Going for a Ride

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#9 of Halloween Anthology

Ari is a police officer investigating a carnival where people have been disappearing. As he investigates he finds out where they had gone, but it might be too late for him already.

The spooky theme for this one was "carnival".

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Rumors had always surrounded the theme park that had opened on the edge of town; even when it was being constructed there were tales of vagrants that went inside the tents for the night only to never been seen again, as well as a worker that the others said had decided to stop in during the night to check something and mysteriously vanished. Though the police could never seem to find any leads on any of the disappearances though and the park opened as usual to the delight of children all around. For the most part it seemed your typical amusement park filled with rides, but once in a while they would get a report saying that people either saw people milling around the park after dark or that the rides would start going by themselves. Then as it got closer to Halloween there was once more people that were near the theme park or were reported looking around it disappearing... with the only link being that they were all furries.

It was a flimsy lead at best, especially since the park seemed to cater to them most of all with their heavy-themes of anthropomorphism in everything from their advertisements to their ride designs. Though Ari had never really been there himself until that night he had heard from others with kids that there were always people in costumes that were wondering around the park to entertain people, especially as Halloween approached. He sighed as he sat in his car and looked over the paperwork he had been given on the case, cursing in his head that he got stuck with such a thing. When he finished the last file, the last disappearance having been three days ago, he took one last sip of his travel mug and got out of his car.

The only time these disappearances seemed to happen were at night and despite his better judgement Ari decided to take a look around the park himself to see if he could find anything that would indicate foul play. Part of him believed that perhaps these people were using the idea of the haunted carnival to run away, especially since their cars and personal effects were never found even after an investigation. Either way he hoped to get to the bottom of this tonight as he took the key he had been given to him and unlocked the gate before going inside. Despite the security lighting that was up to make sure anyone wandering around didn't get hurt the place did have an eerie feel to it as he looked over and saw a large sign that had been erected near the ticket booths.

"We'll scare the human out of you?" he read, shaking his head before turning on his flashlight. "That doesn't even make any sense."

As Ari looked over at the nearby map of the park he sighed and ran a hand through his black hair. The acreage of this place meant he was probably going to be spending most of the night here, and though he didn't mind the overtime wandering around a spooky park in the dark was not his idea of a good time. If there was someone kidnapping people out here then he possibly put himself at a disadvantage but with no evidence during their previous searches of the park he couldn't get a full-scale search team like he wanted. Still, he had a job to do as he flicked on his flashlight and moved down the main street.

A few hours later Ari was sitting down on a nearby bench looking up at the roller coaster that he was about to search next after he was done with his break. He had searched the first third of the park, which was the midway and a smaller area designated as an area designed specifically for younger children, and had come up with nothing thus far. At this rate he had the feeling the only thing he would accomplish was wearing a hole in his shoes, but just as he was about to turn and continue down the stone path he caught something out of the corner of his eye. He thought it was a shadow but when he turned his flashlight towards it he caught a glimpse of movement from something that had slipped into the building.

Ari quickly stood up and thought about shouting towards the building, but thought better of it and moved in quietly to try and investigate. It if was someone that was up to no good he wanted to get the drop, and if it was just someone that decided to sneak into the park he could investigate possibly what was happening. As he got up to the entrance of the coaster, which for Halloween they redubbed as the Spooky Sidewinder, he carefully peeked his head around before flashing his light into it. His heart jumped slightly when he saw the serpentine-themed signs and even a statue of a snake man standing there pointing people to the coaster, but other than that the person he had followed was no longer there.

He had only been about a minute behind, Ari thought to himself as he walked inside the building, how had the other person disappeared so quickly? As he continued to move forward he decided to call out and identify himself only to receive silence in response. There was only one way that the one he was following could have gotten out and decided to follow the path through to where the coaster started and ended. Just like the decorations in the building the coaster itself was snake-themed with a bright green scale-paint job on the inverted cars that allowed one's feet to dangle while being zipped around.

Other than the security lights being on and a soft glow coming from the control panel there was nothing else there. Ari looked over at the exit and didn't see anyone running away from him, and with the track being suspended it was possible that the person he saw had jumped back to the ground but it was almost two stories up and he didn't see anyone hobbling away. With no one leaving Ari knew the person he thought he saw had to be up here still as he started to weave his way around the suspension coaster in order to try and find who else was in this carnival. As he got near the front car though he stopped and turned when he heard the sound of hydraulics activating, shining his flashlight just in time to see a black-furred humanoid creature standing there.

"How the..." Ari said just before he felt something push against him into one of the seats. "Hey, what do you think you're doing!" He tried to push away but the huge hand pressed against his chest was surprisingly strong as the safety restraints came down and locked him into place. When he looked to see the source of his capture he gasped when he had to look up to see into the eyes of a large serpentine creature that looked like the statue he had passed by on the way into this ride.

