Into the Pit Chapter 8: A Gentle Touch

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#8 of Into the Pit

Rebecca finds herself guilty at the generosity of Helga and Amethyst. In her hopes to set things right, she discovers a secret that confirms some of her wildest dreams. But is reality truly better than fiction?

Next chapter next Friday. I hope you all enjoy!

The couch bothered her. That's the only negative thought Rebecca felt ok with having as she stayed in the home of her godd...Amethyst and Helga. Everything else had been good, great even. The first day had its share of awkward struggles, with the two giving her what was basically their living room to stay in. She found herself just laying on the couch and they tried avoiding her until dinner. A nice big pizza.

She remembered being so hungry she almost grabbed two but stopped herself, apologizing for taking too much. Their confused stares still shook her core. Did Amethyst give her another piece out of pity? Should she have turned it away instead of having that second delicious slice?

Then came the next morning, when she got up for her morning jog. She remembered the pig's fear as she stood at the door, and after hearing her explanation she understood how stupid she'd been. Going out alone when those...thugs were still out there wasn't wise. But she needed her routine, sitting inside all morning would only make her feel worse.

So Helga ran with her. The pig hated it, painting in exhaustion when they returned. She wanted to be angry at Helga, but couldn't find a real reason. She'd been so used to being alone in the morning, but having someone with her was...was nice.

Of course, there was the tedium of being alone when both Amethyst and Helga had to go to work. Rebecca could keep herself busy with exercise and the surprisingly decent film collection the pig had. At least one would stop by during lunch to take her out. She didn't ask them to but never turned them down either. Though she preferred Amethyst over Helga when it came down to it, as her talks with the pig were rather quiet.

The terrier thought of all of this and more as she stared up to the ceiling, back arched against the uncomfortable mattress of the pullout couch. Everything felt weird to her. She'd started slacking on her exercise, and no one noticed. She expected to be angry about that, but she'd been, to her surprise, kind of happy. She helped herself to extra food during dinner because she wanted it, not because she needed to bulk up. And meals were with people, not like when her dad just brought home food and went to bed, or left her a shake for the evening while he went out for 'business' that brought him back drunk.

But why was she just kind of happy? That question bounced back at her every night. She'd seen Helga and Amethyst be a bit snippy towards each other recently. Was her presence causing that? She looked over to the hallway that led to their room. Rebecca had accepted the two were dating. The terrier still worshipped the vole like a goddess in her dreams, but she was satisfied with being just a friend in reality.

Helga...grew on her. The woman was blunter than most men she'd known. How someone like her snagged a beautiful matron like Amethyst went beyond Rebecca's understanding. But she grew to appreciate the honesty, even if it made her want to break the hog's stupid nose.

Yet the two were more tense now. Any small thing either did would set the other off. And not in a violent screaming sense, but more in snide comment after snide comment, no smiles or laughter. Rebecca couldn't help but feel guilty about it. Could she be the problem? She stared back up to the ceiling, contemplating over what she could have done to make the two fight in silence. While she'd never had to deal with couples in reality before, TV gave her some idea. Maybe they needed to bond more? Looking over to the wall clock and seeing it pass the three AM mark, she sighed and closed her eyes. She'll figure it out. Maybe she could check the basement for board games to play.


She'd be skipping her jog today. Rebecca realized that she liked sleeping in and wanted to do it as much as possible until this situation was over. The terrier laid about as time went by, folding up the couch around half-past ten in the morning. Would Amethyst be bringing lunch today, or Helga? Rebecca pulled out her phone to check with the vole.

'Hey. You or Helga bringing lunch?'

A green box came almost instantly, 'Helga is bringing lunch today,' it said, 'I had to take an extra shift.'

'Why? Is money tight?'

'What? No. I just volunteered.'

'But you said you 'had' to.'

Rebecca waited for a response, but after a couple of minutes she sent a new message, 'I'm I being a bother to you two?'

'What? No, why?'

'You've been snippy to each other lately.'

'Helga is just grumpy that's all.'

