A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 3

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#3 of A Jewel In the Ruff

Jewel visits Phyllis's home for the first time, gaining an insight to the lifestyle between the mink and her slave. But this really the lifestyle that the badger had been researching about, or something else?

Next chapter will be next Friday. I hope you enjoy!

At a glance, Phyllis's house didn't seem all that special. A two-story yellow ranch style home with a driveway that segmented into two parts: one that led to the garage on the side, the other curving in the front. The badger parked her hand-me-down Ford on that curve, unaware if she should be going to the garage or not.

Pulling out her phone, she double checked to confirm that this was indeed the right address. "Does she have a family?" she asked herself aloud, wondering why such a woman would need a house like this for herself and her...partner. Perhaps Phyllis had a husband and didn't mention it. With how that woman acted, Jewel wouldn't be surprised if she left out a few details like that. Or maybe Phyllis was financially well off and Alex got lucky and found a so-called 'sugar momma' to take care of him. Though considering 'how' she takes care of him, Jewel wasn't sure lucky best described him.

The wolf's erection still lingered in her head. Grabbing her purse, she blushed at how long the image had bounced around with her. Only two days had passed since their first encounter, and Jewel had found herself masturbating to that scene over and over. Sometimes she just imagined Alex there, worshipping her. Or she would imagine Phyllis's words crawling down her spine. Either she was finally getting an understanding of this fetish, or the badger was just physically starved for attention.

Probably the latter.

Brisking past the cobblestone steps, Jewel reached the door and adjusted herself before ringing the bell. Today she wore a teal blue skirt and light green and white striped socks, followed by a pink shirt wrapped in a crimson light jacket. Her rainbow headfur was had a small kawaii face hair clip attached to it, though for the first time in a long time she wondered if it was appropriate. Maybe she should look more professional? This was an interview after all.

Alex answered just as Jewel noticed a pebble in her sneakers. "S-sorry, I wasn't sure where to park..." she stopped talking upon seeing the wolf's outfit. Two days ago he came into the coffee house dressed like a punk rocker. Today he wore a tight latex bodysuit with a zipper pouch at the crotch. He was thinner than she expected, practically feminine if not for the bulge of his flaccid cock against the zipper. In addition, he wore a black leather collar and matching cuffs on his wrists, above his elbows, ankles, above his knees, and a leather belt with D-rings to finish off the ensemble. Like he had just stepped out of a BDSM modeling shoot.

A feminine tone escaped his lips, followed immediately by a correcting cough, "Mistress has been expecting you," he said, stepping aside and extending his arm to wave her in. Jewel followed through, trying to ignore her heart ramming against her ribcage or the thought of any random passerby seeing Alex in such an outfit, answering the front door no less.

"Aren't y-you worried about people seeing you?" she asked.

Alex shook his head, "No. Mistress says that so long as I'm not flashing people, she doesn't mind how people see me. In fact, she prefers it when people see her pet locked up. It's her property after all." He explained. Jewel couldn't help but note the blush beneath his grey cheekfur and how he avoided her gaze as he talked. Hurriedly closing the door, Alex stepped forward, "Please follow me. Mistress is in her study." he asked.

Jewel let him lead the way, watching the wolf's shapely ass and tail sway more than paying any attention to the halls of the building. They found Phyllis in a home office of sorts, typing away at a computer atop her hardwood desk with the screen reflecting off her work glasses. "Mistress," the wolf said with a bow, "Your guest has arrived."

Phyllis didn't answer, too focused on her work. Alex pointed over to one of the two chairs across from the desk, "I apologize, but she is rather busy. Would you mind sitting while we wait?" Jewel shook her head at his request, sitting down against the cushioned wooden chair. Alex, meanwhile, took his place kneeling at Phyllis's side on the hardwood floor. The badger made a mental note of the behavior, though curious as to why there wasn't a bed or padding of some kind. Maybe they didn't do it for very long?

