LIfe of the Party - Setting the Atmosphere

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#5 of Life of the Party

It's time to party! Renzyl has been working with the members of this frat for quite a while now and everything that they've done up to this point is coming to fruition as people start pouring in to have a spooky Halloween experience with a real demon! As more souls come in the reality-altering shenanigans will only get bigger, can Niel keep control of his summoned creature or will he let it start controlling him? The very long awaited sequel to the Life of the Party series.

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Back downstairs the party was still going as strong as ever, people dancing and having a good time as Neil watched the demon dragon continue to work his magic. Though he still retained control over Renzyl he had loosened the leash a little bit and gave him a little more freedom in his work to keep spicing the party up. The result was that creatures of all sorts were starting to roam around the party that were clearly not costumes, though for most they either regarded them as such or had some sort of backstory that everyone seemed to know. He also noticed that despite having a pretty even mix when the party started there were a lot more guys than girls... not that anyone really seemed to mind as he walked with his demon into the next room.

It was insane how everything was changing all around him, Neil thought to himself as he looked around and saw the demon's corruptive influence everywhere. People who had come in with certain costumes were now fully-fledged creatures chatting up people that they were looking to change while others had been ensnared by those in various rooms. He also appeared to be the only one that noticed the changes for the most part as everyone else he talked to either passed them off as highly elaborate costumes while others rattled off backstories on how there could be nagas in their kitchen or actual hellhounds roaming around. There was also an erotic undercurrent that was taking place as well, something that the young summoner had just attributed to the fact that there was a lust demon in the area.

"I see that you're admiring your handiwork," Renzyl said as he came to Neil with two glasses, handing one to him.

"Well it's your magic that is causing all of this," Neil replied.

"I am merely the facilitator," Renzyl explained while taking a drink from his cup. "It's you who is shaping his party to be this way Master Neil." The rubber demon chuckled as he saw the human looking around and biting his lip. "There's nothing to be ashamed about, this is one of the better parties that I've been invited to and I'm happy to help you make it as good as you wanted it to be."

Even though it was hard for Neil to wrap his head around the fact that it was him that was actually causing people to transform into creatures he felt... strangely proud about all of it. Not only was everyone being entertained but it felt good to be the one that was in charge of everything. That wasn't how the party started but he knew that everyone had the upmost respect for him bringing a demon under his control, even those that didn't believe Renzyl was one still seemed to hold him in high regard. It was a good feeling and one that he was going to miss when the party was inevitably over... though he started to wonder what was actually going to happen about that.

"I hate to break you out of your thoughts," Renzyl said suddenly, snapping Neil's attention out of his own head as the rubber creature pointed down the hall to the door that led to the main room. "But I do believe that there used to be music coming out of that area? It's probably nothing but I just wanted to make you aware of my observation Master Neil is case you might want to do something about it."

When Neil listened in he realized that Renzyl was absolutely right. He quickly moved forward and motioned for Renzyl to do the same. Had he looked back at that point he would have seen the smirk that had formed on the dragon's muzzle as they walked through the main hallway towards the living room. Though it took more than a few moments since they had to maneuver around a few people that had decided to start making out they finally got inside the room to investigate what was happening.

The main room of the frat house was supposed to be set up as the area for people to listen to music and otherwise hang out with one another, but as they walked inside there was no music and only a few people that were utilizing the space. Even though Neil knew that the food and drink was drawing a huge crowd as well as the backyard the fact that there was no one utilizing this space seemed almost criminal. "Hey Amasis," Neil said as he went over to the dark-skinned male sitting on one of the bean bag chairs. "What's going on with the music?"

"Some idiot spilled beer on the stereo," Amasis replied angrily. "I just got done trying to fix it but it's totally toast. Unless you want to go out and try to find an electronics store or someone that will borrow us one we're going to have to go radio silent."

Neil frowned slightly but was about to let it go when he looked over at Renzyl before motioning for the rubber creature to follow him. "I think you already know what I'm going to ask you," the human said as he crossed his arms. "Do you think you can get the music up and running, maybe even add a little extra with that magic of yours? I don't want to just see a new stereo here..."

