B Team: Getting Sidetracked (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissions

You know how there's always that one person in your RPG group who isn't fully paying attention? The B-Team has two of those with their three members.

A commission for keroro623 featuring his characters in the B-Team: Bahralpha the kobold in charge, Barnabas the dwarf himbo, and Blenafee the goblin trap. Enjoy!

For all the epic tales of adventure Barnabas had read, they were very brief on the concept of information gathering. Sure, there were many a dark tavern with hooded figures offering to foreshadow the adventure's hooks in those tales, but those usually spanned a few paragraphs to a chapter at best. Easy to read through if the story were gripping enough. Unlike his current predicament, being in the dark corner of a tavern and trying to listen in to a conversation being held by a few shadowy figures.

Trying may have been an exaggeration on his part. The dwarf ran a finger across the rim of his empty mug, staring blankly into the crowd while his kobold compatriot, and if he was being honest, boss, tried to listen over the sounds of so many conversations.

"I'm only getting every third or fourth word," Bahralpha muttered. The white scaled kobold had gone over the plan enough times that even Barnabas could remember the finer points. The group they were tracking belonged to some sort of cult or guild, the dwarf wasn't sure. What he did know was that their home base had a map that Bahralpha wanted, one where the exact location wasn't properly known, so a simple break-in would do no good.

"Another beer, sir?" A goblin barmaid asked, bashing their eyelashes seductively in Barnabas's direction. The dwarf smiled, still amazed at how well Blenafee fitted his disguises. His group's goblin could draw the ire of any woman with the faintest amount of effort into his incognito roles. Even with being flat as a board, the brown bustier of the establishments uniform caught many an eye. But Barnabas knew they wasted their time. Why focus on the chest, when the boy's legs were but to die for? Especially in that short skirt.

"Oh, but of course, my dea-"

"There you are!" Bahralpha quietly shouted, grabbing the goblin boy by his shoulder. Barnabas grabbed the singular mug of beer from his serving tray before it fell, taking a long swig to help lighten his mood. Not that human brew could very well do that. This had to be his...third? He nodded, third beer. "Did you hear what they had to say? What are their plans? Who is going where? When do they break for tonight?"

Blenafee blinked, "I...well...I haven't been to their table yet."

Bahralpha's face grew whiter than what Barnabas was used to, leading to the dwarf to scoot deeper into his seat and avoid the outrage. She uttered a single word, her voice barely holding itself together, "What."

"Well, we're pretty packed tonight, so John, the tavern owner, has had me running around all the tables, offering drinks to whoever is running low. I'm actually on Barney's fourth mug right now."

"Who cares about the tavern?!" The kobold growled, "Tonight we're supposed to be spying on those three guys," Grabbing his face with both hands, she pointed the goblin in the direction of the hooded figures, "Those three. Mr. Tall, Mr. Dark. And Mr. Inconspicuous, all wearing their hoods indoors like it's not at all suspicious."

"Yeah, I know...but the Tavern owner is really busy and I'm working really hard."

"Blenafee!" Bahralpha whispered, "I appreciate your focus on the craft, but keep your mind on the mission. Please." She let go of him, "Don't come back to this table until you have something on them."

The goblin nodded, "R-right. Do you need any bread-"

Staring right into his eyes, Bahralpha dragged her claws across the table. With a subtle yelp, he pushed back through the crowd and into the kitchen. "Don't," she ordered, pointing a claw at the dwarf, stopping him before he could even speak, "I know I'm being hard. But this job could be a big one. I'll make it up to him later."

With a shrug, Barnabas took another swig from his mug, "I don't know. I think he likes it when you're hard on him." He said, eyeing the goblin boy through the crowds now carrying a fresh platter of frothy pints.

The kobold sighed, "That why he insists on pushing me?"

"He's not really pushing. You're just stressed. This job has you really tense, even I can see it."

"Of course it has me tense. That map can lead to a very expansive treasure hoard. That's a very good step to accomplishing my goal."