As the cop looked up in shock and fear the snake man just gave him a fanged grin and waved to him before the coaster started to move on the track with him in it. Though he didn't have long to look before both the one that captured him and the one operating the ride looked like they were monsters, especially since he was over six feet tall and had to look up to see the other guy. Were they workers at the park, and was this some sort of Halloween prank that was being pulled on him by the others at his station? He didn't have long to think about it as he found himself rising up into the air with nothing but darkness beneath him as he could feel his breathing quicken.

Ari had never been a fan of such rides, which was one of the reasons he had not come to the carnival in the first place, and as he got to the top he could feel his heart begin to pound. He didn't even know if there was actually anyone at the controls that would help him if something was to happen and when he finally started to go down the rush of adrenaline in his system caused him to yell out while he took a dive. As he began to go through the twists and turns of the coaster the harder he gripped the harness that was the only thing keeping him in the air, and as he held on for dear life something happened to his fingers. The tan skin on the back of his hands split open to reveal a set of scales underneath as the digits began to swell.

The more he yelled and the faster the coaster went the bigger they got, though Ari was more concerned about everything speeding past him at a hundred miles an hour. It was so intense he also didn't feel the increased pressure in his shoes, his feet warping and twisting underneath as the ride continued. Just when he thought that it couldn't get any worse when he did open his eyes again he saw the coaster going right into the maw of a giant snake that looked like it was eating the track in front of him. Despite knowing it was fake Ari screamed as he was plunged past those fangs and into the darkness, hearing a loud ripping noise as he did.

When he finally emerged Ari found himself back right where he had started, still breathing heavily as he waited for the ride to come to a complete stop. The ones that had put him in that situation were nowhere to be found and he saw that his flashlight was on the ground where he had dropped it as the ride started. The second that he heard the hiss of the hydraulics lock the cars into place he pushed the disabled harness off and nearly fell to the floor. He had not prepared himself for that and everything still felt like it was shifting around like he was walking drunk as he reached over to grab his flashlight from the ground.

The second that he wrapped his fingers around it Ari froze again, feeling that something wasn't right as he looked down at the hand that had gripped his flashlight. It had felt way too small in his hands and when he looked down he gasped in shock to see that they were not only huge but covered in bright red scales! It looked like he had been wearing some sort of costume gloves that were way to big for him but as he pulled up his sleeves he saw the scales went all the way up to his forearms before it gave way back to his skin. It had to be some sort of illusion, Ari said to himself as he continued to stumble towards the exit, something with the ride that made him see his hands like that.

When he stepped out into the light of the park though the illusion had not been broken; in fact as he got under one of the street lamps he figured out why he had been stumbling as he looked down in shock at his feet. He could feel that he was barefoot when he started to walk back down towards the main carnival path, but he had just thought he had lost his shoes while on the ride. He was only half-right though as he looked down and saw that his feet had gotten the same changes as his hands as he brought up one of them to look at. Though they were still somewhat humanoid in nature the red scales and thick toe talons that capped each toe on his increasingly thick feet made them look like some sort of reptilian paws that someone would see on a monster.

A monster... Ari looked up and around at the park that surrounded him. Though it felt like it was impossible his mind began to wonder if something about this place was why people were disappearing. Were people being lured here by some unseen force? As he looked back down at his hands and feet he was once more surprised to find that he was staring at the human versions once more, like it really was an illusion... except for the fact he still wasn't wearing any shoes.

"Never going to hear the end of this," Ari grumbled to himself as he decided to make his way to the exit instead of trying to hop the fence in order to find his shoes. Though the asphalt was rather clean he was still not looking forward to trudging all the way back to his car, especially since he believed he was probably at one of the farthest points away from the parking lot. As he began to make his walk back though he caught sight of the man in the wolf costume that he had seen at the control panel running towards another one of the rides.

"Hey!" Ari shouted as he began to run, feeling his feet hit the pavement as he tried to catch up with the one that started to run away from him. "Come back here! This is the police!"

Despite his identification the guy continued to run with a speed unexpected of someone in a bulky suit. For a brief moment Ari's mind flashed back to the ride and the snake man that had put him there... but rationality quickly kicked in and he remained focus on trying to get the person that was running away from him. As he continued to run barefoot he found it starting to get easier to find his traction, unaware of the scales regrowing on the soles of his feet as he chased the man to another ride. It was one where people sat in caged pods while being flung around at high speeds and as he got up to the platform he saw the guy get into one and sat down.

"Get out of there right now!" Ari said as he got close enough to the open door so that he could point his taser at the man. "Hands in the air and no sudden movements!"

"I would rather sit and have a chat if you don't mind," the man said, Ari surprised at how well the muzzle moved to his words as the muscular creature patted the seat next to him.

"No way," Ari replied. "I've already had one ride too many at this place so you either come out here and identify yourself or I'll tase you, put you in cuffs, and we can find out who you are at the station."

To Ari's surprise the wolf just chuckled before looking at him with eyes that seemed to glow yellow in the darkness of the pod he was in. "You know what the main problem is with scales on metal?" the creature growled with his deep voice. "No traction."

