A Surprise Reunion

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#8 of Surprise!

Vyrnen meets Renzyl's brothers!

Vyrnen belongs to Vyrnen

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Vyrnen could feel the pressure building as he waited in the room for Renzyl to return. He was about to go to the one place where this all started, back to the domain of the rubber dragon himself. While he didn't think that anything would happen to him there it was where Renzyl had all the power. If the nexus creature wanted to strip him of his newfound powers and kick him back into the nexus realm with nothing.

Strangely that thought was the one that caused Vyrnen the most distress. Despite only having the powers he had taken from the rubber dragon for a few weeks he couldn't imagine what it would be like without them. Just the thought of creating a new drone, having them succumb to his rubber corruption, caused his entire body to shiver. He could feel the converted nanites start to stir but he took a deep breath and kept it calm, he didn't want to go into his other self before he got there.

As Vyrnen paced back and forth along the carpet he began to feel the familiar tingle of nexus energy filling the room. He turned to see the portal opening in the middle of the air, watching the purple, blue, and red smoke swirl around until it coalesced into a disk. "Glad to see you there," Renzyl said as he stepped out into the room. "Anxious?"

"A little I suppose," the nanite dragon replied as he fidgeted slightly with a grin still on his muzzle. "I guess I never thought of all this leading to a meeting with your family. Are you sure that this is going to be alright?"

"I assure you that nothing will happen to you in my realm," Renzyl replied with a nod. "My brothers have been very keen to meet you so expect a lot of questions. Don't worry though, none of them will bite."

Renzyl gave Vyrnen a wink and held out his hand, which the nanite dragon eagerly took with a nod before they both stepped forward. It was one of the few times that Vyrnen had ever been teleported that wasn't under his own power, and when he blinked he found himself no longer in the hotel room. Instead he was on the crest of a sandy dune overlooking a very large building that sat on a peninsula. The sea breeze cascaded across their bodies as Renzyl began to lead Vyrnen down the path towards the small skyscraper.

"Wait a second," Vyrnen said as he began to pass by a multitude of different creatures, some of them in rubber but others with bodies made of stone, leather, goo, and other such things. "I thought we were going to do this in your realm?"

"Not necessarily," Renzyl explained as they moved on the decorated concrete pathway that lead to the resort. "Since it was going to be all my brothers we opted for a more neutral ground for us all to meet. The only time we all gather at one of our realms is for holidays, so for all other occasions we use this place called the Nexross. We all also share ownership of this place we have called the Nexus Island Resort, and one of the perks of that is that we can clear the entire space so that we can have our little meet and greet."

Vyrnen just nodded and let the rubber dragon take the lead into the resort, the nanite dragon finding the entire lobby was completely empty. It was clear that Renzyl's clout was not unfounded as they moved from the front area towards the back and encountered no resistance. When they went towards the large halls that were normally for special events the two did start encountering other creatures and Vyrnen quickly found that much like outside the resort there were a hodge-podge of different types. Renzyl was still able to walk right in, the heavily muscular creatures there to guard the doors giving the two of them a slight nod before allowing them to pass.

As they passed by everything Vyrnen started to wonder what he was possibly walking into, his mind racing with what a meeting of the strongest creatures in the nexus realm would possibly look like. From what little the rubber dragon had told him they were all fierce rivals, all of them attempting to dominate one another. He could only imagine something akin to a diplomat meeting between rival countries where all the leaders were on opposite sides of the room giving one another death glares. When they got to the final set of doors Vyrnen gave himself a second to steel himself as Renzyl opened the door.

"It's about time!" A voice immediately shouted as soon as the rubber dragon opened the door, Vyrnen taking a step back as a shark dressed head to toe in neoprene and scuba gear came up and hugged Renzyl while lifting him slightly into the air. "We thought that you had gotten lost or something. Hurry up, Jerkah made those things where it's like four different types of desserts all rolled into one another and they're going fast."

Vyrnen looked around in surprise at the gathering before him; not only were the other brothers laughing and talking cordially to one another but he quickly realized that it was his drones that were serving the party guests. He instinctively felt the connection to each and every one of his creations and it was clear from the bows that they gave him that they felt the same. It was a surreal sensation, even though he remembered creating all of them he hadn't seen some of them since the beginning. The other thing he noticed was that the other brothers were eagerly looking over the drones that were on display when they did things like serve them drinks or food.

"So this is the one responsible for all of this," another voice said, this one belonging to a hybrid of a leopard and a tiger that looked as though he were made out of obsidian. "I'm Kirdos, and unlike the other heathens in this room I happen to appreciate the aesthetics of what you've done."

"Watch it Kirdos," the robotic eagle that came up to him said, the synth creature pressing a hand on the feline's shoulder as a grin formed on his beak. "This one thinks that he's the only one that appreciates beauty in all its forms. I happen to like how your drones act, they are much like my own."

Vyrnen couldn't believe that he was talking to two nexus creatures, and not only that but they were actually fawning over him. Was it because he had taken Renzyl's power, or was it really from the drones that he had created under his tutalage? Maybe it was a mixture of both as he was shown to where the table of refreshments were. That was where he met Jerkah, a chocolate crocodile who seemed to be extremely happy serving the various treats and other foodstuffs to him as well as others. The nanite dragon was also given a drink as he was allowed to mingle amongst the brothers.

