Into the Pit Chapter 9: Showing the Ropes

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#9 of Into the Pit

Helga comes home to find her submissive playing with another girl. Given the hog's history with cheating, she's not very happy. But can they all be adults and talk it out, hoping to find a helpful solution instead of casting blame? Let's find out!

So, this is probably the longest single chapter of erotica I've written, chalking in at over 6K words. If I'm gonna be honest, I didn't expect that at all, but this chapter had a lot of content to push out, and none of it felt like I could split it into a second chapter. I hope you all enjoy it, and the next chapter will be next Friday.

Helga's foot bounced under the table at a rapid tempo, her legs crossed. The pig woman looked over at the vole and pitbull across from her, not angry but confused. Actually, a little angry, specifically at the vole but also at the dog. Given everything that had happened with the dog, she would be more inclined to forgive her.

But it's hard to forgive someone that went through her personal dungeon and, according to the both of them, played with her restraints. Just as it was hard to forgive her sub from playing with the girl. She scowled as her gaze shifted to Amethyst, who was busy trying to hide half of her face with her sidecut. The vole tried to reason that it wasn't any serious play, and 'it's not like she's domming me!'

Helga sighed, pinching the bridge of her snout to steady herself. Looking for a lock for the basement was going to be a hassle.

Rebecca tried to speak but Helga stopped her, "I don't want excuses." She said, leaning her chair back against the wall as she stared up to the ceiling. Something needed to be done. What 'exactly' she wasn't sure of. While her time with Lorraine gave her plenty of experience as the third wheel, she'd never been the person to walk in on two people enjoying themselves. She'd seen enough fallout to know how she didn't want this conversation to go.

"Look," she let the front legs of her chair hit the floor as she leaned back in, "What I saw is a lot to take in. Now, as much as I don't agree with the state on this, we're all adults in this room. So we're going to handle this like adults and you both will, calmly, explain what you just did, and together, we will reach a solution on it." Helga carefully brought her fists to the table, "I won't lie to either of you, I'm kind of mad," she pointed to Rebecca, who let out a soft whine as she let her head sink into her shoulders, "I'm mad at you, not because you wandered into the basement. I never told you not to, so that's on me. No, I'm mad at you because you decided to play with my stuff as soon as you saw it. Imagine if I owned guns and you decided to play with those? How do you think I'd react to that?"

"They're safer than guns," Amethyst muttered.

"And you," Helga shifted her finger to the vole, her sub, who now crossed her arms and tried to put on a brave face despite hiding half of it, "What am I even supposed to say?"

"I don't know," Amethyst huffed, "Maybe, 'So, you tried domming someone, what was it like?' or 'I guess we don't need to awkwardly ask newbies at the next play party to let me whip them' or something like that."

"Oh, so I should be congratulating you for taking advantage of-"

"She didn't take advantage," Rebecca said, wincing as Helga glared back towards her, "A-and frankly, I don't understand what's the big deal. I mean, you're her sub, right? Shouldn't she be allowed to experiment with others?"

Helga blinked, then again just to let that itty bitty and utterly stupid sentence run its full track in her mind. She turned to Amethyst, the vole looking as shocked as the pig felt. Rebecca's brown eyes shifted between the two of them, " I wrong?"

"On so many levels, kid. For one," she pointed over to Amethyst's studded collar, "That right there isn't a fashion statement. That's her day collar."

She saw the realization slowly unfold in the terrier's eyes as Rebecca looked back and forth between them, blushing profusely the more she looked at her vole's collar.

"Second, if I was her sub, I'd feel pretty fucking betrayed if my dominant just decided to play with someone without my consent or knowledge," Helga recollected a few times where Lorraine did just that, back when she was the wolf's personal little piggy. Even though the two had made up, old memories still flared when new wounds opened them.

Helga rolled her eyes when she saw tears form in Rebecca's. Of course, the waterworks were on their way. If she had a nickel for every time someone said they didn't know the whole story as a justification-

"I'm a stupid monster,"

"Yeah, I'm sure you-what?" The pig blink, unsure if she heard the pitbull properly.

