first he thought that it would continue to do so, but it just stood there for a while before moving back away from it.

Conri still couldn't quite believe the nature of the costume that the guy wore, which was he knew it was given the bulge that was between his legs that could be seen in the rubber, and wondered if this was the reason why Simon wasn't getting much business. Or it could have been one of those adults only haunted houses, he mused to himself as he looked around for the next prompt that would tell him where to go. He went over to the area marked as the locker room and as he tried to open it he found that both sides were locked. With those being the only other ways out of the fitness center the ocelot scratched his head on where to go next.

As he stared at the door Conri suddenly heard a loud clang, his heart racing from the sudden noise as he turned to see what had caused it. Confusion turned to curiosity as someone that hadn't been there before was on one of the weight machines, and even in the dim light the ocelot could tell that he had on the same rubber bodysuit as the other monster that had chased him there in the first place. As he got closer he could also see a gas mask on him that had a fin sticking out of it, the muscular shark man lifting and lowering the bar with an almost rhythmic quality to it as Conri moved closer. Was he supposed to interact with this one, he thought to himself as he took another few steps which prompted the other man to stop and look up.

"Did you want next?" the rubber shark man asked as he sat up, looking at Conri with the blank black lenses that caused him to shiver given the atmosphere.

"Uh... no?" Conri replied. "I was just chased here and I-"

Before the ocelot could even finish his sentence the creature moved with inhuman speed and grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him forward and sitting him down on the bench. "Even when you're vacationing you have to work out," it said, the eyes of the gas mask starting to glow with a red light as the ocelot suddenly found himself holding the bar. "How else are you going to serve our demonic lord and master if you don't keep in shape?"

This had definitely taken a turn, Conri thought to himself as he suddenly felt his hands get let go of, only to find that they were stuck to the bar by the same rubbery material that was coating the shark's body. As a general rule people in haunted houses weren't allowed to touch the people walking through them to avoid a lawsuit, but this place clearly did not concern themselves with such things. "I uh... don't remember Simon saying anything about this," Conri said as the hands of the creature slid down until they reached his feet, once more gripping them against the metal of the chair he was sitting on and covering them with the same rubber. "I didn't even sign a waiver!"

"There are no waivers when it comes to demons," the muscular shark replied with a chuckle, causing Conri to swallow hard. "But if you can do ten reps on that machine I'll let you go... of course, I'm not going to make it easy on you."

Definitely not a typical haunted house, Conri thought as he felt the other man take off his mask before stroking down his face. With his arms and legs restrained there was little he could do but wiggle around as the rubber shark beast started to take the rest of his costume off by practically tearing it from his body. Do ten reps... it was a strange request but if he didn't want to see what else was waiting for him he knew he had to do it. When he pulled down the bar he found the weight to be rather heavy but not impossible to do, grunting as he tried to do them as quickly as possible. As he got halfway done he found himself completely naked on the bench, his ruined plague doctor costume scattered on the floor with nothing between his fur and the rubber of the other man that had slid back on top of him.

"I would hurry..." the shark man said as his fingers trailed up the ocelot's chest, feeling the muscles push and twitch as Conri did his seventh rep. "Unless you want to join me in the jacuzzi as another rubber shark, I would very much like that. Our master would enjoy it as well..."

Though the rubber creature was bigger than Conri his muscular form seemed to practically balance on him, those webbed hands pressing up against his shoulders while their chests were practically touching. What had really caused the ocelot's eyes to widen was the feeling of his steadily rising maleness sliding up underneath the tail of the creature. This... this definitely couldn't be happening, he thought to himself, but as he continued to try and get to his tenth rep he found his body practically quivering as the head of his member was drawn towards the tailhole of the other man. The strangest thing though was despite the absurdity of being tied down and about to have sex in a haunted house his body felt relaxed, especially as the shark began to whisper what felt like gibberish into his ear while he leaned his hips down.

Conri had been on nine reps but found himself unable to do so as something began to push out of the gas mask nuzzling his ear, the front hole opening and a slimy black latex tongue pushing out. As it began to push inside of him his cock was doing the same to the tailhole of the creature, easily spreading it open as his eyes started to roll back from the pleasure. When several inches disappeared inside of the rubber shark at once though the sudden spike of arousal caused his body to react, pulling down the bar to finish his tenth rep before he felt his fingers let go of the bar. His feet detached the same way and the tongue that had been pushing inside of him retracted.

"That was a good workout," the shark said as Conri laid there panting, his furred chest heaving up and down as the muscular male wrapped his arms around him. "Time to relax in the spa." Before the ocelot could say or do anything he suddenly found himself lifted up in the air and brought over to the water, splashing down into it with his maleness still deeply inside the rear of the rubber shark. The sensations were indescribable and he found himself sinking down with the creature still holding him.

