B Team: Northern Ventures, Naughty Gains (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions

Another mission for the B Team, another moment for Barnabas to be a bit bored. But sometimes boring jobs have their perks, like good rewards.

Another commission for keroro623 featuring his OCs. I hope you enjoy!

The winter chill didn't bother Barnabas. Not because he was a dwarf, a fact too many people assumed made him resistant to the icy chill of mountain peaks. Humans, or well, most people, never really considered how warm it was inside the mountains, or if he was even from the mountains themselves. But in either case, the chill didn't bother the dwarf thanks to his comfy jacket.

What really bothered him was the tedium of waiting. They finally got the information they needed, requiring them to break into this countryside mansion. Since Blenafee was the stealthiest of the trio, Bahralpha had him infiltrate the place. Leaving poor Barnabas beside the kobold in the wagon, twiddling his thumbs and tapping the wood of their seat.

"Stop that." Bahralpha muttered, deep within the midst of her concentration. He could barely recognize her under all those jackets and blankets. Being cold-blooded did no favors for the kobold, with the wind souring her mood more than usual. Combined with the invisibility spell that she had to keep the focus on for Blenafee, and it was a recipe for an exceedingly boring watch.

"Sorry," He said, sighing as he leaned back to watch the night sky. In his youth, he remembered being taught about the various constellations that dotted above him, but he couldn't pin them out. "Do you think this is the tip of the Spear?" He asked Bahralpha, "I never could figure out where it was meant to point."

"Barney, I need to focus." She said, taking in a breath of icy air, "Please be quiet."

"It's just an invisibility spell, Betty. You've cast them before."

"Not in the freezing cold. And I'm trying to count down how long Blenafee has left till the spell runs out."

"Oh..." He said with a blink, "How long?"

"Maybe twenty minutes. Now would you kindly please kindly shut up so I can concentrate?" She asked with that razor-edged tongue. Taking the message, Barnabas stepped off the wagon. "Where are you going?" The kobold asked.

"Gonna stretch my legs. Been sitting around for too long."

"Barney, I need-"

Barnabas tossed his coat over her, "Now yer just a pile of clothes. I'll be back in a couple of minutes." He said with a smile, stepping throw the crunch of the snow to give himself a wee bit of distance. Not that he'd travel too far, just enough to stretch his legs after almost an hour of sitting his ass against cold wood.

For some mysterious cult, they sure picked a good spot. Densely wooded area with a mansion atop a hill, giving the inhabitants a view almost like birds. Watching their domain throughout all four seasons. Certainly an interesting place for Barnabas to stay in for a month or so if he wanted. Or return to after an adventure. But he had such a place already, and he didn't desire another. Truth be told, even that home was getting a little stuffy. Bahralpha and Blenafee's presence helped, but Barnabas figured it was time they really got out and saw the world again.

That's the only reason he didn't openly complain about being bored; This map would lead to something fun.

"Can I help you?"

Turning around, Barnabas found himself being greeted by a man in chainmail, covered by a tunic with an owl, the heraldic symbol of this estate. He carried a halberd and looked bored, chilly, and frustrated. The dwarf assumed the man was chilly anyway, hoping that the flush across his face wasn't due to any attraction. Not that he'd be against a flirt or two, but being in a relationship with Blenafee and Bahralpha made them awkward, and he hated crushing spirits.

"No, probably not." Barnabas said, rubbing his hands together as an icy wind whisked past them, "I'm just out for a walk. Stretching my legs and whatnot."

"Bit far for a walk," The guardsman asked, "Nearest town is a few miles away, and it's quite cold tonight. Even a dwarf would have problems in this weather."

Rolling his eyes, Barnabas did his best to ignore the stereotyping. Before he could properly answer, a wet crunch sounds around them. "Did you hear something?" Barnabas asked, peeking around the guard. Eyes blaring wide, he found two delicately small footprints in the snow behind him, and another being formed by an invisible foot making that loud squishy thud that only piles of snow could make when disturbed.

