The Cold Shoulder

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In the middle of a heatwave the sweltering weather was too much for one man's air conditioner to bear and gives up the ghost. Fortunately for him there's a helpful group that is more than willing to give him something new.

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Ari found himself sweating as his body swayed slowly while he rode the bus back to his home, the air conditioning doing little to help him keep cool as he rode back from his job at a construction site where the summer sun had been beating down on him all day even though he worked mostly in the equipment trailer. From the look of the miserable faces around him he wasn't the only one that wasn't fond of the unusually warm North Carolina weather, and with the forecast showing the heat wave lasting into the weekend it spoiled any plans that he or likely anyone else had made to go outside. At this rate all Ari wanted to do was take a shower and relax on his couch, a goal which was made one step closer as the bus arrived at his stop and he quickly made his way over to his apartment building. After stopping to grab his mail he walked up the several flights of stairs to his door and saw someone coming in from the opposite direction.

"How's it hanging Ari?" the other man said, giving him a nod as they both walked to their respective doors.

"You know how it is Gus," Ari replied with a smirk as he nodded back to his neighbor across the hall. "Just trying not to become a puddle on the pavement."

"I hear you on that one," Gus replied with a chuckle. "If you're not busy tonight why don't you stop by and have a drink, got one of the last few six-packs they had at the bodega before they ran out. I swear people around here run on beer more than they do water."

Ari laughed at that and said that he probably would, then walked into his apartment. Even before he could close his door behind him he could feel that the summer heat had turned his rather small place into a proverbial oven. Since electricity wasn't covered on the lease he normally waited until he got home until he turned on his window air conditioner, but as the sweat that had been staunched in the climate-controlled hallways returned with a vengeance he wished he had left it on. Given that he had such a small space and night was approaching he knew that it would be manageable by the time he was finished cooking dinner as he clicked on the unit.


As he put his hands against the output of the unit he didn't even feel a breeze coming through it and Ari cursed to himself as he attempted to look it over. While the air conditioner he was using was a bit on the older side he didn't think that he was having any problems with it, yet after ten minutes he practically collapsed in a heap after doing everything he could think of to resurrect the unit. With his apartment basically a sweatbox and with no real recourse for him there was only one thing he could think of doing to rectifying the situation. After taking a shower, which did little to help as he still felt wet even after drying off, he got dressed and grabbed his laptop before opening the door and walking over to the one opposite of it.

There was a few moments before the door opened and the familiar face of Gus looked out from the crack. "Wow, you must really want that drink," the other male said with a chuckle as he opened the door and let him in. "You alright?"

"Damn air conditioner conked out on me," Ari replied with a sigh. "I was thinking about going to the store to get one but at the moment I really just need a place where I can look stuff up without sweating to death. Might if I use your couch as a base of operations?"

"Of course buddy," Gus replied with a grin as he patted Ari on the arm. "Mi casa es su casa, make yourself at home."

Though Ari smiled and gave his thanks once more the combination of the touch on his bicep and the mention of the word buddy made him cringe on the inside. When Ari had first met his new neighbor, which he had originally introduced as Gustav, it had been on a summer month a few years ago that was only slightly cooler than what he had at the moment. That meant that he was in a tank top and cargo shorts when he knocked on his door and asked if he could help him with a few boxes. Ari had found himself nodding as he tried not to stare at the handsome male, though he allowed himself to indulge when the other guy had his back turned.

As they brought up boxes they talked for a bit and Ari found out that Gus worked as a nurse in the local hospital and the two of them had a few other hobbies in common. He was surprised at the occupation of the other man given his physique, at that point he had just been starting work in the construction scene but he hadn't gained much in the way of muscle like the others and thought that Gus might have been in a similar profession. It didn't matter much to Ari though as he spent most of the day moving in his new neighbor, Gus very appreciative of the act and offered to make it up to him with a pizza dinner on his treat. As the night wore on Ari continued to try and test the waters to see if perhaps, they might be compatible as more then friends...

...until a knock at the door midway through their conversation revealed the girlfriend of Gus, the two kissing when they met the door. Even though he had been introduced to her Ari couldn't remember her name, though it didn't matter much since they had broken up a month or so later. During that time afterwards though he and Gus had gotten to be good friends and he had gotten beyond the initial lust that he had felt. Still, when he got touched by the other man it briefly brought up what could have possibly been as he took the beer that was handed to him and plopped down on the couch in the seat closest to the functioning AC while the news played.

As Ari waited for his computer to boot he looked up and read that there was some sort of breaking news going on, but before he could read the entirety of the ticker the screen switched to the next channel. "Looked like something interesting was happening," he said as he went back to his laptop and opened it. "Happen to catch any of it?"

"Yeah, it was actually another Antaris attack," Gus replied as he sat down and handed one of the drinks he had taken from his fridge to him, seeing the confused look on his friend's face. "You've never heard of Antaris?"

"Can't say that I have," Ari replied with a shrug. "What are they, some sort of terrorist group?"

"I suppose you could call them that," Gus stated as he flipped back to the news, Ari's eyes widening slightly when he saw police wrestling with someone that looked like they were decked out in a naked lion man mascot outfit despite the news blurring out his crotch. "As you can see they don't kill anyone, instead they just turn people into anthro creatures. No one knows how they manage to do it, mostly because they'll mutate or infect a small group of people all at once and then poof, they disappear."

