The Great Equalizer (2/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In a realm of superheroes and villains, one was seeking to go beyond all of that and become the true king of the castle. But first... he needed a proper rival to be created at the same time.

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As the night continued to pass Firo and the others that had gone on the raid against the heroes continued to wait nervously to hear what the consequences of their actions were. A number of them were clearly uncomfortable with what they had done, and Firo could blame them. While he had been at Shadowstrike's side since the beginning ever since the jaguar had found that cursed book after being punched through a wall by a hero things had been different. Shadowstrike had suddenly isolated himself and wished only to study the ancient secrets of that tome, coming to him and a few other low-level villains with a plan that required them to ambush one of the hero squad.

"This is bullshit," a particularly large tiger said in disgust as he sat back in the recliner of the makeshift hideout that they had been using for the last few days, which had been an old rec center before Shadowstrike had utilized it for himself and then brought in the others. "I'm all for this feline solidarity that we started this out with, but now we just openly attacked a hero and not only did we get our collective butts kicked by Nova but now they know what we did. I did not sign up for this..."

Firo tried to say something to calm the large villain down but before he could say anything a cheetah that had been playing a portable gaming system spoke up suddenly. "Also what's up with needing to meet with all of us separately?" he asked. "First he just stormed up to his room without even looking at any of us and now we're supposed to just step in line once again like nothing is wrong? Plus what happened to the last two that went up there that still haven't come down yet?"

The others nodded and muttered in agreement as the tensions quickly began to escalate in the room. Firo could see that the assurances he made that Shadowstrike still had a plan were falling apart and that dissention was starting to set in, which made the snow leopard stand up and quickly shout for them all to stop while having his hands explode with bright blue fire to emphasize his point. "Listen, we all went into this trusting that Shadowstrike knew what was going on and that we were going to be taking over," Firo emphasized as the others fell silent. "Now I'm going to go up and talk to him myself to try and see if I can get a better understanding of what's going on, and until then will you guys promise not to fly off the handle until I get back down?"

Though it was clear that the others weren't sure on the other feline's assertions they appeared to be placated enough to allow him to do this. When it was clear that they were at least going to give him one last chance Firo nodded and extinguished the flames in his hands before going into the next room. Once he was alone he breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to the metal door and attempted to open it, only to sigh in frustration when he found that it was locked. Of course he had the foresight to make a key for himself and unlocked the door before venturing down into the basement of the rec center where Shadowstrike had made his lair.

When Firo got down the stairs and into the hallway he saw that the hallway was nearly pitch dark. While that made sense for a creature like Shadowstrike he wasn't sure how the others managed to navigate their way to the leopard's chambers. For Firo he was just glad that he had his own light source as he let his hand once more get wreathed in fire before he moved down the hall to the room at the end. Despite being able to see a strange sense of dread caused the snow leopard to pause. It was like he was continuing to move towards certain doom, but despite that he continued to move forward in order to confront his friend.

"Firo, I didn't call for you," Shadowstrike's voice called out from the darkness of the room as Firo paused in surprise before he got to the doorway. "I know it's you Firo, those flames of yours are pretty unique compared to most light sources. What do you need?"

"The others are starting to grow anxious," Firo informed as he crept towards the door even though those primal instincts inside of him screamed at him to run. "They think that you just sentenced us all to a life of pain, either by the boss, the heroes, or the police. I'm afraid if you don't come up there and let us all in on the plan they're going to try and save their own hides."

There was a moment of silence before a dark chuckle chilled Firo to the bone, the sound almost inhuman before it stopped suddenly. "Why don't you come in here so we can talk face to face," Shadowstrike replied. "This was a conversation that we were going to have soon anyway, may as well not delay the inevitable anymore."

Firo couldn't help but swallow hard as he could hear the venom dripping off of those words... yet he found himself still moving forward to head inside the room. When he stepped inside the radius of his flames diminished significantly to the point where the darkness threatened to completely snuff it out. It was definitely Shadowstrike's ability; more than once the two had tried to see if the jaguar could completely snuff the light out of Firo's flames, and until then he had never even gotten close to diminishing his light. This time however the circle of black nearly was at his toes as he slowly moved forward to try and find his friend in the darkness.

As the snow leopard moved in a few feet not only did the shadows seem to grow more oppressive but he quickly began to lose his bearings on where he was in the room. "What are you doing Shadowstrike," Firo said nervously, attempting to get a direction on where he should be heading. "This isn't like you at all... if you're worried about the blowback from this operation I'm sure we can do something to smooth things over with the boss. Why are you hiding from me?"

