Balancing the Scales

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#8 of Halloween Anthology

A kobold finds himself afoul of a necromatic ritual and a dead dragon who wants revenge.

The spooky theme for this one was "ghost".

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"What do you mean you don't have the component that I require?!" the kobold shouted angrily, hopping up and down so that he could see the elf on the other side of the counter who leaned against it. "This is the third village that I've visited that is near a dragon's lair and I was assured by the last shop that you would have dragon scales on sale so I could complete my latest invention!"

"Oh... yeah, I know who you're talking about," the elf replied with a sigh. "Normally he would have been right but as I already told you the dragon that typically roosts in this area hasn't been seen in months, so no one has been able to go to his den and collect the scales and whatever things that such a creature sloughs off. I personally haven't seen it in as much time so I haven't bothered to look myself."

"How can you consider yourself an armorer living next to a dragon's lair with no scales?!" the kobold retorted. "Surely you must some on hold that I can purchase?"

"Sorry little guy," the elf said once more. "If you're going for dragon scale you're probably just going to have to head to the capital, if you move quickly you could probably get there before the month and get what you need. Or you can stay here and see if the dragon comes back, if you need a job I can always use a tinkerer... um... what was your name again?"

There was the loud crack as the kobold kicked the counter he was on, then a shivering going through his entire body as he coughed and reasserted his composure. "As I told you, I am Azzel Redhelm, lest you forget again," the blue-scaled creature stated. "I think I may heed your advice and make for the capital. Thank you for the assistance."

The elven alchemist just rolled his eyes and turned back to what he was doing as Azzel walked out of the shop, trying not to limp from the pain in his toes even with his boot on. He had been attempting to finish his latest invention, a set of forging tools that could help shape the metal while still in the furnace, but each time he had tried before it ended with the items warping from the intense heat along with the pressure. With his current schematic though all he would need was a few strategically placed scales on certain parts in order to make sure they wouldn't yield... but finding such things were proving more difficult than he had thought. He even traveled to dragon country in order to seek the supplies, only to find that a group of adventurers had gone and killed a bunch while scaring the rest away!

As Azzel went back towards the inn that he had reserved for the night, the sun already starting to set below the horizon, he began to carefully weigh his options. He didn't want to have to travel to the capital and waste even more time and it was possible that he would have to spend several days or even weeks before he found the vendor that would have what he needed. The other option of just staying in the area and hoping the dragons would return was also not palatable since he would possibly be waiting longer than if he had gone to the capital in the first place. As it appeared those were his only two options the tinkerer continued to mull over the problem and try to figure out an alternative solution.

The sun was quickly starting to fade and as he looked at the mountain it was disappearing behind an idea suddenly came to the kobold. The lair of the dragon wasn't too far away from this village, he mused as he looked at the forest surrounding it and saw a dirt path that entered into the trees that led towards it, and if the alchemist hadn't been up there in a while he possibly may have missed something. It was a long shot, but taking a day to venture up and trying to find a few scales could result in him not having to waste any more time. Azzel quickly detoured from the inn and went to the general store instead, purchasing a few items in order to aid in the climb he was preparing to take the next day.

After a night of fitful sleep, the kobold having a nightmare that he would get up there only to find a hungry and not particularly picky dragon waiting for him, Azzel packed up his things and got ready to go. At first he thought about asking the alchemist for directions to the cave but decided against it. He didn't want the elf to think that he might have not gathered everything up there and lead him astray only to collect it himself, and if he was putting forth this much effort he was going to reap the rewards. As soon as the sun had peeked up from the horizon the kobold was already on that dirt path, hoping that it would at least lead him close to where the dragon's lair was.

Though Azzel began to feel nervous heading into the wild wilderness he had to know if those scales were there... plus there might be other things as well. Dragons that live this close to towns were generally peaceful creatures and normally didn't do things like create hoards of wealth, but much like the scales he was attempting to find there were other things of value that could be in the cave. A tooth or claw would be worth its weight in gold, and though there were other things even more valuable it required... more direct harvesting methods that he doubted he would get. At this point through he would be just satisfied with half a dozen scales as he made his way up.

