Life of the Party - The Party Begins

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of Life of the Party

It's time to party! Renzyl has been working with the members of this frat for quite a while now and everything that they've done up to this point is coming to fruition as people start pouring in to have a spooky Halloween experience with a real demon! As more souls come in the reality-altering shenanigans will only get bigger, can Niel keep control of his summoned creature or will he let it start controlling him? The very long awaited sequel to the Life of the Party series.

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Finally night had fallen and it was time for the party to begin. Though there were a number of Halloween parties that were being thrown theirs was the talk of the campus and drew in the most people. Word had spread that Neil's frat had a party decoration that needed to be seen to believe, and those that came were not disappointed. Renzyl had proven to be quite the attraction, at the beginning of the party he was in the middle of the circle that had been prepared in the main hall with chains that were connected to a collar, wrist cuffs and ankle bracers. Though Neil knew better even he would think that they had a restrained rubber demon.

When the party was at its peak and the frat house was nearly full it was time for the main event to start. With the aid of liberal amounts of dried ice they managed to fill the foyer with a large amount of smoke and when the clock struck nine Renzyl slowly stood up and began to rattle the chains in order to bring all the partygoers to his attention. When as many people as could fit in the space he let out a roar and strained the metal chains as the runes glowed through the fog to cast an eerie glow. There were a number of screams and shouts as the links snapped and the rubber demon freed himself before those glowing red eyes scanned over the group of terrified onlookers.

"I... am freed!" Renzyl exclaimed as he held his clawed hands up in the air, flexing his latex muscles for all to see. "Now I claim all of you as my own and will drag you into my realm before this night is out!" As people began to back away in terror the demeanor of the creature chuckled darkly, then smirked as the glow of the circle ceased and lights turned back on once more. "Just having a bit of fun, hope I didn't scare you all too much..."

Neil had stood back and watched with a grin on his lips as the demon he had summoned began to mingle with the crowd that had gathered around him, some of them even boldly stepping across the circle on the ground to go up to the dragon to talk to him and even touch him when prompted. As he stood there he let out a yelp when he was suddenly picked up by a pair of strong arms before being spun around. "Damnit Jake!" Neil said as he struggled a bit before he was put down and spun around to see his friend standing there with a grin. "You scared the life out of me."

"Looks like there's a lot of that going around," Jake replied as he grinned and nodded his head over towards the demon that was still mingling. "How did you manage to find a beefcake like that to wear a rubber suit the entire night?"

Jake had been one of Neil's closest friends and was finishing up his final year in college, and though he had spent more of his time in the athletic center than a classroom he had still found time to get his degree in business management. He was also the reason that Neil was in the frat in the first place even though Jake himself wasn't a part of it and it was because of that he decided to let him in on the secret that surrounded the demon. Neil motioned to the other male to follow him up to his room and when they got to the privacy of his space, he closed the door and told Jake everything about Renzyl. Once he was finished he could see that his friend didn't believe his story, so he took out the book and handed it to him.

"Not sure about all this..." Jake said as he flipped through the pages of the book, stopping on the section that described how to summon Renzyl. "If what you're saying is true than you're dealing with forces that are way beyond us. I mean, did you read this whole section before you roped him in here to be a party decoration?"

"I told you that I read it," Neil replied, and even though Jake continued to flip through the pages he could tell that he still didn't quite believe him. "You still think that he's a dude in a rubber suit, don't you?"

"I mean... come on man," Jake said with a laugh as he tossed the book aside. "I know that you wouldn't go this far to wind me up like this for a lark but I'm still having a hard time that after a day of reading some book you found that you managed to summon an actual demon."

Though Neil frowned slightly it quickly turned into a grin. "Maybe a demonstration is in order then," he said as Jake looked up at him in question. "You know most of the people at this party, why don't you go ahead and pick one out and you can see for yourself what I mean. Trust me, you're going to want to see this..."