"That's crazy," Ari replied. "Did this happen here?"

"No, they attacked a pride parade in San Francisco," Gus explained as they watched the news reporter continue to report while they continued to round up those that had been transformed. "This time it was mostly lions, guess whatever group this is appreciated the humor in that. From what I've seen there was forty-three initially changed..."

"Initially?" Ari asked.

"Turns out whatever contagion they have is able to be spread," Gus stated as he flipped the channel back. "They thought it was a virus but they can't find anything in the victims. Anyway... this isn't really good conversation, why don't you go AC hunting and I'll see if I still have any chips left over from game day."

Ari nodded and opened his laptop, looking through the various local shops where he could get one right away to try and avoid inconveniencing his friend too much as well as being able to sleep in his own apartment during the heatwave. Unfortunately he was not the only one that was looking for such a thing and after seeing that several of the bigger stores were completely sold out he had to resort to going to local sellers sites in order to try a used one. He just needed it for a few days, he thought to himself as he tried to find anyone that was looking to sell, and then he could order a new one on-line that can get shipped to him.

After a few hours Gus joined in as well, and as the hours continued to pass the search became more desperate. Just as Gus suggested that he could stay there long if he would like Ari let out an exclamation of triumph and turned his laptop over and showed his friend what he had found. It was a confirmation for a brand new air conditioner that was part of a giveaway, one of fifty lucky people in the area that was able to get it. It was going to be there tomorrow morning... which meant that he was only going to have to go to his hot box of an apartment for one night.

Fortunately Gus spared him the burden of having to go back, instead letting him crash on the couch for the night. The two spent some more time talking and watching television until they both decided to turn in for the night. Gus went into a nearby closet and got him a set of covers along with a spare pillow, the smile faltering slightly from Ari's face when he was told that it was his ex-girlfriend's and that he didn't need more than one. It was a reminder that he didn't need at the moment, but he quickly brushed it off as he looked forward to only having to couch surf for one night.

The next morning Ari woke up with his phone alarm, quickly shutting it off as he saw the sun slowly rising over the horizon of the city. Though he didn't want to go to work and wished to be there for the delivery of his new air conditioner he knew the building would hold it for him and his boss wouldn't take kindly to him ducking out in the middle of the week. He folded up the blanket and put it on the couch before sneaking out, not wanting to wake his gracious host before heading back into his own place. The wave of heat that greeted him once more made him wish that he had cracked open a window as he got dressed, looking at the busted A/C in his window with betrayal before his gear and leaving for the day.

When Ari got back to the apartment he asked the front office if he had gotten a package today, only to feel his heart sink into his feet when he was told no. Had he misunderstood something on the form that he was supposed to do? The thought that he would have to either impose himself on Gus again or sweat out the night caused him to sigh internally as he climbed the stairs to his apartment. Once he got to his floor he saw someone else already in the hallway, but to his surprise it was not Gus that was there.

"You Ari, apartment four-H?" the man holding the large box said, the construction worker finding himself nodding. "Thought that might be you, I have your new air conditioner here ready to install. If you'll let me in I can get you cooling down in under a few minutes!"

"Now that's a bold claim," Ari replied with a chuckle of his own before his face turned more serious. "You know that this is an apartment, right? I read in your promotional that these were window air conditioners?"

"Indeed they are," the man said as he patted the box with his fingers. "But this is a very advanced piece of machinery that you've won and I want to make sure that it's working properly."

Ari was too hot and tired to really think about it all that much as he opened the door and allowed the technician in, telling him to do whatever he needed to do. He could hear the other guy comment on how hot it was and then walked over to the window he had been using for his old air conditioner. Though he wanted to take a shower and get changed he didn't want to leave some random stranger in his apartment. True to his word though the guy managed to install it in a few minutes and it did seem like there was a lot of fiddling he was doing with the control panel. Once he had finished the technician said that he was ready to go, telling him that he would need to run it on the recommended settings for a few days before adjusting the settings.

It was a welcome sight and Ari was grateful enough to offer the man a drink, who promptly declined and said he had other installations to make. He looked up from searching in the refrigerator he saw that the guy had already left, causing him to pause slightly before he shrugged and closed the door. With the promise of cooler times he went over to the new device and saw that it was indeed a bit complicated, composing mostly of an LED screen and a number of buttons. It didn't take him long though to find the one marked power and turn it on, hearing the device whirr to life for a few seconds before kicking in.

The first blast of cold air that hit him practically sent him to the floor with how good it felt. He quickly stripped off his sweaty uniform and got completely naked, taking just a few seconds to stand there feeling the cold on his wet skin. It was so good he actually felt himself getting aroused by it, which caused him to chuckle before he went to shower and get into dry clothing. By the time he had finished and gotten out it was clear the temperature had dropped by almost ten degrees, maybe even more as he looked through his clothes before opting for just a short sleeved shirt and pair of boxers.

He went and prepared dinner for himself before sitting down in his living room, almost feeling chilled at that point as the cool leather of the chair met his skin. Had Gus not been on a double shift he would have invited him over to see the new unit in action. As the minutes passed however he realized that it was better it hadn't happen as he began to feel extremely tired. Ari thought about retiring before heading to bed but the gentle buzz of the new machine and the cold of the room after being in the heat quickly lulled him to sleep.