"That is quite a request Master Neil," Renzyl said as his grin spread along his muzzle. "I daresay you're getting the hang of this. Since there are only a few hours left we may as well go out with the proverbial bang, thankfully I think there is enough here that I can put something together that'll get this area hoping in no time... with a little bit of your help."

About a minute later Amasis continued to sit on the bean bag chair that he had been on ever since he had given up on the stereo, brushing the crumbs off of his tie-dye shirt before adjusting his position. As he did he saw Neil once more coming up to him with the strange demon he summoned right behind him once more, trying not to make eye contact with him as Neil offered to help him out of the chair. "I had an idea that might help us get something going here after all," Neil said once Amasis was back on his feet. "Now I know that setting up your DJ equipment is a bit of a pain just to entertain a few people but if you could do this I think that it would make this party truly epic."

"DJ Equipment?" Amasis responded in confusion, glancing over at the dragon before looking back at Neil. "I... don't have... don't... know... if that's such a good idea, do you remember the last time that I did that here? Our neighbors our frat houses and they threatened to call the police."

"I think that with Halloween going on they'll make an exception," Neil replied, grinning to himself as he watched Renzyl warping the other guy's reality practically right in front of him. "C'mon man, your set is epic! Plus it would be great business for you, with as many people as there are around here think of all the followers that you would get!"

Though Amasis still felt on the fence about it he sighed and nodded, Neil thanking him once more and promising that he wouldn't regret it before going back towards the kitchen with demon in tow. He just shook his head and walked upstairs to his room to get his stuff. Along the way he had to shake his head and try to avoid eye contact with both their hellhound and feline frat brothers having sex with one another, wondering why they just don't close their doors. That was probably why Neil wanted to have the music in the first place, he thought to himself as he opened the door to his own room, he wanted to drown out the sound of their mythological counterparts.

"Why do they always have to rut like rabbits on Halloween," Amasis said to himself as he went over to his closet. "I realize that it's the one day they can be out and about while not disguised, but you think that would mean that they would actually be mingling instead of just up in their rooms all night. At least I don't have to worry about them running my set once I get everything downstairs."

As he opened his closet door he found his DJ equipment exactly where he had packed it, though for some reason he felt like it shouldn't be there at all. It was a bizarre sensation as he felt like something was an illusion yet had always been there the entire time. He just shook his head and blamed it on the alcohol as he took the cases and brought them out onto his bed. Once he was done he looked at it all with a sense of satisfaction that he was going definitely be bringing the noise... until he noticed one smaller case that he couldn't link to any sort of equipment.

He took the errant case and opened it up to find a rubber jackal mask sitting there against the padding that lined the inside. It took him a few seconds before he remembered that he had just bought the new mask because he had recently rebranded himself. Though the memory was still fresh in his mind as he picked up the mask from the case he still looked at it curiously. It was one solid piece of rubber and while it was a hood it also had a few aspects of a traditional gas mask such as tinted lenses and two air hoses that came out of the molded rubber muzzle.

"I suppose there's no time like the present," Amasis thought to himself as he took the hood and put it on over his face. "Let's see how the new persona looks on me."

As he slid the hood on over his face there was something that played at the back of his mind, like when someone comes into your room and moves around all your stuff without you knowing. He remembered being in love with music, but wasn't it more classical than anything else because that's what his parents wanted? There was something about being a DJ that just seemed odd as a choice but the more he thought about it the more he realized that he was being strange. He loved performing for others and if this was the way to reach the most people he was more than happy to take it.

"Finally..." a voice said in Amasis' ear as the last of the rubber slid down over his neck, causing the human to jump and nearly fall back into his own closet. "You were taking so long to put me on I thought that I was going to end up being on a skeleton."

"What the..." Amasis replied in a muffled voice as he brought up his fingers to his neck to take it off, only to find that he rubber has fused to his neck and had started to spread down. "Hey, what's going on!?"

"Well you said you needed to get a new DJ personality in order to really get yourself out there," the voice said with a dark chuckle. "Well that's me, just feel free to relax and let it happen while I take you over, after a while you won't even notice that you're not in control anymore. Also I would recommend that you strip down, clothes and I don't necessarily get along very well."