Ari felt himself stand up straighter and lower his posture slightly, watching the fanged grin grow even more before he was suddenly pushed forward once more. As he tried to stop himself he felt his feet slip on the metallic floor like it was made of ice and eventually tumbled into the car with the creature. As he quickly tried to recover he saw the same snake man from before staring down at him with the same glowing yellow eyes. "That never gets old," the serpentine-costumed man said as he gave him a wink. "Have fun you two."

Before Ari could get back up and out of the pod the door slammed shut and he could hear it lock, trapping him inside with someone he had just threatened to tase a few moments ago. When he slowly looked back he saw the taser in the hands of the creature after having dropped it to try and stop his fall and watched him break the casing in half to render it useless. With his weapon gone Ari tried to make his escape by reaching through the bars in order to get to the latch on the other side but when he attempted to do so he found his hands swelling once more. This time he was able to watch as scaly, clawed fingers pushed out from underneath the tan skin of his normal ones as a similar feeling was happening to his feet.

"You're going to want to sit down and strap yourself in," the muscular wolf-costumed man said, Ari looking up to see him pointing to the seat opposite him with a seatbelt inside. "He's going to start the ride soon and you don't want to be loose on the first few go arounds."

Despite the absurdity of the situation Ari could feel the pod shift and wiggle before moving, the ride already starting to move as he felt his legs buckle slightly from the sudden momentum. He quickly made his way over towards the seat and strapped himself in as best he could, though his fingers were still growing and had become like sausages that made it hard for him to move. As his breathing quickened he could also see as the light from the park shined inside their pod that his feet were still changing as well, distracting him by seeing his heels pull up and his soles become meatier by the second. As he stared down at them and watched his toes merge and grow talons once more he was surprised to suddenly see the black-furred creature slide up between his legs and finish strapping him in.

"This is... this is real, isn't it," Ari said as he pressed his hands down on the furry ears of the wolf man and could feel them react to his touch. "This park is actually turning people into monsters. That's why people are disappearing."

"You're starting to catch on," the wolf said with a smirk as he slid his clawed hands up the clothed thighs of the other man, watching him shiver slightly from the touch as they got closer. "It wouldn't be fun to just lay it all out for you, so like my friend suggested we're going to just enjoy the ride and one another's company. After all we don't want you to change too quickly and spoil everything, not when we have the entire night."

Ari felt his mind starting to swirl just like the pods on the ride he was on, feeling it start to shift and increase in speed. The bars that surrounded the pod allowed him to see the park spinning around him and as he felt his anxiety start to rise he heard a ripping sound coming from his own body. At first he thought the huge werewolf had done something to him but as he looked back down he saw the clawed hands deftly undoing his pant buttons. It took a second before he realized that it was his long sleeved shirt that had made the noise, watching as buttons began to pop from his chest to reveal red chest hair growing over his thickening muscle...

...no, not hair, it was definitely fur. The thickness was unmistakable and he could feel and see his growing chest still swelling with new muscle even as he watched. The combination of the increased intensity from the ride and his own body changing was causing his horror-levels to spike as the cuffs of his pants tore as well while his calves experienced the same growth as the scales of his inhuman, reptilian feet transitioned to fur as well. Just as he began to truly freak out however he felt something flop out of his pants and glanced downwards to see the werewolf with his muzzle directly pressing on his exposed crotch.

This wasn't happening, Ari thought to himself, but as he felt the surprisingly smooth tongue against his shaft the pleasure that was coming from it caused him to moan. Even though he was still experiencing the fear of riding this ride with what appeared to be a real werewolf between his legs while his own body was changing the sensations coming form his groin appeared to be tempering them. As the fur of the creature moved with the ride he also wondered how he managed to stay there while their pod swayed back and forth only to see his claws dug into the metal around him. As the werewolf began to tease the tip with his lips though he began to feel something else happening to his cock aside from becoming completely erect as it started to throb wildly.

As the wolf man started to push his muzzle down on it the appearance of his member seemed to change with every inch that disappeared into the bobbing head of the other male. The dark skin of his shaft started to glisten with saliva from the maw engulfing it and it started to look redder with each passing stroke of those lips. With the werewolf moving with the motion of the ride it didn't take long before he completely enveloped it while still using his tongue to swirl around, and because of that Ari could feel something happening to the head of his cock. Most of it remained inside the lupine maw but it felt like he was growing while at the same time feeling it push apart, like something was causing it to push down the middle while the flesh itself was also growing barb-like structures all around it.

Suddenly in the middle of the blow job the ride stopped and caused the pods to swing around a bit wildly and Ari suddenly remembered where he was. As the shock and horror of his situation returned even with the pleasure coming from the werewolf's mouth the shirt that had been straining against his body finally gave up the ghost and tore to shreds around him. He gasped as his entire body was completely covered in the red fur, which had gained some scary looking black splotches on it as it continued to spread across his sides and around his back. As he began to lean forward with the other male's muzzle pushing into his groin to get the changing member even deeper inside of him he also felt his spine stretching, shifting his entire frame as the skin around it hardened into scales similar to the ones that completely covered his beefy fur-covered forearms and calves.