The sound of his alarm made him wake up with a snort, Ari looking around for a second to remind him of where he was in the darkness. His television had turned off in the middle of the night and as he rubbed his face he realized his entire body felt stiff. It likely happened because he slept in his chair in the cold, though the chill in the air was more than welcome instead of the heat that awaited him outside. He had just one day left of work and then he could truly enjoy his newfound climate control as he rubbed his feet, which to his dismay felt a bit swollen and he hadn't realized how thick his toenails had gotten. There wasn't much he could do about it though as he went to his bedroom in order to get dressed for the final day of the work week.

As he got dressed he found something else that was a bit strange; every outfit that he had attempted to put on seemed very tight on him. After the fourth pair of uniforms that he tossed on the floor he finally decided to investigate and went to the bathroom to try and figure out what was going on. When he turned on the light and looked at himself in the mirror he found that it wasn't just his feet that were swollen, his whole body appeared to be bloated as he looked at his thicker arms. It would have caused him to worry, but... whether it was the very long sleep he had or some respite from the cold he actually felt better than ever!

Where the problem seemed to be the most prevalent was his groin strangely enough as his cock slipped out through the front of his boxers, the guy tilting his head to the side as it looked... thicker and longer then before. While he wouldn't considered himself quite small he wouldn't think himself as well-endowed, but as it swung slightly from side to side it definitely was bigger. Like the rest of his body too it also seemed slightly swollen to the point where his head looked like it had been part of the shaft, though that could have just been from whatever reaction he was having. But he was already starting to get late and switched out his boxers for brief that definitely bulged more than before as he shook his head.

Ari made a mental note to himself to make sure that he didn't sleep in his chair this time as he looked at himself one more time before going back to try and find something to wear. Fortunately he had a larger uniform that he had gotten once accidently and never returned, which turned out to fit him just right, and though his feet were a bit cramped he managed to get them on so he could go to work. Once he was finished he quickly made his way out of the door after going over to his air conditioner and taking one last hug before gong back out into the heat of the day. He had seen Gus coming out as well and though he wanted to tell him about his new air conditioner he could already see that he was rushing out of his place as well.

The day at work flew by quickly for Ari and by the time he got back to his apartment he was grinning from ear to ear, even the fact that he was standing shoulder to shoulder in the ride back to his home couldn't damper his spirits. The entire time he felt like a beast and was hauling stuff all day without even breaking his stride, to the point where he was getting kudos from the other workers on being able to bring up more to their areas on the sight then ever before. He even got noticed by the boss and was called in to say that whatever he was doing to keep it up and couldn't help but cause his chest to swell with pride. The only thing that was a bit of a damper on his day was that he started to get a cramping feeling in his feet as the day wore on, but that just made him look forward to getting back home and settling in to his nice cold apartment for the weekend without any clothes on.

As he made his way up the stairs however he had to catch himself more than once as a jolt of discomfort went up from his foot to his leg. He took a second to catch his breath and started to wonder if perhaps he got a little overenthusiastic at his job, though the thought that he could do that just caused him to start laughing. It continued that way for about a minute before he realized he was cackling on for no real reason and hoofed it the remaining stairs, though he was practically limping as he got to his door. It didn't help that he saw Gus coming in as well and could immediately see the look of concern on his face when he saw the discomfort that Ari was feeling. When he asked what was wrong Ari quickly brushed him off and said that it was just a long day and he'll invite him over later to check out his new air conditioner.

Though Gus continued to look at him wearily he just nodded and walked into his own apartment as he did the same. The wave of cold that greeted him was a great comfort as he hobbled in and sat down over onto his chair. He let himself relax for a few seconds before leaning down to take off his boots, but as he did he heard a loud rip behind him that caused him to pause. When he shifted his body to see what had happened he saw that he had ripped a seam in the back of his pants that gone all the way from his butt to his crotch. With how well the day had been going he hadn't even realized that this uniform had gotten tight on him since his main focus had usually just been on his shoes.

That brought Ari's attention back to his shoes and tried to wiggle his toes, only to find that he was unable to even do so any more. When he leaned down to untie his boots he saw something else that had caused him to pause when he saw his fingernails had gotten much longer. They didn't look unhealthy... in fact they had a luster to them that made them look really nice if he wasn't startled with how pointy they had gotten. Once he had gotten over that it just made him see what was going on with his feet as he eventually just ripped away the laces and pulled them off with his newfound strength.

Ari gasped loudly as he saw the reason for the increasing discomfort that was coming from his feet as they looked not only swollen and disformed but his toes had grown thick claws that probably would have ripped through his boots if they hadn't been steel-toed. As he brought one of his feet up to get a better look he saw that the bottom had gotten thicker... almost like they were animal pads. When his fingers slid along his swollen skin he could feel that hair had started to grow on it and the muscles were still shifting before his eyes. He could feel his breathing increase and as his panting started to hiss through his teeth he could feel them shifting as well.