Rebecca glanced sideways towards Amethyst, "All this time I thought...I told myself that Amy was in charge. A-and I figured that, well...oh god I'm terrible," she held her face tight, leaning her elbows into the table, "I didn't mean to seduce her like that. I...fuck I don't-"

"It's not your fault," Amethyst grabbed the girl's quivering paw, "I got too caught up in the moment and took advantage of you."

She watched on as Amethyst tried to calm the pitbull down, at a loss for words. Well, good words. Encouraging praises that would stop the girl from crying and put this whole thing behind them. Helga had plenty of bad things to say about this. How she agreed that Rebecca was so deep in her puppy love she couldn't see the obvious, or how Amethyst was so socially blind she could not only not see people flirting with her, but how her actions affected their relationship.

Instead, Helga got up off the table and headed to the garage. She could just pick up something on the way to work for lunch anyway. The pig hated running and hated being a hypocrite more, but she didn't want to speak her mind anymore. She just wanted to forget.

Amethyst stopped her. Her hand gripping Helga's tight as she followed the pig into the garage.

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are," Helga pulled her hand back, "It's not enough."

"I want to fix this. Mama, please help me understand-"

"I don't want you to understand!" Helga shouted, "I don't want to explain it because it fucking hurts, and despite how much pain helps people grow, I'm still a protective bitch cause I hate seeing you least when it's like this." She leaned against the workbench of the garage, one hand trying to stop the waterworks in her eyes, "How many relationships have you had before me?"

"None. I was always too focused with school to really...well you know."

She nodded, "Exactly. So you don't know what it's like to be cheated on. Well, I do, and not just because I was someone's experiment numerous times. You remember what I told you about Lorraine, about what she did to me?"

Helga could see the rage burning past those indigo eyes when she brought up Lorraine. Amethyst, despite peace being made, still hated that wolf, "This...this isn't like that...right?" she asked, fiddling with her fingers as she talked, "I mean, she just cast you aside. Made you fuck people for her amusement. I didn't-"

"It didn't start with that," Helga ran a hand through the green-dyed hair of the vole, "Sure, I never walked in on anyone she was fucking without knowledge, but I was too foolish to accept it then." She sniffed, pulling away from Amethyst to hide her tears, "Do you know what I thought when I saw you two? I thought, no, I fucking dreaded that you dropped me for a younger model."

"How...why would you think I'd do that?"

"Because you're young and I'm in my 40's! I don't know how long this will last, and as stupid as it sounds, I'm worried about you getting bored of-"

Amethyst wrapped her arms around Helga's waist, "I'm not going to be bored of you. Ever."

"Don't tell me something so stupid," she said through her teeth, lips quivering as Amethyst hugged tighter.

"I mean it. If I get bored, then we'll find something else to keep us together. I'm not going to dump you for some new young model or anything as if you're a car. You're my mama, and nothing is going to change that."

There it was, that rare possessive nature Amethyst carried that made Helga smile. She returned her vole's embrace, taking a deep whiff of her hair as they stood there for minutes.

"I won't do it again." Amethyst said with conviction.

"I believe you," Helga said, still with pain but convinced Amethyst meant it, " was kind of hot, once you take out the cheating."

"I thought you hated cuckolding."

"I said once you take out the cheating," Helga smiled as she ruffled through her submissive's hair, "You had her in the palm of your hand."

"Well...more like the sole of my foot."

They both laughed, letting each other go as their tension died down. Helga exhaled like she'd been holding something in for hours. Her fingers wiping tears from her reddening eyes. She pulled out her phone, "Shit, you're gonna be late for class."

"And you'll be late for work."

Helga shrugged, "I can tell them it's drama. I've got a few free passes. Still need to get Becca lunch and all that."

"So...what are we going to do with her?"

"Nothing," Helga headed to the house door, "She's still under our care until this shit with her dad is sorted out. I'm not gonna throw her out."

"Right, but we can't ignore what just happened with her. Maybe," she brushed her hair behind her ear, "Maybe we could use her to teach me how to dom? I mean...we were going to find someone for it at a party, and she is here."

