The Curse of Kindness

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#2 of Halloween Anthology

Tana finds himself getting invited to a party that doesn't appear to actually be happening, and upon investigation finds a few demons that are on the down and out. Apparently they were trying to curse people into demons and weren't having any luck, and the concept was intriguing enough to the naga that he wanted to participate.

The spooky theme for this one was "curse".

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The building that Tana found himself in front of was not what he expected when he had gotten an invitation to a Halloween party. The supposedly exclusive club didn't even look like it had been in operation for the last few years and when he put his serpentine snout against the front door glass it didn't look like anyone was inside. Yet this was where the GPS told him to go and as he continued his investigation he did see a light that was inside. He attempted to open the door and found it open as well, and though he hadn't even really intended on going to this party in the first place the curiosity that had brought him there was piqued enough for him to go inside and explore.

The first hallway that he went to was completely empty, but following the lights that were on brought him to a room that appeared to be a green room or lounge where people could relax. The cobra could hear voices coming from the inside and instead of making his presence known he decided to sneak up and see what was going on. "-a Halloween party if no one is going to show up?" One of the voices said angrily. "I think we can just chalk this up to the latest in a long string of failures."

"C'mon Arian," A second voice said. "The night is still young, maybe they're all just arriving fashionably late."

"Fenris is right," A third joined in as Tana managed to get to the door and peek in. "You need to cheer up, I have the feeling our little dry streak will end... once we can actually get something to work."

Tana was slightly stunned at what he saw; the three anthros that were sitting on the old furniture at first looked like they were all wearing some sort of demon costume accessories, spikes pushing out of their fur and a pair of horns on their head that grew out in a similar pattern to one another. The one that he identified as Fenris was a wolf morph with dark red fur and black patches of scales on his body, notably his chest as he gave the other two a fanged grin. The one known as Arlan was a scaled creature like himself, a lizardman with a similar hue of red and black scales with more pronounced spikes on his muscular form especially running down his back and tail. The last one, which Tana found out through their continued conversation was Ezio, was a demonic snow leopard with the same dark red coloration save for the black spots that looked more like some sort of runes or glyphs.

Just as the cobra was about to make his move he suddenly had three pairs of draconic red eyes turn and look over at him, as though they had somehow sensed his presence. "I'm... just here for the party," The cobra said as he held up the invitation. "Though it sounds like you guys, whom I'm kind of assuming are some sort of demons, had other plans?"

There was a moment of silence between the group, the three demons looking at one another before the lizardman demon stood up and walked towards Tana with a sheepish grin. "Looks like the cat's out of the bag," Arlan said. "Yeah, we're demons... and we were sort of hoping that this party would help us out with a little problem we've been having as of late."

"I don't suppose that you're just the scout for a large group of people?" the snow leopard chimed in eagerly.

"Nope, just me," Tana replied, causing the faces of all three demons falling at that. "If you guys are setting up some sort of trap this isn't really a great place to do it, your club looks abandoned and I had to park like a block away because your lot is blocked off and from all the cars in the street already."

"Looks abandoned?" Fenris said before angrily looking at Ezio. "I thought you said that the glamour would make this place look like it was in full swing! No wonder no one has been coming through the door!"

"Calm down Fenris," Arlan said before looking back at Tana. "Well, now that you're here do you want a drink or something? It appears as usual we're not going to be having any Halloween fun today."

"Oh... uh, sure," Tana stated as he was ushered over to the couch. "Just for my own sake, and since I don't really get to interact with demons at all, what seems to be the problem?"

As the cobra was given a drink the three explained that they were lesser demons that had come to this plane of existence in order to make a name for themselves. Their idea was to take over a building and then when people came in they would curse them and take them to a room specially prepared with a special liquid latex that the individual would be dunked in. Then they said the rubber would fuse with their victim and transform them into something else, but when Tana pressed on the matter the snow leopard looked flushed as he mentioned that so far neither their curses nor the transformation seemed to work on anyone thus far. When asked what they would get out of such a process Arlan explained that the cursed would be turned into a demon that would hunt for them, bringing them back to this place in order to create more creatures while giving the one that captured them first dibs on new thralls.

Tana swirled around his drink as the demons looked down at the floor once they had finished their explanation. It was clear that these three were quite down on their luck; especially considering that they were still the only ones that were there and none of them were this latex that had been described. It was almost sad really... and admittedly the cobra found his interest once more heightened at the process. He had not expected that this night would turn out with him sitting on a couch having a drink with demons, but they were welcoming enough and even after they were done telling him how everything was supposed to work seemed more than willing to just sit and chat instead.

