The Great Equalizer (3/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In a realm of superheroes and villains, one was seeking to go beyond all of that and become the true king of the castle. But first... he needed a proper rival to be created at the same time.

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As night once more fell on the city a bulky sabertooth tiger in a nice suit looked out the window at the city below, watching the rain fall on it as the lights began to go on. "Looks like a miserable night of patrolling for the hero squad," he said with a bemused expression on his face, swirling the amber-colored liquid in his glass. "Suppose it would be easier to find them with everything smelling like wet dog..."

"Sir," a voice came over his intercom. "Shadowstrike and the other villains that attacked that hero in the park are finally here. We currently have Zipline and Crusher holding them in the suite just like you asked."

The Boss felt his lips curl in a snarl as he announced that he would be coming right down, nearly slamming his glass on his desk before heading out of his office. Ever since he had heard that a group of low-level lackeys tried to carry out an attack on a hero directly he had been hearing no end of it from the proper villains, the ones that he used to run his crime syndicate. Now not only was there a spotlight on his organization but it appeared that when he summoned those who were responsible for this trespass they took an entire day to answer it. This was something he would not tolerate, a lesson they will quickly learn as he headed to the private suite.

When the sabertooth tiger finally got to the door he took out his keycard and opened it he saw all of the transgressors in the room waiting for him, two of his higher-ranked villains sitting on either side of the door in nice suits and sunglasses giving him a nod as he walked in. "Well look at what the cat dragged in," The Boss said as the others didn't even have the courage to look him in the eye, causing him to growl. "If you thought that this was the way that you were going to get into the upper echelons of our organization I'm here to tell you that you are in for some very, very bad news."

"Actually we weren't looking to get into your good graces," a voice said from the bathroom as a creature that the sabertooth tiger had never seen before walked out completely naked with a smirk on his face. "You see... the only reason we came here is because we're taking over this whole place, we took a vote on it and decided this would make a great place for a den of demons like ourselves. Don't worry though, we're still going to keep a place here for you once we make the necessary adjustments."

When the others turned to look at their former boss he found himself swallowing hard as they all appeared to have pitch black eyes that immediately fixated on him. Before he could say or do anything though he was immediately grabbed from behind, the two white tigers that had been guarding the door hooked around his arms and pinned him. As The Boss struggled to fight the two of them he managed to elbow one in the face, which knocked off his glasses and revealed the inky black sclera of his eyes as they quickly manage to get him to his knees. When he realized he was in trouble the boss attempted to channel his power to blast everyone in the room to oblivion only to have one of his own inhibitor collars slapped around his neck.

"You can't do this to me!" The Boss shouted as he felt the energy that he had been building quickly ebb out of his body, hearing the laughter of all the corrupted villains around him as he was pushed down onto all fours. "I built this organization with my own two hands, and if you think that after defending my interests for years from the heroes I'm just going to let you punks take it you are sorely mistaken!" Though he was still strong it didn't compete to the two white tigers behind him, nor to those who still had their powers as the others all took their non-activated collars off of their necks.

"I don't think you understand the seriousness of the situation that you are in," Shadowstrike replied as he walked over to the sabertooth tiger, his fanged grin widening as his former leader continued to struggle. "Your most trusted cohorts are currently restraining you without any sort of collar that your little lackey created, who by the way was more than eager to join us, and even though I know you probably sent out a mental distress call to Asimir he doesn't appear to be coming to your aid. You see.... I'm not going to take anything from you, by the time this is over you're going to be begging for me to lead you. All I have to do is one little thing and we'll see just how strong-willed you are."

The leader of the villains tried to throw out another insult but was interrupted when Shadowstrike stuck a clawed finger into the restrained feline's mouth. Though his first instinct was to just bite it to teach the leopard a lesson he was immediately taken aback by the salty taste and realized what he had just ingested. He tried to spit it out but Shadowstrike took his hands and clamped his muzzle shut, forcing him to swallow as the other male thrashed his head. Eventually The Boss couldn't hold back and felt his throat muscles contract, then was let go not only by the demonic creature but by his two former henchmen as well.

