Little Club of Horrors (3/5)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Tana is just looking for a good time to kill a weekend, and normally he wouldn't find himself going to a club except that the invite he got was rather enticing. A club based on plant life in the middle of a mega-city, what could go wrong?

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As the sun began to set behind the skyline of the city those who had been enticed into the new club known as eDen were told that a special event was happening before the DJ for the evening set would come out. Those in attendance murmured to one another what sort of promotion the club, which was already quickly spreading in reputation as a place to get a cheap drink or have some fun outside of the traditional VR den or simulation pod, could possibly do to top themselves. The answer quickly came as the lights dimmed, only the sunlight still streaming in from the windows lighting the stage as the announcer in the booth told everyone that they were about to get a special treat in the form of new, specialized rubber plant suits. As the music started to rise in volume it drowned out the sudden conversation of what that could possibly be for a club such as this.

For Tana the secret had already been revealed to him as he and about two dozen others that had emerged from the Plant Transformation Suit pods made their way on stage. Even with the loud bass there was clear sounds of awe and shock that could be heard as each one went up to the front and showed themselves off before pulling back to allow the others to show off. When it came time for Tana's suit to be shown off the cobra could see several licking their lips and watching him even as he backed off and allowed those behind him to go. Since he was close to the end he was still able to track those that had taken special attention to them and when the announcer said that their new plant monsters could go and mingle he took it as the signal to go down and meet with them.

"That suit is so killer!" one of the patrons said as he went up to them. "The movement of those vines is totally realistic, can you move all of them at once or it just some sort of programmed reflex action?"

"Why don't I show you for yourselves," Tana replied, the others gasping in shock and delight as both the rubber vines on his feet and the ones that were part of his arms wrapped around several that had crowded around him, even slithering into their clothes that caused those that he had done it to laugh and giggle as they felt it against their scales and fur. Though it reminded the cobra of his own lusts he found himself completely contained as he retracted them. "Of course you can have one of these for yourselves too, all you have to do is ask the club."

"No kidding?" one of the men said, his jaw dropping slightly. "We can get a suit like that?"

"And have a fun time while you suit up too!" a familiar voice said behind Tana, turning around to see Fel standing there holding a drink of his own. "This one has proven very enthusiastic in his immersion to the club and I'm sure that if anyone would like to have a personal demonstration, along with possibly getting into a suit of their own, all you have to do is ask. In fact we have a private room that is open at the moment that you can even use in order to suit up."

Though the offer clearly tempted most of the group there it appeared that many were like what Tana had used to be, some of them shyly looking at the ground while others appeared to be conflicted if they wanted to get dressed up in a rubber plant suit like that. It wasn't long however before a grey and white husky and an orange-scaled dragon with silver braids stepped forward, the former a rather lithe male under the fluff of his fur while the latter was a little more muscular in nature. The husky introduced himself as Chaos and attempted to shake one of Tana's hands before realizing that would be hard and just wrapped his fingers around one of the long vines that made up his fingers. For the dragon he merely introduced himself as YongSeop and thanked Fel for the opportunity to try something like this out, and though he mentioned something about wanting to tell his nephews about this the elf quickly dismissed him and said that the rooms were going fast if he wanted to participate.

The two ended up following Fel and Tana down one of the other doors that the elf had unlocked for them, this one leading into a hallway that was the same as the first time that the cobra had come to the club. While the vines hanging from the ceiling and the glyphs on the wall would be familiar all that Tana could focus on at the moment were the two that walked in front of him as they all followed Fel. There was something about them that was causing him to grow increasingly aroused by the second... he couldn't quite put his finger on it. When he thought that he looked down at the vines that were his fingers and it gave him a chuckle, though his bemusement was short-lived as they all stopped in front of one of the doors on the opposite side of the puff ball room.

"We have a few suit parts that you two can get dressed up in as well as a few fun means to put them on," Fel said as he unlocked the door once more, opening it up to allow them inside as the mists around their ankles shifted. "We'll come and check up on you three in a bit, but since we seem to be very popular at the moment I'm going to leave you two in the capable vines of Tana here. Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable!"

