A Surprise Competition

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Surprise!

The continuing adventures of Vyrnen in Renzyl's realm after A Surprise Lesson! This time he and the rubber dragon are having a little competition with a certain rain dragon to see how much Vyrnen learned about the ways of corruption.

Teryx belongs to teryxc

Vyrnen belongs to Vyrnen

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Vyrnen took a last breath of the salty sea air of the beach that he had been staying at for the last few weeks, the drone he had created still lying there in the bed after the romp between the sheets that he had. Ever since Renzyl had given him a little more leeway on his powers through the collar he had been taking opportunities to practice where he could, making sure that he continued to keep to the lessons that he had been taught by the rubber dragon. Whenever he created a drone he would take them with him into the next dimension and when he reappeared on the other side the latex creature he had created would be shunted to Renzyl's dimension.

When he told the drone to stand next to him the nanite dragon focused his ability and jumped to another dimension, feeling a surge of energy as he did so. A few seconds later he found himself on the other side of his jump and when he looked over he found that the drone wasn't there as usual. What was unusual however was the creature that took its place, and though the sudden presence of another caused him to jump slightly he quickly calmed down when he realized who it was. "Scared the life out of me..." Vyrnen commented as Renzyl stood there with a smirk on his face.

"It's one of the little pleasures in life that I enjoy," Renzyl stated. "I have to say that the quality of drones that you have been sending are quite delightful, your talents are increasing and I thought that it might be time to give your abilities a little test run. Interested in a little friendly competition?"

The nanite dragon could already feel the corruption welling up inside of him the second he was in the presence of the rubber creature, his own latex beginning to bubble to the surface from his nanites as the glowing blue lines turned red. At this point it was an intensely pleasurable feeling as silver synthetic skin turned to black, eyes turning red as he embraced the power. He could feel the restrictions that were in his collar dissolve away to allow his full abilities. The rubberized Vyrnen gave his new muscles an experimental flex before he looked over to Renzyl.

"Looks like I'm ready to play," Vyrnen said as a similar smirk appeared on his new black rubber muzzle. "What's the challenge? I can only assume that it's going to be something very interesting."

"Indeed it is," Renzyl said as he held out his hand and a crystal materialized in his hand, and when Vyrnen looked closely at it he saw the image of a draconic creature inside of it. "This is Teryx, he is quite the interesting specimen of creature with certain desires that make him particularly susceptible for me to find him in multiple dimensions. I'm going to give you his nexus signature and we're going to see how many versions of him we can corrupt in the span of... let's say, twenty-four hours."

"Not a lot of time for the conversion of others," Vyrnen replied as he was handed the crystal, looking closely at the picture of the blue dragon with a yellow mane. "Are we only allowed to convert this particular dragon?"

"Consider it part of the challenge," Renzyl replied. "Although you can transform others it won't count towards your total at the end and I would state that it should only be when circumstances dictate it necessary. I'll tell you this though, the second that you get your first one it's going to get much, much easier. I'll even give you a slight advantage and let you go after the one in this dimension, after that though all bets are off. Understand?"

Vyrnen nodded and watched as the crystal melted into his hand, the knowledge that was contained within it absorbed in his nanites. He immediately got a sense of the creature known as Teryx and could sense all the different times that Renzyl had taken a version of him. It had been his anchor into a number of realities, though the area they were at had a thin veil where they can travel to a number of different areas without needing a Teryx to get them there. Once Renzyl was sure that Vyrnen had all the information that he needed the rubber dragon disappeared, leaving the corrupted nanite dragon to start the competition.

Vyrnen took a minute or so to get his bearings in the city he had just teleported into, looking around at the park he had teleported into. There were others that were milling about in what appeared to be a courtyard in front of some sort of library or campus. It was clear that the cloaking ability that Renzyl had given him was definitely in full effect, no one noticing a black rubber dragon with glowing red eyes and lines in the form of circuitry and hexagons on his naked muscular form. Sometimes he wondered what they saw instead of his true form... probably his original body he thought as he began to make his way through the courtyard.

It didn't take him long to catch the scent of his prey, Renzyl nice enough to drop him off at a place where this rain dragon was close by. Even though with his enhanced sight he could sense that there were a number of very viable candidates to become a drone the rules of their contest were clear that only Teryx was the one to be assimilated. He had to admit there was something primal about it, a true hunter moment where he was looking for a specific type of prey. That prey was inside the building that was in front of and Vyrnen wasted no time in going inside to check.

With the aid of his astral sensing he caught the trail of the rain dragon moving through the campus building, trying to ignore the other tasty morsels that pass him by for his target. His focus was well rewarded as he quickly caught up with the dragon and saw him in the balcony of one of the rooms, the rain dragon talking to someone else that might have been a fellow teacher or student. Vyrnen didn't want to do anything that would cause someone to alert Teryx to his presence in case Renzyl had possibly tipped him off or did something to make the exercise more difficult. Though he could probably either chase the male down or find another one in a different dimension it would cost him valuable time that could be spent searching down and converting others.