"No..." The guard turned, "I don't think I-"

Barnabas grabbed the man's tunic, "It must have been the wind. It's always howling at night, ya know? Course ya would, you work here after all." The dwarf spoke aloud, increasing his volume to drown out those snow-filled steps, "Tell me, sir, if that is your real name," He jested, nudging the man in his waist, "How'd you get a fine job like this?"

The man blinked, taking a small step back from the dwarf out of awkwardness than anything else, "Well I was a farmhand a few towns over, but joined a local merc company to get away from pulling weeds and wagons all day. I'll admit, I didn't expect myself to be standing in the cold at some rich noble's estate, but I feel it's better than being in some bloody war."

Nodding, Barnabas again peeked behind the guardsman's' legs to see the invisible Blenafee try and sneak past. Each step somehow growing louder. "Actually," The guard said, "I think I do hear something."

"Really?" Barnabas asked, taking a step to mimic the sound, "It's probably me. Snow is crunchy and all."

"No..." The guard turned around, "I'm pretty sure it's not coming from you. Almost like..."

As Barnabas reached to grab him yet again, he caught a glimmer of Blenafee's black leather spy suit fading back into vision. Of all the times the spell had to wear off, of course, it had to be now. Acting more than thinking, Barnabas spun the guard back to face him and swung his tightened fist between the man's legs. No amount of wearable chainmail could protect the man's privates well enough from the pain to stop him from keeling over, and with a breathless shriek, he did just that.

Racing past the crumbling man, Barnabas grabbed Blenafee and hauled him over his shoulder, "You couldn't just run past?"

"I was going to! But then I heard my footprints." Blenafee said. Hearing the guard scream behind them, Barnabas unceremoniously tossed the goblin into the wagon and climbed up to the reigns, whipping them across the horses. With a whinny, the horses pulled them through the snowy paths laid out before them.

"Did you get the-" Bahralpha's lines were cut short by the sudden turns, sending her tumbling against Blenafee into the side. Muttering a swear, the kobold's shivering limbs crawled up to the end of the wagon. Sticking her hand out, she uttered arcane words that Barnabas couldn't repeat without twisting his tongue. Peeking around, the dwarf saw a wall of ice form up behind them as they entered the wooded path, blocking off anything large from following.

"I r-really h-hate the c-c-cold." She said, nesting up against the goblin. Blenafee wrapped his arms around her blanket and coat covered form, no doubt adding his body heat to their mistress. Barnabas smiled, returning back to the task of driving the horses down the dark and icy roads until they were home free from pursuers.

After a half-hour between them and the mansion, Blenafee pulled out a piece of parchment, "I got the map." He said, smiling.

In a flash, Bahralpha grabbed it from his hands. "Good boy." She cooed, rolling it open to peruse through it, "You two did an excellent job all things considered. Barney here might have even made things better."

"Told ya stretching my legs was a good thing." Barnabas said.

"You didn't actually give that explanation," she corrected, "As for the map...is this in elvish?" The two boys blinked. Barnabas hadn't actually seen the map, so he couldn't confirm. Though he didn't know any elvish to confirm it with, and he wasn't sure if Blenafee knew any elf speak either.

Bahralpha rolled the map up, "It can't be..." she unrolled it, eyes widening again, "It is...it's in elvish. All elvish...but none of the cult members we followed were elves."

"I mean...just because you're an elf doesn't mean you know elvish." Barnabas chimed.

"Ok, but why would humans know elvish?!" She shouted, "For that matter, why would some cult of humans know elvish and have a map to some elvish hoard of treasure. Why is there even a map to an elvish hoard of treasure? Do elves even keep treasure hoards?"

"Why wouldn't they?" Blenafee asked, "I mean, everyone's got to keep something of value right?"

"For elves, it's probably a bunch of paintings and art." Barnabas said, "No doubt some crafted from expensive materials, but from what I know of elves, they tend to be more sentimental."