A few minutes later Johnny, a guy from the frat next door, was standing around a table looking at the various refreshments with a frown on his face. "You don't look rather impressed," a smooth voice said behind the male that caused him to turn around and see the muzzle of the creature that had been in the foyer standing behind him. "That's quite a feat considering what's working in the kitchen right now. Perhaps there is something missing you desire that I can help with tonight?"

"Oh... uh..." Johnny was taken slightly back not only by the sudden appearance of the guy in a rubber suit but also from the request itself. "First of all I want to say that's a bitchin' costume man, whole frat went all out this year with their get-ups. And it's not that the spread isn't great, it's just I was looking for something with a little more alcohol in it or something like shots, not just mixers."

The rubber dragon tapped his muzzle for a second and continued to look over the male, Johnny feeling a slight chill run down his spine before he told him to wait right there. Johnny nodded and watched Renzyl walk over to where the frat had his kitchen and walked inside the area that had been off-limits to everyone but those at the frat, catching Renzyl talking to someone in what appeared to be a snake costume or something like that before the door closed. While he waited he looked around at the other guests and as he did he looked around at the people that were wearing costumes. Some of them were the normal put-together ones or ones that were bought from a Halloween store but others looked like the one Renzyl wore, spying two guys in full-body cat costumes with loincloths that were fawning over one another before the rubber dragon returned.

"Compliments of the chef," Renzyl said as he handed Johnny a tray filled with brightly-colored jello shots. "Hopefully these will help you enjoy yourself."

Johnny took them and thanked the demonic male before taking the shots and walked with them outside to the backyard of the house. For being Halloween it was still a somewhat warm night and a number of people were mulling about, some gathered around a fire pit while others were just sitting in the lawn chairs that were set up. There was also a table set up near a small jacuzzi that no one had currently utilized, and there his friends had set up shop talking to one another with alcoholic beverages in his hand. Johnny could see their faces light up when set down the tray with the shots on it down in front of him.

"Whoa, where did you find these?" one of them said as he picked up one of the bright blue shots and took a look at it. "I didn't see any jello shots on the table."

"Got them from that weird guy that they have in that demon costume," Johnny explained as he took one of the purples ones himself.

"I'm surprised they can even walk around in that thing," another one replied as he grabbed one for himself. "Same for a couple other guys in the frat. Makes me wonder where they got some of those costumes, out of their own closets from the look of those furverts petting each other."

Johnny's mind flashed back to the two cat people and shook his head, then took one of the shots himself and brought it up to the air in a mock toast. The others did the same and then tipped the glass back and let the jello shot slide out of it into their mouths. It was rather fruity in flavor and though they definitely could taste the alcohol it didn't burn as badly as others, making it a pleasant experience as they all slammed the empty glasses back down on the tray. There were still eight or so shots left on the tray and though they had originally intended to try to find some ladies to lure to their table and share their bounty they began to chat one another up instead.

It didn't take long for the alcohol to take effect and it hit Johnny like a truck to the point where he had to hold onto the table in order to keep upright. Though he and his three friends had been drinking for an hour or so when the party began they hadn't been pounding them in order to try and keep their game up so they could hook up, but the shot must have been pure alcohol or something as he felt his stomach gurgle. When he looked around at the other three they appeared to have succumbed to the same effect as they leaned against the table and started to sway and shake their heads. But even as the world began to spin slightly there was a certain clarity that seemed to come with it instead of the normal slurred speech and fuzzy thoughts.

"These shots really pack a punch!" one of them exclaimed as he took a second one off the tray. "These are better than what we make, why do they not have a whole table full of these?"

"Probably because they don't want a whole house full of drunks," another replied after he had just taken a second one as well. "People stumbling around breaking things and getting naked or something."

"What, like this?" the one closest to Johnny said with a smirk as he began to take off his white polo shirt that he had splattered with ketchup to make his costume be that of a murder victim. The others hooted and jeered as he took it and tossed it aside, then took another jello shot and downed it before putting the glass next to the other two empty ones in front of him. Even drunk Johnny realized that they were drinking what they had originally were going to use to attract the ladies, though at this point it didn't appear that his friends cared anymore as they took their second shot.