Thankfully it appeared that Teryx remained unsuspecting of the corrupted nanite dragon as he finished up his conversation and began to walk down the hall of the university. Even though he knew that Renzyl hadn't had his hands on him he could sense Renzyl's essence on him, almost like the fact that he had been turning so many versions of him that it's been bleeding into unaffected realms. Either way he didn't know how Teryx was going to react but given the profile the rubber dragon had given him he felt like the straightforward approach was the best way to go. He only hoped that the disguise worked with someone nexus touched like that as Vyrnen took a deep breath and intercepted him further down the hallway.

"Oh hello there," Vyrnen said to get Teryx's attention, the rain dragon turning his head. "You're Teryx, correct?"

"You got it," Teryx replied with a wink, the corrupted creature attempting to stifle a sigh of relief. "Are you a student here and looking for a particular professor? Otherwise I could try to help you myself but I'm just a TA, so my knowledge is going to be a bit limited."

Vyrnen nodded and looked around before he found what he was looking for, then motioned to Teryx. "This is a private conversation that I need to talk to you about," Vyrnen stated as he tried to sound a bit serious. "Perhaps we could go someplace private that we could talk? Maybe that room over there?"

The rain dragon frowned slightly in concern but nodded anyway, leading Vyrnen towards the empty study rooms before closing the door behind him. It took all of the nanite dragon's willpower in order to not let his guise slip as Teryx moved to one of the seats and allowed Vyrnen to put down the shades to give them some privacy. "So what is this that you have to tell me?" Teryx said as he watched Vyrnen make sure that they weren't about to be disturbed.

"I come from a party interested in your services," Vyrnen stated as he watched the face of the rain dragon turn from interest to confusion. "I think you might know the one... he might have visited you before. Perhaps in your dreams?"

Teryx looked down as Vyrnen watched the gears turning in his head, watching as the recognition slowly appear on his face. When the rain dragon looked back up he let out a gasp and nearly fell out of his chair. The corrupted nanite dragon had completely dropped the illusion and now stood there in all his rubberized glory, Teryx's eyes looking over the hexagonal red lines and circuitry that appeared over his shiny form, his jaw dropping wide as Vyrnen moved over to him. Even though the surprised prey continued to back away the corrupted creature had learned enough from Renzyl to identify when the desire was ready to bubble up underneath... though he really didn't need that power when the pants of the other male began to tent.

When the rain dragon found himself backed into a corner he looked up to see the corrupted nanite dragon towering over him, watching as he swallowed hard. "I knew you were real..." Teryx stammered slightly as he looked into the red, glowing eyes of Vyrnen, though as he looked the other creature over once more his shock was tinted with confusion. "But you seem different, the rubber dragon that I saw didn't have all the red lines on his body..."

"Oh?" Vyrnen said as he went into full seduction mode, trailing a finger down the rain dragon's chin while closing the little distance left between them. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Well..." Teryx said, a little more assured of himself as he once more looked at the imposing creature. "I don't think there's anything wrong with your form. In fact, I think that your form is rather sexy."

Vyrnen was slightly surprised at how the resolve of the other draconic creature crumbled; Renzyl had mentioned that it wouldn't be too hard to corrupt such a creature and that was clearly the case here. "Looks like someone is eager to succumb to their fate," the nanite creature said with a leering grin. "Now Renzyl will be sure to take his rightful place as your owner, but for the moment you're going to be mine. Why don't you go ahead and show me exactly how eager you are to become one of the fold."

It didn't take too long for the rain dragon to entertain the request, his eyes glazing over slightly as he began to lean forwards towards the rubber cock being presented to him. Vyrnen didn't move his hips an inch and waited for the other male to make his move, watching eagerly as Teryx continued to lean forward and licked his lips. It didn't take long for the submissive male to comply, sliding down the wall in order to get a better angle on the throbbing rubber member. The glowing red lines seemed to pulsate faster with each inch that Teryx got closer and it took him a second to realize that it was in time with his pulse, hearing it pound in his ears before he finally got his lips around the head of it.

The effect of the contact between the two was nearly instantaneous, Teryx's eyes shot open and his already half-hard cock threatened to push through his pants as his stunned muzzle continued to slide down the shaft. For Vyrnen he saw what Renzyl had been talking about, looking through the ether of the Nexus and all the planets and dimensions that were connected to it. Though Renzyl had told him about how extensive the connections can be between people and places he had only experienced it through the lens of his own teleportation, now he was able to experience being in multiple realms simultaneously as though looking through the eyes of the rubber dragon himself. The extent of his vision was all around Teryx, or more specifically all the Teryx's that were out there.

The first impression that the corrupted nanite dragon got was that a lot of the rain dragons out there had already succumbed to the will of Renzyl, many of them already copies of the rubber dragon that were out corrupting others. This particular area however seemed to be where the wave of rain dragon corruption had been cascading too, which means that there were a number of likely candidates for him to move onto next. He could feel their lust already building from being in proximity of the rubber dragon himself. When he was watching one in particular he saw that Renzyl's presence was especially potent, and then he realized why when the Teryx he was observing started to actually transform into the nexus creature himself.