The literal hour of Jewel sitting around proved her otherwise. Phyllis hadn't act like either of the two furs were present, typing away at her keyboard and scrolling through whatever it was on her computer. If not for her project and curiosity into the lifestyle, Jewel would have gotten up and left. Instead, she took the time to look around the office. Behind the badger stood a bookcase filled with, at least at a glance, books on running a business, sociology, software development, and even feral animal training. Several tribal masks dotted the mink's walls and her desk had not a spec of dust on it. The only thing she had atop her desk was the computer monitor.

The mink sighed, "There we go," she said, rolling back on her chair and stretching her arms. Her blonde curls wafting as she moved over to pet the wolf's black headfur, "I apologize for the wait, dear. A last-minute change needed to be made to some code and the only other person capable of doing so was asleep. The downside of working with people across the country."

"Code? Are you a programmer?" she asked.

"It's not my preliminary role, but when you're the boss sometimes you need to pick up the slack others drop." she said, opening a drawer to pull out a large ballgag and a leash, "Honestly, I'm rather surprised you stood there and waited. I fully expected you to interrupt and ask if Alex can take you on a tour."

"Oh...well, you seemed very busy," Jewel explained, watching carefully as the brown furred mink locked the gag around Alex's maw and leashed the wolf before her. "I figured it wouldn't take too long."

The mink's floral pattern dress betrayed the kink expressed with her leashed and latex covered slave. Normally Jewel would see or imagine such a display with the dominant in full leather or latex attire, to help titillate the viewer. But there was no view except her, no camera or device to record this humiliated wolf between the two of them. Phyllis had done it so naturally, without question as to whether Jewel would object to seeing Alex walk around on all fours as the mink stepped up and reached for her hand, "Let me show you my home, dear Jewel."

For the mink's credit, she had a remarkable home when she could explain it. Since she only lived with Alex, they could turn the guest rooms into something else or just simply extra space. The mink herself had a king size bed with drapes over it, and a built-in cage underneath that she explained was Alex's sleeping quarters.

Phyllis pulled her leash taut, "Keep up, Alex," she ordered in a sweet singing tone as the wolf crawled behind them. Jewel failed to keep herself from spying at the wolf's performance, watching him pathetically crawl around like a feral beast as Phyllis showed more of her home. The mink had enough by the time they reached the back patio. Pulling Alex up to stand and lean against a low wall, she brushed his tail aside, "You are more than capable of keeping up with me, my slave," she said, her soft tone never dropping as a swat came down upon his latex covered rump. Being so exposed should have been a good enough excuse as any for her to run back inside, but Jewel continued to watch. At first in fascination, but it became apparent how wet she became down below.

"And last, but not least," the mink said as they returned to her office, "My favorite room." She mulled around the bookshelf, sinking her fingers into the side revealing a hidden handle. With a pull, the bookshelf came forward to open another room. Their shoes squeaked against the black tiled floor the further they stepped in. A cautious look to the sides revealed that the walls were mirrored, reflecting the confident mink, the subservient wolf, and the nervous badger stepping into the den of pleasure and pain.

Bondage furniture like racks and crosses were displayed all across the dungeon, each with fold-out wheels for easy movement. Hooks hung from the ceiling, hanging either sex swings or cuffs and bars to hold a slave steady so their dominant could use them without a struggle. At the far edge of the room sat another bed, though this one had chains hanging in from the railings above, looking to support more than just drapes if necessary.

Taking a seat upon a black and leather wing chair, Phyllis crossed her legs, "So," the mink spoke, having Alex kneel next to her on what had to be painful knees at this rate, "You've come to interview me, let's begin with the interview."

Blinking, Jewel searched around for another chair, "Um...I don't seem to have a place to sit."

Phyllis touched her chest, "Oh, how rude of me." she said, letting go of Alex's leash, "Slave, provide a seat for our guest."

