A Jewel In the Ruff: Chapter 1

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#1 of A Jewel In the Ruff

Had meant to post this earlier today, but something happened. Anyways, I'm back to a weekly posting story for productivity and such, this time telling a series with some new characters, and some familiar faces. If you've read Leather Ballad, you may remember Jewel as Amethyst's college roommate. You don't really need to read Ballad to understand her, but it doesn't hurt if you feel up to it.

I should make a note that this series won't have as many erotic moments as the others, focusing more on characters and situations. It's not entirely without 'plot' but it wasn't my main focus when writing it.

If that doesn't turn you away, then I hope you enjoy my fourth series, "A Jewel In the Ruff."

Jewel cringed as she read the latest message on her Cuffspace profile.

'Hey hot stuf. Wanna bang? Those thicc thighs of urs would look great wrapped round my legs while I'm pounding u hard and loose'

There was more, but the badger deleted it before daring to embarrass herself further. How could Amy stand these people? The rainbow-haired badger rolled her eyes and fell back into her bed, staring up at the ceiling of her college dorm. It had been a year since Amy stormed out of her life, a year of avoiding her on campus and praying she wouldn't have the same classes in the next semester. And despite the whole three hundred and sixty-five days to get over it, Jewel couldn't seem to get it out of her head. The bloodied nose had long since healed, but the memory of her former best friend brought a numb throbbing to it.

She had tried to discover what made Amy so into this stuff. At first, it was a vain attempt to win her back from that older dyke. If she could be dominant enough, the badger figured maybe she could just fully confess to Amy and things would get better. Jewel soon realized how childish and inept that idea was, feeling more like a bad romantic anime plot than reality. But by then she'd been hooked on BDSM. Not for any actual enjoyment, but with a fascination of why others did.

Normally, when people are in pain or insulted, they fight back. They defend themselves against things naturally bad to them. That's just nature, something Jewel could understand when she got right down to it. But this BDSM stuff seemed to just remove that. From numerous pictures and videos she'd seen, people seemed to enjoy being beaten and abused sexually. At first she assumed it was all due to the bad acting so common in porn, so she tried to avoid things from studios such as FloggedAss or WiredCunt. But in the amateur sections, the reactions, while more realistic, were overall more positive. She'd even see a doe thank her 'daddy' for pissing down her throat, all with a smile and barely a suppressed giggle.

Jewel was no stranger to the popular tsundere trope in anime, it wasn't something she really understood. If they reversed the genders in almost any pairing, it would be portrayed as horribly abusive rather than for laughs. But in all her 'research' through porn and forums, people loved it. They had fantasies about being taken roughly, even so far as to lose control of their entire life. She wasn't a stranger to fiction, having her own hopes of being taken away by some strong prince or loving maiden. But to lose control like that, to someone that is basically torturing you? It made the badger shiver.

Was that how she should have treated Amy back in high school? Be a total bitch and bully her? She shook her head, that couldn't have been the right thing to get her attention. Looking back, however, she remembered all the times she tried being nice. Tried being the friend who was there for when Amy was struggling with her grades. And what did that get her? A friend who was so lost in her own stress that she never even noticed the hand outstretched for her. Jewel wasn't sure if she should be angry at Amy or herself. Amy could have reached out, but she should have been more forward. Maybe then she wouldn't be licking some older dyke's cunt while being abused because some fucked up part of her liked it.

Sighing, she rubbed her nose in the hopes to soothe the phantom pain and opened up her word document. Aside from her name, the date she opened it, the class it was for, and the title:'BDSM: The reasoning behind how people find joy in embracing pain', Jewel had written nothing on her research paper. It had been a week since she started it, convincing her professor was surprisingly easy despite the research topic. She had a full semester to work on it, a week of which she spent wallowing in her single bed college dorm in the darkness looking at porn, anime, or hentai, in the hopes to get some idea of what to write. Maybe she needed a different topic? This one was too personal to focus on.

She opened up her incognito tab in YiffHub, maybe this time she'd find something that would make sense to her. Scrolling through several videos, a new one caught her eye. A hyena boy, most likely her age and wearing a mask, had his arms handcuffed to the head of the bed. His legs were free and his body was naked save for the mask, the leather collar, and the metallic device over his cock called a chastity cage. His chest rose and deflated steadily, eyes hidden behind the mask while his body twitched in anticipation. Jewel heard her own breath deepen as she sank her hand below her panties.

