The Lost Realms Emerge

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Welcoming two new brothers onto the scene!

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Renzyl and Chrono walked through the Nexross Resort, making their way through the lobby and towards the elevator banks that were on the other side. Most didn't pay him any mind while others gave him nods and bows of respect as they passed. While normally the rubber dragon would be more than pleased to make small talk with them there was an extremely urgent matter that had the undivided attention of both creatures. "Looks like Lord Haleon is already here," Chrono stated as the elevator began to move without them pushing a single button. "Do you really think that I need to be here for this?"

"It was you and the other second in commands that have alerted us in the first place," Renzyl replied. "I expect that you are going to do just fine, just remember that they are creatures just like you. Granted they're nine of the most powerful creatures in the nexus and they could transform you into a wind-up toy or some sort of rug if they wanted, but you could probably run before most of that happened."

"You are as inspiring as always with your pep-talks Master Renzyl," Chrono replied, the rubber dragon smirking at him before the elevator came to a stop and let them out. The elevator had brought them to the top floor of the Nexross Resort, which was the neutral meeting ground for all the brothers since the Nexross was the literal crossroads of the nexus realm. Anything and everything that might be drifting or lost in the realm would eventually end up right here, including most of the citizens that lived in the strange dimension. Given that it was essentially a direct connect to all of their realms they resolved that this would be where they could meet without having to look over their shoulders, Renzyl nodding to the nine others that were positioned around the table before taking the last remaining empty seat.

The ten nexus creatures made ideal small talk and courtesy introductions before they all focused on the task at hand, which meant all ten sets of glowing eyes were focused on Chrono as well as a few others that were standing there as well. "Oh! Uh, thanks for giving us the opportunity to share with you what we found," Chrono said as he snapped his fingers, causing the lights to dim while the synth raven next to him started to glow even brighter. "As Sare is about to show you myself and several others that monitor the nexus realm for irregularities have began to notice strange readings coming from the Northern Illyerias sector of the realm."

"Northern Illyerias sector?" Tarien interjected, the smoke jackal-wolf leaning back in his seat as he looked at the holographic projections of the nexus realm that suddenly appeared over the table. "Where the hell is that?"

"It's a sector of dead space next to Yavini and Jerkah's realms," Chrono explained as he zoomed in on the area. "Well, not dead really, but intense nexus storms happen in that area that make exploration next to impossible. We used to think that it was possibly a breach point between our realm and another out there but with the level of interference that comes from it any type of probing we do just comes back with massive amounts of feedback."

"So a section of dead space is acting up near two of our personal realms," Yavini said, the plant fox tappng his muzzle with a vine that grew from his arm. "I know that we've been having increased storm activity but it's only caused disruption to other inter-dimensional travelers. It's not so strange to have swells in the realm, especially if one or several of us are being particularly active in an area."

"The problem isn't the storm themselves," Sare says as he steps forward, the Raven motioning with his wings to shift the position of his holograms. "It's their energy signature. The reason that we've been so concerned about this is because the power levels that we're reading in this area are... well, they're like you all. In fact several of us thought that perhaps one of you was trying to do some sort of stealth experiment before we were able to sort out the frequencies."

"Power signatures like us?" the stone leopard-tiger hybrid stated, scoffing slightly. "That's impossible, no one can mimic us."

"Settle down Kirdos," Famjin said, the neoprene shark holding up a hand. "If they're on to something then we have to take this seriously. This wouldn't be the first time we had an incursion here that we had to fight off together..."

Several of the brothers continued to discuss this information when they were all suddenly silenced by Haleon as the robot eagle stood up. "Sare... is this monitoring the nexus realm in real time or is it a photograph?" The raven looked at his master in question before stating that he was just relaying the feed from their realm, so it was monitoring everything in its current state. "If that is the case then I would like to know what that is."

Both the latex raptor and synth raven leaned forward as they saw a swirling mass that was highlighted in red coming from the area they were focused on, their eyes widening when they identified it. "That's... a nexus storm..." Sare said, shocking the others that were standing behind him. "Chrono, have you ever seen a disruption that big before?"

"Nothing like that," Chrono replied, the ten nexus creatures looking at one another. "It's not causing any direct interference though, it seems to be sliding between dimensions at the moment."

"Do we have any idea where it's going to actually hit then?" Renzyl asked.

