Roadie Chapter 6: Knock First

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#7 of Roadie

A more direct continuation from chapter 5. This is a commission for SeleneNightfang, featuring their character Felix getting a special treat from his girlfriend.

Nestled against his girlfriend's chest, Felix hadn't felt safer on the bus before this moment. The anxiety devil screamed at him about how inappropriate he was being. How being on her lap like this made him look like a child in comparison to the amazonian shark. He didn't listen to it, drowning it out with Tiffany's heartbeat against his ears.

It didn't stop some people from staring, but less than he expected. At least nobody on the bus obviously pulled out their phone to snap a picture. Cradling her arm around his waist, Tiffany whispered, "You know you didn't have to pay for my bus fare."

"Seemed like the right thing to do," he whispered back, "And you said it yourself, this is a night to celebrate."

"So what? I can't pay my own fare cause I'm celebrating?" She asked, smiling wide at his modern chivalry.

He grinned, carrying confidence he didn't expect himself to have, "That's right. You're my queen tonight, and I'm treating you. I'm thinking about ordering a nice big pizza for the two of us."

"Does that make me your mommy, since you're my prince?" She asked with a giggle.

Rolling his eyes, Felix sighed, "Don't make this weird."

"Too late, cutie." She said, nipping the back of his head, "We're already weird. But so is everyone if you think about it."

He could feel her erection tenting her jeans and brushing against his baggy pants, in turn making his own cock twitch inside its cage. It'd been so long since he'd been let out, free of his barbs brushing against the walls and cranking his arousal too high. Biting his lips, a blush enveloped his pink furred face and his heart sped out. Tiffany didn't need to do much to make him putty in her hands. A simple touch robbed him of any confident swagger he possessed around her.

And, in truth, he loved that.

At their latest stop, a familiar rhino stepped onto the bus. He took one look at the back row, smiled, and hunkered on over to them. That smug gait of his made Felix want to sink into Tiffany's abs, away from the round rhino's sight. "This seat taken?" He asked, pointing to the seat across from them in the back. Tiffany shook her head before Felix could respond, her arms clasped strong around him.

They rode in silence. Minute after uncomfortable minute passed by between the three of them. The leopard tried to avert his gaze, but curiosity got the better of him as he peeked over to the rhino, seeing the man sneaking a glance back over to them.

"It's rude to stare," Tiffany said aloud, "Can we help you?"

The rhino blinked, blushing at the question, "Sorry, sorry. It's just...well, your girlfriend looks at pics of you a lot on the bus. And seeing you in person, well...I'll admit I'm a little curious to what makes people like you attractive."

Her grip tightened, "Oh really?" She asked, voice holding a hidden edge, "And why do you think my 'girlfriend' is attracted to me?"

Flustered, the rhino stuttered out a few half-formed excuses before Tiffany put her hand up, "Stop. God, no, that was rhetorical." She said, resting her chin against Felix's purple and pink headfur, " knew people in this city could be shitty, but you sir," She pointed to the rhino, "You just take the cake."

"Pardon?" He asked with his eyebrows quirked, "I'm just saying, it's-"

"None of your business." She said, "My 'boyfriend' sharing pics of me is one thing, something that I know my cutie wouldn't do like that," Tiffany hugged him closer at the cutie remark, "But you, sir, not only peeked over his shoulders while sitting next to him to see private pics I sent him. But you 'dare' ask him why we're attracted like it's any of your business?"

"I was just making small-" He blinked, "Wait, boyfriend?" He asked, staring down to Felix and making the cat wish even more than he could sink into his girlfriend.

"So ask about the weather or the news." Tiffany grit her sharp shark fangs over to the taller man, "But leave relationships out of it. And yes, boyfriend. Probably more of a man than you'll ever be."

The rhino leaned in, hands close to each other to reveal just how muscular he was under all that fat, "Listen here, ya dite, I'm not some straight jackass who gives a crap about his manhood to be compared by your boytoy. But talking about women, even ladies with cocks a smidge too big on average, is a natural thing. Especially between two people who have no attraction between each other. Like what I thought your tr-"

Tiffany pulled the stop request cord midsentence. With a lurch, the bus stopped and shook its inhabitants. "Come on, Felix," Tiffany said, picking him up without any difficulty, "I feel like walking."