Instead of getting up and grabbing a chair, the wolf crawled over behind Jewel and straightened his back. "T-That's alright," the badger muttered, "I can stand. You don't need to-" Phyllis snapped her fingers, signaling the wolf to return by her side as Jewel took out a pen and notebook from her bag, "So, I guess we should start with the obvious. How did each of you enter this lifestyle?"

"My late husband," Phyllis said, petting the wolf's headfur as she spoke, "He was what you'd consider a man's man at a glance. Tall, muscular, the big old stereotypical tough guy. But in bed he was such a submissive man. It was hard to get much of anything out of him without him being so sorry all the time." Leaning back into her chair, Phyllis smiled, "So, one day I decided that if he wasn't going to please me, I'd just take that pleasure in bed. At first, it involved a few ties, something to keep him from stopping midway for fear of my safety. Later it evolved to gags to stifle his cries, and then more restrictive gear to keep him steady or restrict his senses so that he'd better appreciate the pleasure I gave him. Soon enough, he grew to like my more...forceful nature. Sadly, he passed from heart failure. Poor thing, seemed so full of life the day before."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Phyllis shrugged, "It was ages ago, dear. I have moved on to more..." she scratched behind the wolf's ears, "Virile partners."

Jewel turned to the wolf, "And you, Alex? How did you get into the scene?"

"Pornography obsession," Phyllis answered, "And don't worry about his gag. I am more than capable of answering for him."

While not exactly comfortable with that statement, Jewel didn't object. Instead, she made a mental note to look at Alex's expression whenever she asked a question and Phyllis answered, hoping to gauge the truth being told. She could always find a way to interview Alex in privacy. "Alright. So how did the two of you meet?"

"Online," Phyllis answered, "Alex here was too nervous to go to munches, and I personally never found them to be all that engaging. We played a little over the net, me giving him tasks, him following through with a delightful speed and loyalty. Eventually, we decided to meet in person. And," she said, chuckling softly, "I still remember the plug he wore at my request. The way he waddled into the store, you couldn't have put a price on it."

Alex's blush was all Jewel had to confirm on whether Phyllis told the truth. "Ok, so when did he move in?"

Curling a finger through Alex's headfur, Phyllis said, "Not long after. Young Alex was having some...troubles at home. It's all rather personal so I won't go into detail, but suffice to say he needed to get out, and I offered." She leaned back into her chair, "It was nice having a young man living about the house, but eventually he'd have to work for his place. I offered him a job at my company, a low position that he could do from an old computer I had around the house, but he offered something else. As strange as it might seem, I didn't suggest the collar, he did."

Alex blinked, but his eyes shifted to the floor before Jewel could get a read on him. Phyllis continued, "It was rather selfish, him asking to be my slave. But given his situation, I didn't feel too comfortable just sending him back home. That and," she shrugged, "Sue me, I found it rather arousing. Of course this doesn't mean he lives here for free. Alex's responsibilities are the upkeep of my home, which has saved me plenty on hiring professional maids. He's much faster and better than them."

"I bet he looks good in a dress."

For a brief second, Alex's eyes grew wide and his face flourished. Phyllis's face remained an unchanged smile, but her hand tightly gripped his hair, causing him to look away, "I'm not a fan of crossdressing, dear. I'd rather have him in a tight latex version of a butler's uniform than a silly old fashioned maid's dress. At least the latex suit is more hygienic."

If Jewel had a chair, she'd be sinking into it right now, "Oh...I apologize."

The mink raised her hand, "None needed. I'm sure I haven't told you," she said, "I have nothing against people who do have such kinks, but they are not for me, and not for Alex."

She nodded, "Ok. So...what are some basic safety tips you have for dungeon play?"

"Listen to your dominant." she answered flatly, "It generally boils down to the dominant knowing best."

"That...that's it?" Jewel asked. She still couldn't believe it as Phyllis nodded, such an idea went against her research. Yes, the submissive should trust the dominant, but that doesn't mean the dominant was always right, "What about things like safewords, for when your sub is uncomfortable or-"

A deep laugh echoed from Phyllis, "Safewords? Oh lord, what childish measures. If Alex is uncomfortable then it is because I wish it."