"That's it..." the rubber shark monster said as he squeezed his internal walls around the cock of his captive while they both were lowered down into the middle of the pool. "Sink with me... become me... my beautiful rubber thrall..."

Though the words were whispered to him they set off alarm bells in Conri's head, suddenly snapping the ocelot to the situation he was in. As his head was being submerged he realized that if this wasn't just some sort of very elaborate, very adult haunted house then he was in real trouble. Already he could feel his mind slipping underneath the hypnotic words of the creature just as his head did the same, water cascading over the both of them. While he wasn't sure what would happen if he stayed it was possible that he would have the same fate as the one that was bringing him down, someone who might have wandered into this place and become the monster that he was now.

When the shark creature pulled up in order to push Conri's cock even deeper inside of him the ocelot pulled back at the same time, causing him to slide free of the rubber tailhole that had been causing him such enthralling stimulation. From the surprise of suddenly being completely empty it had stunned the shark enough that with the aid of the slick rubber and the water, though the more he became aware the more it seemed to be too thick to just be that, he was able to pull himself out of the swirling waters and over the side of the pool. By the time the rubbery monster was able to recover Conri already had started to streak naked towards the locker room doors once more. There was no way for him to get his costume back without risking recapture and though the doors had been locked before when he tried again this time he found them to be open.

He could hear the shark shouting at him to come back but by the time he had gotten out of the hot tub himself Conri was already on the other side of the door and locking it behind him. He could hear the monster saying that his master would get him just like the others, and the door rattled a few times with the creature pounding on it before it finally stopped. The ocelot could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he realized that he was in a very real haunted house... Simon's words echoing in his head that some guests never check out. If that was true and there was a demon in this place that meant that those rubber creatures he encountered were very real, and though the thought of them caused his semi-hard cock to throb he had no intention of becoming one of them as he turned around to investigate his surroundings.

With an entirely new light given to his situation Conri carefully looked around the small room that he was in. The locker room had a small changing area on one side and a bank of public showers on the other, and though his fur continued to remain wet and sticky from the strange water he was submerged in he felt as though he didn't really have time to wash off at this point. As he looked around he didn't see any more of those rubber monsters lurking around and there fortunately was a door on the other side that would lead back into the hotel. Unfortunately he was going to have to do so naked, but that was a risk he was willing to take considering that he possibly was about to be turned into a demonic rubber shark of some sort.

As he passed by the large mirror that hung up on the wall Conri caught his reflection out of the corner of his eye and it caused him to stop dead in his tracks. The gooey substance that clung to his fur had matted his fur to his body, and when he looked at himself he saw muscle definition that was not there before. It looked like he had been going to that fitness center every day from a year and despite himself he flexed his arm and watched the bicep bulge with new growth. It appeared that the process of his corruption had already started, he thought to himself as he ran a hand down the abs that had become more pronounced on his stomach. If that short of time with one of these demon thralls was able to do this, then it appeared his assumption about being captured and converted was also probably realistic as he tore his eyes away from his reflection and went to the door to look outside.

When he opened it he found himself back in the hallway of the hotel, and a cursory glance revealed that neither rubber creature had followed him there as he stepped outside. Though there were doors on both sides he found that they were locked and after his second try he figured that they were all the same. A thin fog once more swirled around his feet as he moved forward, looking for his next clue on where to go as he did. If this place was playing at being a haunted house that meant there had to be an exit, Conri thought as he found himself going up a set of stairs after finding a door blocked with a large fake gravestone, all he had to do was find it.

When Conri got to the second floor he eventually found a door that led to a conference room, though as he went to open it he found that it was locked as well. It was the only way in from the path he had taken unless he missed something as he looked back behind him. As he looked around however he heard the sound of machinery kicking in and turned to see that there was an ice machine nearby that serviced the hotel rooms of this hallway. When he looked over he saw that the machine itself was open and that steam from the ice inside was slowly drifting up into the air.

The ocelot moved over to it and tried to see if there was a scoop or anything, but the only thing he found was a picture of a key in red paint with an arrow pointing down on the inside wall of the receptacle. After looking around to make sure nothing was about to pop out of him Conri swallowed hard before pushing his hands in. Though the ice in combination with his still wet fur gave him a shiver he found himself able to push down through the cold cubes towards the bottom of it. The cooler was deep through and eventually he almost found himself face to face with the ice itself as he eventually felt his fingers hit the bottom.

