A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 6

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#6 of A Jewel In the Ruff

After learning of Alex's gender, Jewel tries to pretend she doesn't know so they don't clue Phyllis in. But can she really hide this while seeing Phyllis's 'play' for the abuse it really is? Can she stand up to the mink, or stay down and watch?

The next chapter will be next Friday around this time. I hope you enjoy.

Jewel took a deep breath as she pressed the doorbell. Yesterday, she had learned the truth about Alex's relationship with Phyllis. The horrible and abusive truth that she had to act ignorant of. That proved difficult when the mink opened the door, dressed in a casual blouse and tight skirt like some sort of school disciplinarian. "Jewel," she said with a smile that forced the badger to hold her tongue, "Is it time for your interview already? I must have lost track."

"That's fine. I assume you're busy?" She asked. If so, she could hopefully just get more alone time with Alex. By now, Phyllis should trust her enough with him...no, her. Getting used to the right pronoun had proven more difficult than she had planned.

Phyllis waved it off, "Oh heavens no. In fact, this is perfect. I was just in the middle of punishing Alex. Come and watch," she said with that sickeningly sweet smile. Biting her lip as Phyllis turned, Jewel followed behind the mink, praying that whatever this punishment was, it wasn't too painful for Alex.

"M-May I ask what you are punishing h...him for?"

"Oh, well it's the damnedest thing really. I caught him playing with himself last night when I got home." She said, "Now I had planned to punish him earlier this morning, but I had a little physical craving so I tied him down to ride him, with his punishment being he couldn't cum. Sadly he didn't seem able to hold back, and thus I have to punish him twofold." Phyllis sighed, "I swear, I don't know what's gotten into him. Perhaps he's been without a proper punishment for so long that he's been craving it, acting bratty just for my attention."

"Bratty?" Jewel's ears perked, "Why would anyone want a punishment? And don't they have chastity cages to prevent masturbation? I mean, no offense to you, ma'am, but I've been wondering why you don't keep him locked."

Phyllis turned around as they reached her home office, the bookcase already open to the dungeon hidden from the corner of Jewel's eye. "Well, first off, brats are the kind of slaves who are attention whores. They act out because they never got attention as a child. I've dealt with a few in the past, and Alex is the closest 'Brat' to actually keeping up with my punishments. Though Alex isn't much of a brat, which makes his current actions all the more peculiar."

She nodded along as they entered the dungeon, her eyes going wide when she saw Alex. The wolf hung by her wrists as Jewel had. The latex body suit was nowhere to be seen, showing off the wolf's small breasts and heavy welts and whip marks adorning her naked backside. Slow momentum caused Alex's hanging form to spin, revealing the gagged maw and defeated look upon her face with wet cheekfur matting her cheeks. Upon seeing Jewel, Alex closed her eyes and turned her head, desperately trying to hide her defeated image. It took every ounce of control for the badger to not gasp.

"As for the chastity," Phyllis said, stepping behind Jewel and leaning in, "As you can guess from those small bugbites on his chest, Alex is not normal boy." The mink pushed her forward, standing face to face with the wolf herm. Phyllis reached out to the chains, holding Alex steady so she couldn't swing away. "You see, my dear, the reason I do not buy him a chastity belt is that they do not make the kind I want for him."

"W-What do you mean?"

Rolling her eyes, Phyllis stepped between them and lifted Alex's hanging balls and erection. A quick slap across his rump made the wolf stand and thrust her crotch out, revealing the vulva underneath, "What I mean is that I cannot find a proper device that impedes his pussy but not his cock. I can find those that impede both, and a simple chastity cage can impede his cock, but I don't want this lovely," she grabbed the wolven rod, squeezing down on Alex's erection with enough force to make the wolf squeal in her gag, "tool locked up. I want Alex to embrace what makes him a man. So that's why I don't keep him locked up. Truth be told if I caught him just jacking off, his punishment would be less severe. But he was found fingering this little mistake here." She said, keeping her finger pointed at Alex's pussy but never touching. Phyllis sighed, "And we'd been making such progress on his gender dysphoria."

"Gender dysphoria?" Jewel forced out the question, knowing all too well what Alex told her.

Phyllis nodded, "Yes dear. Like most hermaphrodites, Alex suffers this condition. It makes being born of both genders a curse rather than a blessing, as they tend to lean more towards one side of their sex than the other. When Alex came to me, he said he despised his cock, hateful for what it made people think of him." She grabbed the wolf's balls and squeezed, earning a gagged yelped and painful whines from Alex. "I told him that I'd make him love that part of himself. Being the masochist that he is, this involves pain of course. Oh, I'm sure he has his own justification for it. That his cock deserves such treatment or, heaven forbid, it's his destiny to be tortured down there. But," grabbed the erection from under the knot, Phyllis flogged the rigid rod, "Look at how hard he is? No one could be this aroused if they hated this."