"You mean our goal?" Barnabas asked, finding his mug empty, "We are a team after all."

Rolling her eyes, the kobold leaned back, "Of course it's our goal, Barney. I shorthand it to be my goal because you and Blenafee are my boys, my personal harem. Anything I get is going to involve you two. Even if I have to drag you both kicking and screaming along the way."

He smiled. Bahralpha wasn't the best with words, but he knew how she felt behind that kobold worldview. "Just grab a couple of leashes and you'll be the only one kicking." The dwarf chuckled, stepping up from his chair, "You could also solve the screaming problem with a couple of gags."

"Where are you going?" She asked, furrowing her brow, "I need another pair of ears for this."

"Well I can't listen very well if I need to tinkle, now can I?" Barnabas surmised, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon with another frothy mug of beer to help ya spy."

"Wouldn't that be your fifth?" She asked, clearly keeping better count than the goblin. Barnabas held up four fingers, not wanting her to think he needed to be cut off. He'd need at least twenty pints of this human ale to even feel tipsy. Thanks to his height, shifting through the crowds of humans was an easy enough task to do without getting spotted. Finding the true reason for leaving the table was less so until he started looking for the short and fine green legs of his associate. Catching a glance of his favorite goblin boy heading to the kitchen yet again, he weaved through the tables and reached for a handful of goblin ass.

"I really like the dress, if you hadn't noticed," Barnabas whispered.

Blenafee giggled. Only one person in this tavern could reach for his ass, so he had no worry of being molested by some stranger. "Shouldn't you be with Bahralpha?"

"Bah...Ba..." Barnabas twisted his tongue, "Betty is better off listening in without me. Pretty sure I slurp too loudly for her. How about you and me head to the bathroom for a little fun? Waiting tables has got to be boring."

"It has its moments," The goblin said, leaning into the barrel-chested dwarf, "You meet plenty of interesting characters, and I'll admit I enjoy the perplexed expression I get from some when they realize I might not be a girl. But I could use a little more fun at the moment. And the owner did tell me to head to break."

Licking his lips, Barnabas turned his goblin lover around and kissed him. "Excellent," he whispered, pulling away and grabbing his hand, "Let's get those legs some much needed rest."

Despite the busy night in the tavern, its washroom was empty of any real distractions or discerning eyes. Perfect for Barnabas and Blenafee, as they sneaked their way into the wooden stalls, with the goblin lovingly stroking the dwarf's magnificent and braided beard throughout the way.

Being the short bear that he was, Barnabas never overpowered his goblin lover. When their lips met behind the wooden door, he gently caressed his companion. Hand reaching down to undo Blenafee's uniform stitch by stitch.

"No," The goblin said, grabbing Barnabas's hand, "Let's keep it on, Barney."

His erection growing, the dwarf kissed hard as he ground his crotch against the goblins'. Their rods kept apart only by the fabrics they wore, teasing each other more and more as their tongues danced in each other's mouths. Barnabas broke away, his mouth crawling down the goblin's body, delivering kisses across Blenafee's neck, chest through his clothes, and finally his legs. Those lovely supple legs. The dwarf took his sweet time with those. Spending a good couple of seconds with each saliva filled embrace of the green-skinned thigh and below.

Blenafee moaned playfully, propping himself up against the toilet so Barnabas could get a better angle. "You really do love my legs, don't you?"

"How could I not?" the dwarf said, pulling off the leather heeled flats from the goblin's no doubt aching feet, "They're just so soft and nimble." He ran his tongue between Blenafee's toes, each slow lick earning another pleasured moan from the goblin boy. A lesser man may have fucked his lover right now, letting those moans drive them to the edge of sanity.

But Barnabas wanted to enjoy himself first. To get Blenafee nice and aroused so he could fully partake in pleasuring his back hole. After playing with the final pinky, his restraint finally broke and he pulled his pants down, letting his fat cock bounce in the open air. Blenafee saw it coming, twisting around and giving his lover a good view of his ass. One made better when Barnabas lifted the short skirt and pulled off his panties with his teeth, revealing that pert little goblin hole that wouldn't stay little for much longer. The goblin's rod dripped pre gently into the waters below them.