"I just wanted you to get a little further in," Shadowstrike replied, Firo's ears twitching as the voice resonated from all around him. "You see... I have something that I want to show you and I'm not exactly in the position to run after you should you decide to do so."

Though Firo had a hard time figuring out where exactly Shadowstrike was talking from he began to hear another noise, something that sounded like another grunting or something of that nature. Though it wasn't likely to be the one he was looking for he decided to go for it anyway and concentrated all of his power into his hands. Once he had gathered everything he could he pushed it out of his fingers, feeding the blue flames that had engulfed them and causing them to erupt into a vortex of blue fire. Though it didn't illuminate nearly as far as he would have liked it did light up the source of the noise, and what he saw caused the feline to gasp.

Three creatures were shown in the hue of that blue light; the first two were the villains that had previously been called up before who sat at the feet of the creature that sat in a chair that looked like a throne made out of shadow. The two rubbed the bulges in their lycra costumes with one hand while their other was on the lap of the leopard, rubbing his thigh as their tongues and muzzles against the exposed cock between them. What startled Firo the most was Shadowstrike, whose eyes were completely black and looked like the void as they looked down at the snow leopard. A pair of horns had started to grow from his forehead and when he smiled at the other feline it revealed a pair of wicked fangs.

"Wha-what happened to you?" Firo said as he began to back away, his fur quickly becoming matted with sweat as he continued to attempt to keep his light source up despite the immense pressure around it. Now that he knew that something was terribly wrong he had to get out and warn the others but the mass of shadow swirling around he had no idea where to go in this room anymore. The only thing he could do was redirect the fire to where he thought the door might be in order to escape but when he took the flame and swirled it around him to reveal the exit he found only darkness in his path. It wasn't long after that he finally had to break his concentration and collapsed to his knees, panting hard as he burned up the last of his energy reserves until the fire was completely gone and he was plunged into the all-consuming darkness.

...except that as he looked up he could still see Shadowstrike and the others sitting there, the leopard with that bemused grin on his fanged stout while the other two continued to worship at his feet. "A valiant effort I'm sure," Shadowstrike said as he motioned up with his hands and the two enthralled males slowly got up and moved over to Firo before picking up his exhausted body. "I'm not sure why you did such a thing, it's just me... well, and I suppose a better way to say it is that it's just us now."

Firo let out a small grunt as he was deposited at the feet of the leopard, which had grown increasingly furry until a thick pelt covered his toes. When one of those feet went up to his face he found that they had been transformed as well, looking more like a pair of paw hands while still retaining the structure of feet. The snow leopard turned his head away as one of those toe fingers reached up and ran its claw down his cheek before they all grabbed his muzzle and forced him to look up.

"It doesn't have to be this way," Shadowstrike said with a low rumble as Firo felt the other two villains kneel down on either side of him. "Embrace the changes like I did and you can have power beyond anything that you can ever imagine, enough that it makes those in the upper echelon and even the big boss looks weak in comparison. Or you can choose to fight the changes and end up retaining your place there like these two thralls... but I would much rather you be by my side and doing so would give you the answers I can tell you want."

As Shadowstrike lowered his hand down to Firo the snow leopard could see dep black scales had formed patches over the arm, yet another sign of the corruption that had somehow taken hold of his friend. It was clear that there was no way he was going to leave this place unaffected himself, his power had been nearly completely exhausted and even if he did manage to make a break for it he would quickly lose what little perception Shadowstrike granted him in the shadow and would be dragged back without even seeing it. When he looked to either side of him he could see them watching with those blank eyes of theirs, their heads twitching and muzzles moving ever so slightly as Firo continued to kneel there until he finally reached up and took that hand.

While Firo didn't know what to expect at that point it wasn't that his friend was about to kiss him, but that's exactly what happened as he was brought up to the demonic visage of his friend. As that tongue pushed down into the snow leopard's throat he began to feel something wiggling besides it. The snow leopard's eyes opened wide in shock before whatever had just been pushed into his throat wiggled its way down deeper. As those deep black eyes continued to stare into his Firo felt himself slipping, his pupils rolling back into his head as something began to infiltrate his psyche.

"I want you to see..." Shadowstrike's voice echoed in Firo's skull as the snow leopard's body began to growl limp. "See what turned me into this... what you will soon be turning into as well..."

The snow leopard's body went limp in the other feline's grasp as he fell into darkness, his mind growing as dark as the room around him. His drifting in the void was short lived however as he found himself back in the same area, except now it was lit with glowing candles that were arranged in a circle. Much to Firo's surprise he saw Shadowstrike appear out of the shadows with that cursed book in his hands and strange symbols drawn in red over his fur. Though Firo tried to shout at him to stop whatever he was doing no voice came out as the leopard moved to the middle of the circle and knelt down in it.

