Life of the Party - The Party Climax

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Life of the Party

It's time to party! Renzyl has been working with the members of this frat for quite a while now and everything that they've done up to this point is coming to fruition as people start pouring in to have a spooky Halloween experience with a real demon! As more souls come in the reality-altering shenanigans will only get bigger, can Niel keep control of his summoned creature or will he let it start controlling him? The very long awaited sequel to the Life of the Party series.

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Chaz wasn't sure how long he and Amber had gone at it, though from rubbing his sore backside he knew that it was at least once after he had finished transforming her. Though the blue and silver rubber dragon had exhausted himself, possibly from the changes and also since that was his first time having sex as a male, he was still wide awake and alert. When he looked over at the clock he saw that it was nearly midnight, which normally meant nothing since parties went on far longer than that but in this case it possibly meant an end. If Renzyl really did leave here at that time what did it mean for all those that had transformed, he wondered as he went over to his window naked and looked outside at the backyard that it happened to overlook.

It looked like they had somehow arranged a zoo to be showcased back there except that all the animals were anthro in nature and either having sex with one another or at the very least drunkenly groping. In their whirlpool they had nearly a dozen lizardmen that looked like they were made out of jello trying to entice the few humans that were still around to come in and join them. Would they all be human in the morning with only a vague recollection of what happened to them during the party? Or would somehow the magic that was concentrated here be released upon the world and alter reality so that such things were normal now?

The thought caused him to turn back towards his new rubber dragon boyfriend and wonder what they were going to do if Amber changed back. Would it just be that they would have a new appreciation for pegging and bodypaint play? And if he didn't that mean the world is going to remember him as a rubber dragon frat guy with an artist for a boyfriend. Then of course there were the paints themselves... as he opened the wooden case he saw that they were still body paints, which made him wonder if they still had a purpose to them.

"They can if you want them too," a smooth voice said from the doorframe, Chaz looking up slowly to see Renzyl standing there with a grin on his face and his glowing red eyes staring straight at him. "You've been a busy boy as of late and I have to say that you got quite a talent in the art of transformation, to the point where I'm sure that you could even make some in my brother Kirdos' realm jealous. He's the artist of my family, you see, and gets rather jealous when we pick up talent such as yourself."

"I... guess I should be flattered," Chaz replied as he ran his fingers over the paints. "I've just been thinking about what will happen when you leave and if everything will go back to normal."

"Oh?" Renzyl responded as he slowly walked in, glancing down at the rubber dragon still sleeping in the bed. "Do you want things to go back to normal?"

"Honestly?" Chaz asked, the rubber dragon nodding his head. "I wish that Neil had never summoned you... because if he hadn't brought you into our lives I would have never seen the things I've seen or done the things I did. I transformed my girlfriend into a rubber dragon guy and two of my frat brothers into horny cat creatures, and I... I..."

"Go on," Renzyl replied as the small grin appeared on his muzzle while continuing to close the distance between the two of them. "Tell me what's on the tip of your tongue right now. Just let it out there."

For a few more moments it appeared that the human was trying to keep the feeling inside, his face gradually starting to turn redder as he held it in. "I... loved it..." Chaz finally said with an exasperated sigh. "Seeing my works moving and walking around and changing just like I saw them in my head was something that didn't even know I wanted in my life, and now I'm mad that when you leave I'm going to have to go back to putting things down on paper or canvas. Seeing the sheer joy on Amber's face as I changed him was almost as good as the sex we were having made me feel something I had never experienced before in my life!"

"I have to say I'm impressed..." Renzyl stated as he put his hands on human's shoulders, Chaz shuddering as the pleasure that he now associated with the feel of rubber causing tingles to cascade through his body. "I could tell from the moment that I met you that you truly had the soul of an artist that loved not only the molding of the form but the power that came with it, the ability to bring out the best in anything that you touch and turn it into a work of art. I think I might be able to help you with your problem but there's one last subject that I want you to use your gift on before we discuss things further."

"Oh?" Chaz replied as he found himself hanging on every honeyed word of the rubber creature. "Who's that?"

"Yourself," Renzyl stated simply with a chuckle before turning Chaz around. "So far you've done great things for others, now it's time to turn the brush on yourself. Of course attempting to do such things like that can be quite a pain so I'm going to give you one more gift in order to help yourself out. All I need you to do is bend over and receive it."