As the ride started to slow down the pleasure once more overtook the terror and the mutations happening to Ari's body began to slow, then seemed to stop all-together as he could feel himself building up to orgasm. He found himself grabbing onto the head of the werewolf and pushing him forward, locking him between his legs as he came hard into the lupine's mouth. It was the most bizarre and intense orgasm he had ever felt, like was cumming twice as his hips thrusted forward as far as they could while in the restraints. When it was all over the partially transformed male sighed and laid back, feeling the bare scales and fur against the plastic seating as he felt the ride come to complete stop from both aspects.

Ari continued to lean back and let out a deep sigh of satisfaction; in the back of his mind he knew he should still be freaked out by what was happening to him but with the post-orgasmic bliss washing over him he found it hard to care. Eventually that faded though and reality once more came crashing around him of the bizarre nature of this carnival. When he went down to inspect his body however he saw not only had his body once more turned back to human but also that the werewolf was gone. It felt briefly like everything had been a dream, except that his shirt hung in tatters around his waist and his half-hard cock was still outside of his partially ruined pants.

As Ari slowly sat up and tucked himself away once more in his pants, though they were more like shorts at that point with the seam starting to split there as well, he carefully poked his head out from the pod to see if either the werewolf or that snake man that used to be a statue was waiting for him. While he didn't see either the park itself had an aura of liveliness to it that betrayed the fact it was the middle of the night. He could see rides that were actually moving despite no one supposed to be here and though he was alone it was like there were others walking around with him. It was like the park was actually open even though it wasn't as he slowly made his way out of the pod and back onto the asphalt of the path.

With the strange feeling still creeping him out Ari once more looked down at his body, which was shirtless after his last experience after ripping off the last scraps, and upon closer examination realized that he hadn't completely turned back to normal after all. A set of abs that he definitely didn't have before framed his toned stomach, nestled beneath a pair of pectorals that looked like they belonged on a professional athlete. The same could be said for his arms and legs, flexing one of his biceps and watching the thick muscle grow taut while the same thing happened when he looked at his legs. He could also feel the waist of his pants practically cutting into him and he glanced at his fingers and toes the nails were significantly darker.

Though normally he would have killed for such a body the unnatural means which Ari had gotten it meant that the magic of this place was having a lingering effect on him. Whether it was ghosts or demons or something else it was actually changing him, and he didn't know how long before all the effects were permanent. With neither of the two that had been causing such changes around he decided to try and figure out how to escape this place in order to keep most of his humanity intact. The problem was that his lack of knowledge about this park meant that he was somewhat lost, especially after being distracted twice, but he knew he needed to leave this park before the monster he remembered himself becoming would become his body for good.

Part 2:

A few hours later Ari wandered around another curve in the path he let out a sigh of frustration as he found he had accidently back-tracked back to the ride he had used as his latest landmark in his attempt to get out of the park. He had no idea how much time he had spent trying to find his way out, his phone in his car and the watch he wore lost during one of his transformations, but he could feel like he was running out of it. Despite continuing to jog as best he could with no shoes the half-naked man didn't feel tired at all, in fact as time went on he started to get more energetic. He didn't know whether that was a good or bad thing though, especially as the carnival came more to life with each passing minute that he spent searching.

It wasn't just the rides that were becoming more active either, as he walked down an area that sold food he swore he saw several animal creatures walking around and queuing in line for something. When he did a double-take though he found that there was nothing but the security-lighted food stands that stood there silently. But as he walked back towards the rides the actual lights began to flicker to life around him, illuminating the area more as well as his own body. The last thing he needed was a reminder of his changing form as he looked down to see his thick arms and legs with only half of his pants left to cover him.

Even though he hadn't been lured into any more rides the fact that he was facing a ticking clock with no sign of the exit in sight he had been feeling his fear starting to build again, and as it did his features started to shift slightly towards the monstrous again. It had started to dawn on him with what the werewolf had said that this place was feeding on his fear in order to change him, his mind reminding him of the sign that he had seen when he first came in. Scare the human out of you... something he had scoffed at before but realized it came with very real connotations as he moved forward. Just wandering around wasn't going to do it, and with no maps he came across he would need to find a way to get a better view of the park.

As he looked around he saw what was possibly the highest vantage point that he could find, which was the fake mountain they built for one of the splash rides in the water park. It was too steep to climb up normally but if he rode the ride he could possibly get a look before it plunged down into the water, and it wouldn't be too scary so he didn't risk as much transformation. He also knew that he needed to hurry before the werewolf and snake creature that had gotten him the first time came back, especially since he started to get glimpses of other monstrous anthros starting to appear in his vision. Some of them would seemingly jump out at him and scare him, others were further off the path and be engaged in... other activities with one another instead of trying to haunt him.

Once he got to the ride itself he found it to be empty but functional like everything else in the park, hearing the rush of water as the logs that would ferry people up towards the top of the mountain were sitting in a row. This time he wouldn't need anyone to push him on it as Ari went over to the control console, activating the ride itself before rushing over and hopping into first log. It wasn't long after he had gotten in that it started to move with the current, falling off the track and floating towards its destination. As it started to make its way towards its destination he put on the safety belt and tried not to let any sort of fear get the better of him while he waited to get to the top.

