Little Club of Horrors (5/5)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Tana is just looking for a good time to kill a weekend, and normally he wouldn't find himself going to a club except that the invite he got was rather enticing. A club based on plant life in the middle of a mega-city, what could go wrong?

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Tana suddenly felt several hands grabbing onto him as he began to fall forward, his half-focused eyes hardly coherent to what was going on around him. While he could hear other voices around him it was like he was trying to listen to them while underwater. Attempting to speak also was a challenge as the words that he wanted to say passed through his muddled mind, his sensitive body also throwing waves of pleasure that broke what little concentration he had as he felt one of his feet hit the floor. When his vision had returned enough to see what was happening he saw two people at his sides helping him get out of something, the mists swirling around his feet reminding his addled mind of the club...

"Welcome back," a voice said that was recognizable enough to cut through the haze in Tana's mind, the still drooling and moaning cobra managing to look up and see Fel grinning and waving at him. "I know the process to reacclimatize yourself to the real world can be a bit jarring, just allow yourself to take it slow and set the hallucinogen clear your system completely."

Hallucinogen... real world... as the cobwebs started to clear his mind Tana looked around and saw that he was in the large room with the puff ball in the center that he had stepped into when he first entered the club. When he looked behind him while the staff started to clean him up, the cobra able to stand on his own two feet without prompting, he saw that the pod that he had emerged from was the same too. It definitely wasn't the middle of a park where he and a bunch of others had been taking over the city, though recollecting the thought caused a shiver to go through his entire body. But if he had been in there the entire time, then that means that everything he had gone through since then... but it couldn't be...

"I can see from your face that you're starting to realize what has just happened," the elf stated as Tana felt something get pulled off of his head, the cobra realizing that the flower hood that had been on him up to that point had just been removed as the staff went about pulling the rest of the bondage off of his body too. "I've been told that the effect of our puff ball plant here can be quite intense, considering how people tend to not believe where they are for a few hours after the fact I tend to believe them as well. Tell me, if you can, how long did you experience the world that we put you into?"

"I... uh..." Tana replied, still trying to regain his coherence while answering the elf's question. "A few days?"

"I see..." the elf replied, giving the staff members a nod before wrapping an arm around his shoulders and starting to walk him towards one of the doors in the back of the room. "In truth you've been in that state for a week now, and from the way you were gyrating in there it must have been a very vivid illusion indeed. The fact that you remained under for that long is also very impressive and I would like to take you somewhere else for a while."

All Tana could manage at that point was a nod as the walls and floor continued to shift around him, nothing remaining stable in his vision. He was able to recognize that Fel was taking him somewhere else in the club that was downstairs, feeling the stone under his feet still as they walked down some sort of spiral staircase lined with electronic torches. Was this some sort of roleplay room that they took those that had just experienced their plant thing, Tana managed to question before a jolt of pleasure from the hand of the elf pressing against his side caused him to lose his train of thought. As they continued downward it was hard for the cobra to keep track of just how far they've gone, though in his compromised state it could have been ten feet or ten miles that they actually went until they finally set foot on level floor once more.

Though Fel was talking about something Tana found it hard to concentrate on what he had to say as he looked up and saw the same rubber vines that were all over the walls growing down the stairwell, the main trunk of them forming the pillar that the stairs wrapped around. The growth of the unnatural foliage seemed to be increasing while they had gone further down until the landing they were on at the moment was completely covered by them. It was like seeing thick cables or pipes that supplied a building with power, except these were clearly organic in nature as they filled most of the head space of the room they were in. When he felt someone tug against his arm he saw that Fel had been attempting to get his attention and together the two continued on to a destination unknown to the cobra.

The stairwell they had just left had only a single exit that went through a hallway, the elf continuing to guide the delirious cobra. "This club has actually been a fantastic means for us to find volunteers," Fel explained as they walked by several rooms, Tana glancing in to see people in robes huddled around something while others wrapped up in rubber were either against the wall or hanging from the ceiling. "Those that express interest in the experience you put themselves through don't always pass our little test, but when they do we know for a fact they're a right fit for this place. You're also quite lucky, you're going to be filling the last spot that we need."

"Last... spot..." Tana replied, his speech slurring and still unaware of what was going on while passing by the ritualistic displays taking place in the rooms. "What... what is going on..."

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with," Fel replied as he patted the cobra on the head, then led him into the exit on the opposite side of the walkway. When the walked inside he was coherent enough to realize they had stepped into a huge cavern that was likely deep under the city to avoid detection, lit up by dozens of light to illuminate three huge, intricately carved circles in the floor. Tana was taken to the one right in the middle where a dozen others were already standing, all of them wrapped in green rubber that mummified them from the neck down.

