New Containment Protocol

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A brand new means to contain prisoners has people slavering, but at first tests have to be done to make sure that it's both safe and effective.

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"Director, the specimen has been contained just like you wanted," a female snow leopard said as she stood in the middle of the grandiose office, looking at the back of leather chair that was directed to the window looking out into the blackness of space. "They managed to get the creature out before it was able to spread to anyone else, but they believe there is no way to separate it from the host. On your approval it will be moved to a containment satellite for long term storage."

"Thank you Mrs. Jones," the gruff voice replied, the green-scaled dragon turning around and facing her as he clasps his hands together. "Please give the regent of that space station my sincerest condolences for the loss of their crewmate and congratulate them for their ability to keep the rest of the crew safe while still capturing the specimen. Then please have the lead researcher call me up so that we can arrange the shipping and containment protocols, I'd rather get this done sooner rather than later."

"Yes Director," the feline replied before walking back out of the office. The dragon sighed and looked down at the tablet that he had just been given that showed the stats of the creature they had just captured. While he was thankful that he didn't have a space station full of these... parasites, or at least what's what the researcher that examined them said, it did seem like such a waste. A creature that was capable of completely taking over a host body like that could definitely have its uses...

In fact, his researcher had given him a few updates on the tests that they had done on the parasite before they had put it into a temporary holding facility had shown a remarkable capacity for domination over its host. Not only had it taken out a badger who was attempting to fix a power outage in the station but had nearly gotten two more had it not wandered into an area with biological contamination sensors. Even then it took an entire team to successfully take this thing down and the entire time it appeared to be attempting to assimilate the others.

When they had gotten the badger, whose name was apparently Arlo, into a containment cell they had attempted to question him to try and get what happened. At first they thought that the rubber creature wasn't even able to speak, but eventually it seemed to either figure out or assimilate enough knowledge to tell them that it needed more hosts and to spread throughout the station. Though that had been the thought of what it was trying to do before but then it had attempted to spread its tentacles to get at them they had to seal it away. It was rather unfortunate... there was a lot of potential there he could see if he could just get him under control.

A few minutes later the phone rang, the Director pressing the button on the receiver earbud behind his earfin. "Director," the dragon heard the voice of his lead researcher on the other end of the line. "I was told that you would like to speak to me about the specimen containment protocols for the parasite? We have a few options that we can do in order to make sure that the transfer from the unit to the satellite goes as smoothly as possible without any possibility of breach."

"Dutiful work as always," the Director replied, his fingers rubbing against the scales of his chin as he sat there in contemplation before he switched on an added security measure to make sure their call could not be listened into. "I remember you saying that there's the possibility that with a little nanite integration this creature could be altered? Perhaps maybe making use of its unique ability instead of just locking him away in a satellite to never be seen again?"

"Well I had managed to make a few changes to the sample we were given," the researcher said, the dragon hearing a hint of nervousness in his voice. "But this isn't some simple bacteria or something, I may be able to nudge it in a certain direction but there's no way that I'll be able to control it, at least not with the efficiency that you would want. Plus if it ever got out that we did anything with this thing we aren't just going to lose our jobs..."

"You let me worry about that part," the Director said, a grin spreading on his muzzle. "I will make sure that neither you nor I will ever feel the repercussions of this should it go south, not that it will. Now, let me tell you my idea and you tell me if you can make it work..."


Meanwhile in another part of the station a lone figure sat in the darkness of his cell, the brown-furred wolverine resting his head against the metal of the wall. The only light in the room came from the shimmering force shield that stretched over the archway that connected the small space to the hallway. When he heard the sound of the door further down opening one eye opened, then returned to his passive state. Even with two guards in body armor came up to the force field and tapped on the metal next to it he didn't break his passive state, not until he heard the discharge of electricity and the sound of footsteps coming towards him did he even bother to look up.

"Did you have a good rest Farin?" one of the guards said, the wolverine hearing them chuckle.

"Probably about as good as the one that's still in the infirmary," Farin replied with a dark chuckle. "I had been wondering if he was still going to walk again, did he manage to break his legs or was he unfortunate enough to land on his spine after I threw him off the catwalk?"

