Little Club of Horrors (4/5)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Tana is just looking for a good time to kill a weekend, and normally he wouldn't find himself going to a club except that the invite he got was rather enticing. A club based on plant life in the middle of a mega-city, what could go wrong?

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With it being a somewhat warm night in the city there were still quite a few people walking about enjoying the clear night, even in C-sector there were more people out than usual as they bounced from spot to spot. With it still before midnight most people had not finished partying yet, and though the drunks had started to come out searching for a means to get home or a place to stay to sleep off the alcohol or drugs that they had taken. For Lorkos it was neither, the wolf merely walking along a path underneath one of the super highways in order to get back to his house with the meal he had purchased. While it wasn't the safest route that he could have taken it was the shortest and he knew enough on how to defend himself that he wasn't worried about getting jumped.

As he walked down a particularly dark section however he did hear something that caused him to jump, instinctively turning and putting his hand on his hip while he attempted to assess the situation. There was a rather well-known transient community that took shelter under the highway and though they tried not to make trouble that would get attention put on them there were always those that attempted to score a few quick credits. As his ears tuned into the noise however it wasn't that of someone moving, in fact it sounded like someone was gagging or choking on something. It was in the direction of the community and it did sound like someone in genuine distress, prompting the black-furred wolf to go and check what was going on.

Lorkos only had to travel a few feet before he found the source of the noise, a large troll crawling away from the area of the underpass where he likely came from. It appeared he had been attacked; half of his clothes were ripped off and he was covered in something sticky that also seemed to be the source of the noise he had heard. When he went up to him the troll seemed to spot him and his eyes widened, waving at him with one hand while the other clutched his throat. For the wolf it looked like he was being beckoned forward, but as he hoped over a set of bushes and got close to him the troll instead gestured for him to stop.

"Do you want me to help you or not?" Lorkos asked as he stopped a foot away from the troll, who seemed to swallow hard to try and respond.

"Get... get out..." the troll managed to respond. "Some... something... it's attacking..." There was another gurgle from the troll and he rolled over, his hands going from his throat to his exposed stomach. As the wolf looked at him in confusion he suddenly saw a swell push up the dark green skin of the man as the substance that coated his body began to darken.

A loud shout suddenly brought the attention of Lorkos beyond the troll and to the shanty town that had been set up, which he could just see from his vantage point on the hill. With his eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness he could see that there were others that were moving around, running from... something that was down there that was causing people to panic. It was hard to see what though and unless he wanted to tread down the hill towards it there wasn't much he could glean from his vantage point. As he ran through the options in his head to stay and help or leave however he felt something wrap around his ankle that caused his attention to go back to the troll.

In his efforts to try and see what was happening Lorkos hadn't realized that the troll had gone silent, his body quivering and shifting as the bulges that were growing more frequent in his stomach had quickly started to snake out and push up the skin as it grew over his muscles. The look of panic on the troll's face had gone passive and when it had gotten the wolf's attention from a vine that had grown out of his arm more had started to sprout from his body. By the time Lorkos had looked back at him most of the troll's body was a shiny black as more of the vines pushed out from his nipples, mouth, and nostrils while the half-torn pants were pushed aside by the growing cock that was mutating as well.

Lorkos reacted quickly by taking one of his knives and throwing it down at the rubber vine that had wrapped around him, nearly severing it as the growing troll let out a screech and pulled back. It hadn't been completely disconnected however and when it yanked itself it caused the wolf to have his foot pull out from under him and cause him to topple head over heels down the embankment. When he finally came to a stop he landed flat on his back, knocking the wind out of him as he struggled to get his bearings. With the bottom of the overpass being so close to the ground at this point he could see something hanging from him, his eyes widening when he saw what appeared to be humanoid shapes wiggling in cocoons or pods of rubber that hung from the concrete.