"As hot as seeing her lick your socks was, I don't think it'd be right to do that to her. Besides, I'm sure she probably wants to bury this whole thing as an embarrassing mistake."

"You're probably right," Amethyst sighed, "Still, it'd be nice to get some play in. What good is a soundproof dungeon if we're too afraid to wake her up by opening the door?"

"Hey, it's not my fault the basement door is so close to the living room."

"I kind of is since you put a foldout bed over there."

Helga rolled her eyes, wishing she could just gag Amethyst here and now. The two found Rebecca waiting for them back at the kitchen, still wearing a mask of guilt across her face.

"Are you two going to be ok?" she asked, exactly as a child would to two arguing parents. Helga smirked at the question, "Yeah. We just had a couple's quarrel. It's healthy."

"You're not going to kick me out, are you?" she twiddled her fingers, "I'll understand if you do."

"No, we're not going to kick you out. Not until we know you're safe."

"Then...can I ask you both something?"

"What?" Amethyst asked.

"W-well...I've never seen a real couple do S&M stuff, and since you're wearing a collar I assume that it's pretty serious, right?"

Helga and Amethyst nodded, though Helga wasn't sure if she liked where this question was going.


She blinked, "Pardon?" Helga asked. Amethyst looked over to her with a smile so wide you could drive a truck through it.

Rebecca slumped her shoulders, "I know it's asking a lot, but I'd really like to see you two play. If it's not too much trouble. I can totally understand if you say no and,"

Helga let the girl ramble on as she scowled over at Amethyst. Well, less scowled and more giving a disapproving expression that lessened the longer she gazed into her submissive's smile. Two sides warred with her at this moment, the side that told her she needed to be a good role model, and her perverted side.

She agreed with the side that argued both.

"Amethyst, go to class," she ordered, "And Rebecca, we'll discuss this over dinner. Right now, we need to get you lunch."


Dinner went by rather quickly for the terrier, to the point that she'd basically been racing to finish. Helga had told Rebecca to calm down, and when her fidgeting at the table started to get the best of the pig and vole, she was told to sit in the living room while they finished if she couldn't sit still. Despite their considerate tones, Rebecca took it more like an order and followed through, sitting on the couch and watching the black screen of the powered off TV as she waited.

The pitbull saw a terrier staring back at her, trying to compress herself by her own arms. She couldn't blame the girl since she was about to see actual furs play before her for the first time. Not actors behind the screen of her phone with the volume down or with earphones lodged into her skull. Real furs, furs she knew.

Amethyst poked her head out from the kitchen, "Rebecca? You ready?"

"Y-yes!" she yipped.

The vole smiled, taking a seat next to her and holding the dog's hand, "Well, come on," she said as she pulled her from the couch, "Mama doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Nerves shook her body with every step as Amethyst led her down the wooden stairs. It was only her second time down here and given what she knew it only made sense to be nervous. Her hand tightened around Amethyst's as they reached the bottom, briefly scanning the playspace one more time before it would be blanketed in screams.

Helga stood in the middle, naked save for a black biker cap, a leather vest, a small key hanging around her neck, and assless chaps. She had expected the pig woman to be dressed in something more...dominatrix. Like a corset or maybe the boots. They had the wardrobe for it, or at least from what Rebecca had seen.

The older pig carried a smile that didn't fit the situation. Too warm and comforting from what the pitbull expected from a dominant. "You can set her down on my chair. It's got the best view," she said, pointing to the throne against the wall. Rebecca blinked as she stared at the pig's arms, never really paying attention to how strong they looked. She had never imagined a dominant stronger than her, despite how many of her fantasies involved being manhandled by them. Rebecca's dreams had always been of willful submission, even in their harshest actions. But Helga, the biker she hated at their first meeting, had the build that could force the terrier to submit.

It gave her considerable blush as Amethyst helped her to Helga's dominant throne, "I hope you enjoy the show," she whispered, letting go and swaying her thin butt while she headed to Helga. Without a word, the vole stood straight with her arms behind her back before the pig who towered a few inches over her, legs spread and chin forward. Something sneaked out from the crack in Amethyst's shirt to her skirt, where her tail poked out. Even with the basement light, it was too hard to really make out.