When Tana was led to one of the last remaining circles that wasn't occupied by one of them several others in robes came forward, Fel directing them what to do and telling them that this was the last one needed. Even in his compromised state the cobra realized at that point that he was still completely naked, though those that were around him were going to make quick work of that as they began to pull something from the lip of the stone circle that he was standing on. It was more straps of bright green rubber that were wound around his body, those that were doing the wrapping keeping his arms against his sides and his legs together while they worked. As more of his scaly form was covered in the synthetic substance he couldn't help but think back to the illusionary experience he had just went through, noting that the strips looked a lot like flat plant vines as he felt his arousal begin to grow.

As the cobra realized he was growing erect in front of others he felt himself begin to blush in embarrassment, but before he could say anything one of them just reached down between his bound legs and pulled something up. It looked like some sort of latex plant bulb attached to a vine, and after giving Tana few more strokes to get him fully hard he slid the end of it onto him. The second it had gotten to the base of his sensitive flesh it began to seal around it, and though he once more found himself with a bulge between his legs this was very keen on keeping him stimulated. Tana found himself moaning loudly as the rubber tightened around his limbs and he felt his calves and thighs get pulled together, then continue up and put a loop around his wrists before binding his arms to his sides in the same manner.

A lot of the lucidity that Tana had been gaining up to that point was lost as he was pulled back down into the blissful haze of pleasure, rocking back and forth as those that were wrapping him in the rubber began to work faster. They made their way all the way up to his neck before stopping, then did another layer back down before securing the ends to the same lip of stone where they had gotten it in the first place. As they left the cobra attempted to try and move to see if he could, only to find that his entire body was not only wrapped so tightly it kept him upright but they had also firmly anchored him in place. There was nothing he could do but enjoy the sensations of the tendrils on his cock as Fel once more came up to him.

"Looks like you fit right in," Fel stated as the others in robes began to move around the others that had already been bound, putting something on their bodies as they wiggled in their bindings. "I'm so happy that you were the one that got this spot, I knew from the second that I laid eyes on you that you would be perfect for this summoning. While the others are ready to go right now your adornments are still in the final stages of being created, so you will have to wait a bit before you are ready to become a conduit."

"Wait, what?" Tana said, the absurdity of what had just been told to him lifting him above the haze of pleasure as he looked back to realize he was on the edge of one of the three summoning circles. "What do you mean summoning?"

"Well, normally we take our newest members and take them out for a bit of wining and dining before we bring them down here, but since the ritual is almost complete I admit we've grown a bit impatient," Fel said with a chuckle. "Considering how strongly you reacted to the images shown to you by the spores of those we're trying to summon we believe that you will take to your new role quite swimmingly. The only way that we can bring forth our new masters to create the world you saw in your vision is to have those such as yourselves be a conduit of power to bridge the gate between our realm and theirs."

"W-wait just as second..." Tana said as he began to look around nervously. "That world I was in, the vision I had, that's what they want for this world?"

"Of course," Fel replied, the cobra suddenly feeling a surge of pleasure from the bulge of plant around his cock. "And from what I've been shown by our masters you are too. Now just relax, soon everything will be revealed to you now that you are here..."

Tana continued to groan and wiggle as he was stimulated back into silence, stopping only when one of the others in robes came up to Fel with several bands in his hands. The elf took the smallest one and even with the increased waves of pleasure he recognized it as a rune collar just like in his vision, and as soon as it was clipped around his neck he felt himself growing passive once more. Several more bands were attached to his mummified body like straps, the already immobilized cobra even more bound as Fel and the rest of the cultists began to walk back towards the front of the summoning circle. Even with the magic pacifying him he could still feel his breathing quicken as he realized that these cultists were about to perform the summoning they had been waiting on him for.

As soon as the cultist were in a line at the front of the three summoning circles Fel, who had donned a robe while the others got into place, stood slightly behind everyone and began to chant. The others soon followed suit and all those who were trapped in rubber around the circles began to feel something shifting around at the bases of their feet. It was a strange type of energy, an almost electric tingle that began to filter up through the bodies of those that were in the rubber. The runes on the bands around their bodies glowed even brighter as everyone that bordered the circle stiffened, their bodies becoming completely upright including the cobra.

