The Future of Deep Sea Diving

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A patreon exclusive that was voted on by my very lovely supporters, a deep sea researcher finds out how they manage to go out underwater without the need for high tech equipment.

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It took more than a week before Daniel finally managed to acclimate enough so that he could move around the deep sea facility, adjusting his suit before heading out into the lab. He hadn't been sure how he would react after traveling almost ten miles under the water, but the second that he had stepped onto the metal floor of the docking bay he almost fell forwards as he lost consciousness. Luckily the next person that had come off the shuttle had grabbed him before he completely blacked out and was promptly escorted to the medical wing. From there he had been given a clean bill of health and was told to rest in his room for the week while his body became more accustomed to being so far under the surface of the waves.

When he got to the office of the head technician the older man looked up from his computer when he heard the knock on the door. "Ah, Daniel, come in," the scientist said as he motioned for him to sit down in the chair on the other side of the desk. "You certainly look better than the last time that I saw you. How are you moving around?"

"Much better now Dr. Watson," Daniel replied. "I'm eager to get onto my assignment, I feel like I've been letting the rest of the team down since they had to pick the slack up for me this last week."

"Nonsense," Dr. Watson replied as he typed something on his computer. "The team has been more than happy to go out and do the rounds while you were recovering, the last thing they would want you to do is push yourself and end up floating upside-down all the way back to the surface. I've just informed them that you are ready to go and it seems that they're just about to go out to check sector twelve to make sure that the hull is still structurally stable after some seismic activity, so if you can just go to transition tank four they'll guide you the rest of the way."

Daniel nodded and thanked Dr. Watson for understanding, then practically skipped out of the office in order to get to his assignment. It had been the culmination of his life's dream; he had he spent six years in school in order to get his degree, along with a rigorous testing process in order to get into the only operating deep sea research facility. When he had been quarantined for the week he thought that perhaps this had completely screwed his chances of going out into the wonders of the deep, especially since there was a rumor that they had developed a new way of going out without the need for the typical bulky diving suits of the past. But it appeared that he was still going out and was more than ready to get into the water the first time.

When he got to the transition tank he saw that it was one of the bigger ones in the entire facility, complete with a moon pool that was illuminated in the middle of it. There were also large windows that showed the dark waters beyond with only the lights of the station attempting to keep the darkness at bay. Daniel found himself gasping at the ingenuity of it all as a young female researcher came over and shook his hand. She introduced herself as Dr. Emily Fantom and that she would be guiding him through the next phase of the procedure before leading him over to a group of a half a dozen guys that were standing in neoprene shorts.

While Daniel was being introduced to the ones that he found were the other members of the team he glanced around to try and see if he could sneak a peek at the suits that they were going to wear. He didn't see anything at the moment and focused on the conversation instead, all of them saying how eager they were to bring him on as part of the illustrious team twelve. When he asked if there were actually eleven other teams they nodded their heads and that he was actually going to meet up with the iconic team one when they go out on their mission. Daniel couldn't help but have his jaw drop at that; team one was the first to be employed by the deep sea facility and were known for being elites among the crews that went out into the abyss in order to make sure that everyone there was safe.

When Daniel and the others went over to the moon pool Daniel finally couldn't help but ask where the new suits were, which caused the others in the group to chuckle as Dr. Fantom put a hand on his shoulder. "I think it would be best if you watched the others suit up in order to see exactly what you're in for yourself," she explained as she motioned for him to follow, the two of them going down lower to see that the first part of the pool was actually surrounded by transparent glass, making it almost look like an aquarium as they walked over to one of the illuminated walls. "Get ready to see the latest and greatest in deep sea diving technology."

Daniel wasn't quite sure what the scientist meant, especially when he looked back at the pool and saw that the rest of the team had just gotten into the water. He couldn't imagine how cold that water was and when he commented about it to Dr. Fantom she said that the transition tank was heated to ease things. He watched the six men swimming and playing around with one another and as Daniel heard the announcement that they would begin to transition to the outside environment. This stunned the one watching them, were they really about to be released into the crushing depths of the ocean with nothing on but a pair of neoprene shorts?