Rebecca jumped in her seat as a sudden slap echoed through the air. Amethyst's head had been turned to the right, only for Helga to grab it and bring it back center for a second slap, "You're a dirty little cunt, you know that?" the pig said with a cold expression and burning green eyes.

Amethyst nodded, hands clasping each other tight behind her back as Helga grabbed the vole by her collar and forced her tongue down her throat. Rebecca's loins moistened as she imagined that forceful kiss. Her most recent muse had been Amethyst, imagining that tongue piercing rolling against her tongue. Seeing Helga do it made that dream cheap. The pig grasped her submissive tight as their tongues wrestled in their maws. Amethyst's own knees were shaking, and breathy grunts escaped from Helga as her dominance emanated across the room.

The pig softly bit into the vole's bottom lip and pulled it with her as she broke off from the kiss, letting it go just before Rebecca believed it could hurt. Another slap echoed through the room, making the terrier's fur stand on end as Helga then grabbed Amethyst's face.

"What are you?" she ordered more than asked.

"A dirty little cunt, Mama." Amethyst answered in a breathy tone that did little to hide her arousal.

"What's your safeword?"

"Pineapple, Mama."

Helga's smile made Rebecca's spine tingle, "Good girl. Now strip," she ordered as she let go.

Amethyst's shirt came first, revealing the tattoo across her lower back that Rebecca glimpsed earlier. Letters were written where one would put a tramp stamp, spelling out the name of her dominant in black. Rebecca's left hand slowly slipped past her jeans, while her right kept twiddling her fingers as Amethyst cast off the rest of her clothes. Her eyes widened at the chastity belt locked over Amethyst's crotch, with a design to give free use of her ass.

Helga forced Amethyst around, facing Rebecca head on with her large nipple rings shaking from the sudden change of position. The terrier pulled her hand from her pants in an instant, fingers just barely coated in her juices.

"Tell our guest what you are," Helga ordered before walking over to a cabinet. Rebecca closed her eyes as Amethyst looked at her. Not out of fear or shame, but to hide her arousal on reflex alone.

"This one is Mama's personal muff eater and shield-bearer. This one's body is willfully given to the control of her better. This one's pleasure is locked to remind her that her owner's pleasure comes first and foremost. This one craves her owner's touch, no matter how harsh or gentle, and seeks nothing more than to make her owner happy. This one knows her Mama cherishes and loves her, as does she onto her. This one is a slave and proud."

Every word was spoken with confidence that Rebecca could only dream of. Each sentence another strike on the shield that was her resistance to place with herself. She wanted to believe it was her own modesty that held her back, but she knew it wasn't. The terrier knew that after all the trouble she caused them, she didn't deserve to toy with herself so easily.

And yet, she did. Pushing past her pants again to rub against her clit through her underwear.

"That's a good girl," Helga said. Rebecca opened her eyes to confirm she meant Amethyst, looking out to see the pig wrap a heavy leather hood over the vole's head. A blindfold held by metal buttons clicking into place hid away her indigo eyes, leaving only her maw and ears presentable from the mask.

"Not poking anywhere?" Helga asked, dropping the dominant tone for only a second. Amethyst shook her head.

"Good," Helga said while clipping small weights to the vole's nipple rings. Amethyst whimpered at secure tug from Helga, leaving the older pig to chuckle before grabbing the vole's arm and leading her forward.

"Lift up," she commanded, locking Amethyst's wrists into hanging cuffs above her. Next, she locked a spreader bar between the girl's legs, leaving her slave bound and helpless for any prying eyes or prodding hands to explore. Helga did just that, maneuvering her callused hands and fingers around the younger woman's fur and flesh, groping and pinching her like a musician looking for the right tune.

And for a second, Rebecca imagined those hands against herself. Strong hands toying with her small tits and gripping her cunt harder than she ever did. The pitbull began to pant at the display, pushing her panties aside in favor of a more direct touch.

"Stick out your tongue." Helga ordered. She grabbed the vole's tongue by her piercing, holding it steady between her fingers as she said, "You've been a bad girl recently, haven't you?"