Biting her lips, Jewel watched on silently as Phyllis stepped over to grab another implement of torture. Alex still averted her gaze, hiding what she could from the shame of being displayed like this. But Jewel had seen this display before, almost every day in fact. She'd even had the wolf at her feet, worshipping them like a goddess. It had given the badger a rush of power, something she'd been lacking all her life.

Something that she lacked now. Raged bubbled under her fur at what Phyllis continued to do, but nerves held her tongue and tightened her throat. If she spoke out now, would that help Alex or make it worse? Could Alex talk to the police if she called them now? Or would she cower because Phyllis was present? She didn't know, the fear freezing her in place.

With a snap of a whip, Alex bit down into her gag and cried in pain. Hauled back into reality, Jewel saw Phyllis swing the whip back and strike again and again. The smile on her face grew wider with each strike, each cry from the wolf. She stopped thinking, stepping between the whip and the wolf, like a zealous fool. Phyllis blinked, but the strike couldn't be stopped, stinging across Jewel's chest, it burned and clawed into her with only her shift and jacket dulling it. She fell to her knees, already feeling a mark forming under her clothing.

"Are you mad?!" Phyllis shouted, angry for the first time that Jewel ever noticed. Her heels clicked against the floor, reaching to grab Jewel by her rainbow hair and pull her up, "Never get in the way of a whip like that. I could have taken out your eye!"

Jewel held back her yelp at Phyllis's grip, "Alex has had enough, hasn't he?" She asked, staring up into those cold blue eyes of the mink, "Any more and he'll bleed."

Phyllis blinked, utterly unaware of Jewel's concern, "Dear, did I not tell you that the mistress knows how much their slave can take?" she asked, "While I know this hurts him more than usual, this is a punishment. Not some pathetic funishment."

"T-Then let me take the rest." Jewel stuttered out, not even realizing what she said until it left her mouth.

Phyllis didn't ask why. She didn't quirk her brow in curiosity or confusion as to what caused Jewel to take the punishment for Alex. She didn't question what sort of relationship they secretly had behind her back. No, she smiled. A soft but cold smile that made Jewel realize what Phyllis saw her as another potential slave. The mink nodded, leaning in and whispering, "Well if that's the case, strip."

Jewel held her tongue, holding back the urge to take back what she asked for. She stripped, stealing a glance over to Alex as she did so. Alex looked on with wide eyes of worry, but remained still in her chains. Neither wanted to reveal the feelings they shared, seeing it as a way to protect each other. At least, that's what Jewel hopped for. Alex could just be too afraid to say anything.

"As plump and round as always," Phyllis playfully mocked once the badger had stripped herself. Jewel's cheeks burned in humiliation as she hugged herself. She closed her eyes to avoid the reflection off the wall mirrors of her body, that shameful form the mink loved to poke fun at. Phyllis grabbed her headfur and pulled her over to a bondage horse, ignoring the badger's grunts of pain.

A swift strike to her butt had Jewel standing straight, "Lay on the horse," Phyllis ordered with nothing but a warm and gentle whisper. A motherly tone hiding the cruelty that had the badger shivering all over. Obeying the mistress's command, she laid against the bondage horse and let Phyllis lock her arms and legs, leaving her pussy and ass exposed to anyone with a clear view from behind. One look in the mirrored walls told her just how much of a free show Alex had been given, adding blush under the badger's fur when she started to drip.

"Horny already?" Phyllis asked, slowly dragging a finger across the girls' vulva, "I wonder if you have more of an exhibitionist streak in you? Maybe we should test it in the future? Take you to the park with a nice little overcoat hiding all the lovely toys taped and bound to your body." Her hand trailed along the badger's shivering neck, "Course, to really get attention, we'd have to thin you out. Maybe have you skip a meal or two to hurry it up."

That singsong voice weighed on Jewel. Gritting her teeth, she tried to block out the woman's taunts. Alex had told her she was beautiful. The wolf was the only one outside of her family who even bothered to notice the rainbow pattern in her headfur in a positive light. She blinked, wondering for just a moment if that's why she changed her hair. Turning it from its natural color to some outlandish mix of colors...was it all for attention? No! Jewel bit her lip and clenched her fists, remembering just what Phyllis's words were supposed to do, and how badly Alex had been hurt by them. She needed to be strong.

But she didn't need to take it, "At least I don't have control issues." She muttered.