Chaz found himself swallowing hard as he found himself doing exactly what the demon was telling him what to do, thinking that he was about to get railed by the dragon's rubber cock that he still had yet to see. As he felt those smooth latex fingers pressing against his lower back he braced himself for the insertion, only to have them continue to massage against the base of his spine. Even though nothing was happening to his rear he was definitely feeling pressure except that it was being pulled outwards instead of being pushed in. After seeing what had happened to his new male lover he could guess what was happening before he saw the rubber tail filing out in Renzyl's hands.

It wasn't long before Chaz could feel his new appendage stretching around the demon dragon's waist and as it did he could feel that he had a level of control over it that even Amber didn't have even though it looked like hers. There was also one more change that Renzyl had in store for him as he took the end of the tail and began to stroke it. His naked body shuddered as something began to grow out of the thinner end of it, both of them watching as shiny black hairs began to grow out and continue to lengthen. The synthetic fur formed into a bushy end of it that reminded him exactly like a large paintbrush that caused him to smile.

"Very clever," Chaz said as he looked back, only to see that the dragon was gone and in its place were quite a few cans of what appeared to be latex body paint. "I suppose it's time to take this new brush out for a spin..." He opened up the first one to find that it was the typical black, which was just fine for him to use as a base since his tail had the same coloration. When he dipped the tip of his brush tail into the liquid though it didn't just cover it, as he looked on he saw the tail absorb the liquid until there was nothing left but an empty can.

Experimentally he took his tail and made a small streak down his upper arm, which created a small black mark. Chaz was still blown away by how precise it was and continued to test the limits of it as he created various complex symbols on his body. When it was clear he was able to wield this thing like a pro he looked down at the other paints on the floor and opened another one. This one was a bright red color and when he dipped his tail into it the synthetic hairs on the end of it once more soaked it all up until there was nothing left.

Once he was done he was practically quivering in anticipation as he wondered what would happen if he marked himself again. Would it still be the black paint, turn to the red, or perhaps be a mix of both? He expected it to be bright red though and when he made another mark on his skin, this time on the opposite arm, he found himself to be right. But if that was the case, he thought to himself as he rubbed his finger on the shiny red surface, what happened to all the black paint? In a burst of inspiration he moved his tail around and made another mark on the same arm, but this time he thought of black instead of red.

Chaz had to hold back his cry of delight as he saw the shiny black streak going down his upper arm, and after doing some other tests he also created a dark maroon mark on his body as well. This opened the flood gates and it wasn't long before he was one his knees prying open every can there was, dipping his tail to soak up the latex substance he just uncovered while he opened the next one. Soon his bedroom was full of empty buckets and he held the brush tail in front of him in reverence. This was going to be his masterpiece, he thought to himself with sheer glee as he brushed his hand against it and found his palm covered in silver paint, and it all starts with him.

With a mere thought he could move his tail and change the color on it at the same time, brushing his tail all over his body as he gave himself a coating of black rubber to serve as the base. While he had been tempted with other colors he wanted his base to be a tribute to the demon dragon that had unlocked this potential in him in the first place. Once he was done with that he took a look at himself in the mirror and saw a shiny, featureless black rubber humanoid that didn't even really have any facial features. It was perfect, the blank slate for him to form on as he shifted the colors in his tail brush and went to work on the details.

What would have normally taken the artist hours in detail work was completed in minutes as he gave himself silver edging to represent scales, though as he watched himself it became very real. He ran his fingers along the textured surface of his skin and knew that he was just getting started, deciding next to use a shiny gold coloration for his stomach, groin, and inner thighs. By this time he was practically stroking himself as he gave himself the textualization that made him look more like a statue than a person. He also gave himself golden claws on his hands and feet, though as he painted his toes he had to brace himself from his feet suddenly becoming reptilian in nature.

"That's new..." Chaz said to himself as he wiggled his new lizardman digits. "Of course it makes sense that anything I would paint I would have control over its shame, like painting on a three dimensional model that I sculpted myself. In fact..."

Though it was tempting to continue with the gold Chaz switched to purple for the eyes, giving them the look of jewels before painting where his mouth would be and felt his head expand out into a muzzle. The second he was able to open it he stretched it wide and painted everything the same amethyst coloration as well. Once he was finished he stopped stroking himself long enough to freeze in position and check out his work, which after drawing a few runic symbols on his arms and legs made him look exactly like some sort of ancient statue one might find in the museum.