"It appears we have ourselves a competition after all..." Vyrnen said with a small chuckle, though that quickly turned into a groan as he was snapped back to reality by a particularly drawn out suck from his member. When he glanced back down at the cause of it he saw his corrupted nanites had already started to get to work, taking the already submissive dragon and reprogramming his mind to be even more subservient. To his credit Teryx's mind soaked it all up like a sponge, his willful obedience turning on the corrupted nanite dragon even further as black nanobot-infused latex began to spread over his body. As the rain dragon's skull began to shift and his already draconic muzzle altered slightly Vyrnen realized that it wasn't just a drone he was creating, he was going to be following Renzyl in more ways than one in his assimilation of the other male.

As the rubber cascaded down the neck of the one bobbing his cock Vyrnen was given the surreal image of his own head giving him a blow job. Everything from the horns to the red circuitry lines to the placement of the hexagons on his body mimicked him perfectly to the point he had to look down at the rest of the unaltered creature to make sure he was really him. Though at first he wasn't sure how to feel about such a transformation he quickly found it very arousing and wanted to see more of himself in the rain dragon's body. He instructed Teryx to get up and turn around; now that he had successfully infested his mind and made this new drone his it was time to finish off his body.

Teryx was eager to please and when he responded it was in Vyrnen's own voice, not just the sound either but the tone and the inflection was his as well. Was there even a Teryx in there anymore, he wondered as he put the transforming male up against the wall and began to press his rubber cock against the waiting hole, or if he had succumbed so completely he had become a Vyrnen drone. Not even just a drone, he thought as he braced his hands against the still unaltered hips and began to sink the tip of his cock into the tight hole, but a true clone of himself...

The gasps that came from the two males were so similar it sounded as one as Vyrnen continued to push forward, his rubber nanite cock easily able to penetrate the rain dragon's tailhole and slide deeper inside. Even when it was just his tip against the ring of muscle his corruption began to spread once more, slithering its way over those tight blue cheeks. As glowing red lines began to appear Vyrnen could sense his conversions of Teryx's insides were going even faster, reconfiguring everything in order to work exactly his own body worked. Though they were somewhat similar in build Vyrnen could see alterations being made to the dragon beneath him as he continued to slide in his maleness while the one he was penetrating quivered beneath him.

As his hands reached from those quivering rubber-covered hips to his head Vyrnen suddenly felt his perspective shift like he had just teleported, except he was still in the same room as before. The only thing that had changed in his vision was that the wall that he had braced Teryx against was now much closer and instead of having tight latex walls pressed against his sensitive flesh it was the other way around. Even in the throes of pleasure it didn't take long for him to figure out what was going on, turning back to see himself with a blissed-out look on his face from creating another drone in the most pleasurable way possible. As he reached back mentally he could definitely still feel the sensations of his own body to the point where he was getting the strange sensation of being both penetrated and the penetrator.

It was while he was swimming in the lust of what was quickly becoming a copy of his body he sensed a presence that he had been wondering about before. As his consciousness drifted over to where Teryx was he got a mental image of the actual rain dragon standing there completely lost in the haze of pleasure. Vyrnen continued to watch in his mind's eye as even that part of him wasn't safe from the corruption, watching as the blue hues of his body turned to black in quickly growing patches as his eyes turned to red. Watching the last bastion of Teryx's psyche transform made Vyrnen realize exactly to the extent that this creature wanted to be so totally owned and manipulated that he would allow such a thing to happen to him, seeing a familiar smirk curling on the shiny black muzzle of the other creature as he looked down at himself.

When Vyrnen blinked again he once more found himself back in his own body, though that had become increasingly hard to tell as he could still sense that connection. When he examined the progress the former Teryx had made he found that his conversion to his new body was nearly complete save for a few touches of blue here and there that were quickly assimilated by the wave of shiny black. To Vyrnen it was like he was staring at his reflection in the mirror, except that he had his cock buried hilt deep in what was essentially his own tailhole. Every twitch and noise made by the creature beneath him was his and it was so enthralling that he hadn't even realized that he was close to climax until he did so.

Both males ended up getting off, the bottom rubber dragon with the aid of a helping hand from the top one after he had recovered, the puddle of latex seed spreading on the ground beneath their feet before it was reabsorbed back into their bodies. Once they were done and had recovered from their respective orgasms Vyrnen pulled out, causing both to shudder again, and took a second to admire his handiwork. His gaze went over every inch of that shiny skin while what was essentially his clone while the other Vyrnen took a second to get himself acclimated to his new body.

"I can see why Renzyl has taken such a liking to Teryx," Vyrnen said as he rubbed the same area on both their bodies to feel just how alike their physiology really was while the other Vyrnen did the same as though calibrating his movements. "So are you essentially me completely or is there some part of the rain dragon left in you? It seems for Renzyl that he essentially creates a true clone of himself but not sure if I just did the same thing."

"Well considering this is our first time doing such a thing I suppose such questions are a given," the recently converted creature said as his hands continued to explore the rubber body of his corruptor. "It depends on how you look at it; while I think and act exactly like you I still do have the memories of Teryx, which in essence would mean that I am still him in a way. It would make sense that I still have the knowledge gained by my former life since without it I would be very ineffective in continuing to spread Master Renzyl's influence in the world."

For Vyrnen having his question answered by himself was surreal and he ended up chuckling and shaking his head. "Well for the time being I'm just going to call you Teryx," Vyrnen said, the other corrupted nanite dragon nodding and showing that he still had a slightly subservient nature, at least to him. "We can drop the formalities later but right now we have a competition to win and I think that us standing her talking isn't going to help."