A soft chuckle emanated from Phyllis's throat before a paddle came down onto Jewel's bum. The badger held back her shriek, throwing her head back in the pain only for the mink to catch it by the hair, "Control issues?" She asked, smiling in the reflection, "By whatever do you mean, dear?"

"Y-You don't let Alex talk-" Phyllis cut her off with another swift spank. Yelping in pain, Jewel powered through, "You keep him gagged and speak for him. You make him...dress in fetish...wear when you're not around...you keep a f-fucking gag with a lock on him!" She muttered through every strike. Phyllis's smile shrunk but still stood visibly in the reflection. Her strikes, however, grew harder and faster, shaking the bondage horse with every impact. Jewel's ass was red, burning in pain, but still she talked, calling the older woman out on her toxicity, "You don't see her as a person! Only for her cock like some sex-crazed psycho!"

Phyllis stopped smiling. Grabbing Jewel's face, she forced the badger to stare into the mink's cold blue eyes and nightmarish scowl, "You should be careful in throwing that word around, whore," she whispered softly, squeezing the badger's jaw as she spoke, "Otherwise you might find yourself in a terrible situation. Like one where you can't defend yourself." She spat between Jewel's eyes, "Now, how about I get a nice thick gag so you can shut the-"

Jewel spat back. Throwing back all her contempt and hatred toward the sadistic mink. She was a fool to ignore her gut so long, to ignore the evidence laid out before her in all that research. Phyllis was no dom, just an abuser. The badger's only regret was that her sudden courage came when she'd been locked down.

The slap had been expected. That didn't dull the pain that spiked across Jewel's face. "You arrogant little shit!" Phyllis screamed, slapping Jewel, again and again, backhand and forehand, "I let you into my home, show you my lifestyle, and this is how you repay me?"

She smelled blood, felt it dripping from her nose when Phyllis stopped. Tears followed from the pain, and she recoiled at the sight of the mink's rising hand. "Just what makes you think you know better? You're nothing but a college brat who hasn't seen the real world!"

"I..." she stuttered, then saw Alex. The wolf's hands tightened, fear and rage burning under her facial fur as she leaned against her restaurants. Swallowing her fear, Jewel looked up to Phyllis, "At least I know Alex prefers to be a girl."

The mink stepped back. She looked to Alex, then back at Jewel. Laughter erupted from her, becoming more manic by the second as she hid her face and stepped back to the wolf. "You still haven't accepted it yet?" She said, slapping her slave with enough force to send her to the floor if not for the chains, "I've told you already, Alex. You may have both, but with a cock that big," she kneed the wolf's crotch, "And tits these small," she said, grabbing Alex's small breasts for a tight squeeze, "You might as well identify as a man!"

No pleasure mixed with Alex's pain. Her gagged screams motivating Jewel to struggle into her restraints with as much strength as the badger had. "Let her go!" she growled, unable to break the leather and metal holding her against the horse. The bondage horse fell over, letting Jewel collide with the cold ground. Phyllis's laughter echoed off the wall, her boot pressing against Jewel's maw.

"You miserable little cunt," she said, returning to her sweet singsong tone, "I figured you'd be a good apprentice, and maybe a decent slave if you couldn't measure up. But it's clear now that you're not even worth licking shit off of my boots." Stepping away, Jewel peeked over to see Alex struggling in those bindings. Looking over to Phyllis, her eyes grew wide at the taser she pulled out, "I normally save this for when Alex is being exceptionally unreasonable." She said, checking the charge, "It's been so long, I feared the battery had died on me. Thankfully, the products I buy are built to last."

Jewel tried to squirm away, but the bondage horse made that impossible. The mink's cruel laugh echoed across the mirrors as she played with the taster, "I think I'll start with your cunt first, make you unable to ever use it. Then I'll do it to Alex, remind me that only his cock matters."

Jewel closed her eyes and prayed. Phyllis descended onto her, dragging the powered off taser down her back and laughing. Alex screamed harder, struggling against her restraints in a frenzy. "After this, not even chubby chasers will want you, you fat-"

Something snapped. Jewel opened her eyes and found Alex on the floor, her chains still bound, but the hook holding them had collapsed under her weight. With a vicious gagged roar, the wolf bounced the mink, slamming Phyllis into the wall, and wrestling for control of the taser. Whether it was from surprise or Alex's strength, the wolf won, shoving it against Phyllis's neck. Convulsing, Phyllis failed to scream as the volts surged through her body and knocked her out.

Standing up, Alex's body shook. Staring down at the unconscious mink, she hugged herself, letting the chains clatter against themselves in her embrace. Heavy breathing escaped her nostrils, claws digging deep into her skin the more she stared. Jewel called out to her, "Alex," shifting in her fallen spot for the wolf's attention. She saw and rushed over to the badger, undoing her bindings and embracing Jewel tight. Jewel couldn't understand anything Alex said, but she held tight regardless. Keeping her close for both their sakes.