Though it took most of the day the kobold eventually managed to get to the cave of the dragon, but as he began to walk inside he was greeted with an unnatural aura and a foul stench that came from it. He hesitated at the entrance and wondered if going in was such a good idea, especially with the sun already starting its descent, but it was already late enough that he would be caught in the woods at night anyway... and though he could feel his fear rising inside of him he adjusted his cloak and pushed his way further inside. The cave wasn't very deep and with his natural ability to see in the dark it didn't take long for Azzel to find the source of the dark aura and the smell.

"Looks like a necromancer..." Azzel muttered to himself, his eyes falling upon the remains of a humanoid creature pinned under a rock, looking up to see the base of the stalagmite that had impaled him. "The dark arts giveth and the dark arts taketh away...such is the proper end for hubris. However, it appears he had already started to set up the ritual...was he laying an ambush for the dragon?"


The voice came out of nowhere and echoed around the kobold, looking around for the source only to find that he was alone. The sound sent a shiver down his spine. "Hello?" Azzel called out. "Who's there?"

There was no response that time and though Azzel was still shivering he was still there to try and find materials to complete his invention. Leaving the dark tome and tools of the necromancer alone he tried to see if there was anything that the dragon may have left behind, only to find the entire room picked clean. With nothing left there the kobold looked back to the crushed cultist, and more notably at the pouch that was exposed on his belt. Though he wasn't one to pillaging the pockets of the dead, it wouldn't hurt to see if there were any scales there, Azzel justified as he slowly moved back towards the dead body, and as the darkness deepened from the setting sun it looked like there was a faint glow coming from them.

The kobold's hand had started to tremble as he slowly reached for the pouch, his eyes on the mostly skeletal head of the cultist as he went to open it. As a necromancer there was no telling what he had done to his own body, possibly waiting for it to reanimate at a set time, yet as he managed to open the leather pouch it appeared no such enchantment was on it. Azzel's eyes widened as he pulled out one of the glowing objects inside which appeared to be a glowing purple sphere. While the tinkerer wasn't innately familiar with what he found, he knew enough to identify one as he peeked inside and saw that there were others inside as well: soul gems.

Still holding the first gem in his palm he gave an experimental tug on the pouch to see if it would come loose, only for the hand of the skeleton to suddenly fall forward and the fingers land on his wrist. The shriek the kobold let out probably could have been heard from the village as he jumped backwards, falling on his tail. During his flailing, the orb flew free from his hands. The bluescale watched haplessly as the glowing object flew through the air and smashed against the wall. Almost immediately the room grew cold to the point the kobold could see his breath as he saw a glowing entity form out of the darkness where the gem had landed.

"You..." the voice boomed, which the kobold recognized as the one that had spoken earlier as a draconic head formed from the light. "You are not the one who captured me... who are you?"

"Oh! I-I'm...Azzel," the kobold stammered as he watched the rest of the dragon's ethereal form coalesce into existence. Though he was unsure of what color the dragon might have been while alive, its soul was a bright red as the feral creature stood about as large as an elephant while looking down at him. Despite all of Azzel's efforts to separate himself from his dragon-worshipping heritage, the spirit's presence alone was enough to draw forth his fearful instincts. "I just happened to be searching for dragon scales you might have shed and came across the body of a necromancer - as well as your soul gem."

The ethereal dragon's body seemed to dim as it went from glowing to semi-translucent, though it still retained the red coloration as it looked at the body of the necromancer. "I see..." suddenly Azzel once more became the center of attention. "You want dragon scales, yes?"

"W-why yes, that is why I came," the kobold stated.

"I can get you as many dragon scales as you want," the ghostly dragon replied. "All you have to do in return is allow me to remove myself from this cave and walk the earth once more. Promise me this and the accord will be struck.

"I...only really require a few," Azzel replied, feeling the powerful presence of the dragon even without its body. The kobold grinned sheepishly. "I mean, I am more than willing to offer aid, but I'm not a necromancer. I'm afraid I know no means to assist you in your current state..."

"You are more than capable of doing such a thing," the dragon replied as it started to float around him. "Just as I can fulfill my end easily enough, just promise me this and you will see for yourself."

Though Azzel still wasn't quite sure what to do about the draconic apparition he did feel pity for it; most likely this necromancer killed him here or somewhere else and trapped its soul to be used for whatever dark ritual he was planning. Plus it probably wouldn't be that hard, he had heard of ghosts haunting places and all they needed was a similar purification ritual or something of that nature. "Very well, we have an accord," Azzel replied, nodding in agreement. "So what needs to be done? Should I gather salt or sage or some such?"