After about an hour Vyrnen had gotten a chance to talk to all of them and though they all kept rather tight-lipped on exactly what they were interested in when it came to him there were clues. At first the nanite dragon thought that it was all about his drones, but when he talked to Famjin it became clear that he was actually the main attraction. It made sense since Renzyl had gotten them all together just for him, but the question was to what end? Whenever he tried to corner the elusive rubber dragon though he remained coy and continued to travel around the room while the other brothers chatted him up.

Finally as Vyrnen talked to Jerkah about what he used in his mini eclairs there was the sound of glass clinking that brought all their attention. Renzyl was standing in the middle of a room standing on a chair, waiting until all eyes were on him before he stopped. "Brothers... thank you all for coming to the Nexross on such short notice," the rubber dragon said. "The reason that I made the call today is that we have something new in our midst, which as I know you are all excited since we haven't had such a thing in quite some time."

"Not since the spawning of the hellhounds," Kirdos chimed in.

"Who would have thought that werewolves were so versatile?" Yavini spoke up as well, causing them all to chuckle before Renzyl settled them down again.

"Yes yes, we all remember how that little discovery happened," the rubber dragon replied with a smirk. "But this time I would like to introduce the guest of honor for this little party. Vyrnen, if you could come forward please."

Now all the eyes in the room went from Renzyl to Vyrnen as he tried not to let his anxiety show, the nanite dragon still wondering what the end game was going to be as he moved forward. "Now I believe that you've all had a chance to admire his work," the rubber dragon said as Vyrnen moved forward into the middle of the room. "I think it's time now for a demonstration. Vyrnen, if you could please show them what I've taught you, make me proud."

Vyrnen jumped slightly as he felt a rubber hand pat his butt, Renzyl winking at him before walking back towards the circle that had formed around him. As the nanite dragon began to feel a little anxious at being put on the spot he realized that another creature was heading towards the circle. Vyrnen watched as a shark man with a collar around his neck was pushed into the middle. Though the creature was clearly excited to be there, especially from the erection that he was sporting, the naked aquatic creature was rather shy as he stood there naked in front of the nanite dragon.

Though he was still in front of the nexus creatures he felt that spark that has become very familiar to him, his eyes perking up when he sensed just how much this shark wanted to be a drone. It was like an intoxicating lure and before he realized it the corrupted nanites had started to bubble to the surface. The eyes of the nexus creatures watched in eager anticipation as electric blue turned to red, especially his eye as he blinked. The equine began to shy away as white scale turned to black rubber as he began to approach the other male.

"Well they certainly want a show," Vyrnen said with a smirk as he closed the distance to the aquatic creature. "I say we give them one. Look at you, you're practically a drone already and I've hardly even touched you yet."

The shark shuddered as the corrupted nanite dragon wrapped his arms around him, trapping the shark's erection between their bodies as their lips met in a kiss. Though he could have easily covered this creature in his rubber nanites he decided to show off a little flair in order to help make Master Renzyl look good. He watched as the shark's eyes rolled back into his head as his tongue pushed its way down into his throat, hearing a few murmurs of approval from those watching as they could see the shark man's throat bulge from the insertion. Though the others weren't sure on what was about to happen Vyrnen saw Renzyl grinning with his arms crossed against his muscular chest.

After a few minutes of their intense make-out session the corrupted creature stepped back slightly, still keeping the other male in his grasp but pulling their muzzles apart. "How are you feeling shark drone?" Vyrnen asked, watching the glassy-eyed male look over him. "Ready to obey?"

"Drone is ready to serve," the creature replied. "Drone thanks Master Vyrnen for giving him this gift."

"Not bad," a leather horse that was introduced as Santer said with a slight nod. "So we've seen that you're narcissistic as ever Renzyl and that this new creature of yours can mentally condition a drone, but given what Famjin offered up I would say that's not too much of a stretch. I really hope that there is more to your new pet project than that."

"Oh ye of little faith," Renzyl replied with a chuckle. "Just watch the show, we haven't even got close to the grand finale."

The other nexus creatures immediately stopped and looked back at the two in the middle of the circle, though it was more on the shark that had started to stagger slightly. Vyrnen continued to hold the shark around the waist as something began to shift underneath the skin of the male. The corrupted nanite creature could sense what the others were just now seeing, the rubber inside beginning to reach the surface. There were a few sounds of approval and even a sense of shock from one as black liquid rubber began to leak out of the maw, nostrils, and then shortly after his ear holes, cock, and tail hole as well.

Vyrnen could hear the others whispering to one another, and though he couldn't hear all of what was being said he heard the words clever and brilliant reach him. He knew from talking with Renzyl that converting someone from the inside out was quite the feet and as he began to stroke the lengthening cock of the shark male shiny patches of rubber began to appear on the otherwise dull skin. The others watched with fascinated interest as the shiny liquid around his mouth and face began to coalesce, his already completely coated face shifting into something serpentine in nature as a gas mask of a similar shape around it. At the same time the rubber leaking out of his tailhole and member spread over his legs and knit them together into one long appendage, the two legs quickly disappearing as a naga lower body replaced it.

"Alright, I'll be the first one to admit it," Athear said as the goo naga looked over the newly minted naga drone, his tongue flicking out in interest as the body of the drone swelled slightly with muscle as glowing red lines appeared over his body to give it a futuristic appearance. "I may be biased but I would say this is the best example of his work yet. I do believe you've stated your case quite well Renzyl."

The words caught Vyrnen's attention and he looked away from his creation to the rubber dragon watching him. "Stated your case?" he asked. "What does he mean by that?"

"I think it's time to reveal the true meaning on this little reunion," Renzyl stated, nodding to the other nexus creatures in attendance. "Continue on the party without me, it's time for a little heart to heart."