'I can fix that,' Rebecca forced herself to type. She still didn't like the hog despite everything she did. At this point, the terrier might have to come to terms with being a speciest, 'do you guys have any board games?'

'Idk, why?'

'Well, whenever me and my dad fought, he'd bring out a game called Sorry to make up for it. Maybe we could have a game night?'

'I suppose...if there are any.'

'Great!' Rebecca squealed as she texted Amethyst, 'I'll go check the basement. BRB'

Tossing the phone onto the couch, the terrier made her way to the basement door. At least, she assumed it was. They'd never opened it since Rebecca arrived. Turning the knob, she pondered over why. Sure, she never had a basement, being stuck in apartments all her life. But she'd seen shows with plenty of basements, usually storing extra utensils or food. None of which the house seemed to be lacking.

So what did they store in this basement? Wooden steps creaked under her paws as she descended down the stairs. She didn't feel any cold concrete or carpeting when she reached the floor. No, it felt closer to gym padding under her paws. Her hand crawled across the wall in the darkness, hoping to find some sort of lightswitch.

"There we go," she said, flipping it. Her jaw dropped at the sight to behold. The semi-furnished basement floor was covered in gym padding, save for a ring in the middle where a metal support beam took hold. Floggers, paddles, and a long whip hung from the wall across from her. Taking a further step forward, Rebecca saw some kind of harness hanging from the ceiling, a bondage bench behind the pole, and a black leather cushioned black chair. No, a throne seemed more appropriate with its design.

Blood rushed to her face. Did Amethyst and Helga play? A shy smile crossed her maw when she stopped at a dresser. Finding no lock, and figuring she might as well go all the way if she'd get in trouble, she opened it. Leather restraints hung from the doors and filled the cabinets inside, layered with gags, cuffs, blindfolds, and collars. She didn't stop at a glance, no matter how much her hands were shaking as she shorted through each cabinet to find another depraved new toy or article of clothing. From nipple clamps to vibrating toys, to goddamn anal hooks and lots and lots of rope. Almost any toy she'd seen in a BDSM porn she'd watched while her dad fell asleep was here.

Fingers coiled around a gimp hood. Designed with a big hole in the middle that she guessed was for a pig's snout. Heart beating fast, thoughts hitting her over and over. Was Helga a sub? If this mask was for her, then she had to be. Did that mean Amethyst was a dom?

She squealed, hugging Helga's mask closer than she ever expected to bring anything of that blunt woman to her. Her punk rock goddess, the vole she'd been crushing on for over a month, was a dom! Maybe she could convince her to take her as a submissive. Maybe when this whole thing boiled over, she could just stay here as Amethyst's little live-in pet. She had to ask her, or at least confirm it.

Rebecca reached for her phone, only to find that she'd left it upstairs. Before she made it to the first step, she looked over to the cabinet. A wicked idea formed in her mind, leading her to saunter on over to it and sort through looking for something.

She found a pair of leather cuffs, a collar, and a gimp hood that fit her better than the pig's. If Amethyst said no, and didn't want to see her again, then the least she could do is try out these restraints. Who's to say when she'd get another chance like this? Locking the cuffs across her wrists, she shuddered before opening the collar. Kneeling to the floor, she pictured her punk rock goddess behind her, high leather boots tapping against the floor as she wrapped the collar tight.

"Mistress..." she moaned, reaching under her shorts to toy with herself. She didn't deserve this. By all accounts, she broke into something personal and rummaged through it without permission. She was a bad dog, a brat who deserved her punishment.

And every thought came as a whisper from her goddess's perfect lips.

"Such a dirty little slut," she heard her mistress say, gloved hand coiling around the collar and pulling it tight across her neck, "You find a dungeon full of toys and restraints, and your first instinct is to start playing around in it?" the mental appreciation whispered into the terrier's ears, "You're pathetic. You don't deserve our kindness."

"I'm sorry Mis-" the fake vole pulled her hair before she could finish.

