An Ancient Word in Modern Times (2/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When an old god uses the last of his power in order to make the location known, a group of explorers answer the call to find it. When they do Sol is more than happy to show him his god Aktor and bring them into the fold. It's a last act of a desperate panther rubber man and all he has to do it is a golden mask given to him by his deity.

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When the sun rose once more the team that was situated at the base of it rose with it, though they quickly realized something was terribly wrong as they found themselves a man short. Though there didn't appear to be any signs of a struggle or anything that indicated he might have been in danger Yeran's bedroll looked untouched and he was nowhere to be found. With the two having spent more than enough time together they immediately began to grow worried while they waited for their collegue and friend to hopefully return. As the time passed and the sun grew higher in the sky the hopes that he would show back up grew dimmer and dimmer.

"I bet you he's already up in the ruins," Arturo said as he craned his neck up towards the entrance to the temple. "Probably couldn't sleep and got up early in order to get a head start. I bet if we climbed those stairs we'd find him in the front entrance wondering where we've been, why I remember when we were excavating the ruins of a lost city in the Aratharian desert that he went an entire day studying those pictographs without even realizing that he had several snakes slithering around him most of the day."

Marcus sighed and wiped the sweat off of his brow before looking up himself. "Well I don't suppose there's any harm in going up to have a look," he said, Don giving him an incredulous look before the other male shrugged his shoulder. "Arturo is right, if he's going to be anywhere it's up there in those ruins. I only hope he heeded our rule, god only knows where he might be if he decided to go further in without us."

The three gathered up their gear including Yeran's, which once again caused a series of weary looks when they found his stuff still with theirs, and began to climb the stairs up into the temple itself. With the sun high overhead the heat quickly started to get to the three, especially with no more canopy cover as their bodies remained exposed to the scorching rays. By the time they made it up to the area where the entrance sat they were all sweating and drinking from their canteens while sitting in the shade of the structure. What was more disconcerting was that their lost team member wasn't there either, but what they did find caused them all to be as confused as they were worried.

"They look like... paw prints," Marcus said as he knelt down and pressed his hand against the cool material. "Strange, they appear to be some sort of latex substance that's adhered to the ground."

"Why is that strange?" Don asked as he looked out at the jungle that surrounded them. "Ancient people put goofy stuff in their temples all the time, like that taxidermy chicken we found in that tomb that got opened by the earthquake. Why should this place be any different?"

"Well it's not the pattern that's strange, it's the substance," Marcus replied while he stood himself back up. "It appears to be some sort of rubber derivative, but from what we've gathered about the cultures of this world there's no way that they would have been able to use such a refined substance like this back then. If they could we would have likely seen it in their boating or containment vessels... so why use it to style paw prints on an ancient temple."

"Maybe we're dealing with aliens," Don shot out there, the other two looking at him. "What, a temple suddenly appears in the middle of the jungle that now has some sort of advanced substance and I'm being looked at like I'm crazy? Nothing about this place makes any sense."

"What doesn't make any sense is that Yeran is not here," Arturo spoke up. "I'm worried he went deeper into the temple, possibly to escape the growing heat."

The other two nodded and peered into the darkness, then decided that if that was the most likely place where he was then they should be there too. They took out their lighting rigs and glow sticks and began to set them up, perching solar panels to catch the sun's rays so they could power their lights for later. Once they had established the entrance they slowly began to make their way further into the temple while making sure that they didn't suffer the same potential fate that their colleague did. With the three of them together they made quick work mapping out the area, Don using his cartography skills to build them a virtual map of the site on his tablet while the other two documented what they saw.

"This is amazing..." Arturo said as he looked over the portrait of a large panther creature. "I'm starting to think that Yeran might have been lured down here by these... if that's the case he's probably waist deep in notes by now somewhere deeper in this place."

"If he is then he is a fool," Marcus replied in a huff before looking back at Don. "How's the map-making going?"

Don tapped a few buttons on his tablet and held out a small device, the sonar ricocheting along the stone walls before returning back the structural layout of the area. "So far so good," he said as he put in more of the parameters to help guide them. "I haven't lost signal yet with GPS booster so far, once the signal dips below seventy percent though we're going to have to probably set up another node, no telling how many twists and turns there are in this place."