"You're not gonna make me beg now, are you Barney?" Blenafee asked, giving a coy smirk. Barnabas could, and he knew Blenafee would love it. He was the most submissive of their little trio. But the dwarf was a gentleman, never one to make a lover plead for what they deserved. After a soft lick across the goblin's pucker, he brought his cockhead against it. Both hands holding those hips tight, he whispered, "Let's try to be a little quiet. The tavern isn't that-"

Someone kicked the door open behind them. The sudden shock had Barnabas plunge his cock balls deep into Blenafee, causing the goblin to utter a silent scream in surprise. "Are you both serious right now?!" Bahrapha shouted. Both Barnabas and Blenafee turned their heads, seeing their kobold companion staring at them with frustrated eyes and crossed arms. "Boys, we have a job. One that I need your help on. Do you both really need to fuck on the job?"

Barnabas, now balls deep into his lover, only shrugged, "I mean...can you blame me? You saw how cute he was in the outfit."

Bahralpha was not amused. Arms crossed, she tapped her claws against the floor, "Well, our targets left. So we're going to need to try again tomorrow. As for you two," grabbing the dwarf by his beard, she pulled him down to her eye level and muttered, "We're going home to deal with this little fuck up."


The kobold found herself wondering if she was too soft on her boys. Sure she loved them, and they could pull through in a pinch. But Bahralpha would have preferred the pinch not be necessary. The white scaled kobold sighed, pulling on her black latex gloves before giving herself one final look in the mirror. Along with the gloves, she wore a shiny black latex corset with an opening for her pussy, and latex legging with holes for her taloned feet to exit out of. While she didn't need these clothes to feel powerful, they certainly helped paint the image she craved. Especially when it came to playing in their dungeon at the home base.

Satisfied, she stepped down the stone steps and into their little playspace. An old family home that Barnabas had, with a dungeon once used for more unsavory things, now converted into a space adorned with less lethal and more deliciously tortuous items. Whips, paddles, and other toys assorted the walls, and the cells held long term bondage implements that she'd only use if she was really bored. Not that she'd abandon her boys down here. They were hers, and she took good care of her property.

Blenafee had his arms and legs cuffed behind him, forced to kneel against a floormat. An enchanted plug had been buried in the cute green goblin's ass, while he kneeled there naked save for a leather collar and a metal chastity cage. One whose lock he couldn't pick even if his hands were free. Then again, he was never the best lockpicker. With but a flick of her clawed fingers, his plug buzzed inside him, "Just gonna let you stay like that for a bit." She cooed.

Barnabas said nothing, not that he could with the gag shoved into his mouth. She had the dwarf bound standing, with his hands bound up by wooden stocks around his neck, leaving his hairy body exposed and legs spread apart by a wooden beam. The kobold never understood just how hairy apes got. Though there was a certain charm to Barnabas's scruffy look; plenty of things to grab and pull.

Grabbing a riding crop hanging from the wall, she strutted over and tapped his cock, "What am I to do with you?" She pondered aloud. Stepping around him, she pulled her arm back and swung down, cracking that crop across those hairy cheeks. "I ask you to listen in with me on an important job, and you go ahead and fuck Blenafee while he's undercover." She struck again, earning a gagged muffle from the dwarf, "I mean, it's not like you both don't fuck all the time. Can't keep it in your pants for a least eight hours?"

Pained but excited grunts escaped Barnabas's lips. She couldn't blame him, both her boys were masochists to her touch after all. Still, this was meant to be a punishment for them. Not funishment. Propping his fat erect cock up with her crop, an idea formed. "Well, since you can't seem to keep it in your pants, I think I should properly punish it for being so impatient, shouldn't I?" She cooed. Balling her foot, she pulled back and kicked between his legs. The dwarf squealed in his gag, legs wobbling but refusing to fall or close his legs. The kobold smiled, she was lucky to have such a resilient boy.