Not one to be outdone by his friends Johnny grabbed one as well and downed it, a different flavor gracing his tongue as the thick substance ran down his throat once more. The tingle spread through his mouth and throat once more as he felt his body shudder slightly from the ingestion of even more alcohol. As the contents of the glass settled in his stomach he felt himself begin to sweat, something that had never happened to him when he drank before as the air around him suddenly became colder. When he went to ask the others if they were feeling the same way he realized that the other two were arguing with the third when he was about to take yet another shot.

"No fair dude!" one of the other friends shouted as he pointed to the three glasses in front of him. "There's only enough for each of us to have three and I'm not giving up my shot for you!"

As the two continued to squabble between one another Johnny began to feel something bubble up inside of him and a silly grin formed on his face before he took two more shots and took them back to back, the others gasping in shock as he finished them and put the glasses down on the table. "You jerks!" one of his friends shouted as another friend that had only taken two shots immediately took the last drink and slid the jello down into his mouth. "Now I only got two!"

Before Johnny could say anything the enraged friend pushed him backwards, Johnny stumbling back and falling into the hot tub that was nearby with a loud splash. Those that were outside gave only a glance at the occasion before turning back to their own conversations. When Johnny emerged and broke the surface of the water he let out a gasp and cursed at his friend. His clothing was completely soaked and he found himself taking off not only his shirt but his pants as well, not even giving it another thought in his alcohol-fogged mind. Finally he stripped down to his underwear and threw them at the face of the one that had got him into that situation in the first place.

"You want your third jello shot?" Johnny shouted as he gestured down below the water at his naked body. "Why don't you go and suck it out of my dick?!"

Much to Johnny's surprise his friend stripped off his own poorly-constructed costume top and splashed into the hot tub as well. As his friend continued to remain submerged under the water he could feel his hands press against his thighs... though when those fingers pressed against his flesh it was hard for him to see them. The strange sight was enough for him to override the fact that he was being groped by someone that had constantly bragged about how much pussy he had crushed over the weekend, watching as that head began to hover right near his groin. Johnny was either too shocked or too drunk to stop was about to happen as he felt those lips slide over his cock and begin to suck.

When Johnny looked back up at his friends to see what they had to say about the whole situation he found that instead of being shocked or mocking about it they were high-fiving one another and even cheering them on at one point. It felt... strangely right, like this was how it was supposed to be as he leaned back against the wall of the hot tub while the pleasure continued to suck harder against him. His chest was breathing causing ripples on the water from how hard he was breathing as he pressed his arms against the edge of the tub. When he looked back down beneath the surface of the water his friend continued to suck on him and his eyes widen when he pulled back entirely and came up for air.

Johnny's cock had not only become completely translucent but also multi-hued, just like the jello shot that he and his friends had drank. In his alcoholic daze it didn't occur to him why this had just happened but when he brought down his hand to stroke the gelatinous member it suddenly dawned on him that he had been so blind. Of course his member looked like that, just like his fingers as the translucence spread up to his wrists and forearms. They had been so nice at this party to accommodate him and his friends and their special dietary needs, he only wished that he hadn't gotten wet so that his guise began to melt away.

When his friend made bedroom eyes at him the two drunken males closed the distance between each other and locked their lips in a deep kiss. The other male's tongue was flavored just like jello shot and Johnny savored it as he pulled it into his mouth and licked on it with his own. His friend's disguise was slipping faster than his, where his hands had completely turned to gel and was spreading over his legs the other male's head was the one being affected. When Johnny broke the kiss it took longer that he had thought and when he looked at his friend he saw that it was because he had started to grow out his muzzle as they looked at him with semi-translucent eyes.

As the two continued to grope and fondle one another the transformation continued to accelerate, Johnny's body shuddering as the gel spread up beyond where the water touched him. His chest heaved even though he didn't have to breathe anymore, in his mind he never had to considering what he and his friends were. "Well if we're going to just be giving up the ghost like that," one of Johnny's other friends said as the two began to strip down and make their way to the hot tub themselves. "So much for keeping a low profile for this party, but if we're going to go off let's go the entire way!"