Just as he was admiring his brushwork there was a sudden knock on the door, the latex lizardman walking over and opening it to see a guy standing there. "Hey uh..." he started to say before he noticed the golden maleness pointed straight at him from the other guy. "The dude in that rubber dragon costume said that once you were done you needed to come down and meet with Neil so that you can have a proper send off or something. Probably going to have to put on pants..."

"Nonsense," the lizardman replied with a grin, showing off his gemstone-like teeth. "I'll just design myself a sheath. Speaking of such it appears that you don't have a costume of your own, and since this is a costume party I think that we're going to have to rectify that. Fortunately I think my assistant is coming around and he'll be more than happy to assist in getting you ready."

The guy had started to say something about needing to get back to the party but before he could get more than three words out of his mouth he suddenly felt his face full of rubber paint, the brush applying a thick layer of white latex that sealed his mouth and eyes. "Oh, looks like I woke up just in time," the rubber dragon said as Sivilath brought in the male and closed the door behind him. "What are we going to do to this human?"

"As you can see he needs a costume," Sivilath stated, feeling the power of the demon rushing through him while he shredded the clothing off the human's body. "As payment he promised that we could spit-roast him while I worked. I figure that was fair enough."

The dragon looked down at the faceless human, who after a few seconds nodded in agreement. Amber was more than happy to have another hole to stick his new cock in, hearing the soon to be transformed creature grunt slightly as she shoved it in past the latex and into his mouth. Almost immediately the latex face began to stretch out as he fed inch after inch to their subject, the paint on the human's face reacting to their lusts even though he hadn't set anything yet. Out of curiosity he took a random color and painted it over the human's bare backside before plunging his own cock into it and saw the start of a tail already begin to form over his lower back.

"It appears that this one definitely isn't staying human tonight," Chaz said with a chuckle as he spread open the insides of the male, which had already become assimilated with latex with his last coat. "Of course I'm not sure why anyone would, the human form is so boring. It's far better when you're able to change your subjects into rubber animal people, don't you think?"

"Oh, I wholeheartedly agree," Amber replied, a low growl escaping from his throat as he stroked his muscular pecs with one arm while continuing to keep a hold on the back of the human's head with the other. "So have you decided what you're going to change him into yet or are you just going to let our lusts decide what form he's going to take?"

"Haven't quite decided yet," Chaz admitted as he continued to thrust deep into the hole of the human, watching him already start to shift even without any prompting. "Perhaps another dragon?"

"No way," Amber replied with a slight pout. "I'm the only dragon you're creating here."

"Far enough," Chaz stated as he pushed the naked male forward. "I think I have a few ideas... but we better not discuss them anymore." The grin grew wider on the lizardman's face as he looked down at the one he was about to change, licking his lips eagerly. "This one wanted it to be a surprise after all..."


Meanwhile in the basement of the frat house Renzyl and Neil sat down in the darkness, the only source of illumination being the moon that shined in one of the windows as they sat in some old chairs that they hadn't hauled off to the dump yet. "I suppose it's getting rather late in the night," Niel said as he looked at the clock on his phone. "Almost time for the summoning to be up, which is probably why you asked me to come down here in the first place."

"Indeed it is," Renzyl replied as he sat back, his red eyes glowing in the darkness. "I'm sure you've probably guessed by now that in exchange for this night of fun and frivolity that there would be something asked of you in exchange. Now while it's nothing quite as dramatic as your soul or anything that they may have you believe it is going to be quite significant in nature."

"Well don't keep me waiting," Neil replied, trying to keep on a brave face even though he was secretly terrified of what was about to be asked of him.

"Now that's one of the attributes that I very much admire about you Neil," the rubber dragon said with a chuckle. "I've noticed a few actually during our time together and I think that we've managed to uncover a few more while we've been together. Now as midnight looms there are going to be a lot of choices made here today, the one that I have for you is that when I take the reigns from you in a few minutes I want you to be able to take them up once more in a more... limited capacity."

"A limited capacity..." Neil replied, scratching his head slightly as he tried to figure out what Renzyl was getting it. "You want me to... control others for you?" As the smile on the rubber dragon's face grew it was clear that he was in the right area, his own eyes widening in slight shock. "Wait, are you asking me to keep transforming people and controlling them like we did tonight?"