He could hear the rhino mocking them when they exited. Stealing a glance from behind, Felix saw the fat bastard rave and rant, holding up a middle finger while they descended. Part of him wanted to run out and tackle him. Knuckles white, he wanted to take his claws and eviscerate that rhino for daring to insult the person he cared about. But even if he could break out of Tiffany's grip, and work up the courage to keep that flair going, the rhino would just trounce him.

In the end, they got off three blocks from his apartment, with Felix watching the bus drive off with that laughing rhino. Tiffany returned with two birds, then sighed, "Sorry...just..." Groaning, the shark kicked the pavement, "I'm just tired of meeting all these people that are like, 'Oh, you're dating a herm? Must be because she's got a big cock right?' or 'Every hole you could ever want.' As if that's all people see in people like me."

"I don't," Felix said, "Even though those parts are kind of true." Looking back in the direction of the bus, the leopard sighed, "Well, I'll probably have to start walking home now."

"Felix I didn't-"

"It's ok," He said, "It smelled like piss on there anyway."


While Felix knew his apartment was on the small side, but seeing Tiffany angle her head to get through the front lobby more had him readjusting his perceptions. Though it did explain why no big furs lived in the building.

"We've got a taller roof, I swear." He said pressing the elevator button and silently praying it'd actually work this time.

"I wasn't considering it," She said, standing by him as the doors opened, "Since I didn't think we'd be standing around all that much."

Smiling, he didn't bother to hide his blush as the two entered the elevator. Tiffany wrapped her arm around him, pulling him close after he pressed for his floor. "Now I get why you wear the 'boy' shirt." She said, cuddling the leopard close.

He nodded, "Doesn't always work...or ever really. People just assume I'm a girl making some weird statement."

"The pink fur probably doesn't help."

"Not my fault," Felix muttered, "It's natural."

"Really?" She asked, "Like one of your parents has pink fur? I thought you just dyed it," Tiffany brushed her hand along his backfur, "Like...really well."

He blinked, looking up to her befuddled expression, "Why would I dye my fur pink if I wanted people to not think I'm a girl?"

Those sharp chompers grinned wide, "Well, pink wasn't always an effeminate color. So I figured you were making a statement." Leaning in, she whispered, "Same thing with heels. And, if you want, I think you'd look great in some."

He didn't shudder at the thought, only chuckling as he nestled his head into her chest, "You got me in ladies' lingerie, at this rate you'll have me in a skirt when we go out."

"That's an idea," She mused aloud, pulling him with her on their way out of the elevator, "Maybe next time my band goes on tour you can ride along in a skirt. If you'd like, I can understand if you're against it being too girly."

Walking through the hallway, that image stuck with him. Traveling the country wearing girly clothes, all the better confuse people on his gender. It didn't bother him as much as he thought. At least, not with Tiffany in the picture. Despite their physical differences, she never treated him as lesser. And making her blush had become a pleasure for him, his own sense of pride coming every time she smiled with him.

Unlocking the door, he led the big shark into his small two-bedroom apartment, where she had to duck her head yet again to keep from hitting the frame. From the lack of Ein running up and excitedly barking up the amazonian shark, Felix figured the corgi must have been out. A small relief, given the need for privacy right now.

"It's certainly cleaner than my place," Tiffany said, giving Felix a healthy view of her ass as she strutted in, "Though, in my defense, Vicky just didn't clean last time."

"I cleaned up before I left," Felix said, "Nights at the club can be rough, so the last thing I want is to come home and be reminded of a dirty place. Plus Ein keeps his mess in his room."

"That your roommate?" She asked, smiling and leaning over him, "The one who's dildo you stole?"

Nodding the leopard did little to hide his blush and smile, "I did put it back...eventually."

