A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 7

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#7 of A Jewel In the Ruff

Upon arriving to a familair house she dare not approach again, Jewel is confronted with regrets from her past. Can she overcome the awkward situation for Alex's sake? And will Helga kick them out for interrupting play?

Posted this later than expected. Sorry, the day escaped me. The next chapter will be next Friday.

Given the situation, being at a loss for words shouldn't have made Jewel so nervous. Her former best friend was, after all, standing before her naked in the doorway. Well, not exactly naked, but a studded collar, chastity belt, and nipple rings didn't count as modest. Amy, or Amethyst as she went by, didn't seem all that bothered by it either beyond the little blush.

But every time she opened her mouth, her words slurred. Any sentence that formed in her head swelled her tongue like she'd been stung. Alex huddled behind her, probably shivering in fear from their escape.

"Amy, what's taking so long?" Yelled out a familiar and grating voice. An older porcine woman stepped into the doorway, wearing a white sleeveless t-shirt and jeans, "You picked the short straw. It's not like you're not used..." she blinked, staring at Jewel and Alex with confusion. Her eyes squinted, "You look familiar..."

"It's my former...roommate, Mama." Amethyst said. Her tone wove those words like barbed wire around the badger's heart. She couldn't blame the vole, not after their last encounter. But it still hurt.

Helga snapped her fingers, "Right! Rainbow." She smiled, "I knew that hair dye was familiar." Smiling, the pig leaned into the doorway with one hand on Amy's naked shoulder, "So, how can we help ya? You gonna call the cops for indecent exposure on my property? Or is this another rant about how sick our relationship is?"

Jewel stepped back, the urge to run away building up the more those green eyes stared back at her. Alex stopped her, by accident no less. But the wolf's cowering frame shook away Jewel's own fears. This was above the badger's feelings. "We..." she gulped, "I'm sorry to intrude, but we need your help."

Silence passed between the four of them. Helga's eyes scanned over Jewel and Alex, her face remained neutral to any attempts at reading her. Amethyst bit her lip, fingers twisting with each other in what the badger considered to be nerves. The devil on Jewel's shoulder told her this was a mistake. The last time she'd been here, she had threatened Helga with the police for dating Amethyst despite nothing illegal between them, and she was sure the vole told her mistress what Jewel called the sow. They had every right to turn her away.

"S-Sorry." Jewel said, staring to their feet, "I shouldn't have interrupted your-"

"Come on in," Helga said, "Take your shoes off in the front hall. I'd rather not have Rebecca ask if she could clean dirty floors with her tongue again." Hooking her hand under Amethyst's chin, she pulled the younger vole in for a kiss, "I'm gonna go get Rebecca dressed. You do the same and keep our guests company. Ok?"

Amethyst nodded, "Do you want me to strip when the pizza arrives, Mama?"

"Nah," Helga shook her head, "Moment's passed."

Helga's home had a more normal feel than Jewel had expected. From how much Amethyst fawned over the pig when they were roommates, she expected extremes. Like latex covered furniture, or cages all around the house. A more extreme Phyllis. But instead of latex skinned furniture, casual leather couches and chairs littered the carpeted living room, with kickstands and ottomans were in place instead of cages. Alex held Jewel's hand tight as they entered, ears drooped like a cub in a stranger's home.

Amethyst pulled her clothes from the couch, putting her bra on without panties, then a simple grey shirt and workout pants. Helga headed down to the basement, where Jewel swore she heard faint moans. "Do either of you want anything to drink?" Amethyst asked, "We've got water, a couple of beers, maybe one soda."

"Water is fine, thanks." Jewel said, taking a seat on the green couch. Alex stood motionlessly next to her, her hand still clasped tight against Jewel's. She patted the next cushion as Amethyst left the room, "It's ok." Jewel said with assurance, "You can sit."

Alex's eyes shifted through the room, "But...they didn't say we could."

"We're guests. It'd be rude of them to not let us sit."

Tail between her legs, Alex whined and sat down. The wolf flexed her fingers, trying to make use of all the excess nervous energy building up inside her. Jewel thought about leaning into her, but pulled her in and pet the wolf's black headfur instead.