The sounds of sneers and chuckles were quickly extinguished and Farin felt himself get roughly pulled up to his feet. "You're lucky that they have regeneration capsules here or else I will make sure that you never left this cell. Now come with us and don't make any trouble or a broken spine will be the least of your problems."

Farin just smirked and stood up, showing off his naked body while the guards just stood there waiting. When he asked if he was going to get a new jumpsuit, gesturing to the one he had torn up and flushed in the toilet, the two just told him that he wouldn't need it for the transfer and they would get him a new one at his destination. The mustelid just shrugged and got to his feet, especially when he heard another burst of electricity that this time came from the taser that both of them wielded. While the wolverine had an inkling of causing trouble he decided to see what they had planned for him this time as he was suddenly turned around and shackled.

Once they had made sure he had been restrained the two guards pulled him out of the holding cell and shoved down the hallway. It wasn't the first time that the wolverine had been there; he had strung up quite the list of offenses during his somewhat brief time in the station, but since they were a deep space observation station they couldn't just send a shuttle to pick him up and send him to a prison. They also didn't have a dutiful means to hold prisoners for long-term incarceration and those that broke various infractions would be given various details that were particularly unpleasant or potentially life-threatening. That was what Farin had been on before he decided to have a throw down with a guard that he didn't like that ended with him tossing the guy off a stairwell and almost into an capacitor system.

Needless to say that didn't make Farin all that popular, not that the wolverine really cared about it. He had never wanted to be on this stupid space station anyway and would rather be in prison then have to deal with this. It appeared he might finally be getting his wish and finally did enough damage to get the Director to send him off somewhere else. Even if it was prison it would probably only be for a few years, and then he could probably get shunted off somewhere else where he could cause some real trouble.

The two guards continued to escort the restrained male through the utility tunnels until they reached another section of the space station, one that Farin didn't recognize before. Eventually he saw that it belonged to the research department as they passed by large glass windows that revealed laboratory equipment on the other side. "Well this is certainly unexpected," Farin said as he was brought into one of those rooms which was completely devoid of any furniture whatsoever. "They going to dissect me or something, maybe try and see why I'm such a bad boy?"

"Don't know," the one guard said as he turned Farin around and undid the cuffs. "The only instructions we were given were to escort you to this location in the lab and then lock the door behind us."

Before Farin could snap back or take advantage of his freedom he suddenly felt electricity coursing through his body, every muscle seizing before he collapsed to the ground. As the wolverine groaned he heard the guard whisper that was for his friend before they left. The mustelid took a few minutes laying on the cool metal floor before getting back up to his feet. "Bastards..." Farin groaned as he tried to get the stiffness out of his joints. "They better hope that I don't ever get out of here or it's their neck that I'm going to be breaking."

"It appears that you are coming around, prisoner eight-four-one-three," a voice said over the intercom. "I do apologize for the rough treatment that you've just gotten, I did tell the guard that they weren't supposed to be rough with you."

"I've had far worse then a little taser tickle," Farin scoffed as he looked up at the speaker. "So, prisoner eight-four-one-three huh? Sounds like I've finally poked the bear enough that you're going to send me away, is this where you're going to hold me until the shuttle gets here or what?"

"After a fashion," the voice replied, the wolverine unaware that in the hallway a large metal box was being rolled past the security windows towards the opposite door. "The Director has deemed you unfit for conventional punishment. Luckily it appears that a new form of controlling unruly subjects has been discovered and you are going to be the first to be... enrolled in the program."

Farin spat on the floor and crossed his arms while he shot back a string of obscenities and insults until he heard something beep that caught his attention. When he looked over he saw that the containment locks had been engaged, and looking around he saw movement from the window outside of it. He saw several very heavily armed men milling about a containment module that had been sealed up and locked against the door to the room that he was in. His normal cocky attitude turned to panic as he realized that the only thing between him and whatever they were about to unleash was separated from him by a metal door they controlled. Instinctively he went to the door on the other side of the lab and attempted to open it only to find it predictably locked.