"You think your words mean anything?!" she laughed, pulling her across the room to the throne where Rebecca placed a pair of leather high-heeled boots. Dropping the collared mutt to the floor, her fantasy mistress took her seat, leather heels dangling over Rebecca's face.

"Clean them, slave. Be useful for once in your life."

The taste of leather filled her tongue as she draped it over the empty boots, imagining her goddess looking down on her with every lick. From the sole to the top of the boot, her saliva coated the footwear. The pitbull cursed herself whenever her tongue dried, taking precious seconds away from cleaning her mistress's feet like the lucky girl she imagined she was.

Though vivid, her imagination wasn't enough. Before she had only ideas to work with. Now, with all these toys and the gear surrounding her, she wanted, no, needed more. She needed to feel Amethyst press the boots down on her pathetic face and demand her thanks. She needed the cruel sting of the flogger across her athletic ass, giving it the burn she'd always wanted.

Dropping from her fantasy, the pitbull grabbed a large knotted dildo from a nearby treasure trove of fake cocks. Holding one in her hand was different than just seeing it in a video. The weight, the floppiness of it, all of it designed to go inside her. Rebecca stuck the suction cup end of it to the pole, kneeling before it like a good slave.

Her punkrock goddess stood before her in the dog's mind's eye. A red leather corset fitting well over her breasts. As her eyes scoured down, Rebecca took note of the black fishnets and leather boots finishing at her legs. The cyan dildo hung from her crotch thanks to a strap-on harness and the glimmer in her indigo eyes behind her sidecut told the terrier all she needed to know.

But she waited. Like a good slave.

Amethyst's hand grabbed her hair, "Suck on it, whore," she commanded, pulling the pitbull into the knotted cock. Rebecca would rather eat her goddess out, give her the pleasure she deserved. But a command was a command, and if it made her superior happy, then she'd gladly debase herself.

Her first mistake was trying to deep throat it. Having never sucked a dildo before, Rebecca still had her gag reflex to tell her to stop. She instead focused on the head, licking and lapping before taking the top half of the cock into her mouth. Imagining her mistress looking down at her with a bemused smirk, she worked faster. Fingers undid her pants button, giving the dog an easier time to play with herself.

The vole grinded her boot against Rebecca's pussy in her dream, where in reality her fingers rubbed against it. Her hand, Amethyst's false touch, gripped her head tight as she fantasized the mockery that bombarded her. Whore, slut, masochistic bitch, all words that described her so well. A smile etched itself across her face, so close to cumming. She'd clean this all up afterwards. They'd never know she was down here. After she came, just another minute of-

"Rebecca?" Amethyst spoke, the real Amethyst, not the fake. The fake never talked with a surprised tone, never looked down at her with wide eyes of shock as she held her hands over her maw. The dog's ears dropped, one hand still in her pants, the other holding her against the dildo suction cupped to the wall.


Amethyst knew Helga didn't actually have a lock to the dungeon. The hog explained to her that she didn't need one. It wasn't worth hiding to anyone that visited, and the idea of locking a sub down there at night made her skin crawl. So much that she shot down Amethyst's overnight dungeon idea before she even finished the sentence.

So when Rebecca sent her text of checking the basement, Amethyst found herself using her one favor to get out of her shift today to race back home. She knew she'd never make it in time to stop the terrier from noticing. But maybe, just maybe, she'd be able to explain to the terrified girl that she and Helga weren't some pair of psychotic deviants who locked people in their dungeon.

Or something. She didn't know how to explain kink to vanilla people.

After seeing Rebecca fellate a knotted dildo while wearing her old collar and a pair of cuffs, Amethyst couldn't help but feel some sigh of relief that she didn't need to explain that much. It didn't negate the utter shock she felt catching her guest playing with herself in her Mama's dungeon, but she doubted anything would do that.

"Rebecca?" she uttered out, boots hitting the wooden steps as she reached the floor. The terrier looked at it like she'd been caught in headlights, wide-eyed and blank as the vole inched closer, "What the hell-"

The terrier backed away, "I'm sorry," she said, huddling into a ball, "I didn't mean to. I was just looking for boardgames and I saw this stuff. I wanted to find a game, but the more I searched the more I found all these toysandonethingledtoanothersopleasedon'thatemeIcan-"

Amethyst wrapped her arms around the terrier, "I'm not mad," she whispered, trying to rock with the balled up pitbull, "I'm not mad. It's ok."