Eventually though Conri found the key he was looking for, but when he tried to pull it back up he suddenly felt something grab his wrists and pull him down! The ocelot found himself with a face full of ice as the creature that was inside continued to attempt to drag him in, his legs kicking in the air as he tried to struggle to get free. With his head buried up to his neck and his shoulders starting to follow suit he continued to thrash about, though as he did he began to see something glowing at the back of the ice machine. As he was pulled closer it looked like a pair of glowing red eyes, and as he found himself unable to look away something else began to slither up toward him.

With his jaw slackening and his eyes becoming glassy all the ocelot found himself able to do was continue to stare at them while the cold continued to seep into his body. It was a strange numbing sensation as a tentacle pushed up from the bottom of the ice and began to slither towards his open mouth, Conri able to see a glint of shiny black before it began to push up past his lips. The appendage was just as cold as the ice as it began to slide into his maw and stretch open his muzzle even further. Other tendrils began to wrap around his forearms as whatever lurked in the ice machine continued to keep his mind fuzzy and enthralled.

Once the tip of the tentacle in his muzzle pressed against the back of his throat his body heat had caused the ice to melt and shift a bit, exposing more of the shiny tube inside his mouth as something spherical was traveling up it. It caused Conri's full attention to become focused on that as it traveled towards his maw and caused him to buck backwards. With his eyes no longer locked in he found that nearly half of his chest was buried in the ice of the machine, but with the key still in his hand he used his flailing legs and lowered himself down until his paws felt the edge of it. Once he knew where it was he took his knees and slammed them against the outside of the machine to pull himself backwards and out of the grasp of whatever was trying to slither down his throat.

The maneuver worked and Conri not only pulled away from his captor but also out of the ice machine in general, causing cubes to fly all over the carpet as he gasped for air. The tentacle that was inside his maw briefly could be seen above the surface of the ice before it slithered back in and disappeared from sight. With the crisis averted the ocelot used the new key in his hand to open the ballroom door. It wasn't a moment too soon as he saw another demonic rubber monster turn the corner just as he opened it, likely to try and take advantage of him while he was trapped as he closed the door and locked it once more.

When Conri turned around however the moment of victory he felt turned to abject horror as he saw what laid before him. "Oh... no..." the ocelot said as he saw that the entire room was covered with floor to ceiling spider webs, the thick strands glinting in the light like they were made of latex as the feline's jaw dropped. "This isn't good at all..."

Though it was hard to see with everything else in front of him Conri did see that there was a door on the other side of the ballroom that was open while the rest were covered in webs. It was clearly a means for whatever rubber creature was here to try and trap him but there was nothing else he could do, especially not with the other one on the other side of the door waiting to see if he back tracks. The spaces between the strands were large enough for him to get past without touching them and though the floor was also covered in them it appeared he could pass by on his bare feet without getting stuck. As he made his way along the empty floor he also noticed more of the demon ritual summoning motif in the form of a large pentagram painted in red that spanned the entire length of the room he was tracking across, which meant it was possible he was inside the lair of the beast himself.

As he continued to carefully move forward Conri suddenly saw some of the strands around him shift, wavering in the air as though swayed by the breeze. There was no movement of the stale air around him though and as more began to vibrate he realized that the creature he had hoped to avoid was likely coming towards him. He increased his pace as best he could but as he got close to the door suddenly another creature dropped down between him and it. This creature standing before him was clearly a monster, his rubber skin shining as he flexed his two sets of arms while staring at him with three sets of eyes.

"Another little fly finds his way into my web," the creature said with a hissing laugh, its fangs extending past his lips. Conri didn't know what to say as he found himself backing up, stopping just as he felt something press against his back. "Whoops, now you've been caught too, you were doing so well flittering about between the strands until that moment."

Conri tried to pull away from it but it stuck to him like glue, and as he thrashed around he found his other hand getting stuck to one that was near it. Though the rubber seemed smooth it was almost like the substance that had made his fur permenantly wet had also caused the stickiness he was experiencing. Before he knew it he had one of his legs caught as well as the rubber creature moved towards him. Though it was clear this monster was supposed to be some sort of spider it actually looked more reptilian in nature, the rubber that covered his body even adorned with a scale pattern as he was suddenly pulled away from the strands and pulled upwards through the web towards the chandelier that hung in the middle. This creature was stronger than the others he had encountered and when they were on the edge of it he suddenly felt several of the strands wrap around his arms to keep them to his sides and his legs to pull them together.

When the ocelot tried to say something the reptilian creature quickly took another latex thread and wound it around his muzzle and head, essentially gagging him before flipping him around. As Conri looked down to see more of the black rubber webbing being produced he was surprised that it was actually coming from his reptilian tail as it practically painted it on him. The ocelot couldn't believe that he had gotten so far only to be trapped at this place as he felt the rubber tightening around him. It didn't help that it was also strangely arousing to feel it as he was coated up past his knees towards his groin where his erection was bobbing.