Suddenly the lights went dim and klaxons went off in the entire lab to signal the transfer into the lab, Farin pressing against the back wall as the lights over the other door went from red to green. Though the mustelid tried not to show fear he suddenly wished he hadn't torn off his jumpsuit as the naked male watched the door open in fear. His arm instinctively went up to shield himself from whatever was about to come out. For a few seconds nothing happened... then finally something came out of it that caused Farin's fear turn to confusion.

What came out of the containment pod something that Farin had never seen before, the wolverine looking dumbfounded as a man that was head to toe in rubber. As the klaxons continued to flash and illuminated the creature he saw that it wasn't just some sort of bodysuit that the guy, whom Farin roughly guessed was a badger by the body and head shape, was wearing but that the shiny material covered everything including his eyes. The shiny orbs had no pupils, but as it turned his head towards him it definitely felt like it was looking straight at him. Once it had exited the containment module the door slid shut once again, but instead of restoring the lights everything shut down except for the security strips that lined the windows.

Suddenly Farin found himself in the dark with some sort of creature in black rubber lurking about. "This is how you choose to punish me?!" Farin shouted in defiance as he tried to move towards one of the walls that had a ventilation shaft in the wall. "Putting some guy in a gimp suit to come after me in the dark? You were better off putting me on air lock detail!"

Despite his bravado there was no response from the man on the intercom, instead there was nothing but silence as the wolverine continued to move. He deliberately kept in range of the light, trying to find some glint of black rubber from it as his mind raced with ideas on what was going to happen. Was this thing here to kill him? Torture him? Did the Director finally have enough of his antics that he would really go to such lengths?

Farin's breath caught in his throat as he continued to stare into the darkness, looking for some sign of movement. Suddenly he got in the form of the creature rushing forward at him and catching him by surprise. His bare back hit the side of the wall he had been sliding against and got a look at the creature that had been holding him, the white latex coming up to his elbows before it turned to black. As the rubber badger continued to hold him he began to feel something slithering through his fur, originating where the creature was holding onto him as he felt his feet leave the floor.

But the wolverine wasn't one to go down without a fight and one he felt his legs dangling in the air it gave him the chance to use them and push against the chest of the rubber being. His body slid down with a loud thud as the creature fell backwards into the darkness... but for Farin it was like pushing concrete as he quickly struggled to get up. When he looked where it had grabbed him he saw that the rubber that it was covered in had transferred onto his fur... except that instead of it being black it had somehow turned orange. It didn't really matter though as he got up and made a run for the vent.

His efforts didn't get him very far as he hoped up to the vent only to get pulled back down again by something wrapping around his waist. At first he thought he had been pounced upon but when he was dragged back into a lighted area he saw it wasn't an arm at all but a rubber tentacle instead! He kicked and scratched at it but it didn't seem to feel any pain as he was dragged away from his vent and brought back into the darkness. Still he managed to get out of the grasp temporarily, only to not even hit the floor as he was scooped up by the rubbery arms of the strange creature.

"Get off me!" Farin shouted as he tried to kick and strike out at the guy, only to get pushed up against the security glass of the room. "You can't do this to me! I'll make sure you all pay for this humiliation!"

As the wolverine grunted and huffed he felt something that he hadn't been expecting; when he attempted to kick back at the legs of the creature he felt them began to get stuck against the rubber. Though it was hard for him to see he could see in the reflection of the glass his own feet had started to get coated in the black rubber of the suit. When he attempted to pull his legs away he watched the shiny material stretch with his exertion. His strength quickly ebbed and with nothing to brace himself on he felt his feet and shins get completely coated by the strange material.

"I don't know what you think you're doing or what you even are," Farin continued to threaten, trying to push away from the window only to get pushed against the smooth surface once again with his arms sliding above his head. "You don't want to mess with me, I don't care what sort of freak you are. When I'm done with you I'll-"

The wolverine's words stopped short as the muzzle of the creature opened and revealed a long, thick rubber tongue that slithered up his neck and his face. His eyes looked on in horror as he saw the shiny appendage slide up towards his ear like a snake until it began to wiggle against his pointed ear. What the hell was this, Farin thought to himself as he felt the tongue begin to push into him, was this some sort of bizarre sex act that the Director was into? As it pushed into him the rubber also began to defy gravity and spread up his knees towards his calves as something else began to throb against the small of his back.