What... what was happening... Ari thought in a panic as he stood up, hearing his pants ripping even more as he did so and his shirt quickly starting to follow suit. The muscles that he thought was just swelling this morning had thickened even more and when he flexed his arm to see what was happening his bigger biceps ripped his sleeves right in half. The areas where his skin was exposed he could also see that the hair on his body was growing thicker as well, almost looking like fur as his somewhat athletic but still chubby build was shifting to the former. It was like his fat packets were being metabolized as he let out a groan, and his hands went from his developing abs down towards his groin it was just in time to press against the throbbing bulge that his uniform pants could hardly contain.

As the thick cock popped the button and broke the zipper of his pants he let out a sharp intake of breath, pressing his back against his chair as the pleasure that came from his member being freed was almost too much for him to bear. His newfound claws dug into the sides of the chair as he tried to hold back the torrent of new emotion moving through his system. There was fear, yes, but also power and strength as the hair on his body continued to thicken, becoming patterned in spots on the darker parts that framed his body while the lighter fur on his belly remained solid. As his toes flexed and popped and he began to feel his nose swelling he remembered back to the previous day on what his friend was talking about and the group that turned people into animals...

The Antaris...

His eyes shifted towards the air conditioner that had just been installed and Ari stood up on his chair, wobbling slightly from his new frame as he heard bones popping into new configurations to make room for the new muscle that was still growing on him. Though he wasn't sure what he was going to do when he got there he had to at least stop the air conditioner from continuing to do whatever it was doing... perhaps if he stopped it he could halt his transformation until he could call someone to help. As he got close though the cold air not only wafted against his erect maleness but also caused him to practically howl as it traveled up his chest and rubbed against his nipples. It was so intense that it caused him to stumble backwards before falling on his own floor.

That was a dirty trick, Ari thought to himself as he pressed a finger against the protruding nub of flesh and squirmed slightly as he did. Not only did it cause him to moan out once more but he felt something else rise up from his throat; it began as a simple snort at first before he found himself giggling, then laughing as his hands continued to stimulate his chest unbidden. Even though he knew it was no laughing matter he couldn't help himself, and as he did he felt his feet and legs continue to shift and mutate as though it was spurring it on. He put his hands against his face to try and get himself to stop but as his fingers pressed against his lips he could feel them pushing back against them while he continued to practically roll on the floor.

It wasn't until he heard someone banging at the door that he stopped, the transforming creature not realizing how loud he had been until that moment. Had he gained the attention of one of the neighbors, or had someone called the police? What if it was one of the Antaris that was coming back to check on their handiwork? Either way he was aware that with the fur growing on his body and his new musculature he would have a lot of explaining to do, and continued to lie their panting heavily while he waited to see what would happen next.

There was a second round of knocking before he heard the voice of Gus shout asking if he was alright, which caused his ears to perk up slightly. It was then he noticed that his ears felt different and when he put his finger tips against them they pressed against furry points and that they were much further up on his skull then he was used to. Whatever the Antaris used against him was pretty potent, he thought to himself as he felt another cackle leave his mouth as he got up and rushed to the door. The bizarre nature of his body changing and the intense pleasure that he was under made it hard to think straight as he finally made his way over to the source of the banging.

"Ari, I heard something coming from your... apartment..." Gus said as the door flung open to reveal the partially transformed man behind it, mostly naked aside from a few bits of clothing that were hanging onto his body for dear life. "I... damn..."

"Gus..." Ari replied, his senses clearing slightly upon seeing a familiar face as the fear from his situation crept back into his mind. "I think... I think I need your help..."

Before he knew it Ari had managed to stumble into the hallway and nearly pinned the transfixed Gus against the other side of the wall, both parties trying to make heads or tails of what was happening. "Ari..." Gus stated before recovering first, shaking his head and pushing the mutated human away. "Ari, we need to get you to the hospital right now!"

"The hospital?" Ari replied, images of being dissected while observed by people in the operating theater suddenly coming to mind that caused his eyes to widen. "No! I-I can't!"

"You got to do this Ari," Gus said in a slightly calmer voice as he could clearly see his friend becoming more flustered by the second. "You are a patient zero of an Antaris attack, if we are able to get you to the hospital before you finish changing you might be able to give them insight into what is happening to you! So far the only time they could get samples is after the transformation finished, this could possibly show them how it's happening!"

"Are you kidding?!" Ari shot back as he gestured to himself. "Look at me! I already look like some weird werewolf and the changes... they're coming faster, I can feel them. By the time an ambulance gets here it'll be too late and if I go outside now I'll cause a panic."

Though it was clear that Gus did not like the logic that Ari was using he knew he was correct, especially when the changing human grunted and leaned forward again as he felt his spine beginning to lengthen. "Alright, I think that I can try and extract a sample from you now," Gus said as he went over to his door and opened it. "But while we're doing this I'm calling an ambulance so that we can get you to a hospital a soon as we're done, alright?"

Ari continued to grit his teeth but the smooth, reassuring voice of the other male was able to have him calm down enough to agree. The second he nodded his head the health care worker immediately opened his door and looked down the hallway to make sure no one spotted them before ushering him inside his own apartment. At this point he had started to get used to walking on his new feet, which along with his hands had shifted much further than the rest of his body. While his fingers merely gained pads, claws, and fur his feet were now radically different as the arch of his foot supported a brand-new stance.