"I'm... rather curious," Tana said after he had finished his drink. "Could I see this cistern that you have under this club? While I've seen liquid latex before a vat full of living, demonic-energy infused chrome rubber I imagine would be quite the site."

The three demons seemed to perk up at that and nodded, getting off the couch and leading them through the nightclub and towards another door. As Tana looked around he saw the glamour that had supposed to make the building appear habitable was working somewhat here, including dancing lights and music that was playing. It would glitch occasionally though and reveal its true decrepit state, seeing it happen twice until they got to a metal door that they escorted him into. One the other side was a stairwell that led downwards until eventually they got to a large room with a large pool of shiny metallic liquid in the middle of it.

Ezio continued to explain that after the individual was cursed at the door, which clearly didn't work he fumed, they would take the lightly cursed person and bring them over to a circle of magic runes where they could be properly prepared for their latex bath. "As you can see there's nothing reacting right now," the demonic snow leopard said as they walked around the circle of runes. "If the front entrance had worked these would be glowing around you, and then this would activate the living latex."

"Which is how you would make your new demon," Tana replied, all three of them nodding before they gave varying levels of sighs. "Hey... I don't really have anything planned for tonight, and though I would hope that you guys might be a little more upfront with what you're doing like what you're doing with me I wouldn't mind helping you work out the kinks of this magic circle."

All three of them looked up and Tana saw their tails wagging excitedly behind them. "You will?" Ezio said, the cobra nodding. "It's been so long since I've had the chance to try and troubleshoot..."

"Well just promise me you'll change me back if this works and I'll stand there for you," Tana replied, the three demons nodding their heads eagerly. "Alright then, let's get started."

As the snow leopard demon went to one side of the circle Arian stepped forward and began to disrobe the cobra, telling him that the second phase is better if there were no clothes to interfere. Though Tana didn't expect this to happen it made sense, and he had committed himself to helping these three as he took off everything. He hadn't realized until that point that the other three were naked as well and it made the cobra chuckle thinking he fit in more now. Once he was done with that Fenris took his clothes and put them off to the side while Tana was ushered into the middle of the runic circle.

Once he was inside the circle he felt a shiver run down his body from the cool air of this basement as he saw Ezio's body start to glow, namely the rune spots as he uttered something in a language he couldn't comprehend. There was a breeze that kicked up and the runes around the circle began to glow as the chanting continued with the other two demons joining in. While the cobra was unsure of what being properly cursed would feel like he just let the three do their work. After a few minutes the chanting and glowing eventually died down with the snow leopard looking at Tana expectantly and asking if he felt any different.

"I'm a little colder I guess," Tana said as he looked down at himself. "I... don't quite know what to look for, sorry."

"No, it's alright," Ezio said as he rubbed his temples. "If you had been properly cursed you would certainly know it by now. Next would be getting dunked in the latex but without this part of the ritual working you're just going to need a shower when its done..."

"Still willing to go if you are," Tana replied, glancing over at the liquid latex. As the demons nodded and escorted him over towards the pool the cobra admittedly was a bit excited about this part. He had always been a fan of such things and wondered if it would actually coat him like the normal stuff did or if the fact it was living latex could do something different. Either way he was a little more than excited to find out as he lowered his feet into the chrome substance.

Though the cobra had expected the liquid to be cold the thick substance was actually rather warm as his scaled legs were completely submerged. As the demons helped lower him down into it he found his feet hitting the bottom after it had gotten to his waist, Arian telling Tana to move out a bit and then the latex should start doing the rest. When the serpentine creature moved forward he could feel it getting deeper and as he put his hands in it he brought them back out to see the rubber clinging to his scales. It gave his hands an otherworldly appearance as the shiny reflective latex dripped between his fingers... but nothing else seemed to happen as he waded deeper into the pool.

Eventually Tana got to the point where he could no longer touch the bottom and keep his head afloat, opting instead to float on his back. The viscous nature of the substance allowed that to happen easily and he waded there for a few minutes while looking at the ceiling. After a while he heard Arian tell him to come back over and they had a shower waiting for him to get the latex off of his body, which the cobra could tell had completely encased him except for his face. He could see the looks of frustration on the faces of the demon as he turned on his stomach, only to watch them turn to surprise as he swam forwards.