The first thing that The Boss did once he was let go was bring his hands up to his inhibitor collar to try and remove it, watching as Shadowstrike slowly moved over to the bed while he attempted to override the locking mechanism on it. Unfortunately for the sabertooth tiger it appeared that they had changed his secret password and the back-up, which meant that not only had they spoke the truth about getting to his collar guy but also that it was stuck there around his neck. As The Boss finally put his hands down in frustration he began to realize that those that had been in the room with him were changing... but not actually physically transforming, more like a mirage of their former selves was dissolving away to reveal their demonic natures within. The only ones that didn't have that happen to them were the two white tigers, but as they were told to disrobe from their suits he could see that their freshly infected bodies had only just begun to change.

"You think you're so damn smart..." The Boss snarled as he felt a strange tingle begin to rise up from his throat, coughing slightly as the two naked tiger men immediately began to hump and grind against one another. "You can't leash me, whether or not I have this collar on I will continue to fight you until my last breath."

"You really think so?" Shadowstrike replied while he laid there on the bed. "Firo, go ahead and take off his collar, let's see if he can back up all that talk. If you can get out of this room with no interference from those around you then you can continue to lead your organization and you'll have a group of upgraded villains that I assure you will do all your dirty work. However if you succumb... well, we're not going to have to worry about what I get out of it."

Before The Boss could say anything a thickly-toned snow leopard took his rippling biceps and slid the spike tipped fingers between the collar and the sabertooth tiger's neck. With one quick jerk the metal ripped in half, leaving The Boss free to use his power however he would like. His immediate first thought was revenge on the one that caused this mess in the first place; if he killed him then there would be nothing that would stop him from taking control of the others that seemed to listen to him. Then he would be in complete control of this newly mutated batch of villains, everything from their glorious physiques to those dripping mammoth cocks that hung between their legs...

The Boss recoiled in horror when he got a hold of himself and realized that he had been staring straight at Shadowstrike's hard cock, almost mesmerized by the ridged length that glistened in the light of the room. His black tinted eyes couldn't look away from it as the leopard stroked it, feeling the power that radiated from the creature that had just threatened to take over his empire. The thought of losing everything was enough to snap the greedy feline out of his trance and turn away, only to see that the others had begun to engage in lewd acts all around him. The smell of musk began to overwhelm him as he tried to keep his focus over the task at hand but every time he tried to gather his power in order to blow up this room something would serve to distract him.

Finally the sabertooth tiger decided that he didn't need his powers to take out the leopard and despite the other male being bigger The Boss left forward in order to try and choke out the other feline. Shadowstrike didn't even bother to defend himself as he was lunged upon by the other male, just relaxing his body as the feline pounced on top of him. The Boss had his hands around the leopard's neck and even though clearly no one was attempting to stop him he tried to ride the surge of adrenaline to take out the demonic creature and regain his throne once and for all. His arms and hands shook as he tried to put pressure on the other male, but when Shadowstike merely started to grin at him he knew that he wasn't nearly as effective as he wanted to be.

"Is that all?" Shadowstrike mocked as his hands went up, but instead of attacking the other feline he began to rub against his chest. The infested leopard could already feel the demonic parasites spreading and growing, controlling the former big bad boss of the villains as black veins pushed their way into his eyes. While the hands around his neck had never had that much pressure to begin with now he could feel those fingers begin to slide around and stroke the fur of it. Without even realizing it the sabertooth tiger had the crack of his butt pressed against the other feline's throbbing member and as The Boss began to succumb Shadowstrike took his claws and ripped the cloth of the pants right at the seams.

The sabertooth tiger heard the sound of his very expensive suit ripping but couldn't care less, the fleshy tendrils bulging out the skin of his neck and skull throbbing as he began to drool. The demonic corruption inside him didn't need much to push the already evil feline much further, the parasite twisting his desires for power into that of lust. He had always known when a creature was more powerful than him and it was lying right there on top of him, and though his muscles had begun to swell he knew it would never be more than his new demonic lord as the tip of the thick cock was guided into his now exposed backside. The other demonic warriors Shadowstrike had created began to gather around the two, stoking and sucking on each other as they watched their old leader fall to their new one.