As he started to massage his mostly transformed foot paws he could see Gus darting around back and forth, putting down a bag with the hospital logo of a caduceus on the floor next to him before going back off into his bedroom while on the phone. The was the first time Ari had actually seen him in action and it was truly a sight to behold as he came back with various pieces of protective equipment on as well. "So it appears that the Antaris attack has already made itself known," Gus explained while he put down another set of tools. "Currently there are a number of other cases where people have gone out and caused a panic, so far it doesn't look like anyone is spreading it though so that's a good thing."

"Need to spread?" Ari asked.

"Yeah, remember the lions with the pride parade?" Gus explained as he pulled out a set of silver rods. "One thing that seems to be a constant with this thing is that it's transmitted sexually, and it appears to reside in the semen of those that they change. You probably noticed until now that you haven't been able to cum and those who were studying it think that while your penis is transforming it shut down the ability to ejaculate, which is what these are for."

Ari's eyes widened when he saw his friend pick up one of the rods, backing into the chair he was sitting on and feeling the growing tail behind him get pushed into the fake leather. "Is that... is that going where I think it's going?" the changing human asked, Gus nodding. "I... you haven't even bought me dinner first."

"I assure you if it was just as simple as jacking off I would have you go into the bathroom with a cup," Gus replied as he took the remnants of the clothing that had been hanging on the furry thighs of the other male and setting them aside. "But by the time you would be done and able to cum you would have fully transformed and then this would be useless, and I have no idea how to slow it down until the ambulance arrives so we can't wait for additional help on this."

There was a loud ripping noise as once more Ari accidently tore into the fabric of the couch he was sitting on, to which Gus replied that he was probably going to throw it out anyway after this was done. This was definitely not how he thought that something like what was happening would go down, Ari thought to himself as he watched the other male glove up before grabbing his quivering member. At this point he had reached nearly half a foot and the flesh was growing increasingly pink, especially at the head where even as he watched it grew more angular in nature. On a human it would look downright ridiculous, but on his ever-increasing musculature it looked almost normal to see it jutting out from his furred crotch.

Once more Ari felt himself clench slightly as the tip of the metal rod was placed against it, trying to relax like Gus was telling him as he used his other hand to massage the opening. He had never once experienced anything like this and though he trusted his friend he couldn't bear to look as it was happening. What he wasn't expecting as when it slid into the head of his cock that it would cause a jolt of pleasure multiplied by the hand still rubbing on his cock. How many times had he fantasized about this man doing something like this to him, only for it to be something clinical as Gus warned him he was going in.

Ari nearly leapt up from the chair as the polished metal was slid into him, nearly spraining the new tail that was still growing behind him as he let out a loud howl that was quickly told to stop. Not only was the rod slowly going deeper into him but his cock seemed to be growing even more around it, to the point where Gus didn't even have to keep inserting it as Ari began to pant. As his breathing grew heavier he could feel his tongue starting to flop out past his lips and press against sharpening teeth while his face began to stretch. Even though his ears were ringing with pleasure, and growth as they continued to migrate to the top of his head, he could still hear Gus saying that they were running out of time.

"Whoa... what are... you doing..." Ari managed to say between pants as he saw Gus slowly stroking the sensitive flesh up and down, his fingers growing increasingly distant from one another as he did.

"We have to get you to climax before your transformation finishes," Gus explained. "It seems that stimulation is causing it to hasten, so we have to get you off soon or else this is for nothing."

"Well you're doing a great job!" Ari exclaimed with a grunt as his toes curled when Gus began to slide the rod in and out of him at the same time as the stroking. "You sure you haven't done this with a guy before?"

"I assure you I only have eyes for the ladies," Gus replied, which caused another fit of cackling from Ari before he could control himself. "I only have two hands here so you're going to have to hurry yourself along, I'm seeing less humanity in you by the second."

Though Ari could hardly focus over the increasingly potent stimulation he knew that Gus was right; he could feel his hair shifting on his head as his ears became more pointed and canine while his tail pressed up against the middle of his back. Though he knew little about animals he could guess that he was turning into some sort of hyena creature, though his upper body below his neck was a little stockier than what he would imagine that of such an animal would be. When he relayed what he thought between pants Gus looked up at him and said that he might be a hybrid, which would be a first for Antaris before motioning for him to focus once more.

As his upper and lower jaw began to shift Ari could feel his build to orgasm starting to slow and his mind raced on how he could speed the process along, thinking back to his transformation and where this strange mutation had caused extra sensitivity. "Gus..." Ari said as he held up one of his feet and wiggled his clawed toes. "You have to... rub it..."

"I can't stimulate you and keep the rod in," Gus replied, his one hand holding the piece of metal pulling it up slightly to cause the transforming male to shudder. "I mean, I could just do this one handed, but then nothing's stimulating your shaft and-"

"Do it!" Ari said with a growl, a little more forceful then he had intended as his cock throbbed and pushed out a little more in length. "Just... trust me, if this goes how I think I won't need you to stroke me."

The other male shrugged and took the hand he had been using to rub up and down his shaft and moved to his toes, causing Ari to moan loudly when he played with the new pads of his feet. Already it was doing more for him then the attention given to his transforming length. It still wasn't quite enough though and Ari knew where to go in order to press himself over the edge. His fingers quivered slightly as they hovered over his nipples hidden in the fur, taking a second to steady himself before his fingers went to the sensitive flesh and began to rub.