"Eventually?" She asked, her hand tugging at his shirt collar, "Did my naughty boy play with it a little more after that phone call?"

His blush burned his face now, with a curling smile creeping across his face, "No...but I wanted to."

Her hot breath brushed over his ears, whispering, "And why didn't you?" Her body pressed him against the wall, pulling his face to hers, sharp fangs wide in a wicked smile.

"Cause it wasn't your cock," he whispered back. She answered with a heavy kiss, one hand undoing his pants to better fondle his imprisoned cock. Barbs brushed wild against its walls, her tongue wrestling his into submission. He fought back, playfully. If only to make her push harder against him.

Her blush was evident as she broke away, "Where's your room?" She demanded. He pointed down the hall, finding himself heaved over her shoulder and carried over. Her tail casually hit the walls in her haste, but he didn't mind. Not like she broke anything, outside of him tonight. The next he knew, the leopard bounced atop his bed, looking over to see Tiffany tossing her clothes to the side. He giggled, watching those heavenly breasts bounce with each movement, "So I guess we should order later?" Felix asked, tossing his own shirt to the side.

Naked save for the keys to his cage around her neck, the amazonian shark nodded, "I'm not real hungry, yet." She said. Crawling over to him, the bed creaked as her shadow covered him. That predatory smile made his spine tingle. If not for the cage, he'd be rock hard, but the sensitive barbs only added to his arousal.

Her eyes shifted, and her smile changed to something cuter, " that your parents?" She asked. He blinked, looking over with wide eyes to see the picture of his parents on the nightstand. Tiffany grabbed it before he could reach for it, "Wow, if your dad a cheshire? I don't think I've ever seen one. Oh and your mom's a snow leopard, that explains the pink fur."

Rolling his eyes, the leopard tried to grab the picture frame, "Can we not talk about my parents during sex? That's pretty much the biggest turn-off."

Tiffany pulled it out of his reach, "Hmm...ok," she said, laying it flat against the nightstand, "But if you call me 'Mommy' in the middle of this, I'm never letting it go."

Their tongues met again. Tiffany could crush him with her body. He felt her strong abs grinding against him, her pulsing erection rubbing against his stomach and the cold of the keys and its chain brushing against him. He surprised her with a kiss to her neck, trailing down to run his rough tongue against those heavy breasts. Her coos egged him on, with her hand holding him in place the more he suckled her nipples.

"Good boi," she whispered, slowly humping his body. Her pleasure, his vigor. Reaching between them, the leopard toyed with her cockhead, his pride slowly building.

"Someone's eager," She muses, pushing him down against the pillows and bedsheets. Nodding along, the leopard's ass quivered at the thought of her impaling him tonight. He tilted his head in confusion as she reached for the keys, dangling them above him, "I think tonight we're gonna try something a little...special."

His body shuddering, Felix peered down to his caged cock, feeling the barbs of his cock straining against their prison and bringing him almost draining arousal. Fear built up in him. Did she want to use his cock? Last time she unlocked him, he got a blowjob. That had been a welcome surprise, but this? Opening his mouth to speak, Tiffany stopped him with a finger.

"Shh, cutie." She whispered, leaning in to kiss him, "You've been such a good boi, it's only fair you get your treat." Tiffany kissed down through his neck and chest, teasing his nipples and belly button along the way to his crotch. Anxious moans escaped his lips, watching with excitement and dread as she started to kiss up his thighs in preparation. Hugging himself, the leopard wished he had restraints. Something to struggle against his nervous fidgets instead of forcing himself to keep still once that key slide into his cage lock. Amber eyes looked up to him, with a sexually charged smirk under them. One turn of the key and that little click ringing in his ears; If his cock could talk, it'd be screaming in joy.

Cage off, his cock stood free in half a second. The room temperature air basking against its sensitive head had him gasping for breath. "Someone's excited," Tiffany giggled, gripping his shaft tight with one hand and giving a short pump, much to his delighted terror.