Shadowstrike slowly opened the book and began to mutter out of it in a language that Firo couldn't understand, though the dark implications of those words were clear as they echoed in the darkness. Though the snow leopard wanted desperately to try and stop the bizarre ritual from happening he knew that he couldn't; this had already happened and now he was just a bystander to the past. As the dark magic was woven it first appeared that nothing was happening, but as the leopard's chanting grew louder a chill wind picked up and swirled around the room. It quickly grew into a howl as the candles were snuffed, plunging the room into a darkness that Firo could still see though as Shadowstrike finished the last word with a shout.

When he finished there was a deafening silence that filled the room for a few seconds before Firo see something darker than even the shadows they were in form into a hand that lifted up the leopard's muzzle. "You have summoned me..." a booming voice said as Firo could see Shadowstrike start to quiver in the grasp of the terrifying creature. "I can sense the lust for power in you, a darkness festering inside greater than that of the shadows that you control. You will make for an excellent host..."

"I live for your will," Though it was clear that the kneeling male was terrified Shadowstrike continued to try and look reverent. "If you grant me the power to enslave my enemies I will spread your kind, do whatever it takes to finally take my spot as the true ruler of villains."

"Your drive is commendable," the shadow demon replied as Firo watched the outline of a truly demonic cock form in front of the leopard's muzzle. "I will grant you your wish, but before you can take my power you will have to do one thing to prove yourself to me. All you have to do is find one with a good and pure soul and infest them with the parasite that I will give you, only when you do that will my spawn mature and give you the power you so desperately wish for."

Shadowstrkie hardly had time to nod before the ghostly shaft pushed into the leopard's maw, taking him by surprise as the demon thrusted into him. At the same time Firo felt as though he were the one getting the cock taken into his maw as the creature continued to slide inch after inch of that shadowy member into him. Both felines were shuddering as Firo saw Shadowstrike shaking as he swallowed something, likely whatever tainted cum the demon was feeding him. Just as the shadowy creature began to thrust deeper into Shadowstrike's maw reality shifted and Firo found himself buried in the groin of the leopard's furry crotch with his friend's cock buried deeply in his own maw.

Infected... the word rang in the snow leopard's mind as he found himself still sucking on his friend's cock despite what he had just seen. He could feel the strange demonic parasites, now empowered by the fact that Shadowstrike had successfully infested one of the heroes, take root in him both psychically and physically. As he could feel the corruption take hold in his mind the lust began to build in him and he realized just how right the other leopard was, feeling Shadowstrike rubbing his head as he bobbed up and down on his cock. Firo could feel the other two begin to strip him down as his frame began to build as the demonic essence inside him somehow bulked up his musculature as well...

By the time Shadowstrike had finally climaxed the snow leopard was a parody of his former self, a look of pure lust in Firo's eyes as his seven-foot frame was now packed with muscle. The infesting of another creature seemed to have spurred on all their transformations, the four now having horns as the original two that the leopard had taken grew ripped as well. Though the two looked blankly ahead as demonic soldiers Firo still had the spark of intelligence in his eyes as he pulled his muzzle off of the thick cock and the two began to share a deep kiss. Shadowstrike quickly motioned for the three to back away from him as he slowly stood up.

"Very nice..." the eight-foot tall leopard growled as he looked at himself, flexing his clawed fingers as he watched his bulging arm muscles move in perfect response under his torn spandex suit while his three minions knelt in reverence... "Of course this suit is no longer really quite appropriate for me... time for an upgrade."

The shadows swirled around Shadowstrike and as the darkness enveloped him it caused the already torn lycra to dissolve away from his enhanced body. It revealed the small spikes that had grown on his body, the protrusions a sign of just how much of his body was infested with the demonic parasite. Every muscle in his body pulsed with fleshy tendrils that throbbed under fur and the ever expanding scales that covered him. With a flick of his wrist the shadows formed into jagged black armor, leaving his groin exposed though to keep his parasite spreading cock... after all he and his new demonic army had a number of villains in the main room just ready and waiting to be brought into the fold...


It took nearly an hour for Sebastian to get to where he needed to go, having adopted the persona of Sunfire once more he had to avoid the public in order to move about. Since heroes and villains were commonplace enough he could have flown out in the open, but something told him that it would be better to avoid the general public. Unfortunately the one that he wanted had no roof access and his windows had no way to open, which meant he would have to go in through the lobby. Luckily there was a back way that Telken had specifically made so that heroes that had problems could go to see him without breaking his cover.