The effect was nearly instantaneous; the combination of the pressure on his new paws and his self-stimulation to his hard nipples made his libido jump from ten to a hundred. Soon his body was bucking upwards and causing Gus to have to hold onto the rod more as his lust overtook every other thought in his body. It was so good... this new body, these new feelings, all of them were purely overwhelming as he was caressed and rubbed. It took less then a minute before he finally let out a barking gasp and felt himself climax, which caused Gus's eyes to widen when he saw he was unprepared and pulled the rod out while trying to grab the specimen cup.

That action caused the hyena-bear hybrid to cum almost instantly, which splattered against the human as his hips bucked into the air. With neither of his hands holding onto the bucking shaft jets of it went everywhere until he could get a hold of it, eventually angling it down into the cup to still collect more than enough. Some of it still dribbled everywhere as the furry form of the completely transformed creature practically collapsed back into the chair with a pleasured sigh. Ari was so blissed out he didn't even realize what had happened until he saw Gus stand up with stains all over his front.

"Oh man..." Ari said while still panting, watching as Gus carefully tried to pull off the cum-soaked gloves he had on and put them into the nearby biohazard bag he had prepared. "Gus... I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it," Gus replied as he managed to get the gloves off before pulling away the protective gear on his head. "This is why I wore this stuff in the first place, and you aren't the worst that I've ever gotten on me. One time I had a patient come in that-"

Gus paused when he had pulled off his top and saw that Ari was looking at him with wide eyes. When he looked down at himself he saw why; tiny black dots had formed on his chest where he had gotten hit. The same situation was happening where he had also gotten some on his groin and even as he pulled down the pants he saw that the bulge, which Ari admitted was pretty impressive, had started to twitch and expand in his briefs. Even as they watched the blackness of his skin started to spread, at first just his veins started to turn black before the skin above them hardened and turned shiny.

"Oh no..." Ari said as he went over and touched the bare flesh with his clawed hands, not even realizing that he was being inappropriate as he saw the transformed flesh cracking in a peculiar pattern. "Gus... I think... I think that I definitely got you infected."

"So it would seem," Gus replied as he took a step back from the other anthro, his abs growing even more defined as the black scales spread over them. "Something different from you for sure... other than the lion attack that recently happened those that were exposed by others did often change species. Oh god..."

"What?" Ari asked.

"N-Nothing," Gus replied as he put his hands to his head. "It's alright though, paramedics are on their way and if I can just hold off the transformation like you did then they might be able to treat me before I change fully. I'll just call them and update them on my-"

As Gus moved towards the phone he suddenly started falling forward, Ari catching him in his muscular arms before he could hit the floor. As the hybrid looked to see what happened it was clear that Gus' transformation was moving much faster than his, watching as his shorts were being pulled down by the flesh knitting together between his thighs. He also saw that exposed rear of the other male and found himself licking his lips, but quickly shook his head of the thought and tried to focus on helping his friend. To his surprise though when he went back to try and help him up he was met with a kiss on his muzzle that nearly caused him to drop the transforming male.

Ari found himself moaning slightly and had even starting sticking his tongue into the mouth of his friend before he felt Gus recoil back in a mixture of shock and horror. "Oh no... no no no..." Gus said as he shook his head, his words hissing slightly as the saliva on his lips caused them to turn black and get puffy. "I thought this was just a rumor... thisss can't actually be happening..."

"What?" Ari asked in confusion as he saw Gus' tongue stretch out past his lips and split at the middle. "What rumor?"

"The virussss... or whatever transssforms people is stored in the sssemen," Gus explained, though he had to pause more than once as black scales began to spread over his face and cheeks. "Ssso they make sure that those infected find preference in their preferred ssstock..."

Preferred stock... males... Ari's eyes widened at the revelation, though it soon became when he heard Gus' jaw pop and his nose began to melt into his face from the scales overtaking it. The transformation on his lower body hadn't slowed either and as Ari looked back down he merging legs flopped about as his knees were overtaken and seemingly disappeared. It was clear however that his upper body was going to remain humanoid as his pectorals filled out and his frame grew, making his still human arms look smaller in comparison. The changes were also making the other male much heavier as Ari attempted to get him up only to have him roll over since the merging of his legs had reached his calves.

The two of them ended up falling back with Ari going nearly head over heels on the couch with the changing male landing on top of him. When the hybrid asked Gus if he was alright he didn't get a response and leaned up to see that the increasingly serpentine eyes of the transforming creature had fixated on his cock. Despite everything going on his maleness had started to get semi-hard once more, and though the angle of the couch made it was hard to see Ari noticed that he wasn't the only one. Though scales had already surrounded the completely merged groin of the other male the transformation hadn't quite reached his cock... but that was quickly changing.

Ari stared transfixed as the human member that awkwardly dangled there began to inflate, the head of it beginning to taper as the base sank into a slit forming. He could hear Gus trying to say something but there was nothing that could stop him from shifting his form and crawling to the suspended maleness. "Gus... you know the first time I wanted to meet you this is where I hoped things would end up," he confessed as he grabbed onto the shaft, watching the lengthening lower body coiled around itself in sheer pleasure. "Who would have thought I would be here after years and turning into an animal..."