Sniffles escaped the girl as she looked up to her, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean,"

"Shh," Amethyst kept her close, letting the terrier break her balled up state and wrap her arms around the vole's waist, "You're not in trouble."

Rebecca didn't say anything for the next half hour, letting her tears flow into Amethyst's barista uniform as the vole brushed through her hair and told her everything was ok. In truth, Amethyst didn't know what else to do. She had found someone who had a crush on her playing with her old toys. Though she had a feeling Rebecca didn't know that she was wearing the vole's old play collar. But she knew she had to do something, even if that meant just holding her until a better adult could arrive.

"I...I should probably clean this up," the terrier said under her breath.

"You don't have to. I can clean it up," Amethyst reached for the cuffs only for Rebecca to push her away.

"N-no. I should do it. I made the mess."

"Ok, but it seems like you've been through a lot. Just let me-"

"Just let me be useful to you, mistress!" Rebecca covered her mouth as soon as she said it, blush pushing past her fur.

She wasn't the only one blushing, "D-did you just call me mistress?"

Rebecca's blush grew brighter as she nodded, "S-sorry. It just slipped. It's like calling a teacher mommy, you know?"

Amethyst didn't drop it, pointing to the dildo, "Were you imagining me when you were sucking that off?"

The terrier nodded again. Amethyst smiled, biting her lip as she imagined the athletic terrier sucking off her strap-on. Ever since their trip to Folsom, the vole had a few dominant fantasies she wanted to try. Helga offered to submit for them, and while they did go at it, Amethyst couldn't get herself in the mood. They were supposed to go to a party to find someone to try it, but Amethyst turned that down at the last minute to see Rebecca's fight.

She couldn't just dominate the terrier, could she? Avoiding the mental dangers of doing that to the scared girl, Amethyst couldn't help but feel like she'd be cheating on Helga if she did. At least, if it got sexual.

"Maybe...maybe you should clean this up," she said, holding Rebecca by her cuffs, "What else did you play with?" she asked, carrying a stricter tone as she stood up. The terrier pointed towards the boots near Helga's chair, "I..." she gulped, trying to hide her face in her arms.

Amethyst's grip didn't let her, "It's ok," she said, "You can tell me."

"I...I licked the boots. Picturing you in them." Rebecca confessed, closing her eyes as her blush pushed past her blue fur.

The vole giggled, "Well, I think I know what should be done," she said, clipping the two cuffs together, "In the closet, you'll find soap, a towel, and some shoe polish. I'll go get you a bucket of warm water. When I get back, I want you to clean everything you played with, understand?"

She smiled at the confusion held in Rebecca's brown eyes. If Amethyst wasn't Helga's personal bitch, she might have considered asking the dog out, maybe learning to dom with her. Cupping the cute puppy's face in her hands, she leaned in and asked, "Understand?"

"Y-yes!" she squeaked, ears perked high as Amethyst let go. Rebecca had more than enough supplies ready by the time Amethyst returned with a bucket of warm water. Leaving it at the base of the terrier's feet, she took a seat upon Helga's throne, crossed her legs, and watched as the pitbull gave the blue knotted dildo a sudsy handjob to get it nice and clean. She reached for her pussy through her pants whenever the dog couldn't see her, pawing at the belt blocking her pussy. Helga had watched Amethyst clean many times from this same spot, as well as demanding Amethyst clean her shoes or eat her out.

The vole could see why her Mama loved this chair. The view gave such an intense feeling of power wherever she looked. She couldn't see it before when Helga wore the mask. No, back then she was too worried about doing things right, dreading the judgment from a seasoned dom at her heels.

But Rebecca wasn't a dom or even a seasoned sub. She was just a cute subby puppy who saw Amethyst as a dominant. Far from the truth, but the vole wouldn't let a little white lie stop her from having some fun. So long as nobody got hurt.