Though Vyrnen could hear the others snicker slightly at that his focus was mainly on the rubber dragon as he motioned to follow him towards the balcony area. The corrupted nanite dragon quickly followed suit and once they were out on the rather large overlook to the main beach of the resort Renzyl closed all the doors behind him. There was an aura of seriousness about the nexus creature that Vyrnen hadn't quite encountered anymore and it made him slightly nervous despite Renzyl telling him not to be. Before they completely closed off the section they did call over one of the waiters, an equine rubber drone that had been one of the first of Vyrnen's creation, to grab them drinks before they sat down.

"I'm starting to get a little worried here," Vyrnen stated simply once they were in a semi-comfortable position. "I thought that this was just to visit the rest of your family so that they would know that I exist out there in the world."

"That is true," Renzyl replied, sighing slightly as he sat back in the chair. "But you have to understand that when you're the top of the food chain you do everything in your power in order to stay there. That's why we have a strict policy of not siring any heirs to the throne, as immortal creatures we don't really need them, and any particularly powerful creations have to be accepted by the majority of the brothers in order for it to continue. You are the latter, the second that you started to master some of the techniques that I gave you I knew that I would have to bring you before them."

"You need their permission for me to... continue?" Vyrnen asked. "So if they don't they're going to kill me or something?"

The rubber dragon quickly shook his head, waving his hands dismissively. "Nothing quite as barbaric as that," he quickly explained. "But the powers that you've been enjoying up to this point would be stripped from you. Even if I disagree with the decision there's nothing that I could do, as long as you would be in the nexus realm they would continue to hunt you down until they got rid of anything they determined to be a threat to our power base."

Vyrnen felt his stomach drop when he heard that news, both in anxiety from the fact he was essentially being judged and anger that Renzyl had not told him about this earlier. At this point the corruption was so much a part of him that even if they did safely remove it from his nanites and programming he felt like it would be removing a peace of himself. But like Renzyl had said there was nowhere that he could go that wasn't in the nexus realm, at least nowhere that he knew of that he could go. He would rather not be hunted by the most powerful creatures ever just to try and keep his newfound abilities.

Before the two continued on any further the horse drone came back with their drinks, serving each of them before asking his masters if they need anything more. It was strange for Vyrnen to hear him be referred to as an equal to the rubber dragon, though the drone clearly went to Renzyl first before looking at him. Still it was an interesting sensation and punctuated exactly what the nexus creatures were leery of for sharing their power. Despite that Vyrnen sipped his drink in slight agitation that this was possibly the last time that he would enjoy himself in this corrupted rubber form.

The two remained sitting outside for a while longer before another drone popped his head out and told them to come back into the main room. "Well it looks like it's time to face the music," Renzyl said as he finished his glass before looking down at him. "You ready to face the judgement of my brethren? They will have probably already voted by now."

"They already voted?" Vyrnen asked. "Without you?"

"Those who were involved in the creation of said creature are not allowed to participate in the vote," Renzyl replied. "That way there can't be a tie and naturally those that created the one being voted on would vote to keep them."

Vyrnen just nodded and walked back into the ballroom where the other brothers had once more configured them back into a circle. There was one spot left that hadn't been filled and Vyrnen walked through it to the center before Renzyl took up his position as well, crossing his arms as his glowing red eyes looked at the others. The corrupted nanite dragon could sense what he was doing, the rubber dragon sizing up the others to see if he could figure out how they voted and anything he could possibly do. But as he stood there in the middle in the middle with those glowing eyes judging him Vyrnen knows that there was nothing that either of them could do at this point to help.

"So after some very careful deliberation both inside and outside of this room we have made a decision on the fate of this new creature that Renzyl has created," Haleon said, the robotic avian looking left and right to the others. "Though it wasn't completely unanimous it was overwhelmingly voted for that we allow Vyrnen to keep this corrupted state and allow him to continue to roam the realm as this new nexus beast that has been created. Of course, this isn't without a caveat, we can't just let something this powerful under Renzyl's influence be allowed without a chance to see how he ticks more closely..."

"I see..." Renzyl replied, chuckling as the others also had a smirk on their muzzles. "So you guys are jealous and want to see how he works so that you can create your own, what did you call them, nexus beasts? I should have guessed."

"You can't expect us to just let him go like that without seeing what you did," the smoke jackal spoke up.

"I have to admit that I'm more than a little curious myself," Santer stated as the leather equine scratched his muzzle.

"I think it's safe to say that we all have our reasons to investigate further," Haleon interrupted before others could continue to chime in. "I would like to extend the invitation to Vyrnen to be our guest here at the resort while we continue to look into him, I'm sure Reznyl can find him more than suitable accommodations and of course all the amenities of the Nexross are at your disposal."

Vyrnen thanked all the nexus creatures for letting him continue before they all dispersed, Renzyl walking up to him while the others resumed eating and watching the various forms of entertainment that had started up. The corrupted nanite dragon continued to remain down at the party where he fielded all sorts of questions from the others, and though some of them even he couldn't answer he was glad that they were accepting of him. From the consensus it appeared that the only one that voted against him was Yavini, which he guessed was because the fox nexus creature seemed to not like any real form of technology. Even so the plant creature was more than willing to chat him up and ask if there was a way to get what happened to him without the use of nanites, to which the corrupted nanite dragon could only shrug in response.