The effect of the demon leopard's cock pushing past that tight ring of muscle caused the already progressing transformation of the sabertooth tiger to accelerate, aided by the mental shift in the formerly dominant male. The Boss was no longer that, he was just another plaything to Shadowstrike thanks to the parasites that continued to spread through his system. Already the toned body of the feline had begun to swell, growing bigger as his firm pectorals became mountainous and his flat stomach became a perfectly molded eight pack abs with thick veins of corruption running through them. The sabertooth tiger let out a deep, heavy moan as every inch of that demonic cock disappearing into his hole caused another spurt of muscle growth.

"Now do you see?" Shadowstrike growled as he petted the chest of his new demonic warrior, watching those saber teeth grow longer and more jagged while a second smaller pair grew out behind it. "Feel my strength flow into you as you become the newest of my army."

"Oh yes..." The sabertooth tiger groaned, hearing the cheers and catcalls of the ones around him. "This power... we could rule over the whole city..." the declaration caused Shadowstrike to chuckle, seeing that even with the gift of the parasites inside the former boss he was rather short-sighted. The demon leopard had no intentions on just stopping with the city, his infernal army would have the strength and power to take over more and once the one the hero that he had infected returns to his fold with all those he converted they would be an unstoppable force that would take the world for their own...

But even as the muscular sabertooth tiger began to ride on his thick pole in earnest a concerning thought began to bubble up in his lust-fogged mind. He could sense the connection between all of those that he had corrupted, not only those in the room but the others that he had sent out to round up the other villains and infest them with his parasites as well. And yet... he couldn't sense Sunfire anymore. Even if he was still fighting the infection he should have at least had some connection. But even as the worry continued to nibble away at him a sudden squeeze from the internal walls of the beefcake of the male that grinded on top of him brought him back to the present.

A quick look to the side of the room saw the two white tigers spit roasting another between them, the two having grown to behemoths as their cocks pushed into the maw and tailhole. The others have found various places to rut, some taking their bulky bodies to the furniture while others were content to do it right there on the floor. Shadowstrike became more focused on his own conquest, the tough, aggressive feline reduced to moaning and gasping like a submissive slut even with such an impressive body. The sabertooth tiger knew who his master was, Shadowstrike thought as he thrusted his hips upwards to go even deeper into the needy tailhole... just like the whole world soon enough.


Sunfire nearly fell as he finally drifted into the belfry of the local church, his hands shaking as he made his way inside with water dripping off his suit. His breathing was heavy and labored, not from injury but from the sheer amount of lust that had been coursing through his system. As his hand grabbed the side of the doorframe he could see the small spikes sticking out of his knuckles, trailing down to where black claws had grown from his fingernails. It took all of his willpower not to grab his erect cock that stretched the spandex groin of his ill-fitting suit, several seams already ripped from his increased muscle mass as he made his way down to the church proper. His heavy footpads thudded against the stone as he pushed open the door and fell to the floor of the rectory, his energy spent in equal measure getting there as well as trying not to have sex with every person that he passed over on his way.

"By the Maker!" a voice said as he tried to get to his oversized feet once again, grunting as he saw the concerned arctic wolf come up next to him. "Sunfire, is that you?"

"Father wait!" Sunfire warned, feeling his cock throb with need as he held up his mutated hand and stopped the lupine in his tracks. "I'm possessed by some sort of demon creature... I need... your help."

The power required to hold back his new instincts overwhelmed him but instead of going after the other male he just passed out, falling into darkness as his body went limp from sheer exhaustion. What happened next he saw through the haze of shadow, closing his eyes for a second before they opened wearily and saw that the artic wolf had him over his shoulder, then the next time he opened them he was in some sort of strange room covered with glyphs. By the time he was able to regain his faculties he was laying on an altar with Father standing there next to Regen.

"So you're saying he's got some sort of... demon parasite inside him?" Regen asked as he scratched his head in confusion. "That's why you need me here?"

"I suspect that when I excise the demon and purify the body it's going to cause some considerable damage," Father replied as his hands began to glow with a white light. "I want you by my side as I do it to make sure that Sunfire here survives the encounter. His body is weak from holding off the corruption this long... now it's time to reward him for his perseverance."