The ride itself was actually rather calming; a welcome change to the night that Ari had so far as he breathed in a relaxing breath. It would wind its way up and go through a tunnel, then rise up and move through a few twists and turns before the final ascent and then the big splash. With only what was left of his pants on him he didn't have to worry about getting too much wet as he went into the darkness of the cave. With it being night time it was hard to see the displays that were up but Ari didn't really care about that, what he did find concerning was the jostling he felt in the large wooden car as it continued on its path.

By the time the floating car got out though everything settled back down, though Ari could see it had an affect on him as he raised up his hands from the two vacant seats that were on either side of him and saw that he had gouged furrows into them. His nerves were clearly shot by this point and he just needed to get out of this place before whatever is about to happen to him actually happens. As he continued to watch ahead of him though he suddenly began to feel like he wasn't alone on this ride. It was like when he saw the glimpses of the creatures that were on the path, though as a thick, muscular arm wrapped around his bare chest he suddenly realized that those on the boat with him were very much real.

"Well hello there," the man behind him said as he saw a grey-skinned hand reach down and unbuckle his safety strap. "Looks like you're lonely up front, why don't you come back and join us?" Ari let out a gasp as he felt himself get lifted up and pulled back to the seat behind him, falling to the floor while looking up to see two very well-muscled, very male shark monsters staring down at him with toothy grins.

At this point Ari had nothing on him but the fabric clinging to his thighs, everything else lost along the way, and there was nothing he could do as he got lifted up by the two sharks and brought back on his feet. As the two continued to manhandle him his transformation came back with a vengeance and he heard the two sharks chuckling as they watched the muscle ripple from his hands up to his arms. With no clothing in the way Ari could watch the scales spread up his skin as his human skin disappeared, which then turned to fur as his already ripped physique continued to grow underneath it. He tried to squirm out of their grasp and hop over to the last row of seating in the log but even after he got out of their hold and made their way towards it he felt a hand slide into the waistband to yank him back.

While Ari did get pulled back he also heard a loud rip as the clothing that had been valiantly attempting to hold on finally came loose, leaving him completely naked as he looked back to see one of the sharks holding it in his hands. As the transforming human's cock flopped out into the air he gasped when he saw that the growing bulge he had been trying to ignore that entire time had drastically changed. The flesh was bright red and as all three of them watched the tip split down the middle, forming into two separate shafts that met at the base. It also started to grow fleshy barbs on them which the two sharks were more than eager to tease as Ari let out a loud groan.

"Looks like this one is about ready to pop," one of the sharks said to the other as they continued to keep Ari in their grasp. "Do you think he could take both of us at once?"

"Doubt it," the other shark replied with a chuckle, Ari jumping slightly as he felt a finger playing around between the cheeks of his rear end. "Look at him, doesn't even have his tail and his face doesn't have a lick of fur on it. I think we need to change that right now..."

Ari found himself swallowing hard as the two shark monsters laughed before bringing him down on all fours, his own thickly muscled chest and expanding shoulders just able to fit on the seats as they positioned him between them. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, not only because he knew what these two were about to do to him but where it was happening as well. His already overstimulated body was shivering as the water sprayed on the three of them as his rear end and his maw were getting closer to the pink cocks that were presented to him, the tapered tips pressing against both his mouth and starting to slip up into his rear as his own frame began to grow. The most frightening thing of all to the part of Ari's mind that was still human was how deeply he needed these handsome beasts inside of him as his scale-covered spine once more began to stretch.

This time it wasn't adding any more height though, as the shark's cock began to push inside his fur-covered rear a bump began to form up just above where it was stretching open his hole. A tail... Ari let out a gasp that was quickly taken advantage of by the other male who pushed his own shaft inside, stretching out his mouth with several inches at once. At this point his head looked almost comically tiny compared to the rest of his huge form, especially his still swelling thighs and calves that were braced to have the shark thrusting inside of him, but as he could feel the log they were on starting to tilt to go upwards that was quickly changing. He let out a muffled moan that turned into a growl as his face started to push out, his eyes widening as he felt his teeth lengthening into fang-like protrusions while the rest of his skull felt like it was being molded and shaped into something far more animalistic.

Though the back of his neck was fanning out behind him the front of his face was stretching around the cock in his maw into something more canine in nature. As fur began to sprout on his cheeks and nose his grunts and moans deepened into growls as the rest of his teeth sharpened as well, feeling his upper and lower jaw stretching and warping into its new configuration while the thick shaft of the shark worked its way deeper in. In his mind he began to panic as he could feel himself losing control, transforming into a monster just like he had tried to avoid as his ears stretched upwards and formed points while the scaly cobra hood he was growing continued to flare out around him. Just as he could feel the tip of his new tail pressing against the chest of the other male though another thought entered into his mind when he felt the log that had been diagonal for most of this time was starting to level out.

