Be Wary of Owing Favors

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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(accidentally put this in journals, going to the proper place now)

Arbedark just wants to go into a city and have a rest, but there is someone else that has business there. The folf didn't realize it at that point that he was about to repay an old debt without realizing it.

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The line of people leading into the city of Minrow was extensive; as a major trading port and home to many very rich and influential people security along the thick walls that kept the dangers of the outside world from seeping in was extensive. The city guard were meticulous in their searching and rooting out of any dangers to those within and that resulted in people waiting hours, sometimes even days in order to get in and either trade or enjoy the sites and amenities within. For one young warrior it was thankfully the former, getting up to the guards after only spending a few hours under the hot sun.

"Alright then... Arbedark Greyfang," the ocelot stated after reading the name on the travel papers that were given to him. "Looks like you've got official license and vetting from the warrior's guild, what's the purpose of coming to Minrow today?"

"Just traveling through the for the most part," the folf replied, taking off his sword with its sheath and giving it to the guards for further inspection. "I might check in with the Minrow guild to see if they require my assistance but after just getting back from the Svion conflict I could use a few days of rest. A lot of fighting up there to try and tame the wildlands and I just about had my fill of it."

"The Svion conflict?" the feline guard repeated. "I heard about that particular battleground; you must be pretty fierce to fight up there with all those nasty creatures." The ocelot's gaze drifted to the black metal and glowing red of his left arm that had been exposed during a search of his clothes. "Is that a souvenir from there?"

"Oh this?" Arbedark said as he flexed his arm. "No, this is from a long time ago... would prefer not to get into it if I didn't have to." The guard nodded but informed him that an item of advanced magical nature like that would have to be looked at by a mage, which after another hour of waiting he was able to see. Arbedark could feel the spells used to determine if there was any dark magics on it to be aware of and when nothing came up, they cleared him to go into the city.

Though the warrior wanted to go into the market and get some supplies to continue on his travels the waiting in line after traveling for so long had exhausted him. Plus as the sun started to set over the high walls of the castle most of those in the market were already starting to pack up their supplies, which meant that he was likely going to be waiting a day no matter what. So all the black and red furred folf had to decide then was to hit up the warrior's guild or an inn for his accommodations for the night. While the former would be essentially free it also came with the possibility of being conscripted into yet another task for them and the food and other amenities at an inn were usually better. There was also quite a bit of coin jingling around in his pockets and there was no reason not to spend a little to help speed along his recovery.

The innkeeper was a dragon who welcomed him in and, upon seeing his sword and the crest of the warrior on his armor, quickly asked if there was anything that he could do for him. The folf had to suppress his smirk at the sudden placation; it wasn't uncommon for innkeepers and the like to try and make sure that warriors stayed in their tavern, not only did they usually have extra money that they could spend but having a fighter in the building often reduced the risk of theft or other disturbances. Though Arbedark knew he could have probably gotten more out of the dragon if he wanted to, he was usually nice and paid the full price for things as he requested a private room, food, and a bath. The dragon agreed and introduced himself as Fletch, telling the folf if there was anything else he needed to feel free to inform him.

With the key to his room in hand Arbedark went up and deposited his gear in his room, then went down to the bathing area in order to clean the dirt and grime that came with traveling on the road. When he went inside he found that one of the tubs was already drawn for him with curls of steam still rising from the water. It was quite the treat as he stripped down and put his dirty clothes off to the side along with the clean set that he had carried with him. As soon as he slipped into the tub he let out a soft sigh of satisfaction as the warmth immediately seeped into his tired muscles while he submerged himself. He let the water filter through his fur for a while, enjoying the hot water for as long as he had it before getting into the process of completely cleaning himself.

Arbedark continued lay there with only his head above the water, enjoying the silence that came with being alone while he let himself unwind. It had been so long since he had last been able to rest like this... his red eyes slowly going closed as he let his guard down. For what felt like years he had been skirting from conflict to conflict, hardly able to slow down as he used his skills to vanquish the evils that were out in the world. As he opened his eyes he looked at his black metal arm, flexing the magically mobile fingers before splashing it back underneath the water and sighing.

As the folf continued to let his thoughts drift he looked up at the ceiling, failing to notice that the lines in his alchemical arm had shifted from their normal red hue to a more purple coloration. What he did realize was that even though he hadn't exactly been thinking about it he found his metallic fingers playing around with his sheath, the warmth of the water transferring to them and causing an even more pleasurable sensation as it began to fill out. Soon the bright pink head of his cock was pushing out and his back arched slightly as he began to play with himself. In his weary state it was hard to for him to track what he was doing to himself, like his hand had a mind of its own as he began to stroke up and down his shaft.

"Is everything alright-" a voice said as the door opened, the water splashing as the sudden noise of the innkeeper caused him to realize what he was doing and sit up in the tub. The sudden movement caused the water in the tub to splash out and both Arbedark and Fletch stared at one another for a second too long before they turned away from one another. "My apologies sir, I was just coming in to make sure that there was a towel for you to use when you've finished with your bath and to inform you that we're ready for dinner soon if you want something hot."

"Yes, thank you," Arbedark quickly said as he regained his composure, leaning forward and crossing his legs so that his erection couldn't be seen in the tube. "I will be out in a few minutes, just will give myself one last scrub of the fur to get the road off of me." Though the two continued to try and not make eye contact, as though that would save themselves from not having to discuss what the innkeeper walked in on, the folf continued to notice that the dragon kept looking at his arm. "I don't suppose you're curious on my arm, are you?"