"It's moving really fast," Chrono explained. "By the time we figure out a trajectory it's probably already going to hit whatever it's-"

Suddenly all the glass that surrounded the conference room shattered as the skies turned from sunny and blue to black and stormy in an instant, everyone there hunkering down as wind ripped past them and through the resort towards the mainland. Though the initial gust hit like a bomb the rain and winds continued to persist as the ten immediately shouted at the others to hunker down in the rooms on the floor below while they got to their feet. "Well this definitely isn't good!" Renzyl shouted to the others, having to stop as bolts of lightning came down and hit the sea below. "Haleon, set off the emergency siren and tell everyone to stay inside!"

Haleon nodded and his golden eyes glowed as Famjin made his way around the table, slipping and sliding as he tried to get where Yavini had wrapped vines around the floor and Kirdos merely stood there with his arms crossed. "We got waves coming in!" Yavini shouted, pointing to the sea where the water was already starting to crest and pound the nearby shoreline. "Famjin! Can you stop them?"

"I can try!" Famjin shouted back before looking around for Tarien before Kirdos told him he had slipped inside him to not blow away. "Tarien, you need to try and control these winds while I bring up the sea walls!"

"Boat!" Santer suddenly shouted, several of the bothers scattering as a large yacht crashed into the side of the resort near the top floor where they were staying at. The entire side of the building began to cave and cause them to get tilted, and though Yavini quickly started to grow vines down the supports to keep the entire thing from collapsing the large table they had all been sitting at slid along the decline and fell off entirely. Even Kirdos had to brace himself as the storm swell persisted, Renzyl digging his claws into the floor in order to try and make it towards the elevator shaft so he could fly down to the lobby.

Then as suddenly as it appeared the storm vanished, though the area over the ocean remained a swirling mass of clouds as the ten creatures staggered to their feet as best they could. "I really liked that table..." Kirdos said as he looked at the empty, destroyed room that they were in. "Yavini, I'm going to strengthen the supports for this floor," the stone creature said, drawing his power down into the building and untwisting the metal to push the floor they were on back to being level. "Just keep making sure this whole thing doesn't collapse."

As the fox and feline worked together to keep things steady the rest of the brothers all moved towards the swirling mass that continued to remain just off their coast... though as they watched it was slowly moving towards them. "If a giant tentacle creature walks out of that I'm out of here," Modino stated, the spandex creature wringing water out of his own body while he and the others watched. "I'm not going to worship some elder creature and have to learn an entire gibberish language."

"Relax Modino," Renzyl said as he stepped forward and looked out into the storm. "This feeling... it's familiar. Like something that happened a long time ago..."

As the others tried to sense what the rubber dragon was feeling they suddenly saw a shadow moving in the clouds, something huge that was making its way towards them. Santer reached back and grabbed Modino by the neck to bring him back to face the sea as they slowly began to see more features becoming clear. Whatever it was looked humanoid in nature, they realized, but also slightly more bestial at the same time. Several of them leaned forward and squinted as the creature finally emerged, the clouds swirling around his body before it revealed...

...a bear?

With the floor becoming level once more the remaining two brothers watched in awe, curiosity, and slight terror as the terrifying creature stomped towards them, swirling the seas around its huge legs as it made their way towards the resort. Though it was essentially a bear man he also was stockier than most and had several horns growing from his head as well as a line of spikes that went down his back. He also had huge fangs that pushed past his lips as he seemed to give them all a grin. Though the ten got themselves ready for a fight none of them didn't feel any sort of threat from the approaching creature, in fact they felt the opposite as they slowly began to back away.

By the time the bear monster had gotten close enough they saw that it was as big as the resort itself, all of them staring into the glowing eye of the creature that looked at them. "So... it seems that we finally get to meet you after all this time," the bear said, his voice causing everything to rattle slightly as he stood back up and looked back down at them.

"You've made yourself quite an entrance there," Renzyl shouted up at the bear. "If you could possibly come down to our level and maybe not be so big we could have ourselves a little conversation... and what do you mean we?"

To the surprise of all the nexus creatures that were standing there the bear suddenly disappeared, or at least it seemed like he did until they saw a miniaturized version of himself where his head used to be. There was also another creature with him, one that was possibly riding on his head or something of that nature, and two fell down until they landed a few feet in front of the other nexus creatures. The bear that had been many stories tall was still head and shoulders bigger than them as he lumbered forward, his more monstrous features also no longer there save for a single pair of horns and the small line of spikes down his back. Slightly behind the bear stood a deer man that looked rather normal, save for the pair of glowing purple eyes that stared at them.

