Breaking in a New Toy (2/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A bounty hunter spends years hunting down one specific creature, a synthetic rubber jackal that had one of the highest bounties on their head that they had ever seen. Once he is finally captured the bounty hunter has no intention on letting his prey get away until he gets exactly what he wants... although what that is starts to evolve.

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Akai didn't know how long he had been completely suspended in that state of eternal limbo, hearing the sound of various hypnotic suggestions along with the buzzing of some sort of background subliminal while he was shown different peaceful and relaxing scenes. Even though it appeared to be just a typical relaxation and meditation hypnosis the jackal knew better then to trust that. A mind at rest is one that is open, the jackal thought to himself as he attempted to keep his mental walls up, which meant that the sneaky rhino could try and filter something in that he wasn't expecting. Despite this resolution it was getting increasingly hard to maintain such a vigilant state as the soothing sounds and the gas being pumped into him that he guessed was an added relaxant was making it hard.

As he attempted to think of anything else to distract him from what was being shown in front of his eyeballs his thoughts turned to that beach, the jackal focusing on that in order to give his brain something to anchor too that wasn't been fed to him. He tried to remember everything about it from the way the waves cascaded against the sand to how the moonlight reflected off of the water. A serene, perfect scene... until the rhino came in and ruined everything. Though he tried to stop from thinking about it, Duncan suddenly appeared on the beach as well... though it was not in the manner that he had expected.

Instead of the beach exploding next to him from a bullet being shot at his feet the hands of the other male clasped around him, pressing against his bare abs as he felt that muscular chest rub up behind him. Since he had spent minutes rubbing that thick rubber goo on his body he had gotten to know what those digits felt like and his mind was repeating the memory of that tactile sensation in a completely different manner. He found himself biting his lip as the rhino whispered something into his ear that he couldn't quite hear...

Nope... the jackal thought as he attempted to change the scene to something else. He soon found himself on that same beach, this time with his back on the sand as the naked bounty hunter stood above him. He had seen him completely naked once when they were running through an alien bathhouse and his towel had fallen off during the chase, an image which appeared had been buried in his subconscious until that moment. Duncan had that telltale smirk on his face as he leaned in, pushing up his legs as that thick, grey cock inched closer to him...

NOPE... the jackal focused his attention back towards the images that the lenses of the mask had continued to feed them in an effort to cool himself down. He could still feel his own cock throbbing against his stomach where the rhino had stuck it with that rubber goo, though at this point it had likely hardened into a cocoon underneath the wrappings. He gave himself a mental smack as he told himself to pull together. He didn't know when Duncan was coming back to start his actual interrogation but it wasn't going to be good if he spent the entire time staring at his crotch when he was asking him questions...

More time passed before Akai began to feel movement for the first time in ages, centering around the mask he wore. There was another pressure shift and the gas mixture that had been pumped into him this entire time was stopped, followed by regular air returning once more as he felt his body getting lifted by his midsection. The images and sounds stopped soon after and the jackal felt himself dazed as the lack of stimuli was a jarring difference from what he had experienced. He was so disoriented he hardly even noticed that the wrapping were being taken off of him and his body was being manipulated into some new sort of position.

It wasn't until the mask had been taken off his head entirely and Akai took a gasp of air that he was able to fully return back to reality. "I hope you don't mind the fact that I moved you while you were out," Duncan said as the rubber jackal found himself looking down slightly at the rhino. "It's so much easier to get people into restraints when they're still a little loopy from everything. There was a moment where I was worried that you might be an exception, but I was able to get everything onto your upper body just fine before you came to your senses."

"Everything... onto me..." Akai said blearily as he shook the last of the cobwebs from his mind before looking up. "What in the..." the rubber jackal frowned when he saw that though his arms were no longer stuck to his sides they were now suspended above his head with a pair of custom cuffs wrapped around his wrists. "I see my situation has not improved."

"I figured that after taking your nap we could hang out together," Duncan replied with a chuckle. "Now I'm going to get your feet locked down into the ankle cuffs and we're going to consider this our first test of trust. If you pass the test and don't interfere then we'll be off to a good start, maybe even earn yourself a little reward."

"And if I don't pass your little test?" Akai replied with a slight growl.

"Then I'm going to have to get the rubber goo again and start the entire process over," Duncan replied with a sneer. "Maybe keep you in there for longer than a day and really soften your mind up. I had someone that failed that kept failing his test until eventually it got real easy to put his restraints on when he was hanging there drooling on himself."