The image alone was enough to get Lorkos back to his feet, shaking the rubber vine that had come with him down the hill as he looked up from where he had fallen. The troll was on his feet as well, or what could constitute as feet since he could see that the toes of the creature had sprouted into more of the vines that were covering his body. It was still looking at him even as the plants that were growing from his throat covered his face, stretching around and forming into a sort of mask as it began to lumber down towards him. The sight of the monstrous male starting to charge him prompted Lorkos to move further inside the community, though as he got past the first layer of makeshift houses what he saw there didn't bode much better for him.

In the middle of an area that those who lived down here had used for cooking food a huge rubber cobra decked out in the same vines as the ones growing from the troll stood, standing there smirking at him as the wolf froze in his tracks. Tana had been one of the first of the rubber monsters that were released from the club to make his way down here, the others spreading out in a similar fashion to terrorize other parts of the city, and had been watching Lorkos the entire time that he emerged from his path. With his newfound abilities the monster had spurred on the growth of the vines he had seeded the troll with to bring him down into his clutches, just like so many others that had fallen before him. One of the reasons that Tana had come down to this place besides the wealth of new creatures to seed was that this was the lowest point in the area, which meant the spores he was releasing from the bulbs of his back had pooled quite significantly in the area.

Already he could see the wolf's eyes starting to glaze over as Tana slowly stretched over one of his vines in order to ensnare him while the rest of his attention was focused on the others. While a few had managed to get away before the spores had taken hold or he had wrapped around him he had nearly a dozen in his clutches, all of them with vines wrapped around their waists or arms as he allowed them to succumb before going further with them. Of course that didn't capture the initial ones that he had gotten to when he snuck in the first place, feeling them writhing as they remained in their plant prisons while more spores were being fed to them. With all the connections he had made the cobra looked a bit like a tree, and though he stretched himself a bit thin with all the new monsters he was creating the feedback of pure euphoria from the deed was making it well worth it.

As Lorkos found the vine that had been slithering towards him finally wrap around his waist and pull him forward he found himself passing by others that were moaning and squirming on the ground. Most were following the same route that the troll had, the vines wiggling in their exposed orifices pumping them full of sap that was leaking out of them while rubber and vines began to spread over them. Some, like a cheetah man who had taken to the pleasure he was being fed and had started to stroke his erect cock, even had flowers and plants growing out from them. As Lorkos found himself still being dragged forward he could see the multicolored flowers opening where they had grown from the cheetah's spots as he let out a gurgled moan around the rubber vine stretching his maw open.

As Tana looked over the wolf he had just caught he could sense that this one strong, he would make a fine monster on the prowl just like the ones around him. Not all would be joining the cobra in the spread however, especially since he had a number of creatures here that needed tending too. Some would remain here until they were fully grown like the two he had created in the club, his lust swelling as the vines connected to the pods continued to supply the mutating creatures full of sap and spores while they germinated. Once they were ready they would emerge from their cocoons to continue growing over the city.

Others, like the rather large elephant man that he had ensnared with several vines wrapped around him, would be fixtures to supply those that were pollinating the city a means to continue on while the beforementioned creatures were still growing. Tana felt his vine tongue lick against his flower hood as he watched the already large male continue to bulk up, the rubber sap he had been sprayed with already spreading from his feet to grow roots into the ground while his body remained standing. Several of the black rubber tentacles had spread open his backside as his gut expanded, obscuring the washboard abs he had as copious amounts of the corruptive sap leaked out of his mouth, trunk, and cock. While his maleness would grow out and provide those on the ground with a means to get the sap he was producing on his own, Tana ensuring it as the male's rubbery plant body grew bigger and more bloated with every second, his entire head began to stretch and form into one single huge vine that merged with his trunk and connected with the same network feeding the pods to pump the excess sap into them.