When they got to an area where the path branched into several different areas they decided that was the best place to set up some more lights. While they had been stringing along a set of hanging lights from the wall so they knew where they were going they also got a floodlight up and running as well, something to help illuminate the way back if they needed. As they continued to put up their precautionary measures they failed to notice to sets of eyes glowing slightly in one of the pathways before they disappeared once more. What they did notice however was when there was a loud pop and suddenly the whole area went dark.

"Damnit!" Don shouted as all three of them were plunged suddenly into pitch darkness. "Did we just blow a fuse already?"

There were a few moments of silences as Don held out his tablet to try and light the area he was in, unfortunately the limited brightness of the screen only gave him a few feet of visibility as he tried to fish out his flashlight from his belt. Before he could though he was suddenly pushed forward and he stumbled for a few feet before he finally fell against one of the walls of the temple. When he turned back around to see what had just caused him to fall forward he was greeted with darkness, and when he shouted out for the others all he could hear was their muffled voices as he tried to slowly make his way back.

Meanwhile Arturo also tried to fish out his flashlight, but as he did he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder that caused him to jump. "Do not worry," a familiar voice said as he was slowly pulled forward.

"Yeran?!" Arturo replied in shock. "What the hell are you doing? We thought that you had gotten lost or killed!"

"I'm sorry for worrying you my friend," the voice in the darkness replied. "But my reason for obfuscation is well warranted... and if you come with me right now you will see why. I can't explain right now but I promise you that all will be revealed in due time."

Though Arturo got an uneasy feeling in his gut that something was not right here he felt himself get pulled deeper into the darkness, led by his friend in a pathway he seemed extremely familiar with. He wasn't sure why but he trusted him... perhaps it was because they had done so for one another before but even with the bizarre situation they were in he continued to give him the benefit of the doubt. That just left Marcus fiddling with the lights, attempting to figure out what was wrong as his flashlight beam was focused on the power couplings. When he got to the connection he saw something that caused him to pause... not only had the line been cut but both ends were covered in a thick, slimy substance that had shorted out the entire system.

"Well so much for that..." he said before he turned around. "What the hell?" When his flashlight illuminated the area he not only found himself alone but with only one pathway in front of him. When he looked around to see if he didn't just get accidently turned around he saw that where the other two had been the wall look... discolored, instead of the neutral grey stone it almost looked black and had a strange shine to it that made it appear wet. Was this some sort of trick of the temple, he wondered as he began to wonder if he should go forward or back.

Though it was clear there was something going on he had lost two more members of his team and was completely alone in some ancient temple, something that warranted a hasty retreat before he could figure out what to do next. As he followed the light strands that they had hung up he found though that leaving wasn't going to be as easy as he thought when he came up to a wall that blocked his exit. His first thought was that he had somehow gotten lost, but when he looked over to where they had hung up the wires he saw that they went straight through the otherwise solid structure to the other side. "This is not good..." he muttered to himself as he quickly turned to go the other direction.


Meanwhile Don continued to make his way through the temple hallway, sweat pouring down his body as the air felt worse than it was outside. He had already gone through his entire canteen in the hour that he had been wondering and the longer he went the more he could feel it starting to affect him. While it was disconcerting to be so far into a massive stone structure with this heat it may also be a good thing, he reasoned as he climbed a set of stairs. An increase in heat could mean that he was getting closer to the exit as well, something that he was hoping would happen so he could rejoin his group once again.

When he got up the stairs the athletic male still found himself panting despite being in good shape as he gave himself a second to rest. His clothes were dripping at this point and even with his attempts to stay hydrated he found himself growing thirstier by the second. Once he had a chance to catch his breath he looked around saw something that hadn't made his situation better; not only was he in a large room with no visible exit there was also a pool of what appeared to be water in the middle of the room in a pool sunken into the floor. The liquid mocked him as he tried to suck down his own saliva while he looked for a way out of the room.

Ten minutes later he found himself back at the entrance he had just come in and found that aside from the opening in the roof that allowed the sunlight to stream in and illuminated the pool there was no way out. A creeping fear began to crawl up Don's spine as he realized that he was in real trouble, it wouldn't be the first time that an explorer was found dead in the passageway of a building after disappearing. Just imagining another group coming upon him was enough to spur him on to make sure that he hadn't missed anything in the room. But after two more searches of the room he still came up with nothing and by this time he had his shirt and pants off to try and combat the sweltering heat. It appeared to be hopeless as he knelt down at the edge of the water, looking at his own reflection as he tried to figure out what he was going to do next.