"I agree, naturally," the other Vyrnen replied, the joke causing both of them to chuckle slightly. "I will go by Teryx to make things easier, though I'm not sure what you're going to do when we get to the next one."

"We'll jump off that bridge when we get to it," Vyrnen stated simply. "Right now we have to get going, now that we're on our own I don't think finding the next version of you is going to be as easy as this one."


A few minutes later Vyrnen and the corrupted Teryx were walking along the stairs of the same university, except unlike in the last dimension this one was completely empty due to a national holiday. Though he could see one or two walking around on the outskirts of the campus it was clear that they were not going to find their prey in this location and with his ability to sense the presence of another Teryx around being vague he wasn't sure what to do. That was when his clone chimed in and said that since these worlds look so identical that they might want to search the places that he would hang out at in the event he didn't have classes. Even though it came from another body it still felt to Vyrnen like had just come up with the idea himself.

Vyrnen agreed with the plan and Teryx began to lead the other rubber dragon around like a bloodhound to try and find another version of himself out there. As the corrupted nanite creature followed he realized what Renzyl meant by converting the first one would make things easier, even if for some reason Teryx couldn't lead him away he could still tap into the memories of the other dragon as if they were his own. While the connection between them wasn't overpowering it was absolute and he knew that anything he wanted Teryx to do the clone would accomplish without a second of hesitation. That even included essentially hunting himself down as they went from a gaming store to a small coffee shop.

While they walked Vyrnen also snagged a cheap phone from the first vendor he could find and used his nanites in order to hack is so that they could connect to the network. Once he was finished he handed the modified device to Teryx, who started to put in numbers of friends in the area that he might be at. Just as they were about to enter one of the pizza places he stopped Vyrnen and told him to wait before asking the person on the other side of the line if Teryx was there. His head nodded a few times before thanking them and hanging up the phone.

"Looks like he did go to a friend's apartment after all," Teryx stated after he had hung up the phone. "I know the spot, we can go right now. We're going to have to probably convert his friend but there's nothing wrong with another drone."

Vyrnen simply nodded and once more followed himself down the street towards the place in question, marveling both at how disconnected Teryx had gotten from his old life and how settled he was in his new one. He could sense that his clone was as eager to find this new Teryx as they walked down the street, Vyrnen having to increase his pace just to keep up with him. There was a strange sense of pride in that, that he had taken someone and so thoroughly assimilated them. It made him wonder if this was specifically because it was the rain dragon that he had converted or perhaps the nature of the competition, either way it was something he made a mental note to ask Renzyl about later.

Once they had gotten to the apartment complex they waited for someone to leave, then before the door closed one of them darted forward and went inside. Teryx knew exactly where to go and when they got to the friend's apartment he briefed Vyrnen on the friend in question. He was a cheetah named Victor and he and Teryx had known each other for years, and though he was probably hornier than Teryx he was less submissive and could possibly be a challenge to control. Though it was a bit of a risky play the corrupted nanite dragon sensed that Renzyl had been moving on as well and he needed to get another one under his control.

Vyrnen took the lead and knocked on the door, hearing noises on the other side for about a minute before they heard footsteps coming up to it. "Hey, you aren't the pizza... guy..." the feline said as he looked back and forth between the two. "Whoa... uh, what can I do for you two?"

"If you have a few minutes I was wondering if we could come in and do a survey on the local zoning ordinance that is happening about two blocks away?" Though the cheetah clearly didn't know what was going on he found himself letting the two in and closing the door behind them. "I promise not to take up too much of your time. If you have anyone else living with you that wants to hear this we can talk to them too, make sure we get you all at once."

Once more the cheetah just stared at them with a look of bewilderment as he nodded and guided them to the living room, a reaction that was befuddling the nanite dragon until he used his ability to figure out what was going on. Vyrnen had to cover his mouth to stifle the laughter as he heard Victor talking to Teryx, leaning to tell the other rubber dragon what it was that caused him to have a similar reaction. While he learned something about the feline he also figured out that he had something his clone didn't not, Renzyl's power apparently not transferred with the form as Teryx said he didn't sense anything.

They didn't have too long to dwell on it though as they were quickly escorted into the living room where they saw their primary target sitting on the couch still talking to the cheetah. "Victor, I don't even live in this area," the new Teryx said. "Why do I have to listen here and participate to... oh..."

"I told you that you were going to want to participate in this," the cheetah replied with a smirk. "So... did you guys work together on purpose or was this just a coincidence?"

"Victor!" the untransformed Teryx said as he smacked the grinning feline on the flank.

"What?!" Victor replied as he gestured to the two. "It's like a unicorn hunter trying to find one for years out in the woods and then one just wonders into your bedroom- I mean, living room. You can't just take their survey and not let them go without at least asking them a few questions about being twins?"

Both rubber dragons couldn't help but chuckle at the statement. Up until that point Vyrnen hadn't even thought what his corrupted Teryx looked like, not even thinking that they might look alike in the disguise form as well as their corrupted form. It turned out to be a boon for them though, especially given the cheetah's love of twins. It appeared that though the rain dragon wasn't quite as enthused as his friend on the subject he was extremely interested in the identical duo.