Though Akai wasn't intimidated the jackal knew that kicking and squirming wasn't going to accomplish anything, not with the bounty hunter right there and his wrists already restrained. It also appeared that he was using a similar rubber to everything that he had been using already, which meant that it was likely neutralizing his ability to escape like he would from more traditional bindings. As he looked up at the restraints he also noticed that his arms looked... shinier than usual. His gaze went down from his limbs to his chest and then down towards the recently exposed abs to find that everything glistened like he had just polished himself.

Akai was curious enough to ask Duncan why that might possibly be, the rhino shrugging and saying that the robot he bought it off of said that it was used for the maintenance of synthetic creatures and that it possibly had a rejuvenation effect. It certainly appeared to be the case as more of the wrappings were pulled away and the hardened rubber underneath flaked off of his body. The second the rhino got to his groin Akai feared that he might give himself away again, but thankfully it appeared what he had seen while being hypnotized had not translated over to real life. As he thought about it however he saw his maleness twitch slightly and quickly decided to distract himself to avoid any further embarrassment.

"So now that you've hypnotized me for the day you'll think that I'm just going to give up the secrets in my head?" Akai accused, trying not to let out a gasp as the thick hand of the male slid between his thighs to aid in their separation. "You do know that's not how hypnosis works, correct?"

"Of course I know that," Duncan replied with a grunt as he took the last of the latex off of the dangling feet of the jackal before securing his ankles in wrist restraints and tightening them. "I have had a few particularly weak-willed individuals think that way and started spilling the beans the second that I took them out of it, all the while lamenting that they couldn't stop themselves. Once they were done giving me everything I needed to know I told them that hypnosis can't make them do anything they don't want and the got so embarrassed... at least, I think they did, hard to tell when they had purple skin."

"So what's the purpose of it then?" Akai asked as Duncan stood back up. "Why do it if you knew it wouldn't work?"

"Like I said, it's there to soften you up to my advances," Duncan replied. "Not going to tell you everything though, got to keep some secrets between us. By the way are you hungry or something? I don't know if you eat so wanted to ask before I prepared something."

"You figured out how to restrain me and a way to keep me completely bound..." Akai said as his eyes narrowed at him. "But you didn't find out if I could eat?"

"Wasn't necessary at the time," Duncan stated. "Didn't know your kind could pop boners either but yet here we are. Now do you want food or not, because I'm hungry and I like to make myself a snack before getting down to the nitty gritty."

Akai grumbled slightly before looking away and saying that he was, in fact, hungry. Though he didn't want to see the smirk that was on the rhino's face as he left the real reason was because the rhino's ripped physique could clearly be seen in the black skintight flight suit he wore and he realized his gaze had started to wander progressively lower. This bounty hunter was the enemy, he reminded himself, and if he got the information that was in his head then the megacorp that issued the bounty would have no reason to keep him around. It may be fun and games for the rhino but to the rubber jackal this was life and death...

About ten minutes later Duncan came back in with something that actually smelt decently good, which he exclaimed was his famous grilled cheese sandwich recipe since he didn't know how to cook much else. He took both plates and put them on the nearby table before biting into one, the jackal watching him devour half of his sandwich before he took the other plate and brought it up to Akai. "On second thought..." Duncan said as he pulled the food back just before Akai could bite into it. "This is technically my sandwich I'm giving to you, which means that I think that a little trade is in order."

"If you think I'm going to give up the whereabouts of the stolen cache for a sandwich you are quite mistaken," Akai said.

"Even I wouldn't expect you to do that," Duncan said as he wafted the meal in front of him. "Why don't we start with a few simple questions that wouldn't mean a thing if you told me. For instance, why did you steal that stuff from the megacorp in the first place?"

"They didn't tell you that when you took the job?" Akai replied, Duncan shaking his head as the rubber jackal sighed. "Fine... I was helping them with something that they were working on, and when I realized that the megacorp was intending on making sure I couldn't lend my brilliance elsewhere I decided to steal every scrap of their research and prototypes, along with the formulas I had been working on for them, and go off-world."

The rhino grinned at him and put the sandwich forward once more, then pulled it back a second with a smirk before bringing it to the mouth of the jackal. The rubber creature quickly took as big a bite as he could and found the taste to be quite pleasing as he chewed. "So, we took care of the why," Duncan said as he waited for Akai to finish chewing. "How about you tell me where you were intending to go after you did that. You had to know that the megacorp wasn't going to take that lying down and they were going to send someone like me after you."