Amasis wasn't sure what to do as he continued to give the mask a few more tugs, only to find it held fast to the flesh of his neck. Just as they gave up trying to escape it he noticed that the rubber had started to spread, the edges turning to liquid before assimilating the flesh around his shoulders. Taking the mask's advice he quickly stripped off his shirt to prevent it from being ruined, then did the same to his pants and underwear as well. Once he had kicked off the last of his clothing he realized that he had just taken off all his clothing because some voice in his head had told him to... but that was nothing compared to what was happening to him.

As the black liquid rubber continued to ooze down his shoulders and over his arms, tendrils quickly crisscrossing over his flesh and merging together to make one shiny smooth surface, the muscle underneath them began to expand. At firs the he thought that it was just the fact that it was skintight to his skin but as it continued to swell he could tell that they were broader than before. He turned back and looked over at the mirror that hung on his closet to make sure he wasn't dreaming and saw the very bizarre image of his jackal gasmask sitting on his freakishly large shoulders that looked completely disproportional to the rest of his body.

"Don't worry about that," the voice in his head said with a chuckle as Amasis put his hands up to his biceps that had started to get covered and also filled out with muscle. "You're also going to need to come up with our new name, and try to stay away from something like DJ Anubis or DJ Jackal, trust me when I say that people are looking for something far more original."

"You're turning me into some sort of rubber jackal and you want me to think of a name?" Amasis replied as his arms went back down to his sides as the shiny latex continued to spread down past his elbows towards his forearms while also coating his somewhat flabby chest and firming it up significantly. "I know I wanted a new image but I didn't think that this would be it!"

"Oh come on man," the voice replied, practically laughing as Amasis brought his hands up to where his ears were in the mask to try and block him out. "Look at how sexy you're getting! Everyone knows that the sexier you are the more people are going to come to your shows. Think about it, instead of playing for some stuffy crowd as one part of a seventy-person orchestra you will stand front and center glistening in the light while everyone practically worships your body."

"I thought we were trying to stay away from deific association," Amasis said with a grunt as his voice became deeper, the changes starting to affect his head as the human ears he had been pressing against melted into his skull until there was only smooth rubber left.

"In name only," the voice replied. "Speaking of which..."

Amasis watched as the rubber that had flowed over his wrists didn't remain the same shiny rubber as the rest of his arm, watching as a pattern in dazzling gold began to form that completely encircled him. It looked a lot like a tattoo but with a callback to his Egyptian origins and as the rubber began to slide over his pudgy stomach and sides the fat melted away and gave him a set of washboard abs while a set of golden snakes seemed to slither into existence around his biceps. When the liquid latex got down around his waist a golden ankh appeared on his chest with a pair of wings that adorned it on either side. Though Amasis had never really been into his body image before he had to admit that he was looking extremely sexy from the waist up as he took his rubber clawed fingers and ran them over his transformed chest and abs.

"Alright, I could get used to this..." Amasis said as he felt his face beginning to push out, the air coming from the hoses that dangled down from his mask getting closer to his snout. "All those girls and guys coming up just to try and get a touch of my glory, the light reflecting off my muscular body as I entrance them with my music."

"There you go," the voice hissed in encouragement. "You can feel how good it is to lose yourself to me, to succumb to the desire just like all those that will listen to you. Just relax and let yourself go."

There was a loud grown that came from the partially transformed muzzle of the rubber jackal as the black rubber finally got to the sensitive flesh of his groin. With the bed being taken up completely by his equipment all Amasis could do was stand there and begin to stroke himself as the shiny latex continued to take him over. More bands of gold and animal iconography covered the black rubber that his skin had become as he stroked himself with one hand while teasing and tweaking his nipple with the other. Just like with his arms his legs became toned and defined as the rubber covered them, a growl escaping form his lips as it reached his feet and they popped and cracked as they contorted into something a little more animalistic.

"Yesss..." Amasis said as he completely succumbed to the corruption that the pleasure was giving him, feeling his rubberized body pulsating with power as he stroked himself faster and faster. "I... am... Abyss!"

