Sissy Training Center: Prepping

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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Jamie's just your regular pink furred mouse. But upon failing his senior year of highschool, he finds himself sent to a special facility that's his last chance to get into college. Is this really a prepschool, or something more sinister?

This is a commission for JamieKaBoom over on Inkbunny.

Jamie nearly launched from his seat at the latest bump. Old buses like the one he rode in always had terrible shock absorbers. The pink furred mouse huddled into the window corner of his spot, gripping his backpack tight and hooking his legs under the frame of his seat.

"Do it again!" Some of the other kids, if Jamie could call them that, shouted. Like him, everyone on this bus apart from the driver was around 18. Unlike him, however, everyone here looked like they belonged in prison or a gang. Jamie had been wondering if he'd taken the wrong bus by mistake, but all the signs they passed pointed out that they were headed to Sweet Tammy Caretakers, a reform school. After failing his SAT's due to anxiety, his family told him this was his only option left.

He wanted to go home.

"The fuck is the matter with you, Pinky?"

Jamie looked up, seeing the tiger boy sitting next to him looking down with a predatory smirk. The tiger wore a baggy leather jacket that hid a thin frame, wearing a bandana over his mullet, and wore tight and ripped jeans. Based on his memory of the roll call, he remembered the tiger's name was Tim, and Jamie felt his heart pounding in terror at every second near him.

"I asked you a question, Pinky." Tim growled, "The fuck is wrong with you?"

"N-Nothing," Jamie replied, shifting his eyes away, "J-Just nervous. H-Haven't been away from my home like this in a long time."

"Oh, youse a momma's boy?" The tiger chuckled, "Well I'd bury that shit and toughen up if I was you. Else you're gonna get eaten alive when we get off this bus." He said, casually reaching around for Jamie's shoulder, "Maybe if you stick with me, I can protect ya. Got a lot of bad apples in this dump, would be a bad idea to go at it alone."

Teeth chattering, Jamie kept his gaze to the floor. He felt an invisible noose around his neck, finding it hard to breathe at the oncoming panic over what would happen. Maybe he did need to find people to protect him at Sweet Tammy Caretakers, but Tim terrified him too much. He'd probably be regulated to just being his errand boy anyway, like back in his old school. Or middle school or...actually he'd been like this since he could remember. Nervous and weak.

Just a little loser only good at following orders.

"Pipe down brats!" The bus driver called out, "We're here."

Blinking, Jamie looked out at the window. For a place called 'Sweet Tammy Caretakers' the grey fortress they were driving towards looked more like a prison, with gated fences and everything. If it weren't for the very sign they were now driving under, Jamie would have been utterly convinced he took the wrong bus. Tim whistled, "Wow...And the bootlicker told me this was better than being sent to prison."

"P-Prison?" Jamie squeaked, glancing over to the taller tiger.

Tim nodded, "Yeah, got arrested after some big gang shootout. They needed five guys to take me down." He boasted with his clawed thumb pointing towards himself, "But even a bonafide badass like me got caught. Dumb cops said I had a bright future if I took a summer course here instead of a decade in prison. So of course I'd sign up. What'd they get you for?"

"M-Me?" the pink mouse asked, "I'm...I'm not a criminal."

The tiger blinked, "Huh?" He asked, grabbing Jamie by his shirt collar, "Sorry, people are talking too much so it's hard to hear. What'd you get arrested for? Pickpocket? Stalking?" The redheaded mouse shook his head, confusing Tim even more, "Then why are you here?"

"F-Failed my senior year...this is my only chance to get into college."

Grabbing his backpack, Jamie lined up with the rest of the students as they headed outside. They were herded inside before he could reach for his luggage, and he noticed that the staff themselves were taking it off the bus. There were two kinds of staffers that the pink mouse noticed. The first were very girly furs dressed in skirts and pink suit jackets, carrying a warm smile that would have put Jamie at ease if not for the setting. The second dressed like prison guards and looked as though they spent much of their time in a gym. Unlike the first, there were mixes of men, women, and, if Jamie bothered to look down, intersexed individuals in their navy blue uniforms.

