A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 4

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#4 of A Jewel In the Ruff

Realizing that simply asking questions isn't enough, Jewel decides that she needs a hands on experience in BDSM. But is Phyllis really the best person to give it?

Next chapter, next Friday. I hope you enjoy!

None of it made any sense. Jewel looked over her computer screen, the glare reflecting off her eyes in the shaded room. Her mother would be scolding her right now for her lack of care, not only for her eyes but for her private dorm room being in such disarray. Ramen packs littered the floor along with takeout boxes and soda cans. None of which were good for her figure, but she'd been so caught up in her research to really care about that.

Her brow furrowed as she clicked through her sources, each contradicting things that Phyllis told her. All these sites spoke of consent; Safe, sane, and consensual, with the submissive's permission being the most important thing. Sometimes it read like the submissive held the true power in the relationship.

Looking back on Alex, the badger couldn't believe that or at least had trouble accepting such a concept. Alex sat at Phyllis's beck and call, crawling around on paws and knees like some feral by a leash. Did the power really lie there? Was that why Amethyst couldn't come to her? Leaning back into her chair, Jewel stared up at the ceiling, pondering. The light shining through the window gave her enough to see, but not too much so that if she closed her eyes it wouldn't be hard to drift away.

She projected Amethyst sat on the other side of the room. Her ridiculous green-dyed sidecut covering half of the blindfold, her arms, and legs cuffed together, and finished off with a nice leather collar. Swiveling her chair, Jewel slipped her hand beneath her panties, imagining her sauntering over the vole's bound form. Her former best friend was smiling as she overtook her. That studded tongue bracing against hers in the kiss.

Then she changed. Her breasts shrank, fur grew bigger and grey, with her form taking a more androgynous but masculine tone. Hearfur turned black, and a large cock grew from her crotch. Alex took her place, naked finally and with his arms and legs spread apart for all to see, locking him into the bed. Smiling, she straddled over his cock, slowly pushing herself down the shaft.

He wasn't smiling. She saw the submission in his face, but no smile or hint of joy escaped those lips as she took him. Jewel blinked, shattering her reality. All that stared back at her from the bed was her Trigun bodypillow of Vash. Guilt took hold, swerving herself back around and staring into her paper yet again.

What was she missing? She'd been seeing Phyllis and Alex for over a week now, learning their lifestyle and even experiencing it a little with Alex's subservience. But she still didn't understand it, and outside sources only added to the frustration. Loading up Youtube, she checked on a video detailing dynamics of tops and bottoms for hopefully some ideas.

"A key thing about being a dominant is knowing what your submissive is feeling," a fox said. She'd seen many videos of him and his husband discussing topics, ranging from queer representation to BDSM. Despite his fashion sense and the fox's size in comparison to his brown bear hubby, he was the actual dominant in the relationship. "While it's always important to ask, sometimes you need to know more than just asking. Plus it can ruin a session if you have to stop every five minutes to ask if they're ok."

He took out a collar and, to Jewel's confusion, tied it to himself, "So, if you're serious about understanding their perspective, you have to be willing to dive into it." Taking the leash, he took to his knees and handed it to the bear standing beside him, "Honey, if you please."

Nodding with a smile, his husband took the leash with gusto. "Inspection," he ordered. The fox took to his feet, standing up straight and putting his hands behind his head. Chest puffed out for the bear to slowly poke and prod. Not enough for any sensual play, this was Youtube after all. But enough to show who was in control.

"Nadu." he ordered. The fox took to his knees, spreading them and placing his hands out against them with his head down. "Good boy," the bear cooed, petting the fox's hair before returning the leash, "Red."

The fox smiled, "Stressed already?" He asked, taking back the leash and standing back up. The bear nodded, blushing and taking a seat back against the chair as the fox began to explain, "So, while I am the dominant, acting into the submissive role gives me an inside view of how my hubby feels. It also allows him to feel my state of mind when I'm in control."

Jewel paused the video and thought about that display. Could that be the piece she's missing? So far she'd been primarily an observer with a few moments of being in control, and those moments were under Phyllis's permission. Maybe she needed to try and see it from the submissive approach? Minimizing her paper, she took her computer and flopped herself back onto the bed. This was something she could ask Phyllis at their next meeting. Until then, it was time for Dorohedoro.


"So you want to try submission?" Phyllis asked, carrying a confused gaze that had Jewel sinking into her leather chair.

She nodded, taking a look around the living room before saying, "It's just...I've hit a little stump on my paper and I feel like experiencing both sides could be the most helpful in it. Just to understand."

Fingers tapping against her armrest, Phyllis's ears perked at the bell jingle coming from the archway. Both turned their attention to it, seeing a gagged and latex suited wolf holding a tray of tea enter the room. With his ankles, cuffed as they were, he carefully kept his stride so as to not drop the refreshments. Despite being a guest, Jewel was served second, not that she minded. The badger wasn't the biggest fan of tea. The cookies were nice though, oatmeal raisin.