"So... do you guys want a drink or something?" Victor asked as he went up to the corrupted Teryx, quickly getting into his personal space without touching to gauge his interest. "I would be more than happy to get you something, maybe even take your coats?"

Once more Vyrnen was reminded of another aspect of his guise form as the corrupted Teryx turned down the offer considering that he wasn't actually wearing a jacket. The feline appeared to be disappointed in the rebuke but Teryx made sure not to let him off the hook with a stealthy grope to his rear. Even though Victor didn't respond to it both of them could see his tail twitch in adulation and he gave them a glance back with a wink. It appeared that Victor got the message, but he needed to speed things up if they were going to have any chance of beating Renzyl at this corruption competition.

"Why don't I go ahead and point out the obvious here," Vyrnen said bluntly, taking the two by surprise. "I'm sensing a bit of chemistry between us and though I normally don't say anything I think my partner and I agree here that you guys are pretty cute as well. Why don't we just skip the surface and go straight to what I think we're all wanting."

Though Teryx was a bit hesitant on it his friend nearly knocked over one of the chairs in their small dining room in order to rejoin the conversation. "We're in," he said quickly, the rain dragon's jaw dropping slightly. "Is there anyone you need to call or something to let you know that you're on break? We can use my bedroom, I got stuff that I can use so that we don't have to go out and get anything."

"Whoa whoa," the rain dragon said as he stood up and waved his hands in the air. "Now I'm a fan of getting down as much as anyone but I-"

"Can I talk to you a second in private before we go on?" Victor said in a slightly angry tone before turning back to the two. "If you don't mind this will just take a second, why don't you go into my room and make yourselves comfortable? I'm sure the both of us will be in shortly."

Vyrnen and his corrupted Teryx nodded before walking into the room that they were directed into by the cheetah, hearing the two start to talk as they closed the door. Getting the chance to look around they saw just how horny the cheetah was, finding a number of dildos, condoms, and lubrication that caused even Teryx to be slightly surprised. It appeared in this timeline his friend had gone the clubbing route in his life, even owning several sets of rave gear as Vyrnen leafed through the closet. Once they were done with their exploratory search of the room they both settled on the bed and discussed just how they were going to play this next part.

A few minutes later the knob to the door twisted slightly and opened, revealing both cheetah and dragon on the other side which caused the identical rubber creatures to breathe a similar sigh of relief. Victor had just started to go into an apology when his jaw nearly dropped down to the floor and the untouched rain dragon's eyes widened. Vyrnen and Teryx had decided to take the opportunity to get into a rather suggestive pose, the corrupted nanite dragon on top of the transformed male with their muzzles locked in a deep kiss. With his power Vyrnen had also willed away their clothes so it looked like two naked versions of his white-scaled self were groping and making out with one another. Though the other Teryx was turned on with this display it was Victor that stood there with his eyes practically bugging out of his socket.

"Oh dear," Vyrnen said in a teasing manner as the two of them looked over at the two still standing in the doorway. "We decided to get started while we waited for you, we hope you don't mind."

"This is the most I've ever not minded in my entire life," Victor said as he continued to lick his lips while the two disguised rubber dragons shifted their position on the bed. "So are we going to have a go together with one of your or take turns or something? If it's one a piece that's fine but probably not enough space on the bed for that..."

"Well we were thinking that since you seem so eager that you would go first," the corrupted Teryx replied as Vyrnen smirked. "And then your friend can participate however he wants since he seems to be a little shyer about it. What do you think about that plan?"

Before the unconverted Teryx could say a word he watched his friend practically jump out of his clothes and into the bed with the two, causing the rain dragon to roll his eyes and strip off his clothes in a slower fashion. At this point the two believed they could have probably been in their rubber forms and the cheetah would have still jumped into their embrace, but they continued to remain in it while they still had their primary target out there. But they had a solution for that as well, the corrupted Teryx motioning with his finger to bring his pure counterpart over while Vyrnen focused on what he needed to do for Victor.

In order to allow the corrupted Teryx to do his work the rubber nanite dragon completely took over the duty of transforming the feline into something more suitable for their needs even though Victor already had started to lick the shaft of the other male. He quickly got the feline in a position where he had easy access to that needy tailhole while still watching the progress of the other two. Already small droplets of nanite-infused latex pre was dripping down his cock, serving as ample lubrication that the cheetah hadn't even noticed that he hadn't put on. The slick synthetic nature of his member though made it easy and the red lines on his groin glowed brighter as he began so slide the tip past the tight ring of muscle.

Victor began to moan loudly as his head hovered over the identically-shaped cock of the other Vyrnen, who took his hands and shoved the muzzle down so that it was muffled as he looked up at Teryx. "I was a little worried that you wouldn't be joining us," he said to Teryx as he ran a hand down his naked chest. "You still seem a bit nervous though."

"I just..." Teryx replied as he watched the cocks of the two identical dragons slide into the tailhole and maw of his friend even deeper. "This is hot, don't get me wrong, but there's just something that seems off about the whole thing. Though what you said was a comfort and I have to admit you two are really hot, it's just something I can't put my finger on."