She kicked, again and again, each strike not enough to cause serious damage, but she knew that those tender little orbs mammals had didn't need much to hurt. When she grew bored with that, she simply kneeled down and manhandled the fleshy bits. Flicking and squeezing the dwarf's balls and suppressing a giggle at his gagged protests. Not like he tried using her safety command anyway. Besides, his cock had grown harder than dwarven stone thanks to her punishment. Or maybe it was how Blenafee looked on with lust.

"Does my little green slut want a mouthful of dwarven cock?" She mused, taking Barnabas's cock in one hand before pushing him to his back. Blenafee nodded. "Aww...and why should my precious little goblin have dwarf dick? You're just as responsible for the lack of self-control."

The goblin gulped, "I..." he tried to speak, but the vibrations in his ass made him moan and pant between sentences, "I'm sorry, Mistress. Barnabas is just-"

"Ah, ah, ah," Bahralpha said, waggling her finger, "I don't want excuses. I want to know that you feel sorry for what you did. And, like what humans do to their brats they find stealing cookies, I see no better punishment," She stepped atop of Barnabas, spreading her lower lips over his rod, "Then to eat said cookies in front of them."

She plunged carefully down Barnabas' thick cock, letting it slowly spread her insides. Not the first time she had the dwarf fuck her, but she hadn't fucked him enough to get as used to it as her dear goblin boy. "Get to work!" She shouted, slapping Barnabas's hips. The dwarf pistoned into her, building up pleasure as he spread her apart with each thrust. Bahralpha grabbed hanging chains, keeping herself steady with the increasing speed.

Her goblin's face made it almost perfect. The hanging tongue of lustful desire, the way his cage shook and dripped pre-cum. If his arms were free, she knew he'd be pawing at that bound thing, hoping to get the slightest sensation as she got fucked by their meaty lover.

With a gag biting grunt, Barnabas came into her womb. "Gods damn it." Bahralpha muttered, "I didn't say you could cum. I figured you'd have more stamina, it's only been..." she paused, trying to pinpoint how long she'd been down here. The lack of windows didn't help. "Fuck...Ok, I guess you're done for now." She said, pulling herself off and stepping over to the parched goblin. Spreading her lips, the dwarf's thick seed dripped onto his tongue, "Get to work." She ordered.

Like a ravenous dog, Blenafee ate her out. His tongue digging deep and scooping out Barnabas's leftovers within her while she petted his head with affection. Those pets soon became tight holds with each step closer to orgasm, until finally, she came over his tongue. Her and Barnabas's juices mixed and spilled over the goblin's face, painting him like the adorable little slut he was.

But he didn't get to cum. Not until after their mission was complete.


"Ok, this feels really uncomfortable." Barnabas complained, scratching his crotch where Bahralpha locked his cock in a new cage, "Seriously, how do you wear this?"

The goblin smiled, "Being hairless down there helps," he said, handing a mug of coffee to the dwarf, "She did offer to shave you before you put it on."

"The only person who touches a dwarf's hair for trimming is that dwarf or a trusted barber. And I don't trust myself to not knick something important." He muttered, taking a sip from the mug.

Bahralpha yawned as she entered the living room, scratching her backscales through her nightgown, "Quit your complaining," She growled in her tired voice, "If anything, this should motivate you to pay attention in the job. The sooner we get the map, the sooner you get unlocked."

With a smile, Blenafee curtsied in his maid outfit to his kobold mistress before pouring her a cup of morning brew. She kissed his cheek, "Thank you, dear."

"Sleep well, Mistress?"

"Better than Barney." She chuckled, taking a seat across from the dwarf, "You?"

"Oh, I had a wonderful dream about getting railed by-"

Bahralpha raised her hand, "I get it, you're still horny from last night. Can we just get the job done first? I'll personally make sure you cum like a fountain afterward."

The goblin smiled and nodded his head, "But of course, Mistress." With a turn of his head, he gave a tiny wink to Barnabas, who returned it in kind, "So, what's the next step?"

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