"Are you sure this is safe?" she asked, "I mean...your friend had a collar on. Her mistress didn't even have her wear clothes when we answered the door."

"She also told her to get dressed, and she's not wearing fetish clothes now." Jewel said, "Amy is...weird, but the fact that she's still with this woman tells me they're ok."

"You didn't know she was?"

Jewel half-heartedly nodded her head, "I haven't talked to her since she moved out of the dorms."

"Did her mistress prevent that?"

"What? No," Jewel blinked, frowning at the real reason, "I just...just didn't feel like I could talk to her, after what I said."

"To be fair, I did punch you." Amethyst said, coming back with a tray of ice cube filled waters, "Probably the only punch I ever threw." she scratched the back of her head, "Sorry about the nose...healed great."

"It was just bloody, not like you snapped my snout." Jewel said, taking a cup of water and letting its cool contents swirl down her throat, "Besides, I was being a bitch."

Amethyst smiled, "Yeah, you were. But I was masturbaiting openly with you in the room, so I'm not completely justified." She said, pulling up her shirt to poke are her cage, "Mama caught me doing that too. So I started wearing this as punishment. Though nowadays I just feel weird having it off. Weird how people find new kinks sometimes."

"Mama?" Alex blinked, "Are you adopted?"

The vole caught herself from falling with her laughter, "No, no. Helga just likes the term 'Mama' over 'Mistress' since she's got a mother bear complex."

"It helps when I have a brat," Helga said, walking up from the basement with a collared pitbull on the end of a leash. Not that the dog minded, with her wide smile and loose red headfur, wearing tight gym clothes that almost mirrored fetishwear. "Especially two of them. Rebecca here just had to finish our little scene."

"Can you blame me, Mama?" Rebecca asked, "I've been locked up all week."

"Amethyst has been locked up and teased for over a month," Helga said, scratching behind Rebecca's ears, "And we have company. Unexpected company, but company all the same. So behave."

Rebecca nodded with a soft giggle, "Yes, Mama."

Alex's shivering body rubbed against Jewel's skirt at the display. She kept her close, hoping to keep the wolf calm. Helga pulled out three chairs from the kitchen, sitting them across from the couch for her and her subs.

"So," Helga said, crossing her arms and taking her spot, "Why don't you tell us what happened?"

And so, Jewel did. Giving every detail to her past week with Phyllis and Alex. From how they met, what things they had done, and how they left things. Alex further explained her situation afterward, detailing the mink's cruelty and abuse before everyone. Their three hosts were struck with emotion. Amethyst shivered in fright, gripping hold of Helga's hand for comfort the longer the explanation went on. Rebecca growled, gritting her teeth and shaking in rage at the abuses. Helga had to rest a hand on her shoulder to calm her so the pitbull wouldn't scare Alex more than she already had.

Helga had the most restrained response. Jewel could see her anger, how her face tightened throughout the story. But she didn't say anything. The pig held back her thoughts and feelings as much as she could. Did the pig not believe her? Jewel had no reason to lie, but given their past interactions, it made sense at how distrustful Helga would be.

"You should go to the cops." Helga said at the end of their story.

Alex shook her head. When she didn't answer, Jewel spoke up, "We...we were tied up of our own consent, and Alex attacked Phyllis. Plus, Alex isn't sure where any of her identification is if it even still exists. We-"

Helga spoke up, "I-" Amethyst stopped her. Standing up, she pulled the pig's hand up with her and said, "We need to talk about this, in private, if that's ok." She asked. Jewel nodded. Alex just stayed huddled to the badger. The vole turned to the pitbull and said, "Rebecca, please cater to their needs if they ask for anything. Within limits of course."

"Yes, Mistress." Rebecca said, earning her a heavy pet from Helga who said, "Lay off the titles for now. We're not in a session. Given everything Alex has been through, the girl needs a little normalcy."

Alex blushed. Jewel could guess why. No one else but the badger had called the wolf a girl. As Helga and Amethyst made their leave for privacy, the wolf sat up and spoke, "Is your owner kind?"

Rebecca blinked, blushing at the word, "I..." she scratched the back of her head, "I wouldn't call her my owner, per se. I mean...don't get me wrong, the idea is hot," she raised her hands in defense, "But my idea of it is different from your experience."