Amethyst nodded. Rebecca sank back into her seat, already knowing what Helga could be referring to.

"Tell Mama what you've done," she ordered, letting go of her slave's tongue.

Amethyst took a heavy breath before answering, "This slave has forgotten to take out the trash twice this week. This slave has been staying up too late cramming when she could have been studying earlier in the day. This slave almost burnt the casserole-"

"You didn't burn it, so you get a pass on that, cunt." Helga said, lovingly with a soft chuckle. Amethyst smiled in her hood before continuing, naming off failed chores or basic hygiene and self-respect actions she had neglected. Rebecca stopped toying with herself as the vole continued, confused at the utter mundanity of each failure. She'd expected more degrading tasks to be unfulfilled, but Helga seemed more focused on Amethyst's own self-care and chores than humiliating her. A tear dripped from her eye. She wiped it away, staring in shock that she started to cry.

"Good girl," Helga uttered, petting Amethyst's hooded scalp, "I'm thinking thirty is appropriate, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes, Mama."

Paddle on furred cheeks echoed through the room, each strike making Rebecca's ears twitch. Amethyst whined with every hit, sometimes shrieking or giving a soft little cry, but always thanking Helga after each hit. The display broke any modesty leftover in Rebecca as she fully unbuttoned herself for free access to her pussy. She didn't care who saw her. She didn't care if the sound of her moist pussy being finger fucked bounced off the walls. The dog had to toy with herself, tease herself at the display happening before her.

A display she so desperately wanted to try.

Heavy pants escaped Amethyst when the paddling stopped. Helga wrapped her arm around the girl's neck and forced her maw against hers, leaving the vole to whimper and moan in her arms. "Good cunt," Helga taunted, rubbing the paddle across Amethyst's sore butt. How red could it have been? Rebecca wanted to know, but to step up and check would stop her from toying with herself.

Hanging the paddle on a nearby wall, Helga grabbed a thick red ballgag and shoved it into Amethyst's mouth, "Gonna need you to not talk for a little bit, cunt. Can you do that?"

Amethyst's nod was met with a playful smack to the bum. Helga walked over to Rebecca as Amethyst squeaked in blissful pain. The pig's towering presence from the dog with her fingers still stuck inside her. The sow's dominant smirk sent chills down the pitbull's spine, chills that only made her wish she had the audacity to continue as her face reddened.

"Enjoying the show?" Helga whispered as she leaned in.

"S-sorry," she muttered as she took her hand out, "I didn't mean to be rude."

"Did I say you were?" Helga asked, "I just asked if you were enjoying the show."

Her eyes widened as she nodded slowly. Helga's smirk only grew, "Would you like a closer look of my bitch?"

Head sinking into her shoulders, Rebecca looked over to the vole, gagged and face covered by a hood. She nodded, "Yes, please."

"Alright, but we need to give you a safeword. Just as a precaution if you want to leave," Helga looked over to Amethyst as she pondered, "How about, watermelon?"

Rebecca nodded feverishly, stepping up from her only for Helga to brace her shoulder, "Say it." she asked, though to Rebecca it might as well have been an order.

"Wa...water..." her throat felt painfully dry as she looked into the older pig's green eyes, making the simple word more difficult than she imagined, "Watermelon."

"Good. Now, remember to say that if you can't take anymore of this display," she held out her hand, "Come on now, let's not keep my slut waiting."

Rebecca kicked her pants off as Helga pulled her along, the pig's callused grip like a vice in her mind. Soon she stood before Amethyst, the punk rock goddess of her dreams not reduced to a mewling slave in the reality before her. She held her front hands over her heart as she listened to the vole breathe. The dog should have felt disappointed by the vole, or herself that she let her own imagination run wild enough to paint people as not what they are.

Instead, she felt envious of the green-haired punk.

A heavy hand gently fell to her shoulder, "Kneel," Helga whispered, carefully pushing the dog to her knees. Pulling the key from around her neck, the pig sunk it into the lock of Amethyst's chastity belt and turned. With a simple click, the belt loosened. And with her prison gone, Amethyst's musk was the first to push to freedom.

