Life of the Party - Getting in Costume

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of Life of the Party

It's time to party! Renzyl has been working with the members of this frat for quite a while now and everything that they've done up to this point is coming to fruition as people start pouring in to have a spooky Halloween experience with a real demon! As more souls come in the reality-altering shenanigans will only get bigger, can Niel keep control of his summoned creature or will he let it start controlling him? The very long awaited sequel to the Life of the Party series.

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Chaz continued to sit in the room with the set of art supplies on his lap, his hands pressed against the polished box as well as the paper that had the drawing of the two anthro felines that he had created on the bed kissing one another. Had Renzyl really given the power to transform others like he had for the two guys in his frat? Whatever had happened the two seemed to be oblivious that it was him that caused it, to them they were always that way and he just happened to have them transforming to help him out. He distinctly remembered that they didn't have such a power like that before... and then Terry came into the picture.

As Chaz had thanked the two and started to leave the room a friend of the creature that now called himself Sabor had walked past him and looked inside to see what was going on. The lion immediately got up and went over to hug the human, Chaz stepping aside while still watching from the door frame to see how Terry would react to their changed forms. "It's about time you got up here Tar'Sheeta!" Sabor said as he began to pull the stunned human over to the bed where the other lion was still sprawled on the covers. "We were hoping you would get up here and change before we made another appearance downstairs."

"Wh... what are you talking about?" Terry asked, the human not sure how to react as the other lion got up and the two felines pressed against him. "What do you think you're doing?"

"C'mon Sheeta," the other lion that now called himself Jad-bal-ja, or Jad for short, said as he gave the human's ear a lick before growling slightly. "You should know better than to make us wait for you to change, it gets us super horny."

"I'm not... Tar'Sheeta..." the human said, though as Chaz watched in surprise Terry's ear began to change where it had been licked, the top starting to already stretch into a point as white fur sprouted from the skin. "I'm... Terry?"

"Yeah, when you're a human," Sabor scoffed, taking his hand and sliding it underneath the sweatpants of the one between them. "This is Halloween man, time to let loose and join us... after you repay us for waiting so long."

There was a moment of pause as Terry looked confused, shaking his head which seemed to cause his black hair to lengthen to shoulder length while most of it turned a brilliant white save for some stripes. "I... didn't..." Terry started to say, Chaz watching him look between the two lions as his eyes slowly began to turn a bright blue in color and a small grin appeared on his face. "I didn't think you were going to hold me to that! If I knew you guys were going to gang up on me like this I wouldn't have agreed to be in the middle like that."

"Well you did and you are," Sabor replied as he took his claws and ripped them down the shirt of the transforming human, which had already started to strain from the growth of muscle and the fur that was spreading out from the middle of his thickening chest. "Now bend over, a jungle cat skinwalker like you should be able to stand while getting taken from behind. If it makes you feel better you can hold onto my hips while you're sucking me off."

Chaz had to put his hand against his mouth to stifle his gasp as he watched the human transforming into a muscular anthro white tiger eagerly lean down while Jad rubbed his stiff cock between his rear that had started to expand as well. Though he didn't know much about Terry he had heard enough around the frat to know that he, just like the two lions he had transformed, were straight. But as the new Tar'Sheeta wrapped his fingers around the thick hips of the other lion his fingernails darkened and turned into claws while a tail sprouted from his backside just above there another lion's cock was being pushed into him. That was enough for Chaz to see and left just as the white tiger's extending muzzle started to bob up and down the throbbing member presented to him.

For what felt like an hour Chaz had sat on his bed and contemplated what he had just done... or at least what he thought he had done. Technically it hadn't been him at all, it was that rubber demon dragon that Neil had summoned that was doing all of this. But if that was the case and the three cat men didn't remember that they had once just been human than why was he? Was it because he had actively been involved in the summoning of Renzyl that his magic wasn't affecting him?

Suddenly there was a knock on the door that nearly caused Chaz to spill the art supplies over himself, his anxiety shooting through the room until he heard the sound of his girlfriend's voice asking him if he was there. He took a few seconds to catch his breath before he told her to come in, trying not to shake as he watched Amber walk through the door. She was a sorority sister from across the way and besides being very pretty was also extremely smart. Why she continued to see him when he was trying to be an artist was beyond his reasoning but he didn't question it as she walked over and gave him a brief kiss.