A quick glance over caused his eyes to widen as he saw nothing but the night sky in front of them, the three about to go over the edge of the waterfall to the pool below. Looking up he saw the two sharks were far more focused on spreading open his insides then what was about to happen with their hands on his head and thighs to help push in even deeper. With his nose turning black and melting into its new configuration he thought quick and took his sharp claws and talons and dug them into the synthetic wood beneath him just like the werewolf had done. When the two sharks noticed that they were about to go over the edge they tried to grab onto the seatbelts that were nearby but they had already started their freefall by that point as Ari felt both cocks slide out of him when they tumbled off of the log.

Ari's stomach felt like it had shifted to his transformed head as he held on while the log sped down towards the water, eventually hitting it and causing him to shift in the opposite direction. His thick body didn't move much in the seats however and all he ended up getting was very wet as the water cascaded over him. The strange sensation of his red fur matting to his body caused him to shiver as the log slowly steadied itself until it was no longer rocking around. Once things had settled he slowly slid his claws out of the newly formed holes and hopped up onto the nearby platform where the riders could get off, then shook his entire body like he would see as a dog.

Damn... he was too busy with the sharks to take a peek over the edge and see where the exit was, Ari thought to himself as he made his way off of the platform. As he looked at himself though he wondered if he was too late, especially as his changes didn't revert like they had the last two times. The fur and scales continued to persist and as he brought his clawed hands up to his face all he could feel was a blunt muzzle with two teeth sticking out past his lips like they were from a sabertooth tiger or something. When he tried to run his hands through his hair in shock and frustration he was also surprised when they bumped up against a layer of scales, realizing that aside from the animalistic head there it also felt like he had gained a hood just like a cobra.

A mirror, that was what Ari needed to find as he lumbered through the parkway while still dripping wet. The fact that he was completely naked didn't even phase him anymore as he felt his new tail still swaying behind him. Was he too late, he thought fearfully as he tried to find some sort of reflection to see himself in, had whatever power this carnival had taken hold of him fully. Even if he did escape would he even be able to turn back to human, or had it really been scared out of him?

The questions continued to swirl in his mind until he finally found something that measured height that also had a mirror attached to it. As Ari walked up to it he could see that he was definitely big enough to ride the rides, especially since the ruler showed him that he was almost eight feet tall with his new body. He was a monster just like the ones he had encountered in this place, and though his mind tried to deny it what he saw next seemed to cement the idea. His main focus became fixated on the mirror, and what was standing there in his reflection staring back at him with solid black eyes caused his new mouth to drop wide as he saw just how far gone he was.

With Ari able to see himself fully now he realized that his transformation had taken a very strange hybridization route, seeing both serpentine features as well as ones that he recognized from a hyena. His entire body was also covered completely in either red fur or scales with black splotches as he turned around to see the strip of scales that traveled down from the cobra hood behind his hyena head that ended with the serpentine tail that ended in a sharp point. His upper body and arms down to his forearms also were hyena in nature, with the fur so shaggy that it looked like he had gone feral as he also held up his huge reptilian hands and wiggled them in the reflection. A similar situation was also happening to his lower body as well as he squatted with his powerful legs to see the thick muscle in them as he stood on his reptilian digitigrade feet.

As he looked down at his hemi-penis he was suddenly surprised to see a pair of black-furred hands wrap around both shafts, stroking the bright red flesh while also playing with the barbs he had seen on them. "I hope you've been having a good time," the werewolf that appeared on the reflection said as Ari felt a growl escape from his chest. "Saw that the sharks had gotten to you, looks like you were already set though thankfully."

Ari twisted himself as best he could with two hands on his cock and turned to face the other creature, seeing that they now stood eye to eye with one another as their thickly-furred, muscular chests practically pressed against one another. "Tell me what's going on," he growled, trying to be intimidating even though he was practically shivering with pleasure as he felt both their cocks sandwiched between their abs. "Right. Now."

"You have been claimed by the Cirque du Poilu," the werewolf replied with a smirk. "A theme park of endless pleasure for those who embrace its spirit. You've been transformed by the rush that comes with fear, and soon when the sun rises you will be with us forever..."

"I'm not afraid of you," Ari replied.

"Your body betrays you," the werewolf stated, running a furred hand across the hybrid's chest and causing Ari to growl in pleasure. "You fear what you have become, and that you will stay this way forever. As long as that fear controls you there is no hope of you changing back."

Though Ari continued to bear his new fangs he knew that the lupine monster in front of him was right, that as the stars began to fade and the deep blackness became tinted with lighter hues he would be this way forever. "I know you enjoy scaring people, but as long as the sun hasn't risen then I still have a chance to get out of here," Ari responded. "And since you gave away the fact that you want me to be like you I know that you're not going to hurt me, which means that I have nothing to fear from you or these rides."

The werewolf continued to smirk at him but as Ari spoke those words he began to feel the fur receding slightly from his face, feeling the muzzle he had grown start to shrink as the werewolf seemed to get bigger only to recognize that he was the one shrinking. "Looks like you might have a chance after all," the werewolf stated as he backed away. "But the pleasure that comes from fear is the reason why parks like this exist in the first place, and just like everyone else you will embrace it with open arms even before the sun rises. Because soon you'll realize there's something even more intoxicating that being afraid..."