"You know I really am," the dragon replied, a slight sigh escaping from his lips as the awkwardness of the situation was finally deflected onto something else. "While it's not rare to see warriors sporting such armaments I rarely have someone with one coming into my inn, normally they stick with the guild for their accommodations. How does such a thing even operate like it does?"

"To be quite honest I'm not sure," Arbedark said with a laugh. "It was made by an arcanist, a rather sly naga named Vithin, after I had lost my other arm and thought that my fighting days were over. Thanks to him I didn't have to learn to wield my blade one-handed and potentially give up my fighting days."

"Well it's good to hear that you found such a spot of help in your time of need," the dragon replied as he went over to the tub and looked at the metal arm. By this point the conversation and nervousness had helped Arbedark no longer become aroused, so he was able to relax a bit and let the innkeeper get a look at it. "May I inspect it further?"

Arbedark nodded and watched as the dragon tentatively picked it up like it was a bottle of wine or something of that nature. He felt the scaled fingers of the innkeeper press against the metal like it was his own flesh, watching the red lines continuing to glow and pulsate from the magic contained within. "It's beautiful..." the dragon commented. "This must have cost you a fortune."

"Actually Vithin didn't charge me anything," Arbedark admitted, causing the dragon to give him a shocked look. "He said that he was sure that I would be able to pay him back someday for his kindness. You know how it is with magic users, feels like the lot of them are cryptic just so that they can confuse us common folk."

The innkeeper chuckled and agreed, telling the folf about all the times that a magic user had frustrated him with their bizarre requests or the surreal state that they left their room. As they talked neither male noticed as the hand that the dragon was holding had continued to drift towards while still being cradled. It wasn't until the innkeeper had finished up with his story and started to move away did they both realize where his hand had gone as the fingers inadvertently brushed up against the dragon's groin. Fletch blushed and immediately dropped the metallic arm, apologizing and excusing himself from the bath area.

Arbedark sat there in slight shock at what had just transpired, looking back from his hand towards the door and vice-versa. Had he been the one that put his hand there, or had the dragon been subconsciously guiding it. One thing was certain, from what he felt beneath the pants of the innkeeper it might not be the fact he was a warrior that had caused him to be so eager to serve him. The thought caused him to chuckle and he made sure to scrub himself while there was still a little heat left in the bathwater before he got up and toweled himself off.

Though the intrusion had interrupted his personal time Arbedark still felt extremely refreshed as gave one last brush to his short red hair before putting on his clothes. Unlike the garb that he had been wearing this was not made for battle or to go under the set of black plate armor that was in his room. Though he had been protected by it more times than he could count it was nice to be able to move freely as he made his way back to the common room after depositing the dirty clothing back into the room.

The food was the usual fare; stew, meat and bread. After wolfing it all down he gave the dishes back to the bartender of the common room and went over to thank the innkeeper for the meal before heading up to his room for the night. Though the dragon had attempted to see if he could persuade him to stay down longer the warrior just smiled and informed him that he was fine, but thanks. After their encounter in the bathroom it was clear to see the dragon was into him, but while it would have been nice to maybe see if he could have some company for the night he didn't want to pull the innkeeper away from his business and he was still dead on his feet from everything he had done.

With the moon already starting to rise above the walls of the town Arbedark decided to turn in, knowing that tomorrow he had a big day of resupplying and figuring out where he was going to go next. Part of him still debated on going to the warrior's guild and check in, but he figured that was a decision to make for another day. As he got into the room and sat down on the bed he was grateful that he had decided to splurge on the private room as he went over to the bed and sat down in it. Not only did he have to not worry about someone sharing the room with him trying to take his stuff but he also had his own window to look out of at the town below.

Minrow... even with the moon high in the sky there were still people out and about besides the town guard, taking walks and enjoying the safety that came with the city. He couldn't remember the last time that he had been to the city, far too long for his tastes. With the monarchy having a stranglehold on security though there wasn't much need for them to have warriors around, anything the city guard couldn't handle was then quickly stamped out by the military force that also was contained within. No conflict meant nothing to fight, and nothing to fight meant that there was no need for him to be there.

Still it was nice for him to relax for a bit, Arbedark thought to himself as he flopped back on the bed, though as he looked over at his sword leaning up against the wall he felt the familiar itch of wanting to wield it once more already. There would be plenty of time for more of that later, he reasoned as he laid back and only bothered to put one of the lighter covers on over him. Though he wasn't used to being in a bed for some time he quickly found his body getting used to a surface that wasn't bare dirt and rock covered by a bedroll. It didn't take long for sleep to come to the hybrid, the folf soon sleeping soundly after his head hit the pillow.

As the night continued to progress though the folf began to toss and turn slightly, eventually lying on his back with his arms sprawled out to his sides. The cover that had been on his body slid off of him and landed on the floor to expose his black and red fur to the light of the moon shining in through his window. Most of Arbedark's body remained still after that... save for his arm. Once more the fingers began to move as the bright red lines on his metallic arm began to seep into a more purple coloration once again.