"See this?" Helga asked, fingers spreading the vole's vulva to reveal the dripping need under it, "This is a slave's cunt. The kind of fucked up little pussy that gets aroused by pain and humiliation," she rubbed a thumb against the vole's clit, making Amethyst moan into her gag, "This is my cunt. It may be attached to this vermin, but she gave it to me of her own volition. Mine to toy and torture as I please because this little slut can't get enough of it."

Rebecca nodded as Amethyst giggled above them, earning a soft smack across the vole's bum from her pig mistress. The pitbull's mouth salivated at the sight, her tongue slowly extending to get a simple taste of her former punk rock goddess's juices.

Helga held her steady, "Ah, ah, ah," she cooed, "You can look, but no touching my property without my permission," she whispered, "Nod if you understand."

She nodded, harder than she thought she could in Helga's grip. The pig smiled as she let go, "Good. Now watch and listen closely." she ordered while getting up. Her face mere inches from Amethyst's dripping pussy, Rebecca could taste the vole's need. She wanted to dive in and eat her out, not even knowing the best way to do it but hoping it could relieve some of it. Her fingers toyed again with her own snatch, easily passing through her vulva and into her inner walls.

Helga returned with a purple strap-on she was in the process of lubing up after sliding a condom over it, "Now, you might guess from the belt and how moist my little bitch is, that she's begging for a fuck down there. Right?"

The pitbull nodded again. Amethyst's drool dripped down onto her red hair, but it didn't stop her from staring at Helga as the pig covered her fingers in lube and stuck them into the vole's butt. The bound fur squealed with delight as Helga pushed her fingers in and out, struggling to remain still in her bindings.

"Well, truth is that she's a real anal slut. Though I'm a little to blame for that. Told her her pussy was off limits until I locked a collar around her neck when we first started. Took this horny slut moving in for me to realize she'd been playing with herself without my permission," Helga said as she slapped Amethyst with her lubed hand, "Put her in a belt as punishment. As an added bonus, she became a denial slut as well," she leaned into Amethyst and whispered aloud, "Isn't that right? You just love going a week or two without orgasms, while giving me at least one every day, don't you?" she asked, pulling out the gag.

"Yes, Mama." Amethyst said, before Helga shoved the lubed fingers into her mouth. Rebecca wanted that treatment. The manhandling, the name calling, the utter humiliation this woman gave. Everything the dog had imagined as she toyed herself to sleep stood right before her, doing it to who she thought could deliver it.

"Now," Helga lined up the strap-on to her slave's lubed up butthole, "Don't think this means your punishment is over, little slut. Cause if you orgasm from this, then I'm not letting you eat me out for a few days. Understand?"

"Yes, Mama," Amethyst whined. The whines turned to soft gasps as Helga slowly pushed her purple cock into the vole's rump. The pig thrusted leisurely at first, more to acclimate her rod into the vole's ass as she pushed deeper and deeper with every hump. Hands holding Amethyst's hips tightly as her thrusts became poundings. Her slave mewled and gasped with every hit, her pants growing steadily until Rebecca could hear the wet slapping sound of the oiled up strap-on bounce off the walls.

She didn't sound like a pornstar when fucked. Rebecca could tell that her whines weren't as restrained as they sounded. Why would they be? Amethyst didn't have a camera of viewers to tell how much she liked it. She just had one, kneeling before her with hands frozen against her own pussy as she watched. Mesmerized by the display of dominance Helga had.

The pig let go of Amethyst's hips and grabbed her collar, pulling her closer as she roughly pounded into her. Their two tongues entangled in the open air for a moment before their maws clamped down on each other. Rebecca salivated at the thought of Helga handling her like that, like she imagined Amethyst could in her fantasies. The terrier reached to her tailhole as she fantasized the dominant woman's tongue pushing her own into submission. Finger twirling around her virgin pucker, slowly trying to push in but too dry to make it comfortable.

"I'm close, Mama." Amethyst gasped out when they broke off.

