An Ancient Word in Modern Times (3/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When an old god uses the last of his power in order to make the location known, a group of explorers answer the call to find it. When they do Sol is more than happy to show him his god Aktor and bring them into the fold. It's a last act of a desperate panther rubber man and all he has to do it is a golden mask given to him by his deity.

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Marcus had been attempting to find his way out of the temple for the last few hours, though every time he thought that he had made it to a new potential exit it either went to a dead end or led back the way he had come from before. What was worse was that the constant darkness and the fact he was alone was starting to take a toll on his sanity; not only had he started to see the paintings start to move as he moved unwittingly deeper into the temple but also found statues that seemed to turn their head towards him whenever he wasn't looking. His flashlight wasn't helping either, though it had started out strong as the minutes ticked by the explorer could feel the beam growing dimmer every time he walked down another corridor. Though he knew that it would be good for a while the thought of being stuck down in this temple in the pitch dark alone caused his anxiety to ramp up even more.

"Get a hold of yourself man," he whispered to himself in an attempt to try and keep his composure up as he turned another series of corners. "Nothing in here but perhaps a bit of fauna to watch out for, and I doubt anything particularly dangerous would make its home so deep inside here. Just try to keep your bearings and put your hand on the left wall, follow it out even it takes a while."

While his hand was sliding along the stone Marcus continued to keep his head on a swivel looking for anything that would possibly harm him, though with the deep darkness the shadows made it next to impossible to see everything without moving at a snail's pace. Suddenly as he passed by what he thought was another wall his hand touched the air, then he screamed when something grabbed his wrist and jerked him back. When he twisted his body around he saw Don standing there holding onto him, turned slightly away looking where he came from as Marcus breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad to see you..." Marcus said as was let go and rubbed his wrist while Don turned back around and motioned for him to follow. "How did you find me? Where are the others?"

"Given the amount of babbling you do when you're nervous it wasn't hard for me to hear you in these stone halls," Don said, Marcus feeling slightly embarrassed at that as he continued to follow. "As for the others Arturo found Yeran and are waiting in the throne room of this place while I went out to come and look for you. We believe that through there we found a back entrance that led from the throne room into what used to be a hanging gardens."

"Throne room... hanging gardens," Marcus said in a hushed awe as he looked around, now with the nervousness leaving him he was able to think clearly and rationally once more about his surroundings. "There must have been some sort of entire civilization we didn't know about here, maybe even pre-dating the ones that managed to leave a more sturdy mark on our histories. If the throne room has any account of the time period or maybe a map of the area we can tell for sure if this is about to give us a couple of academic papers or if it's going to change the course of human history as we know it."

When he heard Don chuckle Marcus asked him what was funny, the other man just shaking his head and telling him how it was cute that he was so curious about the world around him. Though the statement was innocuous enough something about it made the archeologist pause... perhaps because it was slightly off from how Don usually acted or maybe it was just the temple still getting to him, but he began to have a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach as they continued to walk. Though that sensation was still there it was quickly forgotten when he was led into the throne room of the temple, torches lit along the wall that illuminated every square inch of the space including the huge statue at the other end of the room. When he saw that the giant stone panther man that this civilization worshiped included quite the male endowment on it he felt himself blush slightly, though that was quickly eclipsed by the fact he couldn't see Arturo or Yeran anywhere else in the room.

"I thought you said that the others are here?" Marcus asked as he moved forward and looked around more.

"They are here," Don replied, a chill running down the other male's spine as Don's tone turned slightly darker and started to have an unearthly quality to it. "Yeran is just making sure that everything is ready so that we can continue this uninterrupted." When Marcus turned around he nearly fell backwards when he saw the darkness that had completely taken over his eyes and a black ichor dripped from his nose and mouth. Behind the corrupted male the archway that he had just walked through was gone, replaced with a wall that looked more like a stretched out sheet of rubber with the etching of two rubber panthers on it.