"Looks like some of the others had some fun with you already," the multi-limbed rubber reptile said with a chuckle. "I could smell your arousal the second you came into my lair, and while it would be fun to merge you into me like the others I think I'll save you for later. Until then you are more than welcome to... hang around."

Conri let out a muffled grunt as one of the shiny clawed hands stroked his fully-erect cock while the rest of them continued to cocoon him in his rubbery prison, eventually taking the ocelot's shaft and pressing it against his abs before coiling a few layers around it to keep in place. The sudden lack of stimulation combined with the feeling of rubber pressing against it caused the feline to squirm even more, but there was nothing he could do as more thick strands were wrapped around him. It didn't take long before the he was covered all the way up to his chest and as he was bent up to watch the webbing practically melted around his body and revealed his newly toned definition even more. The spider lizard chuckled at watching him continue to squirm as his upper body followed suit until he was completely encased from the neck down with no ability to move his arms and legs.

"I do hope the master lets me keep you," the rubbery creature said as those hands continued to stroke up and down his body, keeping him stimulated while not getting close to the point of climax while also slowly wrapping more webbing around his head. "You will make a fine addition to my web whether I keep you in this cocoon so you can squirm in vain for release, or perhaps I will make you like me."

The demonic creature chuckled as Conri's eyes widened, only for them to close again as the rubber being took a thick shiny strand and put it across his eyes. With his vision blocked the only thing he could do was hear and feel until the former was taken from him as well. Though he couldn't see himself he could only imagine his feline form completely wrapped from head to toe in the rubber, his body outlined in the shiny surface as the lizard spider continued to put another layer over him. Other than back and forth he had been rendered completely immobilized and in the dark with the only things he could do were shift from side to side and bend at the waist.

Once it appeared that the creature was finished it gave one last deep massaging grope over Conri's entire body before he suddenly felt himself falling, then bungie back up before hanging there. As he swayed back and forth in the air he could feel the vibrations of the creature moving once more, most likely to try and wait for another victim to do the same to. When everything became still once more the ocelot focused his thoughts and rose them above the pleasure he was feeling in order to try and make his escape. It was going to be hard while hanging upside down, he thought to himself as he took the key he had been holding in his fist the entire time and wiggled it out to start cutting the strands, but all he needed was one hand free...

Conri had no idea how much time had passed as he hung there, feeling the key he was using as an impromptu saw puncturing through his latex cocoon and widening the opening. The second that he had broken the suction of it against his body the ocelot knew that he was making progress as he made sure that he didn't drop the key in the process. The only thing he worried about was that he was attracting the attention of the creature that had put him there in the first place, but he didn't feel anything heading towards him and he continued to try and make as little movement as possible. Once he had gotten the hole he created big enough he got to the most dangerous part as he tried to hold onto the key while also using his fingers to try and tear it even wider.

The rubber yielded to him and he heard the satisfying sound of it getting bigger, eventually allowing Conri to push his arms through before hie head followed suit. Though he was hanging up in the air it was only by a few feet and with the key still in hand he managed to cut the cocoon in a way that would lower him even more towards the floor. Eventually his feline paws touched the ground after he dropped and as soon as he could he bolted for the door. The strands of the webbing began to vibrate again but this time the ocelot moved quick enough that he made it to the other side and slammed the doors shut before he felt the thud of the creature landing on the ground.

Conri didn't bother to check to see if the doors locked behind him as he went up the nearby stairs towards the next floor of the hotel, this one leading into another hallway full of hotel room doors. The third floor would be mostly hotel rooms since most of the amenities such as the fitness and business centers were on the first and second floors for ease. If he could just find a way to get to another stairwell, or even a window, he might be able to leave this place for good. As he started to walk in however he could see the same glyphs and insane writing that was on the first two and knew that he was definitely still in the haunted hotel.

When he got to the other end of the hallway he found the door that led to the next stairwell to be locked, causing Conri to huff slightly as he pulled on it several times. While part of him wanted to just break it down he didn't want to anger whatever demon was turning people into rubber monsters, instead looking back down the hallway he had just come in to see if there were any clues. The air had a chill to it that caused the ocelot to shiver as he looked around once more before eventually trying one of the doors to see if they were unlocked.