"I will take care of everything," the dragon stated, the kobold able to see a smile form on the muzzle of the creature as it drifted towards him once more. "Your kind has always been so eager to give yourselves to dragons..."

Before Azzel could ask what that meant he suddenly felt a force push him backwards once more, this time twisting him around so that he landed on his stomach as the dragon brushed past him. The dragon let out another dark chuckle that made the kobold wonder if this was such a good idea, especially as he felt the spiritual presence of the draconic creature above him. As he tried to get up a pressure once more brought him back down to the stone floor and for a brief moment he worried he was getting his vest and pants scuffed before he realized that he had far greater concerns at the moment. The kobold swallowed hard as he suddenly found himself surrounded by the four powerful legs of the beast and it felt like the creature was laying on top of him.

The kobold suddenly felt his entire body tense up as he felt another pressure, this time in a place where he definitely wasn't expecting it. "I...I didn't consider this as part of the bargain!" Azzel called out as something began to push past the seat of his pants and spread open his tailhole. "I don't think you're going to fit, even as a ghost!"

"Oh, I intend on fitting," the ghost dragon replied with a chuckle as Azzel suddenly found the ring of muscle between his cheeks widening to allow the phantom cock inside of him. "I think you're going to be able to fit all of me in there, just wait and see."

Azzel let out a loud yelp as the dragon ghost continued to push into him, and though it was a large dragon he found it surprisingly able to fit. As the kobold looked up he could see that the ghost appeared to be shrinking, though as his mouth opened in shock not only from the penetration but the intense pleasure suffusing through his body he saw the muzzle of the creature push inside. He didn't realize something like this would feel so good but the tinkerer found himself paralyzed from the blissful sensations as the spectral entity pushed into him. As more of the ghost's member seemed to slide into him it felt like the same thing was happening in his maw, causing him to let out a gasp as he was filled with draconic essence.

The kobold didn't know how long he was underneath the dragon, his body flat against the stone as he began to lose sense of time. As the lust became his entire world his eyes began to glow with an intense light. He could feel his own cock throbbing hard underneath him, his focus only becoming the pleasure that he was receiving and the presence of this ghostly entity all around him. It was like the psyche of the dragon was enclosing around him, causing everything to be surrounded by a bright red light. As he lost more sensations he could hear the whispers of the dragon inside his mind, continuously telling him to relax and submit, to ride the waves of the bliss that were created by his servitude as everything else blanked out...

As the moon traveled overhead and the light from it filtered in through the mouth of the cave it eventually illuminated the prone kobold that was lying there on the rock. The ghostly dragon was nowhere to be found and the only remains of its former prison sparkled in the light from the soul gem fragments. When the creature opened his eyes though they glowed with a red light, the entity within Azzel forming a grin on the kobold's muzzle as he slowly raised his head and looked around. This cave was not his, nor did he know the dragon who owned it, all he knew as he stood up from the ground in the body he possessed was that the one that had tried to use his power for his nefarious rituals was dead.

"Serves you right," the kobold said after he had walked over to the crushed dead body, spitting on it. "Had you not snuck in and poisoned me I would have been your death instead of that rock, it appears there is karma in this world after all. Now I'm just going to take the others you have taken and hope that this creature can make its way down a mountain in the middle of the night..."

When Azzel awoke once more he did so with a gasp, the kobold looking around to find that he was back in his room back at the inn. "Wha...what!?" he shouted, leaping out of the bed and looking down to find himself not only cleaned up but completely naked as well. "Okay, think did I get here? Last thing I remember..."

The kobold suddenly shuddered as he remembered exactly what had happened before he blacked out, noting that a dragon ghost had mated with him and then he floated in the haze of unconsciousness for a while. When he looked over at his trunk he saw his suit was there and free of the dirt and tears that had come with his encounter, looking as fresh as when he had first gotten them.

"I thought you might appreciate such a thing," a familiar voice said, causing the kobold to suddenly turn around. "It was the least I could do."

It took a few moments for Azzel to pin-point where the voice had come from, realizing it was coming from a small mirror that he had set up in order to make sure everything was in place with his clothing before he went out. As he strode over to it however he saw something completely different, gasping in fright when the face of a ghostly red dragon stared back at him along with his own reflection.