Marcus continued to fall back as his possessed friend began to walk towards him and as the human retreated the entire feel of the room shifted around him. The naked panther men statues all seemed to leer at him despite not moving and the light of the torches quickly started to fade, though even with the dim light he could tell that there was no exit from the throne room. The dread and fear continued to rise in him as he didn't know what to do, even if he somehow managed to overpower Don there was still the fact that he then had to find a means to escape the room. As they got to the back of the room the corrupted creature stopped and continued to stare down at them with those blank shining eyes.

"Join us Marcus," Don said, though it was no longer Don's voice as he held out a hand that had started to get swollen as the possessed creature's physical body began to fail to contain him. "Aktor will bestow his blessings upon you and when he awakens we can finally have a civilization where we will thrive. This world is ready for us..."

"I... don't think so," Marcus replied as he backed up against the legs of the statue that was nestled in the throne. "You can't just take over my friends and expect me to agree to this..."

"Then let me have him speak to you..." Sol replied as a smirk crossed his lips while stripping off Don's clothing. The rubber panther knew that the human he was inhabiting would not hold him for much longer, but there was little need for that anymore as he took the mask that he had kept in Don's pack and pulled it out. "Another for you Aktor, bless this one as you have blessed me..."

Marcus cried out and held out his hand but before he could think of doing anything else he watched as the golden panther mask was pressed against the face of his friend. Even though he was pretty sure that Don was a lost cause the action seemed to cement the fate of his former friend as his body began to shake. As the rubber began to spread down his head and neck the gooey feline already possessing his body had begun to manifest as well. The flesh of the other male began to swell and tentacles pushed out the changing body that seemed to flow towards his chest...

The sound of screams and groans suddenly filled the air, the screams coming from Marcus and the groans emanating from the masked face of Don as the rubberized flesh of the other male's chest stretched out impossibly far. Marcus looked on in horror as the mass of rubber continued to stretch out of Don's body, forming into a panther head as he continued to transform himself, a tail growing out of his backside as a second pair of rubber arms quickly grew out of the sides of the changing human's body. At first Marcus thought he was in some sort of horrific pain as a second rubber creature grew out of him, but that quickly was shown not to be case as the latex assimilate reached Don's already stiff cock and caused the throbbing length to grow even more before it split into two. Then as the chest of Sol continued to emerge he leaned forward and took both cocks into his maw at the same time, Don falling onto his back from the sheer rush of pleasure as Sol inhaled the musky scent of the throbbing members.

With Don continuing to writhe from the lust-induced trance Sol continued to emerge, his hands turning around to brace himself on the ground as his member continued to separate from him. Eventually Sol had to pull off of their combined members as his waist pulled out of Don's body and he shudder when he felt a slick tongue push its way into his tailhole as it hovered over the former human's face. It was clear that Don had completely succumbed, even without the mask he would have probably transformed with the amount of corruption he had soaked in while hosting him. When he pulled his thighs and feet out of the other rubber panther's body they licked each other's throbbing erections before they both looked over at their new prey now that they had separated.

"Marcus..." the freshly converted rubber panther said as he pulled off the mask, revealing the muzzle underneath it as he got up. "Listen to me, I'm your friend... soon you will know what it's like to bask in the light of Aktor." Sol quickly moved over to be behind the still freaked out male, not only to try and get behind the human but also so he could stay close to his god. As Don continued to talk to the human he pressed his hand against the legs of the creature, hoping to find some sign that his lord had awakened.

As Sol continued to rub his rubber paws over the similar material of the statue he continued to feel the hard, lifeless form that Aktor had taken. Was he not doing something right, Sol asked himself as he continued to try and look? He climbed up onto his lap and even hugged his body around that godly pole, feeling despair well up inside him when it was just like the rest of him. If this didn't work, Sol thought, he didn't know what he could do anymore as he continued to hold the spire of hard rubber flesh... was then that he felt it. It was very faint but he could feel a throb in the latex of the cock as he continued to hold onto it tight. Just the feel of that one pulse of life was enough to elate the servant, the energy of those that he has been converting for his deity finally starting to awaken not only the temple but the one who lorded over it. But he wasn't going to awaken Aktor with just the four... no, he was going to need so much more too finally breathe life into his god.