"A prize for the winner," Renzyl responded with a chuckle. "I take those with a talent like the one you possessed tonight and give them a small measure of my power in exchange for them serving under met. Tonight you showed me what you could do with that power and I would be more than happy to continue to take you under my wing, but if you accept this offer then your existence will be scrubbed from this world completely."

The human was stunned by this sudden offer, his mouth opening closing several times with no words coming out until he finally found his ability to speak once more. "I... don't know what to say," Neil finally said. "What happens if I decline?"

"Then you will remain here in this world for the rest of your life," Renzyl replied with a slight shrug. "But you will have no memory of this night and we will never meet again, even if you somehow manage to find that book again I will not come if you call." Once more Neil found his mouth agape in shock. "Sorry Niel, but that's the rules of the house, and you also have to make your decision by midnight before my time here is at an end."

The silence in the room was deafening as Neil sat there in the chair opposite the rubber demon, putting his head against his hands as he struggled to think of a solution. He admittedly had a lot of fun turning people into other creatures, gaining a taste for it as the night progressed. But was it enough for him to leave everything here in order to pursue such a desire? In the end he supposed it would come down to what would make him happier, remaining in this life that he had for himself while forgetting all the amazing things that happened here or forging a new path with his new friend and gain similar powers that he had in this life.

As he continued to go back and forth he heard his phone beep and looked down to see that there was only ten minutes left until midnight. Though Renzyl didn't prod him in the slightest he could almost feel the weight of the unearthly creature on him as he continued to waffle back and forth on his decision. "Alright Renzyl," Neil finally said as he looked up from his phone. "I've made my choice... I want to make my deal with the devil."

"A splendid choice for sure," Renzyl said as he clapped his hands together. "Oh, two quick things, the first is that I'm not actually demon and that's mostly just flavor text to try and get people into summoning me, the second is that part of that deal is that we're going to transform you into a rubber creature yourself. You do get to pick out what sort of creature you want to be though."

"Wait, all this time and you aren't actually a demon?" Neil said in disbelief. "Then why go through the whole charade?"

"Well because it's Halloween of course," Renzyl chuckled. "I do enjoy my theatrics, also it appears you've closed over the part where I said you get to choose what your body is. You can always change it to something else later but I would suggest since you're becoming one of my Generals to pick something regal... and rubber... and preferably something reptilian."

"General huh?" Neil said, feeling a slightly smug sense of satisfaction wash over him at the idea. "As for the creature ideas I'm really not sure of what to do, in all honesty I've been wondering if I was going to change into something but I thought it was going to be some sort of imp. Now that I think about it though I did have this wyvern guy that I was going to use for a pen and paper game that never came to fruition, I suppose that fits the bill."

Renzyl nodded and Neil described the creature, then asked how this was going to happen. Renzyl just smirked and asked whether he prefer heads or tails, gesturing to the thick rubber member that up until that point had either been hidden or didn't exist. Though Neil couldn't help but swallow hard the rubber dragon assured him that it would be a gentle and very pleasurable experience, much like everything that had been happening around him for the party. The human let out a sheepish laugh as he realized he had been kind of putting others in the same situation all night and that this was probably his karma for it all.

Neil quickly decided to go with taking it from behind, especially as he noticed those ridges on the rubber member. Renzyl motioned for him to strip down quickly, the entire time gently caressing his own member as he watched the human get naked. Despite the basement being somewhat warm Neil couldn't help but shiver slightly as he stood naked in front of the demon he had been commanding, the collar still around his neck as he beckoned him forward. Crawling up on the lap of the larger male made him feel very small in comparison, especially when he felt that throbbing member pressed up against nearly half of his back.

"Thought I should just mention quick," Neil said as he felt himself get lifted up by Renzyl's hands. "This is my first time... doing something like this."

"Oh I know," Renzyl replied with a wink. "Don't worry, you get used to it very quickly with me."