At this point Don knew that going back into the labyrinth of tunnels was the only way to go and hoped that he had somehow missed a passage on his journey there. Of course that meant potential dehydration... unless he took a chance on the water that was right in front of him. The temptation at this point was so great that he was leaning down towards the surface more with every passing minute. While the water was potentially thousands of years hold it was possible that whatever ancient creature had created a way to harness some underground river to keep it fresh. It certainly looked clear and inviting, it was even more crystal clear than some of the stuff he got back in the city and he found himself licking his lips as he leaned forward down.

The second that his parched mouth touched the surface of the water his eyes widen and he dunked his head into it. Not only did it taste pure but it was cool and refreshing to the point where he was taking handfuls and pouring them over his own head. After feeling the weakness of dehydration settling in was almost invigorating and it wasn't long until Don decided to throw caution to the wind and jumped into the water itself. When his body was completely submerged he could feel the current of water... which not only revitalized and refreshed him but also gave him hope that there might be a way out of this room yet.

The prospect of swimming an unknown distance in an underground river with the potential hope of escaping this place did cause him to pause as he swam back up the deceptively deep pool and spread his arms out against the side of it. As he took a moment to let his body cool down he failed to see the introduction of a new element to the liquid, tendrils of darkness drifting their way towards him. Even as the inky tentacles drifted around his skin the human believed that it was just part of the current, his exhausted body twitching as the cloud of blackness continued to coalesce around him.

It wasn't until the blackness actually began to creep up out of the water and against his skin did he finally look down to see what was happening to him. By then though it was far too late, as he tried to get out of the pool the substance stuck to him like tar and continued to pull him back down until just his head was exposed. There was nothing he could do to fight it, every time that Don attempted to either turn himself around and pull himself out of the pool or swim out of the cloud of darkness it pulled him right back into the swirling mass. Finally he found himself pinned up against the wall and as his naked body pressed against the cool stone something began rise up from the water itself.

At first Don couldn't believe what he was seeing; a shiny panther head continued to form from the surface of the water, rising up towards him as the thick liquid continued to compress around his body. The explorer remained frozen in panic, unable to do anything but watch with wide eyes as it continued to drift closer to his own face while the muzzle still dripped liquid rubber from its chin. A small smirk appeared on the muzzle of the creature before it stretched its maw impossibly wide, Don shouting as he tried to hold up his arms to stop it only to once more feel like they were moving like sludge. Suddenly his world became darkness as the pitch black mouth enveloped his entire face with the tongue shoving its way past his lips while he felt the feline creature continue to slide over his head.

As the thick latex tongue began to push down Don's throat he could feel it wasn't the only place the alien substance was trying to get into. He let out a muffled moan as tendrils of the goo pushed their way impossibly into his skull as the rest of it began to completely engulf his body. Though he couldn't feel it anymore he believed he slipped down beneath the surface of the water, though he found himself still able to breathe as that tentacle of rubber began to stretch his throat. Whatever this thing was it was pushing its way into his skull and though he tried to bring up his hands to stop it he knew deep down how feudal it was... especially when the substance had gotten around his back and began pushing between his butt cheeks.

It was soon clear that the human's head was not its only entry point, the muscles in his anus contracting as something began to push inside it. Though the tentacle of rubber in his mouth and skull continued to push inside him his focus suddenly went down to the one that had begun to penetrate him down there. Though he tried to keep it out it just squished down like gel, and not only did it stimulate the sensitive walls to cause him to buck forward in pleasure but it allowed the ancient presence to begin to seep into his psyche without him knowing it. Without even realizing it he suddenly knew that this one was one of the servants of the panther deity they saw on the wall, basically a rubber panther that was looking for a body to possess...

...and his body would do just fine.

Though the latex began to thin around his face Don's eyes remained pitch black as his entire body began to quiver, the creature inside him pushing back his psyche with every second as his body was filled. Soon the two orifices it was invading wasn't enough, his muffled groans grew even louder as he felt something begin to push into the tip of his member that had begun to lengthen. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before and as it began to push in an inch or so before pulling out, then going in deeper it began to feel like the rubber creature had started to fuck him in his own cock. Just like with his rear and throat his member, which had already begun to harden from the increasingly pleasurable stimulation, seemed to quickly adapt to the girth of the creature.