Much to his surprise when Conri turned the handle it swung open on the first try, allowing him access to the room. Just like the hallway it looked like something out of a nightmare complete with black bedspreads, more red-painted graffiti on the walls, and an eerie red glow to everything. Had he not experienced everything else beforehand he might have considered this to be part of the attraction, but the feline knew better as he started to search everywhere for the key that would get him out. As he went over towards the bed the television that was covered in cobwebs turned on suddenly and a screaming corpse appeared that nearly caused the ocelot to fall back on the beds.

As Conri put his hand on his chest to try and calm his breathing he felt something that caused every muscle in his body to freeze. There was a loud squeak noise as instead of the usual fur that he felt on his chest there was shiny white rubber and his hand also was synthetic in nature. As he realized that he had not left the lizard spider's web unscathed he quickly ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see his reflection. He gasped as he saw his entire body had undergone the transformation into a rubber ocelot as he stared at himself.

Though in the back of his mind he thought he looked rather hot, especially with the added musculature he got from the fitness center, Conri wondered if he was already too far gone to escape this place. But the creatures that were wondering the halls and infesting the various areas of the hotel did look vastly different from him and he hoped that when he had escaped the changes would revert. Although... once more he couldn't help but admire what his body had become before he realized what he was doing. Was he really doing this, or was something with the demon and this hotel making him think that way?

Just as he finally pulled his gaze away from his own reflection in the mirror he suddenly saw something standing right behind him, another demonic rubber reptilian creature that was staring at him with glowing red eyes. When Conri turned around to face them however he found himself staring at empty space with the demon nowhere to be found. It was just another jump scare, the ocelot tried to reassure himself as he stepped back out into the hotel room. As he thought about it he realized that all of these doors probably were open since it was hard to imagine he found the one that was unlocked on the first try.

True to his theory when Conri went to the second hotel room next door he found that it was unlocked as well, walking inside to see a room similar to the one that he had just previously entered. If every door was like this there were twelve rooms that he would have to search and so far he hadn't found anything that indicated where a key would be. This time Conri kept a weary eye on the television as he looked around once more but didn't find anything that would be a clue on where to go next. As he was about to leave though his ears perked up as he thought he heard a rattling sound behind the closet door like something had dropped.

Conri found himself slowly opening the door, attempting to keep a fair distance back in case there was a rubber creature waiting for him, and instead he saw what appeared to be a strip of rubber on the ground. It was likely the source of the noise and after making sure there was nothing else inside he bent down and picked it up. It looked like a rubber collar complete with studs on the outside of it that he ran his finger over. He also noted that there was writing on the inside, his jaw dropping when he read it.

It was his name.

The ocelot tried to drop it on the ground but it seemed to fling itself upwards with supernatural force, wrapping around his neck before the two ends fused together to form one solid band. As he tried to pry it off of him he could feel that the synthetic material had fused to his similarly textured skin and he realized at that point he had made a major mistake. With his already changed body and the possessed collar on him the feeling of corruption and darkness that had increased in pressure around him almost brought him to his knees. The black coloration of the collar started to seep into his own shiny skin as he stopped trying to pull it off and started to stagger his way out of the door.

As Conri moved back out into the hallway the only thing he could think of doing was possibly trying to blitz the rest of the rooms to try and find the key, maybe getting out before whatever the demon was doing to him came to fruition. When he went to the next room though he could already feel his feline muzzle starting to shift, his already rubbery maw starting to stretch and expand as the latex turned to black. He wasn't quite sure what he was turning into but it was clearly not feline as his ears started to twitch and he felt a pressure on his skull. Strangely this was all starting to turn him on even more as he went into the next room and found something glinting with silver in the nightstand.

It was two pairs of cuffs, and as he stood there just looking at them blankly one pair slithered upwards and latched around his wrists before fusing together. Conri let out a startled yelp and fell backwards onto the floor as the second set crawled out and did the same thing to his ankles, giving him the complete set as he immediately felt his feet start to cramp and contort. He watched in shock and horror as his rubber toes merged together, forming into a hoof that turned as black as the cuffs that were transforming him. When he tried to get to his feet he found himself unused to the new appendages and ended up falling over onto one of the beds.

Conri found his situation going from bad to worse as the black sheets turned out to be latex as well, his body sinking into it before another layer quickly flowed over him. He could feel his cock immediately start to get toyed with as his changing body wiggled on the bed while the rubber suctioned around his form, trapping him like a vac-rack as his face continued to extend like it was being pulled on while a pair of horns grew out behind his ears. "Oh dear, looks like your haunted house experience is at an end," a deep, soothing voice said as he suddenly felt a presence similar to the one he experienced in the bathroom. "I do admire you for getting this far, unfortunately you didn't quite get a chance to experience the little maze I made here."