"Perhaps I can put my finger on something in order to help you out," the corrupted Teryx said with a smirk as he took a hand and began to gently stroke along the ridged shaft, knowing exactly where to draw out the most pleasure from himself while his other hand remained on the cheetah's head. Despite the nanites being transferred onto the cheetah's tongue and in his mouth he didn't want to have the sudden transformation startle their prey, which was just fine for the original Vyrnen as shiny black rubber began to already leak out of the feline's fully erect maleness.

Once Vyrnen saw that his rubber dragon clone had successfully drawn in the other rain dragon, which quickly became apparent when their muzzles met in a deep and passionate kiss, the task then came to taking care of the cheetah in front of him. He watched as Victor's eyes widened in surprise when the two that he thought were just twins banging him suddenly became rubbery and with red glowing lines all over their body. Though it startled him there was nothing that the feline could do with the cock in his mouth and tailhole without losing out on the pleasure he was getting, even when he looked over at his rain dragon friend to see rubber spreading over his muzzle too.

At the same time the latex that had been carefully held back was now free to spread like wild fire and as it cascaded over the feline's cock Vyrnen had to hold him in order to keep his own inside the tailhole of the lust-drunk male. Unlike his friend Victor was not going to become another version of him, that was reserved for the rain dragon only. But that didn't mean that the corrupted nanite dragon couldn't use another drone as more rubber began to spread over the cheetah's muzzle just like what was happening the other Teryx. Unlike Teryx who's shapely muzzle was becoming an exact copy of the one transforming it Victor's started to grow angular and slightly bulky, his eyes glazing over slightly as the rubber reached them and the rubber turned clear while it formed into a pair of darkened lenses.

"I know that twins really turned you on," Vyrnen teased as he pushed his hand against the edge of the rubber that climbed up the cheetah's spine, watching it assimilate the fur and turning it into a rubber coating of a new drone. "But how do you feel about triplets?" Even though the lust and pleasure that was saturating the cheetah's mind was immense the male still managed to look at him in question. "Oh Vyrnen, if you're done with our newest convert perhaps he can lend us a hand."

"I think he's ready," the corrupted Teryx said as he broke the kiss, the other former rain dragon looking at him with glowing red eyes and a smirk on his face. With a little adjustment his newest rubber clone slid underneath the cheetah and put his lips to the already transformed cock, causing the changing cheetah to writhe even more as the pleasure on his body was increased even more. With the three now on his body it didn't take long for the last of their new drone to become completely converted. It helped that with three identical bodies on him the cheetah was so far in euphoria that Vyrnen could have rewritten him to think that he was a squid, though for the moment he gave him a basic drone feel and left the rest of the personality intact since he needed to save his energy for more Teryx's.

With his task completed Vyrnen decided that even though he needed to hurry and continue onto the next target he did allow himself a bit of fun with his newly created clones. Using the techniques that he had discovered earlier he shifted his psyche from one to another, feeling not only the new Teryx moan mentally as his essence was converted to that of a corrupted nanite dragon but also the sensation of sucking on the cheetah drone's cock and then in the next second having the roles reversed. He even managed to merge the sensations together briefly, feeling what it was like to receive all three pleasures at the same time as the three rubber dragon's let out a simultaneous moan. That alone was enough to push them all over the edge at the same time as they pumped their rubber nanite cum into the feline between them.

Once they were finished and took a minute to untangle themselves from one another Vyrnen realized that he now had to find another prey for his growing pack of corrupted nanite dragons. When he searched through the nexus realm's linked to find the next Teryx he found something rather interesting; it appeared that Renzyl's signature had completely disappeared from the sphere of influence that he was able to sense. Had the rubber dragon gone off somewhere because he was called away... or was he off the radar on purpose in order to hide his progress? Either way he knew he had lost some time trying to deal with the cheetah and after getting the other two Vyrnen together they all warped to the next destination that had a rain dragon in it.


After the hour was up Vyrnen suddenly found himself inside of a rather large room, the floors made out of some sort of extremely spongy but also soft substance while the walls were created from solid obsidian. Given the nature of the construction as well as the general feel of the place he had a decent idea of where he was, especially when he saw Renzyl sitting on one side of the room motioning him over. "It appears that our competition is at an end," Renzyl stated as Vyrnen sat down in one of the chairs next to him, the ground firmer in that area but still with a slight give to it. "I thought I would invite you in and we can tally the results here."

"That's quite hospitable of you," the corrupted nanite dragon said as he felt the presence of someone behind him, looking to see Chrono holding a tray with drinks and appetizers. "Chrono, so good to see you again!"

The silver rubber raptor looked slightly surprised at their guest, but only for a second as he put the tray down in front of the two draconic creatures. "I didn't realize that I was going to see you again so soon," Chrono replied. "I was wondering what Master Renzyl had meant when he had taken you under his wing... now I can see."

"Yes, I think I've been a rather splendid teacher myself," Renzyl stated as he took one of the drinks. "Why don't you have a seat and join us Chrono? This is certainly going to be interesting I think."

The rubber raptor's face lit up and he nodded, sitting between the two black rubber dragons and taking one of the beverages for himself. Once they had everything situated Renzyl explained that all the copies they had made of the various Teryx in the area were all sent into a small demi-plane where they're waiting in stasis to finish their trip into the realm. Vyrnen felt his eagerness rise as he leaned forward and said that he was ready to view the results, the three latex creatures all watching the central area of the room as Renzyl waved his fingers in the air.

