A Jewel In the Ruff: Chapter 2

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Jewel In the Ruff

The second chapter in this new little series, and introduces the other main players. Phyllis Brooks, and her slave, Alex.

Next chapter will be post next week around the same time. I hope you enjoy!

"One iced mocha, lots of whip cream, and sprinkles, please," Jewel asked, hands tugging at the straps of her purse as she tried to subtly look around the room. Just one coffee and a meeting, that's all MissX wanted, the badger just needed to find the mink with blonde hair and have a little conversation about what exactly BDSM was. No pressure, no worries. All she needed was that extra energy provided from a mix of caffeine and sugar so she didn't just decide to run out in a panic.

While not a very active coffee house, the rainbow-haired badger had noticed the calm serenity to it. Abstract art dotted not just the walls, but the tables, seats, even the very floor. With the beanbag chairs at several corner tables, it made the place seem more like a college coffee shop than the one on campus. A kind of place where one would see a stereotypical hipster, not that Jewel had anything against them. Hell, with her anime backpack, multicolored headfur, striped thigh socks, bright pink skirt, and blue and pink purse, she looked like one. The only thing keeping her out of the crowd was her college sweat jacket.

Seeing no sign of MissX, Jewel checked her Cuffspace profile through her phone to see a new message:

'Sorry, will be a little late. My pet spilled something and I'm making him clean it. He'll apologize for his mistake. Just find us a seat and wave to us when we arrive. Don't worry, we'll be rather obvious.'

Gulping, Jewel grabbed her frozen coffee and found herself a stall with a good view of the front door. The phrase, 'rather obvious' bounced around in her head several times. Was MissX going to walk up in full dominatrix gear with her sub crawling on the floor? Shuddering at the thought, the badger took a gulp from her mocha and watched. If such an occurrence happened, she'd be leaving with her face hidden behind the hood of her jacket.

Then she saw her. A brown-furred mink in her mid-forties with short and curly blonde headfur and dressed in a tan dress with a sunhat and sunglasses stepped into the store, her door held opened by an androgynous wolf in a leather jacket and jeans, who carried a beige leather purse and a leather collar around their neck. No doubt about it, she stood out and matched her picture. Judging by the mink's reaction to Jewel, the badger matched hers as well.

"Oh, you must be BESM," the mink said with a singsong tone, pulling her sunglasses and hat away. Jewel stood up to greet her, but the mink raised her hand, "Oh please, don't get up," she said, sitting down across from the badger, "I do apologize for being late, but as I explained in my message, Alex here made a mess. Isn't that right, Alex?"

"Yes, Mistress," the wolf said, sounding a little off in tone but not enough for Jewel to be bothered as the wolf stood in attention, holding the mink's purse before them.

"He's a sweet boy, but a bit clumsy." she giggled, "Alex, go get me an iced, half-caff, ristretto, venti, 4-pump, sugar-free, cinnamon, dolce soy skinny latte, and something for yourself. I would like to chat with our newfound friend."

Leaving the purse next to the mink, the wolf bowed, "Yes, Mistress." and walked off to order. Jewel found herself staring at his butt while he walked off, sneaking a peek under his tail to notice how toned he was despite the odd physic.

"If you think that's attractive, wait until you see his cock," the mink giggled, giving out her hand to Jewel, "Phyllis, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"J-Jewel," the badger replied, taking the mink's hand, "And you weren't kidding about being obvious. You two really stand out in this kind of place."

"Well Alex would fit in, he's looking more like a punk rocker from the 80's. As for me, well I don't normally come here, but it's good to support local businesses every now and then. Plus they don't think twice about the collar. Some people think it's just a fashion statement, not understanding the real meaning." she said, giving a soft giggle as she leaned back into the wooden bench of the booth, "Now if you don't mind me asking, why the curiosity in the lifestyle?"

"Oh...well I'm writing a college paper on the subject and-"

"An academic paper?" Phyllis rested her arm against the table and held her chin, "Couldn't you find your answers through online sources? That's what most people do these days, cite academic and professional sources."

Jewel gulped, "Well...that's the thing. The sources I find the most useful are more personal blogs. They aren't academically sourced. And the academic ones...they aren't very..."

The older mink's smile caught her off guard, "Interesting?" she asked, "A bit of a slog to read through? Burdened by academic terms that really ruin any of the good stuff?"