As the two continued to stand there and watch something began to happen to the men, Daniel's eyes widening slightly when he began to see their skin darkening to varying shades and started to look shiny. Right before their eyes the new skin that was covering them started to stretch and shift, their muscles growing larger as webbing appeared between their lengthening toes and fingers. "I... I can't believe it..." Daniel said as he went right up to the glass, only to take a step back when one of them swam right up to the glass and grinned at him while their teeth sharpened right before their eyes. "What's happening to them?"

"We've integrated specialized nanites that are organic polymer based that completely assimilates organic tissue and transforms it into the shape that we've programmed into them, in this case a species of deep sea shark that is able to withstand the pressure and cold of the deep sea," Dr. Fantom explained as he started to move away from the tank, Daniel quickly increasing his pace to match the hurried scientist. "Now as you saw the transformation is quite dramatic, and that's why we had to wait for you to get better before you can undergo your own."

"So I guess that explains all that paperwork that I had to sign before I got down here," Daniel said as he was led to a different section of the lab where a number of cylindrical tubes filled with water stretched from floor to ceiling and could hold at least two people. They were similar to medical stasis chambers that were used for rapid long-term healing but instead of the normal biogel it was filled with bubbling water. "Is this where it's happening?"

"Very observant," Dr. Fantom explained as she took out a pair of neoprene shorts and handed it to him. "These have dormant nanites embedded in them and will bond with your body when we begin the transition process, when you wear them they will link up with what we're about to inject you with and activate them when you are completely submerged in water. Since this will be the first time that you will be experiencing a full cell reconstruction it will be very slow, but once everything has been mapped out the nanites will be able to expedite the transfer between the new biomaterial and your normal flesh and blood body."

Daniel could feel his mind reeling with all the new information that he had just ingested over the last few minutes as he went into the nearby changing room to get his new shorts on. He knew that the technology they were developing down here was cutting edge, but turning people into sharks? While he hadn't been there to see them change completely it was clear that they remained anthropomorphic in nature, which made sense given that they would often need to use tools to fix hull seams or something like that. He couldn't imagine being out there in the deep, dark depths of the sea with nothing between him and the water, but it was something he was about to experience for himself as he walked back out with only the diving shorts on. After going over a few safety procedures and what he would expect to feel he stepped up to one of the tubes that had been empty and stepped in the middle of the platform, then stood there as he was hooked up with various sensors and given a respiratory mask put over his face.

Once he was properly hooked up with everything everyone backed away and the glass tube was lowered down around him, sealing in place as Daniel breathed hard into the mask. He was told that normally the nanites did his gills and lungs first, but since this was his first time it might not happen right away and he would need the mask until they formed. He could no longer hear anything going on outside of the tube, and inside it was dead quiet until the sound of water rushing through tubes could be heard above him. The cylinder was suddenly flooded a few seconds later and caused the human to float up as the tank was filled in less then a minute.

Almost immediately Daniel began to his skin tingle as the nanite-laden water seeped into his body. It was like his entire body was becoming saturated with the substance as he pressed his hands against the tank when the sensations increased. Dr. Fantom had told him that his skin was likely going to change first and he could feel it thickening as he looked down to see it darkening. Just like the others that were transforming it was blackening much like an orca, save without the white parts as he ran his hands over his arms. He expected it to be rough like sandpaper, but it was actually completely smooth as he saw the skin between his fingers begin to loosen.

There was no pain, the researcher telling him that the first thing that happens is his nerves were temporarily numbed to ease the process, but it was still intensely surreal as he could feel his finger bones lengthening. His skin and muscles were like rubber and stretched with them while black webbing had knitted itself between the digits. His feet were undergoing a similar process, but they were much longer in nature as they formed into fins built for cutting through the water with ease. Daniel found himself moaning as his arms and legs began to thicken next; though he was toned from all the times that he had dived it was mostly the suits that did the heavy lifting, but since it was just his body it appeared that the nanites were going to help with building his muscles.