Once he was inside the building there was one person that Sunfire had to go through, Telken's secretary giving him a small grin and a nod before he held up a finger to tell him to wait. "Let me make sure that Telken doesn't have anyone coming in session and then you can go and see him," the fox said as he typed something up on his computer. "Let's see... his next appointment is about an hour from now so that should leave you with enough time to talk to him."

Sunfire nodded and walked inside the office where Telken's alter ego, Dr. Matthias Feldspar, was a practicing psychologist. The malamute looked up eagerly at Sunfire as he told him to take a seat, the german shepard laying down on the couch. While normally Matthias would then sit down in his usual chair he knew that when it came to superheroes coming at his door he knew it was for his more specialize skill. The psychologist moved to the head of the couch and placed his hands on Sunfire's head.

"So what seems to be the problem Sunfire?" Telken said as he began to shift his power into the other canine's head. "I'd ask if this is about the fight that you got into last night at the park but I already relayed to you if that was the case to just come in your regular guise."

"Well it actually has something to do with that," Sunfire replied with a sigh as he covered his face with his hands. "I had this really strange dream... and then another hero came over and something happened there... I don't know. Something's not right with me, and I think it has something to do with Shadowstrike kissing me after his fellow lackeys got done beating the crap out of me."

"I see..." Telken said as he began to feed his power into Sunfire's mind, watching his eyes flutter slightly as his ability took effect. "Let's take a look around in there and see what you can find... and don't worry, I'll be right there next to you the entire way. Just relax... close your eyes... and feel yourself sink down deeper."

It didn't take long for Sunfire to fall into the trance that was being facilitated by Telken's power; it hadn't been the first time he had been subjected to it and he knew how it was going to feel. The german shepard felt his eyes close for a while and when they opened once more he found himself in the middle of the same city park that he had been assaulted in. He knew he was in a memory and shortly after he had gotten his bearings he saw the husky standing right next to him. The other male remained supportive of him as they looked around.

"Alright," Telken said as he moved around the fountain. "So this is definitely somewhere that we needed to go, what we have to do now is just figure out where you believe the point of trauma is. Now you know what's going to happen next, we're going to bring in the people that contributed to this memory and then we can start to see what may have happened to you."

"Don't bother," a voice suddenly said, the two of them turning and expecting to see Shadowstrike standing there. What they saw instead caused them both to look in surprise. It was Sunfire, or at least a shifted version of the german shepherd standing there with bright white eyes. "I've been looking forward to this moment, and you brought me a friend too."

"Telken..." the real Sunfire said as he swallowed hard and began to step back along with the malamute.

"This... isn't you..." Telken said, causing the corrupted Sunfire to smirk. "I think that this is a manifestation of the source of your problem... this might actually be a good thing..."

"So astute of you to say," the corrupted canine said as he held out a hand. "Why don't you go ahead and take a second while we have a little talk here."

Before Telken had a chance to say anything the stone beneath him suddenly broke and several bright red tentacles came and wrap around his arms and legs. The husky immediately began to struggle against his bindings but it was clear that they were far stronger than him, restraining him there as the corrupted Sunfire moved towards his pure counterpart. Sunfire growled and prepared for battle, though he wondered how he could fight himself as he waited for the other him to make his move. The two stared at one another before they both made a move, each of them hitting one another with a heatwave attack.

But while the real Sunfire's attack was meant to push the canine back it quickly became obvious that his demonic doppelganger had a more nefarious power behind his wave. The second that it crashed into him he wasn't blown off his feet but as he felt it push through his body he did see them begin to grow. He let out a gasp as they seemed to double in size, the fur growing thicker around it as he felt the lust building inside him. By the time he recovered from the lustful onslaught the other creature had moved, but instead of going for him he had made his way towards the restrained malamute. Though Telken should have just been able to bring them both out of this mental landscape it appeared that his powers were just as bound as he was as Sunfire shook off the last of the horniness induced by him.

"Poor little heroes," the demonic Sunfire said as he went behind the restrained canine, his fanged smile growing wider. "Thinking you're so pure in heart even with the lustful desires contained within. Take this one for instance... you think that you take the noble road but you've used this ability to sate your carnal desires as well, using this realm as your personal playground without worrying about any real world ramifications. It's really rather ingenious, a wild passionate night where you get off and the one you were with just thinking it was a vivid sex dream that they quickly forget about."