After a few hours Renzyl put a hand on Vyrnen's shoulder and said it was time to show him to a room so that he could rest. Though the corrupted creature was having a good time it had been quite a while since the sun had set. When the two left the ballroom and headed back to the hotel proper the lobby was no longer empty, creatures of all sorts had been allowed access back inside. Many of them couldn't help but look at Vyrnen as they crossed by, some in rapt fascination while many others were with a look of lust.

"You're going to get a lot of that around here," Renzyl explained as they made their way over to one of the elevators. "Unlike any other area of this realm where you have to remain disguised this place is completely open to our powers, even those who aren't our minions. Most people that get here have some form of magic anyway so you don't have to worry about meeting the one normal person and freaking them out."

Vyrnen looked at the others staring at him and couldn't help but leer, feeling a wellspring of pride in his muscular rubbery chest as they gave him jealous looks. While he wasn't sure whether they were because he was with Renzyl or his body he didn't care as he made sure to show off by standing right in front of the glass elevator so they could continue to gawk. With the initial fear of losing his power behind him Vyrnen felt himself freer than ever, especially since it likely meant that he would soon be losing his collar and be able to go out without needing his power checked. Though he wanted to know when it was going to happen the corrupted nanite dragon refrained from asking, wanting instead to be surprised on when it happened.

The elevator eventually stopped two below the top floor, which was where Renzyl informed Vyrnen that the brothers and their seconds all had a suite, and walked down the hallways. As the corrupted nanite dragon looked at each of the doors he passed there was little indicator on if these were also divided among the different brothers. The rubber dragon seemed to know where he was going though and eventually got to one at the end of the hall, opening it without needing to use any type of key. When Vyrnen used his nanites and his powers to see what the mechanism was he wasn't surprised to find it was the latter that would allow him to open the door.

"Wow..." Vyrnen stated as he looked around the rather nice stateroom, which had floor to ceiling windows as well as his own balcony and a rather large living area. "You certainly know how to make a guest feel comfortable."

"Well this room isn't just for you to get your rest," Renzyl replied. "Though that will be its initial use. Now that they've deemed you as not a potential threat to our power my brothers and I will be using this place so that they can have a chance to see how your nanites interact with my power. Expect a lot of poking and prodding to be done, though nothing dangerous naturally, and once their mysticism on how a creature like yourself was created then we can send you on your merry way."

Vyrnen gave him a look and the rubber dragon just chuckled, then let the corrupted nanite dragon be and left the room. He actually found the small kitchen area that the penthouse had was fully stocked, fixing himself something to eat before heading to towards the bedroom. It was strange going to bed in his corrupted form, normally he had to make sure that he was back in his regular body before he went to sleep. It was a strange sensation, but one that he quickly grew comfortable with as he let his rubber body sprawl out on the bed.


When the rubber creature awoke once more it was to the hushed sound of voices in the room, Vyrnen quickly sitting up and stretching his latex muscles. It was strange looking down at himself to see that shiny black skin and glowing red lines, a small grin forming on his muzzle as he went to the bedroom door to open it. The second he did he saw all the brothers gathered in the room and quickly found out that the muffled voices were a result of very well-designed soundproofing as he was suddenly met with a cacophony of conversation. It also appeared that they had brought up breakfast as well, several boxes of donuts set up on the countertop as they all continued to talk while Vyrnen found one he liked.

"Alright, so we've all gathered here because you guys can stop being so jealous," Renzyl smirked, the others sticking their tongue out or flipping him off with smirks on their faces. "I trust that you brought your own supplies, I already sent all the drones back to my realm. Who would like to start?"

"I would like to claim that honor if you don't mind," Haleon said as he quickly stood up, beating several others to the punch. "Considering that that technology is my realm I think it's only fair that I get to do some examination first. Unless any of you would like to challenge that."

The glowing yellow eyes of the robotic creature flashed and the other brothers quickly leaned back and voiced that it was fine he goes first. Haleon nodded and requested to Vyrnen to go back into the bedroom for some privacy, the others snickering slightly at that as the two made their way there. Once they were inside and the door was closed Vyrnen suddenly felt a bit intimidated in the presence of the other nexus creature, if he had decided to do something right there he wasn't sure if Renzyl would know or be able to do anything to aid him. It didn't seem to be the case though as the robotic eagle grabbed a chair and told him to have a seat on the bed.

"I would like to see how... versatile you are," Haleon said as he held out his hands, Vyrnen sensing something with his technological acuity even before the orb of silver metal formed. "Since you are a nanite creature yourself I would assume that you know how they work, I also happen to have a few that are much like you actually. It really is a shame that you didn't come to me first, I think we could have made some wonderful creations together."

"I can still hear you!" Renzyl shouted loud enough to be heard through the soundproofed door.

"That's why I said it!" Haleon shouted back. "Now stop listening through him, this is a private conversation!" The robot eagle immediately regained his composure and set the growing swarm of nanites on the ground as it continued to grow bigger. "While I do certainly... understand your enjoyment of rubber I was wondering if you could push it a little further towards the robotic end and make me a synth drone to test your adaptability."

Though Vyrnen was pretty sure that Haleon wanted a drone of his own so that he could reverse engineer the corrupted nanite dragon kept his mouth shut on the matter. He didn't want to mess up being granted the ability to keep his powers and if he could have a chance to spread his influence even more that was just another win for him. So with a small nod to the eagle he watched as the nanites turned from silver to black as they formed a raven, the male stretching his arms and wings as he regained his body. Almost immediately Vyrnen's own nanites could sense a few probing around him from the other creature, the two sizing one another up as Haleon introduced the two to one another.