She stopped rubbing against the belt once Rebecca turned to her, having finished drying the towel. With a curl of her finger, the vole beckoned the pup over only to hold her hand out as Rebecca stood.

"No. Come to me on your knees." She commanded with a soft tone, biting her lower lip as the terrier followed her demand and waddled across the mats. The girl bent over, shoe polish to rag, as she went to work on Helga's playroom boots. Amethyst saw herself doing the same as she'd done so many times with Helga watching above. Except she cleaned with her tongue, and Helga wore the boots.

"So, what can you tell me about your little fantasies?" she asked, frowning at the terrier's drooping ears. The vole ruffed through the girl's hair, "I'm not mad, just interested. Like," she pointed to the boots, "What were you thinking when you kissed these?"

Blood rushed to Amethyst's face as Rebecca shifted her gaze. The poor thing was so nervous. Like the vole used to be behind all her piercings and forced rebel attitude. She just wanted to pinch the sub puppy's cheeks and tell her it's ok as she forced her to face her. But she didn't want to force Rebecca to do anything. The girl could undo the front bindings with ease if she wanted, just like she could run out of the house.

No. Amethyst wanted Rebecca to give into her. To open up so she could hold her tight and cuddle the nervous dog. But that might be taking it too far. Amethyst belonged to Helga after all, and cuddling could be considered cheating.

"Y-you're sitting above me, like now," she gulped, "And degrading me, like calling me a mutt or maggot."

"Ohh, and why would I call a good girl like you a maggot?" she cooed, scratching through her ears.

"B-because I'm a bad girl. I'm lucky t-to be at your feet, cleaning your shoes."

"But these aren't my shoes," Amethyst said, leaning back into her chair as she brought her foot up and slowly tied her boot off, "I'm a tad bit smaller than these boots, wouldn't you think?"

The terrier nodded, lost in a trance as Amethyst brought her foot free from the boot, revealing the purple socks within. The vole licked her lips as she brought it to the dog's nose, "And you're not a bad girl. You're clearly sorry about what you did, right?"

"Yes," no stutter, no faint gasps as she let Amethyst's foot poke her nose, "I'm so sorry, Mis-"

"Shh," Amethyst pressed her socks against Rebecca's lips, letting the entire morning of standing build against the tips of her mouth, "It's ok. We all make mistakes. But if you really don't think cleaning is enough, you could give it a little kiss."

Wide eyes and small brown pupils stared back at Amethyst while her own heart nearly burst from her chest. Panting, the girl slowly opened her mouth to lick the tender soles of Amethyst's foot.

A familiar voice broke their trance of power, "The fuck is going on here?"

Amethyst and Rebecca both turned to the direction of the voice, finding Helga standing at the bottom of the stairs. Dust from her drywall job lingered from her chest, while her leather jacket stood strong against the soft lights of the dungeon. Amethyst's heart sank, expecting rage and betrayal across the older pig's face at the sight of her sub, her personal bitch, playing with someone else.

Instead, all she saw was confusion, and...was that a blush?

"Hi Mama," Amethyst chuckled nervously, "Is it your turn to take Rebecca out to lunch?"

Into the Pit Chapter 9: Showing the Ropes

Helga's foot bounced under the table at a rapid tempo, her legs crossed. The pig woman looked over at the vole and pitbull across from her, not angry but confused. Actually, a little angry, specifically at the vole but also at the dog. Given everything...

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Into the Pit Chapter 7: No Home

Helga had spent more time than she'd like in police stations. From minor vandalism as a latchkey kid in '80s looking for attention to actual crimes that she'd been lucky enough to not get heavy prison time for. And, despite her dislike of authority,...

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Into the Pit Chapter 6: Sins of the Father

The shot glass shivered in Terry's hands as he brought it to his lips. The cheap gin burned down his throat, nothing compared to the pain he knew would come tonight. The pitbull knew he bet too high in that last fight. In his defense, Becca's track...

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