"Of...Of course, I am..." he said, smiling, "Who wouldn't with-" Felix's speech had been cut off by the sudden grip of Tiffany's hands to his waist, pulling him down to the edge of the bed. "T-Tiff? What are you doing?" He asked.

Her smile never faded. Pulling his legs up, she pushed them back until he could wrap his arms around them, "Good, I was worried we needed to do more yoga before this."

"Before what?" He asked. Tiffany put herself over him, moving her cock and balls away to give him an open view of her vulva hovering over his cockhead. Even with proof right in front of him, he still couldn't believe what she was planning. "T-Tiff, you sure?" He asked, "I mean...I'm not very...well..."

"Girls don't care that much about size," Tiffany said, "And besides, I can't take anything big. Erectile tissue is weird."

"How's that..." She didn't let him finish, resting a hand against his stomach and lowering herself on. He wanted this, his twitching cock said as much. But the closer she went, the more heat his head felt from her pussy, the more memories flooded back. "T-Tiff...I don't think..." He muttered out, his mind telling himself it's for her when in reality he knew all to well why the fear plagued him.

She stopped, a mere centimeter against away from him, "Felix...are you crying?"

Blinking, he felt it. The water in his eyes straining down and matting his cheekfur, "N-No...ok, yes. I don't think I can do this, a-and it's not you. It's me." He muttered, already hating the words before he said it. The confidence he'd built up shattered before he could be inside her, all because he knew too well what would happen. The devil on his shoulder laughed, reminding of all the times women walked away from him because of his stamina.

"Honey, what's wrong," Tiffany asked, her hand brushing away at his matted fur, "Baby, tell me." She pulled away, letting go and cuddling next to him, "I'm not going to think less of you if you don't want to fuck me."

"I do want to fuck you." He said, staring up to the ceiling if only to keep her away of his teary gaze, "It's just...I can't last long. I'm afraid that right when I go inside you, after maybe one thrust I'm going to cum. That's not fair to you, and it's not really fun for me either." The pink leopard explained, his own claws digging into his skin to punish his perceived weakness. Even if she made him comfortable with the girly clothes, he knew deep down he couldn't be a man if he couldn't please her.

Her hands brushed against his headfur, "Oh, cutie, it's ok." She whispered, that breath crawling down his neck, "I know how to fix that. I can give you the full manhood treatment."

"The full manhood treatment?" He asked.

Nodding along, Tiffany took Felix's discarded shirt and twisted it up into a rope. After rolling him over and tying his hands behind him, the shark crawled back down to his crotch and held his erection in her hand, "Now, you're going to cum. But we won't finish with that. Understand?" She asked. With a nod from him, she went to work, wrapping her tongue around his barbed cock as her fanged maw enveloped it. Fears of nicks and cuts had become an excitable edge whenever she gave him a blowjob. Any false move on his part could lead to disaster, giving her all the control.

Just how he liked it.

Being stuck in chastity for so long brought him to the edge faster than he expected. Felix came before he could warn her, filling her mouth with pent up seed. His head fell back, breathing heavily and holding back his frustration at blue...well he probably couldn't call it blue balling her since he denied her pussy.

Felix spoke up, "I'm sor-" But a heavy kiss from the shark stopped him. His seed still fresh on her lips, with her tongue shoving it down his own throat. Strong hands groped over his body, teasing his nipples, and pumping his softened cock. The swish sounds of his semen drenched over it reminding him of the lube she'd used so much with his ass.

"We're not done, cutie." She whispered. Stepping off the bed, Tiffany stood tall at its foot. Arms wide, she slowly gyrated her body, giving the leopard a full few of her assets. Her hardened abs, those round breasts, and that bouncing monster of a cock. "Like what you see?"

"I doubt I could ever say no." He answered, "Why the dancing?"

"What? It not getting you going?" She asked, "I could always ask your coworkers for advice sometime." Crawling back up to him, Tiffany cradled his head in her hands, "Of course, I think you're more accustomed to being touched than just watching."