But first there were those humans that he would have to convert first, and as he looked down at the feet of Aktor he saw that Don had already done his job in convincing his friend. The human was down on his knees with the mask already on his face and the golden muzzle filled with Don's rubber cock. Perhaps that was why he felt the pulse of life, Sol thought as he slid down the throne and went up behind the male. Marcus was already lost in the haze of pleasure as the substance that oozed from his neck continued to assimilate his flesh while his head bobbed up and down on the other male's rubber rod.

"You certainly work rather fast," Sol commented as he came up behind the human, pulling his hips back so that his rear was level with his groin. "Considering how against he was when I was possessing you I thought you would be doing a lot more convincing."

"I have my ways," Don replied simply. "I left his ass for you, my thanks for showing me the light. This new body is so powerful..."

Sol merely nodded and took his already slick cock to press into the male beneath him, the original rubber panther enjoying himself now that he knew his efforts were coming to fruition. The changing human immediately began to push back on the head of his maleness as it slid inside him, showing a surprising amount of lust as the rubber spread over his body like wildfire. It wasn't long before he and Don were spit-roasting a third muscular panther man between them as they stuffed his orifices with their cocks. Sol took his prehensile tail and slid it between Marcus' legs, the tube of rubberized flesh wrapping around the thickening maleness between his legs to give their newest acolyte a proper welcome into their fold.

Marcus continued to rock back and forth between the two others as they thrusted their hips forward, the three quickly speeding up as they let their lustful instincts consume themselves. It wasn't long before they all came hard, splattering their corrupted seed at the feet of their god before they collapsed together in a quivering heap of pure euphoria. For the longest time they stayed that way, their slickened synthetic bodies continuing to pleasure one another as they shifted.

As the three synthetic creatures continued to lick and rub one another they all suddenly turned their attention towards the relief that had covered the doorway. It quickly shrank back, and as it did the first panther in the picture slid out easily, falling onto his feet while the second one actually peeled away to reveal the human trapped within. As the four began to circle Arturo it was clear that he had been enjoying himself, his hand immediately going to his cock to stroke himself off. It only took a few seconds for him to realize that he had been surrounded. Arturo swallowed hard as he looked up at them, all of them with smirks on their faces and their latex dicks fully erect while Sol held the golden mask in his free hand...


The military base that was on the coastline had been told to potentially expect a call from the expedition team that had gone in to explore the structure that had appeared so suddenly. What they hadn't expected it to be was that the transmission they would receive was an SOS that said that they were trapped and need extensive assistance getting out alive. Before they could ask for details however the entire signal cutout, causing more than a little panic and confusion on what to do. Though the expedition had been purely academic the base was contracted to provide an emergency response, which was exactly what they were doing as they loaded up their soldiers to go in and rescue them.

The entire operation took only a few hours to mobilize and before the sun was completely set they had already gotten their boots on the ground. An entire squad of soldiers were there investigating the camp that the four explorers had originally set up. When they saw no sign of their targets outside the temple they set themselves up right next to where the other one was, though this one proved to be far larger with the white mylar housing their communications equipment as well as their munitions. Once they were completely ready the twenty five soldiers gathered around a satellite map of the ancient site.

"So we're going to have two teams going in," Captain Sinoi said while the others looked down at where he was pointing. "We've found two entrances that we can use to go in, squad Alpha will be taking the main entrance that we've set up our camp in while squad Beta will come in this narrower side route that looked like was one their courtyard or gardens. Now we don't have any way of making contact with the trapped explorers so make sure you keep on your radios and when you find them don't keep it to yourself, got it?"

The other soldiers nodded in agreement and when they were dismissed they quickly grabbed their weapons and got ready to storm the temple. Captain Sinoi went with the Alpha squad, leaving a few people left in the base to report in and manage the communications between them and the base. Beta squad disappeared around the other side of the temple while they went up the stairs to reach their insertion point. When they got up there they continued to see traces that someone had been there before, the lights that the archeologists used still set up and running as they waited for the other troops to get into position. Once they were all set both groups moved in at once, one man on the Beta squad continuing to call out their position while Captain Sinoi did the same for their team.