In the next second a tear opened in the ceiling on the left side of the room and Vyrnen watched as one of his drones came tumbling out of the rift and bounced on the floor. "I do believe that's one for me," Vyrnen said as he looked on at the first Teryx he had corrupted, who quickly got to his feet and bounced slightly on the floor to get his bearings on the situation. "My first one when the corruption started."

"Ah yes, everyone remembers their first," Renzyl replied with a smirk as he waved his fingers again and a second rift opened on the other side of the room, this time a copy of Renzyl falling to the floor with a soft thud. "This one happened to be mine, I grabbed him after leaving you to your own devices on our starting planet."

Vyrnen nodded and watched as the Teryx turned Renzyl looked over at his copy, both looking at one another with looks of pure lust. It was strange to think that the same rain dragon was beneath both sets of shiny black rubber, though something about that also made it even more tantalizing as well. Even though it was clear that the two wanted to pounce one another they remained on their respective sides of the room while the counting continued. One would fall on Vyrnen's side, and then Renzyl would give himself one, and so on until presumably one of them ran out of clones.

As the counting continued the corrupted nanite dragon felt like he had won; he remembered fondly as the pack of Vyrnen's continued to grow he had the idea of having them split into multiple dimensions, with the nanite dragon connected to all of them so that he could continue to convert them into more clones of his. As they reached the half a dozen mark on each side however, which was when the competition started to get close to the end, the nanite dragon felt a tiny twinge of anxiety that perhaps the nexus creature had already had a similar idea. He had been corrupting various versions of Teryx after all long before he entered the scene, was there something perhaps that he hadn't seen before?

"Looks like are only three left in holding," Renzyl said as he watched both of their creations start to turn their lusts towards one another instead of the other side. "I would try and build the suspense a little but it appears that an orgy is about to break out so why don't we just have them come out one after another?"

Vyrnen nodded and watched the tears in space continue to glow as Renzyl counted down from three, the others also stopping their ministrations to one another in order to see who would be joining him. Once the nexus creature got to zero he snapped his fingers and another Renzyl clone fell from the sky, this time being caught by his counterparts, followed by a second one that still had some blue fur exposed on his body. The rubber nanite dragon felt his face fall slightly when he realized that he wasn't the winner, even when the third snap dropped a half-converted Teryx down into the group of rubber nanite clones.

"Well it appears that you've won this one," the corrupted nanite dragon said as he watched Teryx look at the others leering at him, then running from side to side while both groups of the converted rain dragon began to chase him. "I guess I really shouldn't be surprised, you are the one who is training me after all. Still... I really thought I might have had you there."

"I have to say that you did come rather close," Renzyl replied. "I have corrupters that I've played this little competition with that have not put up the numbers that you have, it shows how far you've come in your own training. At the very least you now have a much better understanding of what I do and how I do it, or I would assume so given this lot and the growing stable of drones that I have right now."

Vyrnen felt a swelling of pride as they watched Teryx get pounced upon, hearing him shout a very cheesy no as his upstretched hand and arm was the only thing visible in the pack of rubber creatures. As he watched the rubber quickly sweep up the remaining rain dragon's arm and coat his fingers a question floated in the corrupted nanite dragon's mind that he decided was the right time to ask. "Since I am doing so well in this training," Vyrnen asked tentatively. "I was wondering if perhaps the collar is no longer needed?"

Before Renzyl could respond Chrono suddenly spoke up. "Master Renzyl," he stated, having not only the original nexus creature but all of his clones turn to look at him. "It appears that your converts are looking a little, um, is there anything I could do to, perhaps..."

"Go on, get in there," Renzyl replied with a chuckle, patting the silver rubber raptor on the rear as the synthetic saurian practically leapt over the table to be with the group of rubber dragons while the nanite creatures continued to have their attentions on the now completely transformed Teryx. "Anyway while I do think I could trust you to go out on your own and not have to worry about anything you might do there is one last thing that I think needs to be done before we take that collar off of you." As the rubber dragon paused Vyrnen leaned in, eager to hear what it is as a small smirk appeared on Renzyl's face. "But now is not the time to discuss such things, I will tell you once I see about putting the proper preparations in place."

"You tease," Vyrnen replied as he sat back in the chair, watching as the clones of Renzyl quickly had circled around Chrono after he had bounced forward towards him. "So what do we do with all these clones now that the competition is over? Release them back into the wild so they can continued to convert their respective timelines?"

"Eventually," Renzyl said as he stood up. "Of course once I've warped you back to the planet that we started on and you revert back to your former self I will be taking control of your clones so that they can, as you say, continue to convert their respective timelines. But until then I think that a little reward is in order for you, why don't you go out there and have a little fun before we send you back."

It was the words that the corrupted nanite dragon was waiting to hear, ever since Renzyl had brought the first of his clones into the room he had wanted to just jump in there and finally get the pleasure he had been holding off on for the sake of the competition. There were seven Vyrnens now on the soft floor and when he started to approach them they all turned at once and bowed their heads slightly. Even though they were all the same they knew which one was their leader, their progenitor as they waited for his command. He imagined what they would look like if they were still Teryx, which in a way not only his clones but also Renzyl's still were, bowing to him and Renzyl in reverence for giving them the pleasure of transformation and submission.