Arbedark had often remained clothed when he slept, making sure that he could leap to action at a moment's notice, but his arm had other ideas as his fingers began to disrobe him. The folf continued to remain unconscious as his possessed arm continued to undress him, the warrior's body twisting slightly as it removed his pants and tunic. Though the arm was moving rather slowly the movement eventually did cause him to start to awaken. When the warrior finally opened his eyes he was met with the cloth of his own shirt covering his head, causing the hybrid to snort and bolt upright while getting tangled up in his clothing.

After about a minute of thrashing about Arbedark finally managed to get the clothes that had been partially removed from his body and got them off the rest of the way. Almost immediately afterwards he got himself ready to attack whomever was attempting to attack him, only to find himself alone as he continued to stare at all the shadows of the room. When his brain registered that he was truly alone and his breathing returned to normal his mind turned to what possibly caused him to shed his clothing like that.

"No one said that you were alone..." a voice said, the warrior's muscles tensing as he heard a chuckle echoing through his room.

"Who's out there?" Arbedark said, trying not to shout but still sounding as confident as possible. "Show yourself!"

"Are you sure?" the voice said, the folf trying to train in to where it was coming from.

"Quite," Arbedark bristled.

"Suit yourself..." the voice replied. "Of course that might be more literal than you think."

Before Arbedark could say anything he heard his metal fingers snap and when he looked down at it, his eyes widening in shock at what he saw. The completely purple lines in his augmented arm pulsated with light, and as he watched it he began to see something oozing out from the black metal. His pulse quickened as he watched all the goo start to coalesce until had completely covered it. In a matter of seconds the bright purple substance had molded and shaped itself into claw-tipped fingers that looked like a gauntlet.

The warrior's mouth opened and closed, his brain unable to comprehend what was happening to him. The arm that he had relied on for countless battles was moving on its own accord, betraying the actions that his brain was trying to send it. It was like someone had used magic on him in order to lose control of it and as he continued to try and attempt to move them the goo started spreading. It jumped from the metal of his arm onto his fur and flesh, coating it just like it had done with his arm.

"What type of insanity is this?!" Arbedark shouted as he brought his other hand over to his infected arm in some attempt to try and stop it from spreading further over his shoulder. "Whatever you are you can't-"

The folf was suddenly interrupted as the bigger fingers of his mutated hand had reached up and wrapped around the black fur of his muzzle, essentially stifling himself. It was clear the consistency of the arm, or at least what was covering it, was semi-solid in nature as the draconic fingers melded together and formed a seal around it. When his other hand went up to try and rip the goo off of the seal off of his face to find that it had already gotten completely coated as well. While it wasn't spreading like from his other arm it was providing a hinderance as the goo formed a mitten around his fingers to render them pretty much useless.

Arbedark had to think fast in order to prevent whatever sort of essence had corrupted his augmented arm, his gaze shifting over to his sword that continued to lean against the other side of the wall. Though it would possibly not help if he could cut off the arcane arm it was the only thing he could think of to try and save the rest of his body, especially as light purple spikes began to form over his shoulders. Though he wasn't sure how he was going to wield the weapon to do the deed that wasn't what he was thinking of at the moment, the only thing his focus was on was the goo that was quickly spreading up his neck and towards his head. The dark chuckling from the voice that had been teasing him before grew louder with every second that he continued to flail about.

By the time he had gotten to his weapon though he was practically squirming as he felt the substance oozing over his back while more spikes began to sprout from the purple that had enveloped his shoulder. His arm had completely rebelled against him at this point and with the corruptive ooze spreading over his other shoulder it was becoming hard to try and control his other one. The sword clattered to the ground as Arbedark fell onto his back, though he quickly rolled on his side when he could feel his spine stretching as another set of spikes began to grow out. The warrior gasped in horror as he realized that this strange goo coming from his arm wasn't just covering his body, it was transforming it!

Just as the folf was putting all the pieces together he felt thick tendrils of the ooze starting to push into his ear and mouth, the dark purple substance coating his face. "Now you're starting to get the picture," the creature hissed, the gooey tentacle sliding around his ear like it was a tongue before pushing further into his skull. "You've had so much time with the use of this arm, helping you win countless battles and giving you a reputation of a fierce and formidable warrior. Now that you have done me the service of smuggling me into Minrow it is time for you to return the favor."

Arbedark tried to struggle against the mental assault happening in his mind as the purple goo continued to spread down his lower body. At the same time more spikes pushed their way out of the half of his face that was completely covering half his face, the canine side of his face growing slack as the mutating side became more draconic. With the creature seeping into his psyche the folf's body continued to completely relax while tendrils of goo spread over his chest down towards his groin. Though his body was already well toned from years of training he could feel them swelling even more under the corruptive substance, bright purple lines tracing around his pectorals and abs as though to highlight his new musculature.

"You can't... do this..." Arbedark said, though it was getting hard to move his mouth as he lost sight in one of his eyes while he continued to feel his skull pushing out more horns and spikes. "Foul demon... I will beat you..."

"I'm afraid that all of your training isn't going to help you win this fight," the creature said gleefully, Arbedark shuddering as he no longer heard the voice in his mind but coming out of his own mouth. "Why don't you go ahead and just relax... I just need your body for a little while after all. I promise that I'm going to return it once I'm done with what I need it for."