"Thank you," Jewel whispered. Alex cried into her gag, unable to remove it without the key. Jewel undid the wolf's other bindings, leaving them both naked save for the harness gag atop her face. "Come with me," she said, taking Alex's hand in one and reaching for her clothes in the other. The wolf didn't budge, standing in fright at Phyllis's slumped over body. "It's ok," Jewel said, pulling her face to hers, "We're ok. Come with me."

Unwilling to touch Phyllis for fear of waking her up, Jewel took Alex to the kitchen and cut away at the harness with a knife and scissors. "Y-You should leave," she muttered, still hugging herself tight, "Leave and n-never come back."

"No," Jewel said, gripping those shivering paws tight, "Not without you."

"I...I can't..." she looked back in the direction of the dungeon, "I don't have a life anymore. I don't even have my driver's license. Here I'm..."

"Alex," Jewel caressed her cheek, "Here, she treats you like dirt. You are not a slave, you are a person." The badger kissed her before Alex could respond. A soft but long kiss on the lips, keeping them steady in danger. "Do you have any clothes?" she asked when breaking away. Alex nodded, grabbing Jewel and taking her upstairs to Phyllis's room. Art pieces and victorian styled furniture lined the walls, with a curtain draped bed in the middle that had a built-in cage under it. As Alex stepped into the closet to find clothes, Jewel fought the urge to stare into that cage. As much as Phyllis deserved more hatred, the badger needed to focus on what they were going to do next.

And she had no idea what that would be. The police seemed like a good option, but Alex had no identification. What proof did they have that she wasn't some illegal citizen? Her college didn't allow people off campus to stay overnight, and she couldn't keep Alex there forever. She could go home, but how would her parents react to this? Looking into her phone, Jewel looked through her contacts to find someone, anyone who could help.

She found one address that sparked familiarity. One that might be able to help. Biting her lip, Jewel struggled to figure out what she'd even say when she rang that bell.

"R-Ready..." Alex said, dressed in jeans, a grey T-shirt, and a leather jacket that further hid her femininity. After getting her own clothes back on, the two rushed out of the house and drove off.

"So...where are we going?" she asked.

"To see an old friend," Jewel said, "I just hope she still sees me as one."

"What do you mean?"

The badger cringed at the memory, "I called her...girlfriend, a dyke. I was angry at her and said things I shouldn't have."

"The girlfriend?"

"No. The friend." Jewel said, explaining her history with Alex as they drove. It didn't take long to reach that old ranch style house, her phone had it practically saved with how much the address had been texted to her. Her fingers locked around her steering wheel as anxiety took over, heavy breaths shaking her body the longer she stared at the front door. Lights were on, people were home, would they accept her? Alex rested her hand against Jewel's shoulder. Facing her, she could tell how terrified the wolf was behind that brave smile. She'd been through so much suffering already, and Jewel couldn't even work up the courage to ring a doorbell.

Jewel bit her lip, "I hope this works." She said, stepping out of the car with Alex soon behind her. Each step to the door shook her core. Anxiety whispering deceitful thoughts into her mind. Alone, she'd have booked it back to her car by now. Alex needed her though, needed her to be strong.

One press of the doorbell was all it took to make her freeze at the door. Her ears twitched, picking up footsteps from behind. She swallowed her fear, finding her throat parched in the process. Had she drunk anything today? She wasn't sure.

Light from indoors cascaded onto them as the entranced creaked open. A brown-furred vole of Jewel's age stepped into the opening, naked save for a studded leather collar, nipple piercings, and a chastity belt. Her smile turned to surprise, and the indigo eye unhidden by the green-dyed half-cut widened in surprise.

"J-Jewel?" Amy said.

Blush burned under Jewel's cheekfur when she smiled, "H-Hi, Amy." She said, giving a little wave, "We need your help. Can you let us in?"

A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 7

Given the situation, being at a loss for words shouldn't have made Jewel so nervous. Her former best friend was, after all, standing before her naked in the doorway. Well, not exactly naked, but a studded collar, chastity belt, and nipple rings didn't...

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A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 5

She didn't have a plan. That reminder rattled around in her brain as Jewel parked in Phyllis's driveway. No good ideas actually came to her, just streams of consciousness telling her that she was being too focused on Alex's opinion. But she had to know...

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A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 4

None of it made any sense. Jewel looked over her computer screen, the glare reflecting off her eyes in the shaded room. Her mother would be scolding her right now for her lack of care, not only for her eyes but for her private dorm room being in such...

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