Maze? It was just one hallway of rooms, but as he tried to pull his head up to look at the creature taunting him he found his head suctioned to the pillow it had landed on. "I have to say I was rather hoping that you would manage to elude the slave that I had put in the ballroom," the creature explained as Conri suddenly found a pair of hands on his rubberized butt. "I have a little arrangement that if they capture someone they can do with them as they see fit, but if one of my traps manages to ensnare them then they're all... mine..."

Between the intense sensation of the rubber pressing against his body and his still-changing form it was hard for him to concentrate on what was being said, but as he felt something pushing up against his rear he knew what was about to happen. The demon wasted little time in laying on top of his restrained body, rubbing his clawed hands all over the captured male beneath him as the tapered tip of his cock began to spread him open. Conri felt his body tense but the transformation of his body had already caused his tailhole to stretch easily with the ropy appendage above it starting to thicken and fill out with more muscle. He wasn't sure what was giving him more stimulation at the moment as he grunted into the pillow while feeling his face continuing to change.

As the thick, ridged cock of the demon continued to steadily sink inside him he felt a hand wrap around one of the horns conri didn't even realize he had and start to pull him away from the latex pillow his head was trapped in. Without even needing to look into the mirror he could see that the muzzle that had pushed into his field of vision was bovine in nature, his tongue stretching out past his lips as the demon behind him continued to spread him open. While the rest of his body remained humanoid save for his new hooves and his fingers growing into claws there was another part of his form that was rapidly changing as well. With his head free he let out a loud bellow from the demon thrusting deep inside of him as his own cock began to thicken and stretch.

The bed rocked and squeaked as the demon he couldn't see continued to ride him hard, thrusting his hips down and causing them both to bounce in the bed while pushing so deep into him it felt like it was stretching his stomach. As he became less restricted by the bed and was able to use his arms, which had grown by a couple of inches in themselves, to push himself up he looked down and saw that the demon actually was bulging his belly. With each push inside of him he could almost see the outline on his black rubber abs as his own cock grew to nearly a foot long while a medial ring formed halfway along the shaft. Whatever entity was pounding into him also turned him into some sort of demonic bull..., demonic minotaur.

Conri couldn't see his eyes starting to glow with a red light as his body was filled with the demonic essence flowing through the other creature and into him. Synthetic fur grew out along his shoulders and chest in order to give him an even fiercer look as a second pair of horns grew out behind the first to help signal his demonic nature. The other giveaway was his tail, which unlike the rest of his bovine body had lengthened and thickened into something more draconic in nature. The rest of him was all rubber bull though as he found himself starting to thrust back so that the creature that was corrupting him could get even deeper inside.

There was a moment of pause from the demonic creature and suddenly Conri found his new body get flipped around onto his back with the rubber cock still inside him, gasping as he saw a somewhat familiar red latex dragon staring back at him. "Simon..." the bull whispered, though his mind suddenly alerted him to the grave mistake he had made as he felt his lips tremble slightly. "I mean... Master..."

"Very good correction," Simon replied with a smirk that bared his fangs, his own red eyes glowing as he once more began to push his throbbing cock deep inside the transformed male. "You are coming along quite nicely, but before we sink too deep into our new lusts I want to make sure that my new slave isn't just lust-drunk and telling me what I want to hear."

As the rubber demon dragon backed away Conri suddenly found his new body empty as Simon walked over to a nearby chair. "You may have a few moments to examine yourself," Simon continued to explain. "We don't have a lot of time though so make it very quick."

The order seemed to instill a sense of urgency in the rubber bull as he quickly got up and moved over towards the mirror that was hanging there, feeling more stable with his new hooves as he did. When Conri got over there he saw that other than the pattern of his fur, the stripes and spots silver now with the rest of his body a shiny black, he looked nothing like the ocelot he had been. Not only did his body bulge with new muscles, which he found himself flexing to show off to himself, but every inch of his feline form was replaced with either draconic or bovine. He could see his thick rubber tail swishing behind him as his clawed fingers went up to his face to trace over his thicker nose before going back towards his floppy tear-shaped ears.

As he continued to stare at himself there was a strange duel sensation that was welling up within him. The first was the feeling of power that he got from his new body, his rubber lips smirking despite himself as he hefted up his new latex cock that jutted out from between his legs. At the same time however there was an incredible sense of subservience as well as his glowing red eyes slowly shifted towards the one that was sitting there waiting for him. The second he looked upon the body of the rubber dragon a sense of reverence washed over him, like everything he was belonged to him. When he continued to stare at his new master the dragon slowly curled a finger and immediately prompted him to go over and kneel down next to the demon.