Tana began to feel his mouth move of its own accord as his eyes began to glow with an unearthly blue light, the others doing the same as words came out of their muzzles unbidden. The cobra found himself completely powerless to do anything, and as the chanting began to rise and the power flowing through them increased he found himself unable to even think. Soon his entire being was that of a link in the chain just like the others around him as the glowing blue light began to filter into the circles themselves. The air began to feel heavy as the lines of the summoning circles began to grow waving and distorted, the atmosphere shimmering before the stone beneath the lines began to turn black.

When there was nothing left of the circle but the glowing runes something began to bubble up from the darkness beneath it. Tana and the others continued to chant as huge vines began to slither out between him and the other conduits, gripping into the stone before they began to pull something else up. The cobra continued to stand there with glowing eyes reciting the chants being fed to him as a hulking, massive rubber creature's head pushed its way up through the glowing blue lines, a monster unlike anything that he had ever seen before pushing up as thick tentacles lined the maw of the somewhat draconic muzzle. While the head might have been vaguely humanoid the rest of his body was more defined, the physique of the black rubber creature rivaling most statues as vines that lined its sides and arms waved lazily in the air. In the other circles similar creatures appeared as well, one of them on all fours like a feral beast with a more feline head while another was more amorphous in nature with the head of a closed flower, and as they pulled their legs up and the thick trunk-like structures stepped forward the air started to fill with spores from the many sacs that lined their backs and tails.

With the ritual appearing to be a success the cultists stopped their chanting, which caused those around the summoning circle to do the same as the glow eventually left their eyes. "It is you that have summoned the Phlo'Vaxyl," the creature in the middle circle Tana was a part of said, his voice as powerful as a thunderstorm as all three primal beings looked at the cultists. "For what reason do you wish to bring us into your world."

"To make it into your paradise," Fel replied, the others in front of him stepping aside so he could talk to the rubber tentacle creature. "We have all seen the visions through the spores of your egg and know that to usher you into this world is to bring about a utopia. But our magic is only strong enough to open the door once... which is why we summoned you first, seed-bearers of our new world, since you have the power to force the portals open so that more of your kind may come through and terraform this city and all those within it."

"You wish to give your world over to our whims..." the creature replied, slowly turning around to see the others that were still anchored to the spot. "These will be the roots that spread from your world to ours, feeding it with more of the Phlo'Vaxyl until our wishes are complete?"

"Yes!" Fel replied excitedly. "These are our gift to you so that you may come with us and see the work that we have done. Since you are the ones that will be staying here as the means to bring the others we attempted to make it as homey as possible with what little of your form we could summon over to our side, and once more are here your vines will spread through this city and eventually the world."

There was a moment of tense pause between the creatures before the lead one let out a booming laugh, the others following suit before they stopped and leaned in to the leader of the cult. "We accept your deal," the creature said. "You and yours will be greatly rewarded for the effort you have put forth in giving the Phlo'Vaxyl the world, but for the moment we must make sure that the portals you have made here will be able to bring more of our kind into this realm."

With the power of the cultists fading from his mind Tana realized that he was not only witnessing a cult attempting to try to end the world via these strange rubber plant creatures but that he was going to be made a permanent part of it! With the rubber and the rune straps around his body however it appeared that there wasn't much he could do about it as he watched others around the circle start to get wrapped up in the tentacles of the creatures one by one. It didn't help that he was being stimulated, the cobra finding it hard to think about what to do with the rubber pressing against his scales and the tendrils still swirling around his erect maleness. In fact it seemed that the more he attempted to think about it the more pleasure that he received, keeping him in a loop of distracted bliss as he found himself also breathing the heavily spore-laden air deeply to drag him down into the depths of lustful desire.

The combination of pleasure and the spores had quickly brought the cobra into a blissful stupor, his head hanging down and staring at the floor until a shadow fell upon him. When Tana lifted his head up he saw the dragon-headed Phlo'Vaxyl staring down at him, a grin on his face as he took one of his large hands and stroked it against his slackened jaw. "Your time has come," the creature said as the rubber vines of the plant creature slithered towards him. "We welcome you into our embrace."

Before Tana can say anything the creature leaned down and opened his maw, the large rubber tongue of the creature darting out and wrapping around his neck before doing so to the rest of his head. It was extremely long and after it had finished coiling around him the entire tip had flattened itself to completely envelop the rest of his head, the cobra squirming as he found a secondary tentacle pushing itself into his maw. As soon as it had lodged itself inside of him it unleashed a torrent of the corruptive plant rubber just like he had seen in his village, causing him to gulp it down. With his eyes completely covered he couldn't see what else it was doing as more of the vines wrapped around his body, continuing to tighten around him before one particularly large one pushed up against his backside.