When the raven, who was named Orville, went to shook Vyrnen's hand it was like shaking a piece of solid metal at first but quickly shifted to have a somewhat softer and more pliable texture to it. Though the metal glinting in the light already gave the avian an unnatural appearance he looked more like a statue then a robot, something that he was more than willing to help change. It soon became clear that the other male knew exactly why he was here as he leaned down and kissed him deeply. Though it was initially slightly awkward with it being beak to muzzle both sides shifted so that they could plunge their tongues into one another's maws as the two fell backwards onto the bed.

Unlike his usual drones it was clear that this creature was a minion of the nexus, skillfully finding all of Vyrnen's pleasure points while the two rubbed against one another in bed. These creatures already knew desire and from what the corrupted nanite dragon could sense this one was already more naturally submissive. As they continued to kiss and grope one another he could feel their nanites beginning to communicate with one another and that was when Vyrnen began to slip his programming in. Though he instinctively wanted to convert the nanites into rubberized versions as well he knew that wasn't what Haleon wanted and kept that at bay.

As they became more passionate with one another Vyrnen could see that his programming already begin to corrupt the other male, seeing faint traces of red lines appearing in the otherwise smooth, unbroken metal. The raven also started to become more submissive, the metallic avian had been attempting to assert some dominance but was now focusing more on the pleasure of the nanite dragon. When the bird looked up from where he had been nuzzling down Vyrnen's chest the rubber creature saw that one of his yellow eyes had started to turn a bright green.

"Master Vyrnen," Orville whispered as he nuzzled the growing rubber cock, the circuitry lines spreading over his beak as he did so. When Vyrnen could tell that the raven was ripe for drone transformation he told him to turn himself over and get down on all fours. The metallic avian was more than willing to comply and as soon as Orville had her tail feathers in the air the dragon slid up behind him. With both creatures being comprised of nanites there was no need to prepare and the raven let out a cry of pure pleasure when Vyrnen pushed his throbbing member inside of him.

As soon as Vyrnen impaled the other male the real transformation began, the glowing golden lines that had been sparse and thin on the black metal rear surging outwards over the raven's body. Once more he wanted nothing more than to see Orville be turned into a rubber raven drone, but thanks to the training that Renzyl had given him he was able to hold off on that temptation. Instead he focused on the programming that he found inside of the other nanite creature, finding the influence of Haleon to be a potential guiding template for what the robotic eagle wanted him to do. This wouldn't be the first time that the eagle had a synth-like creature under his control, and with a little modification Vyrnen could easily adapt the design.

Plus there was a little bit of rubber in there, Vyrnen thought with a smirk as he continued to plunge his latex member into the tight hole of the other creature. As the circuitry lines continues to expand and hexagons began to form on the raven's body his normally unbroken metallic skin began to form segmentation, like that of a robot only far more subtle in nature. The avian quivered in pleasure as his own cock began to throb hard, dripping with already corrupted pre as ridges formed on the bottom of it. By the time the physical corruption reached Orville's waist and thighs they looked more like Haleon's form as his flat stomach sucked in slightly while his abs formed into a six-pack.

"What an interesting style of assimilation," Haleon spoke, both dragon and raven nearly jumping when they realized that the nexus creature was still inside the room watching them rut. "Your programming has already suffused itself into the nanites first, and now you've turned them against the body they had created in order to change it. Quite fascinating..."

Vyrnen was not sure how to respond to the nexus creature, though he was both shocked and impressed that he was able to see all that. While he could sense his corruptive command lines overwriting the nanites of the raven he was nearly sure it was happening with a speed that no one should be able to see. It was clear that Haleon was a master of technology and it was possible that he could have overridden what he was doing to Orville, but was letting it happen while merely being a passive observer. That kept the corrupted nanite thrusting in and out of his new drone as he continued to let the changes happen to the raven's body.

After a few minutes the dragon flipped the raven over onto his back with his cock still buried deep within him, Orville's wings stretching out against the bed just as the golden lines began to transfer over to them. Vyrnen could see that the pectorals and abs of the other corrupted nanite creature swelling with growth as the black metal formed into plate-like structures while silver rubber began to form underneath them. It was like the raven was wearing a bodysuit underneath the molded body plates as more of the glowing lines moved through it and highlighted them. As the rubber and metal continued to morph with every push of the corrupted nanite dragon's hips Vyrnen decided to cap off this synth with a more traditional design.

The metal around the raven's face and head began to bulge as the nanites received their new instructions, the already glass eyes of the avian growing slightly bigger. Unlike transforming a normal creature the minion of a nexus creature was already so versitile as he watched the bobbing beak of the pleasure-fogged creature grow tubes on them like whiskers. the metal on Orville's face becae sleep and angular as it formed into a gas mask, the lenses of the avian becoming a visor that was set into it as the rubber and metal formed into an impressive design. The snyth raven drone was complete by the time Vyrnen came, and though it was clear that Orville had orgasmed as well he didn't make a single sound while the programming continued to condition him in the midst of his pleasure.

"I do believe that is enough," Haleon said as the two males pressed their bodies against one another in post-orgasmic bliss. "Orville is definitely going to have a lot more to assimilate and I wouldn't want to take up any more of your time. I'm sure the other brothers would love to meet you as well."