"W-what is the meaning of this?" Azzel said as he pointed at the dragon in the mirror. "You could have at least warned me before you did...all that to me on the mountain!"

"I had no choice," the dragon replied. "The necromancer had nearly sucked me dry of my energy and when you broke my prison I had only a few minutes before my soul evaporated quickly. You've done me a great service Azzel, thank you."

The kobold huffed but quickly regained his demeanor, giving the reflection a slight nod in understanding. "Alright then," Azzel said. "So I escorted you down the mountain successfully. Now what about your end of the bargain? I believe I was promised dragon scales."

"And you shall certainly have them," the dragon replied. "There's a place near a lake that I would go when I needed to think that none of the villagers knew about. We shall go there tonight and you will receive your reward."

Azzel sighed at the extra step he had to take, but the promise of dragon scales for his work were more than enough for him to keep going. Soon he would have what he wanted and this ghost could stop haunting him, he thought to himself as he put his clothing back on, and then he could finally make his invention work. Already in his mind he was thinking about what he would create next after this was done, maybe something that would utilize the extra dragon scales he was about to get. Considering how scarce they seemed to now be, it might be best to save some for a rainy day, especially since he wasn't sure exactly how much this ghost dragon was about to give as he left the inn with his traveling gear once more.

After a quick dinner, finding out that after the ghost dragon had led his body down the mountain he had passed out for most of the day, he went back to the path where he had first went up. Instead of following it though the dragon spoke to him in his mind and told him to turn after about a mile or so, then continued to direct him through the trees. Though they had gotten lost more than once, something the dragon admitted to since he usually just flew down from his lair, eventually Azzel found himself breaking through a line of shrubs and stumbling into a clearing. Once again night had fallen during his hike and when he saw the smooth glass-like surface of the still water the moon reflected in it so perfectly that he couldn't help but gasp slightly at the beauty of it.

"This is exquisite," Azzel commented as he walked towards the water's edge, able to see the entirety of the ghostly dragon that was inside of him. "I understand why you'd desire to return to this place before you move on. Of course, if you could perhaps tell me where the scales are and possibly a more straightforward route to return to the inn as well, I would be most appreciative."

"You don't have to worry about finding a way back alone," the dragon replied with a chuckle. "I will not be leaving you; I just needed you to take us somewhere private and away from the town before the next step of our joining."

Azzel's blood ran cold as the dragon continued to look at him, feeling a strange sensation in his stomach as he looked at the ghost in shock. " said..." the kobold tried to form words, but a buzzing sensation in his mind made it hard to think. "I just...needed to help you..."

"And so you are and will continue to do so," the dragon replied. "Merging my soul with you was the only way I was going to remain alive so I can seek my vengeance on the cult that necromancer belonged to, and I never did say that I was ever going to leave. Don't worry though, you'll be getting quite the benefit out of our joining and I'm sure we can learn to share...eventually. But a dragon being in a kobold body is about as ridiculous as a dragon taking orders from one."

Before the kobold could say anything further the ghostly apparition disappeared, leaving Azzel alone once more. As he stood there in completely shock though his arms and legs began to feel... heavy, like someone had tied weights around them. As he looked down at them he gasped as his hands and feet looked swollen, like when he had got stung by a number of bees after reaching into the wrong log for iron wood. The blue of his scales had also started to shift in hue as well, turning to purple as they thickened while spreading up his body.

Dragon scales... he was getting exactly what he requested as he heard the cuffs of his shirt and pants start to rip. When he looked down at his arms he flexed his biceps, which had grown significantly in size, and were starting to look proportional to his meaty hands as his fingertips grew black claws. This was impossible, Azzel thought to himself as he hunched over when his spine popped, the essence of the dragon suffusing through his changing form as he grew tall enough that it exposed his midriff. He was too busy to share a body with a dragon and go on some sort of vendetta, and as he looked down as his hands he wondered how he would ever perform delicate work again with these sausage fingers! Azzel had little time to consider this before his feet cracked and he suddenly found himself falling backwards as they exploded with growth.

An increasingly familiar voice told him that everything would smooth out when he was finished, the kobold watching as his suit began to stretch around his ever-thickening arms and legs while his torso remained the same. "Why are you doing this to me?" Azzel shouted, his normally prim and proper tone devolving into panicked kobold yapping. He tried to shake his head as though that would rid himself of the dragon, only to suddenly lose the vision out of one of his eyes. "This is my body!"