A sudden tug from behind caused Tana to gasp as he felt something wrap around his waist and neck before pulling him back towards the middle of the pool. As he looked around the surface of the pool suddenly became more active as the cobra continued to try and get towards the edge only to keep getting dragged the other direction. Had the curse actually worked, Tana thought as he tried to keep his head above the surface. As more of the submerged tentacles wrapped around his limbs and began to submerge him he could see the look of glee on their faces right before everything went dark.

As soon as his head slipped beneath the surface the rubber tentacles began to push into him, Tana's mouth opening in a gasp as one slipped underneath his tailhole while another took advantage and pushed into his maw. At this point he wasn't sure what was up or down as he tried to swim through the thick latex as the tentacle in his rear began to push in deeper. Whether it was due to the substance itself, the curse, or the demonic magics the tentacle was able to easily slip inside his rear. The pleasure that came from the penetration caused Tana to spasm in lust as his own member began to get hard, a voice in the back of his mind telling him he wanted this as the tip of the one in his snout could be felt wiggling in his throat.

The second that those tentacles were inside of him Tana could feel his body start to twist and warp, feeling the rubber that had engulfed him pressing more against his scales like it was tightening as the appendages around his body retreated save for the ones around his waist and ankles. The tentacle around his waist had also somehow managed to loop his way around his arms as well and as it tightened he began to lose sensation in them. This rubber wasn't just going to fuse to his body, the cobra realized as he felt his insides shift while the tentacles within continued to thrust and squirm inside of him, they were really running him into a demon! If it wasn't for the rubber all around him and the tentacle bulging out his throat he would have let out a moan as he began to feel more changes happening to his latex-encased form.

There was a sudden surge of lust from his own cock as the tentacle inside him began to bulge out his stomach, and as it continued to rub against his vulcanized walls he began to feel his own cock lengthening as well. As the appendage around his legs coiled up towards his thighs he could feel his lower body shifting around, the rubber that had completely coated his legs sticking them together while his member continued to grow. There was nothing he could do but feel the sensations of his two limbs growing and fusing into one, the bones being converted to rubber. As his tail joined the same fate it seemed to move where the tentacle thrusting into him was, moving from the back to the front while continuing to push up inside into his chest.

Tana let out a gurgle from his stretched out maw as more tendrils pushed into his nostrils and ears, causing his already blissed out brain to become inundated with strange desires and whispered in a language he didn't know. He was vaguely aware it was the same noises the demons were making but at that same moment his entire body spasmed in pure lust as the tentacle in his maw and the one in his new anal vent wrapped around one another. The latex had clearly turned him into an unnatural creature, a rubber demon as another tentacle came up and wrapped around his member. From the feel alone the mutating cobra could tell that it was at least a foot in length and still growing longer as the prehensile cock wiggled and continued to push out of his body while more changes were being made to him.

At this point Tana found his arms to be in the same state as his legs, unable to move them an inch away from his sides as the rubber continued to thicken around them. His lower body moved like his tail had and as it lengthened slightly the tip of it started to become far more... sensitive. A similar sensation was happening to his tongue and he realized these demons were definitely creatures of lust as a tentacle rubbed against it and he got the same intense pleasure as the one wrapped around his cock. Though it was hard to feel with the tentacle in his maw as the ones inside his vent and mouth began to retreat, causing the new demonic rubber snake to orgasm, his new phallic snake tongue joined in as his entire body thrashed and roiled from the extremely powerful climax while his new form floated to the surface...

Meanwhile the three demons continued to watch from the edge of the pool as the surface roiled and bubbled, the creature within being transformed by the curse that had been laid upon the cobra. After a while though the chrome surface became still, and then a creature rose to the surface that definitely was not the same as the one that went in. The lizardman quickly grabbed a long poll and fished the snake out, all of them admiring the changes that had happened. As they got the blissed-out chrome rubber snake up out of the pool they saw that it wasn't just the shiny latex that had changed about him.

"Well he's in a right fine state," Arian said as he saw the forked cock-tongue still pushed out past the shiny latex lips of the snake, his eyes going down his limbless body to the tip where the tip was also very phallic as well. "Going to have to carry him down to the preparation chamber. Alright, I'll take the head, you take the middle Fenris and Ezio will take the tail."