The robotic eagle let the corrupted nanite creature rest as he held out his hand, the raven drone dissipating once again before forming into an orb in his hands. Once the other male was completely gone Haleon nodded to Vyrnen and left the room. Once more he wondered if this was a good thing spreading around the secrets of his conversion, but it was unlikely that Renzyl would let such a thing happen without knowing about it. A few minutes passed and just before he was about to get out and leave the bedroom another nexus creature walked in to have a chat.

While most of the brothers just wanted to have a sample or give him a more thorough examination, some of them even kissing and groping him but not going any further than that, when Santer walked into the bedroom it appeared he had a far different request in mind. "So I know that the others are trying to make a creature just like you," the black leather horse said with a snort as he pulled out a harness. "I would like to mix things up a little bit and see if that little ability of yours can be transferred to items. Since I also know that you did Haleon a little favor creating a copy of your nanites for him I know that this is not in the realm of impossibility for you."

Vyrnen frowned slightly as he realized he was sort of being blackmailed, even though literally every other nexus creature had found some way to get an idea of how he had been created. The black leather horse seemed to be taking a slightly different route when it came to seeing how his technique worked. Before he could say or do anything Santer tossed the harness towards him and instead of it just flopping into his lap it immediately wrapped around his chest, forearms, and thighs. The corrupted nanite dragon was slightly shocked at the sudden appearance of gear on his body, especially with the leather pouch that formed around his glowing rubber cock.

For a few instances Vyrnen could feel the surge of control that came with the leather harness, but it was quickly overridden by his own power as hexagons appeared on the supple surface. The equine smirked and didn't say anything as the rubber creature began to squirm in his constraints as they radiated pleasure throughout his body. Though there was no way that Santer would be able to control him like the harness was made for it was absorbing his energies, soaking them in and adapting as the leather thong stretched with his erection. Red hexagons began to form on the leather as Vyrnen huffed in pleasure.

"I think... we're good," Vyrnen managed to say through panting breaths as his hands went down to his encased cock and began to rub it, the corrupted nanite dragon's toes curling as the pleasure seemed to increase. "You definitely know how to make a guy feel welcome... is this what your minions feel like all the time?"

"Only when I want them too," Santer replied as Vyrnen's hips thrusted up into the air as the pleasure saturated not only his body but the enchanted harness as well. "I figured that putting you in as much lust as possible will help the harness learn what it's like to have the same abilities you do, maybe even infuse some of those nanites into it. Even if it doesn't work I figure that it will be something to study once I take it off of you."

Vyrnen tried to respond but he was met with a cascading wave of pleasure that caused him to buck up on the bed, the feel of the leather rubbing up against the rubber causing him to squirm. Even though he could have gotten out of it or used his nanites to assimilate the rubber he held back, not only because it wasn't what Santer wanted but in case it secretly was. The nexus creatures were all extremely tricky, Renzyl warning him of that before they went to meet them in the first place, and it was possible that Santer wanted him to try and break free. Also it was hard to focus on what to do when it felt pleasure coming from every inch of the leather straps.

Finally after what seemed like ages, and after the corrupted nanite dragon climaxed more than once, Santer snapped his fingers and the harness fell from around his body. Vyrnen laid there panting as the constant pleasure that was being fed to him was abruptly stopped and he was able to think clearly again. The leather horse once more gestured with his hands and the infused harness flew backwards towards it. Whatever power the rubber creature might have had over the item he had just created was clearly gone as it seemed to disappear as soon as it touched Santer's hands.

Santer thanked Vyrnen and gave him a wink before moving to the door and opening it, only to have to take a step back when Renzyl and several other nexus creatures were standing there with their arms crossed. "I thought that we had made it very clear," Renzyl said as he narrowed his glowing red eyes at the leather equine. "There was to be nothing actually created, merely observation and a small sample taken and that was it. Did you really think that we wouldn't know that you were making something in here?"

"Well... you know..." Santer tried to explain as the other brothers approached him, then suddenly pointed over at Haleon. "He got a drone made for him!"

"You tattletale!" Haleon shouted, the others holding the robotic eagle as he made a lunge for Santer.

"That's enough!" Renzyl practically roared, causing the others to immediately stop what they were doing and look down at the ground. "Since it appears that none of you could follow the simple instruction of not creating anything new, which was for the courtesy of not draining our guest of his power, it appears that we're going to have to augment the rules slightly. Now with Vyrnen's approval we're going to give everyone a new toy so that they don't have to sneak off and try to create their own, is that alright with you?"

All the brothers immediately looked down at the corrupted nanite dragon and immediately Vyrnen felt intimidated as he backed up slightly on the bed. Though he knew from his discussions with Renzyl that they would follow whatever he said the power that was currently leveled in his direction was palpable. Even in his nexus beast form he would be shredded in seconds, probably without a lot of effort on their parts either. He also didn't want to put any additional stress on Renzyl either and that thought was what caused him to nod his head.

"Well that settles that," Tarien said with a mischievous grin as the smoke jackal-wolf rubbed his hands together. "I've had a few interesting ideas involving a cloud of nanites that creates drones that I've had in my head ever since I've laid eyes on him."

"Settle down Tarien," Renzyl replied, holding a hand to signify as such before turning to Santer. "I would very much like to see a demonstration of what my nexus beast did for you, and since Haleon and Santer already had a turn it seems we'll do Tarien next, then continued around the room until everyone has something. Why don't we call up for some room services and bring this little gathering back into the main room where we all have the space to stretch our wings."

"For those of us who have them," Kirdos joked, all of them filing out of the bedroom with significantly lifted spirits. Vyrnen soon followed suit and the second he took a seat on the couch Tarien immediately plopped down beside him and told him what he was thinking of. As the corrupted nanite dragon got to work the others continued to chat with one another or occupy themselves with handheld devices until there was a knock at the door that caused everyone to look up.