"I was fully aware," Akai replied stoically. "I figured I was living on borrowed time the second they decided they were going to throw me away once they were done with me, so unless I wanted to live on a remote planet the rest of my life and hope they never found my biosignature I knew it would be a matter of time. So I decided to take the time I had stolen and live it to the fullest."

"I see..." Duncan replied. "So you were on an intergalactic bucket list." Akai nodded, then motioned for the sandwich which the rhino provided for him. "Makes me almost feel half-bad for interrupting you, if I had known I could have just waited around and let the bounty go up."

"I'm sure they would have sent someone else to chase me if not for you," the rubber jackal replied once he had swallowed a particularly long string of cheese, then looked around. "It's just a shame I couldn't find one of the places I was looking for near the end, a lagoon that glowed when the two moons shined overhead from crystals submerged beneath the water. The vibrations I'm feeling through these chains... we're in hyperspace, aren't we?"

"We are," Duncan answered. "You went way off into the wilderness on this one, so it's going to be at least three jumps before we get back to a planet with a decent hotel. Plus I want to be somewhere to spend all that money after I get you to talk."

"That confident are we?" The jackal replied with a smirk, only to have it turn into a mix of shock and anger as the rhino took a bite of his sandwich. "Hey!"

"Hey yourself," Duncan replied. "I answered a question of yours and since we're trading answers for bites I deserved one of my own. So let's get back to my line of questioning, alright?"

For the next half an hour Akai was fed the grilled cheese sandwich as he filled in the rhino on anything that he happened to ask. True to his word Duncan stayed away from the question no doubt pressing on him, the location of the stolen goods, but the jackal knew that he was likely just getting him used to answering his questions. By the time they got to the end of the meal the rubber jackal had been satiated, but the rhino had not. As he continued to hang there Duncan put the plates away before he suddenly became more assertive as he walked forward.

"I think you know what has to happen here," Duncan said as he took the nearby chain and lowered it a bit, the jackal almost able to feel his feet press against the floor as the rhino leaned in. "Just tell me where everything is and the formulas you have and I can just let you go. Or... perhaps I could pay for the information some other way."

Akai shivered as he felt the hand of the rhino press against his bare chest, and though he attempted not to show anything he couldn't help but shiver slightly as he remembered the dream he had. "I already told you I know what they're going to do with me," Akai replied, his voice hardly a whisper as the rhino leaned in close. "I'm not ready to end my life just yet... and that's what telling you would do."

"C'mon, don't you want to be free of these chains?" Duncan asked, backing up a little bit once more as the smirk on his face grew wider. "Or maybe... you would prefer it if you were in them instead?"

Akai looked at the rhino in shock, but it was clear that Duncan knew what he was doing as he went over to one of the boxes and pulled something out of it. "There's no shame in being attracted to such a thing," Duncan said with a chuckle as he once more came up close, looking into the eyes of the rubber jackal. "You and I were both there when I started binding you the first time, and even though I'm sure you'd tell me that it was just the feel of that rubber I'm sure the feel of that tightening pressure was somewhat exhilarating. Perhaps if you give me what you know I can make that deep, hidden desire of yours a reality."

There was an audible click and Akai could feel a weight on his neck, the rhino stepping back once more and bringing up a mirror to show the jackal not only in his bindings but also the new collar that he had put around his neck. "Now that's not anything special like the rest of the restraints," Duncan admitted with a coy grin. "But I had it left over and figured since you were so hot to be-"

Suddenly there was an announcement over the speakers of the ship, which announced that Duncan was needed in order to direct the second jump through hyperspace. The rhino frowned at the interruption and told the jackal to wait right there to finish the conversation before sprinting up into the front part of the ship. As Akai watched him leave the rubber jackal waited for another minute or so, then began to cough hard. The chain he had seen Duncan lower him slightly by was only a few feet away from him and all he needed was a little something in order to get it closer to his hands, he just hoped he hadn't swallowed it completely...

A few minutes later and after considerable effort the jackal felt the cool touch of metal against his hands, taking the long piece of cheese he had dangling in his mouth and spitting it out as he lowered himself to the floor completely. Once he had gotten himself enough slack he used his newfound mobility to pry at the cuffs that held him, only to find that like the goo and the wrappings they were practically fused onto his body. The chains on the other hand, after being able to reach one of the nearby tools he quickly cut one of the links closest to the cuff and slid the chain off of it. After that he found it much easier to get the rest of them off of his body.