Helga smiled and stopped all together, leaning in to toy with the pierced nips of her slave, "Thank you, slave. Let's take a little breather," she cooed before giving a soft bite to her nape. A slimy pop rattled in Rebecca's ears as the pig pulled her strap-on out. The dog's attention shifted from the dripping pussy before her, to the purple dildo that Helga had begun to strip of the condom.

Against her better judgement, Rebecca crawled over to the towering hog, panting as the toy dangled in front of her face. Maw wide, she let her tongue slide out to get a taste of the toy, closing her eyes to imagine it having been just inside her. Dreaming of Helga's hand gripping her hair tight and forcing it down her throat to clean it off.

Helga did grab her. But instead of pulling her in, she held her steady. "What are you doing there?" she asked, as if her intentions weren't clear.

"Suck..." she looked down to Helga's boots, "Sucking you off..."

"Little presumptuous, don't ya think?"

Tears started to form as she looked up to Helga, the leather clad goddess standing before her, "Take me," she whispered, each word tightening her heart with anxiety.

Helga frowned, leaning down closer to Rebecca's lips, "Sorry, you'll have to speak up."

"Take me!" Rebecca begged, spreading her pussy wide before the dom, "Look at me, I...I've never been more aroused but I can't toy with myself, not anymore. Not after you've shown me what you are," she wrapped her arms around Helga's leg, "Please, Goddess, my virginity is yours. Make me your slut, your slave. Break me down until I'm nothing but clay to reform in your image!" she brought her pussy against the leg, but didn't grind. She couldn't stand pleasure if it didn't come from someone else, and it'd be an insult to her goddess to use her leg without permission.

Callused hands ran through her hair, "Well, first off I don't like to be called Goddess or shit like that. My ego isn't that big," Helga said. Amethyst chuckled at it, earning her a swift little spanking, "Secondly, I don't take the virginities of unclaimed bitches anymore."

"B-but," Rebecca blinked, "I'm offering myself-"

"Save it." Helga said, crouching down to Rebecca's eye level. The pitbull swore she felt those emerald eyes staring deep into her soul, judging her and finding her unworthy of her touch. She wanted to turn away. To hug herself and cry at her foolishness. But she kept looking, staring into the upside down reflection of her pathetic self.

Helga sighed, trying to hide her smile as she looked up to Amethyst and muttered, "Am I gonna change my tax status on this?" to herself before cupping the dog's chin, "When I'm done with my slut, I'm going to have a chat with her. Afterwards, we'll talk with you about how we feel with you joining us. Until then, feel free to toy with yourself, but do not touch her or me, understand?"

A smile cracked as she nodded. They'd talk about it! The news hit Rebecca like a truck as Helga grabbed another condom and returned to fucking her slave before the dog. The dog laid on her back as she watched the display, one hand toying with her tits as the other prodded her moist cunt.

This might be her last time touching herself as a free girl, a free dog. After this, she might be Helga's personal mutt. Maybe the hog would lock her away down here, hide her identity behind a gimp mask and keep her from society. A dyke's personal little sex toy, to be trained and branded how she saw fit. Rebecca loved that, and it's not like she had anyone outside this house that cared. Her mom was dead, and her father...who knew where he was and who cared? She couldn't go back to fighting after this, not that she ever wanted to in the first place.

Rebecca screamed as she came, letting go of every inhibition that held her. Years of silently toying herself ending as she squirted onto the floor, her juices mixing in with the small puddle of drips from Amethyst's moist cunt. Her body shuddered with her climax, leaving her to twitch and hold herself tight until the shock ended and she could stare up into the ceiling, breathing heavily with each second. Her last climax as a free woman.

What a way to go.

She looked up when the jingling of chains stopped. Helga had pulled out of Amethyst again, staring down at Rebecca with concern. The dog smiled, pulling herself back to her knees and crawling over to her mess. A puddle of her and Amethyst's juices formed before her, and like a good slave to be, she leaned in without hesitation and lapped it up carefully.

Rebecca had only tried her own cum once, in a silly little way to improve her fantasy. The floor mat covered much of that taste, robbing her any way of telling what was hers and what was Amethyst's. But it didn't matter. A slave didn't care whose juices she cleaned, so long as it made her dominant happy. And judging by the blush across Helga's cheeks, it was making her very happy.