"I have to say that you guys did an amazing job with the decorations this year," she gushed as she sat down next to him. "Plus the that guy you got to play the trapped demon is adorable, is that a suit or did you use rubber paint and prosthetics to give him that look?" She looked down at the box that he was still holding and pointed at it. "That's a stylish new kit you got, are those the paints that you used?"

"What? No, this is just-" Chaz started to explain as he opened the box to show her the art supplies, only to stop mid-sentence when he saw that everything inside had been shifted to prominently show off dozens of liquid latex paint and applicators. He quickly snapped it shut once more as his eyes widen, Amber looking at him in concern as she asked him if everything was alright. Something inside him broke and despite knowing that she probably wasn't going to believe it he told her everything from the fact that Renzyl was a demon Neil summoned to the encounter with his fellow fratmates.

Once Chaz was finally finished explaining he held his head down and waited to hear what Amber had to say, his girlfriend nodding slowly along while she processed the information before she finally spoke. "So... Neil summoned a rubber demon that gave you a magic art set..." she started to rehash, waving her hand in the air. "You decided that the best way to use said art set was to... turn two of your frat buddies into gay lion furries, which actually happened. Then those two turned another guy into a gay tiger furry and all three of them have no idea that they used to be normal, straight humans."

"I mean... yeah, that's basically it," Chaz replied with a sigh. "Do you actually believe me?"

'I believe that there are things in this world that we can't explain," Amber replied with a shrug. "There is also no way that you would go this far for any type of Halloween prank you seem genuinely unhinged about all this. So for the time being I'm going to roll with it and say yes, that Renzyl is the one behind everything happening around you."

"Thank god," Chaz said as he breathed a sigh of relief. "I have no idea what to do right now. It's not like I can go to the police and I don't think exorcists are listed in the phone book."

"I actually have a question," Amber stated as she pointed to the box. "You said that when you drew the two lion guys having sex these were drawing supplies, what changed them over to paints?"

"Hell if I know," Chaz replied as he opened the box once more. "These aren't just regular paints either, this is all body paint. The only thing I can think of is that for some reason the box is trying to tempt me with using them or something, even though I know that there's no way that I would... ever... want... to..."

Chaz turned his head slowly to girl sitting next to him and gave her a look, followed by an exasperated sigh as he saw her bite her lip. It wouldn't be the first time that he had used body paints on her, but it was always for things like frat events and things of that nature. One time they did try and use it while having sex it was mostly because he had been painting her up for something and she jumped him. Now he started to realize why as he saw her taking one of the metal containers out of the box before he snatched it from her.

"No way," Chaz said vehemently as he put the container back and closed the box. "You haven't seen this stuff in action, we have no idea what it's going to do to you. Oh wait, never mind, I know exactly what it's going to do!"

"I'm not saying that you have to cover me head to toe!" Amber replied, pulling back when she realized she had been shouting slightly. "Look, you need to know what's going on with these paints, right? Consider this an experiment!"

The two continued to go back and forth about the pros and cons about Amber's plan but even with the mental image of the product of his last artistic endeavor fresh in his mind he found himself unable to resist for long. While he wasn't sure if it was something Renzyl had done to him or something in his own twisted mind he had started to wonder what she looked like completely painted up, imagining painted intricate details on her body while she laid their naked. It made him wonder if that was the reason why she liked him and his work so much... and if this was something that the rubber demon had known. Either way he found himself sitting back down on the bed and opening up the box once more while his girlfriend looked eagerly on.

Once more Chaz explained that these paints might actually transform her into some other creature, citing the three felines fucking a few rooms down, and she quickly nodded her head. He could see the lust in her eyes and knew that when she got an inch she was downright dominant and that she was not going to let this go. "We're going to need some sort of animal that you want me to do," he said as he took out his brushes. "Also the only thing that I'm going to paint is your hand and the second I see this stuff doing anything weird I'm dousing you in paint remover, got it?"

"Yeah yeah," Amber replied. "All in the name of science. Any particular type of animal?"

"Something with a pattern I guess," Chaz explained, his artistic side coming out once more. "Preferably not felines if you can help it, I've had my fill of them for one day."

"Oh, are you saying that you joined in then?" Amber asked, grinning even after Chaz shot her a death glare. "Geez, I'm just kidding. Alright, no felines, how about something mythical then like a gryphon or a dragon like the one downstairs?"