"Something...something like that," the badger nodded, "I talked with my professor, and he said field research could be beneficial to my studies."

"And so you made an account online in the hopes of experiencing it? Your profile doesn't seem to align." Phyllis asked. The wolf returned with her coffee, letting her take it without a word and standing motionless at the edge of the table, arms behind his back and chest puffed. Sneaking a glance, Jewel believed she saw something off about Alex's chest, but the mink's words retained her attention, "It seems that online you were interested more in experiencing it then watching it in action."

"Well...yes," she said, blushing before taking another sip from her drink, "I figured that to really understand it, I should experience it as well. If only to make it authentic for my paper."

A soft, warm smile formed across Phyllis's lips, "Hmm..." she hummed, looking out the window, "It's a lovely day. Why don't we continue this conversation outside?" she asked, pulling out a leash from her handbag. Jewel gulped, watching with her heart beating in her ear as Phyllis casually stood up and locked the leash around the D-ring in Alex's collar, "Come along now, Jewel. We have much to discuss and so much daylight to enjoy."

Looking over the coffee shop, Jewel found no shortage of ears perking as Phyllis walked out with Alex in tow. Part of her wanted to bury her head into the table and say she wasn't with them, knowing full well that this had to be a mistake. But she buried that part down. Biting her lip, she pushed herself up and followed, pulling her hood over in some meager hope that no one would call her out if they saw her later.

The nearby park had a lot of cover from nearby trees, giving an ominous private feel the deeper they walked into it. A few jogger's heads turned when they saw the mink walking with her wolf, some even took a quick photo snap. Soon enough, they stopped coming, or Jewel had followed the exhibitionist duo into a more unoccupied path in the park.

"Alex, I could use a seat," Phyllis said, tossing her cup into a nearby trash can. The wolf walked behind her and set themselves on all fours. No grunt or complaint escaped Alex's lips as Phyllis took her seat across his bag, crossing her legs for extra measure, "So, Jewel, how are you liking the subject so far?"

"P-Pardon?" she asked, blinking as her face flushed.

With a tilt of her head, Phyllis smiled, "Well, you said you wanted real-world experience, and is that not what I just offered? I did take my slave for a public stroll after all, and now he's being a wonderful little chair for my tired legs." Curling a finger through the wolf's tailfur, she continued, "I imagine once I get home I'll be having him give a loving foot massage for my aching feet."

"B-but you never said-"

"Dear, I think it is obvious that I am interested in your little paper. The question is, are you really interested in experiencing it?" she asked, "Tell me, when the joggers stared at Alex, did it embarrass you?"

She nodded slowly, earning a smile from the mink, "Alex, were you embarrassed by the joggers?"

"Yes, Mistress." he said, forcing a deeper tone.

She patted his butt, "But why didn't you say anything?"

"Because you wished for it. And I knew I could deal with it."

Was that really all it took? Jewel blinked, trying to process the wolf's logic on the matter at hand. Phyllis's smile grew wider at her confusion, "Jewel, would you mind if I showed you how aroused Alex was?"

Every part of her told Jewel to scream 'yes' and just leave. That this mink and wolf were nuts. But she nodded anyway, biting her lower lip at the tent in the wolf's tight jeans as the mink sat him up, "Pull out your cock, little bitch," Phyllis teased, "Expose your arousal to the vanilla girl."

With his eyes closed, the wolf unzipped and pulled out his erect cock. Jewel had seen bigger in porn, but never in person. Once out, he put his hands behind his back, letting the large tool bounce out in the cool breeze between the two of them. Her face flushed the longer she looked at it, exposed to the elements, its very scent on the tip of her tongue.

"Balls too, Alex." Phyllis said, gripping his headfur tight and pulling it back, "We went over this. I suppose a punishment is in order," she turned her eyes to the badger, "You don't mind if I punish my slave for his silly mistake, do you?"

"N-No...not at all," she muttered, bracing her back against a tree as her legs weakened. Gulping, Alex pulled out his swelled but hanging balls from his pants. They were shaved clean of any hair, giving them a polished look as he stood up and faced his mistress, chest out and hands gripping themselves tight behind him.

Phyllis's kick hit as Jewel blinked. Alex bent over, but didn't fall nor whimper at the pain. Grabbing his headfur, the mink pulled his head back and smiled, "Alex, Alex, Alex. What did I tell you about your dick?"