"So, first things first," Helga said from across the table, having replaced her leather gear with a white T-shirt and her jeans, "Amethyst and I aren't simply just Mistress and slave. We're lovers."

Amethyst nodded as she nestled against the hog's muscular arm, face pressed against the thorn vine tattoo. She had a white T-shirt as well, but didn't opt for any pants over her underwear. All Rebecca felt was missing was two mugs of steaming coffee to really set the mood.

"I have never had anything more than one partner at a time," the pig explained, "So, this is entirely new territory for me. Please understand that if you were just a slave under me, I may not treat you the same. I may not give you as much embrace as I do for Amy. Even if she is fine with it, it's still something for me to get used to. Do you have a problem with that?"

Rebecca shook her head. As much as she wanted to be embraced as a lover, she wouldn't let this opportunity fall through the cracks. Helga looked back to Amethyst, who just nodded back with a smile.

"Ok. Secondly, we expect full communication from you to us. That means no keeping secrets from us, and you," Helga tapped the table, "And I need you to pay real close attention to this. You are to tell us whenever you're feeling bad. Do not hold back on anything discomforting. I don't care if you think I'll be disappointed or some shit. I'd rather know you can't take a couple of spankings than accidentally send you to the hospital for something stupid. Understand?"

Rebecca nodded, "Yes, Mistress."

"Mama," Amethyst corrected, "She's a bit of a protective sort."

Helga smiled as she glared down at her sub, "Didn't I say no talking?"

"Maybe?" Amethyst smiled as she leaned in and kissed her dominant's cheek, "Maybe my punishment ended too soon?"

Helga sighed, then turned back to Rebecca, "So, as you can probably tell, we have decided to give you a trial run as a slave in my household," she held up her hand as Rebecca smiled, "Now, this isn't going to be all bondage and games. I run a tight ship and Amethyst has a lot of chores to do when schoolwork or her actual job isn't in the way. You'll be sharing that responsibility. And no, I'm not going to have you default to doing chores naked. Nor am I going to be giving you secret tests of character or some bullshit like that. Communication goes both ways."

Rebecca's ears perked, her tail nub waged excitedly as her hands gripped the tablecloth, "So, I get to be your slave?"

"More like, slave in training, if you desire." Helga said, standing up with Amethyst following as she stepped over to the terrier, "Do you wish to be a slave in my household?"

Tightness in her throat, cold sweat, a crippling sense of anxiety, all of these Rebecca expected to feel. She didn't feel any of them, only the warm sense of relief as she looked up to the hog.

"Yes, Mama."

Helga smiled, "Then get on your knees, kiss our slippers, and thank us for this opportunity."

Amethyst gave a confused little look to Helga as Rebecca dropped to her knees. Leaning over, she pressed her lips to Helga's slippers, "Thank you for accepting me into your service, Mama."

"Good girl. Now to Amethyst."

Rebecca sat mesmerized at the vole's feet for a moment. She had long imagined being trampled or under these feet in some way. But now, she was going to be a slave sister to them.

Pursing her lips, she laid a long kiss against the furred foot, "Thank you for accepting me into this service, Amy."

"Mistress Amethyst," Helga corrected her.

"What?" Amethyst asked, her shocked tone not clearing up any confusion.

Helga ran her hand through the vole's undercut, "Well, you said you wanted to learn how to dom. And if I'm making a household, then of course you're my top bitch."

Indigo eyes stared down to Rebecca, blush coming out from under her fur as Helga circled behind her and toyed with the vole's nipples through her T-shirt.

"So, Mistress Amethyst," Helga cooed as she whispered into the vole's heavily pierced ear, "Why don't you give our new slave an order?"

Down the Rabbit Hole

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Into the Pit Chapter 8: A Gentle Touch

The couch bothered her. That's the only negative thought Rebecca felt ok with having as she stayed in the home of her godd...Amethyst and Helga. Everything else had been good, great even. The first day had its share of awkward struggles, with the two...

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