Jamie's grip on his bag tightened. Tim snickered, "Quite the show." He said with a forced smug tone. Against his better judgment, Jamie found himself hiding under the tiger's thin shadow, hoping to avoid any notice from the guards watching. That all changed once they headed inside, the dreadful grey of the concrete walls replaced with pink painted walls and bright girly colored furniture. Like walking into a kindergarten center.

A single deer waited for them, standing behind an oak desk with a heart drawn in the middle. At a glance, Jamie believed she was a doe, but something about her felt off to him. Maybe it was how she scratched her blonde hair, specifically in places where antlers would grow on a buck.

"Welcome, attendees, to Sweet Tammy Caretakers!" The doe announced, standing up with a clipboard in hand and stepping around the desk, giving a clear view of her hot pink power suit with a matching pencil skirt and white blouse, "My name is Franny Bellums, though you all can just call me Fran. I'll be your head instructor during your stay. Here at Sweet Tammy Caretakers, we pride ourselves at helping troubled youth readjust themselves before reentering society as a whole. To us, no one is a lost cause. Everyone has their use."

"What's with the fag colors?" Someone shouted out. Jamie wanted to sink into his shoulders as everyone laughed. Bad enough to have his natural fur color to be so bright, but being in a class with people who thought of pink like this didn't help.

Fran kept herself standing straight with her warm smile, "Studies have shown that warmer colors help reduce stress and aggression. As a facility designed to help rehabilitate, we take our job very seriously."

"I got a job you can take seriously!" Said another attendee, "It's between my legs." Jamie peered over to the guards and faculty staff as the students continued their laughter, taking note at some of them pawing their holstered batons. He shouldn't be here. This had to be some kind of mistake. The mousie wasn't a criminal, just anxious is all.

The doe chuckled with her lips closed, "Crude, but humor is humor I suppose," she said. With a snap of her fingers, the guards stepped forward and began to herd them again, "I would love to stay and answer more questions, but we have a schedule to keep and you all need to be settled in before we can tour the facility. Please allow your caretakers to escort you to the changing areas to meet with Auntie Irene."

With a push and a shove, the boys were all guided down hallways and split apart. No sooner did Jamie realize he lost Tim in the kerfuffle, having his arm grabbed by an unknown guard and unceremoniously tossed into an empty room. Keeping his footing, the mouse nervously scanned his surroundings, finding it similar to the opening entrance. Pink walls with lines strewn all over in various shapes as if they were openings for something else.

A computerized and feminine voice spoke from an unseen speaker, "Hello Sweetie," It said, "My name is Auntie Irene. What's yours?"

"J-Jamie." He replied, holding his backpack tight, "Jamie Knox."

"Jamie? That's a pretty name." The voice giggled, "Well, Jamie, it's my job to help prep you for your stay at Sweet Tammy Caretakers. Would you be a sweetie and strip."

He blinked, "W-What?" the mouse asked.

A basket extended from the wall, "Strip, Sweetie. Put all your clothes and other assorted items inside this basket. They'll be placed in your room for your arrival."

Gulping, Jamie nodded and placed his backpack into the basket. What was he supposed to do, say no? He followed with his shirt and pants, leaving him only in his tighty whities. "Everything, Sweetie." Auntie Irene chimed. Blushing, he hooked both thumbs under the elastic waistband and pulled down, exposing himself to the unseen eyes of Irene. After placing his underwear in the basket, it shifted back into the wall. "Good girl. Please stand ready for STC Ablution."

His ears twitched, "G-Girl? I think there's been a-" Warm water erupted from spouts from the sides and above him, cutting him off. Jamie shrieked, curling down into a ball as liquid cascaded over him.