Grunts and groans were quickly starting to turn into grunts and snarls as those that were becoming plant monsters were finishing their growth, the bodies of the rubberized creatures stretching with new muscle as their own vines replaced Tana's and wrapped around their own limbs. Soon the cobra would join in spreading their corruption... but first he had one last creature to deal with. Tana hissed in pure pleasure as he brought the wolf down to his knees and before Lorkos knew it he had the vine cock sliding past his lips and down into his throat. With the intoxicating spores taking root in the wolf's mind there was little that he could do but allow the rubber tube to slide into his throat.

"You are going to be a bit of a late bloomer," Tana stated, reveling at his latest seeding as the others around him began to pull out the vines that had been thrusting into their tailholes and maws as their own wiggled in the air and were ready to be plunged into another. "Much like the troll that had gotten away however I will make sure that you are given the means to flourish. Take my seed and spread it to the others..."

The hiss in Tana's voice continued to ring in the ears of the lupine before he began to feel something oozing out of them, the sap he was being fed from the cock lodged inside of him already flooding his body. The already aroused cobra wasted little time in thrusting into the other male, causing both of them to grunt and moan as Lorkos found himself digging his fingers into the dirt. Even without the spores aiding the pleasure he was getting from this unnatural coupling was so intense it was hard for him to think straight, not even realizing that a voice that was not his own began to tell him to spread, to grow over this city. Within a few minutes Tana had orgasmed, shoving his rubber cock in deep to ensure enough of his corruptive rubber sap was inside before withdrawing and having the flower bulb encase his maleness once more.

Lorkos was felt his jaw no longer get stretched as the rubber plant monster quickly detached himself, Tana and the others moving up the hill in order to move on a nearby park. It left the wolf feeling very confused and disoriented as the potent hallucinogen still coursed through his system, making him wonder if he had actually just experienced what happened to him. He also found himself growing increasingly hot as he watched the rubber creatures start to disappear over the hill and out from the overpass, though several that had sprouted shiny roots and vines that stretched along the floors and walls remained. As he walked up the hill where he had first seen the troll the alien presence in his mind continued to speak while he took off his clothes to try and avoid the heat that was growing.

At first Lorkos thought that he was sweating as his fur started to become wet and matted, but as he got to the bushes that lined the path he remembered as a lupine that wasn't possible. Yet as the seconds ticked by he found himself starting to trip the thick substance as his mouth filled with viscous saliva. He tried to spit it out but it clung to his maw as his hands went up to his now naked chest and watched strands of the goo pull away when he did, his body growing stickier by the second the longer he looked at himself. As he stumbled towards the path the naked wolf couldn't comprehend what was happening to him, his thoughts growing increasingly fuzzy while a strange pleasure began to build in his form.

As Lorkos got to the path the sap that had collected underneath his feet caused him to slip, tumbling into the bushes that he had jumped to see the troll. The leaves clung to his skin as he tried to get out and as more of them adhered to the sap that had started to melt his fur it turned as shiny and black as the cobra, who unbeknownst to the wolf was watching him as he started his monstrous transformation. The more that Lorkos thrashed around the more he changed, his seeded body taking the leaves and integrating them into his form to make him look almost like a scaled version of himself. While his body was a solid black rubber the leaves themselves turned to a bright magenta as a clawed hand briefly stuck out of the shrubs before it disappeared, the shaking branches eventually ceasing completely...

Meanwhile in the rest of the city the other rubber plant monsters that had been released from the club had continued to terrorize the area, spreading quickly along the various streets and buildings that were closest to the eDen club that created them. For one lion in particular he had just about to step onto a bus when huge rubber vines burst through all the windows, the vehicle still rolling down the street even as it was completely overgrown including the passengers on the inside. By the time those that were around it could comprehend what had just happened several creatures crawled out from the new holes in the vehicle, immediately pouncing on others and either spreading their rubber over them or engulfing them with leaves, flowers, or vines that were on their bodies. Fortunately for Dieter they were nowhere close to the bus and had managed to run away along with several others as the ones the monsters had pounced on became rubber plant creatures themselves.