"Ari, I..." Gus started to say, stopping partially because he had likely assumed that it was the transformation that was causing his lust and mostly because his fangs had started to push out past his lips and threatened to poke him as he continued to talk until they stopped. "I... can't... I don't..." as Ari continued to lean in he found the cock that was his prize lengthening to meet him. "I shouldn't be doing this, it's just the changes."

"Just give in Gus..." Ari found himself saying unprompted. "I want you to feel good... it's only natural that you want to do the same."

As he could feel the transforming snake man shifting about Ari wanted to give in to his baser instincts, licking on the shaft as it grew smoother and pink. Since he was only able to see his own maleness transform it was a treat to see the flesh of another shifting right before his eyes. It made him wonder what it would be to feel it transforming in his maw as he began to lick and push his lips against it. Whether it was his lust or something that was in the transformation that the Antaris had put in his mind it was completely in control while he took the tip of the lengthening cock and put it in his maw.

He saw a shiver go down the entire length of the snake's body, including the tip of his tail which formed when his feet merged as black scales cascaded over them, and he could see out of the corner of his eye that Ari's transformation was finishing quite nicely. He could see the resolve to maintain his previous preference weakening under the pleasure coming from the hyena-bear as well as his own changes. As his own head continued to quiver from moving forward towards the thick cock of the hybrid his serpentine snout continued to push out and, more noticeably, the flesh of his neck and the back of his head began to stretch out with black scales covering it.

It was the transformation that had caused Gus's new snout to bump into the head of the throbbing cock and Ari could see the lust and need in his serpentine eyes overwhelming his previous senses. It probably didn't help that he was in a brand-new body with one of his friends sucking him off, licking his tongue around the still lengthening shaft as it started to push down into his throat. While he started to push even deeper down onto it the hybrid wondered if it was going to gain any additional features that snakes might have, but it appeared to remain one extremely smooth shaft as he sank it down into his throat. As he continued to stimulate the other male he felt something flick against his shaft and knew what was coming as the new king cobra was having these new instincts coil around his mind.

As he thought of coils suddenly Ari suddenly found the body of the naga starting to shift and suddenly the cock that he had been slurping on was pushed even deeper inside of him. He hadn't been paying attention to the lower body of the creature since it was still toying with the idea of reciprocating his advances but as a low hissing sound could be heard he began to feel the scales of the other male pressing all around him. Before he even realized it he had been wrapped around several times with his arms pinned to his sides. Ari thought that he would have his mouth continuously filled until it was pulled out of him while Gus shifted into his field of vision.

The difference between the human and the creature he had become was staggering; as the king cobra flexed his muscular arms they could see that he was still growing even at that moment, whatever Antaris mutations in Ari's cum causing the other creature to look like a professional athlete as he gave his fanged maw one last stretch. The hyena-bear didn't think that his neighbor could get any more beautiful, yet as he continued to remain in the embrace of the equally strong coils he found himself practically panting as his form was manipulated. It appeared that the changes to his friend had come to a head and as Gus leaned in Ari could see the last of the white part of his eyes shifting to completely green while it stared into him.

"I feel... amazing..." Gus said as he continued to shift and flex his new form, though his gaze remained fixated on the one in front of him. "To think that I was worried at one point about being the part of an Antaris attack... now I can see that this is a gift they're trying to bring to the world. A freedom from humanity, unshackling us from the bindings of human society and... human inhibitions."

It was quite clear on what the serpent meant by that even before he leaned in once more and gave another kiss, this time his tongue sliding in past Ari's lips in order to explore the insides of his mouth. It was quite the shift from what he had experienced before, the hybrid thought to himself as he pushed back so their muzzles pressed together even more to get more of the snake inside of him. As they continued to make out there was something else happening as well as Ari could feel the cobra's body slide around his fur. With the flexible form of the scaly male he was able to get the hyena-bear into a place where he began to feel something... throbbing press up between his furry cheeks while his tail was pinned to his back.

"You're... really going into the deep end, aren't you?" Ari said sheepishly, blushing slightly as he could feel the arousal of the other male pressing against him.

"You can say that again," Gus replied with a smirk on his serpentine snout. "I have you to thank for this, not only for giving this form but had you not spurred me on further I would probably be going mad with all the lust that I feel right now. I look forward to channeling it all into you..."

Ari was about to say something but his breath caught in his throat as the tip of the king cobra's cock began to slide up inside of him. Though he had instinctively clenched he immediately tried to take a deep breath to relax, and whether it was due to the transformation that he had gone under or his previous knowledge of such things he found his new tailhole able to accept the tapered member with more ease. Even so he found his clawed hands grabbing onto the toned chest of the other male and letting out a muffled groan as he was penetrated. If it weren't for the coils that were still wrapped around his body, which had shifted to mostly cover his legs while leaving his groin exposed, he probably would be squirming and kicking while his inner walls were spread open by the lengthy member that had been bestowed to his friend during his transformation.

"Hey... hey..." Ari said as he broke away from their kiss and patted the king cobra on the pectoral. "You need to slow down there a little bit buddy, I know you're eager but if you put that all in my at once you're going to split me in half."