The newly created rubber jackal let out a muffled roar from his new muzzle as he brought himself to climax, squeezing on his dick as he let out jet after jet of latex seed that he now created. Though the jackal gas mask remained as such he knew that his head now filled it out nicely, the black lenses covering up the golden eyes that lurked beneath. There was no more voice anymore, Abyss didn't need it anymore as the DJ started to walk over to his gear before looking down at himself. He chuckled and stated that he didn't need to show that off just yet, his deep voice reverberating through the mask and giving it a digitized quality as he began to rub the black and gold latex of his cock once more.

Instead of stimulating it though this time he caused it to merge back into his body and leaving his groin completely smooth so that he could perform. He liked the idea of his fans being able to stare at his crotch thinking that its just some rubber suit, only to give them a surprise later when he would take them back to his room. As he gave himself once last look in the mirror he saw that there was one more thing he needed to do before he started to haul his gear down, looking over at his pert bubble butt that shined in the light. With a little bit of will power he watched as a nub appeared just under his lower back that stretched out until he had a proper jackal tail to complete the ensemble.

A few minutes later the other party guests were told to leave as they set up the entertainment for the rest of the night, the rubber jackal nodding to the curious onlookers before he began to take out everything and set it up. "Hey, you need any help in here?" Abyss looked up to see that one of his other frat brothers named Vitali standing at the doorway looking at him. "Looks like you got a lot of stuff."

"I actually could use an extra pair of hands," Abyss replied as he motioned to the two larger cases behind him. "Those are the speakers, if you could put them up on the stands while I make sure everything is ready that would be great. Just follow my instructions and you should be fine."

As the two continued to get everything ready for the jackal to put on his performance Abyss couldn't help but notice that as time went on he was being admired by the one helping him. His new look was already working, he thought to himself, he already had someone that was a fan of him and he hadn't even played any of his music yet. He decided to test the waters and see just how much his newfound adoration would get him and gave the guy a grope while they were working. Though the other frat brother jumped slightly Abyss found himself not being rebuked which put a smile on his hidden muzzle.

"Alright, you should be set to go here," Vitali stated once he got the last cord plugged in, turning around and brushing off his hands as Abyss proceeded to do a sound check. "I have to say that I love the design of this new suit of yours, though won't it be kind of hard to see you when the lights are off? While it's been a while since I went to a place with a DJ they tend to play in dark places."

"Watch and learn," Abyss replied, holding up a finger before turning out the first part of his music. He watched the human as his eyes went wide when the black rubber of his suit suddenly shimmered with multi-hued light that cascaded over it. At first there wasn't much but as he turned up the volume and increased the tempo the coloration of his latex shifted along with the beat.

Finally Abyss managed to get it to where his entire body was swirling and flowing with bright, intense colors before he turned off the music and looked over to ask Vitali what he thought. When there was no response the jackal looked over to see if something was wrong he paused for a few moments, then chuckled when he realized what had happened. The eyes of the male that had been watching him swirled with the same light that had been on his body only moments ago and the human flesh that was around them had started to transform into brightly hued rubber. With him being the only one in the room Abyss forgot that his special abilities would have been concentrated on him and immediately trigger his conversion into one of his loyal followers.

"That was... beautiful..." Vitali finally managed to say, rubbing his eyes and causing the latex assimilation to start on his fingers. "If you need anything else Master Abyss please let me know, I'll do whatever you want."

"Master Abyss..." the jackal replied, tapping the tip of his mask as he watched his first follower being formed. "I do like the ring of that even better. As for your offer I think we can make something happen, I do need people to help me with my equipment and you seem more than capable for the task. Do you wish to become my rubber servant and get a mask like mine?"

"Yes!" the enthralled human replied happily. "Thank you, I swear you won't regret it! Where do I get this mask?"

"Right here," Abyss replied as he gestured to his crotch, his cock once more pushing its way out of his rubber body as he went over to a nearby armchair and sat down on it with his member jutting out into the air. "Show me just how much you want to be one of my personal harem and if I think you got what it takes I will gift you your mask."