Alex tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

Scratching her chin, the pitbull leaned back, "Well...if I'm owned, I don't really have a choice, but nothing that happens to me is really against my preferences. I'm pushed, but never anything I don't like. It's more of a fantasy than reality since in reality that's pretty fucked up to just give up free will entirely..." she paused, no doubt trying to parse her next words carefully, "I guess...if I was owned, I wouldn't need to have control. But Helga and Amethyst keep telling me I have the most control in a session, so long as I remember my safeword. Which is watermelon. I also have a code for when I'm gagged."

"But is she kind?" Alex asks, fingers gripping the couch, "She just looks...scary. With those tattoos on her arm."

Rebecca laughed, "Oh she's super kind. To the point that I think she's embarrassed about it." She said. "Like, when I first met her I figured she was this mean biker bitch. And she plays up that persona well. In bed she's also pretty rough, but the moment you drop your safeword or code, she stops and makes sure you're ok. Hell, this one time I had a cramp in my leg so I had to stop, and Mama spent the next hour massaging it."

Jewel recalled hearing stuff like that during her research. How healthy Dom/sub dynamics flourish through trust of and care of each other, and theories that the submissive had the most control. She knew Phyllis had been wrong, she'd known it all along but had been too scared to admit it. Using the guise of confusion to hide her guilt. Her stomach twisted. Unable to look at Alex, she shifted her eyes elsewhere around the normal ranch styled home.

When she first saw Helga, the badger expected beer cans littering the place and leather paraphernalia lining the walls. But everything just seemed too normal. Instead of supposed S&M gear decorating the walls, the pig had biking or sports equipment. No pictures of humiliating poses of Amethyst or other supposed subs. Any pictures she did have of them were normal, filled with smiles and backgrounds of the countryside. They must have had more risky photos somewhere private.

Alex pushed closer to the badger, rubbing her fur against the girl's thighs in comfort. "So," she said to Rebecca, "How did you meet your mistress?"

"Well..." Rebecca blushed, brushing her hair away, "I met Amethyst at her job, was kinda-sorta stalking her in a sense of ordering coffee during her shift to try and date her. Helga is a whole other story." She said, further explaining the harsh realities she went through and how Helga saved her life twice. Guilt built up in Jewel again. She had a reason to be wary of the pig, she knew she did, but now it all seemed so silly.

Helga and Amethyst came back when Rebecca finished. "Ok," the pig clapped her hands together, "You both can stay here, for tonight. But I can't let you stay here for longer," she raised her hand up before Jewel could say anything, "Let me explain: I do believe that you've both been through hell, but I only have your words on this, and one of you threatened to call the cops on me when we first met."

"Would it help if I apologized?" Jewel asked. Helga's stern expression told her otherwise.

"If you want, I know someone on the local PD that can help. But I would rather not have anything to do with this. I don't know the other side of this story, and I can't in good conscience endanger my girls without that information," she rested her hands on Amethyst and Rebecca's shoulders, "I'm sorry, but that's the most I can do."

She looked to Alex, currently resting in her lap. The wolf closed her eyes and nodded, giving Jewel relief that they found at least some rest. "Thank you. If there's anything we can do to repay you-"

"Save it," Helga said, holding her hand as a stop sign, "I quit debt collecting a long time ago." She pointed to the couch, "You can sleep here. It's a foldout so it should fit both of you."

Rebecca frowned, "Wait, where am I sleeping?"

"I'll pull out a mat for me and Amy's bedroom," she said, petting the pup, "Maybe we can make that more permanent if you like."

A knock on the door shook their room silent. "Christ, I forgot about the pizza." Helga muttered, reflexively reaching for a wallet in her pants. Amethyst held up a twenty for Helga to grab, "Go set up some plates will you?" The pig asked, giving her vole a quick kiss on the lips. "Either of you have a thing against pepperoni?"

Alex and Jewel blinked simultaneously. Helga rolled her eyes, "What? I can't enjoy feral pig?"


"What ever happened to the thirty minutes rule?" Helga muttered to herself on her way to the front, "They lose too many customers because of lazy ass drivers? Or just shitty conditions?" With a sigh, she pulled the doorknob and flashed the twenty, "Ok so I apologize, but I've had a bit of a day and you're late so I can't really spare a tip right now."