"That is...not something I expected to hear from you," Phyllis said, petting Alex's headfur as he kneeled in a nadu position next to her, "You seemed rather content when Alex was serving you."

"I..." Jewel gulped, looking over to Alex's face, currently focused on the floor than either of the two women, "I did. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to know what it's like to receive."

Phyllis took a long sip from her tea, leaning back into her chair and staring up into the ceiling. "You know, people say there are more submissives than dominants. But real submissives, true slaves, are a rare breed. You're not the first person to ask me to dominate them simply for the 'experience' and I have no doubt you'll be the last. I usually turn such requests down because they're offering me nothing I don't already have or can't already get."

"Oh..." Jewel bowed her head, "I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't-"

"I'm not at all offended, dear." Phyllis said, smiling as she looked over the badger, "Unlike them, I rather enjoy your company. So I would be happy to give you an experience. But," she handed her tea to Alex and stood up, stepping over to Jewel and leaning above her, "I need you to trust me. I will say things that may make you cry, do things that will hurt, but they are all to get the full experience of being a submissive. Will you accept this?"

"Y-yes," Jewel answered immediately, peering over to Alex for his thoughts. A small tinge of fear etched across his face for a second, but it was quickly replaced with his calm neutrality.

Phyllis cupped Jewel's maw. Smiling, she leaned in and whispered, "Then put down the tea and wait for me at my study, face against the wall."

Jewel froze. How Phyllis said it had more impact than what she said. Her voice never dropped the kind or soft motherly tone, but the badger felt something behind it. An expectation to be obeyed that tied a noose around the college girl's neck, tightening with each second she didn't. The chittering of her tea cup against its tiny plate rattled her ears. Taking a deep breath, she sat it down against the table and stood up. First awkwardly in the mink's presence, moving out of her shadow and quickly pacing her way to the study.

"No running in my house." Phyllis politely called out. Jewel slowed her steps, sinking her head into her shoulders as though she could hide her sudden shame from their prying eyes. When she reached the study, the badger stood in confusion. Phyllis had told her to face the wall but never specified which one. The desk maybe? No, that would infringe on Phyllis's privacy. The bookcase? Jewel shook her head, if the mink wanted her at the bookcase then she'd have said it.

Paws against the cold hardwood floor, Jewel signed and resigned herself to the far left corner, giving anyone who entered ample view of her backside. Closing her eyes, she rested her forehead against the cool wall, breathing in the scents of the room. If she focused hard enough, the badger could smell the leather from the dungeon behind the bookcase. She'd been in there so much already as a guest, given the dominant treatment from Alex with Phyllis guiding along or just simply watching Phyllis use Alex. The things she did to him...her legs grew weak at the thought of what was in store for her. Not that she wasn't afraid, her own panting and nervous fingers told her that. "It's for the paper," she whispered to herself, a comforting lie to push her forward.

She didn't really need this or Phyllis's lifestyle for the paper. Her professor could be satisfied with just articles. No. This was still about the vole she couldn't forget. Jewel needed to know how she felt.

Leather heeled boots clicked down the halls long before Phyllis entered. Each step made Jewel's heart bump in her chest, with the mental noose constricting her. She heard Phyllis walk into the room, stopping behind her and watching. Latex squeaked and crinkled with her movements, circling where she could but never touching the shivering badger.

The bookcase opened, and Phyllis walked through. Turning her head at the last minute, Jewel saw the end of Alex's tail as he crawled in. Phyllis stepped back out after they exchanged hushed whispers, narrowly missing Jewel's expression as the badger hid her face in the shadowed corner.

Again, Phyllis said nothing. Her latex squeaked in her leather chair as she sat. The only other noise filling Jewel's ears being the movement of furniture across the dungeon floor. Her fists tightened. Why hadn't Phyllis said anything? Was this part of the game? She bit her lip, fighting the urge to turn around and see just how Phyllis stared at her.

Alex echoed from the dungeon, "Mistress, the preparations are complete." The latex squeaked again, and soon enough Jewel felt the gloved fingers running through her headfur. The chill down her spine spread through her nerves as warm breath etched across her neck with Phyllis's words.

"Before we go inside, I want to make one thing absolutely clear," she whispered, tracing a finger along the badger's ear. "When I am in control, you are to refer to me as Mistress or Mistress Brooks, understand?"

"Yes," Jewel said, earning her a sharp tug of her rainbow tuff.

"Yes, who?" the mink asked, still carrying that warm and motherly tone. So different from what Jewel had expected no matter how many times she'd seen Phyllis play. Her body shivered despite it, carrying a fear that she couldn't understand.

"Yes, Mistress." she answered.