The husky and dragon quickly made their way into the room and as Tana was about to do the same the elf just patted him on the shoulder and gave him a smirk before continuing down the hallway. While he wasn't sure what that was about it quickly evaporated from his mind as he made his way inside the room as well. Like everything else in the club it had a major plant theme going on with several larger flowers and plants set up to be similar to bondage tables while other smaller vines slithered around it. As the two new guests looked on in awe Tana felt strangely connected to the entire room, much like the vines that were a part of his new suit as he found himself asking the others what they would like as part of their suits.

"I'm... not sure actually," Chaos said with a sheepish grin as he looked around. "What do you recommend?"

"Well we're going to have to do something about all that fur," Tana replied as he gestured over towards one of the plants that looked like a Venus flytrap except with shiny black rubber on the inside. "This is going to act like a vac-rack that is going to get you all covered in latex so that we can move on with other adornments. All you have to do is lay inside and let the plant do the work."

"That's it, huh?" Chaos replied with a grin as he walked over to it, watching several rubber tendrils move up from the otherwise smooth surface towards him. "I feel a little like I'm just walking right into a trap. Guessing that I'm going to have to bare all for this one?"

Tana nodded before turning to the dragon that was investigating one of the larger leafy plants on the wall. "That goes for you too YongSeop," Tana said as he gestured for him to come over towards one of the large inverted pitcher plants that hung from the ceiling. "Since you have scales I think this one will be the one for you. All you have to do is stand next to it and it'll do the rest."

"That is rather easy," YongSeop replied with a chuckle as stripped down before turning towards the cobra. "You are quite knowledgeable in all this, have you been working at this club long? I had just happened to be in the area and saw this so I'd thought I'd-"

The dragon's sentence ended abruptly as several vines that had pushed their way out of the opening of the rubber plant had wrapped around his arms and legs unknowingly, hoisting the large dragon up with surprising strength and lowering him down into the rubber receptacle. While the question that YongSeop had asked still played in the back of his mind, Tana wondering how he did actually know about all of this stuff when this was literally his second day in his club, but his attentions were turned from that and the grunting of the dragon as more vines wrapped around his arms and legs to keep him suspended in the air. As the cobra moved back over towards the husky Tana could see that he had already gotten himself into a similar predicament; the rubber that lined the flytrap had already started to coat over his fur as he watched it happening to him in awe.

While Tana also watched as black rubber replaced grey and white fur it was filling him with a different sensation, one that he had never felt before as he watched the other male wiggling from his increasing confinement. He could start to feel something dripping out of his maw as his rubber vine tongue extended out of his mouth, the same sap that he had been covered in to allow the suit to adhere to his body slowly drip down it towards the floor. The cobra found himself stepping forward as the vines of his fingers and feet began to grow more active, slithering and coiling around one another as his eyes continued to stare down at the trapped male. Had Tana's maw not been covered by the flower mask that was pressed against his serpentine snout he would be panting, the only hole in it occupied by his vine tongue as it seemed to thrash about more in the air the closer he got.

The cobra was not the only one that seemed to notice his peculiar behavior either, the husky looking up as best he could as tiny rubber tendrils crept over his neck along with the rest of his body. "Tana... you alright there?" Chaos asked as he saw something thick and black dripping not only from the tongue of the plant-suited male but also from the flower buds that adorned his body as well, but was then distracted by something that caused him to sniff the air. "And... what is that heavenly smell?"

Though Tana found himself unable to reply he knew exactly what it was, Fel or another member of the club pumping spores into the room in order to make sure that their guests had a good time. As he glanced back at the dragon he found the male squirming in the bindings of the vines that had coiled around all parts of his body, including his thick cock as a thick substance similar to what was leaking out of the cobra oozed over his restrained form. Though YongSeop attempted to get the sap off of him it stuck to his scales and mane like glue, causing him to let out a loud moan that was quickly muffled as another vine pushed into his muzzle in order to feed him more of the substance. The pitcher plant was merely prepping him, Tana realized as his body shuddered, soon these creatures would be ready for him to rut... to seed...

The thought of seeding these males to be like him not only caused a cascade of pleasure to run through Tana's body but also caused the bulge around his cock to open, releasing his own dripping rubber cock. The idea of turning them into plant creatures like himself germinated in his mind like a flower and was aided by the spores that were also intoxicating the husky and dragon in the room with him. No longer did the idea of him being a cobra in a suit apply, Tana was ready to let himself be fully immersed in the role of a plant monster ready to convert others into the same. The more he thought about it the more intense the sensations came as he moved himself so that he was on top of the venus flytrap and the creature contained within it.