"That's rather poor manners, isn't it?" A soft and motherly voice said. Helga blinked, looking out to see a brown-furred and blonde-headed mink dressed in a fancy red spring jacket and pants, carrying a black leather purse instead of the pizza Helga had ordered.

It took a second or two to adjust that this wasn't the pizzaboy. Or man nowadays, with this economy. Arching her brow, Helga pulled back her twenty and leaned into the door, "Can I help you, Miss..."

"Brooks," the mink shot out her hand, "Phyllis Brooks."

Helga shook her hand. Soft and delicate, enough to make Helga worry she'd crush it in her calloused fingers. "Right. Miss Brooks. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes, in fact," she said, pulling out a picture, "I was wondering if you had seen this wolf lately."

Taking the picture, the pig recognized that exact wolf. Though she seemed more masculine than the wreck nearly crying on her couch presented herself as. "Can't say I have. Who is she?" she asked, handing the picture back.

"He," Phyllis corrected, "He's someone very important to me. I fear someone may have kidnapped him."

"Well, I hope you find him." Helga said, slowly closing the door.

Phyllis's foot interceded, "Someone who has a car just like the one outside your house. Miss..."

"Foley. Helga Foley." Helga said, "And I've not seen that car before so if you could just-"

"Why don't we both drop the theatrics?" Phyllis said with a small and cunning smile, "Alex is in there, and I want to talk with him."

"I honestly don't know who you're talking about." Helga said, feigning her ignorance, "I'm just waiting on some pizza to have with my girlfriend and our close friend so if you could-"

"I know she's in there," Phyllis said, pulling out her phone and opening an app, "My tracker doesn't lie."

Slouching her shoulders, Helga opened the door. She barred her arm before Phyllis when she attempted to enter. "Excuse me?" the mink asked with obvious surprise.

"I didn't say you could come into my house," Helga said, gently pushing the mink back, "But I would like to know your side of the story."

A flash of anger crossed the mink's face, but she hid it well behind a soft gaze, "Well, what I can tell you is that my poor Alex is confused. He's suffering from gender dysphoria, a natural problem with most hermaphrodites, and I've been trying to help him deal with it."

"By using him as a living sex toy?" Helga asked, crossing her arms, "Least that's what she said you did."

"I...assure you, Alex consented to everything we did."

Helga didn't buy that. No one consents to a person who puts a tracker under their skin. She wasn't even aware they had apps for that now, but it didn't surprise her. They had apps for everything nowadays. She peered back to the hallway, picking up the hushed whispers of the girls and remembering how terrified that wolf girl was.

"Look, there are no men in the house. So you can find your boyfriend somewhere else." Helga said, grabbing the door only for Phyllis to step forward.

"I'll call the cops, tell them you are harboring a criminal."

"It's private property. Unless they have a warrant, which they have no good excuse for, they can't enter my house." Helga said, "So, kindly, fuck off."

Phyllis put her hand on the door, "Miss Foley, I can see that you are upset, but this is a very personal matter. So, if you please," she asked, subtly growling with each word, "Let me speak to the dite or-"

Helga's hand cracked against the mink's face. Not enough to send her tumbling, thanks to how much she held back, but enough to get a point across. Phyllis blinked, eyes wide in shock as she stared at the pig. "You..." she brushed the stinging area, "You hit me."

"Yeah," Helga said with restrained rage, "And if you don't leave now, the next one won't be with an open hand." She slammed the door before Phyllis could answer. Helga took a deep breath, held it for three seconds, and exhaled. She made a mistake, probably about to be charged with physical assault all because someone said a slur that didn't apply to her. She'd heard it plenty of times in her youth with Tabitha, and thrown punches a lot harder as a result. But she wasn't some dumb twenty-something anymore.

Making her way back to the kitchen, she saw that Amethyst and Rebecca had set out plates for everyone, with Alex and Jewel still holding each other's hands. Helga took one good look at the two and smiled, letting that regret wash away as she rounded the table and hugged her sub.

"Where's the pizza?" she asked.

"Late," Helga said, pulling the vole in close, "How much does your mother charge again? I think I'm gonna be sued."

A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 8

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