Sunfire tried to say something but his tongue felt swollen and as it rubbed against the inside of his mouth he realized it had already started to turn into the cock tongue like he had seen on Telken in the mind scape. A few seconds later though his entire body seized as Father laid his hands down on his chest, feeling flood through every inch of his body. A few seconds later he could feel it begin to concentrate around the areas where the demon parasite had infected him, burning inside him as the glowing green hands of Regen joined the holy wolf. The pain was intense and for a while Sunfire felt like he had gone crazy from the intense fire that raged through his system while his body writhed on the altar, wondering if he was going to just be completely burned away until he was nothing but ash...

And then, just like that, the light and fire and pain all stopped as the german shepherd slumped down on the stone surface, breathing heavily as Regen continued to use his power on him. When he looked over at Father the lupine was rinsing his hands, giving him a wink and a grin before going back to his washing. While neither of them exchanged words they didn't need to, Sunfire could feel the demonic amalgamations that had been growing on his body were now completely gone. They had done it, Regen and Father had saved his life as he slowly sat up despite the husky's objections and began to take his ripped uniform off.

"Don't suppose you brought any spare clothes," Sebastian said as he fully removed his Sunfire outfit, leaving him in just his undersuit, Regen shaking his head. "No matter, I'll just call someone and get them to deliver something to me."

Regen nodded and as the german shepard steadily got to his smaller feet there was a knock on the door. Both canines looked over as Father went over to the door and opened it to see Nova on the other side, giving a nod to the other lupine before greeting the rest of them and asking to talk over in one of the far corners of the area. "Wow, I can't believe that Nova is here talking to me again," Sebastian said with his tail wagging as Regen smiled at him. "Who would have thought it would have just taken me getting beaten up and infected with some demonic parasite to get his attention."

"Actually from what Father told me he was called into action by Ronald," Regen explained as he continued to use his healing magic on him. "The two had a meeting or something and wanted to know where you are so they could make sure that you were alright, apparently you gave your friend quite a scare by just running off after he went to check that you were alright."

Sebastian started to nod, but stopped midway when a thought occurred to him that caused him to look down in contemplation. He didn't even remember Ronald being in his apartment until Regen just reminded him, and when he did he realized that they had met after Shadowstrike had infected him with the demon parasite in the park. That, combined with the encounter with Telken, made him gasp as he looked up to where Father and Nova were talking. "Father wait!"

Both canines gasped as they saw that in their distracted state Nova had taken the artic wolf and shoved him against the wall, their muzzles inches apart with something thick and veiny slithering between the two. Father's eyes had rolled back into his head as his throat bulged with the cock tongue that the infected wolf had shoved into his throat, Sebastian already sensing the demonic parasites that had been pushed into the other lupine's body already. When he turned to Regen to tell him to run he looked back just in time to see him get dragged down by a bear and a dragon that he had never seen before and likely didn't even have any powers, but were definitely infested as well while they overwhelmed the husky. When Sebastian tried to hop off the altar to make a run for it a pair of strong hands grabbed him and shoved him back on the stone slab.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ronald hissed as he took Sebastian and flipped the weakened canine onto his stomach. "We can't just let you go and throw away the same gift that you've given us, not after all we've done to aid you in your conquest... master."

Master... the very word made Sebastian's cock throb hard despite not wanting anything to do with the demonic influence that his fellow heroes were under. How Ronald managed to get to Nova he didn't know, but with their trap sprung it was clear that they were not hiding their corruption anymore as the leader of their group looked at him with completely white eyes. As he took the quivering artic wolf and pushed him aside, watching as tendrils immediately began to spread under the white fur of the once holy creature and his tongue thicken, and walked back to where Sebastian was being pinned. The german shepard realized in horror that he had done this to him... he had been so caught up in trying to save himself he didn't even remember that he had infected others on his trip.

"Do not worry my lord," Nova said in a deeper, more sultry voice as Sebastian felt the wolf's hands slide between his exposed thighs. "We will set you to right soon and undo the damage that they did to you. We will get you back into the glory of your form, don't worry."