It was clear from the dazed look and drunken grin on the husky's face that any questions he had about the cobra's form were long gone, replaced by pleasure as the last of his fur was completely coated by the rubber. It clung to him like a second skin and as Tana watched vines began to slither over the restrained male, wrapping and coiling tightly around him while he was trapped inside. Soon the canine's body was completely outlined by the rubber covering him, even that look of lust in his eyes replaced as the shiny black material covered it. While it completely contained him however the plant monster hovering over him found it to be no barrier to him, Tana's elongated plant cock pushing into the rubber that was suctioned against the rear-end of the husky before sliding inside the male himself.

The second that the vine penetrated Chaos both males shuddered and writhed, the husky shifting and squirming in the vac-rack he was sealed in while the cobra on top of him had his vines stretching and waving out. Tana could tell that this wasn't just some sort of kinky bondage sex, something was happening to the both of them... but with the spores in their system they were unable to focus on anything but the pleasure building in both of their bodies. As Tana leaned forward and looked at the featureless face of the husky covered by rubber he could see vines pushing into his mouth and nose, and as the latex of his own maw split his own tentacle tongue did the same. The male was practically quivering as the thick appendage sank into the rubber and slid inside his latex-covered maw, feeling his own tongue starting to shift about as more of the sap slid down his throat.

As Tana pumped both of his vines into the husky he could feel his own body starting to change, the appendages he thought were merely parts of a plant suit pushing into him like he was made of the same rubber as the plants themselves. It was like they were... rooting inside of him, mutating him the more that he engaged with the rubbery canine beneath him. Through it all however the only thing he could focus was pushing as much sap into the other male as possible, spurring on the assimilation of Chaos as the vines that wiggled under the rubber that covered him weren't coming from the venus flytrap. All he could think of was seeding this male, breeding him, turning him into a monster...

...a monster just like him.

It was enough of a shock for the cobra to pull his head off of the other male just in time to see the rubber tongue of the husky push out of the hole made in the rubber, though it quickly split into several tentacles that seemed to stretch out his jaw. With Tana's plant cock still inside of him it looked like his stomach was bulging from just how deep it was, but as he continued to withdraw it appeared that more vines were sprouting and pushing their way up past the latex layer that had bound the husky there. Fingers, arms, legs, everything was starting to thicken and divide until it was hard to see the original shape of the canine creature as even his cock grew into a vine similar to Tana's before several more grew out of the base of it to join it. It appeared that the cobra's work was done there and withdrew his own vine cock, sensing the tidal wave of pleasure coming from the transforming rubber plant husky as he became a mass of writhing, wiggling plant vines.

But even as the sight of a plant monster being created before him was enough to gain Tana a sense of clarity he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pride at what he had just done. He could already feel his own body was following suit, the pretense of this just being some sort of rubber plant outfit disappearing as it became harder to feel his feet in the trunk-like vines that were curled around one another to mimic the appendages. At the same time more sap oozed uncontrollably out of him even after he had converted the husky, the new plant creature doing the same as Tana could see it dripping from every vine that emerged from the venus flytrap. Even with the fog of lust lifting from his mind temporarily he hungered for more, to make more just like him as the façade was stripped away to reveal what he had truly become.

When Tana turned back around all his thoughts ground to a halt when he saw the dragon still standing there, YongSeop huffing and panting as vines that had wrapped around him continued to pleasure his muscular form. The rubber plant cobra's mind immediately fixated on the new creature, his only desire in that moment was to seed this male so that he would become one of them. Change him... seed him... convert him... a dark voice seemed to echo in his mind until his thoughts matched it as he found himself slowly moving over. As soon as he got close he saw the dragon was in a similar state to the husky, his eyes glazed over and panting in pleasure from the stimulation he was getting from his sap-covered form.

Any inhibitions Tana had before melted away when he had turned Chaos into a plant monster, cementing this role in his mind as he took his own vines and wrapped them around the dragon's body. The other rubbery appendages from the pitcher plant retracted back upwards, leaving only the ones around YongSeop's wrists to keep him upright as a plan for this one grew in his corrupted mind. The scaled form of this one would be fine to keep, keeping it on display. As the sap seemed to react to Tana's touch and began to darken he knew he was going to need to make some... alterations.

