The Bully Hunter and the Brat

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

Sandra is a bit of a bullyhunter. So when she finds another student getting picked on, she of course springs into action. But there's more to this victim than she realizes.

A commission for JayJayTheKitty featuring their OC Sandra Kobayashi.

Rocky belongs to me.

The neon green dye was about the only good thing Sandra had going for her today. The short chubby mouse sighed, walking through the school halls and toying with her newly dyed hair, contemplating on how much time she'll be wasting studying for her trig test. She hadn't had green dye in a while, so much that she had to try a new brand. All things considered, it came out nice. Nice enough to make her forget about the trig for a bit.

It's not as though she was failing her class. It's just that she never felt like she was ever safe in it. Putting her books in her locker, Sandra took a moment to check her reflection in the mirror she installed. Originally she put it in to avoid any surprises from bullies coming her way to reassert their dominance, but by now she'd made it clear that she and people she cared about weren't to be trifled with. Though given how big the school was, Sandra was always ready for a surprise.

Just from the corner of her eye, as she readjusted her bangs, Sandra noticed a large lion grabbing a small yeen boy and dragging him down the hall. While she didn't know the hyena boy, The lion, one Jacob Lanston, had a history with her. Tall, muscular, and arrogant, Jacob was that football star whose ego never stayed on the field. Rolling her eyes, Sandra felt the call to remind the lion what humility tasted like.

Weaving through the crowds, Sandra watched Jacob practically carry the unknown yeen with a snarl across his face. One trip down to the basement and she found him shoving the boy against the wall, growling with menace.

"You wanna say that again?" Jacob said, "Now that we don't have the rest of the school listening in on your toxic dump of a mouth?"

The yeen smiled, "And here I thought you liked a crowd. Or are you just afraid of getting owned in public? It's ok," He said, patting the arm currently holding him by the scruff of his tank top, "Lots of guys experience performance issues."

Normally Sandra didn't take too kindly to mockery, but she couldn't stop herself from giggling over that comment. Jacob turned, his glare unwavering at the sight of her, "Really? You again?" He said, sighing and letting go of the yeen, threatening to beat his ass if he ran before facing the shorter mouse. He towered over her, carrying a build that had most girls in this school go on full fantasy mode when they saw him. She wasn't impressed, not that she disliked big guys. She just hated assholes.

"Hi, Jacob," She said, crossing her arms, "Did you forget our last conversation about picking on people smaller than you?"

"Who you calling small, mousie?" The hyena said. She ignored him, focusing on Jacob's position over her.

The Lion stood undeterred, "Like anything you say holds any weight, unlike your gut." He said, leaning over with a fanged smile, "I went easy on you last time, don't want people to think I'd beat girls, even if they do got a dick. But there ain't any witnesses here, so you better back off."

From his stance alone, she could find three ways to bring him to his knees. She smiled, "Why don't you go tell someone who cares? I doubt either of us wants to take it here, what with the stairs and cold hard floor. And I don't have time to wait after your football practice to remind you what gym matt tastes like. So how about you just go, and don't bother this guy again. Unless you really," Her brow furrowed with her gaze up to him, "And I mean, really, want a rematch."

She'd known enough bullies to tell that they didn't like being challenged. Jacob had already made the mistake of wrestling her once, leaving him limping and in fear of hampering his performance on the field after their tussle. Sandra could see that realization in his eyes, the growing anger behind them at admitting defeat here and there. He'd probably justify it in some way, but she didn't care how.

So long as he was gone, it was worth it.

"Fine," He muttered, brushing past her, "You're lucky today, Rocky. But I got more important things to worry about than your running mouth."

Chuckling, the Hyena looked up to Jacob and said, "Sure. Why don't you check up on me when you find your balls. I'm pretty sure you forgot them at home."

Jacob said nothing, returning a middle finger as he climbed back up the steps. Taking a look back at the hyena, Sandra became certain that she hadn't seen him before. At least, she assumed it was a boy, no female spotted yeens at school were as short as him. He had barbell pierced ears and a light brown hair tuff over one of his brown eyes, giving him a similar punk look. The mouse swore she'd seen the green tank top with the female gender symbol on a rack somewhere before, making his choice of clothes rather odd. If he'd worn a skirt instead of brownish-grey cargo pants, he'd look more like an actual girl.