Sighing, Bahralpha laid against the floor, the map still in her clawed hands. Taking a deep breath, she muttered something in draconic and sat back up, "Ok, minor setback. All we need now is someone who can speak elvish. Just gonna need to send a message out next morning."

Barnabas nodded, "So are we just gonna rest up tonight when we get home?"

"Rest?" She laughed, "Oh no, boys. Tonight we're going to have a little fun before we rest. After all, you two did an excellent job, so it's only fair that I reward you."


Bahralpha was quick to get the boys set up when they got home. Not that Blenafee complained, stripping out of his leathers and going barefoot against the cold ground. Not a second passed before Barnabas swept the goblin off his feet and carried him in those strong and hairy arms, following Bahralpha dutifully to their bedroom.

"So, I can take the cage off, right?" The dwarf asked after putting Blenafee down against the soft silk covers. Jingling the lock against his cage, he pointed it towards their kobold mistress, "Can't really enjoy him if I'm locked up."

"Oh, I'm sure you can." Bahralpha snickered, toying with the keys to their cages hanging around her neck, "But I think you should enjoy some prep work first while I get ready. Go ahead and have some fun."

Watching her tail sway back and forth as she walked off, Blenafee hardly noticed Barnabas crawling up the bed. With a silent nod and warm smile, the dwarf bowed his head to the goblins' nethers and laid his lips down his supple down. He bit his lip as Barnabas trailed down his leg, kissing him at every inch until he reached those dainty toes. The beard tickled Blenafee's inner thigh, enough to make the goblin forcibly suppress his laughter.

Then Barnabas licked between his toes. Small giggles combined with pleasured moans escaped his lips, ricocheting off the stone walls of their home. "You've always been a bit ticklish, haven't ya?" The dwarf cooed.

"I can't help it." Blenafee answered, "That beard makes it hard to hold back."

"Well, I ain't shaving it."

Blenafee shook his head, "I wouldn't dare ask you to." Leaning back, the goblin took deep breaths with the return of Barnabas's tongue against his soles. This was the best way to end a mission, one filled with so much tiptoeing and icy touch that even the warmth of his boots did little for him. But the mere ecstasy of that wet and warm tongue made it all the worthwhile, enough to make him wish Bahralpha had unlocked his cage.

"Enjoying yourselves?" She asked. Blenafee looked over, seeing the white scaled Kobold dressed in her latex long socks, corset, and gloves, with both of their chastity keys hanging from her neck. He nodded, noting her smile while she hopped onto the bed and cradled his face, "Good. You did such a good job today, I figured we could really celebrate." In her left hand, she held a black strap-on, modeled after Barnabas's own cock, "So tell me, do you want Barney in the front or the back?"

Licking his lips, Blenafee found the answer as clear as day. Sure Barnabas was a gentle lover, but Bahralpha knew how to be as rough as he liked. That, and getting to actually taste the dwarf's cock was a pleasure in its own right. "In the front, Mistress."

She nodded, and with a flick of her wrist, Barnabas stopped. Pulling the keys from her neck, Bahralpha unlocked their cages, with Barnabas reaching to full mast first. With a swift spank to his tush, the kobold had Blenafee flip over to his hands and knees, with Barnabas kneeling before him.

"Not yet." She purred, pressing two lubed fingers against his asshole, "Just breathe it in for now. I want you nice and loose before you take it.

The goblin nodded, taking in the heavy aroma of salt and sweat from Barnabas's cock and balls. That powerful masculine form that dwarfed his own and had spread him so hard so often. His tongue lolled, he wanted a taste of that magnificent beast standing before him. Bahralpha's fingers pushed into him, teasing his prostate and spreading his pucker wide. "Such a lovely little anal slut." She cooed.

"Can't help it, Mistress." He whispered, "Not when I'm surrounded by all these examples."