It was very clear how they were going to reinfect him as Sebastian saw both of them rubbing their leaking cocks while staring down at him with a lewd grin. As the African wild dog's thighs filled his vision the german shepherd saw Telken and his secretary walk into the room as well, the fox moving over towards him while the malamute decided to give the changing artic wolf a hand with speeding his transformation. With his focus on the former hero he didn't even realize that Ronald hadn't stopped his approach until the german shepherd felt the head of his cock push into his maw. As the orgy of demon infected heroes began to get into full swing Sebastian's eyes grew wide as white tendrils immediately began to push their way back into his iris until they hit his pupils.

At that point it didn't matter that Nova had taken his thick member and began to spread open Sebastian's tailhole, the second that tainted seed touched his tongue the demonic parasitic infection spread through him like wildfire. As Ronald grabbed the german shepard's head to thrust into the oozing maw he could already feel it shift, growing bigger as his teeth once more grew jagged and a pair of horns swept back from behind his ears. The grunting and groaning from Sebastian's occupied throat grew deeper with every passing second as his size once more inflated, his expanding frame packing on pure muscle as his tongue began to grow more sensitive and prehensile. Sebastian's already weakened psyche didn't stand a chance, between the corruption he already endured and this fresh wave of lustful indulgence the canine was completely reborn body and soul into a brand new demon.

The second that Sebastian embraced his fate the changes seemed to accelerate even faster, feeling a pair of wings sprout from his back as he reached up and grabbed Ronald by his rear and pushed the longer cock deeper inside of him. At the same time his new fully-formed cock tongue slithered out past the intrusion, both corrupted canines shivering in pleasure from the sensitive flesh rubbing against one another, and watched it snake between the wild dog's legs and up towards his own tailhole. Sebastian could feel Ronald tense up as the unnatural appendage penetrated him, letting out a lustful sigh as he was filled by his demonic lord... something that caused the german shepard to shiver in delight when he felt that thought in the one he had possessed first. The newly created demonic creature could also get the same feeling of reverence from the wolf that had been their leader as he continued to pound into the expanding rear of the corrupted canine.

Just as the newly minted Sebastian was about to get up in order to take a more active role in their orgy he felt something press against his feet paws, two of his newest demonic warriors nuzzling up against them as he realized that they had nearly doubled in size. That just made more room for their worship, he thought with an evil smirk as he felt their tongues lick dutifully on his sensitive pads. Unlike those of his that had cock tongues these were made purely for paw worship as more creatures that had been infected while he had been out foolishly trying to cure himself came in. With the addition of their new acolytes their new squad had grown quite large, making for a particularly large orgy between all of the demon parasite infested males.

As the hours passed and the night turned to day Sebastian and the rest of the lot had moved back to the secret fortress of the heroes, except now that it was the legion of Sunfire as those heroes that had remained were lured back and infected by their former compatriots. The german shepard remained in the seat once reserved for Nova, sitting idly with two demon guards flanking him on either side with Nova bowed on one knee in front of him. "Lord Sebastian," the wolf said as the canine pushed away the two servants that had continued to lick and massage his huge foot pads. "What do we do about the villains?"

"The villains?" Sebastian replied with a chuckle as his clawed finger idly traced the bright white scales on his hands. "There are no heroes or villains anymore, only demons to rule this city now. I look forward to repaying Shadowstrike for what he has given me after I have shoved my cock down his throat..."

The Great Equalizer (2/3)

As the night continued to pass Firo and the others that had gone on the raid against the heroes continued to wait nervously to hear what the consequences of their actions were. A number of them were clearly uncomfortable with what they had done, and...

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The Great Equalizer (1/3)

There was nothing that Sebastian wanted to do more than do then head back home after a long day on the job, but that was not going to be the case for him in another few hours... or at least it was for Sunfire. His superhero moniker continued to glide...

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The Future of Deep Sea Diving

It took more than a week before Daniel finally managed to acclimate enough so that he could move around the deep sea facility, adjusting his suit before heading out into the lab. He hadn't been sure how he would react after traveling almost ten miles...

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