She continued to grope and prod him, not a single crevice went untouched by the shark's strong hands. Felix couldn't have stopped her, even if his hands were freed. Back against the cushions again, she pushed his legs forward and chuckled at his burgeoning erection, "Ok, now you're ready."

"I think I've been ready, Tiff."

"Nah ah," She said, shaking her head while positioning herself over him, "Like you said, you were afraid you'd cum too quickly. I made sure to just, lighten the tank as it were."

"Lighten the tank?"

"Shh..." Tiffany hovered that final centimeter above his barbed head, "That's for pillow talk. Now it's time we celebrate." She pushed her vulva onto him, skewering herself on his rod. She was tight, far more than he'd expected of her. From her groaning, it looked like she overestimated something.

"Are you ok?" He asked, struggling to shift for her, "I can-"

She held him steady, "Don't," She commanded with a soft growl, "Just...never had barbs up there. Combined with your size, it's a...fuck," she gasped, "new feeling."

"My size?" He blinked, "Tiff, I'm average."

"Yeah, and like I said, erectile tissue is weird. If you were hung like me, you couldn't get very far in me if I was hard." Holding him tight, Tiffany pulled herself up his cock and pushed herself down again. Throwing his head back, Felix expected another strand of semen to burst from him.

It didn't. Wracked with pleasure, but confused, the leopard looked up to his girlfriend currently thrusting herself on his cock. Her boobs bouncing and cock bouncing with every push into her. The shark smiled down. He may be inside of her, but it was clear to him who was doing the fucking.

Her words were broken by small pleasured gasps, "Y-you like it?" She asked, biting her lip with each controlled thrust onto his cock. Felix nodded, trying his best to keep his focus through it all. How tight she was, with that wetness and heat coiled around his cock with each pump, he should have already came again. But he didn't, letting him get lost in the pleasure. He smiled with her moans, that shattered pride of his building up again. Sure, she was in full control, but his cock was giving her pleasure.

"I wish..." he said between gasps, "I wish my hands were free. Your cock seems lonely."

"And make a mess of your pretty fur?" She shook her head, "Nah ah, at least not outside of my place.

Even with Tiffany's trick, his stamina had to run out eventually. Hands tight in his bindings, Felix yelped. His seed streamed into the shark's pussy, stopping her thrusts while she let him convulse in pleasure. A messy pop echoed when Tiffany pulled herself off and the bed shifted as she took her place beside him, her cock nesting against his spine as she played big spoon.

"Looks like someone's enjoying themselves," She said, "I hope you're not too tired, cause I haven't cum yet."

Blushing, Felix shook his head, "I think I'll need a couple of minutes before you can use my cock again."

Tiffany chuckled, leaning in and whispering, "Nah. Your little buddy has cum twice tonight, and I'm not that interested in climax through my cunt."

Blinking, he turned his head to face her soft but predatory gaze, "Then...why use my cock at all? If you can't get any pleasure-"

"Oh I can get pleasure," She interrupted him with a finger to his lips, "I'm still rock hard after all. I just generally prefer my cock in most cases."

His ears perked up and faced forward, "Then...why your pussy?"

"Well...I'm sure you've been wanting to fuck me," Tiffany nuzzled closer, pressing her lips against his neck to form a hickey, "But if you must know, back at the club I dozed off and had a dream. You were there, dressed in some sexy black gloves and thigh-highs, and eating me out. I don't let people in that close unless I trust them, so..." Her fingers teased his nipples, "I guess I wanted to show how much I trust you."

"So...this isn't an every time thing?"

"Do you want it to be?"

Felix looked up to the ceiling, utterly dumbfounded by the question. If he said yes, then would he be telling Tiffany he didn't like her cock more? But if he said no, wouldn't that be him insulting her entire point? Befuddled, he sighed, "I don't know how to answer that."

"It's ok," she whispered, her warm breath trailing down his neck, "I was just planning on making it a special thing anyway. You make the best faces when you're caged, and I haven't given you a dry orgasm yet." Tiffany leaned up, pulling Felix with her, "Now, I think it's time for my good boi to make his mistress cum."