YongSeop gasped as the goo that he had been covered in seemed to dry and tighten around his body, the sensation familiar to him being no stranger to latex. As his body trembled at the whim of the plant cobra that had brought him more of Tana's vines wrapped around him, teasing his pectorals and wrapping around his cock while not truly bringing him over the edge. He was so enraptured with the pleasure being sent throughout his entire body he didn't notice that several thicker vines had slithered down through the air, two of them following the path of the ones that were around his wrists while the others moved to his tail, head, and lastly his own member. As Tana shifted around to the back of the dragon his own pollinator was ready to go once more, knowing that the sap had infiltrated the dragon's tailhole enough to give him quick access.

As soon as Tana pushed inside YongSeop the rest of the vines did their work, the ends opening and sliding down the respective appendages they had hovered over. The dragon let out of muffled cry of surprise as one of them completely coated his head, the rubber sliding down to his neck as it quickly became form-fitting. The rest of the vines followed suit, altering and mutating his body in a nature similar to the cobra that had started to thrust into him. Unlike Tana however he would remain more humanoid in nature, watching his hands push out of the plants as the vines wiggled about on top of his forearms. As the sap and spores mingled in the dragon's body his muscles also began to thicken, the rubber covering his body stretching to allow for the growth as the vines that held his appendages began to taper.

"Yessss," Tana hissed as he continued to wrap his vines around the body of the dragon, pumping his hips forward into the restrained male as he continued to grow while a gas mask formed from the plant around his head. "You two will both make excellent additions to the garden..."

The rubber plant cobra had nearly completely wrapped its vines around YongSeop as he only managed to let out a muffled grunt in reply, his face made completely featureless by the mask that had secured around his head. As Tana shifted his body around he could see that the throat of the dragon wiggled and bulged, the vine inside his new hood feeding him with more of the sap while his body stretched and grew. The similar tentacles on his arms grew and coiled up around his biceps, giving him plenty of room to stretch out and ensnare someone to impale them on his new vine cock that wiggled in the air. While he retained most of his draconic nature no one would look at YongSeop and recognize the new hulking plant monster as anything but.

With both creatures converted Tana took his time with seeding the dragon completely, finding that he could now use his own rubbery vines and create bondage gear of his own. He quickly gave his newest creation a collar, cuffs on both his ankles and wrists, as well as a complex harness that even looped down in a cock ring that was able to coil around it and continue to stimulate the dragon. With YongSeop fully converted and in the throes of bliss from his conversion the plant cobra finished up by thrusting hard into the dragon, using his own vines to secure their latex forms together for maximum leverage. When he did climax he felt his sap filling the dragon, which caused YongSeop to orgasm as well and spray his seed on the floor. Had either of the two looked down at that point they would have seen the runes glowing brightly on the floor, becoming even more intense as Tana slowly withdrew the rubbery vines of his arms and legs in order to release himself from the newest plant monster.

Just as Tana was about to check back on Chaos he heard a clapping sound that caused his vines to rise, though when he looked over he saw that it was Fel and immediately felt his entire body relaxing. "I knew that you were going to make me proud," the elf said as he looked over at the venus flytrap, both him and Tana seeing that the vines had retracted from the air and wrapped around the husky's body to give him a strangely athletic appearance even as they continued to writhe about slightly while coiled. "These are two mighty fine creations, they are going to serve us well in the coming days."

Even though Tana recognized this new creature as one that shouldn't be seeded like the other two he found himself still dripping with sap, though as he stood there in the presence of the elf he felt the bulb between his legs close up once more to give him a rubbery bulge. "I need..." Tana found himself saying, his breath still panting even though the spores had long since stopped being pumped into the room. "I have to... I need to..."

"Spread," Fel finished, causing Tana to shudder in pleasure from the mere word being spoken. "Yes, I can see that you are right on the edge of completely losing yourself to the corruption, and while it seems our safeguards are working at the moment it's better to be safe than sorry. It's time to upgrade your status."