Daniel's entire body shuddered as more drastic changes began to happen to him, feeling fins pushing out of his arms and legs in order to grow more aerodynamic in the water while something similar was happening above his backbone. He hunched forward and gasped into the mask as more was happening to his actual spine as he felt a throb right at his tailbone. As his growing body thrashed around slightly with twitching muscle he saw something else floating in the water, Daniel reaching up to find that his hair was disappearing too. As his growing tail banged against the walls of the tube the changing human realized his face was the only thing that hadn't transformed yet, separated still by the mask, but that was going to change as he felt a slight sting in his neck as gills formed and caused him to rip the respirator off of him.

The effect was instantaneous; the second that his human face was exposed to the water it was like an invisible hand began to push out his mouth and nose. His webbed hands pressed against the glass as muscle and bone were reformed by the nanites, feeling his teeth growing and sharpening as his jaws stretched out. His vision increased in clarity as what was left of his nose melted into his upper jaw and his nostrils formed on the sides of his new angular muzzle. Bubbles escaped out of his mouth as he reflexively snapped up and down as his tongue and throat thickened and his tail flared out into a fin. With his changes completed he tried to pant, only to realize that wasn't how he breathed anymore as the circulating water flowed over his new gills.

"Looking good," a voice said in the tube, Dr. Fantom speaking into an intercom that projected her voice into the cylinder as the sensors retracted. "It appears that you've responded... very well to the treatment."

Daniel could see the smirk on their faces and saw that their gazes were in one specific spot, the new shark man gazing down at his own body. He immediately saw why they were leering as the neoprene was stretched out with the outline of his cock, which had also been transformed into something ridged and tapered at the tip. At first he thought that it might have been a hemi-penis but when he brought his hand down to touch it he gathered it was still one turgid shaft with a mutated form.

"It's part of the integration of the DNA," Dr. Fantom explained, which snapped Daniel out of his self-discovery before he started to play with himself to grin at them sheepishly. "Now these tubes are directly fed from the water outside, so we're going to release you directly outside since you would start transforming back into human and your team is waiting for you. Good luck out there Daniel!"

There was a moment of pause as Daniel looked at the researcher in question, then watched her push a button and cause the floor beneath him to open up. There was a slight suction as he found himself being pulled down through the floor and found himself almost immediately outside of the base itself. His initial reaction was fear; normally when one found themselves outside of anything in water as deep as this that was the end of them, but as he continued to sink down towards the stone plateau that the facility was built on he knew he was still very much alive. In fact as the cold water and darkness surrounded him he never felt more exhilarated as his fear turned to awe.

Just as he was about to use his new flippers to swim back up to the station, its lights dimming the deeper he went, he paused when something began to happen to his body. It started in his arms and legs and he looked down to see that the normally pitch black skin started to glow a bright purple in places. It was an intricate pattern of spots and sprites that started to illuminate the shadows around him as he realized that these sharks must have some sort of natural bioluminescence in his skin. It wasn't long until his entire body was surrounded with a purple aura as he floated there, and as his gaze danced over his skin he began to see other neon colors appearing in the darkness.

It was clear they were the other members of the team, the other anthro deep-sea sharks giving him a grin as they swam around him. They all had different hues of colors to identify one another and when they went up to him they used hand signals that normally were reserved for if they were in diving suits. While most came equipped with radios they still had to learn it in case something happened and it was proving most beneficial since none of them could speak under the water. With their guidance, helping him with the best form in order to swim as well as a few other tricks they learned over the week they had been doing this, they swam over to the section of the facility that they needed to check for structural damage.

When they got there Daniel found another group of anthro deep sea sharks swimming around, the leader of their own team motioning that they were part of the elite team one. Together they examined the area and it didn't take long before they gathered that there hadn't been any damage whatsoever. The transformed human was actually a little disappointed, since there was no damage from the earthquake there was nothing to fix and they would be recalled. When his team started to swim back however one of the biggest shark men from team one, a thickly muscled creature with bright red glowing markings, motioned for the others to wait and then pointed to Daniel. Despite being in the water he felt himself swallowing hard as the shark motioned for him to follow before swimming off into the darkness.