Johnny looked around to see if there was anyone that was being put off by their lewd behavior, which in his mind was the whole reason they were disguising themselves in the first place. No one seemed to mind and some were even eyeing them up with mild interest and some with a bit of arousal as well. That was good enough for them, they were party lizards through and through and any chance they had to really let loose at a party they would take. As the two splashed into the water Johnny let out a loud sigh, partially because his friend had started to go back under the water to continue to service him and mostly because he felt his own face begin to stretch as the human flesh was absorbed and converted to alcoholic jello.

The other two began to make out while the third paid homage to the thick gel dick of the transforming lizardman, Johnny watching under the water as the one giving him a blowjob began to grow out a thick tail that swished around in the already swirling water. It soon became hard for him to distinguish where the water ended and the gelatinous body of his fellow frat creature started, and that gave him an idea. He stopped the other two from what they were doing and told them the plan of the most epic prank that he just thought of. The grins on the muzzles of the other two widened and they both nodded in agreement before all three of them went below the surface of the water as the last of the human flesh from their disguises disappeared...

A few minutes later Yuan had come out into the backyard of the frat house, getting some air as things began to get hot and heavy inside. With the alcohol flowing and people getting close to one another things were getting crazier by the second. Though he had originally came there to cool off he eyed up the hot tub and thought that it might not be a bad idea to take advantage of it. As he got there he saw that he was not the only one that had that idea, another guy that he only vaguely recognized from seeing around the campus walking up to the waters as well.

"Can't believe this is open," the other guy said to Yuan as they saw the waters swirling around. "You think that it would be alright to just go in underwear?"

"I doubt they're going to care about what you're wearing," Yuan replied as he began to strip off his clothes. "All I know is I'm not getting anything soaked in there but my own body." He couldn't help but smirk slightly as the skinnier guy watched in slight awe as he undid his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers to reveal his naked, toned physique. There were the sounds of catcalls and a few whistles from those in the yard as he turned to face them, then slid into the pool and let out a sigh of contentment when the hot water swirled over his skin.

It appeared that the other man would not be so bold, stripping his somewhat skinny body down to a pair of boxer-briefs before tentatively dipping himself into the water on the opposite side. "First time to one of these things?" Yuan asked, watching the other college student nodding his head tentatively. "Just take it slow and enjoy yourself, also don't get too drunk because they like taking fresh meat like you and dumping their drunk bodies in the middle of the quad in their underwear with all sorts of stuff written on their body."

"Thanks," the other guy said as he gave Yuan a smile. "I'm Jacob by the way." The two continued to exchange pleasantries while they let the bubbles relax them, Yuan taking a drink from his glass that he had intelligently put at the side so he could reach it. As they talked about their majors he started to notice something that at first he paid no mind to, but then as the sensations grew stronger he looked down at the water in question.

At first it just looked like someone had spilled their drink in the pool as Yuan saw that there were a number of bright colors he hadn't seen swirling around the otherwise clear water. It also felt like the liquid was... thicker than before, like someone had mixed a bunch of jello in with it. He knew it wasn't the first time that someone had pulled such a prank, though after that particular frat got the bill to fix the broken hot tub he thought it would be the last. Strangely as he took note of it whatever was going on with the liquid actually made the whole experience feel better, particularly as the current seemed to concentrate around his junk.

When Yuan glanced over he saw that the Jacob seemed to be having a somewhat similar experience to what he was having. Though the newer college student was attempting to hide it he knew what the look of a face was that was experiencing getting played with, and if that wasn't enough there was the fact that when he looked down beneath the surface of the water he saw that the fabric of the underwear he wore was tenting. But before he could say anything about it he saw something that caused him to pause, watching curiously as the garment actually began to slide down his legs without him having to touch it. Once they had gotten past Jacob's fingers Yuan watched in surprise as they swirled around the pool once before being launched over into another part of the backyard.