"We're currently heading through some sort of large chamber," the voice on the radio said as they quickly continued to push deeper inside the structure. "So far no sign of the target, we're starting to think that they didn't get this far in their exploration."

"Copy that," Sinoi replied as they moved forward. "Everything is still lit up around here, so this was likely where they did the bulk of their studies before they suddenly came into distress. Just make sure to keep your head on a swivel, we don't know what happened to them so we don't want the same thing to happen to us."

For about an hour they continued that way and the further in they went the less evidence they found on the four they were looking for. What they did find started to get somewhat disturbing though, at one point they even found a set of underpants that had belonged to the one of the explorers perched on the carved dick of one of the statues. Sinoi began to suspect an environmental factor and ordered all his men to use their masks, stopping for a second to put on the filtration system before continuing to go further in. Just as they were about to move however a noise came over the radio that caused them all to pause, hearing the panicked voice of the soldier on the other end.

"The walls!" the voice shouted as they could hear the sound of gunshots and screams in the background. "They just reached out and grabbed a bunch of our guys! Others sank into the floor, this whole thing was an ambush! They're... my god... it's changing them... it's changing them! We need to get-"

The line suddenly went dead and all of Alpha squad looked at one another before they went back down to the GPS that they each had. Though there was interference from the thick stone that separated them they had gotten a lock on their other squad... but as they watched they saw their tracking units go out one by one before there was only three left. Sinoi began to wonder if his hallucinogen or poison in the air theory was true as they watched the three dots start to move once more towards their direction. Given the map that they had already mapped out it was possible that those three were trying to meet up with them further ahead where the sonic imaging revealed another void, and though it was possible that they had been exposed already Sinoi ordered that they go and rescue them.

Even though the distance between Alpha squad and the remaining members of Beta squad wasn't that far the twists and turns in the temple's construction severely lengthened the time that they were traveling. It appeared that the other team had enough sense to stay put however, the three dots remaining stationary as they began to move quickly towards them. After another ten minutes of searching they finally made it to the central hallway that led to the room where their squad was waiting for them, all of them with their guns up and ready for whatever might come their way. When they got into the throne room however they all had to stop and pause at the sight that caused several of them to gasp and others to shake their heads.

The three soldiers had all left their clothes in a pile and were currently thrusting their naked rears back against the statues of the rubber panthers that adorned the walls of the bizarre throne room. All of them appeared to be in the throes of pure pleasure and it didn't take long for them to see that they were spreading their cheeks open with the huge latex cocks on the statue. "What are you three doing?!" Captain Sinoi shouted as he stomped forward, the others lowering their weapons at the sight of their fellow soldiers in such a brazen display of sex. "Your team goes dark and you decide to strip down, now I hope you are all drugged because if not you will all face-"

The Captain's rant was cut short as the GPS that he had been ignoring let out a chirp, indicating that other signals had just gotten within close range of him. He looked down to see that the dots that had originally disappeared from his screen were back, and not only that but a number of them were coming up behind his group. As the group began to turn back to see what was coming up behind them Sinoi also noticed that a number of the signals were circling around them, though with no other hallways in this area they couldn't be there... unless there were either secret passages there or they somehow were coming through the walls.

A sharp gasp from behind Sinoi turned his attention once again to the three that were pleasuring themselves by the statues, only as his eyes widen he saw that they could no longer be considered that. The rubber jackals had suddenly become far more animated, wrapping around the male's chest and trapping them in their embrace with one powerful arm while the other stroked their cocks. As the naked soldiers were pleasured their groins began to each change, growing darker and shinier with each stroke as their shifting bodies began to change. As the situation began to grow more bizarre around them even the throne room itself began to shift, the images on the walls changing to something far more lewd as the rest of the Alpha squad began to spread out in order to cover the entrance.

Just as Sinoi remembered what Beta squad had said and shouted for the others to get away from the walls it was too late, several pairs of hands stretched out and grabbed onto the nearest soldier. The others quickly backed away as their squadmates were dragged into the wall, with those that dared to go in to help grabbed by another set that stretched out even further and snagged them too. When they were fully engulfed in what they thought had been stone their forms still remained pressed in it, their bodies writhing as the feline forms behind them began to wrap around and embrace them. Two more soldiers didn't realize they had gotten too close to the statues as well and were quickly snatched up, their clothes shredded from their bodies as a single entity walked out from the darkness.

