A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 5

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#5 of A Jewel In the Ruff

Determined to get Alex's side of the relationship in her notes, Jewel steps up to find a truth all the more shocking.

Next chapter, next Friday. I hope you enjoy.

She didn't have a plan. That reminder rattled around in her brain as Jewel parked in Phyllis's driveway. No good ideas actually came to her, just streams of consciousness telling her that she was being too focused on Alex's opinion. But she had to know his side of their relationship, and from his mouth only.

Stepping out from her car, she looked up to the two-story house. Inhaling a shaky breath, she did her best to calm her nerves and climb up the front steps. Knocking on the door, she ran over ideas of this the badger could say to convince Phyllis to let Alex speak. Researcher validity, or maybe just to add another voice. The badger could imagine Phyllis's reaction easily, pushing the idea off with nothing more than a soft chuckle and a wave.

Alex answered the door. Dressed in his tight latex bodysuit, the wolf stood in attention to Jewel's presence. Except for this time, a harness ballgag filled his maw. Jewel blink with surprise, and took one last look around the neighborhood to see if anyone saw them. The wolf handed her a notecard, letting Jewel take a moment to read it.

'Hello Dear,

If you are reading this, then I am not in the house at the moment. I had to take care of some personal business a few stats over, so I'll be gone for the day. I'm afraid our little interviews will need to be put on hold until then. Toodles.

Mistress Phyllis.'

Jewel smiled. The lucky break she needed. "Actually, Alex, I was wondering if I could talk with you." She asked. Alex stared at her, then closed the door only for the badger's foot to intercede it. Pain shot through her, but Jewel was determined to speak with him. "Alex, please. I really need to know your side of it." She pleaded, pushing at the door. Breaking and entering wasn't normally her style, but the badger's curiosity had peaked, "Plus, the message says interviews with her will need to be rescheduled," she grunted, Alex didn't give an inch with her, "The message didn't say anything about interviews with you."

Alex stopped resisting, letting Jewel in with her push sending her tripping over the doorstep. The wolf caught her, falling backward onto his head with the sound of metal hitting wood. Panic rose in Jewel's throat, climbing over the grunting wolf to make sure he was ok. "Oh my god! Sorry, sorry." she whimpered, reaching for his head. To her surprise, she found a small lock on the back of his harness gag, not unlike those on chastity cages. When she moved to stand, her hand pressed against Alex's chest. Immediately she felt something restrained behind her touch, more than the latex alone could do. The wolf stared back at her, eyes filled not with hatred or fear, but sadness.

"S-Sorry," Jewel stuttered up, getting up and turning away, "I'll just come back another-" Alex grabbed her hand before she could take another step. She froze, looking over to see Alex pointing towards the couches where she'd had so many interviews with Phyllis. He spoke, but the gag made most of it ineligible, save for two words, "Wait there."

She nodded, limping a little while making her way over to the leather couch. Alex came back with a first aid box in one hand, his fist closed in the other. Kneeling down before her, he opened his left hand, revealing a small key. Pointing to the lock on the back of his head, Jewel nodded and unlocked it. "Why does Phyllis lock your mouth up like this?" She asked, "What if you need to eat?"

"She leaves that key for that," Alex explained, opening up the first aid kit before pulling her shoe and sock off, "It's a hassle to get off without help though, and it's really difficult to bandage a bruise if I can't talk with you."

"Right..." Jewel's fingers tapped the leather arm of her seat while the wolf poked around the area.

"Does it hurt here?" he asked. She nodded. It wasn't overly painful, but his squeezes did bring out the sourness. "Hmm...looks like an icepack will do. I'll go get one."

"You certainly know your bruises," Jewel jested.

Alex didn't smile back, "It's something I needed to pick up. Often with a mirror." he mentioned offhand before leaving to get ice. She thought about that, picturing Alex's back against the mirror, covered in bruises and scars. Shaking her head, Jewel cast out the accursed images. There's no way Alex would stay with Phyllis if she caused that kind of pain, and even if he did, maybe that's just what he liked? Her gut told her otherwise, but she'd been hating her gut ever since Phyllis pointed out just how large it was.

Taking out her notepad and pen, she clicked the utensil eagerly as Alex reentered, "So, since I'm not going to be walking for a least a few minutes, can I ask you some questions?"

Eyeing the clock, Alex's fingers twitched, "I...I don't know. I guess I have free time since I already cleaned the attic..."

Jewel smiled, "Great!" she said, taking the ice pack to her leg that now rested atop an ottoman, "So, first question, why..." she stopped, seeing Alex kneeling before her like he had so many times. "Um...you can sit down, you know."

"I'm not allowed to sit on the furniture." he stated, "Slaves are only meant to care for, not partake in luxuries."

"I...I see," Jewel wrote that little tidbit down, "So...why no safeword?"

"Did Mistress not answer that already?" he asked.

"Well...yes, but, this is for your side of the relationship."

"She's already explained my side."