"As you saw in the mirror you have made great strides towards your true demonic form worthy of wandering the halls of this haunted place," Simon said as he reached down with a hand and stroked the bull's cheek. "However... whether or not you're aware of it yet you are... incomplete. You probably would have found the rest of these had you not fallen on one of my vac-rack beds but now that you are here I'm ready to supply you with the last piece that will bring you the rest of the way to your final form."

Simon looked at the dragon to see what he was talking about and his gaze eventually landed on the silver ring that was nestled at the base of the demon's cock. "Y-yes Master," Conri said, looking down at his own imperfect form and realizing that he was incomplete like his master said. "I would be honored tot wear the mark of my servitude."

"Of course you are," Simon replied with a smirk. "Go ahead slave, take it off exactly how you know I want you too."

Conri looked at the shaft of the dragon and found himself swallowing hard as his former mindset briefly flashed back to him. The demon's maleness was bigger than him and he had never done anything like that before, but then he remembered that his master was waiting for him and it shook any doubt away from his mind. A shrinking part of his mind told him that if he did this he wouldn't be able to come back from it, that he was enslaving himself to a demon when he should be running. All that caused him to do though was lick his lips before grabbing the throbbing shaft with one hand and guiding it to his open maw.

Though the new rubber minotaur could have just slid it in entirely and gotten the ring Conri knew his master wanted a show, the sounds of the haunted house playing around them as he slowly licked down the tapered head of his cock. He could see his master shiver in delight and that caused a wave of pleasure to crash through him as well, especially as he leaned up and completely engulfed the head of it with his muzzle. As he imagined his new synthetic body was able to stretch easily to accommodate the girth of it, the dragon watching him intently as he shifted his posture to get more of it to slide easily into his throat. A smile crossed the minotaur's muzzle as he could only imagine his master watching him with pride as this beefy rubber demon bull impaled his own throat to the point where the ridges could be seen in his neck while continuing to slide down.

It took a few minutes before Conri could get the entirety of the red demon dragon cock in his mouth, even with his augmented physique by the time he was finished the head of it was pushing out his synthetic skin right above his pectorals, and eventually he wrapped his lips around the silver ring. When he attempted to pull his head back with it though he found himself unable to, and after a few pulls he knew that it was because his master's shaft was still hard. He eagerly sought to rectify that by bobbing his entire upper body up and down until he got Simon to orgasm. It didn't take long for the dragon to do so, especially when Conri rubbed his own throat to provide further stimulation even when hilted.

As Conri kept in contact with the dragon's crotch he began to feel something strange happening to his face. With his throat full of the demonic shaft he was sucking on all he could do was let out a slight huff as it felt like the rubber of his face was starting to harden. He carefully moved his hands off of the synthetic scaled thighs of the dragon and felt his head as it began to lose its definition. At first he didn't know what was happening, but as he remembered the others demonic thralls he had encountered he realized what was going on. The only thing he could do was grin around the cock stretching his jaws open as his head formed into the gas mask that would mark him as a slave to this place, binding him here and to the others as lenses formed over and completely covered his glowing demonic eyes.

The demonic minotaur continued to keep the demon dragon's cock inside of him fully until he felt it soften, then pulled off the ring with a loud pop. Simon sat back with a contented sigh and watched as Conri took the ring and immediately slipped it over his own shaft. Even though he was erect the larger nature allowed him to do so, though as soon as it got to the base the bull felt it tighten snuggly around his base. There would be no reason for him to ever take it off anyway, and as he started to hump the air from the sudden stimulation more rubber straps began to grow from his body. Simon sat and watched as a black studded harness formed over his muscular chest and back before connecting to his collar in one big piece.

"It appears your corruption is complete," Simon said as the demonic rubber minotaur stood up, nodding enthusiastically his gas-mask covered head as his lips sealed up to form one solid piece. "You have done very well slave, you may now go and join the others who are eagerly waiting to receive you. Just remember that we will be having more clients coming in soon and I expect one of you to capture someone on your own soon..."

Half an hour later Simon once more was back in the lobby of the haunted hotel he had created, idly playing on the phone of one of his rubber slaves that had no doubt gone back to continuing preparations for whomever walked in the door next. It appeared that wouldn't be long, Simon thought to himself as he put down the phone and looked up to greet his next victim with a grin, only for his excitement to turn to joy when he saw it was not a customer that had opened the door. "Master Renzyl!" Simon said, reverting back to his rubber demon dragon form upon seeing the bigger male walk in. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?"

"Just getting into the Halloween spirit," Renzyl replied, grinning slightly as he looked Simon up and down. "Demon huh? Always a fun role to play, provided they don't have too bad a stigma about it here."