"Do not be hard on those three," Sol said with a grin as he held out his hands while the remaining soldiers drew their weapons on the rubber panther. "I gave them all the choice to surrender themselves and draw greater power from Aktor or to be simply soldiers and guards for our new civilization. These three chose power... the rest did not."

Before Sinoi could do anything more rubber panther men suddenly appeared behind him, all of them armed with the guns that Beta squad had as well as shiny black metal armor. It was clear who there were, all of them wearing the crest of their squad which also contained the tracking unit that the GPS picked up on. More anthro felines began to from the wall and push their way out and those that had surrendered themselves for Aktor transforming in front of their eyes, their faces pushing out into muzzles as their eyes began to glow just like the statues that were thrusting their dicks into them.

"I'm going to give you the same choice that I gave them," Sol continued on as the four researchers that had been the ones to originally transform them began to walk out from behind the throne of Aktor. "Either you can choose to succumb to us and be granted higher status under the reign of your new god or you can join those that have already decided to be our warriors and give yourselves in a different way. If you want to do the former than put down your guns and join us..."

Though it was clear that they were outnumbered the remaining seven soldiers and Sinoi continued to keep their weapons drawn, looking into the eyes of their former friends and squad while they did the same with their blank eyes. Sinoi instructed them all to hold the line... but they continued in their stalemate he suddenly heard sound of metal hitting stone. Though they kept their guns drawn they looked back to see two of their own having put down their weapons and start moving towards Sol and the other rubber panthers.

"You traitors!" Sinoi shouted as they began to move toward the ones that were originally Don and Yeran.

"You can't fault them," Sol replied with a smirk as the two soldiers were welcomed with open arms. "It's just self-preservation, they know that they have no means of winning so they choose the side that will benefit them the most in the end. As someone who has seen the passage of time I can tell you that its part of the human condition... though there is something to be said for loyalty as well. Now are there any others that wish to join them or is this your final decision?"

Sinoi continued to tell the others to hold the line, and as he stood there with the others Sol just smirked and waved them off with a single flick of his wrist. Before any of the remaining squad could fire off of a shot they were overtaken by the rubber panther warriors, the latex on their bodies tendriling over onto their skin. Two of them knocked into Captain Sinoi and pinned him to the ground, but as the others began to shout and writhe from their expanding muscles and shifting features he found himself completely untouched by their corruption for the moment. All he could do was watch as the soldiers that he served with transformed into soldiers for the enemy that he didn't even know they had.

There was a pause as the lustful moans of those that were being rutted willingly died down while those that had the corruption forced upon them rose and embraced their new fellow warriors. While Sinoi continued to try and struggle the one that had started this all came into his field of vision with a golden panther mask dangling in the air. "You have far too much potential to waste as just another soldier servent of Aktor," Sol said as he put the mask in front of him. "So I have a new offer for you, we'll let you go and if you can resist the corruption enough to reach the outside of the temple you can warn the outside world and I swear on the will of our lord that no one will interfere with you."

Though he knew that there was more to the deal than met the eye he knew that if he didn't agree the two that held him down would just cover him in rubber as well, especially as he looked back and saw that the two that had defected from his side were bent over while two of the panther men took turns fucking their various holes. "You swear that I have the chance to warn the world about you if I get outside the temple, and none of your ilk will interfere?" Sinoi asked, Sol grinning and nodding. "Fine... I'll show you that I can resist your demon magic. Once I do I'll make this this place is nothing more than a crater in the ground."

Sol didn't seem to flinch for a second as he nodded and lowered the mask onto his face, Sinoi gasping slightly as he felt the cool, gel-like substance on the inside of the mask press against his skin. It immediately began to tingle as the two rubber panther men that had been holding him down let him up, The second the soldier got up he stumbled forward and tried to pull the mask off of his face only to find it stuck fast to his body. When he stopped and looked around Sinoi saw the crowd of rubber felines watching him, causing him to slowly turn around before he began to run.