Just as he was about to cut the last one and free himself however the rubber jackal felt something that caused him to pause. It was the vibrations of the ship... it had left hyperspace in order to calculate the next phase of the jump. If he could somehow get off into a lifepod without the rhino noticing then when he made his next jump he could go unnoticed at least for a little while. Once a jump was in place he wouldn't be able to stop, and by that point he could activate the emergency beacon and get picked up... it was a long shot, but one he was willing to take as he carefully snuck his way out of the cargo bay and into the ship proper.

Hyperjump calculations only took a few minutes, which meant that Akai had to hurry before they got started again. If the ship started up again the lifepods wouldn't eject, which would be fine since it would disintegrate the second it left. As he snuck over towards the other side of the ship near the cockpit where the pods would be he happened to tilt his head over to see that the cockpit door was open...

...and both chairs were empty.

Just as Akai started to turn around he felt something push him hard, the rubber jackal falling forwards as he tumbled to the floor. When he started to turn to face his attacker he only saw the face of the rhino for a second before he was pushed against the cold metal. "Where do you think you're going?" Duncan said as the jackal felt the strong hands of the rhino pulling his arms back before feeling a set of binders slide onto his forearms. "I don't believe I said you could leave."

Akai growled and tried to buck the bounty hunter off of him but by the time he felt the weight lift off of his back his arms were completely bound behind him up to his ankles. The rubber jackal was taken and spun around and pressed against the wall so that he was staring right into the face of the rhino that had caught him once more. Their breathing was both heavy as Duncan's body was still pressed against his, and as his gaze went down towards the jackal's neck before lifting up a finger and hooking it around the collar against his neck. The rubber creature realized what he was insinuating and he could feel himself growing slightly embarrassed that he hadn't removed it in the first place.

In the next second Duncan pulled Akai closer and their muzzles met in a kiss, the jackal letting out a muffled groan as he shuddered in pleasure from it. Once more he was pushed back into the nearby wall and with his arms bound there was nothing that he could do aside from having his tongue get pushed around by the bigger male. Their passionate make-out session cut short however when the sound of a click could be heard and the jackal suddenly felt slightly lightheaded. As he stumbled forward the rhino continued to hold him in his arms and eventually had to hold him up as he took the injector gun and set it on the nearby table.

As soon as Akai completely passed out from the specialized chemical cocktail in his system Duncan sighed and put him in one of the nearby chairs. The rhino knew that he had about an hour before the jackal would once more wake up and went back into the cockpit. Once he had gotten back into his chair he sighed and put his hands to his head. While he wasn't sure why he had done that, especially since he had intended on just getting the arm bands on the jackal and then knock him out with the drugs he had bought for this purpose.

It was more concerning to Duncan then the fact he had almost lost his bounty yet again, the jackal proving to be even more slippery then he had thought. At this rate he was going to have to break this creature sooner rather then later... but not only had he slipped up in the containment of the rubber being but had also broken his rule and engaged in a more personal nature with his subject. While Akai definitely didn't seem to mind it he couldn't risk the power dynamic shifting out of his favor. Right now he had maintained his position as the master of the rubber jackal's fate, but if he began to suspect that the rhino was catching feelings for him then it could undermine everything he was doing here.

Duncan looked down at the computer and saw the coordinates that it had been searching for while he had gone off to go to the restroom had been found and was merely waiting for his approval before the jump could commence. Once he had activated his hyperdrive engines he hopped out of his seat and moved back to where he had left Akai. One jump to go after this, the rhino thought to himself. He had intended on breaking the jackal before he arrived at the next hub of civilization, and at this rate he was going to need to pull out all the stops if he was going to be on time...

Though Akai hadn't been completely knocked unconscious by the powerful sedative given to him he had been given such a sense of vertigo that he may as well have been. He could vaguely feel his body being lifted off the ground and then carried for a while before being laid down on something else. When he finally had the ability to open his eyes without the world spinning around him he was able to see Duncan moving around him positioning what appeared to be a large square of rubber above his body. When he attempted to move he found that his wrists and ankles had been once more placed in restraints, except these weren't attached to chains and were rather bolted to the table that he was laying on.

"Looks like someone is finally coming around," Duncan said as he stopped what he was doing to look at the rubber jackal testing his new bonds. "You're lucky that I managed to get the drop on you, if I had to use the tranq gun I bought on you it would have made a terrible mess of my cabin. Since you have proven that I was giving you a little too much wiggle room I decided to move you to something that will contain you a little better."

"Another cage for me," Akai said as his vision continued to clear, shifting his vision to what he was laying on to find that it was also made of rubber before it spotted something attached to his body. "What... what is that?"