As the lion ran with a badger man through a path that lead underneath the superhighway they could hear the sound of cars screeching to a stop and even caught a glimpse of a rather large creature covered head to toe in latex vines extend them to hoist himself up and join what were likely others going after people in the cars. There was more chaos happening on the surface streets as well and could see the area they had left was now completely infested with the creatures, though none of them seemed to notice the two as they ran into the darkness. Despite that however the two continued to run swiftly down the path to the other side, hoping that it would take a while for whatever was happening to moe to the other side of the superhighway.

"Can you believe that!?" the badger exclaimed as they slowed their pace down to a jog to not tire themselves. "What the hell is going on around here?"

"I... I don't know," Dieter replied, the lion still nervously looking over their shoulder while they moved. "It was like one second everything was fine and the next there were those weird shiny plants growing everywhere and monsters running around, it was like-" Dieter stopped mid-sentence as he heard a yelp and quickly turned his head to see that the badger that had been next to him was gone, the only thing there was a set of shrubs that lined the path as the lion stopped and looked around. When he saw the shoe of the badger lying on the path between him in the shrubs the branches began to shake vigorously.

Dieter gasped and stumbled backwards when the badger emerged once more, a bright green tentacle lodged in his mouth as he looked at the lion with wide eyes and with his hand outstretched. Before they could do anything though another creature emerged, this one looking like a wolf covered with magenta leaves that almost gave him a scaly appearance, and more of the vines wrapped around the badger before it swiftly pulled the other male back down beneath the leaves. The lion decided not to stick around as more green rubber began to emerge and started to drift in his direction. It was just a short run until he got to the other side, Dieter thought to themselves as they ran once more with vigor, then they would go and try to find help.

Unfortunately the lion didn't get very far as they ran out the other side of the overpass and found themselves nearly falling forward as something stuck against their shoes. By the time they looked down and saw that they had stepped on a patch of black rubber it had already started to climb up and latch around their ankles. The nearby cobra turned and looked as they watched the feline struggle against it while colorful pedals grew out of the spot. While Tana hadn't been the one to set the trap itself he still reaped the pleasure that came from it while other unseeded individuals quickly found themselves in the same predicament.

While Tana was more of a vines-on type of monster there were some others that had taken to a stealthier approach like the flowers that were sprouting over the grass of the park. Others had thick vines growing from bridges and buildings that darted down and suctioned themselves around the heads of creatures passing underneath, drawing their bodies up into them until just the outlines of their squirming bodies could be seen in the shiny rubber. The city was turning into a veritable garden of rubber and corruption, Tana and the other monsters continuing the spread as night turned into day. Though the urge to move on and join in the seeding was strong the plant cobra stuck around to watch the lion as the pedals began to curl up to engulf them.

The latex that had held Dieter in place had already managed to make it up to their knees as they noticed the rubber petals of different colors had started to enclose around him. They tried to push their hands out in order to try and stop it but that only served to get them stuck in the sticky sap that coated them, finding their arms being pushed back as the other petals continued to move. Though it looked like a flower they acted more like sheets of latex as all of them pressed against the lion at once, causing them to let out a shout of surprise that was quickly muffled as the sap also had the ability to dissolve away the clothing that would hinder the seeding of their victim. With nowhere else to go Dieter found their arms sliding down to their sides as it suctioned against them so tightly Tana could see every outline of their now-naked body.

As the magenta leafscale wolf came out with a similarly covered badger from the overpass they also stopped and watched as the lion wiggled in his rubber prison while tentacles coiled around their encased legs. One of them disappeared into the tailhole of the lion, which caused Dieter to squirm even more, while the other coiled around their cock and began to stroke. It appeared to Tana that this one would neither be themed with leaves or vines as the lion's body began to shift, the sap inside of their body warping their body and corrupting their mind much faster as they became completely saturated with pleasure. What sounds could be heard coming from the lion became deeper and more powerful as his muscles could be seen thickening within the confines of the latex covering him.