He smiled, that little title making his tail curl in delight when she held him, "Of course, mistress. My ass is ready and willing."

"Cute, but not what I had in mind," She said, shifting up against the head of the bed and pulling him down to her crotch, "I really want you to work for it."

The mixed scent of his semen and her arousal of both organs had the pink leopard's hard cock grinding against the sheets. The salty taste of her sweat rolled down his rough tongue with every lick against her balls. Hands straining behind his back, Tiffany helped raise him to her cock, letting the leopard softly kiss her shaft throughout.

"Has anyone ever told you how good your tongue feels?" She asked, letting him rest at her cockhead, "Or maybe it's just me. Sharks are a bit rough, so we need a little extra stimulus."

Felix didn't answer, not with words anyway. Instead, he took a heavy whiff of her masculine scent and opened his mouth for her. If his hands were free, he'd have toyed with the shaft while his tongue teased her head, adding to those soft moans. But she didn't want that. Tiffany wanted him to work for it.

Her pre dripped down his throat. The further he went, the more he covered her warm and thick shaft in his saliva. Breathing through his nose, the leopard swallowed when he felt his gag reflex coming. A little internet research all for her. Tiffany's hand gripped him firmly, enough to edge him forward but not keep him there.

"Someone's been practicing," She cooed, "My naughty boi didn't steal one of his roommate's dildos again, did he?"

He bobbed up and down the shaft without answering. Letting her moans of pleasure break the line of questioning. There's no way the night could end with him giving her a blowjob, not with how hard he was, or how much his ass quivered.

"A-Almost..." Her hand tightened on reflex, "Almost there..." The shark pleaded. He wasn't going to break off. No, Felix would be giving Tiffany of a little taste of her own medicine, and it's not like she tasted that bad.

It all happened too fast. His ears twitched. The leopard heard the front door of his apartment open. Tiffany screamed, and her seed shot down his throat like a cannon. He pulled away in a panic, getting the white goo in his eyes and hair and toppling backward off the bed, right when Ein busted in.

"Hey, Felix, did you bring a guest cause we have a pol-" The corgi stopped, eyes wide and face red under his fur at what he must be seeing. That's all Felix could guess, from his one good eye and upsidedown perspective. Ein looked to Tiffany, currently stretched over the bed and reaching for Felix with what had to be sheer terror, then to his roommate. A small smile popped across his face, "So this is the lovely-"

"Can we have a little privacy!" Tiffany shouted, throwing a pillow at Ein, "Knock first!"

The corgi ducked, apologized, and closed the door behind him, leaving the two lovebirds alone. Felix found himself wrapped in Tiffany's arms, muffling apologies and checking his head for any bumps. The shock on Ein's face had been burned into his retina.

He laughed. Not a chuckle or giggle, just a full-blown deep gutted laugh that echoed across the room.

"Felix?" Tiffany asked, her voice increasingly worried, "Are you ok? Please don't tell me you hurt your head. Well, actually yes do tell me if you did so we can-"

"I'm fine..." He said, laughter dying down as he rested into her breasts, "It's just...funny is all."

"Funny?" She asked, wiping away her seed from his eye, "Honey, what is?"

"Well, let's just say that I gave Ein a taste of his own medicine. Maybe now he'll actually knock first."

Roadie Chapter 7: The Beach

As much as Felix hated to admit it, he'd gotten used to wearing the chastity cage everyday. Sure, the bristles on his cock brushed against its walls the wrong way, making him more mindful of how he walked and sat. But it wasn't the utter blue-balling...

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Into the Pit Chapter 9: Showing the Ropes

Helga's foot bounced under the table at a rapid tempo, her legs crossed. The pig woman looked over at the vole and pitbull across from her, not angry but confused. Actually, a little angry, specifically at the vole but also at the dog. Given everything...

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Down the Rabbit Hole

Oliver bit his lip as he waited in the corner of the coffee shop. The chocolate hare had only arrived ten minutes ago, but with the combination of excitement and anxiety, it felt like he'd been there for hours. He checked his phone rapidly, trying...

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