When he tried to talk again Farin was pressed harder against the security glass, causing Farin to grunt as one of the hands that had been holding him up slid under his chin while the other one braced against the reflective surface. The wolverine was still able to growl and thrash but as something began to seep into his skull he found the fight getting sapped from his body. His hands pressed against the glass as something else was being pushed into him, the rubbery substance creeping over his rear end and beginning to spread inside him. Normally this would have caused him to thrash but the longer Arlo had his tongue in his ear the more the parasitic substance infested him...

Farin had to blink a few times when new information suddenly was flooding his brain, seeing in his mind's eye an image of a badger that had was looking straight at him... except that it wasn't him. A parasite... that's what Arlo had identified it as, and that what was controlling him as the wolverine felt an increasing pressure in his skull. It was invading him, tendrils sliding into his mind to make him compliant just like it had done with Arlo. But the more the parasite seemed to share information with his new host the more he realized that the badger hadn't been fighting it, he was actually enjoying it!

That became even more clear when he began to feel something else pushing inside his tailhole, something far bigger than just the tendrils that had been spreading over his body as he could feel the parasite getting excited. It could sense its new host, feel the crumbling resolve as he began to penetrate him physically and mentally. While Farin normally wouldn't mind such a thing he usually decided when and where it was happening and this creature clearly had other designs for him. But with his body pinned there was nothing he could do but let Arlo and the parasite infesting him continue to push into him.

"Unnnng..." Farin groaned as rubber began to seep over his eyes, feeling the rubber parasite badger continue to push into him while it began to envelop his own hardening length. "I won't... let you... control me..."

"I'm already inside your head," a voice said, Farin realizing that it was inside his head as the goo began to shift from black to orange while it crept over his brown fur. "This one was so eager to be my host that he practically gave his body to me. Now... in exchange for infesting and breaking others such as you I will be given more hosts to spread..."

So that was what happened, Farin thought to himself as the tongue slid back out and curled around his outstretched arm instead. The Director had released this parasite to infest him, to bring him under his heel as the orange rubber spread up his torso while it completely enveloped his package. The sensitive flesh of his member was being caressed despite both hands of the badger host not even touching it. Even as the pleasure continued to course through his body Farin attempted to try and figure out a way to get out of this predicament, but every thought that he had attempted to form seemed to evaporate as the rubber badger continued to slide his cock into him.

"I don't know why you're struggling against this," another voice said, only this one was from the intercom once more. "Isn't this what you wanted? To be a prisoner to someone else?"

No... that's not what he wanted, Farin thought to himself, though in his mind he realized that was sort of what he had desired. The reason he was lashing out and causing such rampant destruction was because he needed someone to keep him in line, trying to find something that could finally keep him in line. The wolverine tried to shake his head when he realized that was a perversion of his thought process, the parasite attempting to sway him towards actually wanting him to be infested just like Arlo. It was being very effective though as the thoughts of submitting to it was rewarded with a burst of pleasure from being thrusted into by the creature behind him.

At the same time the orange rubber that had been covering his body had started to form markings into it, the words Prisoner #8413 appearing in black lettering along the inner thigh as the chest of the wolverine was being completely enveloped. The rubber badger took Farin's head and pointed it back towards the reflection to reinforce what was happening to him, what the parasite was whispering into his mind. Farin was no longer Farin, just another prisoner under the control of the parasite as well as the station that had pushed it in that direction. The entire time Arlo continued to feed constant pleasure of his hips thrusting forward while the parasitic goo pushed continued to push its way around his body to continue with the sensual stimulation.

This was what he wanted, Farin found himself repeating as he watched the rubbery goo continue to assimilate his fur and body, this was what he needed to be. The parasite turned his selfish want into a desire through the pleasure coursing through his body as more and more of the wolverine was infested. Not only was the prisoner getting what he now believed he wanted, his corrupted thoughts growing more compliant with every second, but the parasite would be able to use his body as a host as well. Though Arlo was by far the better host being able to spread was causing all three creatures untold amounts of euphoric sensations to flood their bodies.