Though he hadn't seen the creatures having one when they emerged Tana guessed that the particularly thick vine that was spreading open his tailhole was the creature's cock, which given the lustful nature of these creatures his mind went to that place as more of the fluid was fed to his body. If he could have made any noises he would have as his body was being corrupted from the inside out. As his body was being flooded with the same sap that he had done to so many others while a plant monster in the vision in the back of his mind he realized that soon this would be happening in the real world, though the thought was fleeting as he began to feel something pushing into his ear holes. The idea that he was merely being covered in plant rubber had already been thrown out the window, but as more tendrils pushed their way into his nostrils to feed him spores from the monster itself the cobra felt the creature also probing their way into his skull.

As soon as the rubber plant pushed through Tana could feel the latex rooting in his mind, spreading as a dark chuckle that seemed somewhat familiar began to ring out in his mind. "I have already seen inside of your mind little one," the creature's voice said as Tana began to recall images of the hallucinogenic vision he had been on, remembering pushing his vine cock into others the same way that was happening to him as he became aware of it thrusting inside of him. "You've already told us that this is the world you want to see, so it becomes a world that you wish to usher in."

Though Tana wished to refute him his lucid mind continued to get shown the images where he had transformed others, seeded others, turned them into monsters like the one he had so willingly become. As he focused on that the lust continued to linger even as the scene shifted, watching in his mind's eye as more creatures like the one that had completely enveloped him in both mind and body crawl out of the portal they were creating using his own desires to make that world that he had seen. As the rubber vines began to recede from his from Tana suddenly found himself unable to speak even as the vine that had been gagging his maw was removed, the tendrils in his ears and nostrils pulling out while the cock inside him however remained the same. Despite the rubber being removed from his body however he still felt strange, like his body had been disconnected briefly as a sense of vertigo as the image of the portal room suddenly became more vivid than ever.

At first Tana couldn't tell where he was, though when he looked down at himself he found that his body was devoid of the vines or the rubber that was holding him in place. He knew that he was still in the summoning chamber by the others that were writhing around in the euphoria that was being fed to them through the Phlo'Vaxyl. As he slowly turned his head around he saw that they were all covered head to toe in the same featureless black rubber, the corruption of the creatures apparent on them as the only thing that was still open was their muzzles that had begun to chant once more. When he looked at the entire circle he realized that something was amiss, and then as he looked again he saw that every one of the conduits that were used for the ritual were still there...

...including him.

With everyone having glowing blue eyes and rubber bodies with no defining features it was hard to notice, but it didn't take long once Tana had realized it to find his own body chanting with the others. It was impossible, but as he looked at the rubber creature he knew deep down he was looking at himself. Not only that but it appeared that he was in the same orgasmic bliss as the others, watching as his body swayed in time with all the others as their energy fueled the portal so that more of the creatures could be brought to this world. But if one part of him was still lucid and free thinking, Tana thought to himself, that meant that perhaps he still had a chance to escape this and find someone to help.

Even though he began to feel the pleasure that his physical counterpart was experiencing, no longer able to ignore the fact he could hear his own voice along with the chorus of others, he began to move towards the exit hallway. He figured stepping inside the summoning circle that had brought the Phlo'Vaxyl into this world in the first place wasn't such a good idea, opting instead to try and go around. The first thing he had to do was move around himself and as he scooted passed the place where he was rooted to the spot he couldn't help but feel just how much that version of himself had succumb to the whim of the cultists and the creatures they had summoned. Though he began to think of ways he could get back at him for what they were doing to him, using him as a power supply to keep a world-ending portal open, he had to think about that later as he got past himself and started to climb over one of the thicker vines.

Before he could slide completely over however Tana felt himself get yanked back down, tumbling to the stone as vines grew up from the darkness of the stone and pulled him until he was kneeling next to his own body. Once he was in position several more wrapped around his calves and secured him there while two more took his wrists and pulled them down so that they were next to his sides. When he attempted to struggle out of them they merely tightened, keeping him secured next to his own rubber drone body as the runes from the straps and collar began to spread to more of the shiny material covering his body. As Tana tried to shout out more vines came up from the blackness that surrounded him and wove around his snout until it formed into a muzzle that clamped it completely shut.

"Did you honestly think that we were just going to let you walk out of here?" the voice of the Phlo'Vaxyl that had converted him said, its laughter booming as the scene around Tana shifted for a second and he saw the others that were a part of the circle also bound and kneeling next to their respective droned bodies. "There is always one part of the mind that doesn't fully except what we are doing to them, and though we could have erased that part of yourself from existence we thought it would be amusing to see how long it would take before you fully broke."

