Rocky: Yenaquisition

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#3 of Ralan 'Rocky' Rhodes

Rocky's big sister is starting a career in amateur porn, but her dom in the film is having a little trouble with his lines. So, ever the dutiful younger brother, Rocky decides to help in his own way.

So I commissioned Danaume to draw this art and I loved it so much I just had to write a story for it. I'll post the art separately on my account as well, but you should also totally check her out if you haven't already.

The way the latex hugged against his body had Rocky suppressing his smile. It wasn't the first time he'd worn the fetishized nun outfit, being a favorite of his whenever his sister needed a personal assistant at her sessions. The yeen loved every squeak it made with his movements, how it restricted him ever so slightly. A constant reminder of his role.

Not that it changed his attitude in the slightest.

"S-Sister Agatha?"

Rocky turned, closing the prop book in his hands and giving as innocent a look he could muster. A grey bunny in a priest's uniform stood behind him, stiff and remarkably cute in the proper light, with those round glasses reflecting the beams cascading in Tamara's cheap little dungeon turned home set. Rocky bet that if he could send the bunny boy toppling as if he was a birthday candle. Forcing his smile into a concerned frown, the latex nun hyena put his hands together in the front and asked, "What is it, Father Yenson?" In as holy a tone as he could muster. With an added feminine edge for the camera.

The bunny blinked, blushing profusely behind his glasses. "I-I-I..." he coughed, clearing his throat just enough for that dry desert of a mouth to speak, "I have been hearing rumors that y-you've been sleeping a-around with those who come to confess." Rocky eyed the bunny's crotch while he talked, taking note of that package hidden deep inside that holy costume. He'd seen that same package plenty of times before, but someone about how hidden it was made him all the more excited. "I-Is this t-true?"

Rocky nodded, spreading open his robe to reveal his panties lying underneath, covering his caged cock. "It has indeed, holy Father." He purred, stepping closer with his hands behind him and chest puffed out, "Mmm...Forgive me Daddy, 'cause I've been a naughty girl."

"Cut!" His sister shouted. The bunny released his shoulders, panting like he'd ran a mile in tight leathers. Rocky giggled, peering over to his fuming sister. Tamara was close to baring her fangs to the spotted hyena. Of the three present, she stood out the most. One hand propped up against the camera and rolling stand she got for it, the other on her script, the older yeen dressed in a black shirt and sweatpants, keeping her clothes casual rather than the usual attire she brought to the dungeon. Sure, she didn't need to wear her dominatrix gear while filming, but it might have given Davis a bit more focus. "Damn it Rocky," She sighed, "Just follow the script!"

He shrugged, "Cut me some slack, sis. People don't really say 'Father' anymore. Right, Davis?" Rocky said, playfully elbowing the rabbit. Davis didn't respond, too busy biting his lip and looking the other way.

"It makes sense for the scene, and I know you practiced it!" She said. "And you," she pointed over to Davis, who nearly fell backward in fright, "What's with the stuttering? I know you're not camera-shy, we've done enough session vids for that."

Davis gulped, "I'm sorry, Mistress Tempest. It's just..." He twiddled his fingers, "Well, I just-"

"Mistress Tempest?" Rocky laughed, wrapping his arm around Davis, "Dude, just because you're in the dungeon doesn't mean you can't call my sister by her actual name. You two have known each other since college after all."

His sister nodded, "As much as I hate to agree with my brother, I'm not Mistress Tempest right now. I'm just the director, and you two are my actors. Actors who keep fucking up their lines."

"Well maybe if you got real actors then you wouldn't have this problem." Rocky said, "I mean, I'm your brother so I'm doing this out of family obligation. But Davis here is your friend and most common customer. Course he's gonna be nervous. The guy doesn't have a dominant bone in his body."

"T-that's not...ok it's kind of..." the bunny muttered.

"Just...just take fifteen or something," Tamara muttered, not in the mood to argue with her little brother, "I need a break. Christ, just because I got this equipment for a week doesn't mean you guys can just fuck around."

"Just offer the guy a free session, he'll probably let you keep it." He jested, earning a throw pillow thrown to his face before she stepped outside for some fresh air. Rocky sighed when she left, knowing full well that this movie meant a lot to her. His big sister only picked up being a dominatrix to pay the bills, but her true passion had always been film making. She just never had the focus for it. Course, Rocky knew he wasn't the problem with her amateur film, nor was it the script funnily enough.

No, the problem was the stressed-out bunny slumped over in Tamara's bondage thrown just out of camera view. Rocky hadn't ever really known Davis. The poor bun pretty much showed up in his life after Tamara graduated college, following at her heels as though she had a leash over him. They were probably dating, he never bothered asking, and it was weird for a boyfriend to pay for sessions with his dominatrix girlfriend. Maybe he was just trying to be supportive. Or maybe he was a simp. Either way, Rocky figured he needed to have a little chat with his costar.

"So, Davis," Rocky said, quickly propping himself on the timid bun's lap, "What's the problem? You seem very nervous."

"I'm not-"

"Davis, I could be an asshole and repeat everything you say with the same stutter you've been giving with all your lines." Rocky said, tilting his head with a smile, "But let's skip that and you tell me what's wrong so my sis can shoot her dumb movie."

The rabbit blinked and Rocky could feel his cock stirring under the hyena's rump. "I...yeah, I am nervous. It's just...I've never done this before."