If Tana had the capability to ask questions at the moment he would have wondered what that meant, but all that the plant cobra could think of was his next target as Fel took something he had been holding and brought it up to the rubber creature's neck. As Tana felt something slide against him the vines that had been making up a makeshift collar underneath the flower hood he wore retracted, giving the elf room to put the new one on. As soon as it snapped into place the cobra knew that something was different, feeling a tingle of power coming from it as he found Fel backing away while holding a leash that was connected to it. Though he couldn't see what had just been attached he could see the lead and noticed that it was covered in glowing runes similar to what had been carved into the door.

When Fel began to walk towards the door the leash tightened slightly and Tana felt himself compelled to go along with him, his lust-drunk mind trying to comprehend what was going on now that his new instincts had settled down. As he looked over at the two he had created he watched as the venus flytrap began to close up while the dragon was pulled up into the pitcher plant he was still attached to. Fel explained that while he had done a good job they were going to need some time to germinate, just like the cobra had, and that they would be joining him soon enough. Somehow that made Tana feel both excited and even hornier than before as he was led back through the hallway and down to the larger door that was opposite the club.

When the elf unlocked the door and allowed him inside the first thing that Tana noticed was that he wasn't the only plant monster in the room; the same rubber creatures that had joined him on the stage were there and all of them were wearing a runic collar similar to the one wrapped around his neck. Though he saw several had vines wrapped around one another everyone was particularly passive, and as he felt several that he guessed were club employees wrap cuffs around his arms and legs right before they split into vines he suddenly felt himself feeling extremely relaxed himself. Fel unhooked the leash and motioned for Tana to join the others in the group, which he found himself doing so as the other rubber plant creatures glanced over at him before going back to staring straight ahead.

Tana wasn't sure how much time he spent standing there motionless, especially since the desire to seed others and the pleasure that came with it made it next to impossible to form any other thoughts in his head, but eventually he felt compelled to turn his head upwards towards the small stage that had been set up. He hadn't been the only one as every plant creature in the room did the same, the monsters going completely silent as Fel stood up and waved to them all. "I would like to thank you all for joining us here at the grand opening of this club," the elf said, causing all of those standing below to shiver in delight as the employees vacated the area. "Since you have all shown yourselves to be particularly willing to become the creatures I see standing before you we've decided that you will be part of our newest advertisement and expansion campaign out in the city."

Expansion campaign... even though Tana was enraptured by every word that the elf said he suddenly began to hear those same words in his mind again, the deep voice from before telling him to spread and seed as much as possible. The others were clearly in the same boat as the vines, plants, and flowers on their bodies began to act up. They were all connected, all of them part of the same rubbery garden, and as it was clear that they all had the same goal in mind. As spores began to fill the air they weren't coming from the club anymore, several of the monsters in attendance appeared to be capable of producing themselves as the rest of them breathed in the potent drug and got even more riled up.

"It's clear to see that I'm losing the attention of most of you," Fel stated with a smirk, gesturing towards one of the walls that was covered in plants. "Therefore it's time to release you upon this city. Turn it into the garden that you want it to be, there are many out there that are ready to be seeded and turned to the creatures that all of you have become so enamored with."

With that the elf also left the stage, going up a set of stairs to a door on the second floor as a loud grinding sound could be heard. With Fel no longer there to command them the plant monsters all turned to see that the plants that had been blocking the delivery bay doors had withdrawn and the metal curtains keeping them there were slowly opening, flowers and leaves ruffling as the breeze came in from the outside to blow past them. Almost immediately every creature that stood there all had the same thought, sensing the prey that were out there in the night just waiting for them to convert. When the last restraint was taken off them, the glowing runes on their collars and cuffs going dead, the creatures immediately rushed out to a city that was ill-prepared for their arrival.

Little Club of Horrors (4/5)

With it being a somewhat warm night in the city there were still quite a few people walking about enjoying the clear night, even in C-sector there were more people out than usual as they bounced from spot to spot. With it still before midnight...

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Little Club of Horrors (2/5)

The next morning Tana awoke coughing, holding his throat for a second before his body realized there was nothing there and allowed him to breathe normally. With the adrenaline of a potentially terrifying situation coursing through him the cobra...

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Little Club of Horrors (1/5)

The weekend was quickly approaching it, and with it a welcome respite for most of the corporate drones and other workers that could be seen walking around the city. For them it was two days where they could relax from their jobs and get away from...

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