"Subject requires assistance." Auntie Irene chimed. Padded hands on robotic tendrils snaked out from the walls, gripping the pink mouse's head, arms, and legs. He struggled in their grasp as the water soaked him, but their grip didn't break or give traction. "Applying body shampoo and conditioner." Irene said as more hands escaped the walls. White goo sprayed from their fingertips, coating Jamie in a fruity scent that they massaged into him. The hands dragging across his lithe body, rubbing in the product and roughly handling him in all his sensitive spots. Biting his lip, Jamie couldn't help but grow erect as they brushed his nipples, gripped his ass, and lathered his crotch.

Something tight and warm enveloped his erection. "Arousal detected. Tease regiment activated, monitoring heartbeat for climax." Moans broke his response as the tightness around his cock began to massage him, hitting not only the shaft, but toying with the head while another hand fondled his balls. So many sensations hit him at once. Jamie felt himself reaching that edge, so close.

The massage stopped. The warm water of the showers rinse fell down on his cock and spread over his body. "Rinse cycle finished. Drying cycle starting." Irene's computerized voice said. Hands with hairdryers, combs, and brushes sprung from the wall, drowning out his complaints with their volume as they sped through casting the liquid off and cleaning out his fur. From the few spots he could see in his struggle, his fur glistened brighter than he'd ever seen.

"Applying corrective restraints. Please do not struggle."

Something latched around his throat. Leather tightened against his neck, not so much that he couldn't breathe or had problems swallowing, but enough to be aware of the cold tag bushing against his fur. The mechanical hands reached down to his crotch, carrying a metallic device shaped like a longer thimble of some kind. Too small for his cock, currently fully erect from his predicament.

"Subject arousal detected." Auntie Irene's computerized voice said before grabbing his cock. Jamie's eyes widened as a thin tube extended from the front wall, thin enough to..."N-No!" he cried, struggling by the grip on his crotch kept his rod in place. "Applying temporary arousal reduction. Please do not move."

As the tube pushed into his urethra, the pink mouse whimpered and begged. "T-Take it out!" He cried, confused at the pleasure building with the fiery pain. Cool liquid flowed into the base of his cock, leaving his mouth hanging agape as he silently screamed. With its removal, came the loss of his erection, with whatever poured into his cock now slowly dripping out. The hands latched on the thimble-like device over his cock, providing a metal prison for his privates. In the midst of it all, Jamie hadn't noticed something stab into his right ear until the second it happened. Shifting his eyes up, the mouse noticed some kind of magenta tag hanging off his lobe, but he couldn't read what it said.

"Chastity cage secure. Subject is free to move around." Auntie Irene stated, having the arms let him fall to the floor. Bunched up and teary eyed, Jamie reached for the cage around his cock. "W-What is this?" He asked aloud, though he heard Irene loud and clear.

"A Chastity cage, sweetie. Standard for all sissies enrolled at Sweet Tammy Caretakers."

He blinked, "S-Sissy? I don't understand."

A basket opened from the wall, "All will be explained in due time, Sweetie. Now put on your uniform. Extra sets are already waiting for you in your room." Peering over inside, Jamie found a white sleeveless top with a small tie, a plaid skirt, rainbow-colored thigh-high socks, and pink panties. Biting his lip, he looked up over to wherever Auntie Irene was looking through, but said nothing as he put the clothes on. Those arms had already held him down with ease before and had even straightened his hair with a bow finishing off his new ponytail. There was no real use in fighting it.

Not that he didn't want to.

"Are you feeling comfortable, Sweetie?" She asked.

"Th-the cage is really tight." He said, feeling the nerves in his cock return.

"That's how it's supposed to be. We don't want you to have any wiggle room after all, or you could get some ideas."

"B-but I don't want other people to see me like this!" He cried, thinking of how Tim might make use of him in his new outfit.

"Don't worry," Auntie Irene answered with her soft robotic tone, "it's nothing the teachers here haven't seen already, and all the other 'girls' are wearing one too."