Unhelpful would be generous for Alex right now. Jewel sighed and moved down her list, aiming for a question she hadn't already asked Phyllis. "So, why Mistress Brooks?"

"She found me."

"Would you like to go into further detail?"

"Not really," the wolf looked back over to the clock, "You should take the ice pack off now for a few minutes, then reapply."

"T-Thank you," Jewel said, holding back her frustration while crossing off that question. "So...can you explain your fetish?" she asked, pointing to his groin, "I noticed that Phyllis seems to love CBT, and I was wondering what you got out of it."

Alex blinked, looking down to his crotch with perked ears, "I..." his voice dipped into something strange, almost feminine, "It's not really a fetish. I just hate my cock."

If the badger had been standing, she'd have taken a step back at the wolf's answer. "I'm sorry?" she asked, believing she must have misheard Alex's explanation. "Did you say you hate your cock?"

He gave a slow and sorrowful nod, reaching for his arm to start scratching against the latex. "Can you explain why?" she asked, already knowing he'd say no. She'd say no with such a delicate subject.

But Alex didn't. He bit his lip, shifting his eyes around the room before answering, "My...penis...has been nothing but a burden on my life." His voice cracked and his ears drooped, "B-Because of it, I've pretty much been made to act a certain way. Any time I wanted to be different, I..." the wolf sniffed, "Mistress told me she'd make me love it. Accept my cock as a part of me...but all she really does is use and abuse it. Deep down, I know I deserve it, for not having the strength to push forward. But..." tears break, slowly matting his facial fur, "I'm more a fuckdoll than a slave, and I didn't even want to be a slave. I just wanted people to accept my other half, rather than..." he reached for his crotch, claws dragging along the latex covering, "This stupid chunk of muscle and nerves." he growled, tears streaming.

She wanted to hug him. Jewel had studied gender dysphoria in her psych classes, but she'd never seen it up front like this. Now she understood why Phyllis demanded Alex dressed masculine rather than humiliate him in sissy clothes. The mink probably believed the best way to cure him was to avoid feminine behavior for him. But Jewel knew that wouldn't work, and Alex's breakdown was proof of that.

"What do you mean by your other half?" she asked, hoping that letting Alex talk it out would help him. He needed a real psychiatrist, something she wasn't, but if she could provide any help, then she'd take it.

Alex rubbed his eyes, "It...it doesn't matter."

"Alex," Jewel stood up, ignoring the pain in her foot as she kneeled before him, "Please, tell me. I want to help."

It took all her strength not to just hug him with how scared he looked. Jewel wasn't sure if giving him physical affection would even help, or just make him run away. The wolf shakingly nodded his head, then turned around and pointed to the back zipper, "I need to get out of this. It's a two-person job."

She didn't question it, reaching for the zipper and slowly pulling it down across his back. Careful not to catch any of his back fur, she reached the end and watched as he pulled the suit apart. He stood above her, turning around to reveal the androgynous form hidden underneath. Hands over his chest, Jewel noted medical wrap placed over his pectorals. Only when he pulled them off did she realize the truth. A-cup breasts budding in his bosom.

"You're mid-transition?" she asked.

Alex shook his head, "N-No, they just never got bigger," he explained, spreading his legs and pulling up his cock and balls, "P-Please don't freak out."

Quirking her brow, Jewel looked down to his crotch. Her eyes widened, noticing what, at first, looked like some kind of cut. But it wasn't a cut, and she'd have slapped herself for daring to think it was. Underneath his cock and balls, laid a third genital, a vagina.

Alex was a herm.

Jewel almost smacked herself. How could she not see it? It had to have been the clothes and bindings that silenced her alarms, that and Phyllis having Alex's cock hanging about all willy nilly. "Do..." she paused, praying to God that this wasn't an inappropriate thing to ask, "Do you identify with masculine pronouns, or they and them?"

Alex blinked, confused by the question. Or maybe confused by being asked, "N-Neither," the wolf said, "Everyone just assumes I prefer male pronouns, and...well I've been too weak to correct them. Despite my size I..." Alex gulped, "I prefer to be seen as a girl."

"Well, you're a very pretty girl."

She blushed. The wolf hid her gaze from Jewel, "Y-you're just saying that."

She was half right. Jewel said it because it was polite, but she'd had an attraction to the wolf ever since she first saw her. The badger didn't really question being attracted to girls or boys, being bi cleared things up for her. But she knew something was wrong with Alex, and now that she figured it out, she could better appreciate how beautiful Alex was. Even with her matted coat that hadn't been shampooed properly in days, the wolf gave off a natural beauty yearning to be released.

Jewel wanted to kiss her. To cradle Alex in her arms and let the wolf know everything was ok. Her restraint was born more out of worry than self-control. "So...why Phyllis?" she asked again, "She obviously doesn't treat you like a girl."