"T-that," he gasped for air through the pain, "That my balls are a part of it."

"Mmhmm," she reached down and grabbed the testicles, slowly squeezing them as his mouth dropped, wordlessly screaming into the open air. "I told you to not forget these, because they are what defines you, Alex. Your cock and your balls are important to you. And not just because they hurt you," she said, inching closer to his face with each moment, "They also belong to me. So when I say to take your cock out, I mean take my cock out. And I want to see my balls hanging whenever I ask for my cock."

His erection didn't subside. Jewel watched it specifically throughout the painfully display. Was there something wrong with Alex that made him enjoy it? Or was there a confusing mix of triggers with how close Phyllis was to him. The badger's legs quivered, and her breath tightened up. She'd seen the cruel displays online countless times, very few of them actually arousing her. But here, in person, something clicked.

"Kneel," the mink ordered. He fell to his knees once she let go, back straight and chest puffed out, but turning his head away from Jewel. Phyllis pulled Jewel off the tree without so much as a question, getting behind her to whisper, "When a slave disobeys or fails to follow an order, they must be punished. But you can't be too hard. We want him to feel pain, not break him."

"I..." she gulped, "What are you-"

"Kick him, dear," she ordered softly, warm breath against the badger's ears, "Not too hard, boys are overly sensitive down there so a medium-strength kick can get it across."

Her leg twitched. This was wrong. Phyllis had no right to demand Jewel to kick her little masochist freak of nature. Despite this, she couldn't mouth out no or even try to shrug the mink off of her. The older woman's presence had her ensnared, making her raise her leg without even realizing it, and swinging down while staring deep into Alex's blue eyes. The pupils dilated on impact, the shock pulsing through his body. He didn't fall, but the pain on his face told her that he would if not for harsh training.

"Good girl," Phyllis whispered, "And good boy, taking that hit from a stranger," she cooed, kneeling down to pet the black headfur of the grey wolf. Jewel's chest burned at the display, flush coming to her face at the realization that she hit him there. The erection still stood strong despite the pain, or maybe because of it. Was this what Amethyst liked? She had to know.

"Jewel, do you think he's been a good boy for taking such a punishment?" Phyllis asked, reaching around behind him, "Cause personally, I think he could use another punishment."


Phyllis smiled, "Oh, I know," she reached around to grab his cock, "Alex, I want you to jack yourself off in front of our dear guest. But you're only to ruin yourself, understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," he whined, grabbing his shaft and pumping it without question, or without Jewel's consent. She still stayed, mesmerized but the submissive display before her.

"This, my dear college girl, is a slave," Phyllis whispered behind her, having snuck there while she was distracted, "They care not for themselves, only to make their betters happy."

Is that what Amy wanted? To make that dyke happy? Her fists clenched, imagining her ex-best friend kneeling before that old pig with a pitiful smile across her face, frantically fingering herself because the bitch told her to. How could that make her happy? She tried to imagine the vole crying or being disgusted, but she couldn't. Only a ridiculous smile across her face as she debased herself before her. Like a pathetic broken slave.

Alex didn't smile. There was a flush across his face, but she saw some sorrow in him. He winced, letting go and letting his seed slowly dribble out from his cock like a closed faucet. "Good boy," Phyllis laughed, patting his headfur before turning to Jewel and handing her a card, "I would be happy to have you interview us further, so long as you respect my authority in my walls. And maybe," she whispered, thrusting the card into the badger's paw, "we can have you actually experience it. Your call, Jewel."

A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 3

At a glance, Phyllis's house didn't seem all that special. A two-story yellow ranch style home with a driveway that segmented into two parts: one that led to the garage on the side, the other curving in the front. The badger parked her hand-me-down...

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A Jewel In the Ruff: Chapter 1

Jewel cringed as she read the latest message on her Cuffspace profile. _'Hey hot stuf. Wanna bang? Those thicc thighs of urs would look great wrapped round my legs while I'm pounding u hard and loose'_ There was more, but the badger deleted it...

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The Bully Hunter and the Brat

The neon green dye was about the only good thing Sandra had going for her today. The short chubby mouse sighed, walking through the school halls and toying with her newly dyed hair, contemplating on how much time she'll be wasting studying for her trig...

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