"I can already tell you what's going to happen on this," the wolf demon said as he slid in underneath Tana's body and began to lift the rubber demon snake up, letting out a slight grunt as he felt something slide up between his furred cheeks. "Yep, already slipping inside of me, fuck. Going to make it hard to walk, this one."

"Same here," Ezio replied as the two demons looked back to see that the body of the snake had wrapped around him, the demonic snow leopard propping Tana up while the rubber cock on the tip of it already had started to pump itself into his tailhole. "Oh... oh my... are you sure we have to do this now? This one is getting in really deep already."

"Even with him fucking the two of you he's eventually going to snap out of it," Arian replied as he rolled his eyes while the other two demons groaned. "I would rather him be on the altar than have to carry his squirming body after the euphoria of his transformation wore away."

The other two nodded and the three carefully started to haul Tana to another door, the snow leopard and wolf demon's moaning as more of the rubber cocks were disappearing between their cheeks. Even the lizardman had to stop slightly as Tana had blissfully taken his own cock into his maw, using the cock tongue to wrap around it and draw it in before sucking on it. Despite that though they took the chrome rubber creature down another set of stairs and managed to lay him flat on a stone altar. Once the rubber snake demon had been properly settled in the three demons pulled themselves away, all of them still sporting rock hard erections as they began to gather up tools from nearby benches.

Eventually Tana began to come down from his euphoric state and as he did he began to gather that he was no longer in the rubber pool room. He could feel the warm touch of the demons and when he craned his head up slightly he gasped at what he saw. The snow leopard was painting some sort of runes on his body in purple paint while it looked like Arian and Fenris were grabbing something off in the corner of the room, but what really got his attention was that his form was one long tube. Any trace of his hands and legs were gone and when he attempted to wiggle them there was nothing there, and when he attempted to move his entire body he found himself unable to do that as well.

"Wha... what's going on?" Tana asked, the snow leopard looking up from his work to give him a fanged grin. "What are you doing?"

"Just reinforcing the curse that's on you right now," Ezio replied before turning back to the rune he was working on, Tana looking over to see that the other two were also smirking at him. "While your body is a powerful enough conduit to just sustain it on its own I like to make sure that it sticks, not to mention it's quite pretty. I decided to go with a blue for yours..."

"Hey- Wait, hold on a second!" Tana said, feeling fangs that he hadn't had before extend as he continued to try and move his unresponsive form. "You said your curses don't work! I was just trying to help you out!"

"Yeah, that's not true," Arian replied as he and Fenris came back holding a leather sack also imprinted with runes on it. "We're not exactly strong, so we have to rely more on our wits to lure people in."

"You would be surprised how many people like you are willing to help poor little demons like us," Fenris chimed in. "Some try and exchange their help for power, a demonic form, or basically other things that aren't nearly as altruistic as your motivation, but they all end up in the same place either way."

The three of them chuckled as they pointed upwards, Tana's gaze going towards the ceiling. With his mind more clear-headed he could see something shifting about, the snake's eyes widening when he realized what he was looking at. It was dozens upon dozens of rune-inscribed leather bags, the inscriptions pulsating with a softly-glowing light as squirming could clearly be seen inside. These demons had no trouble in their curse, Tana realized as he felt a hiss escape from his muzzle, he just happened to be the latest victim to fall into their trap.

As Ezio announced that he was finished Tana suddenly felt his serpentine body get shifted up once more, feeling the smooth leather of the sack that they were about to bind him in get pulled underneath his body. Before he could say anything the open half was pushed over his face, causing him to let out a slight yelp as the rest of his body quickly followed suit with the aid of two sets of hands pushing him. As his rubber rune-covered body was slid in he could start to see them glowing, matching with the ones inside the bag as he felt more control returning to him. He started to wiggle around, hissing loudly as the edges of the bag began to knit themselves together to seal him inside.

"Let me go!" Tana demanded as Arian got closer to him, fiddling with what appeared to be a hood while his tail tip was threaded through metal ring at one and of the bag.

"I don't think so," Arian replied with a chuckle, grabbing Tana's chrome face with one hand with the hood still in the other. The snake saw a potential opening and shook his muzzle free, then clamped down on the lizardman's hand to envenomate him as the lizardman just looked at him. "Ow..."