"Who's a good boy?" A lioness asked as she stepped into the camera's view. Like the hyena, she wore a mask and nothing else except for the key hanging from her neck. Not even bothering with the leather or latex outfits of other dommes Jewel had seen. She swayed her toned ass while crawling up the bed, her tail flowing freely as she slowly dragged a claw up the quivering yeen's stomach.

"I-I am, Mistress?" he asked, anxiety building with each breath.

Smiling, the Lion leaned in and audibly whispered, "Yes, you're such a good boy." Grabbing his cage, the hyena moaned while his balls were cupped, "Does my good boy want to cum?"

"Yes!" he gasped, nodding rapidly, "Yes, Mistress! I want to cum."

"Oh? Excited aren't we," she said, taking the key from her neck, "I don't know...I kind of like seeing you begging." Jewel rolled her eyes. Another sadist seeking to humiliate her sub. She didn't understand why people liked that. "But you have been the best boy, so you deserve a good treat," the lioness said in the video, crawling down to his crotch and pushing the key in, "Just a little turn, and your little friend gets his freedom."

The hyena's little friend wasn't little. An inch or more above average, his cock jutted to erection as soon as the cage pulled out. Jewel couldn't help but imagine that cock with her right now, throbbing in her hands as she pumped it like the lioness. His moans echoing through her ears, the taste of his meat on her tongue.

"Don't break now," the lioness giggled, her tongue slowly lathering the hyena's cock, "You haven't gotten your reward yet."

"I...yes, Mistress." he mewled. The way he struggled at how she tormented him, it clicked something in Jewel's mind. Too many videos had been about pain or rough sex. Heavy pounding to make the submissive scream in some mixture of pleasure and pain, all while degrading them for the pleasure. But this, this was different. Despite being at her mercy, her torture was pleasurable and her words were warm. Was this really S&M?

The lioness straddled herself above him, "Are you ready for your reward?" He nodded, taking a deep breath along with her as she slowly let gravity sink her pussy over his cock. Jewel copied the lioness biting her lip, furiously fingering herself at the display. The lioness started with a slow bounce, letting herself build pleasure as she used her toy. So many other dommes had used their slaves as meat dildos, but her face showed something different than the rest. Leaning against her slave, the lioness cupped his face and kissed him heavily, "Are you close, baby?"

He nodded, "Are you, Mistress?"

Jewel was, her other hand gripping the bed hard enough for her claws to cut into the sheets as she furiously fingered herself. "This is your reward, baby," the lioness said, "Don't hold back. You can make me cum later, my sweet prince."

He threw his head back when he came, those pleasurable cries sounding like sweet music to Jewel. She muffled her own screams as her dam broke, learning early that the walls of her dorms weren't thick enough for her screams. Jewel laid her head back, staring up to the ceiling as the video played in the background. The lioness had the yeen at her mercy, and yet she treated him so gently, like he was a fragile egg.

Could that be S&M?

Sighing, she checked her messages at Cuffspace again, more to clean her inbox than anything else. In her onslaught of messages, one caught her eye. From a user named, 'MissX'.

'Hello, Dear BESM,

I imagine you have many questions about this lifestyle, and, sadly, I don't think you'll find what you want here. Normally anyway. But not everyone on here is looking to just get into your pants. I'd love to meet with you for coffee and answer any questions you might have on the lifestyle. I can even bring my partner to answer questions on the other side. Feel free to respond anytime, we're always open.



Maybe it was the video she just watched, or maybe it was the way it was written, but Jewel found herself checking out MissX's profile. A blond mink in her mid 40's took up the center picture, dressed in the usual dominatrix attire, but smiling warmly. As though she was some kind motherly figure. Other pictures had a thin androgynous wolf wrapped in latex kneeling next to her or kissing her boots, but never with fear on his or her face, while the mink kept her warm smile. Biting her lip, Jewel started typing a reply. This might be what she needed for her paper.

And to understand Amy.

A Jewel In the Ruff: Chapter 2

"One iced mocha, lots of whip cream, and sprinkles, please," Jewel asked, hands tugging at the straps of her purse as she tried to subtly look around the room. Just one coffee and a meeting, that's all MissX wanted, the badger just needed to find the...

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