"What? Film? Pretty sure I've seen some of her videos you two made-"

"She showed you those?" He asked with wide eyes.

Rocky shook his head, "No, but she has terrible passwords. Anyway, you've done this before. Is it because she plans on selling this?"

"No, I'm not that worried about people seeing my face online. It's just..." his ears furled in the pause, "Well...I've never really done this...with a guy."

"Oh..." Rocky said, giving a solid blink, " that a problem? I can tell sis that she can't force you to-"

"No, no, she didn't force me. Mis...Tamara asked if I could do this, citing that I had some...fantasies I have yet to try."

With a grin, Rocky brushed a claw across the bunny's neck, "Fantasies huh? Like being with a guy?"

The meek rabbit nodded, "Y-yeah. It's a bit nerve-wracking. And I'm afraid that once, if ever actually, we get to the sex scene, I'll just fail." He sighed, "I'm just wasting everyone's time."

"Want a BJ?" Rocky asked. Davis's stunned expression sold it. The hyena shrugged, "What? You're worried that once we get to the sex scene, you'll chicken out, right? Well, how about we just do a quick test run. I'll try and give you a blowjob, then you tell me if you can fuck my ass when the camera calls for it. You get a BJ, which I have yet to see someone hate, and my sister gets to know if she has to find a new priest now instead of later. It's a win-win."

"B-but what do you get out of it?"

"The satisfaction of helping my sister out. Hence why I'm in this nun outfit in the first place." He explained, dragging his hands across the latex suit for emphasis. Without a word, he pushed himself off the bunny's legs and propped himself on his knees, giving Davis a seductive wink as he pawed his crotch. "I think your little Davis is interested." He teased, feeling the heat pulsing through the pants already, "It's just up to you."

Even with the lens flair of his glasses, Rocky could see Davis's excited and scared gaze. Biting his lip, he took one last look to the door Tamara left and nodded. Licking his lips, Rocky pulled down the zipper and pushed his hand behind the bunny's undies, pulling out that cartoonishly monstrous cock he'd seen plenty of times when assisting his sister.

"Has anyone ever told you that you've got a lot of confidence issues for someone with a cock this big?" He teased, feeling it pulse in his hand as the hyena squeezed and pumped the rod. Davis's response turned to a shudder as Rocky pulled back the foreskin, letting the head poke out clear as day. Tamara must have had him clean it for the shoot, a small thanks Rocky had for his sister before lapping his tongue against it.

Soft little whimpers only encouraged him to tease the poor boy. Even someone as submissive as him had to put his foot down. Dragging his tongue slowly down from the head to the balls, the hyena wetted that shaft until all he could taste was bunnymeat.

"Liking it so far?" He whispered, slowly licking those loaded orbs from below. Davis nodded, tensing his breath with each little pump Rocky made. The bunny nodded. "So the fact that I'm a boy doesn't bother you at all? My cock may be locked up between my legs, but it's still a cock."

"N-No..." Davis muttered out.

"Good." Rocky winked, pulling himself back to the head, "Now let's give you a nice taste, Daddy." The hyena giggled before taking the rat's big cock into his maw. Not the biggest tool he's ever sucked, and Rocky had lost his gag reflex ages ago, letting him go down smooth. Inch by inch, his tongue slathering the cock while his breath cascaded over it in the wet cavern of his mouth. Seeing Davis hold back, Rocky grabbed the bunny's hands and pulled them against his latex nun headdress, hoping the timid bunny would take the hint.

No such luck.

"Well...this is unexpected." Rocky's sister said from behind.

"M-Mistress, I-" Davis shouted, trying to get up but held down by Rocky's surprising strength. The hyena boy raised a single finger to his sister, knowing full well that he had no desire to be disturbed while working.

He heard her stepping back into her chair, "Oh, you don't need to explain anything, Davis. My little brother is a bit of a slut. And it's clear he wants you to do something. Hold his head down."


She slapped her armchair, "Do it!" The hyena commanded. Rocky felt those weak little hands grip hold of him tight. "Good. Now pull him back and then shove his face down to your crotch."

"But won't that hurt him?" Davis shivered to ask. Rocky rolled his eyes.

Tamara laughed, "Hurt him? Rocky doesn't have a gag reflex, plus he loves that stuff. I saw him try to make you grab him earlier. He wants you to use his mouth like a dirty little cocksocket. Do it."

On command, Davis pulled Rocky back only to force that cock down his throat, all the way to the hilt yet again. "Again!" His sister ordered, and again Davis shoved Rocky down, throat fucking the yeen boy continuously. He didn't last long, biting his lip as he came and filled Rocky's stomach with bunny seed.

The coughed some out when he pulled off. Looking up, he cut his comment short when he saw Tamara's tongue deep inside Davis's maw. "Did my pet enjoy their first blowjob?" She whispered. He nodded slowly, letting her smile back, "Good boy."

"Wait, I was his first BJ?" Rocky asked, "Do girls just run at the sight of this thing or something?"

Davis nodded. He turned to his sister, "I think I'm ready to shoot the scene now, Mistress."

" cute..." The older yeen whispered, gently patting him on the cheek, "But after that, I think we need to do some rewrites. You're too much of a subby bitch to really give orders. And I think Rocky is too bratty to follow you anyway. But reversed on the other hand."

"I am not changing my outfit," Rocky said, "I like the latex nun look."

Tamara smiled, "Who said anything about changing outfits? Though I do have a good gimp mask I can give to Davis here."

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