Dragon struck a cord with Chaz and he agreed to that. Even though the demon in their house was a dragon as well this would give him the most artistic liberty to do things and the scale pattern could be something other than the typical texture like a snake or lizard. Though he still felt uneasy about what he was going to do something in the back of his mind told him that this was going to be alright and that even if something did happen he could catch it in time. Plus he had to admit that it would be sexy to see her all done up in paint.

After a few minutes on deciding what color she wanted the paint to be they finally decided on a deep metallic blue and silver for her inner arms, the paint practically glittering as he took a brush and slathered it onto the back of her hand. When she shivered at the touch of the thick liquid he asked her if she was alright, Amber nodding and saying that it was just cool but was quickly warming up. As Chaz spread the paint over her skin it didn't appear to be doing anything of a nefarious nature. Once he was done with the outside of her hand he moved to the inside and spread the silver paint over her palm and just a little over her wrist.

The paint applied so evenly that Chaz wouldn't even have to apply a second coat and didn't have the harsh chemical smell that some liquid latex had, which reignited his suspicions. More than once he asked his girlfriend if she felt strange or anything out of the ordinary, each time her response was that she was fine as he took the black paint and a fine brush for the detail work. As time passed he found himself having fun putting in all the slightly jagged scales and painting her nails black to give an approximation. Had he not been so focused on his work he might have noticed the increasing arousal coming from his subject with every inch of her skin getting covered.

Finally Chaz announced he was done and as he put the paints away he carefully watched as she wiggled her painted up fingers in the light. "Well this definitely does put other latex paints to shame," she said as she looked at the shine of her hand. "Doesn't look like I'm turning into any sort of werebeast though, you sure that your frat brothers were like that to begin with or something?"

"I'm pretty sure that would have come up before now," Chaz replied as he continued to look over the paint, only to see it not doing anything but stretching with the movements of Amber's fingers. "Still... maybe you're right and I was paranoid. Either way I'll grab you one of my towels and you can wipe it off before we go down to the party, either way I have to talk to Neil about his new pet."

"You sure you don't want to finish up?" Amber said with a coy grin, causing him to turn around and watch as she waved with her draconic hand. "Think about it, you could have sex with your very own dragon, and what a hit it would be at the party! I could even get one of those adorable collars and a harness so you can ride me."

Chaz found himself laughing and shaking his head as he opened the door and went into his bathroom in order to grab one of the towels he used at his sink. He felt strangely better about his situation; even though he still didn't have the answer for Sabor and the others it started to look like he might not have been the one that caused him to transform. That meant that something else was going on and it likely still involved the demon, which meant that he was going to have to really talk to Neil and try to figure out what was going on. As he left the bathroom and went back into the bedroom though all those thoughts went out the window as he dropped the towel on the floor in shock.

Amber had taken the relatively short time he was in the bathroom to stick her painted hand down into her pants, panting and gasping as she played with herself. "The hell?!" Chaz shouted, causing her to pull out her hand quickly and look over at him sheepishly. "I was gone for like ten seconds!"

"Sorry..." Amber replied as she continued to blush. "I don't know what came over me... I just had to feel it in action and even though I couldn't see it I could definitely feel it. You sure we can't just fool around a little bit?"

"Hard pass," Chaz replied quickly, trying not to hesitate even after he imagined her with that hand wrapped around his throbbing member. "We got to get that stuff off of you, I think it's already starting to affect your mind." When he did an examination of the paint job that he had given her he found that everything was still where it was, then looked into the box for some paint remover only to find that there was none. "Figures... luckily I have some, though it's going to be a little harsher than the stuff we're supposed to use I don't want that paint on you any longer."

Chaz got up and went over to his regular paint supplies while Amber fidgeted on the bed. Though she was trying to do what he had told her to and she found her hand still drifting to her groin, especially the painted one as it rubbed the outside of her clothes this time. "Chaz..." Amber said with a slight groan. "You... might have been right about the paint..."

When Chaz looked back to see what she meant his eyes practically bugged out of his head when he saw that her hand was rubbing against her groin once again, but this time the bulge that had formed was not caused by it. As he slowly got up and went over to her she moaned again as whatever was happening beneath the front of her jeans was shifting and growing bigger. Her already tight pants were already starting to stretch and though Chaz didn't want to see what was underneath Amber had already started to unbutton them to relieve herself of the discomfort. When he finally pulled the fly of her pants wide open they both gasped when they saw her panties stretched out to the limit...