Had he done something wrong, Daniel thought to himself as he was led to an outcropping of rocks further away from the two groups as they continued to swim around one another. The smaller male quickly lost sight of them as the bigger shark swam through the darkness with Daniel following by the sight of the red glow in front of him. Eventually he was led towards into a cave that was tucked away behind a few rocky outcroppings, which even if he had a light source he wouldn't have likely found if he was looking for it. When he was led inside he still wondered what the leader of team one wanted as the other shark man cracked a glow stick to illuminate the area.

When Daniel looked over at the side of the cave he saw that some words had been scratched into the rock, which introduced the man as Elias and that if he was there he was offering some fun to have with his form. It was clear what sort of fun he was talking about as he gestured to his groin. It was at that point Daniel realized that Elias didn't have on any neoprene shorts like the others, which according to the words written on the stone wall was because they couldn't, or wouldn't, change back. The glowing purple shark found his gaze going back down towards that throbbing rod, then back up to the bedroom eyes of the male waiting to see what his decision was going to be.

Unbeknownst to Elias having sex underwater was another fantasy that Daniel harbored, and though he hadn't imagined that it would be as a shark creature with another shark creature he wasn't going to complain about it. He could feel the flippered feet slide against his skin as he swam over and hooked his arm around one of the thighs of the other male, his muzzle pressing against the already erect cock of the shark. Part of the explanation on the wall on why it had to be oral from him was he couldn't remove the neoprene shorts, which meant that anal and anything with his own cock couldn't be done so that he wouldn't disrupt the nanites contained within. That was just fine for Daniel as he took his webbed hand and wrapped around the thick shaft, his only qualm being maneuvering around the sensitive flesh with his new teeth.

It turned out not to be too much of a problem however, angling his maw in order to slide his lips around the rigid shaft. Daniel wished desperately that he could have the same done to him, but he would have to settle with pleasing the big male in front of him as his webbed hands slid up the thighs of the bigger creature to provide even more stimulation. Elias was definitely feeling the pleasure, the current of the water shifting from their bodies as Daniel felt a hand press against the back of his smooth head to urge him on. He was doing it, the black and purple shark realized as those rubbery legs pressed against his body, he was actually having sex miles below the surface of the ocean.

As he continued to bob his head up and down, his maw flexing and getting more of the cock inside, he felt the flippered feet of the other male rub against his groin. Even with the layer of neoprene Daniel felt himself get more worked up by the second, huffing and gripping the other male's body to keep from floating away with their movements. It didn't take long for Elias to cum, shooting his load into the maw of the male with rest of it floating around him. With the help of the added stimulation Daniel did the same, the smaller shark man orgasming with the added help of the fin rubbing up and down his length.

When they were finished with their fun the two shark men swam back up to the facility, and Daniel could feel his cheeks burn with slight embarrassment when he caught a few leers from the others that likely also participated in fun with Elias. He also noticed at that point that the rest of team one was also as naked as their leader as they made their way back to the transition pool. Team one only swam with them about halfway before they broke off to their own pod while the rest of them went up into the tube that led to the moon pool. They all swam up into the tube where only an hour or so ago he had been on the other side, Daniel seeing Dr. Fantom watching them as the door between them and the ocean outside closing so they could drain the tank.

The seven men held their position for a few seconds before the upper door opened, allowing them to crawl back out into the open air. Daniel was the last and watched underneath the surface of the water to see as their gills immediately closed and their features reverted back to human. Being surrounded by light Daniel's body already had lost its purple glow, leaving him a pitch black shark man as he tried to brace himself for the changes that were about to happen. Part of him wished that he would be able to stay as a shark man for a while longer, but there would be plenty of opportunity later on as it was his turn and was hoisted up by the others into the open air.