"What mission..." Arbedark replied, trying to distract himself not only from the assimilation of his mind and body. As he looked over he saw that his sword had become a bit unsheathed and in the gleaming metal of the blade what he saw shocked him. The half of his head that had already been taken over by the creature was completely transformed, the shiny dark purple looking almost swollen compared to the unchanged part of his head and the eye he could no longer see out of was glowing with a bright purple. What really shocked him was his expression on the part of his face that was still canine as it looked like he was enthralled... and even as he looked at himself he found himself growing more and more relaxed as purple tendrils began to swirl around in his uncorrupted eye.

It was clear that the gooey draconic creature wasn't going to answer his question, and as the goo continued to completely cover his lower body like a living suit it gave him a strange sense of pleasure. He couldn't tell if it was from the stimulation that the folf's body was receiving from the assimilation or something that the creature was doing inside his brain. As the resistance of the warrior continued to crumble the dark purple goo continued to slowly creep over him to represent his decent into corruption. The entire time the corruptive goo continued to encapsulate his mind and soaked into his brain, increasing his libido in order to continue to erode his resistance.

"I'm impressed that you managed to stave off my demonic energies this long," the emerging draconic creature said, Arbedark feeling his body flipping itself over and looking down to see the purple encapsulating and thickening his thighs. At first the transforming folf thought that the goo had completely enveloped his cock as well, but as he focused on that he saw that it was hidden behind a slit as the head began to push out. "But since this body now belongs to me now perhaps I can do something to occupy your time."

As the head of the cock pushed its way out Arbedark saw that not only had the sensitive flesh had turned a bright purple had also grown ridges as well. With every inch that slid out the more that his body shuddered, though at this point the only thing he could do was curl his toes while the dark purple continued to cascade over his body. Even though the pleasure coming from his groin was intense the folf knew that if he succumbed down this creature would win and instead mustered everything he could to try and push back. Much to his surprise he found himself able to move once more, able to get up onto all fours and attempt to call over towards the door.

Arbedark surprised himself with a very draconic snarl that came out of his own mouth as the creature seemed to switch tactics. Before the folf could reach the door the transformation seemed to kick into overdrive, Arbedark letting out a guttural groan as he felt the goo on his back pushing out. Had it not been clear before he felt the wings of the creature spreading, the deep purple oozing out and defying gravity. At the same time his bushy black wolf tail underwent a similar transformation and as the goo slid over it the warrior could feel new muscle cascading down the appendage. The hybrid groaned and fell down once again as the demon dragon found the opening in the warrior's mind, using the distraction of growing wings and a draconic tail in order to reassert control.

Finally the last of the goo slid over his toes and transformed them into something more reptilian in nature as the last resistances of the warrior crumbled away. The goo creature had reasserted control and when he did it caused the normally dominant warrior to feel powerless, another feeling that the demon capitalized on. Arbedark's muzzle opened wide as the last of his red and black fur was coated as he could feel more of those spikes pushing out of his cheeks and head. When his new draconic muzzle snapped closed it was like it had slammed the door shut on his own body.

"Admirable, but ultimately foolish," the goo dragon said with a chuckle as he slowly stood up, looking at himself as he flexed his new body. "To think that you could possibly stand up to my might is foolish. My name is Qalos by the way, a pleasure to finally meet you."

Arbedark was at a loss for what to say, though even if he did know he would have no ability to say it. This was possibly one of the most important fights in his life and he lost... his mind reeling on how it even happened in the first place. "Still thinking up a storm in here I see," the goo demon dragon said as he leaned forward, looking at the still erect purple cock jutting up from his groin. "I would have thought that the loss would have subdued you, but let's at least give you a little consolation prize."

The transformed folf wasn't sure what the dragon meant by that before he felt his body arch forward, his gooey mutations giving him untold flexibility as he found his new snout in front of his cock. It didn't take long for Qalos to start stimulating himself, and by extension Arbedark, as he took his bright purple tongue and sliding it all around the ridges. Both creatures were awash in pleasure, though for the demon dragon part of it was watching the proud warrior cave to his lusts as he began to indulge in the feelings. That was only increased when the goo demon dragon pushed himself forward and the thick, throbbing cock pushed past his lips.

The bizarre nature of the self-administered blowjob was also because Arbedark was unable to do anything about it, everything from the speed that the dragon bobbed up and down to the amount of suction on the sensitive flesh was determined by the one that had hijacked his body. The worst part was that it felt so good that it continued to pull his thoughts away from the fact that he needed to try and find some way out of the situation and focus more on the pleasure he was getting. It also allowed the demonic whispers that had not stopped filtering through his mind to continue to sink deep into his psyche.

Qalos rhythmically timed his pleasure-inducing sucks with Arbedark's psyche continuing to crack. Every time the possessed folf thought of him or his new form in a good light he increased the stimulation, but if his thoughts turned to escaping or attempting to defeat the demon dragon he stopped. He even took a few of hid digits and slid them into his stretchy hole when the fleeting thought of letting Qalos continue to control him crossed his mind. By the time they had come to climax Arbedark had been so enthralled by the pleasure that the only thing he could think of was how good Qalos felt not only with his member in his maw but also the feel of his body overall.

"That's a very good start," the demon dragon stated once he had pulled his maw off of himself, churring as he rubbed his hands over his gooey muscular body. "You've taken to your training well my little puppy, let's see what else I can teach you..."