...until the thick blue and silver rubber cock that had been pushing against the fabric flopped out.

Both were so stunned at seeing the new appendage that neither of them spoke, Chaz unable to even say that he told her say as the throbbing member began to stiffen right before their eyes. While he should have known that a creature with the power to transform people into creatures and alter reality or their minds to make them believe it was always this way could shift someone's gender, but to actually see it on his girlfriend was another thing entirely. While the paint didn't appear to be spreading anymore along her front the panties that had been relieved of the pressure of the tool pressing against it were once more stretched until they snapped as she shifted her body to reveal the metallic blue and silver latex tail growing from her backside. Unlike the others that he had encountered Amber appeared to be cognizant of the changes that were happening to her body and not explaining them away.

"I... don't think the bottle of paint remover I have is going to do the job," Chaz commented as Amber pushed the jeans off of her legs. "What do we do now?"

"Now?" Amber said breathlessly, her painted arm beckoning him forward. "Now you're going to finish what you started."

"You can't be serious..." Chaz replied, causing Amber to laugh.

'I've never been more serious of anything in my life," Amber replied as she used her latex-covered hand to start to stroke her new equipment, shuddering not only from the pleasure that came from stroking the sensitive flesh but also from the claws that had started to form from her fingers. "This is everything that I could ever want!"

"...really?" Chaz said skeptically, watching with wide eyes as her tail continued to stretch and snake its way from just above her rubber covered rear. "You wanted a demon to turn you into a dragon dude?"

"Well... yes and no," Amber replied as she stopped pleasuring herself long enough to sit herself back on the bed, her flopping rubber cock looking strange against her still mostly female body. "This isn't that Renzyl guy that did this to me, it was you that changed me like this." When Chaz started to protest she quickly put up her draconic hand to stop him. "The whole body painting thing is a kink and I will admit... I have wondered what it would be like to be a guy, but it's all the fact that the reason I look so good is because you put the time and effort into changing me like this just like you did with your buddies."

Though Chaz was still trying to comprehend the situation he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pride from that like it really was him that was transforming her. Technically she wasn't lying, he thought to himself as those feelings started to come more to the forefront of his mind, while the tail and cock had been from the strange magic that was contained in the paints it was his design that brought the whole thing to life. He began to wonder what else he could do to enhance the design as he found himself sitting down next to his girlfriend... or would it be boyfriend now? ...either way the eagerness in her eyes made him almost excited to continue as his past worries dissolved in the background of his mind.

When he grabbed the two paints once more he told his subject to strip, Amber eagerly doing so. With her bottoms already discarded all that was left was her top that she pulled over her head and quickly tossed it to the side. As her breasts bounced freely when her bra was gone Chaz actually found himself frowning despite the joy that such assets gave him. It didn't seem like it matched what he was going for in his overall design as he took the silver paint and began to brush over her nipples, his corrupted mind reassuring him this wouldn't be the case for long.

Just as he finished with what would be the undercoat of silver liquid latex paint for Amber's chest and started to apply the blue her body began to shift. Once more she began to grunt and moan in pleasure as her chest deflated in front of Chaz's eyes, her boobs shrinking as though the latex he had just applied to them was tightening against them. They didn't completely vanish though as muscle filled in, following the guidelines that the artist had put on her chest until she was sporting a firm set of pectoral muscles. He had also gotten her taut stomach to change as well and form into a set of washboard abs that would make any athlete jealous.

Before Chaz could continue any further however he suddenly found himself pushed onto his back, Amber practically growling as she moved her altered, painted body over him. "You know what else is the same between me and your previous models," she said with a hint of a growl in her voice as she grabbed his pants and practically ripped them off of him. "It appears that this magic is not only turning me into a male latex dragon, but a horny gay male latex dragon at that."

Chaz found himself swallowing hard at the implication of what she wanted, especially when she stripped off his underwear before placing her latex hand against his rear and rubbed it. They had never gone there before save for a few fingers, but it was clear that his girlfriend wanted to use that rubber cock she sported on him. He found that the muscles on her body wasn't just for show either as he ripped his shirt as well, leaving them both completely naked on his bed with him on his back and her between his legs. As he was about to put the paints over to the side she stopped him with an evil grin, saying that just because she was about to plow him did not give him a reason to stop continuing to give her the body she wanted.