"But what if Alex is tied up at bad angle, or you're going to-"

"Jewel," Phyllis interrupted, patiently petting her wolf boy toy, "A true master knows the limits of their slave. And a true slave will push themselves to satisfy their master. They are but the canvas for the artist to paint upon, happily sacrificing their bodies for the whims of their betters."

"Betters?" Jewel asked, fighting every reflex to step away, "I don't understand."

"Yes, dear," Phyllis explains, "Alex is one of the poor unfortunate souls that desire to suffer in some capacity. Maybe it's guilt, maybe it's a genetic defect, but all that matters," Tightening her grip, Alex grunted into his gag as she pulled his head back, "Is that they seek out this treatment. The woman with a black eye who covers her abuser, the boy who lets everyone pick on them for the sake of being 'in the crowd', or even the henpecked husband, these are all people that exist and crave this outlet. Some find it in the worst ways, from 'betters' that don't know how to...appreciate their gift," Letting go of Alex, she unlocked the gag, "But a true master knows the beauty of these kinds of people. My husband was one, but I was too inexperienced to truly grasp it, only reaching my stride shortly before he died. I've met so many false subs since then, those that don't really crave it. But Alex, Alex is such a wonderful 'boy', aren't you?"

"Yes...Mistress," Alex said. Jewel couldn't help but feel something off about how she called him a boy. The mink seemed dead center on reminding Jewel of Alex's masculinity or to remind the wolf. Bringing her foot up, Alex lowered his head and started licking. Slowly lathering his tongue across the mink's footpads.

"Do you see what I mean?" Phyllis asked, "Anyone with a sense of pride or dignity wouldn't just immediately lick my soles. If slavery were more of a legal term, Alex would be one of the few comfortable with the role." She said, hanging her head back, "Though legalizing slavery, even to find a place for all those natural submissives, is not only morally wrong but infeasible. Still, my heart weeps for the lost submissives who have yet to find those that really appreciate them."

Was that what Amethyst was? A natural submissive who needed a firm hand? The badger looked back through her memories while watching Alex clean the mink's foot. Her best friend had always been a follower, whether it had been her mother telling her to study, or Jewel recommending whatever they did. The badger had always decided what they should do, without even realizing it.

She stepped out from her chair, "Would you like to try it?" Phyllis asked, motioning to her seat, "Have a little taste of power."

The badger blinked, blushing in the mink's gaze. She couldn't. Jewel had seen so many videos, but none of them spoke out to her. This just wasn't her thing. Phyllis's fingers slowly gripped the badger's shoulders and directed her to the chair. "Give it a try," she whispered, "Take a dip into the pond."

A wave crashed over her when she sat her butt across the leather padding. Blood flowed into her face, fists tightening with one just around the leash handle of Alex's collar. When did she start holding it? The wolf kneeled before her, his androgynous form strengthened by the latex suit across his body. His cock strained against the material. The badger closed her eyes to picture it, that large wolfcock tight behind that latex.

As he licked her shoes, the badger saw Amethyst. The bound vole kneeling before her, pierced tongue lapping against her feet with more attention than the badger had received in high school. She smiled, arching her feet to make the bitch clean the dirty parts of her soles as punishment for ignoring her. How dare she avoid her? How dare she go submit to some old dyke when she could have talked to Jewel? How dare...Jewel blinked at her reflection across the way. Her smile wide, but the cruelty unfamiliar to her. Looking down, she saw Alex working at the dirty parts of her shoes. She pulled away, "Sorry," she muttered, "You shouldn't lick that."

With his ears drooping, Alex bowed his head, "I apologize, Miss."

"A word of advice, dear," Phyllis whispered, "A slave feels most happy when serving. You telling him he shouldn't clean your shoes is only confusing."