"Oh?" Ari replied with a sneer as he crossed his thinning arms. "What's that?"

"To be the one that's feared," the werewolf said. Ari's face dropped at that but before he could ask what was going on the creature turned tail and ran into the nearby bushes and out of sight. Though he wanted to run after him he could feel his scaly reptilian feet starting to shift and pop into a more humanoid configuration, though the scales remained on them as he began to look around. He still had no idea where the entrance to the park was but when he saw that he was just outside the section designated for kids he remembered that this was the place that he had first searched. If he could just retrace his steps he could find the entrance and get out of here before he was trapped here forever.

As he began to try and recognize the landmarks he passed when he first arrived he could see shadows forming in the light of the park, seeing more monstrous humanoids walking about without form or shape. This place was starting to come alive more and more and he wondered if it meant that he was becoming more engrained into whatever alternate reality these lost souls were a part of. More than once he could see the muscular forms of the creatures turn towards him as he walked by as though they recognized his presence. He wondered if he looked to them like they looked in his eyes, but that didn't matter as he started to see the buildings that represented the main throughfare of the carnival.

Just as he got to a water feature he recognized Ari heard someone scream that stopped him dead in his tracks, his still pointed, furry ears twitching as he someone called for help. It definitely didn't sound like a monster and as he strained his eyes he could actually see what appeared to be a human male running across one of the lawns. As he looked from the human to the horizon he could see the glow of pinks and oranges that indicated the sun would be up soon... but if he left now there was someone that had gotten trapped here that he could have saved. Even though the sun was threatening its appearance any minute Ari grimaced and ran after the human instead in order to try to stop him from getting on any of the rides and transforming.

As they approached a rather tall ride, one that was advertised where the small car would go up in the air before free falling to the ground, Ari's augmented body was able to catch up to the other man so that he could finally hear him. When the human turned around however and saw a mostly-transformed heyna-cobra monster trying to flag him down Ari realized his error as he saw the color completely drain from the other male's face. A second later there was a loud scream that nearly made him stop in his tracks and cover his ears as he watched the human that made it turn tail and run straight for the ride. Idiot, Ari thought as he chastised himself while continuing to pursue, without realizing it he had played right into the hands of the Cirque du Poilu...

...and what was worse was that when he saw the pure fear on the human's face Ari found a smile forming on his muzzle. He would have never have taken joy in that before but for some reason seeing the human running away from him stirred something deep within. His transformation came back with a vengeance and he nearly fell over as his legs shifted and grew with muscle while his muzzle pushed back out into its full hyena form. Even with his stumbling there was no way the human would escape him and therefore would go to the only safety that was in the area, which was one of the metal cars that were currently seated on the ground. As Ari continued to give chase he suddenly found himself laughing, a dark, cackling laughter that echoed through the park and caused the human to scream again as he went into the car and attempted to shut the door.

Just as the door was about to slam shut the human fell backwards as a pair of thick claws jammed themselves into the opening, pulling it back open as Ari looked down at the cowering creature with deep black eyes. "Going up?" he said, still chuckling as the corruption of the park rooted itself in his mind as he found himself gorging on the fear coming from this human. "Don't mind if I join you..."

Already it was clear that the park was having an effect on the other human, and given how terrified he was at that moment the changes were happening quickly. As Ari closed the door and locked the two of them in he could see that red fur similar to his own was sprouting down his neck and across his cheeks as his face started to push out into a muzzle. The human was also starting to grow with new muscle, which despite his terror caused him to moan as he squirmed on the floor while the fabric grew tight around him. As Ari took his claws to free the newest addition to the carnival he looked over and saw the werewolf at the controls of the ride, pressing a button and giving him a wink before walking away.

There was the sound of the mechanical parts of the ride starting to move as the car immediately started to rise up in the air. "Oh god," the human said, his voice raspy as he suddenly found himself completely naked and pressed up against the glass window of the car as the scenery started to rise up. "I'm... I'm scared of heights..."

"Even better," Ari growled as he slid his scaled hands across the bar chest of the human, feeling his chest swell with meaty pectorals while red fur spread over it. "Let me help distract you though, want you to enjoy the ride in all senses of the meaning."

As the fear of Ari was replaced with that of the ride itself it allowed the seeds of pleasure to be sown, and though it did seem to slow the fur that was assimilating the human flesh it was still spreading like wildfire. That was alright though, the corrupted mind of the hybrid thought as he pushed the head of his cock between the thickening globes of the human's furry cheeks, he would do better with the next one. By the time the ride had reached the pinnacle of its height Ari had managed to pop the head of his cock into the hole of the changing creature, which had grown to nearly seven foot tall already as he heard a moan come from him that deepened with every second. For a brief second both creatures could see the sun rising above the horizon and the world they knew disappearing into the fog before Ari pulled back the other male and sat down with his cock still inside.