It wasn't long after he had gotten into the hallways of the temple then he began to feel it, the tantalizing touch of corruption pressing against his mind. All he could think of was those shiny latex bodies glistening in the light, their cocks pushing into the tailholes of the others as he tried to shake off those thoughts long enough to run forward. As he attempted to keep track of where he was going in order to move forward the shiny liquid began to drip down and burn through his clothes before spreading on his skin. Though he was able to keep the transformation somewhat at bay with every second it was on his face the more he began to feel those thick members in his mouth, literally feeling it sliding in and out of it as he could feel his lips and nose swelling.

As he turned the corner and began to start to see familiar territory he also began to see something more ethereal in nature flit through his vision. It was a rubber panther man like the others, but unlike them he was almost an Adonis among the rest of them. The closer he got to the exit the more that creature began to manifest and by the time he got to where the archeologists had actually managed to set up in the tunnels. But even as he could smell the air of the jungle outside he turned a corner and stood face to face with the eight-foot tall rubber panther male, golden lines in ancient letters pulsating over all his body.

"No..." Sinoi said as he felt to his knees, the lust that he had been trying to outrun catching up with him as his eyes stared straight down at that huge cock. "They said... they wouldn't interfere..."

"They aren't interfering..." the booming voice of the other male said that reverberated through his changing body. "I am Aktor, and the I am the one whose lives and souls your men have been given. You are almost there as well... which is why you can see me with better clarity. Soon you will be too once you give in to the lust you clearly feel."

"It's not me..." Sinoi tried to say as he shook his head, falling to his knees as he looked down at his hands and saw that they had been covered in rubber and tipped with claws. "You've done this to me."

The deity chuckled and moved over to him, petting his head and reaffirming that things are going to be alright as his rubber hands stroked the similarly textured skin. Even though the human thought he had some fight in him Aktor knew that he was gone the second he stopped moving. There was nothing left but to feel the warm, gentle embrace that all of his kin had. The more that they touched and the longer they embraced the more that Sinoi succumbed, feeling his soul flowing through him giving him more strength.

Sinoi had felt the presence of the god filter into his mind, and though he knew that he had relinquished control he no longer cared. This being had touched him in a way he had never experienced before and that combined with the pleasure that suffused through his body made him wonder how he ever lived without it. It wasn't long before he had his lips wrapped around the diety's dick, sucking it as he gave himself to Aktor. As the rubber cock pushed deeper down into his throat the lines of gold began to slither over Sinoi's muzzle and onto his body, permanently marking the creature as his while his fingers hooked around the edges of the mask to pull it off.

At this point the mask was no longer needed, falling to the side of the corridor. A minute or so later Sol walked up to the kneeling rubber male and stroked his head while leaning down and picking up the mask for himself. Though the former human was bobbing his head back and forth to nothing Sol could feel the presence of his lord there, no doubt in his mind. He let Sinoi continue, there was plenty of time for Aktor to have his fun before they moved forward with their new plan.

As the morning dawned once again those that were still in the command post outside the temple waited for orders, having heard nothing since the two teams had gone inside. When the sun rose, their eyes drifted up to where the entrance was and a hushed gasp from what they saw up there. "I have a message for you to bring to your Masters," the rubber panther said as he stood at the lip of the stone platform with dozens of similar muscular latex creatures flanking him. "There's a new civilization on the rise..."

An Ancient Word in Modern Times (2/3)

When the sun rose once more the team that was situated at the base of it rose with it, though they quickly realized something was terribly wrong as they found themselves a man short. Though there didn't appear to be any signs of a struggle or anything...

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An Ancient Word in Modern Times (1/3)

At first it seemed like a glaring error on the satellite feed, those that controlled it even realigned their lenses because they thought it was a mistake. After being checked for the third time however they realized that it was real; a huge building...

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The Lost Realms Emerge

Renzyl and Chrono walked through the Nexross Resort, making their way through the lobby and towards the elevator banks that were on the other side. Most didn't pay him any mind while others gave him nods and bows of respect as they passed. While...

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