"No way," Tarien stated as he saw the bear also had solid orbs for eyes, his glowing with cyan light. "It's impossible..."

"Nothing is ever impossible," Renzyl said as he went up to the bear and the deer and shook their hands, smiling at both of them. "Welcome to the Nexross, brothers. If I may ask what are your names?"

"My name is Garlan," the bear said before gesturing towards the deer. "This one is Olavar."

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around this," Santer said. "I thought it was just the ten of us, how could there be more realms out there? And how come they couldn't connect to us until just now?"

"It appears that the nexus had not quite birthed them until this moment of connection," Renzyl replied, shrugging his shiny shoulders. "Now I remember where I had gotten that feeling from... there was a time when I was alone, though brief, and as the rest of you popped into existence I immediately felt the bond with your realms to the nexus... likely to this spot that we were standing on right now since this is the crossroads to all our realms. Speaking of, what is your spheres of influence if I might ask?"

"I am the lord of size," Garlan stated simply, flexing the muscles of his towering frame. "That form that you saw me in was that of the kaiju, which is my specialty. Olavar over here is the lord of monsters."

"The lord of... monsters?" Famjin repeated, all of their eyes looking over at the muscular deer that continued to stand there. "He probably looks the most normal out of all of us, unless you have something similar to Garlan here?" With the deer didn't respond the neoprene shark looked back at the others, who just gave him looks of confusion, before glancing back at the nexus deer. "Don't talk much, do you?"

Finally the posture of the deer changed and he let out a small sigh. "Apologies, usually I don't have to use my own mouth to talk," Olavar said. "Yes, as Garlan stated I am the lord of monsters, and my specialization is parasites as well as body horror."

"That's... quite the resume you have there," Renzyl stated, his eyeridges rising slightly at the smirk the deer gave him. "I don't suppose that we could get a demonstration from the two of you? Maybe not the kaiju part since we're already going to be spending a lot of time repairing this resort but I'm sure you have a few other tricks up your sleeve."

The bear grinned and nodded and the group decided to move this to a different location, especially since glass was everywhere and they were essentially standing on a roof at that point. They all made their way down to the auditorium and as they did they got the other minions that were hunkered down inside the suite and told them to come with. The ten nexus creatures sat in the seats of the theatre, Jerkah passing out snacks, while Chrono stood on the stage with their newest kin. The rest of the minions had gone out and gotten several that the two requested in order to demonstrate their skills. After a few minutes Garlan stood there with a lanky tiger in a speedo, a rubber allosaur that was naked, and a tall, slightly stocky Clydesdale in surf shorts while Olavar had a wolf and fox guy of average height and build both wearing a pair of swim trunks.

Garlan offered to go first and started with the tiger, taking his hand and pressing it against the back of the feline's head. "So since you didn't want a ten-story tall tiger running around I decided to show you a few lesser aspects of my influence," he said, his other hand rubbing against the furred chest of the other male that caused him to groan. "The first is one that a lot of you already have done yourselves somewhat, but as you'll soon see I can take it to... greater heights."

The tiger man began to huff and several of the brothers leaned forward as they could see the feline growing taller already, his body quivering in pleasure as the hand against his chest stroked down the stomach of his subject to give him a set of washboard abs. It was something that the others knew about, several whispering to one another about it, but a sudden grunt from the transforming creature brought all their attentions back to him. The speedo had quickly grown too tight for his expanding thighs and as it practically outlined his growing cock until it snapped, letting the foot-long member flop out while his chest and back muscles thickened dramatically. The voice of the male deepened considerably and soon he was having trouble standing there as he grew so big he had to adjust his posture, especially as his shoulders popped and his biceps bulged until he looked like he could easily rival a professional bodybuilder.

Garlan left the hulk of a tiger to stroke his foot-long cock as he went past the rubber dino and went straight to the horse man. "Now something that I think only one of you would also be about is going the opposite direction," the bear said as he put his hand against the horse's stomach, which immediately caused it to gurgle. "I'm not talking about getting skinny or lanky either..."

The horse's hands went to his belly as it began to swell and grow, but unlike the tiger who had a twelve-pack set of abs his was becoming soft. "Now that is something that I can get behind," Jerkah commented as he watched the equine get increasingly flabby, his cheeks puffing out as his board shorts began to stretch from the mass being added to his entire body and not just his gut. "Food and weight gain go hand in hand, same with the muscle one over there.