Meanwhile Renzyl had also taken to going down to his side of the room, motioning for one or two to come towards him while the rest continued to pin down Chrono. While they could have mixed up their groups it appeared that Renzyl fancied his own appearance, which was just fine for Vyrnen as the first one he converted came up to him and kissed him.

It was clear that the desire that Renzyl had for himself was imprinted onto Vyrnen as well... or perhaps that was something that he had all along and couldn't express until this moment. Either way he found it incredibly arousing as the body of the one he first converted pressed against him, the two falling back while others continued to lavish their attention on the one that assimilated them. The corrupted nanite dragon just sat back and let them do their work, occasionally groping and the fondling others in the spots he knew would arouse them as they did the same.

Whether it was because of being in Renzyl's dimension or because of their new form it felt like hours had passed as Vyrnen sank deep in the pleasure of those he had corrupted without tiring, not only pounding the tailholes and maws of what were essentially his own body but also receiving the same. Once in a while one or two of the Renzyl clones came in and added their shiny rubber bodies to the mix, breaking up the pattern of glowing red lines that enveloped the Vyrnen clones. Otherwise Vyrnen was completely lost and for more than a few seconds would lose himself in which one was his original body. He even attempted to try and experience all seven at once but he was so overloaded with pleasure that it nearly caused him to black out.

Eventually though he felt a hand grab one of his and as Renzyl pulled him out of the orgy of rubber creatures he found himself returned to his original corrupted body, shaking off the lust that still clung to him like a sheet as the rubber dragon smiled down at him. "I think that is enough for now," he said with a wink. "Too much longer in there and I would have to sift through all your converts in order to figure out which one was you, and though that would be fun it's time for you to go."

With the original Vyrnen no longer in the mix the others decided to continue on with one another as the corrupted nanite dragon nodded. "I can see how one might lose themselves to such things," he said as he continued to compose himself even with the residual pleasure. "So what do we do now?"

"Now unfortunately I have to get you back to where we began," Renzyl explained. "Then I have to do the same to all of these wonderful creatures that we've gathered here. The nexus realm gets a bit... confused when it comes to having multiples of me out and about, even if I happen to be here. Since I would rather not have to fix anything that goes strange in this realm because of it I'm afraid I have to end the party a bit early."

"Fair enough," Vyrnen replied. "So what do I need to do?"

"I can take care of everything on my end," Renzyl said as he waved his hand in the air, creating another portal behind the nanite dragon. "You just go about as you normally do and I'll make sure to catch up with you once again the next time. As I'm sure that you're aware by now I'm pretty good at tracking you down."

Vyrnen laughed and nodded, the two giving one another a hug. There was a bit more conversation between the two but it was mostly the rubber nanite dragon asking about what might be coming next with Renzyl being coy. Once they were finished Vyrnen thanked the dragon and also said his good-bye to Chrono, who just waved as best he could between the three Renzyl clones that had sandwiched him between them.

Once everything was said and done Vyrnen bid Renzyl a farewell and walked through the portal the rubber dragon had created to bring him back where he had started in the first place. When the nanite dragon touched down on the grass of the other side he looked down to see that he had already reverted back to his normal form and the only bit of rubber on him was the collar still around his neck. As he looked around it get his bearings once again he wondered what the rubber dragon had in store for him next. He also had a fleeting thought of those he had converted, and though he knew what was going to happen to them in the end he wondered just how the wily rubber dragon was going to go about it as he walked into the city proper.

Meanwhile back in Renzyl's realm he and Chrono finished waving off the nanite dragon before looking at one another, then back at the horde of rubber creatures that they had created. At first it appeared that they would just continue groping, fondling and more with one another, but as the seconds passed a change began to happen with those that Vyrnen had transformed. It was like they had started to melt and as the rubber sloughed off of their body, but instead of completely liquidating like they might have gotten with a goo creature it exposed blue fur underneath. As the various Teryx's became exposed under the nanite rubber shells that they had previously been transformed into they looked around with various mixtures of shock, amusement, and arousal.

"It appears we have some intruders in our realm," the original Renzyl said as the others, even those that had been thrusting into Chrono, turned and agreed with him as they eyed up the rain dragons that had suddenly appeared. The various Teryx's that were there looked at one another as they all knew where they were. While the draconic creatures had all been turned into Vyrnen they still were aware of their surroundings and who they were, which meant they knew exactly what was going on as they stared into the glowing red eyes of the identical rubber dragons.

"Are we just going to transform them here?" One of the Renzyl's on the floor said.

"I would imagine not," another chimed in.

"What would the fun be in that?" a third said.

"I have to wholeheartedly agree," the original Renzyl said as both sides turned towards the commanding nexus creature. "I think that it might be time for another competition." Renzyl waved his hand in the air and a number of tears appeared in the room, all of them behind Teryx as the rain dragons looked from the portals to the various Renzyls that had once been Teryx looking at them. "I think a five minute head start should be more than sufficient... and I would highly suggest running because your time begins in three... two... one... now."

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