The trapped male had no idea what to do anymore, Don's mind scrambled by the mix of pleasure, surreal, and the whispers that he began to hear inside of his corrupted mind. Though he was still him he felt... different, especially when his hands began to move of their own accord. By this point the cloud of inky blackness that had surrounded him was mostly gone, his body moving to the surface as he felt the creature gain more control of it. Whenever he even thought of trying to fight it he was given another massive surge of pure arousal, either from the tentacle surging through his backside pressing against his prostate or the even more bizarre sounding he was being given through his erect cock. The lust was wrapping around him like a cocoon and the more he was filled with the presence of the other male the harder it was not to sink down into the bliss just like he had been doing in the pool.

About a minute later a pair of hands grabbed the side of the pool, the fingers tipped with gooey claws before they were absorbed back into them as Sol pulled himself out of the pool. Though the male had given him a run for his money he now had the human's consciousness tucked safely inside his own mind, so distracted by the pleasure he was feeding him that he didn't even notice anymore that he had lost complete control of himself. This gave Sol a chance to look at himself more fully, the muscular form undulating as he redistributed his mass as best he could inside the human body. Though he had transformed him a little bit in order to hold him as well as make a few tweaks like increased sensitivity he needed to maintain as human as possible, which meant that he had to will back the rounded ears and rubbery tail that had formed to make him look more like his former self. Even though he couldn't hold back the rubber blackness that had become his eyes nor the fact his huge cock and his slightly swollen mouth drooled the dark essence of his body it was as good as he was going to get as he began to walk back. With his guise in place he needed to snag the final archeologist while Yeran took care of the other one...


Arturo stumbled once more in the darkness as he was led by Yeran through the hallway deeper into the temple. Every time he tried to grab for his flashlight he was jerked forward by the insistent male and he would lose his grip on it. Finally Yeran let go of him and it allowed Arturo to reach down and grab the device, but soon he didn't have to as torches suddenly sprang to life. The adventurer looked on in awe at the room he was in, though it was more like a corridor that stretched on for quite some time. Though he wasn't the archeologist of the group he knew a find when he saw it, and judging from the reliefs that were carved into the black stone of the wall panels he was in one.

"Yeran?" Arturo asked as he suddenly realized that he was alone, turning to find his friend only to find him completely gone once more. "Yeran, where did you go? What is wrong with you right now?"

There was no response to him other than a slight breeze that drifted past his body and into the corridor. Though the hallway was rather big there was no way that Yeran could have gotten around him without knowing about it, which meant that the only way he would have went was down the hallway of rubbery reliefs. With the light of the torches he was able to move easily and also see the pictures that were depicted. At first they were innocuous enough, humans interacting with others that looked like panther people, but the further he went down the more things started to get... strange.

As the humans grew less prevalent in the artwork and were replaced with more of the panthers he began to feel a chill in the air that caused him to shiver. More than once he stopped when he saw the humans in those pictures gaining feline features while those that already had changed were touching the area. At first it was just touching and groping but as he went on the feline people did more to them including shoving their cocks into the changing humans mouths and butts. One in particular caused him to stop dead in his tracks, not because it was two panther people spit-roasting a partially changed guy but because the two sculpted creatures seemed to look straight at them.

Suddenly Arturo jumped slightly when he saw that the two sets of torches on the ends of the hallway went out, dropping the areas into complete darkness as he looked back and forth. The rest of the torches remained lit and when it appeared that it wasn't going to happen anymore he breathed a small sigh of relief. That breath turned into a cry of shock when he looked back to see that the now three panther men were standing upright and their hands stretched out with the latex tenting out towards him along with their cocks. As he backed away he suddenly felt something touch against his back and when he spun around he saw that the figures on the other side of the wall were reaching out towards him on the other side.

"Yeran!" Arturo shouted as he tried to get towards either side of the hallway, though as he looked between both exits he saw that the walls were actually closing in. "Help! Yeran! Someone!" Real panic began to set in as the two sides continued to close in around him. As the two sides of the wall continued to close in those arms began to grab at him, tearing at his clothes as more torches were snuffed out with each passing second. All he could do was try to avoid the clawed fingers but it wasn't long before his newly bared arms were grasped and pulled apart.