Tana attempted to shout something as the three rubber plant monsters could be seen rising up the stairs, the cobra once more alone as more vines continued to wrap around him and bind him to that spot. "We will certainly enjoy watching as that last part of your succumbs to the madness that the rest of you has so willingly fallen into," the dragon-headed Phlo'Vaxyl stated, Tana clearly seeing a grin on his face as the cobra glared at him. "Don't worry, I have the feeling that soon you will be joining the rest of them, and when you do perhaps enough of us will have emerged that we won't need you there anymore. Until then we thank you for your service."

The cobra continued to thrash about as the three left, all of them squeezing through the hallway before disappearing into the darkness. As the lights slowly began to fade out from the room Tana could see heavy vines growing over the exit, effectively sealing the chamber until they were ready to summon more of the creatures into existence. Eventually the only thing that continued to light up the cavern were the circles themselves, the lines waning and waxing as the conduits that the cultists had trapped down there continued to feed their power into while swearing their loyalty to the ones that had put them there. It seemed, at least for Tana, that the one voice he could hear the most clearly was his own as he could still feel the mindless drone that he had become while strapped down next to him.

He wasn't going to give in though, the lucid part of the cobra thought to himself even as he began to feel the power that he was contributing to the portal causing him pleasure. Even though it seemed like they had won there was still a little piece of him that remained, even with the runes that were covering his rubber body he knew that if he could just hold out perhaps he could stop the ritual and prevent the Phlo'Vaxyl from taking over the world. There was nothing that they could do to stop him, Tana said mentally with grim resolve, he was going to break free!

As though responding to his decree however Tana suddenly found himself back in the park that he had envisioned himself in beforehand, seeing the rubber plant creatures being created just like he had before as the vines began to spread over the city. It was the world of the Phlo'Vaxyl... or at least the one that they wanted to create, no doubt shown to him in order to try and break him. When he looked down at himself however he saw that the rubber that he had expected to see covering his body wasn't there, instead seeing his normal scaled form standing there. As he heard someone clearing their throat however Tana found his blood going icy as he slowly turned his head and saw several people standing behind him.

"You didn't think you were just going to forget about me, did you?" the rubber plant cobra said, Tana's eyes widening as he got to see himself as the monster that had been created in this world for the first time. "Our new masters figured that while you waited to watch the portal charge up and bring about the new age of your world you might want to see what caused you to become a part of it. We're going to have so much fun together... and to help out I brought a few friends that I think you're going to remember."

As Tana found himself backing away he saw the a husky covered head to toe in rubber vines stepping forward, all of them coiling around his body as he moved forward. There was also the dragon that had gained singular vines as well, his arms coiling in the air as he went to the other side of the cobra. Others stepped out from the darkness where they had been hiding, all of them Tana recognizing as those that he had corrupted in this realm and had proven to the cultists that he would be able to bring for the Phlo'Vaxyl into this world. Whether this was the part of his psyche that had been transformed or something that the elder creatures had created in order to get him to break he wasn't certain, the only thing he knew is if he didn't want to get caught he had to run... the plant cobra smiling as he watched the last vestige of Tana's psyche head deeper into the imaginary city.

Meanwhile the Phlo'Vaxyl watched as the restrained psyche of the cobra no longer fought, his mind being fed the images from his lucid dream just like all the others that were in the circle. At the same time he saw their bodies and minds, which had been wiped by their power, continue to channel more energy into the portal that had brought them there. When he was assured that their conduits were being occupied he turned back to see that the cultists had already succumbed to their spores, the creatures as malleable in mind as those that they were watching get chased around by their own creations. While they would have loved to have converted the cultists they needed them to continue to run the club and bring them more recruits...

Three summoning circles were nice, but a dozen more will be much, much better...

Little Club of Horrors (4/5)

With it being a somewhat warm night in the city there were still quite a few people walking about enjoying the clear night, even in C-sector there were more people out than usual as they bounced from spot to spot. With it still before midnight...

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Little Club of Horrors (3/5)

As the sun began to set behind the skyline of the city those who had been enticed into the new club known as eDen were told that a special event was happening before the DJ for the evening set would come out. Those in attendance murmured to one...

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Little Club of Horrors (2/5)

The next morning Tana awoke coughing, holding his throat for a second before his body realized there was nothing there and allowed him to breathe normally. With the adrenaline of a potentially terrifying situation coursing through him the cobra...

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