A soft chuckle escaped Phyllis's lips as she grabbed the back of Jewel's shirt and pulled her along, "Good girl. Now get inside and strip." She ordered. Slow going, the badger removed her clothes and tossed them aside. Alex caught them, folding each piece as the badger exposed herself to them. On reflex, she covered her breasts and pussy away from her reflections off the walls. Phyllis's frown in the mirror told her plenty.

"Subs do not hide, dear," she whispered, gently grabbing the badger's arms and directing them away, "They are exposed for their betters to see, so they may be properly toyed with." Hands above her head, Jewel felt leather restraints locking them in place. Looking up, she noted the chains attached to the ceiling. She'd seen Alex hang by them enough to know they could support her if she didn't stand, not that she let her legs falter.

"Open," she ordered, stuffing a rubber red ball into Jewel's mouth before the badger could respond. A leather collar wrapped around her throat after Phyllis locked the gag, giving Jewel's reflection the image of those slaves she'd seen on porn numerous times, only with a wider form.

"So many colors," Phyllis cooed, running her hand through the badger's rainbow dyed headfur, "Could you not settle on one? Do children these days need to stand out even further than they already do?" She asked. Jewel's gagged response only earned a light laugh. Leaning in, the mink cupped the badger's breasts, "I wonder how much of this is natural, and how much is because of your diet. If we got you on some proper cardio, would these shrink with it?" She asked. The older woman's fingers squeezed down on her nipples before Jewel could answer. Squealing into her gag, she bit against the rubber in agony as Phyllis laughed and whispered, "It's all a part of the play, piggy."

Was it? Did Amy get off on being mocked? Balling her fists, the badger suppressed the urge to lash out against the mink as she further explored her body. Every pinch and prod earning another moan and gagged scream from her lips, especially whenever Phyllis pulled at her belly fat.

"Really, you should take better care of yourself. I bet you'd get all the boys if you shed ten to twenty pounds," The mink cooed, tracing a finger against her maw, "Perhaps next time I could take you for a walk? I know a nice private hiking trail where I can attach a leash and no one will see."

Jewel looked at her reflection, letting the dangling rainbow-haired badger stare back at her. Was she really that fat? Sure, her diet could use some work and she could go to the gym more. But Jewel wasn't obese.

"It's ok," Phyllis whispered, "I can fix you, make you just how you should be." Reaching for her exposed pussy, she nipped the badger's ear, "Work with me, and you'll need to beat off suitors with a stick. There's potential under you, all you need is a little adjustment." Her finger braced against the badger's cunt. Jewel's legs grew weak to the touch, heart pounding in her chest as Phyllis broke her down.

"Alex, paddle." She called out. Alex's sorry flashed across his snout as he passed a holed paddle to his mistress. Jewel's ass clenched when she brushed the hardwood paddle against her cheeks. Her parents never spanked her, being the kind to put her in a corner whenever she did wrong. But she rarely ever did, being a good girl and all. "You know, I had my suspicions when you watched, but now, seeing you shiver, I think it's clear that your parents never did any corporal punishment to you as a child, did they?" Phyllis asked.

Jewel nodded. The mink shrugged, "Explains a lot," she said, swinging the paddle through the air and cracking it against the badger's cheeks. The holes drilled in whistled with each swing, blanketed only by the badger's muffled protests as they came down in quick succession. Phyllis locked her arm around her neck, suppressing the girl's struggles further as tears formed.

"First comes the pain. It cracks and stings, making you want to run and hide. But if you think about it, just breathe it in, you can feel the endorphins lighting up. There's a pleasure in that, a pleasure that you're so brave for wanting to experience." She let go, drifting again down to the girl's cunt and finding, to Jewel's shame, her dripping, "Though you might already be a masochist. That could explain your diet since you must get so many hurtful stares. Poor dear."

That wasn't it at all! She didn't care what other people saw of her, she stopped caring in middle school when Amy forgot she existed. She also hadn't been touched ever. This was the closest Jewel had been to losing her virginity, but that wasn't because people found her fat or ugly. She just wanted to wait for her prince or queen. That was her excuse.

Yet with every hit and word Phyllis brought, that excuse felt just that, an excuse. Maybe she was ugly and unlovable, and it's why she hid behind a screen watching romantic comedies? Maybe that's why Amy hadn't ever considered asking her out, because her fat friend couldn't be girlfriend material. The tears flowed now, dampening her facial fur. She couldn't abide seeing her reflection, but it stared back at her. The fat attention-grabbing badger, all chained up and beaten by a regal mink.

How could Amy like this?

Tossing the paddle to the bed, the mink held out her hand, "Alex, wand." She ordered. Seeing the wolf bring over a Hitachi magic wand had Jewel's legs shake, the whir of its vibrations making her body shiver. Phyllis played with the settings, musing on each little difference before finding one she liked. Facing the badger, one hand grabbed the rainbow headfur and pulled her head back, while the other brought the wand against her cunt.