"You ok?" She asked, holding out her hand to help him up.

The hyena batted her hand away, "Who said I needed help?" He muttered, half scowling, half smiling to the mouse girl as he stood up. Standing only an inch or two above her, his smile grew wider and more arrogant, "I had that under complete control."

"Really?" Sandra asked, hands on her hips, "Looks to me like Jacob had you against a wall."

"He had some reach on me, so what?" He said, shrugging casually, "I know a thing or two about breaking grapples. Not like I needed any help from a short tubby mouse with a hero complex."

Sandra had heard the insults all before. Squinting her eyes and tightening her fists, she stared up to the smug little grin on Rocky's face, "And what's wrong about helping people?"

"Nothin's wrong with helpin people if they need it." Rocky said, "But like I said, I had that under control. Dumbass was running his mouth, I asked him to pony up, and he drags me down here." He chuckled, "Bet ya the scared pussy was afraid of people seeing him lose a little brawl."

"Wouldn't be his first time." Sandra said offhand.

Rocky blinked. Eyes wide, he started to giggle, "Hold on..." he said, pointing to her, "You're not...oh my god..."

She smiled. Sure, she didn't hunt bullies for glory, but even she could admit that it was nice to be recognized for her accomplishments. Rocky's growing laughter didn't feel like that kind of recognition, however, with him backing up to the wall and holding his gut as his giggling bounced off the cement walls. "You're that little mouse that shoved the thorn into his paw!"

"Thorn?" She asked, knowing full well she never stabbed Jacob. Put him in a headlock and made him beg for mercy, sure. But no weapons were used.

Wiping away a small tear of joy, Rocky settled himself with a deep breath, "It's a metaphor. You know how there's a story about how a simple thorn was enough to make the so-called 'king of the jungle' weep like a bitch, and how a small mouse took it out? Well, after you wrung his maned neck, people have been talking about how you put that thorn in place. He's been pissy for weeks. It's why he's been all the more arrogant as of late, wants to prove himself. Some people shut up at the growls, but me?" He smiled wide, exposing those sharp fangs inside his strong jaw, "I just laugh. It's a great big joke."

"That's not nice."

"Who said I was nice?" Rocky laughed, "Besides, big pussy needed a lesson. I was more than happy to give it to him."

Gritting her teeth, Sandra pressed a finger against Rocky's chest, "The only one who needs a lesson here is you," She growled. If there was anything she hated more than bullies, it was people who kicked those who were down.

The punk hyena nodded, "Sure, sure. I'd be more than happy to-" The class bell rang. Both students looked up the staircase, hearing the thundering steps of teenagers rushing to their next class. Rocky sighed, "Well, guess we'll have to put a pin in that." He said, giving Sandra shoulder a soft tap, "Sorry, but if I don't do well in my classes, my mom won't ride my ass. You free after school? Settle this in the gym?"

Sandra nodded, earning her another wide smile from the yeen, "That's great." He said, hands in his pockets, Rocky climbed up the steps with his tail wagging, "See ya after the final bell. Then we'll see who really needs a lesson."

The mouse could only blink in confusion at Rocky's calm demeanor over the whole thing. He looked...excited at the prospect of wrestling her. Smug little punk had to be assuming he'd win. She smiled, growing fond of wiping that annoying grin off his face. Sandra almost empathized with Jacob's urge to punch him.



Thankful for having a free period at the end of the day, Sandra was able to head down to the gym with an empty slate of her homework. So heading home late tonight wasn't going to be as much as hell as it could have been. Well, except maybe for the science homework, but she didn't have science tomorrow.

Pushing open the blue doors by their push-bar, the chubby mouse found herself in an almost empty gymnasium with the red bleachers folded up. Her sneakers squeaked across the floor with each step to the center, meeting up with a familiar and smug hyena lying down across a blue matt.

"Bought time you showed," he said with a grin, "I figured you got held up with some other 'bully' that needed beating."

"Ha, ha," Sandra said sardonically, eyeing the mat as she dropped her bag, "I take it the janitor left the door unlocked again?"