The inn was completely silent save for the sound of the occasional snore and the creak of food from the building. Almost all the patrons had either gone to sleep or retired for the night, the common room empty as the fire in the fireplace was brought down to the last crackling embers. Though everything was quiet there was a creature stirring in the hallways, technically two as the dark purple dragon slowly made his way through the halls. As Qalos looked about for any threats the folf inside him was just starting to awaken once more.

Arbedark had been rendered nearly unconscious by the state that he had been put in by the goo demon dragon from a combination of the lustful pleasure inflicted upon him as well as the corruptive essence that was pumped through his system. When he had been initially taken over a part of his mind thought that he wouldn't have woken up again at all and was slightly relieved to be up and about. What didn't put him at ease was that all the moving around he was doing was not being controlled by him, instead it was by the dragon that had completely encased him and transformed his body into its current state.

"What do you plan to do with me, you foul creature?" Arbedark asked, his voice not leaving the mental confines of their shared mind as he watched through the dragon's eyes.

"I don't plan on doing a thing to you," Qalos replied mentally as well. "As I may have mentioned before taking over your body is merely a means to the end, I hope you don't think I meant anything personal by it. If anything you should be flattered that you were chosen, the stronger the host body the more potent my powers are when I take over."

"Forgive me if I don't accept such a compliment," Arbedark growled. "Where are you taking us anyway? What is your mission?"

"The mission will come soon," Qalos explained as he appeared to find the room that he was looking for and stuck his fingers into the lock, Arbedark able to feel the gooey finger manipulating the tumblers until they aligned perfectly and he was able to open the door silently. "First I need to make sure that we don't get in trouble for what we're about to do, and that means establishing an alibi. Luckily for us I found one that fell quite neatly into our laps."

With the dragon's enhanced senses Arbedark could see clearly in the dark what the demon was talking about. At the other end of the rather nice room the innkeeper slept, his soft breathing filling the room as Qalos padded inside. "Wait... what are you going to do with him?" Arbedark asked as the demon dragon slowly crept towards his scaly counterpart. "I won't allow you to hurt him!"

"You're quite negative, do you know that?" Qalos stated, the folf feeling a smirk on their draconic muzzle as they continued to silently approach. "Nothing would be gained by harming this individual. In fact quite the opposite... we're going to make sure that he has quite the pleasant experience that I'm counting on him to remember along with a few other things."

Though Arbedark definitely didn't trust this creature at all he had no choice but to go along with whatever plan the demon dragon was hatching. Much to his surprise he felt the transformation that he had just underwent reversing itself, the goo absorbing back into his body as the purple gave way to his black and red fur. When he attempted to try and move his hands again though he found that despite looking like himself once more it was Qalos that was still entirely in control. His metallic arm still pulsated with that glowing purple light and when he caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of the window his eyes still glowed with an unearthly purple light.

Once the last of the goo disappeared back into his arm the folf felt his own body get moved over to where the dragon was sleeping, Arbedark feeling even more out of place now that it was his form that was being moved without his permission. There was a certain amount of disconnect seeing the deep and light purple of the demon dragon, like he was just a passenger in the body of someone else. Seeing this though was the epitome of possession and all he could do was watch the demonic figure manipulate his body. The innkeeper continued to remain asleep as they approached him, waking only when Qalos put his hands on the head of the dragon and began to stroke his cheeks.

"Wha..." Fletch murmured as he started to open his eyes, at first blearily before they widened when he saw the black and red furred folf staring back at him. "Arbedark? Am I dreaming?"

"I assure you this is quite real," Qalos said in Arbedark's voice, the warrior unable to do anything but watch as the weariness was replaced with visible excitement. "You know, you said that I should come to you if I needed anything, and it turns out that there is. I know it's a bit late but if you could satisfy that need that would be great."

It was clear that the dragon was more than interested in servicing him, both Qalos and Arbedark could see it in his face as he got up from his bed. "Well normally I don't accommodate such requests but for you I could make an exception," Fletch said coyly as he covered himself up with the blanket. "But like most of my kind I tend to sleep in the nude, would you give me a moment to be more decent?"

"Not a chance," Qalos said with a grin, Arbedark's voice practically a growl as the folf felt a surge of arousal coming from his own body as their muzzles locked in a deep kiss. The demon dragon possessing him didn't waste time, pushing the other dragon down onto the bed once more before turning him so that he would be on his stomach. When the innkeeper complied Arbedark could feel a surge of pleasure course through his entire body that caused his dick to throb wildly.

"I've... never done something like this before," Fletch admitted, trying to turn his head back before Qalos took him by the horns and kept him gently but firmly pinned against his pillow. "Normally I just flirt with others to get a bigger tip, mostly the cuties, but to actually have you in my bed..."

"Well you are right about one thing," Qalos said as he leaned in, transforming Arbedark's tongue from its normal red coloration back into the bright purple before licking Fletch's cheek. "You're definitely going to get a bigger tip out of this."

If the innkeeper was aware at all that the folf that he lusted over was slowly transforming while on top of him he didn't show it, even when that gooey tongue stretched out even further and once more pushed into the other dragon's muzzle. Arbedark could only guess that the combination of demonic magic and lust had fogged Fletch's mind, causing him to suck on their shared appendage without a second thought as once more the canine muzzle shifted into something more draconic in nature. This time instead of coming out solely from his arm the corruptive goo seemed to seep out of everywhere, spreading over all his fur at once as it stimulated the most sensitive spots on his body. Though the warrior could sense that by this point the innkeeper was putty in his paws Qalos wasn't going to let a good thing go to waste as he took his bright purple goo cock and lined it up with the tailhole beneath him.