A quick glance told Jewel that Phyllis had some truth to her words. Alex avoided her dirtier parts now, but his face grew sullen. Why was he sad? He shouldn't need to lick dirt. "But...but that's night good for people. Licking dirt and-"

"Shh..." Phyllis whispered, "Follow my commands, and you'll understand. Now, tell the slave to take your shoes off. Do not refer to him by his name."

Swallowing her fear, Jewel followed, "Slave, remove my shoes." she ordered. Alex followed without hesitation, untying the sneakers to let her sock-covered paws breathe. Phyllis whispered more demands, enough to make the badger blush as she followed through. "Take your cock out, and lay flat against your back."

The latex didn't do the monster justice when Alex finally unzipped. At the park, Jewel had spent much of the encounter in shock over how brazen Phyllis and Alex were. She didn't register just how big the wolf was. He wasn't in the double digits, but somewhere in the sweet spot of size and pleasurable. It sprouted up as he laid back, showing off the impressive knot that came with the cock.

She stood up as per Phyllis's command, slowly bracing her foot against his warm pulsating cock and stepping it down against his latex covered form. "Y-you're a pathetic wolf, aren't you?" she muttered, "Not even fit to be an omega of a pack."

Alex nodded, moaning with each little rub Jewel's sock-covered foot provided. The blush on his face mirrored her own, but something was off. A sadness in his eyes that Jewel wanted to remove with a soft hug. Phyllis's grip on her shoulder grew tighter, "Don't hesitate. Show him where he belongs."

"W-what kind of maggot are you?" Jewel asked, "That you get off on being stepped on? Can you even function outside? Or are you just a pervert willing to submit to anyone who grabs your nuts?" she said, heartbeat racing as she ground harder and harder against the wolfcock, its knot already expanding from arousal, foolishly thinking it was inside her pussy. As if Alex would be so lucky to be inside her.

If Jewel had met Alex in any other circumstance, she might have asked him out. He would have been difficult to approach, seeing that Jewel had only accepted she was bi a year before college and still had nerves about how you ask a girl out. But if it happened, oh she would have rocked his world. Taken that delicious wolfcock up her cunt and made him howl her name. But no, he had to be this pathetic masochistic-

Something broke. Jewel's legs shuddered as she came without warning. The badger fell backward, having the mink catch her well enough to keep her from hitting the floor. "Oh, what's this?" she asked, holding Jewel to stand, "Did you orgasm?"

"I..." her eyes shifted with her massive blush, "It can happen...sometimes when I get really lost it just-"

"You can orgasm without touch?" Phyllis asked, smiling wide while looking the badger up and down with curiosity, "That's so rare. I never thought I'd meet someone who could. Did you practice this?"

"What? N-no," Jewel blinked, "It's...well I've always been able to do that. I just...try to avoid it, cause...it's embarrassing."

"If you had a good time, is it really embarrassing?" Alex asked from the floor. A quick glare from Phyllis shut him up. Jewel just wanted to cradle him, but she didn't dare fight the older mink's grip.

Phyllis patted her down, "I must say, Jewel, you have caught my interest. Do you have enough for your paper?"

"I...well no. There are still things I need. Like maybe being an observer or experiencing other aspects."

"Wonderful!" Phyllis clapped her hands, "Why don't we make this a daily thing until you have what you need? I've been a little bored lately, so this little venture could be a nice way to spice things up." She said, guiding the badger by her shoulder out of the dungeon, "Now, as rude as it may be with your current little mess, I think it's time we call it for the day. Shall you come back tomorrow, same time?"

Jewel snuck a view of Alex lying on the floor, slowly getting up and putting his cock back inside his suit, "I have class. Maybe later?"

"Later is fine. I work from home so I'm not going anywhere," Phyllis said, leading the badger over to the door, "And maybe when this is all over, we can continue these little meetings, if you're interested."

"I...I might be." she said, not entirely sure what more sessions with Phyllis and Alex might imply.

A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 4

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