While the artist wasn't sure if he could even paint under those conditions the more pressing matter was the one that was slowly beginning to push into his tight hole. He couldn't believe that he was actually about to get impaled by his girlfriend but from the look of sheer pleasure on her face he could tell that she wanted this now more than anything else. In a strange roundabout way he had given her this intense bliss, watching her muscular masculine chest expanding and contacting with each breath as she pushed the head of her cock forward. Despite having zero prep time it appeared the paint had a side effect of making her tool incredibly smooth, though they still had to go slow as the tip began to push into him.

"Having second thoughts?" Amber asked with a look of concern as she put her hands on either side of him, Chaz feeling the smooth rubber pressed against him as well as the soft skin of the unchanged part. "I know that you were very worried and I'm starting to feel like maybe I am pressuring you to do this."

"I... think I understand now what Renzyl is all about actually," Chaz replied, causing Amber to tilt her head and look at him in confusion. "Everything I've seen so far, all the stuff that's been happening all seems to make people a lot happier. Even with the three felines that I changed they were more than happy having sex with one another, it was like all I did was unlock something that was inside them all along."

"Maybe you're right," Amber stated before resuming the pressure between the other male's legs. "But I guess one thing is for certain is that I'm ready for you to unlock that same thing inside of me while I get to work putting something inside you."

Just then a thought came into his head that worried Chaz more than the fact that he was having sex with essentially a guy and that it was a dragon he had created, remembering Terry and the other two lions. Was he about to change too? Had he given into his lusts just like Amber had as he felt the head slowly spread open the ring of muscle. With the fact it was rubber and the head was flared Chaz could only imagine this was like getting taken by some sort of bizarre dildo, though as he looked down to see the smooth silver rubber groin rubbing against his own hardening maleness he didn't see any of the paint transferring onto him.

Chaz found himself sighing in relief, though that was cut short as several inches of the draconic dick slid into him at once and he looked up at the giggling Amber. "Sorry," she said. "First time with one of these, still getting used to it. Now if you don't get started again I'm going to push all of this in you at once and really watch you squirm."

That was more than enough incentive for Chaz to grab the paints and work more, and though he could have continued with her arms he decided that there was one place she probably wanted him to go more than anything. With how slow Amber was going of pushing inside of him it gave him the chance to try and evenly apply the latex paint to her head, starting with the forehead and going downwards as he tried to keep his hands from trembling in pleasure. The second he started to apply it the grin on her face grew even wider, especially because the second he put the blue paint on her nose and upper jaw they started to swell as the two merged together.

It didn't take long for Chaz to apply the base layers of paint and as the transformation progressed the details he was putting into her scales almost immediately came to life as soon as he put them on there. There were some details he couldn't bring to life but it appeared that the paint had already started to spread over her skull, surprisingly it turned her hair a dazzling silver as a similar pair of shiny silver horns pushed their way out of them. As he put the last few scales on the front of her mouth it had already grown into a regal draconic snout and when he felt rubber press against his legs he also realized that she had gotten fully into him.

"I think you're going to outdo yourself for best costume this year," Amber stated with a growl, enjoying the feel and sound of her new lower voice. "I mean turning a sorority chick into a thick rubber dragon guy has to at least win you first prize for talent."

"I... I guess..." Chaz managed to reply, though with his focus no longer on the dragon's face all of it was centered instead on the intense pleasure coming from inside him. "Though you know... I'm going to have to probably be on top of you in order to get the rest of your back and your legs."

"I have no problem lifting my tail for you," Amber said as she pulled back, still making sure to keep her... his cock deep inside the hole of the other male as he flexed his still human arms. But first thing's first is you're going to get these done so that I don't look like I'm some sort of chimera nightmare or missing part of my costume. If you get finished before I cum inside of you I might consider you topping me for the next part, but if I get started again and you're not finished then you're just going to have to wait until I'm done with you, got it?"

"You got it..." Chaz replied, feeling his entire body shudder as the strong rubber dragon male grinned down at him. He couldn't believe he had been so worried about doing this in the first place, if he hadn't then he would have never made his... boyfriend so happy and he wouldn't have gotten to experience the joys of his thick cock spreading him open. "But we can't take too long, I think Neil said something about Renzyl only being around until midnight or something and I want to make sure to thank him for the gift..."

Life of the Party - The Party Begins

Finally night had fallen and it was time for the party to begin. Though there were a number of Halloween parties that were being thrown theirs was the talk of the campus and drew in the most people. Word had spread that Neil's frat had a...

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