A sergal walked in along with an arctic fox pushing carts with the food they had all ordered, and once he had given everyone their respective meal he asked if there was anything else that he could do for them. Almost immediately Santer stepped forward and said that he had one more thing that the sergal could do for him, and that was to take off all his clothes and stand in the middle of the living room. Even though the server was slightly shocked at the request it was quickly apparent that he knew who he was in the company of as he stripped down without question. As Vyrnen continued the programming of his nanites with the black smoke that had been given him he watched as the lithe male went to the middle of the room and stood there nervously.

His anxiousness suddenly turned to surprise as Santer stretched out his arm and the harness came flying at him, Vyrnen sensing the nanite infused leather as it immediately coiled around the server's body just like it had done to him. Unlike his situation though as soon as the x-harness got into place along with the cuffs around his thighs and upper arms the male's body began to shift. Almost immediately he started to swell with muscle as the black leather began to spread, assimilating the fur underneath it before pushing out over the sergal's body. Even though Vyrnen no longer had direct control over it he could still feel the sensations of power flowing through the transforming creature and it nearly caused him to lose concentration on the task as hand as he watched.

The other nexus creatures nodded in interest as the harness continued to stretch and form new straps, the sergal almost unable to keep his balance as his frame continued to expand. Soon the black leather created more connected cuffs around his forearms and calves, which grew and sculpted to become powerful, Adonis-like versions of themselves while the leather thong that contained the server's cock began to bulge. At first Vyrnen thought that it was growing erect, his own doing the same as he felt the sensations as if it were happening to him, but having seen what the sergal's cock looked like before it was encased he knew it was more than arousal as the pouch continued to expand even more.

With his connection the corrupted nanite creature could sense that the nanites had already made their way to the sergal's head as the rest of his leather-bound body continued to bulk up, the male's groans and grunts becoming muffled as a leather muzzle grew over his maw. A glow began to appear in the server's eyes as his thoughts, already muddled from the sheer pleasure that he was receiving, became rewritten into that of something more subservient. Just like with Haleon's drone the triangular muzzle, which began to grow more curved and distinctly equine in nature, soon became covered in a mask, except this one looked more like a traditional leather hood with only a set of eye holes as the material merged into the straps on his snout.

"Now this is what I'm talking about," the neoprene shark said as he watched the sergal's features shift into a more equine form, though it appeared the leather horse drone was going to be keeping the thick tail as black leather cascaded down to convert it. "We should have done this in the first place, none of this sample stuff. When does it get to be my turn next?"

"I figure we'll go around the room," Renzyl replied, everyone nodding and letting out a little noise of satisfaction as the stretching leather that contained the former sergal's cock slipped down and revealed the heavy member that continued to lengthen even outside of its confines. Even as the physical transformation finished Vyrnen could see that Santer was trying to create more than just a drone, the nexus-infused nanites attempting to duplicate the power that he wielded. It was an admirable task, the corrupted nanite dragon thought with a smirk on his muzzle, but he could already tell that the leather horse didn't know enough and that the newly created drone was going to fall back into being just that.

When Vyrnen commented on the solid effort that Santer had for trying to create a nexus beast he saw the other brothers immediately snicker and smirk in his direction. Before the leather horse could give them a worthy retort however Tarien announced that his was finished and that he wanted to show off next. A leash formed on the horse drone's harness where a collar had formed around his neck and Santer led him over to the dining area, the newly minted drone obediently following his new master. The rest of the nexus creatures turned their attention to the smoke jackal-wolf as he disappeared and quickly reappeared next to the vulpine server that had been standing there watching everything in shock.

Before the server could say or do anything Tarien grabbed him and teleported him to where the sergal had been standing moments ago, then moving to the couch and grabbing the recently completed orb of nanite-infused smoke from the rubber nanite creature and blew it right into the arctic fox's face. The vulpine coughed slightly as the white fur on his muzzle began to darken, lines of blackness quickly spreading through it as once more Vyrnen could sense the assimilation already happening in the mind of the infected creature. The cloud of black smoke wasn't done yet though and swirled around the vulpine, dissolving away his uniform as unlike the horse drone the nanites were quickly converting the creature inside and out.

As Vyrnen watched and felt the blissful sensation of the new drone being made there was suddenly another weight on the couch that caused him to bounce slightly, turning to see Famjin sitting there with a toothy smile on his face. "Hey, did you just cut the line Famjin?" Vyrnen heard behind him to see Modino staring over the couch, the spandex bull putting his hand on the shark man's head. "Because I believe I was next."

"Oh brother," Renzyl said, clearly rolling his eyes even though they were just glowing red orbs. "I think we're going to need to call up more creatures here. Why don't we take a break here while someone goes down and gets some volunteers, if we keep transforming the staff there's going to be no one left to run the resort."

Several nexus creatures nodded and Renzyl pulled Vyrnen up from his spot to go to the balcony, letting the others squabble about who was supposed to be the next one to go. "I apologize for their behavior," the rubber dragon said. "We may be the most powerful creatures in the nexus realm but that doesn't mean we always act like it. Plus as I've mentioned before we're still at war with one another so the desire to get that shiny new advantage is something that everyone thinks about."

"I'm just surprised you were all civil to begin with," the rubber nanite creature admitted. "For being in an eternal struggle like this I'm surprised that you were willing to share at all and try to hide me from them."