If Arbedark had been in his own body he would have been moaning just a loudly as the dragon beneath him as the tip slid inside the tight passage of the other male, spreading the scaly cheeks of his rear open with their girth. The gooey composition of the dragon that was forming from the folf's body made it so that the insertion was rather easy and even the ridges that popped through the clenching ring of flesh made it so that only pleasure was shared between the two. By the time Qalos had gotten half-way inside the other dragon his original body had manifested itself once more as his reformed wings flapped behind him and his tail thrashed about from the stimulation. Even though it felt so good Arbedark knew that it was wrong... but his brain was having a hard time keeping that thought as the demon whispered things such as asking how it could be so wrong if both parties were enjoying themselves...

"Perhaps you are merely jealous that it is not you in control," Qalos stated mentally, Arbedark scoffing at the notion. "I think I'm right... think about it, a warrior as formidable as you dominating the battlefield, helpless to watch as someone else not only dominates your body but also that of another with it."

"Do you enjoy taunting me as much as you do thrusting into this trusting innkeeper you've deceived?" Arbedark shot back. "Or do you have some sort of point demon?"

"Besides the one inside our new friend here?" Qalos replied, the demon dragon chuckling as he pushed his hips forward to cause a surge of pleasure to otherwise disarm Arbedark from whatever thought he was about to have next. "Since my mission requires my full focus I'm prepared to give you a trade... you can have limited control back of your own body until you orgasm, and in exchange for my generosity you will not bother me for the rest of the night. You can have the sex you so desire and I'll have piece and quiet for the rest of the night... I already have you for the rest of the night, this is your chance to get a little more out of it."

Though Arbedark knew that this had to be some sort of trick feeling the inner walls of the dragon squeezing around Qalos' cock was something that could not be ignored. This demonic creature had already beaten him, he thought to himself as he tried to shield his ideas from the one who shared his head, but perhaps if he could regain control for a little while longer he might be able to figure something else. More than once he had to push back the voice in his mind saying that he was just doing it for the handsome male beneath him whose muzzle still had the demon's tongue buried deep inside to the point where it was starting to push into his throat. It was clear the demon had started to give him a little more control over their shared body, but the longer that Arbedark took to answer Qalos the more the demon started to reassert himself...

Finally Arbedark blurted out that it was a deal, not realizing that he had done it out-loud as he suddenly felt himself regain his control and his tongue pulled out of the dragon beneath him. When he was able to look down he saw that Fletch's eyes had glimmers of bright purple just like his own did, a sign of the demon's taint corrupting his mind. It appeared that Qalos had already done what he wanted with the innkeeper, which meant that once Arbedark came the demon would take over once more. Though he thought there might be a way to delay his orgasm and get out of this situation there was one thing that he hadn't counted on, and that was what it felt like to be in control of the demon dragon's gooey form.

The sensations were so intense that it took all of Arbedark's willpower to not immediately cum, thrusting down inside of the dragon's hole to the hilt and keeping his hips there. His dark purple body radiated with an almost intoxicating power that any warrior would have killed to have... and even though he knew it wasn't his at the moment it certainly felt like it. Though he could still feel himself somewhere within the gooey dragon form it was like Qalos had covered him like a living suit while also completely transforming his body so that they had become one creature. What surprised the former folf the most was just how sensitive the dark purple synthetic skin was as his hands ran up and down the other dragon's back and caused them both to shudder.

It wasn't long before the pleasure was too much for Arbedark to bear and, combined with the continued influence of the demon dragon's whispers, he found himself using his new strength to lift the dragon's upper body off the bed. When he was lifted up gravity caused Fletch to slide down onto Qalos' cock even more, his eyes practically glowing purple at this point as both males were lost to the demonic influence that had enveloped them. As Arbedark continued to hold the dragon with one arm, taking care to massage and grope his pectorals and abs with his hand, the other one snaked around and began to pump the throbbing draconic member in time with his own thrusts. Stimulating Fletch in time with his thrusts upwards caused the goo dragon to get even more pressure down on his sensitive gooey ridges that was quickly enough to send Arbedark over the edge.

Both males let out a loud cry as they came, Fletch doing so not long after the demonic dragon shot his tainted essence straight into the other creature. While Arbedark continued feel the rapturous bliss that came with his climax Qalos used the distraction of both males to seal in the whispers that he had given to the innkeeper. Though not necessary his corruptive essence inside the other dragon would cement the influence that he had put into his mind and keep him where he was needed. Eventually both dragons collapsed once more and as Arbedark panted heavily he felt the control he had just gotten back get taken away from him... but that wasn't all.

For the folf it was like he was falling asleep even though he wasn't tired. As the demonic dragon whispered that a deal was a deal Arbedark realized just to what extent he was going to be taken out of commission so that Qalos could get the peace and quiet he needed. The warrior cursed himself for not seeing such a trick sooner, but it was already too late as the magic of the demon sank his consciousness down into darkness. Soon the only thoughts that remained in their shared body was from Qalos as he stretched and flexed his body once more while he got up from the bed.