"Phyl...Mistress said I couldn't accept being a girl if I threw away my masculine half. So goes out of her way to make me feel only my cock, never my tits, pussy, or even my ass." the wolf sniffed, "In the end, I feel like I'm more of a guy anyway, and this cunt is just a distraction. That I should just 'get with the program' like everyone in my life suggests. So..." she reached for her cunt, only to hesitate and inch away from touching it, "I'm going to ask her to seal this, permanently. So I can stop having stupid dreams about-"

The badger shot up and hugged Alex tight. As tight as her own mother hugged her when she came out as bi, close enough to feel each other's heartbeat. She cried then, so confused over who she liked and feeling selfish for not being able to stick to one. Her mother told her it was ok, that love didn't restrict itself like that.

Alex didn't break away as she feared. She stood in confusion, her cock growing erect in their embrace. Jewel rubbed her backfur, "It's ok," she whispered, "You can love yourself."

"No..." Alex muttered, "I c-can't. I'm more a guy than girl. I can't-"

"Says who?" Jewel asked, "Phyllis?"

"Everyone," Alex sniffed, "Phyllis, my family, people on the street when they see me. Everyone says I should just be a guy because I'll be wasting what was given otherwise."

"You were given both." The badger said, "It's your body. Unless it's some doctor saying it's for health risks, no one gets to tell you what you do with it." Her fingers tightened around the backfur, "Phyllis is toxic! Not only does she use you, she doesn't give you say in anything."

Alex hugged Jewel, stronger than the badger expected. "I know."

"Then why stay with her?" She asked, "Why do you let her abuse you like she does?"

Alex pulled her closer, the wolf's cock bracing against Jewel's crotch as she buried her snout into the badger's shoulder, "I don't have anywhere else to go. I was homeless when Phyllis found me. My family kicked me out, and I was squatting at a stranger's place in Lansing. She gave me a home, food, and clothing. I don't know where I could go, or what I could do."

"What do you want to do?" Jewel asked, brushing her hand through the wolf's headfur.

Alex mumbled, "I..." Jewel could already tell that the wolf didn't know. She'd been resigned to this fate and hadn't considered what she wanted anymore. She didn't know how to help. Alex wasn't a child, so she couldn't call any protective services. The police were an option, but who's to say Alex would give up her abuser if asked like that? She wanted to believe Alex would, but she'd only be so bold when the mink was gone. Pulling Alex down to the couch, she kept the wolf cuddled close and brushed her finger through her headfur, silently praying that everything would be alright for her.

"Alex..." Jewel swallowed her fear, looking down to the wolf, "C-can I kiss you?"

She didn't expect the shock. The badger had expected anger and disgust for taking advantage of a person in such a state. And Jewel agreed with it, she just wasn't sure what else she could do. The poor wolf shivered in her arms as though she'd never been embraced for this long. Had she ever been kissed? Really lovingly kissed? The wolf's wide eyes did little to hide the blush under her grey fur, "I...no one ever asked."

"You're worth asking."

Alex's cock twitched. Biting her lip, the wolf nodded. Jewel leaned in, pressing her lips against those black lips. She didn't force her tongue, did not overpower or subdue the wolf as so many before. Just a simple and long kiss, one stronger than anything Jewel had ever given or received in her own life.

Even though she denied it, Jewel admitted her anime was just a bunch of silly cartoons. But in those silly little cartoons, she had always dreamed of some beautiful savior coming to sweep the badger off her feet. The hero to rescue his damsel in distress from her prison of self-doubt and ramen. She never imagined being on the other end, the person trying to save someone in desperate need of that helping hand. Alex, her prince who wanted to be nothing more than a maiden.

Damn her paper. Damn her grades. Jewel needed to save Alex from that wicked bitch, Phyllis. She didn't know how yet, but she made a vow to not stop until the wolf was free from her clutches. Of course, she wanted Alex to be with her, but the badger buried that selfish desire deep down in the back of her mind for now. Alex needed to be able to make choices, and she was going to make that happen.

"I won't stop visiting," she said, clutching the wolf tight, "I'll play along, pretend this didn't happen when Phyllis is around. We'll think of a way to get you out of this hell, and I'll be right there holding your hand all the way."

"Promise?" Alex asked, terror on the edge of her throat as claws dug into Jewel's jacket.

She smiled, "Promise, Alex. The first thing we're going to do when you're free is go shopping for the girliest clothes imaginable."

An honest and soft laugh left the wolf's lips, "I'd like that. I've always wanted a skirt."

A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 6

Jewel took a deep breath as she pressed the doorbell. Yesterday, she had learned the truth about Alex's relationship with Phyllis. The horrible and abusive truth that she had to act ignorant of. That proved difficult when the mink opened the door,...

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A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 4

None of it made any sense. Jewel looked over her computer screen, the glare reflecting off her eyes in the shaded room. Her mother would be scolding her right now for her lack of care, not only for her eyes but for her private dorm room being in such...

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The winter chill didn't bother Barnabas. Not because he was a dwarf, a fact too many people assumed made him resistant to the icy chill of mountain peaks. Humans, or well, most people, never really considered how warm it was inside the mountains, or if...

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