While Neil wasn't quite sure what that meant he trusted the other creature, though he couldn't help but jump slightly as the tip of that erect cock pressed up against his virgin hole. While he wasn't an expert he had heard from others that usually there's all types of preparation before something like this happened, yet he could feel the slightly spaded tip already starting to slid up inside of him. Despite Renzyl whispering for him to relax the human instinctively tensed as he felt himself falling downwards slightly, gasping when the entire head popped inside of him and stretched him open. For a few seconds Neil braced himself for the worst, but when all he got was a vibrant taste of pleasure he slowly opened his eyes and looked back at the grinning dragon.

It was clear that something had happened to him and as the first ridge slid into his rear he could see what it was even with only the moonlight shining in. A very shiny patch of black rubber had started to spread out along his thighs, and as he concentrated past the pleasure he was getting he could also feel something creeping up his back. The human mentally kicked himself in thinking that he wasn't going to get transformed while this happened, especially after all the times he had seen it happen before. That thought process was quickly interrupted however when the rubber began to cover his own cock and it began to swell before his very eyes.

Renzyl continued to guide the transforming male down as his lower back began to bulge, starting to grow out the thick tail that would frame his new tailhole as his legs shuddered from his changes. Already his muscles had begun to thicken dramatically, stretching the rubber that was cascading over and assimilating his human flesh heading straight down towards his toes. By the time Neil had gotten the entirety of the girthy member inside of him the groin of the rubber dragon was flush with his new butt that clamped around the cock inside of it. It wasn't long before Neil could touch the floor again as his toes stretched and merged, becoming huge webbed digits that curled in the air as Renzyl thrusted up inside of him.

"You know, if you had told me that this was what it was like being changed by you," Neil said breathlessly as he pressed his hands against his stomach, partially because it felt like the dragon cock inside him was stretching him out and also because his slightly pudgy belly had stretched and reformed into a set of washboard abs. "I would have had you do this to me sooner."

"I wouldn't dream of taking away a party host from his responsibilities," Renzyl replied, licking his tongue along the stretching neck of the human as black latex began to stretch out from his arms. "Plus if we were gone doing this then who would have been the life of the party?"

Neil tried to respond but Renzyl countered with a particularly heavy thrust upwards, impaling the changing creature even deeper and causing his growing cock to throb as well. As he attempted to reach down to stroke himself he found his movement hampered and looked to see his arms growing into a pair of large wings. Though he still retained his hands the latex membranes made it feel like he was wearing a cloak or something and hard to reach down, though Renzyl was more than happy to oblige him by stroking him off. It felt like every muscle in his body was contracting as his body continued to grow until he was almost eye level with Renzyl, the still human had looking at the dragon before a sudden pressure caused him to gasp.

With every thrust Renzyl made inside of him it felt like his face was getting pushed outwards by it. He stretched his jaws open wide as they continued to expand, feeling his ears stretching out into fins as his short hair turned black and grew down his neck like a mane. As the rubber dragon thrusted harder inside of him both males went down to the floor, Neil on all fours holding on as Renzyl's deep, slow thrusts became harder and faster. The newly minted wyvern let out a roar as he came the same time as his new master did, Neil recognizing the one orgasming inside his tailhole as the roles became reversed.

As the two quickly recovered and stood up once more Renzyl asked him for the time, Neil clumsily reaching for where he had left it and turned it on. "It's two minutes until midnight," he informed the rubber dragon, who merely nodded. "Why, I thought that I had already made my choice?"

"It's not you that needs to make it anymore," Renzyl said as he started up the stairs before stopping and looking back down. "Hey, that wyvern character of yours, did you have a name for it before you scrapped it?"

"I did actually," the rubber wyvern replied as he folded his wings as best he could before following behind the dragon. "It was Zander, why?"

"Just curious," Renzyl stated. "Good name. In any case I think it's finally time that we wind this party down for good."

LIfe of the Party - Setting the Atmosphere

Back downstairs the party was still going as strong as ever, people dancing and having a good time as Neil watched the demon dragon continue to work his magic. Though he still retained control over Renzyl he had loosened the leash a little bit...

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Life of the Party - Getting in Costume

Chaz continued to sit in the room with the set of art supplies on his lap, his hands pressed against the polished box as well as the paper that had the drawing of the two anthro felines that he had created on the bed kissing one another. Had...

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Life of the Party - The Party Begins

Finally night had fallen and it was time for the party to begin. Though there were a number of Halloween parties that were being thrown theirs was the talk of the campus and drew in the most people. Word had spread that Neil's frat had a...

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