"I hope you don't mind," another voice said, Yuan gasping and turning to see a lizardman made out of jello sitting there in the hot tub next to him. "Since the other one required a little more work than your sculpted form we thought we would get him started first. Plus admittedly I wanted your sexy body all to myself."

Yuan squirmed slightly and when he looked back down at his own groin he saw that the ebb and flow he thought he was feeling against his stiffening member was actually the hand of the lizardman next to him. His mind was buzzing, but it didn't take him much to realize that it was more than questions going through his head as he watched the other male spread his legs to the mostly invisible forces that were lurking under the surface. As the alcohol continued to seep into his skin he watched the outline of another lizardman pushing with his gel tongue pushed deep into the hole of the male above him. He heard Jacob let out a moan despite himself as he began to sink lower into the water, though that didn't stop Yuan from seeing what was happening.

It wasn't long before Jacob's lanky frame began to fill with muscle, at first looking like he was progressing through a year's worth of workouts as his flesh bulged. At first it was his stomach growing into a six-pack of abs, followed by his pectorals ballooning out. As his arms and shoulders filled out as well Jacob let out a brief moan of pleasure before it turned into a gurgle, watching as multi-hued jello began to pour out of his mouth while the changes to his head and face began to progress. Soon only Jacob's head could be seen above the water as the rest of his newly strengthened physique grew the same coloration as the gel lizardman that had moved from his tongue to his cock now that the other male was further underneath the water. The last thing Yuan saw was Jacob's head tipping back and his face extending into a muzzle as a gel tongue slithered out into the air before disappearing as well.

Though Yuan could still see the now two gel lizardmen having sex at the bottom of the hot tub it was getting hard to tell where they were. It wasn't from the jets or the churning of the water, his eyes widened as he saw that there were multiple lizard creatures currently engaging in similar acts under the water with some of them right underneath his feet. Though he couldn't get an accurate count of how many there had to be at least six not including their latest convert. When he turned to the gel lizardman that had continued to stroke him to ask what was going on he was given only a deep kiss in reply.

Johnny had moved his body so that he could straddle the other male while he fed the potent alcohol of his body via the tongue slithering down into Yuan's throat. While he was feeding their latest convert his drink he also took the hand that was wrapped around the now semi-translucent cock of the other male and directed it so that he could put it into his tailhole. This was not a specimen that you transform under the water, Johnny thought to himself as he opened his eyes and watched Yuan's face already starting to swell with the change, this was one that you watched. As the gel lizardman pushed himself down and impaled himself on the thick shaft of the other male he could see the changes centered on his groin start to accelerate.

Every touch that the alcohol jello lizard gave to the man increased Yuan's stimulation to the point where he couldn't even think straight. His mind was completely occupied with the pleasure and he found himself wrapping his arms around the muscular torso of the one who was riding his dick as his throat clamped around the tongue inside it. It was an experience unlike anything he had ever had before and he hungered for more of it as the hair on his head melted into his scalp while he felt something begin to grow out of his spine. It wasn't long before a similar tongue was pushing his way into Johnny's maw as their muzzles continued to mold and conform around one another.

It wasn't long before there were two gel lizardmen sitting there in the hot tub once more, Johnny breaking the kiss after he watched the last of that Adonis body get converted. "You are definitely one sexy beast," Johnny said as he pushed down hard to get Yuan's thick cock inside him, the two able to see the outline of the different hued gel inside of his body. "Do you want to go and join the others, maybe lure a few more people in here?"

For a few seconds Yuan didn't even know what the gel lizard was talking about but as his pleasure ebbed his corrupted mind filled him in on the details that he had just learned. It was perfectly normal for creatures like themselves to bring in other humans to become lizardmen just like them, shaking his head at the absurdity of him forgetting such a detail. "Perhaps we can convince a few others to join us without having them take the dip," Yuan replied as he settled into his new body even more, thrusting his hips up to push into the tailhole of the one in his lap and shuddering when he felt those walls squeeze against him. "Plus if you think that I'm done using this sexy body of yours you are quite mistaken... now let's see if we can add another color to that rainbow you got going inside of you..."

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