"Oh no, far from it," Simon reported as they went over to some chairs and sat down. "In fact the last guy I had come in here before you did was so enthralled with the prospect that I didn't even have to ask him if he wanted to stay, he just slipped right into that slave role without even needing to be prompted. Talk about a real treat, huh?"

"Better than a trick," Renzyl replied, his red eyes glancing over to the nearby table before reaching in and pulling out a handful of candy. "The other reason that I'm here besides checking up on you and the free candy is to see if you needed anything. With this kind of season my other brothers are sure to be out and about with their own fun and frivolity and I wanted to make sure that they aren't horning in on our turf."

"So far I haven't seen much..." Simon replied. "One of the others that's running a costume shop on another area of the nexus realm said that some sheep guy is running game for Santer, oh, and Jerkah is having a competition with Yavini on who could get the most converts in one night. But yeah, other than that it's pretty quiet around here... speaking of horn, do you want to see my latest convert?"

Renzyl nodded and Simon took him over to the doors where customers would enter, leading him inside and heading up towards the third floor. Along the way they both passed by the shark and lizard spider, both of them bowing their heads in respect to the nexus creature. Simon may be their master but everyone in the haunted hotel knew who the true king of the castle was as they got to the hallway of open hotel room doors. The demon dragon explained to Renzyl that he had put on an illusion that would reset the rooms each time and they had to find the one that didn't in order to find the key that would unlock to the next floor which only a few had gotten too.

As they were talking the rubber demon minotaur that guarded the floor walked out of one of them holding a huge battleaxe, something Simon said was his idea in order to increase the scare factor of those that hadn't been already pushed toward being corrupted. Even though they hadn't been properly introduced yet the minotaur already knew enough to bend down and bow to the nexus creature. "You were right about this one," Renzyl said as he motioned for Conri to rise. "So who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"

"I am Minotaur," the rubber bull said in a deep, low voice. "I am the slave to the demon dragon that haunts these halls. All those who enter here belong to him."

"Not a bad script," Renzyl said with a grin. "It's unfortunate I can't see him in action."

Just as Simon was about to say something he suddenly perked up as the door sensor he had to notify him regardless of where he was just went off. "Actually, you might be able to," the demon dragon said with a grin as he shifted back to his form. "Why don't you turn invisible and enjoy the show while I lead our newest customers in here."

Renzyl nodded and went over to a corner where he wouldn't be seen, then waited. It didn't take long until he saw someone coming up the stairs, and otter man that looked like he was scared out of his mind. He could see that none of the others had corrupted him and the nexus dragon wondered if Simon had just stuck to the frights instead of having his demon thralls trying to actively convert him. Either way he just watched with a smile as the otter, who was wearing a wizard robe, started to move inside and look around. The dragon followed the terrified male as he went past his corner to try the door, only to find it locked.

"Oh come on..." the otter said before turning back towards the hallway. "I wonder..." Renzyl watched as he went to one of the doors and tried it, only to find it swing open easily. "Ah, I see, may as well check the others."

The otter went from room to room to see if the others, and when he got halfway down his already anxious look turned to horror as he saw the rubber minotaur on the other side of the one he had just opened. The scream was so high-pitched that Renzyl swore it would have shattered glass as the otter ran away towards one of the hotel rooms and closed it behind him. The minotaur that was formerly a customer himself went over and opened the room himself, closing behind him as the nexus creature heard yet another scream. He didn't need to look in to see what was probably going to happen next, though the otter might escape Renzyl teleported himself out of the hallway and back into the lobby where Simon was standing.

"So what did you think?" Simon asked as soon as he saw Renzyl reappear.

"I think that you're about to have two minotaurs guarding that hall instead of one soon," Renzyl replied with a chuckle. "If you need to offload any extra minions I can get Chrono to come back later, otherwise if I have time I might take a tour myself without them knowing its me to see how well they work all together."

"Sounds great to me Master Renzyl," Simon said, giving Renzyl a wink as he watched the other rubber dragon slice his claw down and open a portal to his next destination. "Don't worry either, you don't even need to wear a costume to get my very spooky discount, I'll let you in for free."

The Curse of Kindness

The building that Tana found himself in front of was not what he expected when he had gotten an invitation to a Halloween party. The supposedly exclusive club didn't even look like it had been in operation for the last few years and when he put...

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Spellbound Reflection

"It's been a while since I've gone to something like this," Teryx admitted as he and Talen went to the steps of the haunted house that had opened up in their neighborhood. "I didn't even know that they had opened one of these up, how did you hear...

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Little Club of Horrors (5/5)

Tana suddenly felt several hands grabbing onto him as he began to fall forward, his half-focused eyes hardly coherent to what was going on around him. While he could hear other voices around him it was like he was trying to listen to them while...

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