After about a minute the rubber that clung to their expanding form suddenly loosened, then fell away to reveal the new creature that was contained within. The rubber lion stood there as the vine that had been thrusting into their tailhole and corrupting their insides pulled out, though the one on their cock continued to stroke it even with the flower that had grown around it. While the fur of the feline had been completely replaced with rubber the lion had retained their mane, though the synthetic green strands had a variety of flowers that grew from it as well. Many of them were spore releasing plants and weeds like the dandelion, and when Tana realized what the creature had turned into it put a smile on his latex snout.

But the plant monster had other things to do, especially as the sun had begun to crest over the city and illuminate the spread of the corruption over the area. Those who were just waking up saw thick plants and vines that had grown over their buildings as the monsters that had created them continued to run rampant in the streets, their potential to infest others growing exponentially as their numbers grew and their tactics grew more varied. As Tana himself wrapped his vines around a horse man that had not been paying attention where he was running the plant cobra watched the flowery lion creature run past while the seeds created by his flowers floated into the air and blew onto others nearby that began to cough as tiny rubber vines began to sprout and cover their bodies.

"It appears that you have given yourself completely into your new role," a familiar voice said, Tana's focus being pulled away from the sap-covered male in his grasp mutating in his vines to the elf that had walked up towards him. "No qualms whatsoever about converting the masses, turning people into monsters like yourself that will spread until every creature in the city is seeded by you or your creations?"

The lust that had been making it hard for Tana to focus on anything other than doing exactly what the elf had said he was doing lifted and for the first time since he had gotten his plant suit on he was thinking clearly enough to realize what he was doing. When he looked down he saw that he had already pushed his cock into the tailhole of the rather impressively endowed man that he had stripped the clothes of, his latex vines wrapped around it as rubber covered the shaft. The equine was clearly enthralled by the lust being fed to him and though the cobra found himself wanting to continue he found himself pulling back in order to allow the horse to go free... though it was clear that the male was still in the throes of lust as he continued to push back into the vine spreading him open until his stomach was filled with sap from the cobra that had penetrated him. Once he was done he raced forward to join the others, his rubbery arms losing their definition as they became thick, powerful latex vines to trap others.

"Yessss..." Tana found himself hissing, licking the excess sap off of his lips as he turned his full attention to the elf, feeling the runes in his collar and cuffs curbing his desire to corrupt anyone else. "I love this feeling, I want all to experience the joys of being seeded and to seed others. I don't care that I'm a monster... to be honest, I relish it."

"That is wonderful to hear," the elf replied with a smirk on his face. "Your response as well as the enthusiasm to which you gave it has been recorded and reported, we look forward to seeing you back on the other side. Until then we would advise that you don't move until the transposition process is complete."

Tana looked at the elf in confusion, and though he continued to feel the intense pleasure that came with his form everything else started to get very hazy. At first he thought it might just be the fact that the sun was out, but the screams of chaos and confusion that had been surrounding him for a few hours now also began to get distorted. Even his own body began to feel... different, like something wasn't right about it. He tried to take a step forward but the world had begun to spin around him, the plant cobra eventually falling into darkness as everything about his surroundings ebbed and melted away from his senses...

Little Club of Horrors (5/5)

Tana suddenly felt several hands grabbing onto him as he began to fall forward, his half-focused eyes hardly coherent to what was going on around him. While he could hear other voices around him it was like he was trying to listen to them while...

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Little Club of Horrors (3/5)

As the sun began to set behind the skyline of the city those who had been enticed into the new club known as eDen were told that a special event was happening before the DJ for the evening set would come out. Those in attendance murmured to one...

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Little Club of Horrors (2/5)

The next morning Tana awoke coughing, holding his throat for a second before his body realized there was nothing there and allowed him to breathe normally. With the adrenaline of a potentially terrifying situation coursing through him the cobra...

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