"Sorry, first time with a male," Gus said as he held off the inches of thick snake cock he was pushing into his friend to allow the hyena-bear a chance to catch his breath. "I have to say... I'm glad that it's you."

Ari just smiled and nodded back, realizing that had the Antaris not sabotaged his air conditioner he would probably be sitting in his apartment alone instead of in the coils of the beautiful serpentine male. With all the initial panic that was happening around their initial transformation ebbing away it was allowing them to feel more normal, especially for Gus as his body was much different then the one he had started with. For one thing it was more flexible as the serpent gave him a wink and used his newfound flexibility to resume he had been starting before he had gotten bolder.

Ari leaned back in the coils of the snake as Gus managed to arch his back around and get his snout in front of the male before him, his eye ridges waggling before he began to slide his scaly lips over the throbbing cock of the hybrid. The hyena-bear let out a loud moan as the serpent's maw was able to slide easily over the sensitive flesh, making Ari wonder if he was able to unhinge his jaw or something of that nature in order to fit it all in. As he watched inch after inch of the bright pink flesh disappearing behind those black scales his distracted state was unaware that the king cobra had also started to constrict around him to push the cock inside his tailhole even further.

It wasn't until the tip of it bumped against his prostrate did Ari realize just how far it had slid into his depths, nearly causing him to jump had he not been restrained as he went from leaning back to practically falling forward. As his hands instinctively went forward to catch himself they slid slightly on the hood of the creature beneath him, marveling at the smooth scales while also still panting heavily from the pleasure he was receiving on both sides. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would ever get a blowjob and rutted at the same time... and even less so by the same person as his tailhole continued to get stretched open.

It wasn't long until the two creatures were no longer talking to one another and the only things that anyone could hear was the lustful moans, grunts, growls, and hisses that came from the two transformed creatures as they continued their sexual escapades with renewed fervor. With Ari caught up in the coils of the other male all he could do was shift his hips back and forth, which either impaled himself further on the cock lodged firmly in his backside that throbbed against his inner walls or pushed the sensitive flesh of his own maleness deeper into the throat of the male beneath him. Eventually the two brought one another to the orgasm that they had been teasing out of one another ever since Gus had started his changes, Ari feeling every muscle in the coils of the snake tensing before feeling the serpent cum inside of him. He had a fleeting worry that perhaps he would be crushed but it appeared that Gus had control over himself as the hyena-bear soon did the same after his hips were pushed forward and his cock slid all the way down the throat of the other male until his snout was buried in the fur of his crotch.

Once the two of them finished Ari once more collapsed forward, his belly fur rubbing against the head of the cobra until Gus decided it was time to pull off once he had collected yet another sample of the hybrid's seed. Even when they had gotten past the peak of their climax the two remained bound together for a while, Ari cupping up Gus's head and bringing him so that they were eye to eye. "No matter what happens after this..." Ari said. "We're going to be in this together alright?"

"You got it," Gus replied as a grin formed on his muzzle. "Of course, that begs the question of what to do next..."

The two looked at one another for a few seconds before they heard someone banging on the door of the apartment, the voice on the other side informing them that they were the paramedics and were ready to transport the specimen to the hospital. Gus hadn't updated those arriving to the scene that there would be two creatures instead of just one, though he would have probably just called it off anyway. As the two whispered to one another what they were going to do they saw the door practically rattle as they informed them that if the door wasn't answered they were going to break it down. Both Gus and Ari sprang into action but with their bodies quite literally tangled around one another it took them more than a few seconds to pull away from one another and by the time they were on their own feet they heard the paramedics shout to stand back.

Ari and Gus braced themselves for the paramedics to bust down the door and rush in, but when they finally did hear a bang it wasn't at their door. Instead it sounded like there was something that had hit the nearby wall and when nothing else happened the two carefully make their way over to try and see what was going on. They didn't have to press their ear against the door to find out, the two glancing at each other when they heard the sounds of growling, groaning, and sex that were happening in the hallway.

"Hey, Ari..." Gus asked as he carefully opened the door and took a peek outside, then closed it again. "Did you... tell anyone else in the building about the deal that you got when you signed up for the free air conditioner?"

"Oh, uh..." the hyena-bear thought to himself as he rubbed his hands through the spotted fur on his arms. "I remember when I was leaving for the day I heard a few others say that their air conditioners weren't working great either, so I suppose I did, why?" His eyes suddenly widened when he quickly caught on to the correlation of the noises to what he had just said. "Oh..."

An Unwilling Sacrifice

Alex huffed as he followed his friend through the old storm drain that ran underneath the park, practically feeling the dampness seeping into his clothes as they moved further into the darkness. It was the middle of the night and he was feeling...

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Breaking in a New Toy (3/3)

Duncan hummed to himself as he sat in the cockpit, watching the swirling colors of hyperspace swirling by his shuttle as he ate one of the cookies he had just made. When flying through the space between space it was impossible to do much in the way of...

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Breaking in a New Toy (2/3)

Akai didn't know how long he had been completely suspended in that state of eternal limbo, hearing the sound of various hypnotic suggestions along with the buzzing of some sort of background subliminal while he was shown different peaceful and relaxing...

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