The other brothers told the chocolate crocodile to hush as they continued to watch the increasingly hefty horse try to He let out a moan as he tried to unbutton his pants only for the button to fly off, breaking his zipper as his growing stomach flopped over it. The equine let out a gurgle and tried to move off of the stage but suddenly found himself losing his shorts, revealing his cock that could just be seen under the flab as his butt jiggled. Like the tiger Garlan left the fat horse to examine his new pudgy body, which just left the rubber dino on the stage. The latex creature looked increasingly excited having watched what happened to the other two, and was even more pleasantly surprised when he was given a kiss by the nexus bear.

"This is something I'm sure your people would enjoy," Garlan said as he winked to Renzyl, who looked behind the bear to see the look of pleasure on the allosaur's face suddenly turn to surprise as his lips melted together. "Though it works on anyone I figured a rubber creature would help speed things along so you can see the last aspect of growth that I regularly encounter."

A smirk formed on Renzyl's muzzle as he watched the rubber allosaur flail slightly as his fingers merged together, the rubber sticking together as his body became increasingly translucent. The synthetic saurian also began to have his belly swell just like the horse, but unlike him his rubber skin was remaining taut as his chest began to follow suit. As the allosaur bounced from foot to foot it was taking increasingly longer for him to land back on the stage... until he no longer could. As he was going from rubber creature to latex pooltoy the flailing of the dinosuar's arms lessened, especially as it was pumped full of air inflating him further.

All the nexus creatures in the audience watched as they realized that Garlan had not transformed the allosaur into a pooltoy like they had thought, instead seeing as the balloon the dinosaur had become floated up into the ceiling as he lost more definition and grew increasingly rounder. The nexus bear looked up for a few seconds, craning his neck as they all lost sight of him in the ceiling before he shrugged his shoulders. "He'll come back down soon enough," Garlan explained. "The helium aspect is only one thing, I can also do water or things of that nature."

"Sounds like we're overlapping in that regard," Renzyl said to both Athear and Famjin before starting to clap, the others in the audience doing the same as the bear took a bow. "Very good show Garlan, I think you're going to fit in just fine with the rest of us. That just leaves our new deer friend Olavar... are you ready to go?"

The deer once more merely smirked at them and nodded, then looked over the fox and wolf separately. Everyone just watched him with rapt fascination before taking the lupine and moving forward with him. "I feel I must preface this with what you're about to see may shock you and or possibly disgust you," Olavar stated. "I realize that I'm a bit stranger than most and if you don't want to see it I suggest you look away now. Otherwise... enjoy."

"That was... ominous..." Tarien stated as the deer turned to face the wolf and adjusted the lupine so he did the same. "I mean, he's just a deer though, what sort of- oh my god!"

Several gasped as Olavar not only opened his mouth but his muzzle also split down the middle of his upper and lower jaw, opening up like a flower that caused the wolf's eyes to widen in both shock and horror. Before the other male could react the deer leaned forward and closed the fleshy mandibles around the face of the wolf, causing Yavini to jump and throw his popcorn that rained down on an unamused Renzyl who shook the kernels off of him. All of them watched, some with jaws dropped, as the eyes of the wolf rolled back into his head as they saw something clearly pushing down into his throat. The two remained locked like that until Olavar pulled back, his tentacle tongue pulling back and his muzzle returning to its normal configuration as the wolf's stunned face slackened, then turned up into a smirk while turning towards the audience.

"While I let the parasite I infested this one percolate a little I wanted to say that just like with all of you I am in the pursuit of pleasure and abhor pain," the wolf said, though the nexus creatures knew that it was the deer speaking through the lupine creature. "I also happen to have a fondness for tentacles and for creating... unconventional creatures, hence the lord of monsters title. You'll see what I mean in a bit."

The grin on the wolf disappeared once more and he suddenly turned towards the fox, who jumped slightly when he saw the attention on him. "You know... I think I might have remembered something that I need to do..." the fox started to say, backing away as the wolf moved towards him. "It's been fun but I think I should gooooooOHHHH!"