Tana felt himself get shaken off and suddenly the leather hood was pulled over his head, pressing against his face as he felt the seams stitch together and completely encase him. "I think you'll find that your venom, or any of your abilities, are no longer able to harm us," the demon lizardman said. "Despite our earlier ruse the curse you're under is actually quite powerful; the longer you remain as our slave the stronger it gets. Not only that but your rubberized body is now enchanted with our energy, so as I said you can't do anything to us and should you get out of line we can take direct control."

The declaration left the transformed snake speechless; as he saw the wolf putting a rune-inscribed collar around his leather covered neck he could feel the sack constricting around him, particularly around his thick rubber cock that could be seen wiggling against his body. The sensation of it rubbing against his smooth body and the leather was causing him to squirm more intensely, mimicking the others that were hanging above him as Fenris and Ezio moved over and brought down a chain. It was clear where he was going and as they looped it around the metal ring where his sprayer tail was he could already feel the tension in the material hugging around his body. Through the open mouth of the gimp hood Tana tried to hiss at them once more, only to have the demon grab his rubber cock tongue and stroke it to cause even more pleasure to cascade through his body.

"I can't wait until this one is ripe," Ezio said with an evil grin. "This one is definitely going to be quite the demonic slave, and it practically walked right into our clutches. Probably would have slithered into the bag if we wanted him too."

"Nothing wrong with an easy catch," Fenris said as his hand stroked the outline of Tana's huge member, causing the rubber snake to thrash around even more.

"Hey, will you stop that?" the demonic snow leopard stated. "It's hard enough hoisting the big ones up without you stimulating him."

"Why aren't you yelling at Arian then?" the wolf replied as he pulled his hands away. "He's the one giving him a tongue handjob."

The demonic lizardman just laughed and let go, letting the hard member sticking out from Tana's lips and the mask soften so it could slip back in while the rest of the snake's body calmed down. "I do apologize," Arian stated. "Let's get this one hung up and finished, we still have to start moving more cars and getting things ready for the next one we've invited."

The other two demons nodded and suddenly Tana found himself hanging upside down, swaying back and forth as the ring his tail was attached to was hoisted up into the air. As he continued to rise up from the altar he glared at them, able to hiss once more now that there wasn't someone grabbing his tongue. "I will get free from this," Tana declared. "And when I do I WILL make you three pay."

"Oh please, don't make us laugh with your senseless posturing, slave," Arian replied as he went up to the hanging snake and put a finger against his muzzle, Tana's eyes widening as he felt the opening get zippered shut before hearing the click of a padlock with no key. "Not only will you not be able to do anything yourself, but if you do manage to somehow find someone to dispel it the curse is so strong it's just going to rebound on them and transform your would-be savior into another demon slave just like you. But if you can somehow manage to tell me again that you can get free I'll let you go, just say the word."

The smile on the demonic lizardman's muzzle grew as Tana attempted to say something, anything, only to find that the muzzle on his snout had left his lips completely sealed. "I thought so," Arian stated as he reached over and zippered the eye-holes shut as well, leaving the rubber snake thrall completely in the dark before the others continued to hoist him up. "How do you think you're going to escape our clutches when you can't even open your mouth? Don't worry though, a strong creature like you will be let out eventually to bring us more prey, and if you're good we'll even let you have one or two of your own as our thanks for helping us spread our curse."

With his sight blocked all Tana could do was hear them laugh as he was brought up to the top of the ceiling, sensing the others squirming around like him from the sensations of pleasure coming from their bodies. While he had no idea what their plans are he had no intention of being a part of them, though it was getting harder to think with all the sensations coming from his body. As he bulged out the leather of his sack that was pushed up against his synthetic scales he couldn't see the pulsating blue runes on the outside glowing, slowly coming in sync with the others around him. He wasn't going to let the curse get the better of him, Tana tried to resolve as his leather-covered body swung gently back and forth, he would break it and then show those demons a lesson... those demons... his demons... his demon masters...

Spellbound Reflection

"It's been a while since I've gone to something like this," Teryx admitted as he and Talen went to the steps of the haunted house that had opened up in their neighborhood. "I didn't even know that they had opened one of these up, how did you hear...

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Little Club of Horrors (5/5)

Tana suddenly felt several hands grabbing onto him as he began to fall forward, his half-focused eyes hardly coherent to what was going on around him. While he could hear other voices around him it was like he was trying to listen to them while...

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Little Club of Horrors (4/5)

With it being a somewhat warm night in the city there were still quite a few people walking about enjoying the clear night, even in C-sector there were more people out than usual as they bounced from spot to spot. With it still before midnight...

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