She chuckled, slapping his butt again. Feeling her strap-on brace against his back hole, he waited for the moment she'd let him go for Barnabas. "Go ahead, make Barney happy." The kobold ordered. Without hesitation, Blenafee dug his nose between the dwarf's sweaty cock and balls, dragging his tongue along the shaft as Bahralpha's fake cock spread his asshole wide. Even with all his practice, that first push in always shocked him, no matter if it was Barnabas or Bahralpha.

One hand on the bed, the other against the dwarf's cock, he pressed his lips against that sensitive head and pushed down into it, far passed his defunct gag reflex to the very bottom. Barnabas smiled from above, easy to tell from experience despite all the hair blocking those lips of his. Bahralpha quickened her pace in his ass, pulling out halfway only to fuck him as deep as her strap-on could go. Barnabas's heavy hands fingered behind the goblin's pointed ears as Blenafee bobbed up and down his cock, with his green hands massaging those hanging fruits filled with a days' worth of seed.

"Such a greedy boi," The kobold purred, "Going deepthroat right away. I can tell he's been wanting this."

"Well, I have been caged up for a day." Barnabas said, "So I've not really gotten a chance to play with him."

Bahralpha leaned into him, her gloved hands wrapping around his green little wand, "When will you boys learn that play comes after a job is done? It makes things all the sweeter." She explained, pumping his cock to the rhythm of her thrusts.

The dwarf laughed, petting Blenafee for his enthusiastic tongue work, "With a mouth as talented as his, it's no wonder I can't wait, Betty."

If he could laugh with a cock so deep in his throat, Blenafee would be giggling up a storm. Instead, he continued to knead Barnabas's balls as he sucked him off, while his backside moved with the pattern of Bahralpha's thrust and pumps, teasing his prostate and shaft just enough to hold off from cumming too early. He didn't want to be the first after all, even a submissive goblin like him had his pride.

Barnabas grit his teeth, "Brace yourself." Holding Blenafee's head tight, the dwarf came down the goblin's throat. Too far past his tongue to taste it, Blenafee held himself steady as the stream pushed into his stomach. Bahralpha picked up her pace, jacking him faster while rubbing his head and fucking him. His lower back gave out with his orgasm, laying himself against the puddle of his own seed while tasting the cum off of Barnabas's cock as it popped out of his mouth. Small strands of cum broke and fell against the chin of the smiling goblin, resting his head in bliss against the bed.

Bahralpha patted his rump, "Bet Barney's seed tasted good after a days wait." She chuckled, "Maybe next time we have him locked up a bit longer, really age it."

"My cum isn't like wine ya know." He complained, laying his ass against the bed. Pulling Blenafee close, the two cuddled next to one another.

"How would you know?" Bahralpha said, crawling up to cuddle next to her boys, "When's the last time you went without fucking for more than a week?"

Blenafee wrapped his arms around his two lovers, "Guys," he whispered, "Pillow talk is meant to be fun."

The dwarf smiled, "I am having fun. So's better, what with how she likes to pull my strings."

The kobold gave a single and loud laugh, "I like to pull your strings? Oh, the audacity you have." She playfully punched his muscular arm, "I swear, your sense of humor will be the death of me."

"In that I'll make you die laughing?"

"More like I'll suffocate myself from sighing, or go blind from rolling my eyes too much."

Both Barnabas and Blenafee laughed at that, whereas Baralpha proceeded to whole her eyes and hang her head with the two of them. "Tomorrow I'll see if I can find us a translator who can work privately and for cheap."

"So a needle in the haystack?" Blenafee jested.

She nodded, "Something like that. We'll have to make do with whoever comes our way. Now that we have the map, that little cult or whatever is probably gonna be headed for the treasure too. Don't know if they have it memorized or not."

"I hope they do." Barnabas said, his strong fingers running through the goblin's hair, "It'd be boring if we didn't have any competition."

Blenafee doubted that. Not that competition didn't add excitement to their adventures, but he couldn't be bored with these two at his side. Even if the treasure was something stupid like friendship, it'd be memorable just to be with the two people he cared about the most.

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