Rocky snapped his fingers, "Bingo," he said, kipping up off the ground with surprising grace, "It's almost like this school wants kids to steal stuff."

"Right, like people can walk out with a big mat on their own." She said, stretching her arms, "You best be ready to put this back when we-What are you doing?!" Sandra shrieked, blushing at the stripping hyena boy. Rocky faced her, giving a blank look as his barbell pierced nipples stood out.

"What?" He asked, casually tossing his shirt to the side, "Ain't we wrestlin?"

"Y-Yeah," Sandra muttered, "What, you expected this to be an easy way to get me naked?"

Rocky scoffed at that, "Oh don't flatter yourself. I've had a lot of practice wrestling my sisters. The biggest weakness is loose clothing, makes you easier to grab," he said, kicking off his pants and revealing a teal thong with a round bulge for his cock, "'Sides, the Romans used to wrestle naked right? They knew clothes was just gonna be too easy to grab."

As much sense as he made, Sandra didn't just want to start stripping in front of him. Sure she'd had enough sex to not be bothered by a few naked bodies, but this was just so sudden. Rocky stood straight, hands on his hips and legs apart as he looked over to her and smiled, "Well, you gonna make it easy for me, or you gonna strip?"

"And why should I?" She asked, defensively, "It's gonna be gross enough feeling your erection through my clothes."

"Really?" Rocky said. Sighing, he grabbed his thong and pulled it aside. Sandra's first instinct was to look away, but the metallic gleam caught her attention. A metal tube was in the place where his cock should have been, locked in place by a small padlock. A metal band arced between his balls, connected to what had to be a piercing on the bottom, where his cock head would be.

"What the..." She muttered, scooting closer and leaning down to get a better view, "What's this?"

"It's a chastity cage, bright eyes," Rocky scoffed, pulling the thong back over it, "The only one that's gonna get any unwanted erections here is you."

"Why..." She blinked, "Why do you have one?"

He smiled, "Well, beat me and I'll tell ya. Course, you can always just walk out. I totally won't just tell everyone that the 'big' bully hunter chickened out of a match."

Puffing her cheeks, Sandra stepped back and started stripping down to her undies. Outside of the bulge from her flaccid cock, she was the more normal of the two. Taking onto one end of the mat, she waited for Rocky to mirror her stance on the opposite end.

"One round," Rocky said, stepping into place, "Ends when the loser forfeits. Loser cleans. Seem fair?"

She nodded, already planning her next moves to bring him down. "Alright then," the hyena squatted into ready, "Three...two..." Sandra felt her heartbeat slow, prepping herself for the single instant she had to take him down.


Despite the extra fat the mouse carried, Sandra had an explosive speed that took most people off guard. She charged, closing the distance before Rocky took a third step. Her hands wrapped around his waist, grappling him and twisting him to the floor.

He slipped out before her fingers locked. Wrapping his hand under her leg, he swept her off into the air. Face first into the mat, Sandra caught herself before she could get a taste. Rocky whipped around her, locking his arms and legs around her and clasping onto his back.

"Come on," he teased, "You're tougher than that, right?"

Fully intent on making him eat those words, she carried his weight to a stand and dropped down to her back. He let go before they landed, avoiding being sandwiched between her and the mat. Laughing, he rolled back up only for Sandra to recover and sweep her legs under his.

With his back against the mat, Sandra pinned him down. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, her grip tightening around his wrists to stop his struggles. "Yield." She commanded.

"Make me," Rocky said, smiling with a tiny hint of blush across his cheeks. Before she could reply, he slipped from her again, reversing the grip only to have her slip out.

Neither one could get a good hold on the other. Rocky was right about the lack of clothes being a benefit. Sure, she could have pulled at his thong, but that wouldn't have been fair. And, as much of an ass Rocky was, he never tried at her bra or panties either.

Pinning him face-first into the mat, Sandra smiled. Leaning down, she whispered, "You gonna give up?" A small laugh built up from Rocky's gut, broken by snarls as he tried and failed to escape her grip this time.

"No." He muttered.