"A motivational tool," Duncan explained simply as he began to lower the frame that had the sheet of latex stretched across it down on the jackal. "Not only did your little stunt show me that you needed more restrictive movement but also that I've been far too nice to you so far. So I decided that we're going to move on to something new, admittedly something I've never tried before... this should be the interesting experience for the both of us."

"You more then me I'm sure," Akai replied, though he suddenly found himself wondering what was attached to his cock before he lost sight of it from the lowering rectangle of rubber. "I thought you didn't believe in torture."

The rhino scoffed and shifted the jackal's head so that it could be pushed through the hole in the latex square, the rest of the rubber pressing against Akai's body as the magnetic frame snapped into place. "I suppose I should rephrase my meaning a bit in this instance," Duncan stated simply. "I don't believe that pain is the right means to get meaningful information; there is only a certain threshold that most creatures can take before they just pass out and most will scream out whatever information they think I might want just to make it stop. When it comes to pleasure however... well, that's entirely different story. Now I'm not punishing you for giving me the wrong information, I'm just promising a reward for giving me the right stuff... how long it takes for you to get that reward is entirely up to you."

Akai found himself swallowing hard as Duncan fiddled with something underneath the newly constructed frame, realizing just how devious this rhino was as he felt something get connected to the underside of the bottom sheet. He had always prepared himself for some sort of pain-inducing torture, whether it was by the hands of the one that caught him or the megacorp that issued the bounty, but nothing he did had prepared him for something like this. Already he had started to find himself getting weak in the knees for the rhino, especially when the frame was shifted from a horizontal to a vertical position and he could see him entirely.

Duncan had opted to go naked for this next part instead of wearing his spacesuit, the rubber jackal able to see every inch of the rhino's body from the scars on his hide to the thick cock that was nestled between his legs. Curse this creature, Akai thought to himself, and his contempt for such a tactic must have showed as the rhino smiled. The bounty hunter didn't say anything however, he merely reached behind the frame and flicked on a switch.

At first Akai thought he was about to get another round of the rubber goo from his initial bondage experience, but this time as the motor whirred to life he began to feel an entirely different sensation. The rubber jackal couldn't help but gasp slightly as the rubber he was surrounded by began to get much closer to him, growing tighter around him with every second that the air was being sucked out between the two sheets. Everything from the neck down suddenly became tightly encased as his movement went from little to nothing. Even trying to shift his hips from side to side became impossible with the only thing that he accomplished was the feel of his rubber skin sliding slightly on the latex sheets and causing him to moan slightly despite himself.

Aside from his head the rubber jackal could see and feel two other spots exposed by the vac rack that continued to compress around his body; his maleness that jutted out in some sort of sheath and his tailhole behind him as a ring pressed against his cock and tailhole kept the seal between his rubber body and the vac-rack. It didn't take long before all Akai could do was wiggle his fingers and toes slightly, everything else completely sealed between the sheets of rubber as Duncan moved once again and shut off the pump. The seal kept the vacuum in place and after checking to make sure everything had remained secured Duncan grabbed one more thing that was familiar to the jackal.

"Since we have some time between jumps I thought that I would help you get more comfortable with how we're going to do things here," Duncan said as he took the mask and slid it against Akai's head, the contours fitting against him once more as the lenses and hoses were realigned. "Of course this will not be the same as your initial encounter, I took the time to make sure that this session was a more fitting to your new training regimen."

Akai tried to ask him what sort of training regimen he meant, but with the muzzle firmly clamping his mouth shut the only thing he could do was let out a muffled grunt. As the hoses were once more attached to the trance-inducing gas he could hear the headphones start to crackle to life, but this time instead of the generic voice telling him to relax he heard the voice of Duncan and his eyes widened when he saw the rhino on the screen. As it started he began to feel something else too, a vibration not only from the tube that had enveloped his cock but also from something that was being pushed into his tailhole. It wasn't long before the stimulation had caused the jackal to squirm in the confines of his latex prison as the homemade movie continued to play out in front of him...

Breaking in a New Toy (3/3)

Duncan hummed to himself as he sat in the cockpit, watching the swirling colors of hyperspace swirling by his shuttle as he ate one of the cookies he had just made. When flying through the space between space it was impossible to do much in the way of...

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Breaking in a New Toy (1/3)

The sound of waves lapping against the sand of the beach was music to the ears of the one that walked along it, the feel of the grains against the rubber soles of the jackal as they squished up around his toes. The moon had just risen above the lip of...

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New Containment Protocol

"Director, the specimen has been contained just like you wanted," a female snow leopard said as she stood in the middle of the grandiose office, looking at the back of leather chair that was directed to the window looking out into the blackness of...

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