By the time the goo that had been pushing over his back and chest had completely enveloped Farin's shoulders and started to go up his neck it was already being met by the same substance dripping down his ears and nose. Not only was the thick maleness spreading him open with each hard thrust pushing him into the glass but it was also pushing even more of the parasite into him, transforming him both from the inside out as tiny tentacles had already pushed out of his ears, nose, and mouth. When the rubber from below surged upwards to meet them they melted and fused together, completely covering his eyes and sealing his muzzle shut.

Prisoners don't need to speak unless an answer is needed from them... the authoritative thought that flashed through the wolverine's corrupted mind had caused him to shudder as their rubber bodies pressed and rubbed against each other with every though. A good prisoner is one that obeyed its parasite, the host merely its vessel while it was being punished. If the prisoner was good then it might be allowed to orgasm, but until then it would be denied as the rubber covering his cock was pulled up and merged with his groin to create a smooth expanse. All the prisoner had to do was obey and it would get the blissful release that it wanted...

Farin was having a hard time even remembering his name before he was told to let it go as well, prisoners don't need names as his number became emblazoned on his upper arm while the goo continued to spread upwards. It was exactly what had happened to the first host, whose name he couldn't even remember anymore. Prisoner hosts didn't need such useless information, the voice in his mind continued to tell him, all he needed to do was obey and get the pleasure of being the parasite's host. If the rubber wolverine prisoner wanted to get his release he was going to have to obey, and the first thing that he was going to do was allow the parasite's first host to continue to infest him so that he was completely integrated.

The orange eyes of wolverine creature were completely encased as well as his ears, everything seamlessly blending together to form into a solid mask. Along with no muzzle the parasite used his goo to seal up his eyes and ears as well. All that was left was the rubber prisoner wolverine as the goo finished its assimilation, the prisoner receiving new information on what it's supposed to be doing after being corrupted. For now though the parasite was content in basking in the pleasure of spreading and the lusts being shared by its two hosts...

Back in the observation room the Director watched with a pleased smile on his face as the two infested creatures continued to have sex right there, the sounds of rubber filling the room as the muscular rubber bodies thrusted against one another. "Director, are you sure that this was such a good idea?" the otter researcher said as they watched the act continue. "We were supposed to put this thing into space where it couldn't infect anything else, and now we have two people that are infested with it."

"From what I see it's a win-win situation," the Director smirked. "We get ourselves a worker drone that will respond to all our commands and do all the potentially dangerous work while the parasite gets the ability to spread."

"But we still don't know how it's going to react," the researcher replied nervously as he looked back at the screen. "What if we can't control it like we thought, or if someone figures out what we're doing here? People are going to ask questions when they suddenly see a rubber prisoner drone walking around this place. Not to mention the fact that we need to figure out how to store these creatures, if there is anything that the parasite needs besides just spreading to others?"

"I'm sure we'll figure something out," the director said as he got up and started to walk out towards the door. "For now we can keep the parasite inside that area, it is our lab area for high risk contagions anyway so technically its serving its purpose. I want everyone else that you can spare to try and see how this parasite works, if we can unlock the way to control it we may have something here that will be the breakthrough of the century."

The researcher just nodded and watched as the dragon walked out of the room, telling the researcher to continue to monitor the situation. The otter sighed and leaned towards the screens while he waited for the Director to leave, then looked back when he heard the door open and close. Once he was sure that the dragon was gone the otter let out another sigh, but this time it was of relief as his paw went to bulge in his pants. It has been straining against the fabric the entire time that they had watched the problem wolverine get infested and turned into a rubberized version of himself.

With his boss now away and no one else around the otter unzipped his pants, watching the two rubber creatures continue to rut against one another while against the glass. But while being able to stroke himself to the two was very pleasurable he realized that there was another way to enjoy this scene even more. The otter allowed himself to cool down before he put his maleness back into his pants before getting up. Once more he took a look outside to make sure that the Director wasn't lurking about as he made his way to the research labs and specifically over to the one that that contained the two creatures.

"There you two are," the otter cooed as he put his hand up to the one that the creature formerly known as Arlo had on the glass. "The Director doesn't know how beautiful you are... but seeing you do what you do... so hot..."

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