"Then I guess we're at a stalemate." She said, her crotch pressing against his. Her erection tightening against her panties thanks to the heat between them. "Cause I'm not letting go until you do, and you can't break out."

"And why would I wanna break out?" He quipped, sneaking a peek to her eyes and grinning as his ass ground against her cock, "Things finally got interesting."

Biting her lip, Sandra felt her blush cover her face. Her gaze crawled down his lithe back, ending with an ample view of the yeen boy's rump. "I think there's only one way to get me tired, mousie," he chuckled, flexing those bottom cheeks, "Come on, quit giving me a bad hotdog and go in."

Gritting her teeth, Sandra held him tighter with one hand and pulled back his thong with another, "You never shut up, do you?" She muttered, pulling out her own cock and pushing his tail away to line the rod up.

His lips spread wide, revealing those smiling fangs, "Nope. Part of my charm. Sisters hate it too."

She sank into him. The hyena's ass spread so loose that she wondered if she missed at first. All five inches pushed in as deep as she could go, earning a soft moan from the yeen boy. "Yeah, you like that, don't you, big mouth?" She muttered, holding his hands down again.

He shrugged, "I've had bigger, but it's not bad. And don't be afraid to speak your mind, mousie," Rocky chuckled, "We both know you've got things to say."

She didn't. Preferring actions to words, Sandra thrusted into his ass. The hyena gently tightened around her cock, giving the mouse a nice squeeze with every pump in and out. "Come on." He teased, humping against her, "I can take way more than that."

"Shut up." She growled, pushing his face into the mat. She pulled out until her head was all that remained, then slammed back in with as much force Sandra could muster. Again and again she pounded into him, their collective sweat pushing them an inch closer to the edge of the blue gym mat with each thrust of her waist. His breathy moans were triumphant music to her ears, but it wasn't enough to keep him silent. Sandra had to hold his jaw for that.

A shiver ran up her spine as she found herself imagining Joseph under her, wondering if his ass was vice tight compared to the yena's...She grunted out, "Shut up..." then there was Terrance, the Holstein bull, his cocky grin, and caustic mouth just begged to be gagged by fat mouse cock...

"Shut up..." or that weasel Vincent who kept trying to take photos of the girls in the locker room, if he was that eager to see what was under the girl's tails, she could wreck what was beneath his...

"Shut up!" With every slap of her hips against the hyena's ass she grunted it again, "Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" but she didn't know who she was saying it to. The brat, or her own imagination.

Bracing him tight and biting her lips, Sandra held back the urge to scream as her seed spurted into his ass. His soft laugh escaped through the clamped maw, looking back up to her with content eyes and blushing cheeks. "Feeling any better?" He asked, now free of her grip.

"A bit..." She said, sighing. Leaning her chest against his back, she whispered, "Ready to yield?"

Without warning, he pulled himself off of her cock and twisted around her. Flipping the mouse to her back, he sat down against her stomach and locked her arms. "No," he said, that smug smile as bright as ever, "But I think you're too tired to continue."

"You..." She glared at him, blushing with her cheeks puffed in anger, "You tricked me."

Rocky nodded, "My ass tends to have that kind of effect. Though you gotta admit, not many people would let you fuck them just to win."

"Is that what this was about?" She growled, tired arms struggling fruitlessly against his hold, "Saying you could beat me to everyone at school?"

Rocky blinked, "If I wanted to be popular, I'd just offer myself to the football team. Though if I'm being honest, I doubt any of them have the stamina. And just guys gets old after a while." Letting go, Rocky stood up and reached for her hand, helping her up. "Nah, this was more just an excuse to get laid."

"What?" Sandra asked, rubbing her wrists, "You couldn't just ask? I'm planning on helping everyone leave this highschool without their virginity."

"Who said I was a virgin?" Rocky replied, stretching before picking up his clothes, "But it's whatever. I had fun."

"Wait," Sandra went to grab him, her cock flopping in the open air, "You're leaving?"

"What? No, I'm just getting dressed. Then gonna get something to clean this mess. You helping?"

"I thought loser cleaned?"

The punk hyena shrugged, "I mean, no one really lost. You didn't admit defeat, and I got what I wanted. Seems like a win-win to me."

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