"No more buts, little missy, or you're in for a spanking. Besides, it's going to be covered up by a cute pair of panties anyway."

"W-Where am I, really?" He asked, sliding the panties on slowly, "I don't understand w-why I'm here." Without his backpack to hold onto, the mouse found his hands reaching for his collar and holding tight.

"Sweet Tammy Caretakers is the worlds leading sissy reform training facility." Auntie Irene said, "Here we take disenfranchised masculine youths and rebrand them for a new and more fulfilling roll in life."

"Sissy?" Jamie's throat tightened, "W-What's that?"

"A sissy is a subservient male who puts themselves on the bottom of the hierarchy or totem pole in society. Their duties are simply to keep their betters happy, and here at Sweet Tammy Caretakers, we provide them with a myriad of skills. From the basic sissy lifestyle to advanced skills to make our sissies competent in the workplace, at home, and anywhere in between."

"But why am I here?" He cried. Jamie knew he wasn't the highest when it came to the social order. But he wasn't a sissy. Besides, he was told this was his last chance to get into college, but Sweet Tammy Caretakers didn't seem to care about any of that.

"Well, we do have a little bit before you are posted to your room." Irene said, the direction of her voice Jamie still couldn't pinpoint, "Why don't I dig into your public file? Subject: Jamie Knox is under special request by his mother Anastasia Milton to be trained for basic sissy sub servitude. But I wouldn't worry, sweetie, worrying is too tasking for a sissy as you'll soon learn."

Before he could object about his mother's request, the door slid open, with a guard standing right at the entrance. Ears furled, Jamie's legs shook as the man stepped in. "Subject, Jamie Knox, prep is finished. She is now ready for transfer to orientation." With a nod, the guard grabbed Jamie by his collar, looking down on the scared mouse with a neutral mask of a face.

"You going to come obediently, sissy, or am I gonna need to bind you?" He asked. Frozen in terror, with the back of the guard's strong fingers bracing his through from the collar's grip, the mouse nodded. The guard smiled, "Good girl," he said, affectionately petting his thumb against the mouse's cheek.

Pulling him by his collar, the guard dragged Jamie back into the hall. Despite what just happened to him, the mouse's eyes went wide with surprise at all the other boys in the same uniform. Some wore looks of disgust, others could barely look at each other, but everyone had shame across their face.

"Fucking let go of me!" Someone yelled. Turning his head, Jamie saw a grey rabbit boy struggling in the grips of two guards, one woman and another male. "I ain't no fucking faggot! Get this thing off my cock this instant!" He screamed.

Jamie's guard smiled, "Guess you sissies get a show of what happens when you don't behave."

The mouse watched on as the guards pulled locked the rabbit's hands behind with cuffs, and silenced his screams with a heavy ballgag from their person. The bull guard then grabbed the rabbit's head and shoved it against his crotch, forcing the bunny to bend over. The doberman guard flipped his skirt and pulled down his panties, playfully spinning a paddle throughout the entire process. "Good sissies don't badmouth their betters." She said, pulling back the paddle, "Bad sissies get punished!"

Jamie felt the crack of leather against the bun's furred bottom down his spine. The doberman struck again and again, her smile growing with each gagged scream the bunny made. Terrified, Jamie tried to hide behind his guard, but he couldn't stop looking away. Something about the display made his chest burn.

His guard chuckled, "Envious?" He muttered. Jamie's retort was cut short by the sudden grip against his ass, "Don't worry. This place has got ways to help you deal with those feelings. Every sissy has at least one standard dildo in their rooms."

As much as his tone terrified Jamie, the mouse knew that, if not for the cage, he'd be hard right now. When the guards finished with spanking the bun, they didn't undo his bindings. Instead, the poor rabbit boy walked along with the rest of them, still bound and gagged like some domestic farm feral. Jamie couldn't help but wonder when those restraints would be removed.

He should have wondered where they were going.

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