Daniel waited for his gills to disappear and for himself to start breathing normally... except as the seconds ticked by and his lungs began to burn the nanites had neither switched him over to air nor had started to transform him back. The looks of accomplishment on the others quickly turned to concern as Daniel began to wheeze, falling forward onto his knees as he clutched his throat. Blood began to pound in his head as he quickly found his vision fading and could only hear the garbled sounds of the others moving about around him. It wasn't long before he fell all the way down, or at least was about to until someone had grabbed him and lifted him back up. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was being hoisted up and flung into the air...


When Daniel came too once more he found himself back in the medical tube, instinctively freaking out as he pressed against the glass until his mind caught up with the situation. He saw Dr. Fantom standing there with a look of concern on his face as he looked down at himself and found that he was still a shark. "Welcome back to the land of the living Daniel," Dr. Fantom said through the intercom, Daniel looking down at her in concern. "Your team tossed you back into the moon pool after you failed to revert back into human form, and then we put you there to recover."

When the shark man wanted to ask what was going on he remembered that he was underwater, instead trying to sign it out before the researcher continued on. "It appears that decompression sickness wasn't the only thing that you were going to have problems with down here," she explained. "After doing a number of diagnostics on your nanites we have found out that they failed to copy down your human form to change back into, so I'm afraid that your humanity has been lost to the darkness. Daniel... I'm afraid that you're never going to be able to change back."

Daniel felt his heart sink down into his chest and panic start to rise as he came to grips with what he had just been told. Never become human again... he was going to be a shark man for the rest of his days. In the background he could hear Dr. Fantom go over the usual spiel that the company was not liable for damages due to the contract that he signed but they would continue to take care of him and attempt to work towards a solution. What brought him back to reality however was when she told him that he was going to have to be reassigned to a new team...

A few minutes later Daniel swam out of the tube and into the dark ocean that was his new home, though he definitely wasn't alone as he saw several other shark men swimming around the exit. Elias was floating there with his arms crossed as he nodded to their newest team member, Daniel finding his body glowing with purple hues as he swam up to him. The lust that they had just shared just hours ago was still fresh to him, and from the throbbing erection that the other male was sporting Elias had the same feeling. As Daniel glanced around he saw that the others were the same way, though they were letting their team leader induct their newest member. There was just one last thing they had to do before he was officially part of his new squad as Elias took his webbed fingers and slid the neoprene shorts down... he wasn't going to be needing them anymore as his own cock sprang free.

Even though they were still in the view of the facility it appeared that Elias nor the others cared, taking the exposed member and stroking it while turning Daniel around to expose his tailhole. Despite not being able to talk to one another he could practically hear them saying that he was to be one of them and join in their pod as he felt the head of the throbbing cock push between his cheeks. This was going to be far more intense than a blowjob, Daniel thought to himself as he felt him start to push in. Their bodies drifted through the water as Elias continued to hold his thighs to brace him for the insertion.

A stream of bubbles left Daniel's mouth as the head popped inside the tight ring of muscle, his tail thrashing through the water and causing them to spin a bit before Elias stabilized him. The entire group had started to drift into the darkness away from the facility as others began to get in on the action with other shark creatures pairing off or getting into a pair of three. For Daniel though his only partner was going to be Elias as their purple and red glowing forms grew brighter in the increasing darkness. By the time they had started to get into a rhythm they were completely engulfed in blackness, save for the other sharks that swam around.

It was... beautiful, Daniel thought to himself, the colors dancing around their bodies as he continued to get impaled by the muscular shark man behind him. No longer being human was starting to become less and less tragic the longer he felt that ridged cock inside him, watching the glow swirls around him as he was thrusted into. With his own maleness getting openly stroked he knew that life was going to change for him... but this was somewhat what he had always wanted after all. As his internal walls clamped down on Elias and he had had his first climax freed of the confines of humanity he used his finned feet to buck back and hilt deep to make the other shark do the same.

Yeah... Daniel could definitely see himself fitting in down here...

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