"Honestly I had the thought," Renzyl replied with a small nod. "But had I hid you from them you would have either needed to stay in my realm permanently or risk getting caught during your travels and suffering the consequences. Since I didn't want either to happen to you I figured this was the best way to make sure everyone got something out of this whole thing."

As the two continued to chat for a while Vyrnen was once more surprised at the level of thoughtfulness this rubber dragon had for his well-being. Though he could have easily told him to give up the power or had him take his chances with his brothers he chose to give up a clear advantage in order to keep him free to move about the nexus realm. Just as he about to thank Renzyl there was a knock at the door and they both turned to see Kirdos waving them in. They looked at one another and then the two rubber creatures went back into the penthouse to find it even more crowded with a dozen individuals in various states of dress standing there.

"We found the volunteers that you were looking for," Athear said with a grin. "Really just had to shout out in the lobby and they came running, we definitely breed a very kinky crowd down there."

"Indeed," Renzyl replied before looking over to Vyrnen. "Looks like you have a long day ahead of you, think you're up for the challenge."

Vyrnen smirked and went to the middle of the room, red lines of circuitry and hexagons glowing against his shiny rubber skin as he looked at all the brothers staring at him. "Alright then," he said confidently as he held out his hands, letting a few of his nanites form into a rubber ball there. "Who wants to be the next one to get something created from me? I'm not leaving here until each and every one of you is completely satisfied..."


Vyrnen watched the sun set on the boardwalk as he leaned on the railings, licking the ice cream that Renyl had gotten him. It was a very calm end to a rather hectic couple of days and when he looked over at the rubber dragon he saw that Renzyl had a contemplative look on his face. "You look like you're a million miles away," the nanite dragon commented, causing Renzyl to look down at him with a small smirk. "What's going on in there?"

"Oh, just thinking about my brothers and their new toys," Renzyl replied as he ate his own frozen treat. "They won't stop with just the drones that were being created, soon they're going to try and create their own nexus beasts in order to have something akin to you just to say that they had created something similar. I daresay that the Nexus Realm was going to be forever changed by all of this."

"All that from a surprise tour of your realm," Vyrnen reminisced, both dragons chuckling. "Of course if I had to do it again I certainly would."

The two watched the sunset for a while longer and continued to talk about the journey that the nanite dragon had since that day. Vyrnen couldn't believe how much had happened in such a little amount of time. It felt like only yesterday that Renzyl had been chasing him through the nexus realm and now they were about to part ways after the rubber dragon bought him ice cream. Once they had finished that the two gave one another a hug and Vyrnen got ready to teleport out of the Nexross... until a rubber hand on his shoulder caused him to stop.

"I think that you are forgetting something," Renzyl said, pointing to Vyrnen's neck where the rubber collar sat. The nanite dragon had completely forgotten about it with all the stuff happening concerning the nexus creatures as his fingers went up and touched the smooth surface. The rubber dragon took one of his claws and hooked it around the solid band and with a simple flick of his wrist cut it completely through. Vyrnen was just able to catch it before it fell to the ground watching, his other hand moving around his throat where it had made its home for so long.

The second that the collar was off his body Vyrnen could feel the power of the nexus creature flowing through his form unabated, looking down at his hands as he shifted them from his normal white to black rubber and then back again. For a little bit it was almost overwhelming but with the self-discipline he had learned he easily contained the newfound urges, though the little surge of pleasure he got caused his body to visibly shiver. Once he had acclimated himself with his powers running free he offered up the collar to Renzyl to take, only for him to wave his hand and push it back towards him. Vyrnen just nodded and put the collar back into his bag before inquiring about his stable of drones.

"Well unless you want a gang of drones constantly following you around on your travels I have a different proposition for you," Renzyl offered. "Since of all your drones have essentially your nanites infused into them you can use your teleportation powers to recall them back to your location. All you have to do is tap into your nexus power and you will be able to remotely view your flock to pick which one or ones you want. Of course in exchange for such a generous offer I would require their use when you aren't actively having them."

"I think that is more than fair," Vyrnen replied with a grin on his muzzle as he shook Renzyl's hand. "Do you think you're ever going to visit again? Should I leave you my contact information?"

"Do not worry Vyrnen," Renzyl replied with a wink. "I can definitely still find you even without the collar. I'll make sure to keep in touch."

The nanite dragon smirked and the two parted ways, Vyrnen heading towards one of the areas that was designated weaker so that he encountered the least amount of resistance teleporting out of it. As he turned back to see the rubber dragon leaving he saw that Renzyl had completely disappeared, whether it back to the hotel or to his realm he didn't know. All he knew was that he could feel the connection to both now as he let the blue lines of his body turn red briefly. Renzyl said that he would find him again, Vyrnen thought with a grin as he began to teleport, but perhaps it would be him that surprises the rubber dragon once more.

The Surprise Demonstration

It had been a couple weeks since Vyrnen had last seen Renzyl and though he knew that his rubbery mentor had not forgotten about his pet project it left him wondering when he was going to see him again. Ever since their last lesson his ability to make...

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A Surprise Competition

Vyrnen took a last breath of the salty sea air of the beach that he had been staying at for the last few weeks, the drone he had created still lying there in the bed after the romp between the sheets that he had. Ever since Renzyl had given him a...

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A Synthetic Solution to Loyalty

Everyone in the city from cop to criminal knew that there was one place that no one was allowed to go, and that was to never cross into the warehouse district. There were few that have tried, everything from cops who wished to be heroes to other...

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