"But... how..." Telken said with a slight gasp, Sunfire's eyes widening when he realized that the other version of him was correct. "Unless... you're a demon that's possessing Sunfire..."

That seemed to get the mutated german shepherd's attention as his grin turned to a slight scowl, taking his hand and pressing it against the malamute's muzzle. "I think that's enough out of you," the demonic creature said as Telken continued to attempt to speak, only to have his eyes grow wide as tendrils began to form around his lips and nose. "Time to give you something a little more useful than that boring tongue of yours..."

When Telken's muzzle was released he tried to speak again but his words came out completely garbled, and when he opened his mouth Sunfire could see why. When his tongue pushed out past his lips he could see that it had been radically altered; the entire appendage now throbbed as the cock-like head appeared first, followed by the veiny shaft that seemed to still have some of the flexibility while appearing fully erect. As it grew out of the malamute's mouth, presumably stiffening from the stimulation his own mouth was giving it, a similar effect was happening at his groin where the lycra had begun to tent.

Sunfire growled and made a dash for the demon just as it was about to slide behind the other canine, using his power to propel himself forward in order to try and bull rush the creature. Unfortunately just before he made contact the corrupted version of himself created a powerful thermal right under his feet, enough to not only arrest all of his movement but lift him up in the air. He went several feet before crashing down with a hard thud on the stone that reverberated through his entire body. He could hear the demon chuckle as Sunfire groaned loudly while he rolled onto his back.

When the german shepherd opened his eyes he found that the husky had been pulled down by the wires that had been holding him down by his wrists. Before Sunfire could do anything their muzzles touched and he could feel that cock tongue sliding up into his own maw, both canine's eyes growing wide as they felt it slide into his maw. Surprisingly Sunfire found himself reciprocating and as he did so he could feel his own tongue begin to swell unnaturally as well. Soon there were two cock tongues swirling around one another as the malamute began to get pushed forward, a glance from the side showing that his demonic doppelganger had begun to take him from behind.

As their bizarre make-out session continued Sunfire began to feel his entire body begin to convulse, grunting and growling as he felt the tendrils that had been latent in his body begin to spread more from his body. Whatever was inside him was growing, feeding on his lust as he could feel Telken's tailhole around his cock even though he wasn't the one raising his tail. His hips thrusted up from the sheer sensation as he found himself enjoying himself, the malamute clearly doing the same. Sunfire felt his eyes slowly closing as the changes continued to overtake his body...

And then suddenly with a particularly hard thrust Sunfire's eyes snapped open, looking down to see that he was hilt deep on top of the husky as the psychologist's cock was rubbing against the cushions of the leather couch. Even though he realized that he was having sex right there in the office he couldn't bring himself to stop, and even when he tried to pull back Telken bucked his hips up in order to impale his own insides with a pleasured gasp. Neither canine stopped until Sunfire came hard, tried to keep his groan as quiet as possible as he finally sprayed his seed into male beneath him. Once his orgasm has passed Sunfire once more grew clear-headed, quickly pulling out of the blissed out canine as he pulled out and caused the other male to shudder.

As Sunfire put his cock in his suit the two males looked at each other, then away as the german shepherd rubbed his hands against his forehead... only to feel something to make him stop. A pair of small horns had grown up past his hair and started to stick out as a clear indicator that what Telken had said in his dreams was true. Something demonic was inside him, and whatever it was that he harbored was only growing more powerful the longer it was inside him. He needed to get rid of it fast... luckily he knew who he could turn to in order to deal with such a problem...

After Sunfire ran out of the office Telken slowly sat up, looking down at his still swollen cock as a small smile crept across his face. He went back over to his desk and sat down in his chair, idly stroking the growing maleness with one hand as he picked up his intercom with the other. "Hey Devon, could you come in here for a second?" the malamute's grin grew wider as fangs began to grow from his lips and his eyes began to whiten. "We need to rearrange my schedule to fit in some more people, after you and I have a little performance review."

The Great Equalizer (3/3)

As night once more fell on the city a bulky sabertooth tiger in a nice suit looked out the window at the city below, watching the rain fall on it as the lights began to go on. "Looks like a miserable night of patrolling for the hero squad," he said...

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The Great Equalizer (1/3)

There was nothing that Sebastian wanted to do more than do then head back home after a long day on the job, but that was not going to be the case for him in another few hours... or at least it was for Sunfire. His superhero moniker continued to glide...

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The Future of Deep Sea Diving

It took more than a week before Daniel finally managed to acclimate enough so that he could move around the deep sea facility, adjusting his suit before heading out into the lab. He hadn't been sure how he would react after traveling almost ten miles...

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