"It's our body now," Azzel's own voice replied, the kobold gasping as he felt one half of his muzzle curl up into a smile. "It's not the most ideal conditions but I will do what I must to survive. Plus doesn't it feel good, having the power of a dragon coursing through your veins?"

The power... as one of the pupils of his eyes became a slit and the golden color spread to the whites he realized he could feel the magical energy of the dragon's soul. It was what the necromancer had killed for, what he technically died for, and though he lamented the loss of his tailored suit the muscular thighs and forearms that were poking out of it weren't half bad. He suddenly let out a yelp as the thick fingers on his arms reached up without him instructing them too and tore them away, leaving only his vest and his briefs as the kobold became angry once more. Much to his dismay the dragon in his head said that the suit was about to be a lost cause anyway, but before Azzel could respond to that a sudden influx of power caused his mouth to become frozen in a gasp of both pleasure and shock.

The possessed kobold's body fell backwards and arched up as his entire frame exploded with growth, causing his vest and undergarments that had managed to survive the initial wave of transformation to turn to shreds. There was a loud crack that Azzel managed to identify even in the sheer haze of pleasure as the goggles that had been on his head, realizing the horns that were pushing out of his skull had pierced right through them. As the increasingly muscled creature writhed on the ground the small stature of the kobold was stretched, his frame growing and popping as his tail thickened with muscle. Even in the sheer intensity of his changes he wondered if he was about to become a proper dragon, but as his physique began to settle it was clear the one possessing him thought it fit for them to retain their anthro nature.

"Yesssss..." the dragon hissed, Azzel's mouth once more under the control of the ghost that possessed him as he felt his hand go down and wrap around the thick, ridged shaft his cock had become. "This body will do just nicely... they'll never see it coming..."

Though the kobold wanted to say something he felt his psyche getting pushed back, the dragon once more taking control away from him. Unlike when he had been completely passed out though he was capable of feeling everything that the dragon did, from the increasing amount of arcane energy that was building in their body to the pleasure coming from the dragon stroking his cock. " malicious..." Azzel murmured at first, though it no longer came out of the muzzle that popped and cracked as it stretched with new growth while sharper, deadlier fangs grew from it. "Okay, this feels pretty good...but I'm still mad..."

"I knew you'd come around," the dragon replied, chuckling from his deep chest as he turned over on all fours. "If you thought this was good, wait until we have our first flight."

Azzel wondered how that could even happen until he suddenly felt pressure once more similar to when the horns grew out, though as the dragon grunted and stroked himself even more he could tell it was coming from his back this time. The dragon let out a roar as his scaly purple wings pushed their way out of his back, causing their body to quiver as the transformation reached its peak. It had also caused both him and Azzel to reach orgasm, their shared cock spraying their draconic seed as the creature continued to push the kobold's mind away from their body. It was hard for Azzel to even identify this as his, starting to feel like he was the one that possessed the dragon instead of the other way around as he slowly got to his feet now that he was finished.

"Not bad pipsqueak," the dragon said as he chuckled, going to the lake edge and seeing the fuming face of the kobold in the reflection against his own purple form. "Don't be like that, we are going to have a lot of fun together and as promised you have all the dragon scales you could ever want. Not to mention a few other alchemical reagents we now produce naturally, and when I let you have control I will even lend you my arcane talents so you can enchant those precious little inventions of yours."

"Let ME have control!?" Azzel shouted. "You steal my body, ruin my suit, and then try to placate me like I'M the guest?"

"Oh hush," the dragon replied with a smirk as he stepped away from the lake. "Just think of us both as Azzel, I just happen to be the dominant personality. Plus, I think I have an idea that you're going to like..."

Though the kobold was now merely in the head of the dragon body that this creature possessed he found himself intrigued, especially when he found they were able to share surface thoughts with one another. The dragon showed him an image of the other soul gems that he had gotten from the necromancer that was hidden away in his tinkerer's chest; other dragons that needed bodies to balance the scales. Then he showed the alchemist elf that was in that same town, the kobold watching as they walk in and entice the shopkeeper in the same way that the dragon had done to him. Though Azzel would have never thought it before the idea of watching the elf be possessed and transform into another dragon like him was very... enticing...

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