The panthers in the wall continued to shift and grab at him, the rubbery creatures looking more animated with every second as the two walls continued to get closer together. Though Arturo was terrified of what was happening to him those hands that weren't holding his now naked body spread eagle had started to rub against his skin. He couldn't help but moan in pleasure as two of them drifted towards his groin and began to play with his member, one of them fondling his sack while the other stroked his half-hard member. At this point Arturo wasn't even aware of how close the walls were to one another until he felt his hands starting to sink into the walls as he was pulled in.

Arturo grunted loudly when he began to feel something press against his backside; at first he thought that one of the wall panthers had begun to stuck his fingers back there but as the slick appendage continued to push its way past the tight ring of muscle he could tell it was something else as a pair of arms wrapped around him. "Just relax," a familiar voice whispered into his ear. "I told you that I had something to show you, now I have the honor of bringing you into the fold of Aktor."

"Aktor..." Arturo managed to say between gasps, though as he continued to remain suspended there the hands that weren't his former friends continued to roam of her body and increased his pleasure two-fold. "No... Yeran, don't do this... something is controlling you. If you can get me out of this we can get help."

"I used to think the same way as you," Yeran said before licking on his neck, causing the human to shudder as his hips continued to push forward to slide that rubber cock inside. "Just don't think about it as an end, think of this is a brand new beginning. If you get nervous just close your eyes and remember Finra Island..."

Arturo shuddered slightly as the rubber creature, one that he assumed was a panther like the others, mentioned Finra Island. At that moment he knew for sure that the one behind him was Yeran since he would be the only one that knew what happened at that point. He and Yeran had shared a semi-drunken passionate night together, which was when Arturo had brazen asked the smaller male to do exactly what was happening right now. The thick member spreading his hole open was not like the one he had taken back then though, the slick rubber flesh felt almost better than before and seemed to rub his internal walls in all the right ways including his prostate. As Arturo groaned loudly Yeran had reached up and tweaked his nipples, something that caused his own erection to throb hard and dribble a bit of pre.

At this point the rubber walls had completely engulfed Arturo's arms and legs, leaving only his muscular chest exposed as those lithe latex arms of Yeran's continued to stimulate the human while the entire time the smell of musk and rubber grew around him. As Arturo wiggled his arms and legs it felt like the rubber had suctioned to his limbs and the hands and feet underneath began to shift and expand. While he was well aware that whatever ancient magics that had corrupted his friend was doing the same to him, at this point he no longer cared. As Arturo moaned a trail of shiny black drool began to leak out of his mouth that seemed to indicate just how far the darkness of Aktor had spread through his body as well as the blackened veins on his chest.

Yeran could feel Arturo succumbing just like he had and that only seemed to spur him on more, letting those that were still trapped within the temple walls to stimulate their newest convert while he drilled in his hole. With the mental defenses of the human quickly crumbling to the combined pleasure of the rubber and his friend rutting him the walls continued to encapsulate him until the rest of his body was suctioned between the two layers of rubber. Even before the two sides sealed together his form had begun to change, a tail growing out from his spine while the shiny black substance covered the human flesh. It wasn't long before both trapped creatures were shifted, sliding against the wall before they froze in a relief of one panther male having sex with another that was in the throes of pure pleasure.

But Arturo wasn't actually transforming, Yeran knew as the rubber continued to thicken around his friend. There wasn't enough power in the temple to pull off such a task... though his body was now corrupted his final initiation could only be done in the throne room of Aktor and with the mask that had transformed him in the first place. But there was enough power to be able to make a cocoon that could move him, and with the sentient latex that had completely encased the lust-drunk creature Yeran was able to lead the stronger male through the walls with ease after pulling his cock out of him. Their relief disappeared on the wall that had trapped Arturo, leaving it completely smooth as they traveled to their new destination...

An Ancient Word in Modern Times (3/3)

Marcus had been attempting to find his way out of the temple for the last few hours, though every time he thought that he had made it to a new potential exit it either went to a dead end or led back the way he had come from before. What was worse was...

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An Ancient Word in Modern Times (1/3)

At first it seemed like a glaring error on the satellite feed, those that controlled it even realigned their lenses because they thought it was a mistake. After being checked for the third time however they realized that it was real; a huge building...

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The Lost Realms Emerge

Renzyl and Chrono walked through the Nexross Resort, making their way through the lobby and towards the elevator banks that were on the other side. Most didn't pay him any mind while others gave him nods and bows of respect as they passed. While...

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