"From how you smiled at Alex's submission, I believed you had a bit of dominance inside you," she teased, pressing the intense vibrations against Jewel, "But now that I see just how wet you are, I can tell you're more subservient. Perhaps you'd make a good slave if you worked at it. I could help with that," she said, planting a heavy kiss against Jewel's gag, "Make you realize your true potential. All you'd need to do is submit to me. It's just that easy."

Jewel buckled under the pressure and intensity of the wand. Heavy breaths escaped her nose, and Phyllis's grip held her steady in whatever struggles she could manage. Her walls were closing in, shattering by the touch of someone else for the first time in her life. She didn't know how to react. Whether to fight against it or let it come. Whatever choice she had, she had to make it soon, Jewel couldn't hold back.

Phyllis didn't let her, "Cum for me, dear." She ordered, "Scream it out for everyone."

She did scream. Her gag muffled those cries as the dam finally broke. Gone were the hushed little moans of someone having their finger orgasm, unsatisfied and saddened by her loneliness. Replaced with explosive pleasure and shame of having been brought to ecstasy by being bound and beaten by a woman twice her age, as a cute boy watches on in silence. Shame filled her head while it hung forward, her legs giving out and only her arms held by chains kept her steady. Phyllis ran a finger across her tense cunt, wiping Jewel's own juices across her nose, "That's a good girl," she teased, rubbing her fingers like she was flicking dirt off of them, "It seems I should take a shower. Alex." The wolf stood in attention, "Go clean up this mess and let her down. Show her out when she is dressed, then meet me in my room."

"Yes, Mistress." the wolf bowed. Jewel's tears flowed freely with the mink's footsteps leaving the dungeon. How pathetic could she be? Dying her hair for attention, growing fatter when no one cared, and now getting off because some older woman made her. Is this what Amy wanted? To be humiliated like a pathetic waste of space? Jewel couldn't do that, not when she felt like this deep down.

"Y-your hair," Alex stuttered out, unlocking her gag, "I...I think it's beautiful."

Jewel stared at him in confusion, "You do?" she asked.

He nodded, smiling as he helped her stand so he could undo her cuffs without her falling, "Yes. I've always wanted to dye mine...but I could never go through with it. I'm not very brave."

"Brave?" Jewel asked, dropping her surprise when her final cuff came off. Alex caught her, stronger than his androgynous form hinted at. "I'm...I'm not brave. I just wanted the colors."

"But you did it." he said, tone shifting to something strange, yet natural, "And it looks lovely. You..." he paused, blushing against his grey fur, "You...look lovely. Mistress is wrong about you looking bad. I-I'm sure someone's masturbated to you at least once."

A disgusting compliment, but something Jewel needed to hear. Without warning, she embraced him. Tightening her arms around his thin frame, pulling him in and burying her snout into his shoulder so she could cry. Alex didn't push her away. He held her steady as sobs echoed off the mirrors around them. She looked over one of the mirrors, expecting to see her pathetic self staring back. While she saw that, Alex's ass proved to be a more interesting sight. Especially since it looked more feminine than she realized.

Breaking away, she noted his chest seemed bigger. Or rather, it was being constrained up close rather than flat from afar. Alex blushed and turned his head before pushing away, "I...I should clean up," he stammered, pointing to her neatly folded clothes, "Y-you should go. Mistress doesn't like to be kept waiting and I have to clean before the smell lingers."

Wiping her tears away with her arm, she nodded and got dressed. The images of Alex's butt and chest still lingered in her mind as she got back into her car and drove off. Something was off about him. Why did Phyllis demand he wear masculine clothes around the house? Why expose his cock at every opportunity without it caged? Even if those answers could be explained through kink, her unwillingness to let Alex answer his side of her questions troubled her further.

After that session, Jewel had no desire to return. Find a new and safer topic to stick with. But concern for Alex consumed her, filling her mind even as she stared up to the ceiling. She needed to know more about him.

And without Phyllis present.

A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 5

She didn't have a plan. That reminder rattled around in her brain as Jewel parked in Phyllis's driveway. No good ideas actually came to her, just streams of consciousness telling her that she was being too focused on Alex's opinion. But she had to know...

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B Team: Northern Ventures, Naughty Gains (Commission)

The winter chill didn't bother Barnabas. Not because he was a dwarf, a fact too many people assumed made him resistant to the icy chill of mountain peaks. Humans, or well, most people, never really considered how warm it was inside the mountains, or if...

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A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 3

At a glance, Phyllis's house didn't seem all that special. A two-story yellow ranch style home with a driveway that segmented into two parts: one that led to the garage on the side, the other curving in the front. The badger parked her hand-me-down...

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