The moan that came from the fox happened when the wolf had pounced on him, knocking him down onto all fours before pulling down his swimsuit and pushing his muzzle between his butt cheeks. Though it was hard to see from the angle they were in the nexus creatures could see that the throat of the wolf was completely stretched and something was pushing into the fox's tailhole. Almost immediately the fox became erect as he was turned over to his side while the wolf continued to aggressively rim him. Whatever was inside the vulpine creature was not just the tongue of the other male though as his stomach began to bulge, Renzyl speaking up and asking the fox what he was feeling as they could see something starting to slither out from his stomach.

"I... oh... it's like there's five tongues inside of me!" The fox exclaimed, his hands reaching down to stroke his stomach while one continued on to his throbbing cock. "They're so deep, its like they're spreading inside of me... I need... I need more..."

The fox tailed off with another moan as the tentacles infested both creature's bodies, the wolf's back growing several bulges as the fox's cock began to shift and wiggle of its own accord. Some of the nexus creatures began to say that they could probably do something like that before they saw the tendrils wiggling around the base of the fox's groin began to shift the flesh, causing the vulpine to start to thrust up in the air as his anatomy shifted. His balls merged with his flesh and a slit formed around the writing spire of flesh... then a second one slipped out that coiled around the first mutated member. A third slithered out and more quickly pushed their way out until nearly a dozen were now between the creature's legs.

The nexus creatures were so enthralled by more tentacles pushing out of the fox's nipples that they didn't even realize the wolf between the vulpine's legs had disappeared. When the fox turned his body as tendrils slipped out from his feet they saw that the wolf's head was completely merged with the tailhole he had been rimming, though his arms and legs were still moving. As the mass of tentacles inside both their bodies continued to shift around the wolf's legs grew and stretched, his fingers twisting and snapping until they became a pair of thick paws just like the infested fox's feet had become. Several nexus creatures covered their mouths as the wolf's body became the lower body of the fox, tentacles pushing their way all down the creature's back as the limbs of the lupine turned to a set of legs.

"Well, that is certainly unconventional..." Renzyl said as he watched the cock of the wolf, which was no between the hind set of legs of the merged creature, swelled with growth before becoming a singular thick tentacle. "Hey, uh, fox, is the wolf still in there?"

"Fox... wolf..." The fox said, their voice shifting slightly along with hearing a gurgling notice. "No fox... no wolf... only us..." As the parasitic tentacles pushed up into the neck of the fox the gurgling increased and the fox's eyes rolled back, then his entire head tilted upwards. Just like with the wolf the others watched as half a dozen tentacles pushed their way out of the fox's maw, stretching his muzzle open as others pushed their way out of his ears and nostrils as well. That wasn't the final part of the transformation though, the nexus creatures watching in stunned silence as the infested creature orgasmed while thick tentacles pushed their way out of the fox's arms and caused the skin to shred until the empty limbs were dangling as the thick tentacles waved through the air.

There were a few moments of stunned silence as Olavar turned away from the monster he had created and asked the other nexus creatures what they thought. "Well... you should get along with Yavini just fine," Santer stated, the plant fox still staring at the tentacle creature that had been created. "Not to mention that you are going to be a hoot during Halloween."

"Indeed," Renzyl said, a grin growing on his face as he went up to the stage, the others quickly following suit. "I, for one, think that both Garlan and Olavar will be welcome additions to the family... even though now we need to take over eleven other realms instead of nine I'm sure the benefits of having these two around are going to be for the better. I think it's time we have a little bit of a group phone, will you do the honors Chrono? ...Chrono?"

Renzyl looked around for a few seconds before he saw the bizarre creature had pounced on top of the rubber raptor, completely wrapping him in tentacles with several stuffed in the same place. "Olavar..." Renzyl said as he looked over at the deer with his hands on his hips, the deer just grinning and shrugging his shoulders which caused the others to laugh. "Oh, I can already tell you're going to be quite the scamp!"

A Surprise Reunion

Vyrnen could feel the pressure building as he waited in the room for Renzyl to return. He was about to go to the one place where this all started, back to the domain of the rubber dragon himself. While he didn't think that anything would happen to him...

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The Surprise Demonstration

It had been a couple weeks since Vyrnen had last seen Renzyl and though he knew that his rubbery mentor had not forgotten about his pet project it left him wondering when he was going to see him again. Ever since their last lesson his ability to make...

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A Surprise Competition

Vyrnen took a last breath of the salty sea air of the beach that he had been staying at for the last few weeks, the drone he had created still lying there in the bed after the romp between the sheets that he had. Ever since Renzyl had given him a...

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