Once the demon dragon was finished with the innkeeper he once more stroked the dragon's head and watched the other male's half-lidded eyes continue to glow with that unearthly purple like. While Qalos didn't know what was happening inside the lust-soaked mind of the dragon he couldn't help but note the pleasured look that he still had on his face. He knew that it would be something akin to what he had told him to remember for when he got back as he snuck back out of the innkeeper's room and back into his. He made sure he was deathly quiet as he closed Fletch's door behind him and locked it to make sure no one would come in to try and check on him while he was gone.

As soon as Qalos was back in the room that Arbedark had rented he also locked his door and immediately went over to the window, making sure to stay quiet as he did so. The streets had long since been emptied with only the guard occasionally being seen to make sure that it stayed as such. "It's almost too easy," the demon dragon whispered to himself as he carefully opened the window and stuck his head out into the air. "I will have to thank Arbedark once more after all this is done, he did all the hard work smuggling me in here after all."

Carefully the demon dragon stepped out of the window and onto the roof of the inn, making sure to stay out of sight as he crawled up to a flat part so that he could get a better vantage point. Though the building wasn't big it gave Qalos a chance to look out and see the sprawling city better. As his glowing purple eyes locked onto his destination he looked down at his arm, the grin on his face growing wider as his entire arm turned into a wicked blade that he swung a few times experimentally before forming it back into his arm. Once he saw the guard he had seen earlier pass by again he took a running leap and glided to the next roof, then used his superior strength and agility to continue to bounce and glide towards the heart of the city itself...


When Arbedark opened his eyes once again he found himself back in the bed that he had rented for the night, immediately bolting up and looking around. The sunlight was streaming inside of his window and the sounds of the crowds outside filtered in despite the window being closed. When turned his gaze to himself he found that other than being naked he was back to normal, especially his arm as he moved it around and observed the glowing red lines on it. Waking up like that made the entire ordeal that happened last night feel like a dream... though he was smart enough to know that it wasn't.

As the folf tried to recollect what had happened the night before the only thing he could remember up to was the sexual encounter that they had with the innkeeper. Had that been intentional, Arbedark wondered? Was the demonic creature relying on his mind focusing in on that moment to help block out whatever misdeed he had done that night? Everything after that was darkness with only momentary flashes of insight that amounted to nothing even when he tried to think hard on them... which was quickly getting him nowhere.

Since Qalos had done something during the night the warrior felt obliged to investigate. It was his body that the demonic creature possessed and as such he was responsible for anything that might have happened when he had lost control. The first thing investigated was his room and all of his personal items to make sure that the wily dragon didn't take anything or put any magical traps on him. When he found that everything was clear, especially his armor and sword, he opted to just put on his weapon and head down to the common room in order to talk to the innkeeper and make sure that he was alright.

The common room of the inn was bustling with activity when he walked down the stairs and as well as the usual morning activity it appeared that everyone was bristling with conversation as well. As the folf moved towards the area where Fletch would be he managed to pick up small pieces of the hushed whispers that were floating about their tables. While he couldn't linger on them he could tell that at the very least they were all talking about the same thing. What really caused Arbedark's fur to stand on end was when he did get all the way to the other side of the room he saw that the innkeeper was talking to two of the town guard.

Not wanting to potentially expose himself but still wanting to know what was happening the folf eased over to the wall and learned against the corner to angle his ear at them. "I can assure you that there would be no reason to believe that the one you're looking for is here," the dragon stated. "If the rumors are true and one of the high court was murdered last night I'm sure that they'd probably have left the town, not come back to stay at my inn. Plus the one you described doesn't even come close to anyone here, while I'm not a hardened veteran like you folk I think I would recognize if an assassin was in our midst at the moment."

Arbedark felt ice forming in his veins when he heard what the innkeeper had said. Murder? Had Qalos really used his body to go and assassinate one of the high court? If that really was the case then it would be the cause for the alarm and conversation... no one had killed someone like that in Minrow for centuries, which meant that the guard was going to be out in full force in order to try and find the one responsible for it. They were going to look for anyone that had the skill to do such a thing and round them up for questioning unless there was a reason that they didn't have to.

"Well we're going to need anyone staying here that is even close to having the level of skill to infiltrate the high court to come with us for questioning," the guard said suddenly, bringing the folf's attention back to the conversation at hand. "Specifically, anyone that belongs to a martial or arcane guild, a member of any army, or those that fly the banner of a foreign nation. Failure to disclose anyone of that nature or to intentionally hide them from our investigation would result in forfeiture of this establishment and punishable up to and including death by beheading."

"I'm afraid to say that we don't really get any of those types in my inn," the dragon replied, Arbedark feeling his jaw clench as he prepared to reveal himself in case Fletch decided to try and hide his presence from them. "I do have one patron who is a member of the warrior's guild, but considering that the time frame this happened was last night I doubt that he would be of any use for you." When the guard questioned him further about that the folf relaxed his stance and shrugged back from the corner, curious to hear what was about what the dragon would say next. "You see... he was with me last night... for the entire night, warriors do tend to have quite the stamina."