Vitali was practically singing the rubber jackal's praises as he knelt down between the legs of the creature and almost immediately began to nuzzle against the spire of latex flesh. It had taken Abyss somewhat by surprise on how quickly his latest thrall had taken to his task, making him wonder if he was just that could with what he did or if this was especially suspectable. One thing was for certain, this one knew his way around a cock as the human began to lick his tongue all the way up and down his shaft. Though he could have put his hands into Vitali's head and push him down as the human pressed his lips against the tip he decided to hold back and see just how well his new servant can handle pleasuring him.

Abyss couldn't help but dig his paw feet into the carpet as the human proved himself more than capable of the task, expertly sliding his hips up and down to stimulate the shaft of his cock while his hands pressed and rubbed against his inner thighs and taint. It was clear that this one was more than able to handle his own and he finally did put his fingers against the skull of the one sucking him, but not to control him. Instead he could feel the rubber starting to flow out onto his hair, causing the strands to melt and merge together. At the same time the same shiny substance that had completely assimilated his eyes shifted from being multicolored to having a solid gold hue as Abyss felt the muzzle forming with each drag of the lips from the male's maw on his cock.

Though Vitali's head had transformed into that of a rubber jackal rather quickly Abyss wasn't done with him yet, taking the hoses that had been dangling from his own mask and pressing them against the newly-formed muzzle of the creature below him. Though the front of his maw remained open to continue his blowjob the rubber that completely converted the human's flesh thickened until it formed a solid covering around him. By the time Abyss pulled his hands back he had formed another jackal mask identical to his own, save that it wouldn't light up with the music and remain pitch black just like the rubber running down the rest of his body.

That was the purpose of his new rubber jackal drone, Abyss thought while pushing his cock so deep into his acolyte that it was bulging out his recently rubberized throat, to help him in the background without anyone noticing him. He was designed to be the center of attention after all and he didn't need anyone to be stealing the spotlight from him. As the thick substance continued to ooze over the male, destroying his clothes in the process, his body also underwent a thickening of muscle but remained lean and smaller than the one that created him. It was the perfect creature to satisfy his lusts between shows, Abyss thought to himself with a chuckle, and he couldn't wait to make more of them.

Finally after a few more minutes of mind-blowing pleasure Abyss came for the second time since he adopted his new personal, his drone swallowing every last drop save for the few dribbles that came when the bigger jackal pulled his cock out. "That is just what I needed before a show," Abyss said as he stood up, putting a hand against the shiny head of the male beneath him as his latex cum sealed up the hole of his mask while he disconnected the hoses. "Go and let everyone in, tell them Master Abyss is ready to start playing."

As Renzyl and Neil watched the performance going on the colorful rubber Anubis bouncing up and down behind his turntables as a growing number of people began to gather around it. "So you're telling me that even though he hears a voice ordering him around there was no one else inside the mask except for Amasis," Neil said as he wrapped his head around what the demon dragon had just told him. "But he clearly heard a voice that wasn't his own talking to him... but it was? So he was corrupting and transforming himself?"

"You're starting to get the hang of it," Renzyl stated with a chuckle. "In fact it's time to give you a little test, since we're in a college I think it's something that you should be able to handle well enough. Why do you think Amasis needed to be introduced into his new personality like that?"

"Oh... uh..." Neil replied as Renzyl continued to smirk at him, trying to use all the knowledge that he had gained from having the rubber dragon be his slave for the night. "Well... I remember that Amasis said that he loved music but the reason why he was in the concert program was because his parents had dictated he should do that. So... because he was so used to people telling him what to do he needed his own personality to stand in and take him over?"

"Top marks," Renzyl complimented with a grin. "Well the night is growing long and there is something that I wish to discuss with you in private, is there some place we can go in the house where we're guaranteed not to be disturbed? Plus I have the feeling that the party in here is going to get very... entrancing."

Neil thought for a second before suggesting to go down to the basement that they mostly just used for storage. As he and Renzyl began to walk towards the main hallway Neil couldn't help but look back at the crowd of drunken partygoers bobbing their heads to the music. As the lights flashed and the beat vibrated through the room all of the listeners were moving at almost exactly the same time and multihued rubber was starting to spread in patches over their bodies. As he started to see reptilian muzzles and tails pushing their way out of the otherwise human forms he felt a tug on the leash he was holding and turned to see Renzyl pulling him away so they could conduct their meeting.

Life of the Party - Getting in Costume

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