Ari held on tight as the car took its first drop, the hyena cackling like crazy as he heard the octaves of the changing human lower in his scream while his body rippled with growth. By the time they reached the bottom the newly forged creature had gained nearly a foot in height and probably a hundred pounds of muscle. When the car stopped suddenly that scream turned into a sharp gasp as the sudden momentum completely impaled the red-furred creature on the thick hemipenis of the other male. Ari had made sure that both shafts were inside since the human had turned so quickly, feeling the tight tailhole clamp around him as he suddenly found something black and leathery in front of his face.

A bat... Ari realized what the human was changing into as the wing arms of the creature continued to flail about while gasping in pure pleasure. As they began to go back up on the ride he reached a scaly hand around and stroked the growing member of the creature while holding him against his chest to try and calm him down. His fear of heights was definitely still prevalent as they went back up into the air, though it was starting to get offset by the cock pushing up against his prostrate and the hand stroking his. In the reflection of the car windows Ari could see fangs pushing out from the long muzzle of the former human's face as red hair cascaded down his head and around the ears that were stretching and morphing before his eyes.

On their second drop Ari had managed to get the bat creature halfway up on his shaft again before they were brought all the way down. Though he realized he had his own fears on the ride itself it was nothing compared to the pleasure he was experiencing at the moment, remembering when the werewolf had done this too him as his toe and hand claws dug into the car once more to keep himself grounded. The arms of the bat once more flailed about as he was brought even further up on the hemipenis of the other male before slammed back down once again to the point where Ari swore he could see the outline of it in the bat's increasingly toned washboard abs. There was a moment of pause before the ride started going back up and Ari could hear the increasingly monstrous bat whimper as they went up.

"I have an idea," Ari said as he petted the throat and chest of the other male. "Why don't you go ahead and lay down as best you can and wrap those wings of yours around me, that way you just are looking at me as I fuck you all the way down."

The bat creature's ears perked up at that and leaned back against Ari's chest. "That... that would be wonderful," the werebat stated. "Strange... I don't remember why I was even here in the first place."

As Ari heard that his own ears twitched when he realized... he couldn't remember how he had gotten here either. The last thing he could recall as a human was coming into the park and going on several rides, though even those memories were hazy as he became more focused on the recent one involving chasing a human in here. He shook his scale-hooded head and knew that none of that mattered anymore, not when he had a sexy bat monster alone in a ride that he was hilt-deep inside. The Cirque du Poilu was a place where they could enjoy being scared silly and doing the same to others, and that included intense pleasure as they shifted their positions so that Ari was between the muscular legs of the bat.

Ari could feel the thick cock of the other male throbbing against him as he felt the winged arms wrap around his body. In a way this was even more thrilling, feeling the car still going up as he began to thrust his hips forward and plow his cock in and out of the other male. With their heights now almost the same they were also able to have their muzzles meet in a deep kiss, looking into the solid red eyes of the bat as his tongue pushed surprisingly deep into the hyena's muzzle. As the car came to a stop Ari once more dug his claws in, not only to push even deeper into the other male and feel those inner walls clench against his sensitive flesh but also to brace himself for what was to come next.

A few seconds later both of them felt the intense rush of falling and Ari continued to try and roll his hips forward while they did, eventually coming to a stop once more with both males panting as their muscular bodies were pressed together from the force. The ride went up and down two more times before it finally finished, which was also when both Ari and the bat did the same as they roared in orgasm. The hyena-cobra hybrid could feel the other male cum as he did the same, filling the tailhole he had been stretching open with his seed while the bat's splattered against their fur.

When the ride was over the wing arms that had been completely engulfing the two males finally slid away from Ari's back, and as the hybrid slowly pulled out of the bat beneath him he saw that it was once more night time. It made sense to both of them, the Cirque du Poilu was a night carnival and it helped enhance the fear that was felt by those that called it their home... and also for those who would soon be doing the same. Both creatures had a smile on their muzzle as they got out of the car and saw the parkways filled with creatures walking around and enjoying themselves as the rides and fairgrounds were in full swing. It was a playground for monsters, and as the two walked out they found themselves linking arm and arm and enjoying one another's company while others smiled and nodded towards them.

"So what do you want to do next Ari?" the bat asked, looking at the roller coasters. "How about one of those?"

"Seems you have certainly gotten over your fear of heights rather quickly," Ari replied, causing the bat to blush.

"Long as I got you to wrap my wings around," the bat said as he grinned sheepishly. "Although now that I'm starting to smell the food of the midway I'm kind of hungry."

Ari chuckled and nodded before the two started to move towards the midway, but before they could get there they saw the other monstrous creatures suddenly starting to look in the same direction. Ari wasn't sure what it was until they realized that it was the shadow of a human running, someone that had wandered through the entrance unknowingly. Though there were a number that ignored it Ari could see the fangs of the vampire bat extending and a look get into his eyes. The midway would have to wait, Ari thought to himself as he also began to feel the need to hunt, since it appeared they were about to go for another ride...

Balancing the Scales

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Halloween Promotion in Disguise

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The Lost Art of Filmmaking

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