Peeking around the corner Arbedark watched the two guards look at one another, then back at the innkeeper with an incredulous look on their faces. "So you're saying that the only one that fit the description we gave you is a warrior," the guard doing all the talking repeated. "But it couldn't possibly be him because you and him were having... carnal relations throughout the night. While all that may be true we're still going to have to at least take a look around and see if there is anyone else that might fit the bill of what we're looking for."

Arbedark swore he could hear the chuckle of the demon dragon in his ears as the dragon nodded, agreeing with everything that they were saying. Though they continued to talk it was mostly about the guards going through the guest book that the dragon had and the folf decided that he had heard enough. Without alerting them to his presence the warrior shifted his way back into the common room and, after grabbing whatever breakfast he could, went back up to his room. In the relative privacy of his own room he locked the door shut behind him and put his back to the door after taking his sword off.

"What am I going to do..." the folf said to himself as he looked out the window to the city stretched out before him, the serene, sun-kissed skyline hiding the chaos that no doubt was going on inside it. "If I tell them what happened they're going to accuse me of smuggling in an assassin and kill me just to make sure that Qalos dies too, not to mention probably going after Fletch as well. I don't even know who he killed..."

All the plans that he had before of going to the market this morning and getting supplies had gone right out the window as his mind raced with what he was going to do next. He wasn't even sure if the demon dragon could hear him right now or if he slumbered within the arm that carried him. How he managed to even come to possess his arm was one of many questions that he didn't have the answer too as he scratched his head. Did he go to one of the local clergy, or maybe see if he could enlist the private help of a mage?

As he started to pace back and forth in his room he caught something out of the corner of his eye and turned his head to see his own reflection staring back at him. For a second though he thought that he had seen something else, something that definitely wasn't the folf as he went over to the mirror and looked it over. It didn't appear to be anything special and when he stared at it for nearly a minute all he did was look into his own red eyes for the entire time. He sighed and crossed his arms, looking in particular at the metal one that still glowed with the red lines that he had been used too.

"Qalos?" Arbedark asked, watching to see if there was any hint on his own face or body that indicated the other creature was able to hear him. "Qalos, I demand that you answer me right now! If you do not show your face this instant I will go down to the two guards that are in the common room and turn us both in right now!"

The seconds past by and eventually Arbedark let out a sigh and put his hand against his head in frustration. It was clear that he had no way of communicating with this creature or even knew if there was one, much less how to demand to have it come forward. Plus even if he did there was no guarantee that he was going to be able to keep control save for the fact that it was unlikely the goo creature wanted to show his face in the city at the moment. While he wasn't sure if Qalos had been seen by anyone he was likely going to lay low no matter what, better safe than sorry as the folf scowled at his own reflection.

"You're not going to get away with this Qalos..." Arbedark vowed as he pointed at himself in the mirror. "I'm going to find out a way to draw you out, and when you do I'll make sure that I'll be bringing you to justice. Mark my words, this isn't over between the two of us."

Meanwhile a naga watched through the reflection of the mirror, a small smirk playing at the corners of his mouth as he watched the folf pointing at himself with a look of determination on his face. "Try all you want my dear," he chuckled as the purple naga put a clawed hand on the glass, the other stroking down his aqua-blue underbelly. "You're not going to figure it out. If those mages at the wall couldn't detect my dear assassin then you aren't going to either."

The naga snapped his fingers and the figure in the reflection changed, the black and red fur of the warrior being replaced with the dark purple body of the demon dragon that inhabited his arm. "You've summoned me Vithin?" Qalos said as he crossed his arms. "It's been a while, I believe the last time I laid my eyes upon your scaly form was when you were liquifying me and shoving me into that arm of yours."

"I do believe you are correct," Vithin hissed. "Have you done what I've tasked you with?"

"Of course," Qalos replied, the smugness on his face fading slightly and replaced with a more serious look. "A demon never leaves a contract unfulfilled."

"Now don't give me such a dower look," Vithin stated, the smirk on his serpentine snout. "I'm sure you had your fill of fun with that warrior I gave you. Or would you want me to tell him how to banish you back to your own plane of existance?"

Almost immediately the demon's posture changed, waving his hands in the air. "Now now," the demon dragon said quickly. "No need to get hasty like that, especially when I'm not done with the job yet. All the trouble you put into something like this it would be quite the pain to replace me, I can only imagine how much maneuvering it took for you to get me here in the first place."

"Don't you forget that while it would be, as you said, a major pain to replace you it can certainly be done... but I would rather not at the moment and I still have much more use of you," the naga said before waving his hand and causing the creature's form to disappear, Vithin slithering back towards his workbench while rubbing his hands together. "Yes... there is still plenty to do Qalos... but everything is all falling according to my plan. Soon all are going to know my name, even if its simply being cursed in the air over the flames of Minrow while it burns..."

An Ancient Word in Modern Times (3/3)

Marcus had been attempting to find his way out of the temple for the last few hours, though every time he thought that he had made it to a new potential exit it either went to a dead end or led back the way he had come from before. What was worse was...

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An Ancient Word in Modern Times (2/3)

When the sun rose once more the team that was situated at the base of it rose with it, though they quickly realized something was terribly wrong as they found themselves a man short. Though there didn't appear to be any signs of a struggle or anything...

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An Ancient Word in Modern Times (1/3)

At first it seemed like a glaring error on the satellite feed, those that controlled it even realigned their lenses because they thought it was a mistake. After being checked for the third time however they realized that it was real; a huge building...

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